Korea Asia or Middle East. Asian countries and their capitals: list of foreign Asian countries

Southeast Asia is a fairly large region of the planet, within which 600 million people live. Today there are 11, the list of which is given below, which differ significantly from each other in level and models economic development. These differences will be discussed in our article.

Countries of Southeast Asia: list and capitals

The Southeast Asia region covers an area of ​​five million square kilometers. From the name itself it is clear that it is located in the southeastern part of Asia. Part of this region geographers usually include 11 states. Six of them are located on the continent, and another five are on islands and archipelagos adjacent to the mainland.

So all countries South-East Asia(list):

  • Vietnam.
  • Cambodia.
  • Laos.
  • Myanmar.
  • Thailand.
  • Malaysia.
  • Indonesia.
  • Philippines.
  • Singapore.
  • Brunei.
  • East Timor.

It is worth noting that geographically, Southeast Asia also includes the eastern parts of India and Bangladesh.

Southeast Asia: cultural and economic-geographical characteristics of the region

This region is home to at least 600 million people, 35% of whom are residents of one country, Indonesia. This is where (the most densely populated on the planet) is located. There are quite a lot of migrants from China in the region. They mainly settle in Malaysia, the Philippines and

The indigenous peoples of this region are highly diverse. Malays, Thais, Vietnamese, Burmese, Javanese and dozens of smaller nations live within Southeast Asia. The most popular religions here are Islam and Buddhism; Protestantism is widespread in some areas.

The formation of local culture was significantly influenced by Chinese, Indian, Arab, and Spanish cultures. The cult of tea and the habit of eating with chopsticks are also very common in Southeast Asia. Music, architecture, and painting differ very little in each of the ethnic groups of the region.

The economies of many countries in Southeast Asia are heavily dependent on agriculture, and industry and the service sector are gradually developing. In some countries of the region, tourism has become an important sector of the national economy (primarily Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia).

Developing countries of Southeast Asia: list

A developing country is a rather relative concept. It refers to a state whose performance is significantly lower than that of the rest of the world.

According to the generally accepted classification, all 11 countries of Southeast Asia should be classified as developing countries. However, among them there are three countries with a weaker level of development. They are also called These include:

  • Laos.
  • Cambodia.
  • Myanmar.

Brunei is considered the richest and most developed state in the region, which is often called the “Islamic Disneyland”. The reason for this prosperity is simple - solid reserves of oil and gas. The country has long been in the top ten in terms of income level. It is curious that every second person who works at industrial enterprises in Brunei came here from neighboring, less prosperous countries.

NIS countries in the region

New (abbreviated as NIS) refers to a group of states that have experienced a significant leap in development and have significantly improved all their economic and social indicators in a very short time (just a few decades).

The countries of this group demonstrate amazing rates (up to 5-8% per year), generate powerful transnational corporations, actively introduce the latest technologies, and devote a lot of attention and funds to the development of science and education. Which states in the region can be classified as NIS?

So, the newly industrialized countries of Southeast Asia (list):

  • Singapore.
  • Malaysia.
  • Thailand.
  • Indonesia.
  • Philippines.

In addition, another country in the region - Vietnam - has very real prospects of joining this list.


The countries of Southeast Asia, the list of which is given in this article, belong to developing countries of weak and medium development. Their economies still rely heavily on agriculture.

The most developed countries in the region are Singapore and Brunei, while the poorest are Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

According to Wikipedia, on this moment I managed to visit half of the countries in Southeast Asia. Let's briefly go over where it was interesting and what we could have skipped. If you are interested Southeast Asian countries, in the blocks below you will find links to all sections of interest.

Southeast Asia. Philippines.

I'll start with Philippines, because this country was the first to which I went to travel on my own. Having overcome a heap of doubts and fears, I discovered an amazing and new world travel. I realized that the world is not limited to the city in which I was born and how much there is still amazing places. Here I got my first experience of independent travel.

Southeast Asian countries - Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

This was my second trip, which included, in addition to the countries listed, also China. To be honest, China was the main country of that trip and it was there that I spent the most time. But China is not included in the list of countries in Southeast Asia, so today we are not talking about it.

IN Thailand I was only in Bangkok, and only for a couple of days. I can’t say exactly why, but the city left a rather pleasant impression. Markets, narrow streets, friendly Thais, temples. It was interesting to spend some time in this city.

Next was Cambodia, which lasted at most a week. Having driven along tourist places, such as Angkor Wat and Kampot, went straight to Vietnam. In my opinion, the most interesting things in Cambodia are hidden in small, non-tourist villages in the north of the country. I didn’t get there that time.

In Vietnam I happened to visit twice. The country is pleasant, it left a fairly even impression. You can leisurely drive through it all in a couple of weeks. Probably the main thing that Vietnam gave me was several interesting people with whom I still communicate.

Countries of Southeast Asia. India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore.

If we still decide to hook India, I can say that the country is very unusual and unlike anything else. I only had a chance to visit the north of the country and go down a little south, to Mumbai. Almost all the places visited, with the exception of Delhi, seemed very interesting. Mountains in the north, desert in the west, plains in the central part. It was interesting and memorable.

Malaysia turned out to be a country to which I remained absolutely indifferent. Neither good nor bad... nothing. True, I didn’t go anywhere further than Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya, maybe that’s why there was nothing left in my memory.

Singapore, city-country for a couple of days. Very clean and tidy. For me, it's too calm. I wouldn't fly to Singapore a second time.

On Sri Lanka visited in 2018. A country that left positive emotions, but, as for me, also for the time being.

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The rapidly developing region occupies 30% of the entire earth's land, which is 43 million km². Extends from Pacific Ocean before Mediterranean Sea, from the tropics to the North Pole. He has a very interesting story, rich past and unique traditions. More than half (60%) of the world's population lives here - 4 billion people! You can see what Asia looks like on the world map below.

All Asian countries on maps

Asia world map:

Political map foreign Asia:

Physical map of Asia:

Countries and capitals of Asia:

List of Asian countries and their capitals

A map of Asia with countries gives a clear idea of ​​their location. The list below is the capitals of Asian countries:

  1. Azerbaijan, Baku.
  2. Armenia – Yerevan.
  3. Afghanistan - Kabul.
  4. Bangladesh - Dhaka.
  5. Bahrain – Manama.
  6. Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan.
  7. Bhutan – Thimphu.
  8. East Timor - Dili.
  9. Vietnam – .
  10. Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
  11. Georgia, Tbilisi.
  12. Israel – .
  13. - Jakarta.
  14. Jordan - Amman.
  15. Iraq - Baghdad.
  16. Iran - Tehran.
  17. Yemen - Sana'a.
  18. Kazakhstan, Astana.
  19. Cambodia – Phnom Penh.
  20. Qatar - Doha.
  21. - Nicosia.
  22. Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek.
  23. China - Beijing.
  24. DPRK - Pyongyang.
  25. Kuwait - Kuwait City.
  26. Laos - Vientiane.
  27. Lebanon - Beirut.
  28. Malaysia – .
  29. - Male.
  30. Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar.
  31. Myanmar - Yangon.
  32. Nepal - Kathmandu.
  33. United United Arab Emirates – .
  34. Oman – Muscat.
  35. Pakistan – Islamabad.
  36. Saudi Arabia - Riyadh.
  37. - Singapore.
  38. Syria - Damascus.
  39. Tajikistan – Dushanbe.
  40. Thailand – .
  41. Turkmenistan – Ashgabat.
  42. Türkiye - Ankara.
  43. - Tashkent.
  44. Philippines - Manila.
  45. - Columbo.
  46. - Seoul.
  47. - Tokyo.

In addition, there is partly recognized countries, for example, Taiwan separated from China with its capital Taipei.

Sights of the Asian region

The name is of Assyrian origin and means “sunrise” or “east”, which is not surprising. Part of the world is characterized by rich relief, mountains and peaks, including highest peak world - Everest (Chomolungma), part of mountain system Himalayas. All are presented here natural areas and landscapes, on its territory there is the most deep lake peace – . Foreign Asian countries in last years confidently lead in the number of tourists. Mysterious and incomprehensible to Europeans traditions, religious buildings, interweaving of ancient culture with the latest technologies attract curious travelers. It is impossible to list all the iconic sights of this region; we can only try to highlight the most famous ones.

Taj Mahal (India, Agra)

A romantic monument, a symbol of eternal love and a magnificent structure in front of which people stand in stupor, the Taj Mahal Palace, included in the list of the seven new wonders of the world. The mosque was erected by Tamerlane's descendant Shah Jahan in memory of his deceased wife, who died in childbirth while giving birth to their 14th child. The Taj Mahal is recognized as the best example of Mughal architecture, incorporating Arabic, Persian and Indian architectural styles. The walls of the structure are lined with translucent marble and inlaid with gems. Depending on the lighting, the stone changes color, becoming pink at dawn, silver at dusk, and dazzling white at noon.

Mount Fuji (Japan)

This iconic place for Buddhists who profess Shintaism. The height of Fuji is 3776 m; in fact, it is a sleeping volcano that should not wake up in the coming decades. It is recognized as the most beautiful in the world. There are tourist routes up the mountain that operate only in summer, since most of Fuji is covered with eternal snow. The mountain itself and the “Five Fuji Lakes” area around it are included in the territory National Park Fuji-Hakone-Izu.

Largest architectural ensemble the world stretched across Northern China for 8860 km (including branches). Construction of the Wall took place in the 3rd century BC. and had the goal of protecting the country from the Xiongnu conquerors. The construction project dragged on for a decade, about a million Chinese worked on it and thousands died from exhausting labor in inhumane conditions. All this served as a reason for the uprising and overthrow of the Qin dynasty. The wall fits extremely organically into the landscape; it follows all the curves of the spurs and depressions, encircling the mountain range.

Borobodur Temple (Indonesia, Java)

Among the rice plantations of the island rises an ancient giant structure in the form of a pyramid - the largest and most revered Buddhist temple in the world, 34 m high. Steps and terraces that surround it lead up. From the point of view of Buddhism, Borobodur is nothing more than a model of the Universe. Its 8 tiers mark 8 steps to enlightenment: the first is the world of sensual pleasures, the next three are the world of yogic trance that has risen above base lust. Rising higher, the soul is cleansed of all vanity and gains immortality in the heavenly sphere. The top step personifies nirvana - a state of eternal bliss and peace.

Golden Buddha Stone (Myanmar)

The Buddhist shrine is located on Mount Chaittiyo (Mon State). You can loosen it with your hands, but no forces can throw it off its pedestal; in 2500 years the elements have not brought down the stone. In fact, it is a granite block covered with gold leaf, and its top is crowned by a Buddhist temple. The mystery has still not been solved - who dragged him up the mountain, how, for what purpose and how he has been balancing on the edge for centuries. Buddhists themselves claim that the stone is held on the rock by the hair of Buddha, walled up in the temple.

Asia is a fertile land for creating new routes, learning about yourself and your destiny. You need to come here meaningfully, tuning into thoughtful contemplation. Perhaps you will discover a new side of yourself and find answers to many questions. When visiting Asian countries, you can create a list of attractions and shrines yourself.

Southeast Asia is a major global economic center, known for its popular tourist destinations. This vast region is very diverse in terms of ethnic composition, culture and religion. All this over time affected the general way of life and arouses great interest among tourists from all over the world.

The countries of Southeast Asia are a generalized definition that refers to a number of states concentrated south of China, east of India and north of Australia. Despite this, a map of Southeast Asia usually includes 11 states.

Since the middle of the last century and now, this part of the world has been actively developing and playing a huge role in the global economy. The population of Southeast Asia is about 600 million people, the most populous country is Indonesia, and the most populous island is Java.

The length of the region from north to south is 3.2 thousand kilometers, and from west to east - 5.6. The countries of Southeast Asia are the following:

Sometimes this list includes some other territories controlled by states that are part of Asia, but in general their location is not among the countries of the southeast. Most often these are islands and territories controlled by China, India, Australia and Oceania, these include:

  • (China).
  • (China).
  • (Australia).
  • (China).
  • Nicobar Islands (India).
  • islands (India).
  • Ryukyu Islands (Japan).

According to various sources, about 40% of the world's population lives in the countries of Southeast Asia; many have united in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Thus, in 2019, almost half of the world’s GDP is produced here. The economic characteristics of recent years have been marked by high development in the region in many areas.

Tourism sector

The end of the war between the United States and Vietnam had a positive effect on the popularization of resorts in the late 60s. They are still actively developing today, especially since citizens of our country can go to most of these countries under a simplified visa regime, and many do not require a visa at all. The countries of Southeast Asia, due to their tropical climate, are suitable for beach holiday all year round.

Yet in certain parts of this gigantic peninsula the climate is different time The year is different, so it would be useful to study the maps in advance. In the middle and second half of winter, it is better to go to India, to an island or to Vietnam, since at this time of year there is no constant rainfall inherent in a tropical climate. Other suitable destinations include Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.

  • southern China;
  • Indonesia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Pacific Islands.

The most popular destinations among our tourists are Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.

Peoples and cultures

Racial and ethnic composition Southeast Asia is very heterogeneous. This also applies to religion: the eastern part of the archipelago is mostly inhabited by followers of Buddhism, and there are also Confucians - due to the large number of Chinese immigrants from southern provinces There are about 20 million of them here in China. These countries include Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and a number of other states. It is also not uncommon to meet Hindus and Christians. In the western part of Southeast Asia, Islam is predominantly practiced; this religion ranks first in terms of the number of followers.

The ethnic composition of the region is represented by the following peoples:

And in this list there is only a small part of all ethnic groups and subgroups; there are also representatives of the peoples of Europe. By and large, the culture of the southeast is a cross between Indian and Chinese cultures.

The Spaniards and Portuguese, who colonized the islands in these places, had a great influence on the population. Arab culture also played a huge role; about 240 million people profess Islam here. Over the centuries, common traditions have developed here; almost everywhere in all these countries, people eat using Chinese chopsticks and are very fond of tea.

Yet there are amazing cultural features that will interest any foreigner. One of the most superstitious peoples in the archipelago are the Vietnamese. For example, it is customary for them to hang mirrors on the outside of the entrance: if a dragon comes, it will immediately run away, afraid of its own reflection. There is also a bad omen to meet a woman in the morning when leaving the house. Or it is considered bad manners to lay out cutlery on a table for one person. It is also not customary to touch a person’s shoulder or head, as they believe that good spirits are nearby, and touching them can scare them away.


In the countries of Southeast Asia, the birth rate has decreased in recent years, however, this part of the world ranks second in terms of population reproduction.

The inhabitants here are distributed very heterogeneously, the most densely populated place is the island of Java: the density per 1 square kilometer is 930 people. All are settled on the Indochina Peninsula, which occupies eastern part Southeast Asia, and the western Malay Archipelago, consisting of many large and small islands. The population preferably lives in the deltas of numerous rivers, the high mountain areas are less populated, and the forest areas are practically deserted.

Most of All people live outside cities, the rest settle in developed centers, often the capitals of states, the lion's share of the economy of which is replenished by the tourist flow.

Thus, almost all of these cities have a population of over 1 million, yet most of the population lives outside them and is engaged in agriculture.


Looking at the map, the countries of Southeast Asia can be roughly divided into 2 camps. The first includes the following:

  • Laos;
  • Cambodia;
  • Vietnam.

In the post-war period, these countries chose the socialist path of development, when, in fact, territorial division began in order to strengthen national sovereignty. Back in the 1980s, these countries had practically no manufacturing industry; the local population was mainly engaged in agricultural work. According to UN statistics of those years, these states had low level development, per capita income usually did not exceed $500 per year.

The second camp includes the following countries:

  • Indonesia;
  • Malaysia;
  • Singapore;
  • Philippines;
  • Thailand;
  • Brunei.

Countries from this list united into the Association of Southeast Asia (ASEAN) and followed the path of a market economy. As a result, the socialist camp achieved less success, although initially all these countries had almost equal chances. Income per person per year ranged from 500 to 3 thousand dollars.

Most developed countries Brunei and Singapore are currently members of ASEAN, with a per capita income of about 20 thousand dollars. Such indicators were achieved due to the fact that Singapore has a well-developed industry, and Brunei acts as an exporter of petroleum products. Several factors helped the developing ASEAN:

  • Export.
  • Industry.
  • Foreign investments.
  • Creating corporations with a flexible, viable system.
  • Reforms.

ASEAN countries began to develop successfully due to the presence of a large number of natural resources, besides, they are constantly exporting their goods. Also in the countries of Southeast Asia, components for various household appliances, electronics and other equipment are made. Thailand also exports cars.

In countries following the path of socialism, the restructuring of the system began to take place at the end of the 1980s and produced visible results in just a few years. Vietnam began refining oil, extracting natural gas, iron ore and more. Foreign capital poured into this country from Singapore, a number of European countries. Thailand invested in Laos, and at the end of the twentieth century, both states were also able to join ASEAN.

Every year the popularity of holidays in the south-eastern territories of Asia is growing. Unusual natural landscapes, historical monuments, great amount sacred places- all this contributes to the growing popularity of South Asian countries among those wishing to relax. What states are included in this category? What are their geographical, economic and other features?

Southeast Asian countries: list

The total area of ​​this region is about 3.8 million square meters. km. Residents of Russia can visit almost each of these countries without a visa. Full list Southeast Asian countries include the following states: Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, East Timor, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei.

A number of Asian countries have united to form the Asia-Pacific Economic Community (APEC). 18 of them are home to more than 40% of the world's total population. It is here that more than half of the planet's total GDP is produced. The core of the APEC community is precisely the countries of Southeast Asia. Their characteristics in terms of economic indicators are among the leading in the world. These states account for up to 46% of total world trade turnover.

When is the best time to vacation in South Asian countries?

You can travel to this region all year round - however, the experience of many tourists shows that first of all it is necessary to correctly decide on the country. For example, in January it is good to relax in countries such as India and Vietnam. You can also have a good rest in Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Sri Lanka. There is practically no precipitation here in January.

The list of Southeast Asian countries that are good to visit in February includes India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia. A trip to the Philippine Islands will also be successful. Spring is a good time to relax in Indonesia and Vietnam. Summers are known to be rainy throughout the South Asian region. During this season, Malaysia, Indonesia, and trips to China are usually recommended. in autumn best place for relaxation there will be Hainan Island.

The most popular countries among Russian tourists

Research shows that the list of countries in Southeast Asia that are especially popular among Russian tourists, includes India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam. Azure ocean landscapes, clean sand, waterfalls and mysterious caves - all this awaits vacationers in this paradise planets.

Sri Lanka - a paradise for holidaymakers

The island of Sri Lanka is located only 800 km from the equator. Bright colors, variety flora, sandy beaches and reefs - all this amazes the imagination of tourists, who flock here more and more every year. Until 1972, this island was known as Ceylon. Sri Lanka today is separate island state in the South Asian region. This island was first inhabited about 100 thousand years ago. Already in those ancient times, more and more representatives of different races and nationalities flocked here. This not only made life in Ceylon more diverse, but also led to various conflicts and wars. Now the majority of the population of Sri Lanka is represented by Buddhists. State language is Sinhala, but the vast majority of the population speaks English.

Many tourists choose not just one country, but several at once. The message “Philippines - Singapore” is quite popular. Workers from the Philippines use this air transport every day. Flights depart from the Philippine city of Manila.

Thailand is the favorite country of Russian travelers

Of all the countries in Southeast Asia, Thailand enjoys undoubted popularity year after year. The state is located simultaneously on two islands - Indochina and Malacca. Thailand is washed by the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. Vast forests grow in the northern territories of the country. The south is rich in luxurious beaches. The official language of Thailand is Thai, but English, Chinese, and Malay are also spoken. The vast majority of the population are Buddhists.

Peoples of the region

The peoples of Southeast Asia come from a wide variety of ethnic groups. They can differ significantly in anthropological characteristics. These are the Vietnamese, the Burmese, the peoples of Cambodia and Indonesia, the so-called Lao, the Khmer ethnic groups, the Ache Malays, the Bataks, the Balinese and many others. Also lives here a large number of immigrants from India and China. For example, there are more than 320 thousand Chinese in the Philippine Islands. Most of them come from the southern regions of China.

The peoples of Southeast Asia are distinguished by unusual traditions. For example, in many countries there is a belief that you should not touch another person’s head or shoulders with your hands. Locals They believe that good spirits live there, and by touching you can scare them away. There is an unusual tradition in Vietnam - here it is customary to hang mirrors outside front door. It is believed that if a dragon wants to come into the house, it will be afraid of itself and run away. The Vietnamese are generally very superstitious people. They consider it a bad omen to meet a woman on the street when you leave the house at the beginning of the day. And also, the Vietnamese never lay out cutlery for one person on the table, considering this a bad sign.