Bakalskaya spit. Crimea, description

In the west of the Crimean peninsula there are very unusual place, which will be interesting to see for lovers of the sea and its natural monuments. This is the Bakal Spit - a narrow and long strip of land that extends into the sea for several kilometers. Getting here is not so easy, since this territory is a natural reserve area. No more than fifty thousand people a year can enter the Bakalskaya Spit park (Crimea).

Geographical position

The Bakal Spit stretches from the northwest to the southeast of the peninsula. The map shows that it extends deep into the Black Sea. This strip of land is located between Lake Bakal and the bay of the same name. In the north it narrows and smoothly passes into Cape Peschany, where the lighthouse is located (now inactive).

The length of the spit is approximately 12 km, 5 km extend into the Black Sea. Coastline flat. Highest point about 1.3 m.

Bakalskaya Spit has the only paved road (of local importance). It goes from the village of Steregushchy to the narrowest section in the north.

Currently, the spit is gradually narrowing due to hydrological processes: powerful winter storms erode the lands of this natural object. The storms that occurred here in 2005 and 2007 greatly damaged the nature and infrastructure of the spit. Due to active illegal sand mining in the summer of 2013, Peschany Cape turned into a small island gradually being destroyed by waves.

Natural features of the spit

This is true unique place. The Bakal Spit (Crimea) is washed on all sides by different currents. Thanks to this on her west bank the sea can be stormy, but in the east it can remain calm and warm. Each vacationer has a unique opportunity to choose which sea he wants to swim in.

The local landscapes are especially impressive: on the one hand huge lake, on the other - the picturesque Karkinitsky Bay and the Black Sea.


"Bakalskaya Spit" - unique nature reserve. It includes the spit that gave the complex its name, the lake of the same name with its healing mud and salt marshes, and the Karkinitsky Bay, known for its shallow depths and clear waters.

This territory is real paradise for everyone who wants to improve their health, relax by the sea, and live away from noisy cities.

These picturesque places received the status of a nature reserve in 2000. Today the area landscape park is 1520 hectares. Of these, 87 hectares of land and 100 hectares of the aquatic complex are reserved for recreation. Every summer, tent cities appear here, where those who want to relax in such an unusual place gather.

Healing mud

Many tourists come to these places not only because of the extraordinary beach holiday. People come here because of the healing mud for which Lake Bakalskoe is famous. It is the third largest on the Tarkhankut Peninsula - 7.1 square kilometers. These are salt waters, estuaries, brine and mud, which have a healing effect on the human body in case of various diseases - infertility, inflammation of the joints, etc.

The village of Steregushchee is the nearest locality. Those who want to spend their vacation not in tents, but in more comfortable conditions, can stay here. Steregushchy has hotels, a small market and shops. There are larger ones a little further resort villages- Razdolnoe and Chernomorskoe. The standard of living in them may be higher, but from here it takes longer to get to the spit.

This year the All-Russian youth educational forum “Tavrida” was held here. Bakalskaya Spit hosted young people from all over the country from July 2 to August 26. The forum discussed problems of youth, education, and the participation of young people in the political life of the country. The guests of the forum were businessmen, politicians, and scientists.

Bakal Spit: rest

You can relax on the spit in different ways. At its base there is the Dolphin camping site, where you can stay with a tent or rent a wooden house. There is a site for trailers and caravans. You can also stop on the spit itself, but in this case a small fee is charged for entering the reserve during the season - per person and car.

Bakal Spit, recreation center "Volna"

This nice place is located in the village of Steregushchee, 65 km from Yevpatoria. It was built almost on the very seashore (50 meters from the water). Its territory is 3.5 hectares.

In this place, the Black Sea shelf forms unique zones of sandy beaches for the peninsula, which are blown by breezes. The combination of modern design and privacy attracts tourists here. Fabulous sea ​​air has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

At the base you will be offered accommodation in separate wooden houses designed to accommodate two, three or four guests. On a green and well-kept area there is a dining room for 500 seats. The territory of the recreation center is guarded around the clock.


Anyone who wants to visit the Bakalskaya Spit nature reserve can stay at the Priboi recreation center, which occupies 6 hectares of the park.

You can come here with families or with friends. Comfortable rooms are available for accommodation in one- and two-story buildings. They are designed for two, three and four guests. All rooms have air conditioning and refrigerators.

There are summer shower cabins on the shore, and on the territory of the base you can take a hot shower. If you need more comfortable conditions, you can stay in houses equipped with a toilet and shower. They are designed for two or three families. There is free parking near all buildings and houses.

On the territory of the base there is a medical center (24 hours a day), where qualified employees will advise you and provide the necessary assistance. Here you can also visit the massage room.

Industrial and vegetable markets, a cafe, and a bar are at guests' disposal. And at a local travel agency you can buy a trip to Crimea for any route that interests you.

For lovers active rest Volleyball courts have been created. Little vacationers will have a good time on the equipped children's playgrounds.

The beach, located at Volna, is sandy and well-groomed. The sea is deep, but without cliffs or holes, with a smooth entrance, so it is perfect for families with small children.

Boarding house "Rubin"

The territory of the base occupies three hectares of parkland. Families prefer to settle here in cozy rooms in a three-story building. Deluxe rooms are equipped with refrigerators, TVs, and air conditioners. The rooms have a bathroom. All of them have balconies. “Junior Suite” - without TV and air conditioning. Free parking is available on site. Guests of the boarding house can eat in the dining room or cafe (at their discretion). In the evening you can visit the bar. If you wish, you can play volleyball or basketball on the equipped courts.

The Karkinist Bay, which separates our peninsula from mainland Eurasia (I swear by Wikipedia!), is translated from the Turkic language as “little crab”. This toponym can be explained in different ways. On the one hand, if you look at the map, you can “see” the body of a crab with claws in the shape of the bay. On the other hand, this part of the Black Sea is famous for its sandbanks teeming with crabs.

Sea waves have been “stumbling” on one of these shallows for several millennia, now washing up and now eroding the 7-kilometer Bakal Spit. So, coming here at different times, each time you will see this “sand bridge” of different widths.

Why go to Bakalskaya Spit

The Bakal Spit Bridge is decorated with stone pillars without wires and, of course, has no supports. Thanks to this, standing at the tip of the spit, you observe the literal taming of the sea elements. From the west, ocean waves, to the delight of tanned surfers, literally crash onto the shallows of the Bakal Spit, lose all their strength and only disturb the surface of the bay on the eastern side with a light surf.

The waves, of course, depend on the wind, and here it blows almost constantly, preventing trees from growing and unnecessary thoughts in the head. I just want to sit more firmly in the Buddha pose with a mug of hot tea scalding my palm and look at this endless birth of peace. The wind is unlikely to blow you away from the lotus position, and to prevent your tent and things from being blown away, I recommend taking longer pegs and clothespins.

Yes, not here interesting architecture– only a couple of wooden trailer houses. There are no landscape masterpieces here - just tumbleweeds stuck in sparse bushes. Fortunately, there is no amusement park here - only a long, long sandy beach and colorful shells. But here seagulls and other migratory birds scream heart-rendingly, for which there is not enough space on the neighboring Swan Islands. But there is a lot, a lot of air, sea spray and a sense of freedom. And, even despite the wind, there is enough peace and happiness here.

When to go on vacation to Bakal Spit and where to stay

The shallow Karkinitsky Bay warms up, as a rule, by the end of May. Then you can come here to swim.

At the “base” of the spit is the village of Steregushchee, Razdolnensky district, where there are several boarding houses where you can stay. In summer there is a camping site on the shallows itself, which is approached by a broken asphalt road. The tent can be set up almost anywhere. Just be prepared for the fact that there is no natural shade on the Bakal Spit and it is almost always blowing strong wind. Do not forget sunscreen and warm clothes!

How is the name connected with Baikal?

Bakal spit is translated from Turkic as “frog”. Historians find it difficult to accurately connect the Crimean toponym with the name, although the fact that one of the rivers of our peninsula is called Angara, as well as the only one flowing from Lake Baikal, may somehow connect these places.

By the way, if you have your own versions of this connection, express them in the comments!

Photos from our April trip

1. View from the tent - one of the few trees on the Bakal Spit

2. You'll never guess where this staircase leads! Correct answer: to the women's toilet (so everything is in order with sanitation and hygiene in this natural monument)

3. Welcome to the world without wires!

4. Rare bushes of grass

5. Waves and wind even create patterns from shells

The western tip of Taurida represents a landscape transition - from rocky shores dotted with hydrogen sulfide lakes to sandy semi-deserts. The north of Cape Tarkhankut is similar to the mysterious Crimea. The Bakal Spit is most memorable to the traveler, reminiscent of a sea beach and at the same time a lake beach. It is, in fact, a large protrusion of the shore that has captured the endorheic reservoir “inside itself.” This tract for recreation is the park of the Tarkhankutsky nature reserve.

Where is the spit in Crimea?

When you go online, you realize that on the map the Bakal Spit in Crimea is a section of coast in the form of a curving triangle. At its base is the lake of the same name. The land plot is located in both the Black Sea and Razdolnensky regions. All this is 3.6 km north of the village of Kotovskoye. Its northeastern side begins directly from the Steregushchee settlement.

Bakal Spit on the map of Crimea

Open map

History of origin and appearance

Like the rest of the giant sandbanks western Crimea, this spit was formed during a thousand years of storms and heavy winds that covered the outlet of the former Bakal Bay into the Black Sea with sand. That is, the current lake and strip of land are of estuary origin. The Crimean Tatars were the first to see romance in this corner of the peninsula. The fact is that “Bakalskoye” is derived from “baka” - frog. The shape of the scythe is shaped like this creature.

This location has been used as a beach since the century before last, although it quickly lost popularity then. But now the tract is covered with hostels, mini-hotels, campsites and just... The nearest boarding house is called "Rubin". It is located on the very border of the Black Sea and Razdolnensky districts - near the village of Steregushchee. It was with the appearance of “Ruby” that the period of glory of the Bakal Spit began, for a long time attracting the attention of only fishermen. During the Russian period, both fishermen and swimmers come here.

Why is Bakal Spit interesting to visit?

The lake bridge is 3.7 km long, but the spit goes further into the sea - another 8.3 km. Its widest section is the base (6.1 km). The photo clearly shows that there is a beach convenient for swimming (sand without stones, but with grass - “thorns”). Experienced Crimean travelers share secrets about safe entry into the water - that is, you can bring small children here. The relief on the “triangle” is heterogeneous - the highest point (above sea level) has a height of 1.3 m. There are salt marshes on the surface, especially in the section that extends deep into the sea.

The water here is quite warm, but there are cold waves 100 m from the shore. This place is widely used for long-term fishing. They say that here you can find sterlet and anchovy, mullet and horse mackerel, bluefish and Danube bellyfish, garfish and pipefish, flounder and large gobies - “red mullets”, even Black Sea herring (not as tasty as Baltic herring, but with a good zhor).
There are a lot of natives with fishing rods here. From 5 o'clock in the morning there is already someone to ask for advice and support, because not everyone has enough space. Working with tackle is very addictive. All bad things go away by themselves.

Black Sea shrimp also live here, which are openly hunted by dolphins - an amazing sight. By the end of August, purple-tinged fish appear on the water. Other months, you'll be swarmed by 240 species of birds drooling over the crumbs left over from your picnic. In general, there are plenty of reasons for long-term photography in this area.

There are small private shops near both villages. You can buy everything you need there. Forgot to stop by? No problem. Already at dawn, enterprising residents approach the spit from all sides - they bring bread, drinks, chips and sweets. They also sell huge eggplants with drinking water, and corn, and pies. From here you can start to the neighboring Tarkhankut tract.

How to get to the landscape park?

The best route is to turn to the regional center Chernomorskoye (from the M-17 highway). Next, go with local road in the Kotovo area, going north. A winding dirt road will take the traveler to. Access to the northern part of the spit is carried out through the village of Steregushchee (the highway itself bends towards it to the village of Chernomorskoye). A major road also runs along the Bakal Spit, although not all of it.

By car you can get to Bakalskaya Spit from the regional center of Razdolnoye as follows:

Open map

Note to tourists

  • Address: Steregushchee village, Razdolnensky district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.749577, 33.161865.

Desert mountains, forested yaylas, rocks, pebble shores, steppe, semi-desert, mud volcanoes and lakes - Crimea can be so different. The Bakal braid is one of its incarnations. Judging by the reviews, the narrow sandy edge with semi-desert vegetation seems attractive to many vacationers traveling. Of course, it’s nearby great camping“Dolphin”, suitable for both motorists and passengers of regular buses equipped with a tent. However, it is in danger of disappearing - due to the illegal extraction of sand for domestic needs (there is none nearby). A video about it is attached, enjoy watching!

We recently drove along the northwestern coast of Crimea. We were looking for a place to put up a tent. I read earlier that there is a tent camp on the Bakal Spit, so we decided to stop by and take a look.

We were driving from Mezhvodnoye. At the entrance to Steregushchee there is a circle where you need to drive towards the sea. In front of the circle there is also a sign indicating “seashore”. Although it would be more logical to put a sign “Bakal Spit” ( after all, this is one of the main local attractions)

The asphalt ended almost immediately as we left the village. The rest of it is a rattle... that is, we drive like on a washboard. I know that such “waves” are formed by the wind. But this knowledge does not make it any easier. This place has been popular for many years; surely it was impossible to lay asphalt?

The landscapes outside the window are extremely dull. Bare, absolutely flat, already dry steppe (end of June)... The sea strip is a bit far away, so the view of the sea does not brighten up the road. Along the coast there are lonely recreation centers that show no signs of life... they look abandoned and long-forgotten, deserted (they may be operational, but they look the way I wrote).

As evening approached and the sun hid behind the clouds, the landscape even seemed eerie, somehow post-apocalyptic or something.

I very much admit that on a different day, in different weather, with a different mood... or maybe with a closer acquaintance... the impression would have been different.

We arrived at a small area where there was a parking lot, a stall with cookies, chips, tea, etc., garbage cans and a toilet.

Bakalskaya Spit is a 12 km long spit. In the southern part it runs between the sea and Lake Bakal, in the northern part it goes deep into the sea (into the Karkinitsky Bay). Several years ago the braid was washed out, as a result of which it Northern part turned into an island.

The spit is part of a landscape and recreational park.

I have long wanted to visit the Bakal Spit. There are many very impressive photos taken here on the Internet. But the spit appeared before us completely different. The dull road turned into a dull beach.

A few people hung out on the left side, since it was calm on this side. We also took a swim. Surprisingly, the shore turned out to be quite deep.

They said that on the other side the sea is flatter (judging by the changing rooms, that’s where the main beach is). But when we arrived, there were waves on the other side. I wouldn't say it was a strong storm, just... a little excitement. However, the stormy sea looked very dark and not welcoming. We didn't even go near the water.

I also didn’t get to the very end of the braid. It was already evening, the child was tired and began to be capricious... and he still had to go back. That's why I took a photo from afar.

The last photo shows an island, which is essentially part of the spit. Just a few years ago it was possible to reach it on foot! It can be seen that the distance was decent.

But now from the parking lot to the end of the spit there is a maximum of 1 km. Well, maybe 1.5 km. Hardly more.

It's a pity that the braid, as it was, no longer exists. And it’s a pity that we didn’t find the time to come here a few years ago. It would be interesting for me to walk along a narrow strip of land when there is only sea on both sides. Moreover, when on one side the sea is raging... or even overflowing the spit. The greatness and power of the sea is already felt very well here, but being on a narrow spit, of course, it would be felt much stronger.

And all the same, it makes sense to come here if you are looking for silence, privacy, if you only need the sea... Fans of photo shoots will find where to take interesting shots (much depends on the weather, we were not at the best time), those who like fishing - can go fishing. And those who like to wallow in healing mud can walk a little further south along the spit and there will be Lake Bakalskoe... smear yourself if you like.

We are unlikely to come here again, since we ourselves live in the steppe Crimea, and we have a similar coast, and there is a similar lake... we came, looked and okay.

I know that in the old days many people came to Bakalskaya Spit. Entry to the spit was paid, as was the installation of scarves. Now everything is free, but no one needs it... northwestern Crimea is too far from the main tourist flows.

What about a tent camp?

We didn't find the camp. There was only one tent on the shore. We ourselves gave up the idea of ​​putting up a tent on the spit. The surrounding area is extremely open. Not a single tree, bush or anything. All around is absolutely flat steppe, sea and sand.

When setting up a tent here, you need to have an awning, umbrellas, a dry closet with you... and think carefully about the fasteners for the tent. Regular pegs won't work...there are strong winds here.

But beautiful sunsets))

Something like that. Not quite what was expected. But I visited there and checked the box. And I recommend it to you. If you are not spoiled by the sea, you will like it.

Pinstripe sandy beach almost 12 km long, it curves like a sickle around the shallow Bakal Bay, cutting it off from the lake of the same name, and further from the Black Sea.

On the northwestern coast of Crimea, the Bakal Spit is one of romantic places a “wild” holiday that has been gathering daredevils for decades, settling in tents at the very ends of the earth.

The name of the natural object is associated with the Turkic “baka” - frog. The consonance with Lake Baikal is interesting. Toponymy specialists are wondering if there is any connection in the geographical names of Crimea and Siberia, including the Angara River and the Angarsk Pass.

This protected piece of sandy land has an amazing feature - on the right bank, which is more gentle, there can be calm, calm and grace, always warm water, and on the left, 50-100 m across the width of the spit, there are cold high waves, almost stormy, causing a lot of small shells .

Just 5 meters from the surf line, dolphins often hunt for shrimp; they are so nimble that no one has time to photograph them. Important gulls are more friendly towards vacationers and willingly accept small food gifts. By the end of August, purple jellyfish appear off the coast.

From the very morning enterprising people come to the spit local residents, bringing stalls with drinks, food, as well as “entertainment infrastructure” - ATVs, “bananas”, parachutes, kites, “buns”. In the evenings over tent camp the delicious aroma of barbecue lingers.

Nearest attractions

Lake Bakalskoye belongs to the group of Tarkhankut lakes, has large reserves of table salt and over 4 thousand cubic meters. m healing mud, which is used for gynecological, cardiovascular, skin diseases, and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Swan Islands is a natural reserve of international importance, located in the shallow waters of Karkinitsky Bay. A veritable kingdom of waterfowl, over 240 species, is attracted by the rich vegetation of the islands. Among the birds there are many herons, waders, cormorants, and laughing gulls. The special pride of these places is whooper and mute swans.

Kalos Limen is an ancient settlement in the north of the village of Chernomorskoye, founded in the 4th century BC, a major center of Scythian and ancient Greek culture, mentioned in the works of Strabo and Herodotus. The ancient buildings have survived to this day and are of extraordinary interest to visit and explore.

Where to stay on Bakal Spit

One of the accommodation options is tents right on the beach in the middle part of the spit; Closer to Cape Sandy, the land is subject to erosion by waves.

At the very base of the Bakal Spit, on the border with the reserve, there is a car camping “Dolphin” with cozy three-person wooden houses, an area for trailers and tents, fireplaces for cooking, washbasins and other signs of civilization.

8 km from the spit is the village of Steregushchee with a fairly well-developed tourist infrastructure and conditions for accommodation in the Volna, Priboy, Raduga, Zhemchuzhina hotels, the Rubin boarding house, and the Neptune recreation center. Price ranges from 4-8 to 31 dollars per day per person.

Buses carry tourists from Steregushchey to Bakalskaya Spit all day long.

Useful tips for tourists

If you are planning to spend a long holiday on the Bakal Spit itself, you need to take with you not ordinary pegs for securing tents, but self-made ones - at least half a meter long. You can also securely secure the tent using heavy stones buried in the sand to a sufficient depth. Plastic bottles with a large capacity, filled with sand and also buried deep in the sand, are also suitable. The issue of securing tents on the Bakal Spit is important - there are strong gusts of wind at night.

If you decide to spend the night on solid ground at the very beginning of the spit, you need to take care of mosquito repellents - there are wetlands nearby, and there are plenty of biting insects flying around at night.

You definitely need sun canopies, panama hats and hats, sunscreen - on the spit, besides the sea and the sun, there is nothing, not a single building, with the exception of a house for amenities.

How to get to Bakal Spit

Russia, Crimea, Razdolnensky district, village. Steregushchee

From Steregushchy to the border of the reserve there is a paved road, then motorists humorously call the path a “washboard”, and along the spit itself the sands are so treacherous that even a car with all-wheel drive can get stuck.

A bus runs regularly from Yevpatoria to Steregushchy; there is a constant bus service between Yevpatoria and Razdolny, Steregushchy and Razdolny. The distance to Yevpatoria is 70 km, the fare is about 65 rubles, the travel time is a little over an hour.

You can get from Simferopol to Steregushchy by direct bus, leaving twice a day - at noon and after 20 o'clock. The travel time is a little more than 2 hours, the distance is about 140 km, the fare is approximately 130 rubles.

To the territory of Crimea from Russia they fly to Simferopol airport, or get through ferry crossing Port Caucasus - Kerch. Travel from Anapa to Simferopol – 350 rubles, distance 330 km, to Evpatoria – 420 rubles. and 400 km of travel.