Information sheet in tourism. Information leaflet for the tourist trip package

tourism, cultural exchange, creativity.


The article analyzes the concepts, essence and cultural functions of tourism. Tourism is seen as an important element of culture.

Article text:

There are many definitions of tourism in the literature. Here is a classic: Tourism is the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality within their country in free time for pleasure and recreation, for recreational, guest, educational or professional and business purposes, but without engaging in paid work in the place visited.

The term "tourism" has been used in many languages ​​since ancient times. This word comes from the expression “grand tour” ( Grand Tour) and originally meant a study tour that young nobles made in the 17th-18th centuries. In the 19th century, such trips became popular among other segments of the population. The purpose of the trips was to introduce tourists to foreign cultures. For centuries, the main purpose of tourism is to introduce travelers to other countries, to establish contacts and mutual understanding with the peoples inhabiting them.

Any activity that a person invents, organizes and improves has a certain social function or several functions. Moreover, the function(s) can have both a positive and negative character in the cultural aspect.

Educational and aesthetic functions of tourism. Tourists, in their quest for freedom and beauty, constantly include the great outdoors in their aesthetic field of vision. Contemplating beautiful natural landscapes, getting acquainted with historical sights, local morals, customs, food culture, they comprehensively activate and expand their field of vision, and increase their aesthetic level. Even when getting ready to travel, they try to find out more about the places they are going to and the way of life that exists there. Practice shows that tourism contributes to the growth of people’s cultural knowledge and increases the level of their cultural education. In a culture that has been formed over several thousand years, many natural landscapes have already acquired moral significance and have become the personification of beautiful or bad human qualities. While admiring the beautiful views, tourists at the same time perceive their moral flavor. For example, travelers going to the Peak of the Goddess at the Three Gorges on the river. Yangtze, along the way, learn about the goddess’s attitude to love and marriage. They are touched by her loyalty. Pleasure walk on the river. The Yellow River is important because, in addition to the impression of the power of muddy waves rising to the sky, this river has a symbolic meaning. It is inspiring because it is the cradle of Chinese civilization and the mother river of the Chinese nation. This expands the horizons of thought, strengthens the ardent love for the vastness of the Motherland. An important goal of tourism activity is to experience the feeling of beauty, and beauty is precisely contained in the cultural objects of tourism, which are its sources. These sources in all countries and regions of the world have their own specifics. Tourists traveling around famous places, get impressed by natural beauties. All peoples of the world have their own special folk culture, and tourists have the opportunity to feel the specific charm of folk customs.

Function of cultural exchange. Tourism has the function of cultural exchange, which can enhance people's feelings of patriotism and national pride, strengthen mutual understanding between peoples, friendly ties, promote the preservation and development of national culture, maintain social prosperity and stability. Patriotism is a high, wonderful feeling, it is deeply rooted in the soul of the people, expresses the pride and self-respect of the nation. China is a major tourist power, it has a large territory and a rich material world, ancient history, beautiful mountains and rivers, and many ancient monuments. It is very rich in both natural and humanitarian tourism resources. Tourists, having climbed the Tien Shan Mountain, can with pathos highest peak take in many small mountains at one glance.” Wandering around the Gugong Palace, one may exclaim in surprise at the sight of the incomparable Chinese national architecture. In general, tourism activity is not at all an instant meeting and parting of a tourist with tourist site, but is a type of cultural exchange activity, and the more domestic and foreign tourists there are, the stronger will be the patriotism and national pride people. Tourism can also, by establishing various contacts, facilitate the exchange of ideas, feelings, overcome one-sided views and misunderstandings that have arisen as a result of long-term disunity, and stimulate cultural exchange between all countries. Every country, every nation has a national culture, historical heritage, traditions, customs, and beautiful art worthy of pride. These cultural resources are the most valuable wealth of the tourism industry. Their scientific development and use is important for the preservation and development of national culture. It is not only beneficial for tourism to restore and protect historical monuments, structures, cultures that may disappear, it can also play a positive role in the development of national art.

Cognitive function.

Cognition is the process of reflection, analysis and reproduction of reality in thinking; comprehension of the laws of the objective world, the laws of nature and society; the totality of acquired knowledge and experience.

While traveling, a person experiences the world around him through both logical and sensory means. At the same time, logical cognition includes thinking and memory, and cognition includes sensory sensation, perception, and representation.

According to G.P. Dolzhenko, the cognitive side of tourism means “a person’s desire for enrichment, knowledge in the field of history, economics, nature, science and culture, the desire to get acquainted with historical, ethnographic, natural and revolutionary monuments, military and labor traditions.”

Health function.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined the concept of “health” as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. The main criterion for assessing health is the level of a person’s ability to adapt to the world around him. The successful adaptation of a person to the changing conditions of the surrounding world is called adaptation.

The level of innate and acquired qualities that ensure readiness for effective adaptation is called adaptability. Physical, mental and social adaptation occurs the more successfully, the more actively a person advances in all spheres of life. And this, in turn, determines the level of his health.

Back in the 18th century, the French physician Tiso wrote that “movement towards” can, in its effect, replace any medicine, but all the medicinal remedies in the world are not able to replace the effect of movement.”

Movement is inherent in tourism and it comes first in terms of its health-improving function. active species, i.e. those in which the tourist moves along the route thanks to his own physical efforts. Such efforts are practically feasible for any person. What is important is the correct dosage of the load, corresponding to the physical and technical capabilities of a given tourist.

In an active trip, unlike a sports one, the tourist himself can determine the duration, length and technical complexity of the trip and interrupt it at any time. By the beginning of the 21st century, doctors identified two main reasons for the deteriorating health of the world's population: unfavorable environmental conditions of human life and physical inactivity, i.e. limited movement. And it is the active and sports types tourism eliminates both of these reasons and has a maximum healing effect.

Social-communicative function.

Communicative - intended, aimed at establishing communication, i.e. communication using language. Transmission and perception of mental content.

Thus, the socio-communicative function of tourism is defined as the ability of travel participants to communicate with each other in an informal setting without industrial subordination, taking into account social status, age, nationality, citizenship and other signs of distinguishing people.

From the point of view of tourist perception, getting to know a travel area is not so much an inspection of a certain territory, natural and historical and cultural monuments, but rather meeting new people. And the impression from a particular trip is, most often, the impression of communicating with new people.

Sports function.

In a broad sense, “sport” is actually a competitive activity, special training to it, specific interhuman relations and institutions in the sphere of this activity, its socially significant results, taken as a whole.

The social significance of sport lies most of all in the fact that it represents a set of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main forms of preparing a person for work and other socially necessary activities. Along with this, sport is one of the important means of ethical and aesthetic education, strengthening and expanding international ties that promote mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between peoples.

In addition to the concept of “sport”, the term “type of sport” is used, i.e. a type of competitive activity with a specific subject of competition and special sports techniques and tactics. One of these types is sports tourism, which includes fulfilling category requirements in two types of tourist and sports competitions: a) competitions in sports trips; b) tourist all-around competitions.

Humanity has a variety of sports programs, but only tourism has all the necessary components of health: communication with nature, a change of scenery, psychological relief, physical activity.

Sports tourism easy to organize, accessible to people of any age. Tourism is a natural sport because... the loads in it are easily dosed. Sports tourism develops such human character traits as collectivism, discipline, perseverance and perseverance.

Creative function.

Creativity is an activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to humans, because... always presupposes a creator - a subject of creative activity.

Huge creative potential tourist travel consists in the fact that its participants go beyond the boundaries of stereotypical existence, are distracted from everyday trifles, and focus on solving new problems. For several thousand years organized trips a huge number of manifestations of travelers' creativity have accumulated.

First of all, this includes: scientific discoveries; prose and poetic works, both fiction and documentary and popular science; invention of new types of equipment, clothing, shoes, Vehicle; new food products for various types of tourism; new means and methods of training people - participants in active and sports travel.

Pilgrimage function.

There are about 8 million Muslims in Kazakhstan. There are 1 billion 126 million Muslims in the world. A pilgrimage is a journey to worship holy places (for Christians - to Jerusalem and Rome; for Muslims to Mecca and Medina, etc.). Named after the custom of Christian pilgrims bringing palm branches from Palestine.

Pilgrims (along with traders) are the first, travelers who had a precise purpose for their movement in time and space. Pilgrims represent in this regard the beginning of classical tourism. After all, they traveled vast distances to their destination, usually on foot, with a minimum of clothing and food supplies. This was the only way they could reach their destination without being robbed or killed, given the security conditions of that time.

Being one of the oldest functions of organized travel, the pilgrim function in the world has not lost its position. Moreover, in modern international tourism the pilgrimage progresses. Global changes in the organization of the states of the world at the end of the 20th century led to an increase in the number of believers and the actual number of pilgrims of the main world religions. The number of Muslim pilgrims, for example, is now so large that the authorities Saudi Arabia where are holy cities Mecca and Medina have established an annual quota for pilgrims from around the world.

Only the main social functions of tourism are mentioned here, but there are a great many other positive functions. Therefore, people’s need for tourism does not decrease over time, but grows exponentially. Researchers, for example, have found that many people artificially reduce their needs even for food and clothing in order to make an interesting trip on vacation.

The implementation of these social functions is possible only through the use of tourism and recreational resources (TRR). These resources can be divided into two groups:

1. a set of natural objects and resources;

2. a set of cultural and historical objects.

The sports and recreational functions of tourism are implemented by natural resources, all others - by both groups of TRR.

Man as a biological species in the process of its development was and is directly influenced by the nature around it. The physical and spiritual needs of man as an integral being were initially in harmony with the natural possibilities of satisfying them.

Over time, human labor became more complex, “enslaved” by machines, harmful technologies and increasing intensification. All these factors led to the permanent withdrawal of the human body from its natural balance and increasingly led to morbidity and loss of ability to work. One of the main means of restoring a person’s physical and spiritual strength is the life-giving power of nature. The second group of TPPs also plays a significant role in human recreation. Cultural and historical objects constitute the spatial basis for passive recreation through excursions.

Thus, the cultural studies of tourism from the point of view of culture studies the system of knowledge about tourism, which makes it possible to further explore its content as an object of culture. It is one of the areas of study of business culture, combines the study of tourism and culture, and also contributes to the further development and deepening of tourism studies. The main cultural functions of tourism allow us to understand a more complete picture of the relevance of such a phenomenon as cultural studies of tourism.

List of used literature:

  1. Voronkova L.P. history of tourism and hospitality; publishing house “Fair Press”; 2004
  2. Vyatkin L.A., Sidorchuk E.V., Nevytov, D.N. Tourism and orienteering; publishing house “Academy”; 2005
  3. Kuskov A.S., Lysikova O.V. Resortology and health tourism; publishing house “Phoenix”; 2004
  4. Kaurova A.D. organization of tourism; publishing house “Gerda”; 2006
  5. Fundamentals of ecological tourism: textbook; 2005
  6. Religious tourism: textbook; publishing house “Academy”; 2003

1. Recommendations of the “Round Table” November 16, 2009 “ Youth tourism as one of the most important components of the patriotic education of the younger generation. Regulatory and legal aspect". –

2. Andreeva E.V. Innovative aspects of the development of domestic tourism in the context of the problem of national cultural memory.

3. Shik K.I. The essence of patriotic education of students and some ways of its implementation in the Republic of Belarus // Young scientist: scientific journal. –

4. Sirichenko A. On the development of cultural and educational tourism in Russian Federation// Self management. – 2011. – No. 8. – P. 38.

5. Kiryukhantsev K.A. Excursion as a means of patriotic education for students in secondary schools / K.A. Kiryukhantsev, I.A. Gizatova // Pedagogy: traditions and innovations: materials of the II international. scientific conf. (Chelyabinsk, October 2012). – Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2012. – P. 80-82 // Young scientist: scientific journal. –

6. Rylova M.G., Lykova T.G. The role of cultural and educational tourism in modern society. – Student scientific forum. –

7. Territory. –

The importance of tourism for the younger generation is undeniable. This is not only active leisure, but also an opportunity to better learn the history of your country and the region of the city. Visiting cultural historical places, a person is imbued with the spirit of the time in which his ancestors lived; he begins to feel his involvement in the history of Russia and the area where he lives. This is what contributes to the education of both young people and the most adult population of patriotism and love for their Motherland. In the 90s, changes occurred in Russia that led to irreparable losses in cultural heritage, to the destruction of methods of transmitting cultural and historical memory developed over centuries. The patriotic education of youth has come to naught.

The low level of patriotic education is due to the fact that in last years In Russian society, priorities of material interests over moral values ​​and patriotic feelings are increasingly being imposed. The traditional, primordially Russian foundations of upbringing and education were replaced by Western ones.

There is a deep crisis in the souls of people. The system of former spiritual and cultural values ​​and guidelines has been lost, and new ones have not been developed.

In this regard, one of the pressing issues is the issue of patriotic education of modern youth and the population. To be a patriot is a natural need of people, the satisfaction of which acts as a condition for their material and spiritual development, the establishment of a humanistic way of life, awareness of their historical cultural, national and spiritual belonging to the Motherland and an understanding of the democratic prospects for its development in modern world.

Therefore, the need for patriotic education is of particular relevance, and cultural and educational tourism can help in solving this issue.

Cultural and educational tourism occupies a significant place in the structure of tourist flows. Cultural and educational tourism accounts for a fifth of the domestic tourist flow and a third of incoming tourism. The annual increase in this type of tourism, according to experts, is about 15%. The development of cultural and educational tourism also plays an important role in solving social problems, including those related to the patriotic education of not only young people, but also the entire population. A sense of patriotism can be formed in various ways; it is necessary to acquaint people with history, traditions, customs, and the heroic past native land.

Cultural and educational tourism is an integral part of various city thematic excursions, which play an important role in the formation of humanistic, patriotic education, expanding the knowledge of the population and youth. The excursion acts as an additional pedagogical process, which combines learning and spiritual and moral education. The educational possibilities of excursions are determined both by their content and a wide thematic range (comprehensive, sightseeing, historical, military history, literary, environmental, etc.)

Educational excursions must be considered as a powerful educational and educational tool that makes it possible to practically acquaint the younger generation and not only them with natural heritage, history and culture of the native land, develop in adolescents aesthetic feelings, love for the Motherland, responsiveness to the highest interests of spirituality and morality. It is during excursions and visits to museums that one gets acquainted with the history of the Motherland, with art, and thus pride in one’s Fatherland, love for it and, consequently, patriotism arises.

Cultural and educational tourism can contribute not only to patriotic education, but also to the economic development of especially small towns. Since in the current economic conditions, many people cannot afford not only to travel abroad. But also to make long tourist trips around Russia. This type of tourism provides an opportunity to become familiar with the history of your region and fulfill your travel needs. Develop domestic tourism in the city.

Various natural relief, climate, vegetation and animal world create certain prerequisites and conditions for the development of tourism on the territory of the city of Artem and adjacent villages.

The city has at its disposal a variety of resources that allow the development of cultural and educational tourism. There are over 46 historical and cultural monuments, the city museum of local lore, the Pacific Fleet museum and the museum of the Artemovskaya Thermal Power Plant - the first-born of the Primorye energy industry, there is a wonderful exhibition hall where expositions of not only local artists are regularly arranged, but also works of regional masters and other cultural, architectural and natural objects cultural and educational tourism.

In order to determine how much the youth and population of the Artemovsk urban district know their history and the sights of the city, a study was conducted. During the study, survey and observation methods were used. 172 people took part in the survey. The survey was conducted using a simple random sampling method.

Rice. 1. Age structure of respondents

Since the main goal of the study was to identify the attitude of young people to historical and memorable places city, the bulk of the respondents were young people aged 17 to 35 years (Fig. 1).

As the studies have shown, only a small portion of respondents know the history of their city very well (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Question “How well do you know the history of the city”

As can be seen from the diagram presented in the figure, only a small part of the respondents know the history of their city; only 15%, and among those aged 17-25 years old, 37% know the history of their city poorly, 44% have heard a lot, 7% do not know at all. But even among the older generation, only 8% know the history of their city well.

To the question “What sights of the city have you heard very well about?” The respondents' opinions were distributed as follows (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. What respondents have heard about the city’s attractions

Rice. 4. Sources of information about the history of the city and its attractions

In fact, as shown by observation and the results of answers to the question “What military-patriotic sights of the city do you know,” respondents were able to remember only about 8 monuments, which is 17.3% of the total number of military-patriotic and cultural monuments preserving the history of the city. Many respondents not only could not list the attractions they knew, but also found it difficult to formulate their correct name.

Mostly, respondents listed well-known city attractions that are located in the city center. This applies not only to military-patriotic monuments, but also to cultural and architectural objects. Admitting my ignorance of the history of the city and its historical milestones to the question “Are you familiar with the history of the creation of the city’s attractions?” 65.1% answered “no” (Figure 4).

As can be seen from the diagram, the main sources of obtaining information, and therefore the patriotic education of youth and the population, are schools, means mass media, but they do not provide complete information about the history of the city; if they talk about historical sights, they are usually about well-known ones; many memorable historical places of the city remain forgotten, especially those dedicated to the years of the Great Patriotic War and the Civil War, to home front workers.

Complete sightseeing tours not only in the city, but also in its surroundings, as one of the areas of cultural and educational tourism. Moreover, the city’s population has such a need, since the question “Would you like to know more about the history of your city?” 72.7% responded positively. Moreover, 66.9% of respondents would like to attend such an excursion.

The role of tourism in the implementation of civic and patriotic education is high, including through the organization of excursion and tourism work, which contributes to the formation among the population of a positive attitude towards their Fatherland, a feeling of love and affection for their native places. The excursion and tourism direction is based on nurturing the need to study the history of the native land and country.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 10/11/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Tourism plays a big role in modern society. The importance of tourism in the lives of people, regions, states and in international life today cannot be overestimated. It is recognized in many countries and confirmed by documents from international tourism forums.

There are three main areas of influence of tourism on the life of society: economic, social and humanitarian.

Economic significance

Tourism has a significant impact on solving economic problems of society. It is known that income from foreign tourism in developed countries twice the income from international trade in non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Income from tourism can boost the economy of the region in which it develops.

The economic impact of tourism is somewhat disproportionate in its types and directions. For example, it is known that the receptive (receiving) type of tourism brings great economic benefits to the state; the economic importance of tourism for the sending country is somewhat lower. However, the development of outbound tourism makes it possible to evaluate all its benefits and leads to an understanding of the benefits of developing local and receptive types of tourism.

Tourism can have an economic impact on the region in which it develops, on the surrounding infrastructure, as well as on the consumer market and other areas of business activity.

Let's consider the areas of economic impact of tourism. Entrepreneurial sphere. The creation of any enterprise brings benefits because the enterprise provides customers with products and services; workers and employees - wages and other types of payments; shareholders (owners) - profit; to the state (region) - taxes and fees.

All this applies to a travel agency. At the same time, it does not require large investments in its formation, but it has a fairly fast turnover of funds and relatively high profitability. But in tourism, especially receptive, great importance have service enterprises that require serious capital investments (hotels, restaurants, transport enterprises and companies). The emergence of such enterprises is associated with various types of capital investments. It should be noted that many companies are developing according to the scheme: travel agency -> tour operator company -> capital-intensive production (for example, hotel, restaurant, etc.) - this is a way of accumulating capital and investing it in the development of tourism integrated production.

Consumer sector. Tourism brings to life a new form of consumer demand - the demand of visiting tourists for a variety of goods and services, which, in accordance with consumer demands, local industry is called upon to offer in sufficient quantities. The demand for a whole range of goods and services generated by the tourist movement requires the production of these goods. Therefore, tourism has a certain impact on the development of industries producing consumer goods. Thanks to tourism, the production of consumer goods is intensively developing, thereby benefiting the region and increasing the standard of living of workers, since increased sales of local industry products naturally increase the income of the city and region in which it is located.

Income sphere. Thanks to tourism and tourist flows, the income of many local enterprises increases, such as:

cultural and entertainment organizations (museums, exhibitions, memorial complexes and monuments, show and film business), which in turn benefit the region and the local population through taxation;

transport enterprises, firms and companies whose income directly depends on the number of tourists. Public excursions, trips, transfers, local airlines are all heavily focused on tourism revenue;

* enterprises producing souvenirs, special tourist equipment and folk crafts. The products of these enterprises around the world are largely aimed at guests and tourists. Mass production and sale of such products is possible only if there are tourist flows, which in turn provides income to a significant number of people. In addition, the sale of such products can serve as an additional means of advertising. tourist center. This quality must be used by fully supporting the production of souvenirs, handicrafts, and tourist equipment with local symbols.

Currency sphere. Tourism contributes to the influx of large amounts of foreign currency. Host tourism is called "invisible export" because the consumer does not sit still waiting export products, and he himself goes for this product to the country of its production.

The developed tourism industry helps to stabilize and increase foreign currency earnings into the country. Moreover, the receipt of foreign currency occurs not only in the form of payment for a tourist package (tour), but also in the form of an exchange of money in exchange offices tourist (resort) center for the daily expenses of tourists, for payment additional services etc.

However, the impact of tourism on the region's economy is not clear. It also has its problematic sides:

Tourist traffic is seasonal. It manifests itself in full mainly during periods when you can sunbathe, swim, sail, ski and other sports. And that's completely normal. All over the world there are seasons of rest and vacation when mass tourist travel occurs. In the tourist movement this is usually called the high season. There is a low season and off-season periods throughout the year. All this leaves an imprint on demand and production and has a significant impact on the profitability of all tourism enterprises and organizations, as well as on the profitability of other industries focused on serving tourists. This especially affects enterprises with high labor and capital intensity, and the service sector. The seasonal decline causes a temporary release of labor, which must be used for this period in another way. It also affects the distribution of production costs, which is closely related to the price policy for goods and services for tourists. The profitability of the respective enterprises depends on the price level and size of services. Therefore, production costs in off-season periods are covered by tourism enterprises in high seasons, which is reflected in the level and differentiation of prices.

At the same time, the size of demand depends on prices. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a level that would ensure good demand and corresponding profitability of production. With the help of prices, you can mitigate the negative impact of seasonality in tourism, attract customers during off-season periods, thereby extending the period of profitability of the enterprise. When selling tours and services, seasonal discounts and price premiums, discounts for children's vouchers, etc. should be provided. In general, seasonal differentiation of prices for tourism products and services is necessary.

To solve the problem of profitability, other methods are used simultaneously with price differentiation. So, one of them, and quite successful, is the development of non-seasonal forms of recreation and services. This could be organizing hobby tours in resort hotels in the autumn and spring; use of material resources for holding conventions, congresses, symposiums; organization of itinerary and educational tours around resort places with sightseeing. All this allows you to load the material base during the off-season, intensify the activities of agency and operator companies and smooth out the economic problems of profitability in different seasons of the year.

In combination with the first and partially the second method, you can also use the method of ensuring proper rest during off-season periods. At the resort during the autumn-winter-spring period you cannot swim in the sea, but the hotel has heated swimming pools sea ​​water. The cool wind does not provide a full opportunity to sunbathe, but there are glass verandas, artificial solariums, winter gardens. All other services are unchanged, do not depend on the season and are always at your disposal. In combination with seasonal discounts, such a product will find its segment of demand.

Tourism production is largely dependent on external factors, such as the general condition and development of the state's economy, the political situation, security issues and information support for regional consumers. Any of these factors can have a decisive impact on the financial sustainability of a tourism enterprise, as it can reduce tourist flows. Therefore, it is important to provide financial guarantees for the sustainability of the company: diversification of entrepreneurship, insurance of the professional activities of the enterprise, etc.

Social significance of tourism

There is no need to say once again that with the development of science and technology, with the growth of cities, labor productivity, and the flow of information, modern society faces a number of problems. Unemployment, low level the lives of workers, psychological pressure, stress and related critical situations, increased negative activity of young people in their free time, disruption of the ecological balance in nature - these and other problems of modern society also occur in our country.

The development of the tourism industry can contribute to solving such problems. The social significance of tourism for the life of society is:

in restoring the psychophysiological resources of society; the ability to work of a person and society as a whole;

in the rational use of free time;

in ensuring employment of the population;

in the growth of workers' incomes;

environmental safety of tourism and its focus on maintaining and restoring recreation.

Reproductive function of tourism. The main function of tourism from a social point of view can be recognized as a reproducing function aimed at restoring the strength of a person or society expended by him in performing certain production and everyday tasks.

At the same time, rest is not limited to an inert form and restoration of physical and mental strength, but includes entertainment that ensures a change in the nature of activity and environmental conditions, active knowledge of new phenomena of nature, culture, etc.

Urbanization, mechanization of production, monotony of consumption, as well as a significantly increasing flow of information lead to the fact that people leave work more tired than before. This fatigue is psychological in nature and causes the need for contrast (stress relief). A true contrast to industrial life, associated with nervous tension and uniformity, is leaving the place of permanent residence and work, and, above all, moving, providing a change of environment and a change in the usual way of life. Tourism can provide all this.

In addition, modern urbanization and the concentration of industrial enterprises in cities do not allow a person to truly relax after work. In agglomeration conditions, free, sunlit space decreases, and city residents find themselves isolated from nature. Parks and garden plots are not enough to compensate for the environmental costs of large cities.

The pace of city life, the need for accelerated reaction, vigilance on the streets, overcoming large distances every day - all this creates and increases nervous tension even in free time from work. This kind of fatigue, accumulating, creates additional conditions for various types of industrial and domestic injuries, increased disability due to illness, and even conflict situations both at work and outside of it, associated with accumulating negative energy.

Tourist recreation is an excellent form of comprehensive renewal. Active, mobile, interesting, he restores the physical “condition” of a person and society. Only the contrasting forms of recreation that tourism can provide (a change in the constant environment and rhythm of life) contribute to the real improvement of the nation and the individual in modern conditions.

There are three main aspects of the restoration function of tourism:

freeing the individual from feelings of fatigue through a contrasting change of environment and type of activity;

providing the vacationer with opportunities to have fun, familiarize him with the area and its people, attend cultural events (concerts, theaters), organize leisure time (dances, discos, shows, festivals, etc.), conduct sports activities that help strengthen the first function;

intellectual function - providing opportunities for personal development, expanding the cognitive horizon, creative and organizational activities, cognition (excursions, visits to monuments and museums), self-expression (competitions, hikes, expeditions, sports activities, etc.), which is also psychologically very useful for recovery human strength.

Rational use of free time. The development of productive forces leads to an increase in the free time of workers. In this regard, the problem of its rational use arises. The task of society is to attract fellow citizens to positive activities in their free time, which distracts them from negative ones, manifested in drunkenness, addiction to drugs, and the creation of informal associations of an illegal nature.

The list of tours and excursions offered to people at reasonable prices attracts them to a tourist holiday. Consumers of tourism products have the opportunity to spend a day off, vacation, vacation on tourist routes and excursions, using their free time rationally, profitably and with interest.

Organizing leisure time on weekends (“week-end”) with the help of tourism (weekend routes) helps consumers spend this time rationally and with interest.

Some experts argue that short trips, no matter how frequent, do not provide sufficient rest. Organizing recreation during the vacation and vacation periods is a task tourist organizations, and we can say that the moral and physical health of society depends to some extent on its implementation at the proper level.

The development of various tourist clubs that can attract young people to tourist routes, exciting trips on kayaks and rafts, through forests and mountains, observing safety and environmental requirements, can contribute to the formation of a healthy generation.

Providing employment. At the same time, the presence of a fairly developed tourism industry in a certain area makes it possible to solve the problem of employing many workers, since tourism is one of the most labor-intensive industries, which in most cases is not amenable to mechanization and automation.

For example, in hotel business the average employment rate is on average 3 service personnel per 10 tourists (from 2 to 5 people, depending on the category of the hotel: the higher the level of the hotel, the greater the labor costs). This is a fairly high figure. In five-star hotels, over 600 workers are employed to serve 1,200 people. On cruise ships, for every 5,000 passengers, there are 1,200-1,500 tourist crew members, from sailors to animators and tourism instructors. It is quite difficult to automate the work of tour guides, guides, tourism or sports instructors.

Development tourist infrastructure attracts labor resources, involving them in serving tourists. Therefore, the development of tourism helps to mitigate such phenomena as unemployment.

According to the latest WTO statistics, every fifteenth job in the world today comes from tourism.

However, it is necessary to take into account the nature of employment in tourism, which sometimes creates problematic issues: part-time work, seasonality, etc. For example, very often in tourist centers, part-time work is used when serving guests. It is necessary to select employees in such a way that the shortened working hours suit them - this is a management problem in tourism. In addition, employment in tourism enterprises is often seasonal, which is also an unfavorable factor. To mitigate it during peak periods, hiring residents of other settlements, students under contracts from educational institutions in other cities. To local residents The work provided is predominantly permanent. The opportunity to earn extra money during peak periods for such categories of residents as students and housewives is also a positive phenomenon.

World practice shows that the tourism industry in a particular region not only provides work for the local population, but also attracts additional labor resources both for work and for residence, thereby increasing the population of the area. It is known that when we invite an employee from another locality, we attract an average of three people to live there. But excessive involvement of third-party labor resources can lead to an excessive increase in the local population and, thereby, to increased pressure on recreation. And recreation often drives the tourism supply, so this process needs to be regulated.

Raising the standard of living of workers. Tourism, due to its ability to employ significant labor resources, profitability and relatively quick payback, has a direct and indirect impact on improving the standard of living of the population:

the direct impact is expressed in an increase in the income of employees of tourism enterprises and firms due to expansion. The opportunity to earn extra money in tourism during peak seasons for people of other professions also plays a role here;

indirect influence is associated with the development of a wide network service department in tourist centers (domestic services, sports available to the local population, can also serve as an indicator of their standard of living.

Ecological orientation of tourism. The environmental impact of tourism lies, firstly, in its relative safety, and secondly, in the ability to organize activities that will work to maintain environment. Moreover, tourism, like no other industry, is interested in maintaining the environment and recreation, as this is an important condition for its activities.

Tourism does not disturb the natural balance and does not deplete the environment. By exploiting natural objects and objects of culture and history in its direction, tourism not only does not harm them, but is also interested in their maintenance (and in some cases, in their restoration). After all, without objects there is no display - one of the main elements of tourist and excursion services.

The presence of interesting, well-kept parks and public gardens on the territory of the tourist center and in the surrounding area contributes to have a good rest tourists and increases the rating of the tourist center. Therefore, the exploitation of natural objects should take place within reasonable limits and contribute to the restoration of human strength.

Humanitarian significance of tourism.

Speaking about the importance of tourism in the life of society, we must not forget about its humanitarian function.

An important function of tourism is to provide opportunities for personal development, expansion of a person’s cognitive horizon, and creative potential. The desire for knowledge has always been an integral feature of the human personality.

The following humanitarian functions of tourism are generally recognized:

Intellectual and meaningful function. Combining recreation with knowledge of life, history, culture, and customs of the peoples of Russia and other countries is a task that tourism can fully accomplish and which contains great humanitarian potential.

The main intellectual and cognitive function in tourism is performed by excursion activities. A variety of topics of excursions (historical, literary, architectural, ethnographic, natural education, industrial, etc.) allows you to develop in-depth knowledge about the lives of people around the world and nature, provides wide choose knowledge for everyone according to their interests.

The combination of audio and video, characteristic of excursions, improves the perception of the proposed material. The methodology for organizing excursions is based on this. The content of the excursion, confirmed by the display of certain objects, enhances the perception and impression received. Interesting objects in themselves is already half the success of the excursion, but the guide’s story is also of fundamental importance. It contains interesting information about the objects shown, factual material and the personal attitude of the guide.

Sightseeing is important for a tourist. What you see and hear on an excursion, as a rule, remains in your memory for a long time. An excursion conducted by a professional can touch the innermost strings of the human soul, tuning it to the best. Getting to know the culture and customs of the peoples of other countries broadens one's horizons and spiritually enriches a person.

Peaceful orientation of tourism. Tourism is interested in peace and friendship between peoples, as this is one of the conditions for its activities. International tourist exchanges contribute to the establishment of good neighborly ties between different regions, peoples, and countries. Tourism cannot exist during, for example, military operations or in any other tense situation. It is known that during the war in Persian Gulf flow of tourists to this region, including Turkey, fell by 90%. Tourism cannot fully exist even if peoples are alienated. Therefore, establishing tourist relations with different countries- this is a good sign indicating a warming of relations in the world. Thus, tourism contributes to the peaceful coexistence of nations, and itself depends on world peace.

Raising the younger generation. Professional excursion services for children, starting from a very early age, help not only broaden the horizons of children, but also shape the aesthetic tastes of the younger generation, their attitude towards society and the surrounding nature. How society prepares a child for life is how the future awaits this society. Therefore, the work of excursion and tourism companies with children's audiences has important humanitarian and social significance.

Tourism as a sociocultural phenomenon that arose at the intersection of different cultures has always responded, first of all, to the spiritual needs of a person and performed the following functions:

    expanded life horizons;

    served as a powerful mechanism for his upbringing and education;

    contributed to the ethicization of interpersonal relationships, the formation of economic entrepreneurship and legal relations, i.e. was the factor that civilized man.

The most important functions of tourism are also

    rest function, since the restoration of physical and mental strength in a person’s life becomes an objective necessity, the time allotted for rest increases;

    health function, which is the main individual value that determines the existence and activity of each person, as well as society as a whole, since the implementation of the goals and objectives put forward by society depends on people’s health;

    educational functions, which is realized when a tourist comes into contact with a new environment, consisting of three main elements - natural, social and cultural. The environment is a specific system, within the boundaries of which subsystems (elements of this environment) appear. One of the subsystems (elements) is the educational environment, which is part of the objective social environment. The educational environment includes people, social groups and institutions that perform educational functions and shape the consciousness and behavior of individuals, groups, children and adults in accordance with certain systems of values ​​and norms, as a result of which the necessary social behavior is formed that corresponds to the educational ideal of society;

    educational function, which is an integral part of broadly understood education. In tourism, this function can be performed in the cognitive and practical plane. A tourist, acquiring knowledge about nature, society and culture, acquires skills that can be useful to him in practical life. Tourism activities, motivated by the desire to understand the world, contribute to the development of new cultural values, and thereby the expansion of life and cultural horizons, self-education and personal self-realization. The educational function of tourism is also reflected in presenting the true image of the places and countries visited. Tourism simplifies the understanding of people, provides an opportunity, for example, to master or improve foreign languages;

    urbanization function, consisting in the impact of tourism on the process of urbanization (city-forming function of tourism) and based on the development of city-forming factors, among which are infrastructure, industry, trade, education, science, public administration, healthcare system, public catering, hotel services, tourism, etc.;

    function of cultural education, associated with the fact that tourism contributes to the enrichment and preservation of cultural values, it is a means of transmitting certain elements of culture, and thereby a meeting place for different cultures, as well as their diffusion (penetration). Culture is omnipresent, present in all types of tourism. On the other hand, tourism creates favorable conditions for the transfer of cultural values ​​both to participants in the tourism movement and to society as a whole;

    economic function, contributing to an increase in living standards as a result of the economic and social development of tourist areas. Tourist benefits contribute to the development of not only a specific region, but also a country and even a continent;

    ethnic function, which consists in contacts between the countries of issue (from there, tourists arrive in search of “their roots” with their host countries. Often ethnic tourism is associated with the religious motivation of travel, due to which a certain system of values ​​is created and maintained.

    the function of forming environmental consciousness, becoming increasingly important in three main areas:

    problems of protecting the natural and social environment, which is one of the key problems of modern societies,

    tourists, tourism organizers, as well as the host party, who are forced to have the right attitude towards the ever-increasing problems of the modern social and natural environment,

    blurring the boundaries between environmental consciousness and the actual behavior of tourism subjects;

    political function, manifested in the inclusion of the state in border and customs formalities, the expansion of international contacts with other countries, the presentation of the image of the country outside its borders, etc.

The development of tourism is also accompanied by negative phenomena and tourism dysfunctions. The main dysfunctions of tourism are the following:

negative impact on the environment;

economic impacts on local communities;

phenomena of social pathology;

decreased quality of life in places visited;

degradation of the natural environment;

mass tourism as an environmental disaster threatening the world and others.