Where to go for the New Year holidays in Russia and the world? Where to go for the New Year? The best holiday for the New Year.

It's no secret that the New Year is considered the most important holiday of the year for Russians. They are waiting for it, preparing for it mentally and physically much in advance, and preparation is carried out everywhere: from kindergartens to the State Duma. Many people equate the New Year with the beginning of a new life, new promises and changes for the better. Everyone decides for himself how he will celebrate this grand holiday. Long holidays are coming at work and school, which means it’s time to change the scenery and visit long-planned destinations, recharge with new emotions and spiritual strength for further achievements, and just relax.

Not just to relax, but to celebrate the holiday itself in new country- an incredible adventure and an unforgettable experience that will allow you to immerse yourself in the culture of the area, learn special traditions and become part of the holiday. Many vacationers, on the contrary, bring Russian celebration culture to the masses and introduce foreigners to Slavic identity. Such a mixture of customs as part of the New Year celebration will remain in memory for a lifetime.

It’s quite difficult to decide on a direction for the New Year, since there are actually a lot of tours. You can go to conquer the peaks at ski resorts, warmly and comfortably wander through the ancient streets of Europe and have a childish joy at fairs, or you can celebrate a holiday on the beach, which in itself is exotic for a Russian person.

New Year's tours at sea

Almost the entire territory of Russia is covered with snow on New Year's Day. It's hard to imagine a holiday without frost, blizzards and white flakes outside the window. What an unforgettable experience it will be to celebrate the New Year under the scorching sun in the hot sand and gentle sea. It’s funny to see how hotels and palm trees are decorated for the New Year instead of traditional fir trees. Although, hotels in the most popular destinations still display spruce trees so as not to violate the traditions of visitors.



Just like in Thailand, the New Year in Vietnam on January 1 is a significant holiday for tourists. The Vietnamese New Year (Tet) takes place here according to the lunar calendar and has floating dates. During the traditional New Year holidays, Vietnam delights vacationers with gorgeous sandy beaches, decorated with shopping centers, Santa Clauses and other holiday paraphernalia. If you are lucky enough to celebrate the New Year in Vietnam, then be sure to go to the embankment (no matter whether it is Nha Trang, Phu Coc, Phan Thiet or Mui Ne), as this is where concerts, folk festivals, dances and the countdown to the start of the new calendar year are organized.

Where to go to the beach: Nha Trang, Phu Coc, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet.

Weather: the air warms up to +27 °C, and the water to +24 °C. At this time of year, precipitation is unlikely, but quite possible. They are unlikely to ruin a holiday by the sea due to their short duration and rarity.

Other helpful information about Vietnam:

Prices for New Year tours to Vietnam: from 100,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Vietnam here:


The end of December and the beginning of January is the best time for beach holiday in Bali, as rainfall is gradually subsiding, but it is still likely. The Balinese celebrate New Year in the spring, and on December 31st they hold celebrations exclusively for tourists. On holiday, you should rush to the beach, where there are big fireworks displays.

Where to go to the beach: Nusa Dua, Kuta, Denpasar, etc.

Weather: water and air warm up to approximately +29° C, water temperature - +28° C.

Other useful information about Bali:

Prices for New Year's tours in Bali: from 120,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Bali here:

Sri Lanka


New Year's celebrations in Cuba are particularly large-scale, since January 1 is also Liberation Day. Once you go outside, you simply cannot avoid the holiday. Parades, processions, and carnivals take place everywhere. Everyone dresses up in the brightest dresses, drinks rum and is wholeheartedly proud of the country.

Where to go to the beach: Havana, Trinidad, Santiago de Cuba, Varadero.

Weather: The average air and water temperature is +25 °C - +28 °C. The rainy season is already over.

Other useful information about Cuba:

Prices for New Year's tours to Cuba: from 150,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Cuba here:

Less popular due to the high cost, but no less interesting, are New Year’s tours to countries such as:

Christmas and New Year in Europe

Christmas Europe has a special, childishly magical charm. Colorful fairs in medieval squares attract millions of visitors at Christmas. You should go to Europe before December 25 in order to catch the most important holiday of the year, for which Europeans prepare with all responsibility. On Christmas Day Gothic cathedrals Church services are held in ancient basilicas, the streets are filled with the smell of pine needles and cinnamon, and the festive bustle does not subside everywhere: everyone is in a bustle buying gifts for family and friends. New Year in Europe is not celebrated on the same scale as Christmas, but in any case, the winter holidays and the special atmosphere will remain in the memory forever.


Other useful information about Finland:

Prices for New Year's tours to Finland: from 55,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Finland here:

Czech Republic, Prague)

Prague takes on an absolutely magical appearance during the Christmas holidays. It seems that every square meter of the city is decorated with bright light bulbs, garlands, and glass beads. A lush, elegant fir tree is installed on each square and fairs are set up around them, where you can walk endlessly. Definitely worth arranging gastronomic tour and try local New Year's dishes: wine sausage, “vanochka” and “nut nests”. At every turn during the cold season they sell hot mulled wine, punch or honey, so there is no chance of freezing or catching a cold.

Where to go for New Year: Prague.

Weather: Daytime temperatures are around +2 °C.

Other useful information about the Czech Republic:

Prices for New Year's tours to the Czech Republic: from 50,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to the Czech Republic here:

France Paris)

Another popular New Year's destination is Paris. From the beginning of December, the city plunges into a pleasant pre-holiday bustle. Thanks to illumination, the Eiffel Tower and other landmarks acquire a new and bright image. Throughout the month, the city hosts colorful themed fairs, festivals and concerts. As a rule, Parisians come out to celebrate the New Year itself Champs Elysees. This is where the countdown takes place, and a multi-ethnic crowd of thousands of people is having fun and rejoicing. You should definitely check out the Christmas sale: the prices may pleasantly surprise you.

Where to go for Christmas: Paris.

Weather: The air in the capital warms up from 0 °C to +8 °C.

Other useful information about France:

Prices for Christmas tours to France: from 74,200 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to France here:


Exactly like others large countries Europe, Italy is immersed in bright lights and fairs throughout December. Mostly people go to Italy during the Christmas holidays for shopping. IN major cities You can purchase absolutely any item at almost cost. Experienced travelers advise going to sales in Italy with empty but large suitcases. Among the Italians themselves, the Christmas tradition of throwing old things out the window has sunk into oblivion, but another one has appeared - acquiring everything new.

The New Year itself is celebrated in large cities on a grand scale. Everyone goes out to the central, richly decorated squares, music plays everywhere, New Year's strong drinks flow like a river, the countdown takes place and the fun does not subside until the morning.

Where to go: Milan, Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Pisa.

Weather: At Christmas, Italy's weather gives travelers a good gift - the air temperature averages +8 °C, and in some places it warms up to +15 °C.

Other useful information about Italy:

Prices for Christmas tours to Italy: from 57,800 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Italy here:

Estonia (Tallinn)

Christmas holiday trips to Tallinn are becoming increasingly popular. The romance and European fair atmosphere is present here as in other countries, and prices for tours are much lower than, for example, to Germany. Quiet and calm Tallinn in New Year filled with noisy tourists from different countries who want to fully experience the magical atmosphere of the holidays. Everything here is the same as in other large European cities: a fir tree is erected in the central square, tents with national treats and holiday souvenirs are set up, and restaurants and hotels offer New Year's dinners and entertainment programs in the atmosphere of the 14th century.

Where to go: Tallinn.

Weather: At Christmas the average temperature is -2°C.

Other useful information about Estonia:

Prices for Christmas tours to Estonia: from 81,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Estonia here:


A popular destination for the New Year is Greece, as it is there that the celebration is taken very seriously. Every Greek firmly believes that the coming year will bring positive changes. Since mid-December, everyone has been busy preparing for the holidays: both physical and moral. Residents of Greece flock to churches, decorate houses and streets, and on the eve they prepare traditional dishes of pork, chicken and turkey, which can be tasted in any restaurant. On New Year's Eve, travelers and local residents take to the streets of cities, dance sirtaki, drink a lot of wine and sincerely rejoice at the beginning of a new life.

Where to go: any major city.

Weather: the air warms up to +14 °C.

Other useful information about Greece:

Prices for New Year's tours to Greece: from 44,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Greece here:

New Year “oriental style”

The East, as you know, is a delicate matter and in every eastern country New Year is celebrated on different dates and with different traditions. Even the chronology is radically different from the European one. We can say that for Asian countries the arrival of the New Year is a purely traditional holiday, but in tribute to tourists, each country organizes a secular New Year, which is celebrated on January 1.


Most popular country At this time of year, Israel is the beginning of the beginning. New Year is celebrated several times in Israel: in accordance with religious and secular traditions. On January 1, the secular New Year comes to the country, the traditions of which were adopted from Russia. During the holidays, you should definitely go to where it all began - to the religious shrines of Christianity and make a wish at the Western Wall, walk the Way of the Cross, visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and watch the sunrise at sacred mountain Zion. From Catholic to Orthodox Christmas, many social and entertainment events take place in the country.

Where to go for New Year: Jerusalem, Bethlehem.

Weather: the air temperature warms up to +17 °C. Swimming is no longer comfortable, but long walks in the fresh air are unlikely to overshadow anything.

Other useful information about Israel:

  • Visa - no need

Prices for New Year's tours to Israel: from 72,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Israel here:

United Arab Emirates

To celebrate the New Year on a grand scale and have a great vacation on the beach, you should definitely go to Dubai. Secular celebrations on January 1 are not accepted on the streets here, but concerts, shows, discos and parties are sure to await you in the establishments. The exception is street fireworks, which are recognized as the best in the world in terms of beauty and scope.

Where to go for New Year: Dubai.

Weather: The average air temperature across the country does not exceed +21 °C. For evening walks, a light jacket will be useful.

Other useful information about the UAE:

Prices for New Year tours in the UAE: from 51,200 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to the UAE here:


Currently, tours to Egyptian resorts are only available with a flight via Cairo, which negatively affects their cost. Charter flights expected to resume resort towns.

Even after the ban on flights to resort towns in Egypt, interest in it does not decrease. Each of us wanted to spend the winter holidays not in the snow, but in the sand at least once in our lives. Swimming in Egyptian resorts is no longer as comfortable as it is in the fall, but heated hotel pools will come to the rescue. On New Year's Day, hospitable hotel owners arrange luxurious feasts for tourists with an entertainment program, competitions and fireworks. Shopping centers everywhere decorated with fir trees, balls and garlands. The spirit of the holiday will not leave travelers even for sandy beaches: Many tourists and locals gather at beach bars for concerts and fun celebrations of the new calendar year.

Where to go: Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada.

Weather: up to +20 °C.

Other useful information about Egypt:

  • Visa (on arrival)

Prices for tours to Egypt for the New Year: from 81,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Egypt here:



An excellent opportunity to change the cold to the heat is a trip to Tunisia. Swimming in the resorts of Tunisia at this time is no longer so comfortable, but nothing will interfere with leisurely walks and celebrating the New Year in the open air. After all, Tunisia is the capital of thalassotherapy and every hotel has spa centers with heated pools. The main New Year's events take place in Sousse, Hammamet and Tunisia. Mass celebrations with fireworks, festivals, and music concerts begin in the central squares. From the streets, the celebration gradually flows into bars and restaurants. There is one very pleasant New Year's tradition in Tunisia, which tourists also follow with pleasure - eating as many sweets as possible at night in order to spend the coming year in abundance.

Where to go for New Year: Hammamet, Monastir, Sousse, Mohdia, Djerba.

Weather: up to +16 °C.

Other useful information about Tunisia:

Prices for tours to Tunisia for the New Year holidays: from 105,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Tunisia here:


A trip to Japan will make the New Year exotic. From year to year, more and more tourists flock to the land of the rising sun. Christmas is not celebrated here, but the arrival of the calendar year is counted from January 1st. Preparations for the holiday begin in mid-autumn: streets and houses are decorated with garlands, souvenir markets begin operating and main sales open. It’s funny to note that the preparation for the holiday is very reminiscent of the Russian one: families stock up on gifts and figurines in the form of a symbol of the coming year, do general cleaning, set a rich table on December 31, dress up in their best clothes and celebrate the arrival of the New Year. This holiday cannot be called noisy, since the Japanese are accustomed to celebrating it quietly, calmly and with family.

As a rule, tourists and young people gather in central squares and then smoothly disperse to bars. Everything goes peacefully, quietly and without heavy alcoholic libations. On January 2, tourists have a unique opportunity to visit Imperial Palace, where they are allowed only twice a year.

Where to go for New Year: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Yokohama, Sapporo.

Weather: in Sapporo - up to -3 °C, in Tokyo - up to +7 °C.

Other useful information about Japan:

Prices for tours to Japan for the New Year: from 140,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Japan here:

New Year "American style"

An absolutely enchanting scale of Christmas and New Year celebrations takes place in the USA. As we know from films, no one believes in miracles, Santa and new life like Americans. And indeed, what a celebration in New York is worth, where hundreds of thousands of people gather in Times Square to watch the old tradition of dropping a glass ball. The huge LED ball slowly descends down the axis and then reaches the lowest point, the lights fade out and the year board lights up, which marks its beginning. You need to come to Times Square early in the morning to choose a good place, since the New Year is celebrated by world stars of the first magnitude with the residents and guests of New York.

When planning to celebrate the New Year in Russia, please note that good hotels there are few here, so many people are starting to book New Year's holiday since March (!), most bookings occur in October, and in November there are no decent hotels left. However, you can “catch” something interesting in December, when cancellations of reservations appear. It turns out that it’s better not to take risks and plan new year holidays in advance - let our list of the best places to celebrate the New Year help you with this:

1. Fabulous New Year in Sochi + Krasnaya Polyana

Sochi is great choice to celebrate the New Year. The weather is warm, the streets are beautifully decorated, and there is a festive atmosphere all around. And, most importantly, there is something to see in Sochi and where to go: at the Ice Palace in the Olympic Village you can go skating, then go to the Amusement Park, visit the famous Arboretum, sail on a yacht or go to Krasnaya Polyana for a ride on alpine skiing. At the hotel, ask for excursions, for example, to Abkhazia to Lake Ritsa, Gagry, Pitsunda, or book an extraordinary one from the locals - this is much more interesting, but you also need to book in advance. However, many people travel around the surrounding area on their own, renting a car is cheap and you can choose not only the class of car, even a specific make and year of manufacture.

Where to stay in Sochi? Choose a sanatorium with full board(breakfast, lunch, dinner included) and with all amenities. Don’t take a completely “soviet” one, so as not to spoil your holiday with the dull appearance of shabby walls and lack of service. According to reviews from vacationers, the best sanatorium in Sochi is the Avangard sanatorium - inexpensive, cozy, with excellent service and a heated pool.

The Avangard sanatorium in Sochi is one of the best. #Sochi

Irina: “We lived during the New Year holidays in the Primorsky building.” Just wow. The sound of the waves in your room. Sea air. Silence, calm. No fuss. Best location in the city, how much we drove and walked - I haven’t seen anything better for relaxation and proximity to the sea.”

For those who love leisure, we recommend Krasnaya Polyana. The easiest way to get to Krasnaya Polyana is by train from Sochi and Adler, from the railway. station. Even if you don’t like skiing, you can have fun skiing on cheesecakes. And be sure to climb the mountains – the views are magnificent!
Ski resorts of Krasnaya Polyana: resort “Gorki Gorod”, “Gazprom”, “Rosa Khutor”.

Krasnaya Polyana for New Year in Russia

Do you want to get into a New Year's fairy tale? Then choose the fabulous Golden Tulip Rosa Khutor hotel - located in the Rosa Khutor mountain resort, just a 3-minute walk from ski lift. Even if the weather is bad, there is something to do here: go to the fitness center, relax in the sauna with a swimming pool, or take massage treatments.

Spend New Year's holidays in Krasnaya Polyana can be quite inexpensive, if you know the places :) For example, take a look at the Inn Viktoriya hotel with cozy wooden houses where you won’t want to leave - see prices.

Outdoor heated swimming pool, Grand Hotel Polyana

Do you want to go skiing and then swim in a warm pool overlooking the mountains? Then watch our unique one and relax in comfort!

Here are some more inexpensive special offers:

Krasnaya Polyana, prices

Skiing, unforgettable excursions to the most beautiful places Karelia, horseback riding through snowy forests, fun snowmobiling and even dog sledding - what better thing can you think of for a family holiday?

3. New Year in St. Petersburg

The main thing is to properly plan the New Year holidays in St. Petersburg. Keep in mind that best time for the Hermitage and a trip to the museums - December 28, 29 and 30, while everyone is buying gifts. From January 1, there is no point in wasting time on exhausting queues at museums, where you can stand for several hours; instead, it is better to stroll along the beautiful streets. During the New Year holidays, there are concerts and shows on the streets, so you can walk endlessly. Want more experiences? Arrange for yourself

In the photo: celebrating the New Year in St. Petersburg

Keep in mind that St. Petersburg on New Year’s Day is very popular place not only among Russians, but also among foreigners, so book your hotel well in advance - here is a list of the most, and - the best exquisite hotels, in which you seem to be transported to the era of Peter the Great, feeling all the splendor and splendor of those years. To fully experience the spirit of St. Petersburg, you can stay for a few days in inexpensive hotel, and at least for one night - in a luxurious one. After all, as the first week of the New Year passes, so the whole year will pass - let at least a little luxury appear in life in the coming year.

4. With children to Veliky Ustyug for the New Year

Veliky Ustyug for New Year, Russia

Do you prefer to meet New Year at home with the whole family? Great! But then, during the New Year holidays, the whole company can go to Veliky Ustyug. Children will be delighted with a trip to the homeland of Santa Claus. You can’t do it all in one day, have fun in the company of fairy-tale characters, see Father Frost’s palace, walk along the “fairy tale trail”, so come to Veliky Ustyug for at least a couple of days.
There are a lot of people during the New Year holidays, so book your hotel in advance - the best prices cm. .

5. New Year in Altai

Perhaps only in Altai can you still spend the New Year in Russia inexpensively, but at the same time bright and extraordinary. And both as a family and as a couple. What to do? Go skiing and skiing, organize snowmobile races, admire the beautiful views, and in the evenings warm up in the sauna, then spend a pleasant time by the fireplace, taking a break from the bustle of the city.

By the way, many modern tourist centers have now been built in Altai - look - so your vacation will be not only active, but also comfortable. Not everything yet Russian tourists they know about Altai, so prices, even on New Year’s, are low, and the quality of vacation is quite high - have time to enjoy an inexpensive, high-quality vacation :)
In Altai there are picturesque, respectable eco-hotels located away from noise, where there are no crowds of tourists, and prices are incredibly low - 3-4 times less than Sochi.
For example, in this secluded eco-hotel of European level at Altai prices:

Of course, you won’t find tours and trips to the most best places Altai. Such pearls are not for “package” tourists; You need to book and travel on your own. To get to Mountain Altai from Moscow or other Russian cities, there are several options:
– fly to Gorno-Altaisk (closest, there are direct flights, see “search for air tickets” in the column on the left). Then take a taxi, or better yet, arrange with the hotel to pick you up;
– fly to Novosibirsk, then take a bus to Biysk, and then take a minibus, bus or taxi.

It's time to think about how to make the most of your winter holidays

Photo: Sean Gallup / Staff / Pacific Press / Contributor / Kaveh Kazemi / Contributor / Andia / Contributor / Giorgio Cosulich / Contributor / Bloomberg / Contributor / Johannes Simon / Stringer / JTB Photo / Contributor / Wolfgang Kaehler / Contributor / Anadolu Agency / Contributo / gettyimages. com

It would seem that before New Year holidays plenty of time. In fact, autumn will fly by quickly, and very soon the most pressing question will be “Where to spend the holidays?” For those who prefer to plan their vacation in advance, we have collected the best holiday destinations for every taste and budget.

Up to 15 thousand rubles

Berlin, Germany

Gala ball in medieval castle or non-stop bar-hopping, international folk festivals or Michelin-starred dinners - in Berlin it is possible to combine several New Year's scenarios. Regardless of how you ultimately decide to spend your holiday, improvising in the German capital is possible and necessary. The same with the menu: baked carp, an endless variety of meat snacks, aromatic cheeses, as well as beer, punch, punch and a little champagne at the stroke of midnight - Berlin can be called the intersection of a wide variety of gastronomic tastes.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Berlin during the New Year holidays is from 14.3 thousand rubles.

2.2 thousand rubles. per night


If you want to celebrate the New Year in compliance with the main traditions, but in new scenery, go to Warsaw. To the usual fun on main square the city and fireworks will be complemented by a European fair, hot spicy wine and the Polish festive “pernik”. A couple of hours before midnight, keep company local residents and tourists on Palace Square. Toss a couple of zlotys to the street musicians and take a seat closer to the tree, and when the clock strikes 12 times, try to shout “Szczęśliwego nowego roku” as loudly as possible. On the first day of the year, conquer a couple of slopes or go on excursions around Wroclaw and Krakow. In the latter, do not miss the opportunity to visit the restaurant of the Copernicus Hotel.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Warsaw during the New Year holidays is from 14 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1.3 thousand rubles.per night

Tbilisi, Georgia

In Tbilisi, one type of lace facades, carefully decorated with Soviet garlands, is enough to create a festive mood. And the aromas of satsivi and khachapuri will finally drive away pre-New Year fatigue. You can spend the main night as your heart desires - if you are not afraid of the thunder of firecrackers and love reckless fun, go with the Tiflis youth to Rustaveli Avenue. And if you prefer to celebrate at the table, then choose any restaurant you like. True, the feast will only be formal at first - Georgians love and know how to have fun. You definitely can’t get away with one night in Tbilisi: feasting on spicy dishes, making long toasts and dancing is customary here from December 31 to January 2. So, if you have the strength to do so, you will be able to explore the treasures of Georgia only from the 3rd. Another day can be spent on thoughtful relaxation with a visit to the famous sulfur baths of Abanotubani.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Tbilisi during the New Year holidays is from 15 thousand rubles.

per night

Petrozavodsk, Russia

Karelia is an unobvious and very wintry destination for those who prefer to receive congratulations in their native language. Celebrate the holiday the way they did a couple of centuries ago on Kizhi Island or go for a walk around Petrozavodsk itself. Warm up in cozy restaurants and try hearty sweet pies, without which they cannot imagine the New Year in Karelia. On the first day of 2018 you can take a walk along the embankment Lake Onega, and if you come with children, then look into a couple fabulous museums. For example, in the “Doll House” or the maritime museum of the club “ Polar Odysseus" The holiday program should also include a sleigh ride drawn by huskies through the northern forests and a visit to Pakkaina, the younger brother of Santa Claus.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Petrozavodsk during the New Year holidays is from 8.2 thousand rubles.

per night

Almaty, Kazakhstan

It’s best to watch how the old capital of Kazakhstan opens up to the sound of the chimes from the top of Kok-Tyube. You can book a table at a local restaurant, or you can grab champagne and snacks and celebrate midnight under the starry sky. However, downstairs, in the center of Almaty, you won’t get bored either: there are parties in spacious bars, and young people dancing right on the street who are having fun for several more days. If you prefer to spend your holidays in a more relaxed mode, go skiing in Shymbulak or ice skating at the world's largest high-mountain skating rink, Medeu. And don’t forget to take time and admire the Big Almaty Lake - one of the most stunning man-made attractions in the country.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Almaty during the New Year holidays is from 9.3 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1 thousand rubles.per night

Up to 30 thousand rubles

Rome, Italy

In Rome, it is not customary to celebrate the New Year with volleys of fireworks and folk festivities. This is a bohemian party in Trastevere, prosecco and conversations with charming Italians. The main thing here is not to stay in one place for a long time. Accept compliments from friendly interlocutors with gratitude and do not count the establishments you go to. In the morning, take a walk along the Tiber embankment, flooded with the warm light of old lanterns. On January 1, not a single establishment will be open, and this day can be devoted to walking around the half-empty city, getting to know architectural monuments and just relax. Starting from the second day of the year, you can safely dive into cultural program. Don’t ignore advertisements for concerts and performances - in Rome they can be either very expensive or free, but they will definitely decorate the rest of your vacation.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Rome during the New Year holidays is from 17.3 thousand rubles.

Cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel - from 2.1 thousand rubles. per night

Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel Aviv is the city where you can both hide from the New Year and celebrate it the loudest. There are no public festivities on the streets on a holiday night, but at the same time life is in full swing in bars and clubs, where noisy parties and colorful performances are held. In this regard, Tel Aviv offers very wide choose- from an expensive dinner at the Azrieli Tower to dancing on the beach. By the way, the water in the sea will be warm enough to swim in the morning.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Tel Aviv during the New Year holidays is from 16.7 thousand rubles.

Cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel - from 2.6 thousand rubles. per night

Salzburg, Austria

New Year's Eve in Salzburg is a classic winter holiday. Shimmering braids of garlands, clusters of Christmas tree decorations and pine wreaths have been decorating the city since the beginning of December, and in any of its alleys you can feel like you are in a medieval Austrian fairy tale. Domplatz and Residenzplatz squares host some of the best holiday markets in Europe. And it’s not just about the antique jewelry, fragrant pretzels and sweet mulled wine, but also about the feeling of privacy that appears among high mountains. On New Year's Eve, buy sparklers in one of the fair houses and celebrate midnight with the city residents to the ringing of the bells of Salzburg Cathedral. The next two days are more than enough to go around the length and breadth of historical Center city, and then you can go to one of ski resorts nearby.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Salzburg during the New Year holidays is from 22.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 4.3 thousand rubles.per night

Casablanca, Morocco

Center nightlife in the city there is the Corniche embankment. This is where you should look for a suitable venue for a celebration and meet travelers from all over the world. For New Year's gifts, go to the Habbous quarter - here you can find bright grandma's slippers, famous Moroccan lanterns, and colorful mountains of fragrant spices. Stroll the streets of the Medina, explore the Hassan Mosque, and then explore the capital Rabat and imperial Meknes.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Casablanca during the New Year holidays is from 21.7 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1.4 thousand rubles.per night

Athens, Greece

What’s unusual about a New Year’s trip to Athens is that in the Greek capital the holiday is called St. Basil’s Day. It differs from our usual holiday mainly in that the main character here is not Father Frost or Santa, but actually Saint Basil. Head to Syntagma Square and join the crowded Sirtaki round dance under colorful fireworks. When midnight comes, break a large pomegranate against a stone wall for luck, and in the morning hurry to the nearest bakery to try a lush vasilopita. If you're lucky, a good-natured neighbor will treat you to a traditional New Year's pie - in this case, chew the dessert more carefully: the Greeks like to put a coin in the dough (also for good luck).

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Athens during the New Year holidays is from 21.2 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 1.7 thousand rubles.per night

Up to 50 thousand rubles.

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong's New Year's fireworks display is one of the most spectacular in the world, so arrive early to Golden Bauhinia Square for the best seats. And if you don’t want to push other crowds of tourists with your elbows, then move to the embankment of the Tsim Sha Tsai district to watch performances of the Cantonese Opera, stroll along the local Walk of Fame and try the whole variety of Hong Kong street food. It is worth returning here in the following days - every day at 8 pm the famous “Symphony of Lights”, the largest permanent light show, takes place on the embankment.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Hong Kong during the New Year holidays is from 40.9 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 2.6 thousand rubles.per night

Reykjavik, Iceland

Local residents believe: the louder you celebrate the holiday, the happier it will be. There is really a lot of noise here: music and songs do not subside until the morning. Every New Year, the main city square becomes the epicenter of general fun: a large bonfire is lit here, which acts both as a Christmas tree and as a powerful heater. In a few hours, the fireworks will stop, but the sky will not darken, but will only become more beautiful thanks to the magnificent northern lights- a sight that is worth making the whole long journey to Reykjavik.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Reykjavik during the New Year holidays is from 29.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 4.7 thousand rubles.per night

New York, USA

The city that never sleeps begins to prepare for winter holidays in about two months and by the end of December it is transformed beyond recognition, sparkling and shimmering with millions of light bulbs and garlands. If you don't want to crowd Times Square, head to the skating rink in Central Park or at Gotham Hall (for those with children). However, it will be enough to just stroll along the noisy avenues.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to New York during the New Year holidays is from 34.1 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 4.6 thousand rubles.per night

Goa, India

Early January marks the season for the perfect beach holiday in South Asia. Although the smallest state of India is a very popular destination at any time of the year, and this is more than deserved. For a noisy party, move to Anjuna - here they celebrate the New Year right on the seashore. After getting some sleep, on the first day of the year, rent a scooter and go on a New Year’s trip the most beautiful beaches nearby. Don't forget to check out the local historic flea market, Fleamarket, for gifts - look for tye-dye clothing and weird handmade souvenirs, and don't be shy about haggling!

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Goa during the New Year holidays is from 46.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 5.2 thousand rubles.per night


On New Year's Eve, the Burj Khalifa tower becomes the epicenter of the fireworks display, which makes the entire city roar with celebration. If you don't want to crowd the square in front of the skyscraper, make reservations at nearby restaurants or buy a ticket to a party on a ship - both will need to be planned in advance. And for those who don’t want to spend a lot, there is always a free beach in the Jumeirah area. Stock up on food and drinks and get here early to get good seats. If all this is too trivial, then think about the New Year's camel safari. Afterwards, you can go on holiday shopping, which will delight you with big discounts.

The cost of a flight from Moscow to Dubai during the New Year holidays is from 22.8 thousand rubles.

The cost of living in a double room at a 3* hotel is from 3.5 thousand rubles.per night

The material was prepared in collaboration with the travel service Momondo and Irina Ryabovol, official representativeMomondo in Russia

Celebrating the beloved New Year with traditional feasts with numerous salads, tangerines and champagne is increasingly becoming a thing of the past. You can celebrate the arrival of the New Year in a much more interesting way by turning the holiday into a road trip around places of interest. Autobahns and highways are becoming better and better, and if you reliably prepare your car for long-distance travel, then the trip will be a real pleasure.

If you have never been to the “constellation” of ancient Russian towns that are part of the historical and architectural pearl of Russia - the Golden Ring, then this New Year’s tour will be an amazing discovery for you. Among the forests covered with snow caps, truly Russian cities are located in different Russian regions, with ancient white-stone churches, monasteries and temples that make up “ Golden ring» Russia. They are especially beautiful against the background of the winter sky, surrounded by a white snow carpet - a real Russian fairy tale, in which it is doubly pleasant to celebrate the New Year.

In which of these cities: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Vladimir or Kostroma - you will not find yourself on New Year's Eve - everywhere you will find a hospitable meeting at the hotel, a luxuriously laid table, a fun entertainment program, dancing until the morning. In Suzdal you will be captivated by the beauty of the Kremlin, the Intercession Monastery, and the Boris and Gleb Church. In Kostroma, the birthplace of the Snow Maiden, visit her Svetlitsa, the Ice Hall, where you can treat yourself to mead from glasses cast from ice. Will you visit Susaninskaya Square, admire the Fire Tower, get inspired by the spirit of Russian history in the Ipatiev Monastery.

Your visit will leave unforgettable impressions ancient city Uglich Yaroslavl region., if he becomes the object of your voyage. It is worth visiting here, where so much is connected with the history of the country. Everything is provided for travelers here: a generous New Year's table in the hotel restaurant, a show program, competitions, cozy rooms. Local temples and churches (Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, Church of Tsarevich Dmitry) will amaze you with their incredible beauty and amazing story. A New Year's tour by car along the Golden Ring and celebrating the New Year in one of its cities will be the most wonderful event in the coming year.

To Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug

If once Santa Claus was only an episodic New Year's or fairy-tale character, then since the 90s of the last century he has become a very real person, living in his own residence, located in a mighty pine forest, 13 km from the glorious Vologda city of Veliky Ustyug. The creators of Father Frost's estate arranged everything here in such a way that the surrounding reality turned into fairy tale, where every child dreams of being. You will also feel like a child after visiting truly magical places. The fabulously beautiful, carved wooden tower of Frost, the Throne Room, where New Year's gifts are presented; many other extraordinary rooms will enchant your children. Here they will see the long-awaited meeting of Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka.

Journey along the Trail of Fairy Tales leading from the tower to Pinery, will give even more emotions from visits to the house of Lesovich, Wise Owl, grandmother Aushka, Mikhailo Potapych. You will meet there both the Magic Well and the “12 Month Brothers”, inviting you to warm yourself up by a real fire. The children's admiration will be limitless after participating in interesting game programs, attractions, fun sledding of various types and even on the fabulous Emelya stove.

Healing pine air, breathtaking interesting walk will bring maximum benefit and positive, previously unknown, emotions. Give your children this wonderful opportunity! In Veliky Ustyug itself, where there are many ancient architectural masterpieces of Russian northern architecture, there is an official representative office of Father Frost, where letters from children from all over the country arrive. Like any modern person, “grandfather” has his own website (pochta-dm.ru) - you can also write to it.

To the Snow Maiden in Kostroma

No less exciting will be a visit to Santa Claus’ charming companion on New Year’s Day, Snegurochka, in Kostroma, where she was settled, probably because it was in this city that the great playwright A. N. Ostrovsky wrote a touching story that has become a classic of drama, “The Snow Maiden.” Also because Kostroma is close to the estate of Father Frost, so that the granddaughter does not have to travel far to see him. The famous feature film about the Snow Maiden was filmed here in the vicinity of Kostroma. Filming took place in the fake village of Berendeyevka, which was later transported to the city, making it the basis of the park of the same name. In it (the park) they built a wonderful mansion made of wood, with carved platbands, with openwork balconies and patterned porches - a real fairy-tale house “love to look at.”

The Snow Maiden’s home is surrounded by a magical courtyard with a restaurant for guests “Metelitsa”, a small belfry, a swing in the shape of a Russian spoon, a huge boulder with a famous fairy tale saying, and a wooden slide. How picturesque it all looks on a clear frosty day, against the background of sparkling snow, how the truly Russian style of buildings touches the soul. The hospitable Hostess will take you through the halls of the tower, tell you how miracles happen, introduce you to the myths and legends about the Snow Maiden, and show you the talented crafts of the Kostroma children. There will be no limit to general delight in the Ice Room, stunning with its interior made entirely of ice: walls, floors, sculptures, dishes. To warm up, children are served fruit juices in ice glasses, while adults are served strong drinks in ice glasses.

The “blue-eyed” region, about which the lines about the “eyelashes of fir trees” over the “eyes of lakes” are written, makes you fall in love at first glance with the unprecedented beauty of nature, the generosity of coniferous forests and countless lakes. A trip to Karelia to celebrate the New Year will be the most romantic and unforgettable. Drinking tea in a Sami chum, meeting with the Karelian brother of Santa Claus - Grandfather Hall, and the “school of elves” will give unusual impressions to children and adults.

If you choose Petrozavodsk, you will find an exciting New Year's party at the hotel, with dancing, live music, and entertaining competitions. The next day you can go to the Kivach flat waterfall and visit Karelian Grandfather Halla, in the Karelian birch arboretum, in the sled husky nursery. If you wish, you can take a breeze on a dog sled or snowmobile.

A trip to the “Venice of the North” of Russia on New Year’s Eve by car is a truly festive journey. Although the M10 highway is not in perfect condition everywhere, the views on both sides are simply stunning: mixed and coniferous forests under a white cover, just like in Yesenin’s poems or in the paintings of Russian painters.

Once settled in a hotel (you can book in advance at good location with a magnificent view from the windows), after taking a break from the road, go for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt and go out to Palace Square. There, together with a crowd of tourists, celebrate the New Year, and then return to the hotel and continue to celebrate. The next day is a fantastic voyage around the world famous places"the great city of Petrov." You can go to Gostiny Dvor and order there sightseeing tour to better get acquainted with the main attractions of the city. But getting to know them on your own will bring no less pleasure.

Going out to the embankment, you will see the legendary Aurora, Trinity Bridge, Peter and Paul Fortress on Hare Island, where the changing of the guard takes place at noon. When walking across the Trinity Bridge, you need to throw a coin to the “bunny” installed under the bridge for good luck. After passing the fortress, pass the Champ de Mars, visit the Russian Museum and exit onto Nevsky Prospekt.

If you go along Palace Embankment, you can reach Winter Palace and the Hermitage. You need to devote a whole day to the latter in order to at least briefly examine its main exhibits. An unforgettable experience awaits you St. Isaac's Cathedral, Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, Triumphal Arch, Alexander Column, Kazan Cathedral and other magnificent architectural masterpieces. New Year's days spent in St. Petersburg will become emotionally and aesthetically rich, filling you with bright spirituality.


Are you tired of the winter cold, slush and snow, do you want to celebrate the New Year in an atmosphere of sunny warmth among palm trees and other subtropical vegetation? Then New Year's Eve in paradise Sochi is the most suitable option. Even if snow falls here at this time, it will only add to the magical exotic beauty. Today's Sochi is a world-class infrastructure, sports arenas, courts, tracks, ski slopes– everyone will find something to their liking.

Upscale hotels, guest houses, boarding houses, hostels for tourists of all abilities will provide comfortable accommodation and a wonderful New Year's Eve. The entire city and surrounding area will shine with New Year's illumination, decorated Christmas trees will bloom and at midnight will be illuminated by a kaleidoscope of rainbow fireworks. In a stunning festive atmosphere, you will spend an unforgettable vacation, swim in warm pools with sea ​​water, visit star concerts, art exhibitions, climb cable car into the mountains. If you are comfortable with skiing, the best ski slopes are at your service. New Year in Sochi is a wonderful time!

The Pearl of the Black Sea – Crimea – another one wonderful place for the New Year holidays. And although unique bridge, connecting the peninsula with the mainland, is not ready for operation; there will be no problems traveling by car. In winter, there are no queues for the ferry, and you won’t have to languish long waiting for the crossing. In all Crimean cities They are thoroughly preparing for the New Year: in sanatoriums and hotels they are carefully thinking about how to entertain guests so that the holiday becomes a fairy tale.

Various options are offered, in addition to traditional evenings and balls - you can go to the mountains, find yourself in one of the caves or even under water. But such adrenaline-pumping methods are not suitable for everyone. You can limit yourself to participating in folk festivals in central squares, admiring fireworks, and enjoying the night beauty of southern cities. All the days of your stay in Crimea are sheer charm. By car you can explore the unique sights of the legendary peninsula.

In beautiful Yalta you will see the famous Livadia and Vorontsov Palaces, the uniquely beautiful “Swallow’s Nest” on Cape Ai-Todor, Nikitsky Botanical Garden. In the vicinity of Sevastopol, visit Bakhchisarai, glorified in Pushkin’s poetry, be impressed by the ancient Chersonesos, and visit the Inkerman Monastery. Visit authentic buildings near Sudak Genoese fortress, you will walk along the picturesque Golitsyn trail. Enchanting landscapes will accompany you on all your trips, causing constant admiration.

A trip to Kazan for the New Year is an opportunity to see the Muslim celebration of the change of year in one of the most beautiful cities Russia. It combines modern buildings in the Russian Art Nouveau style with classical minarets and towers, ancient cultural and historical monuments. Russian Orthodox traditions are intertwined here with Muslim customs, so visiting Kazan on New Year’s days is a special event.

The central place to celebrate the New Year is the Millennium Park, where a luxurious spruce tree is erected, an ice skating rink is set up, souvenir kiosks are opened, and various contests and competitions are held. New year's night full of fun: there is music, dancing and singing until the morning. In the following days you can visit Ice town, created every year near the puppet theater. Everyone admires the art of sculptors working with ice - they create ice masterpieces.

Children can enjoy skating with ice slides, on the Nefis skating rink at the Kazan Arena stadium and other venues. Getting to know the sights of Kazan (Kazan Kremlin, Kul-Sharif, Hermitage-Kazan, Black Lake, etc.) will give you new impressions. Booking accommodation before your trip through the Internet service Hotellook.ru will not be difficult - there are many recreation centers, country cottages, hotels and inns.

If Kazan is a combination of Russian and Tatar mentality, then Kaliningrad is a city where Russian people live in a European atmosphere of cleanliness, comfort and well-groomed conditions. You can feel the atmosphere of European comfort by visiting Kaliningrad, the former German Königsberg, where the spirit of Kant hovers in medieval buildings, where German paving stones and the special gloss inherent in European cities. You won't be disappointed with your New Year's Eve spent here. beautiful city, where there are many restaurants, cafes, clubs, cooking holiday programs. You will also enjoy the annual theatrical performance on the square. Victory at Cathedral, sincere hospitality of Kaliningrad residents.

Even just walking around the city will bring a lot of pleasant things: wonderful backyard gardens, lawns, beautiful mansions with red tiled roofs will delight the eye. Fun shows and concerts are organized in all city squares and parks (the mild Baltic climate will not spoil the fun). Vivid impressions will remain from visiting the museums of Amber and the World Ocean, from excursions to the suburbs, where beautiful objects of ancient German architecture have been preserved. You will like the desire of the Russian population to preserve and increase elements of European luxury, comfortable service and other attributes of civilization.

Holiday houses in the Moscow region

You can take a good break from the noise of the metropolis and have a wonderful New Year's holiday among the wonderful nature of the Moscow region, which inspired all Russian classics with its beauty to create artistic masterpieces. In the most charming places of the Moscow region, new holiday homes and boarding houses have been opened and old ones continue to welcome guests. Snow-covered mixed and coniferous forests, picturesque rivers, surrounding churches and monasteries create a unique backdrop for the holiday. In each establishment you will find enchanting shows, funny animation, sparkling fireworks, various competitions, social balls and luxurious banquets.