Africa's largest island. Madagascar is the largest island in Africa, reasons why you should choose us

The African continent is adjacent to many large and small islands. Some of them are so distant from the mainland that it would be more correct to classify them as oceanic islands. The flora and fauna are not always very different from the coastal areas of the mainland, but endemic life forms are often found. Washed by the warm waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans, the African islands look like paradises among endless expanses of water. This article provides a list of the ten largest islands in Africa with names, brief description, photo and location on the map.

Tristan de Cunha Archipelago

Tristan da Cunha Island

The total area of ​​all the islands of the archipelago is 207 km², and the largest large island Tristan de Cunha has an area of ​​98 km². The island is round in shape and has a diameter of 9.5 km. This is the most distant land from the African mainland, located in the southwest. Tristan de Cunha was formed thanks to the once active volcano Queen Mary about 1 million years ago.

Tristan de Cunha on the map/Wikipedia

The island has a rocky coastline and mountainous terrain. Rainy weather with winds prevails on the island. There are practically no mammals; birds include the Tristan rail. The flora is represented by shrubs and dwarf trees. Tristan de Cunha, together with the islands of Saint Helena and Ascension, belongs to the overseas territories of Great Britain. The permanent population lives in administrative center Edinburgh.

Sao Tome

The area of ​​the island is 854 km²; length - 48 km, width - 32 km. Sao Tome is located at west coast African continent at a distance of 240 km from port city Port Gentil, Gabon, and also 2 km north of. The island is of volcanic origin. Along coastline convenient bays and bays were formed. Most of the island is occupied by mountains up to 2024 m high. Sources fresh water are rapids rivers.

Sam Thome Island on the map/Wikipedia

Sao Tome is famous for its citrus and peach groves. Coconut and banana palms grow on the plains. The coastal waters are inhabited by spiny fish and sailfish. There are a lot of amazing and endemic bird species on the island. Of the animals that are remembered are sea turtles that lay eggs on local beaches. Sao Tome is part of the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe. The indigenous inhabitants are descendants of slaves; in addition to them, Creoles live in the territory. In total, the island is home to more than 150 thousand people, or 96% of the country's total population.


The area of ​​the island is 1666 km²; length about 85 km, width - 30 km. The island is located in Indian Ocean off the east coast of the continent. Zanzibar is mainland island, which formed about 20 million years ago. The coast is replete with small islands, rocks and reefs. In the central part of the island there is Mount Karnuhala, which has a height of 136 m. The island has many rivers flowing into the Zanzibar Strait.

Zanzibar Island on the map/Wikipedia

The flora is not very diverse; several types of palm trees dominate. Due to the abundance, various species of birds build nests on the coasts. National Park teeming with monkeys, flying dogs and turtles. The island belongs to Tanzania. Zanzibaris are originally from continental Africa.


The area of ​​the island is 1865 km²; length - 65 km, width - 45 km. The island is located in the Indian Ocean at a distance of about 900 km from Madagascar. Mauritius is of volcanic origin. The island has mountains that used to be active volcanoes.

Mauritius island on the map/Wikipedia

There are about 400 plant species growing in Mauritius. The coastal zone is favored by various amphibians. almost not represented. Mauritius is island state. The indigenous population calls themselves Indo-Mauritians.


Bioko area - 2017 km²; length about 70 km, width - 32 km. The island is located 32 km off the west coast of Africa. Bioko is of volcanic origin. There are many craters of extinct volcanoes on the island. Before sea levels rose about 10 thousand years ago, Bioko was a peninsula attached to the territory of modern Cameroon. The highest point of the island, Pico Basile, has an altitude of 3012 m above sea level.

Bioko Island on the map/Wikipedia

Diverse due to fertile soil. Most of The area is covered with tropical forests. is also rich, which is explained by its close location to the continent and the absence of large ones. The island belongs to Equatorial Guinea. The indigenous population calls themselves Bubi and Fernandino.


The area of ​​the island is 2034 km²; length about 80 km, width - 11 km. The island is located in the Atlantic off the northwestern coast of Africa, and is the largest in the archipelago Canary Islands. Tenerife is of volcanic origin. There are many rocks along the banks, and the area itself is mountainous.

Tenerife island on the map/Wikipedia

The climate of the north and south is influenced by mountain range, dividing the island in half. The unique flora is represented by balsam spurge, Canarian pine, and dracaena. You will not find the Tenerife gecko, spotted lizard or skink anywhere else in the world. The island belongs to Spain. The indigenous population by all indications is Spaniards.


Mayotte Island

The area of ​​the archipelago is 2236 km². Comoros They are of volcanic origin and are located in the Indian Ocean between continental Africa and Madagascar. Most ancient island archipelago - Mayotte has an area of ​​about 360 km²; length - 39 km, width - 20 km. All year round, the archipelago enjoys a humid climate without significant temperature fluctuations. Animal and vegetable world, despite this, are varied.

Comoros on the map/Wikipedia

Most of the area is covered with evergreen forests. The coastal coral reefs are home to various species of fish, as well as sharks and manta rays. Among the animals that live here are lemurs, turtles, bats and mongooses. The islands of the archipelago belong to Comoros and France, and are inhabited by aborigines, Arabs and immigrants from France.


The area of ​​the island is 2511 km²; length - 63 km, and width - 45 km. The island is located in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar and 175 km from Mauritius. Reunion was formed as a result of volcanic activity. There are large lava fields on it, and part of the area is covered with forests.

Reunion Island on the map/Wikipedia

Many species of birds live here. An aquarium and a croco park have been created on the island. Reunion is one of the overseas possessions of France. Creoles are considered the indigenous inhabitants; besides them, Indians and French live on the island.


The area of ​​the island is 3626 km²; length - 130 km, width - 42 km. Socotra is located in the Indian Ocean east of the mainland, 240 km from the Horn of Africa. It was formed as a result of the shift of tectonic plates. Predominant on the coast Coral reefs and rocks.

Socotra Island on the map/Wikipedia

A unique flora and fauna has formed on the island. Only here you can see the dragon tree, the long-tailed starling and the Socotrans sunbird. Socotra belongs to Yemen. The population is mainly represented by the local ethnic group, the Socotrians.


Island area - 587041 km²; length - 1600 km, width - 400 km. It is a mainland island located in the southeast direction off the coast of mainland Africa. The mountainous terrain smoothly turns into plains. Highest point is dormant volcano Marumukutru, 2876 m. The river system is replete with waterfalls and rapids. The climate is monsoon, equatorial.

Madagascar island on the map/Wikipedia

Mineral resources have been discovered on the island. The flora and fauna have been preserved since ancient times and about 90% of the species are endemic. Only here you can see ironwood, baobab, rosewood. Madagascar is famous for lemurs, tomato frogs and leaf-tailed geckos. The territory of the island is under the administration of the Republic of Madagascar. The population of about 25 million people is represented mainly by the Malagasy ethnic group.

Madagascar - an island of diversity of life and landscape

Most big Island in Africa it is Madagascar, it is located separately from the continent and is separated from it by the Mozambique Strait. Madagascar is considered the fourth largest island on our planet. The Kingdom of Madagascar became a French colony in 1896, but regained full independence in 1960. The country is divided into six small provinces: Toliara, Antzeranana, Fianarantsoa, ​​Toamasina, Mahajanga, and Antananarivo.

Madagascar is considered a real paradise for connoisseurs of true exotics: a huge ocean, deserts, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, impenetrable jungles and woodlands with baobabs and palm trees. But the most important thing that makes Madagascar especially elegant is the uniqueness of its fauna, which is not found anywhere else. There are no large mammals in Madagascar, except for domestic animals once brought by Europeans, but different species of small insectivores and lemurs live here.

150,000 unique species of animals and plants

Madagascar has an abundance of reptiles, including, famous for their size, crocodiles, chameleons and lizards. Of the more than 200,000 species of animals and plants, more than 150,000 are found nowhere else in the world (this is 5% of the total species abundance of the Earth's flora and fauna).

This is why there are so many nature reserves and national parks: Berenti, Marudzedzi, Bemaraha, Mount Ambre, Tsimanampetsutsa, Betampuni, Andasibe, Ankarafantsika, Lukube, Tsaratanana.

3 climate zones

Madagascar is located in 3 climatic zones: the climate of the east coast is tropical monsoon, temperate maritime; in the central region, where there are highlands and deserts, the climate is arid. As a rule, the annual precipitation rate is: 140 cm for the central highlands (in this case, for the capital of the country), 350 cm for the whole south coast, 32 cm in the south of the island.

The area of ​​the state of Madagascar is 587 thousand square meters. km. Population - 19.5 million people (data for 2010). The island's population is growing very quickly - the annual increase is approximately 3% (13th place in the world for this indicator). The capital of Madagascar is the city of Antananarivo. The form of government is a parliamentary republic.

The Dark Continent was and remains one of the most romantic places in the world. Kenya, Zanzibar, South Africa, Morocco, Egypt annually attract thousands of travelers who want to see with their own eyes the life of the continent where the first traces of man were found. Perhaps the most famous island Africa - Madagascar, glorified by famous sailors and modern filmmakers. But besides it, there are hundreds of other wonderful islands off the coast of the continent. Today about the 10 very best.

San Tome

Island in the Gulf of Guinea off the coast West Africa was discovered by the Portuguese, who quickly adapted it for the cultivation of sugar cane. Today San Tome- a typical resort island with a Portuguese-speaking population. Open here international Airport and water communication has been established. The island, which is of volcanic origin, has large recreational resources. A huge variety of tropical fruits grow here, and the sea is warm and very clean.


Sal Island- the territory of Cape Verde, the birthplace of the famous singer Cesaria Evora. The island owes its name to the Portuguese word “salt”, which most likely describes perfectly clean beaches. In addition to a relaxing holiday by the sea, Sal can offer activities aquatic species sports, and great places for evening gatherings there are bars, restaurants and cafes.


Moheli or Mwali is the third largest island in the Comoros archipelago. The island is sparsely populated, and most of it is occupied by nature reserve. This is a great place for snorkeling and watching animals: turtles, whales, etc.


Name Nosy-B are the archipelago and its largest island, located in the Indian Ocean. There is no fashionable resorts With expensive hotels and prestigious restaurants. However, there are a lot of tourists here. They are attracted by the rich underwater world and the indescribable heavenly atmosphere of the place, created by the aromas of tropical flowers and the unhurried rhythm of life.


Everyone who has ever been to Tunisia knows about this island. It is located off the coast of a state in northern Africa. What is she famous for? Djerba, so it’s with their stunning snow-white sandy beaches. It is noteworthy that the Berber language is still spoken in Djerba, and in 1977, scenes from one of the episodes of the famous Star Wars saga were filmed here.


This small island ok not a popular destination Russian tourists. Those who want something exotic usually visit Madagascar or picturesque Mauritius, and located in between Reunion bypassed. French is spoken on the island, and the local landscape is very reminiscent of Hawaii. Of the most interesting entertainment– walks through volcanic places and trips to waterfalls.

Lamu Island

This small island belonging to Kenya is famous for its main city, which is included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO. It is home to the oldest surviving Swahili settlement. Tourism on the island is in its infancy, largely due to the machinations of pirates who kidnap tourists. However, some are not deterred by the possibility of imprisonment, since cultural and natural resources Lamu really deserve some risk.


Before the discovery by the Portuguese in the 16th century, the island was completely uninhabited. At first it was used as a place for ships to anchor, and then began to be colonized, during which it changed its owners several times. Today it is a sovereign republic with a multicultural and multilingual population. Most of the island's population is employed in agriculture and tourism. IN last years The island has become popular among Russian tourists who come here in search of pristine nature and an authentic atmosphere.


The island from the poem about Aibolit is located off the coast of Tanzania. Zanzibar has two main attractions – Stone City with its charming houses, ancient bazaars and courtyards and snow-white sandy beaches.


This island in the Seychelles archipelago is the only place in the world where the sea coconut grows. On the island there is a national natural Park, there are excellent places for scuba diving, good restaurants and modest hotels. Beaches Pricelina– these are turquoise shallow waters and fine, flour-like, bright white sand.

Africa is a huge continent, second only to Eurasia in area. It is washed by oceans such as the Atlantic and Indian. The northeastern shores of Africa face the Red Sea, and the northern coasts face the Mediterranean. This part of the world includes not only the mainland, but also the adjacent islands. The islands of Africa increase its area from 29.2 million square meters. km (area occupied by the mainland) up to 30.3 million square meters. km.

Brief characteristics of the African islands

The most significant island in this part of the world is Madagascar. It is separated from the continent by the Mozambique Channel. Near the equator there are popular tourist destinations. Seychelles. Africa also includes Madeira, the Canary Islands, Socotra, Principe, Bioko, etc. The largest landmass in the state of Sao Tome and Principe is Sao Tome, bordering the equator. The island is located in the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic). Its length is 48 km, and its width is 32 km. The nature, formed under the influence of the equatorial and tropical marine climate, attracts tourists from all over the world to the island. Its population is represented by Santomeans and Portuguese, who use the Portuguese language.

The list of African islands also includes Moheli or Mwali. This is the smallest island that forms the Comoros Islands. The island has poorly developed infrastructure and is sparsely populated. But that's where the National marine park, which has no analogues. Therefore, fans of scuba diving strive to get to Moheli Island to admire the coral formations. Reunion Island is considered an interesting piece of land. This overseas territory France with a population of about 800 thousand people. Reunion is located east of Madagascar. Next to it are the Swahili Islands. The French managed to turn the island into their colony in 1665. In terms of climate, it resembles Hawaii, since it is also located in a very hot part of the planet.

A tropical piece of land belonging to Tanzania is Zanzibar. This main island archipelago of the same name. Zanzibar is the largest supplier of spices. The share of Zanzibar cloves in world exports is more than 70%. Therefore, most of the island is occupied by plantations of cloves, cinnamon and other spicy plants. The African islands in the Arabian Sea (northwest Indian Ocean) are land masses within the Socotra archipelago. It is formed by 2 rocks and 4 islands.

Natural features

Different parts of Africa have a heterogeneous climate. The continent stretches from the subtropical northern zone to the subtropical southern zone, crossing the equator. The islands of Africa have a diverse flora and fauna. There is a rich underwater world, white sand beaches, impenetrable jungles and exotic animals.

Madagascar is the largest island off the coast of Africa and in the entire Indian Ocean. Very often it is called a kind of miniature continent. This is because its flora and fauna are very different from those found on the African continent. Many of their representatives are found only here. Moreover, local landscapes are unique and are not repeated anywhere else on the planet. Several thousand years ago it was part of a huge continent known as Gondwana, which eventually split apart. As a result of this, Africa, Antarctica and Madagascar itself were formed. Now the largest island in Africa is separated from the main continent by the Mozambique Strait, whose width is about 300 kilometers.

The local landscape is diverse. Most of the territory is a plateau. In some areas it rises above sea level to a height of up to 2876 meters. Not far from the city of Antananarivo are the Ancaratro Mountains, maximum height which is equal to 2643 meters. Africa also boasts its fertile plains. They are located on the west and east coasts. All local rivers flow into the Mozambique Channel and flow from east to west. Although there are not many of them, they annually attract a huge number of tourists with the abundance of their waterfalls and picturesque landscapes.

The best time To visit the largest island in Africa, the period is considered to be from March to April. It is recommended to go to the central part from November to March. This is due to the specifics of the local climate. The fact is that there are wet and dry seasons. On east coast There are almost always showers, and strong trade winds lead to rain jets flying almost horizontally, so no awnings or umbrellas can protect you from them. The average winter temperature is 16 and summer - 34 degrees Celsius.

Democratic Republic Madagascar, which was formed as a result of a military coup in 1975, occupies not only this large island of Africa, but also several small ones located nearby. The area of ​​the country is just over 587 thousand km 2. The population of the state exceeds 14 million people. Most of them live in the most major cities, including the above-mentioned Antananarivo, as well as Tulear, Toamasina, Mahajanga, Fianarantsoa and others. There are two official languages ​​in the republic - French and Merina (one of the dialects of Malagasy). The country is led by the president, and the head of government is the prime minister.

The first European to visit the largest island in Africa on August 10, 1500 was the Portuguese Diego Diaz. In the new lands, travelers were engaged in robberies and murders, so as soon as they set off towards India, the local population breathed a sigh of relief. Much to his regret, six years later the next European expedition arrived on the island. Its representatives were not very different from their predecessors, so most of the adult inhabitants of Madagascar were destined to become slaves. At different times, the Portuguese, French and British tried to gain a foothold here. The island became self-governing in 1896. It was granted self-government in 1958 and declared independence in 1960.

Currently, Madagascar is a member of many world organizations, including the IMF, UN, WHO and others.

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