Holidays in Feodosia with children hotels. Personal experience: economical family vacation in Feodosia

We vacationed in Feodosia with children twice. The first time - with a child of 3 years old, the second time - the eldest was 5 years old, the youngest - 9 months. I can say that Feodosia is ideal for a holiday with children. There are sandy beaches, many attractions, and in the city of Feodosia itself there is a lot of entertainment for children. Therefore, both adults and children will not be bored here.

What entertainment is there for children in Feodosia?

For children's entertainment, each beach has inflatable slides and trampolines. In addition, in Feodosia itself there are equipped children's playgrounds. Well, on the embankment itself there are a large number of amusement parks and attractions for children. A big plus is that they are not expensive here, compared to Moscow prices. And, by the way, in 2017 there was more entertainment for children on the embankment in Feodosia than there was in 2015. Therefore, certainly this year, 2018, new places for recreation and entertainment with children have appeared.

Cinema in Feodosia

There is a cinema on the Feodosia embankment. If you suddenly want to watch some premiere of a cartoon or film, you can go to a movie show.

Electric car rental

Electric car rentals are available on the site opposite the cinema.

Large fleet of electric vehicles in Feodosia
There are a lot of people skiing here both during the day and in the evening. There are a lot of trampolines and bungee jumps on the Feodosia embankment

Children's play center South Park in Feodosia

There is also a children's play center on the Black Sea coast in Feodosia South Park. Here you could go on amusement rides quite inexpensively. From 100 rubles trampolines and trains.

Children's play center South Park in Feodosia

Corner for kids with soft cubes and toys
This is a fountain in Luna Park
Luna Park in Feodosia is not big. But as a short-term entertainment for a child it will be suitable

What other entertainment for children is there in Feodosia?

There is a game room Cubes in the Aquamarine shopping center
There are many similar places on the Feodosia embankment. Children willingly go there to play
Playground in Feodosia on the embankment

What else to see for both adults and children in Feodosia

Feodosia has many attractions that will be interesting for both children and adults.

  • You can go to the water park in Koktebel.
  • There is a crocodile farm on the embankment in Feodosia. Close to . And you can visit the painter’s museum itself, especially since it houses a large collection of the artist’s paintings.
  • And if you like to walk, you can go to the Karadag Nature Reserve. There is a dolphinarium and a beach nearby.
  • and if you like history and antiquity, then you can watch. Climb through the ruins, walk along the embankment, along the old streets of the once popular and rich fortress city.

Paintball Club Barracuda

I’ll tell you separately about unique place not far from Feodosia, where you can go if you’re a little tired of beach holiday. Or you just want something active and a little extreme recreation. Then feel free to go to the village of Blizhnoe. The Barracuda paintball club is located here. It will be interesting for both children and adults. They will also select equipment for a child, there are all sizes, and you can choose from the lightest (for girls) to the most entourage (for men).

If you are not by car, then from Feodosia you can get to Barracuda by minibuses: 1, 3, 13, 20, 101, 107. You should get off at the “Tourist” stop, then you need to go north along Begovaya Street, to the end of the village.


We rested in this wonderful place from July 17 to July 30. I'll start from the very beginning. We were greeted like long-awaited guests. Elena, the hostess showed us our house and handed us the keys. The kitchen is fully equipped with everything a housewife needs. The room is small, but very cozy, air conditioning, TV, cabinets, bedside tables, etc. Good sound insulation. Thick curtains on the windows, which did not allow bright sunlight to penetrate. Washing machine, microwave, refrigerator. Convenient parking. Everything is! Use as much as you need. The area is very cozy. Barbecue, swing, tennis, everything is surrounded by greenery. And a huge turtle lives in a pond. The children are simply delighted. Very convenient location. 10-13 minutes to the sea. The distance to the market is the same. It takes 35-40 minutes to the center of Feodosia along the embankment. The sea is clean, the beach is well maintained. If you want sand please, if you want pebbles, walk a little further and you will get pebbles. A. you want to lie on the stones and this goodness will be found here. My husband and I really enjoyed our stay here. If you feel like it relaxing holiday just for the soul, then this is the place for you!!! And, lastly, we would like to say a special thank you to ELENA!!! The owner of these cozy houses!! You are real! Very friendly, caring towards her guests even to the extreme!!! Thank you zach for a wonderful stay. God bless us all! We will be back here again!!

We vacationed in July, the family was very happy. clean, comfortable, quiet. very satisfied, THANK YOU


We vacationed here last summer, our children were delighted! And we liked it too, my husband and I were relaxing on the terrace, the children were in full view, under our supervision. The house is cozy, there is everything you need, we just didn’t figure it out right away with the induction hob, but there are instructions there and the owners will tell you if necessary. It’s so beautiful everywhere, flowers, night lanterns light up at night, there are large palm trees in the garden. In the middle of the garden large swimming pool with a turtle, she went out to sunbathe during the day, they fed her, the kids were interested. Thank you very much for a wonderful vacation!

Among the resorts of Crimea, Feodosia is often called not the most “childish” place to relax, because here good beaches and there is a place for adults to go for a walk, but kids may find it a bit boring, there is not enough infrastructure. However, you can also find positive opinions about vacationing with children in this town of 70,000 people, so you shouldn’t immediately criticize the local conditions; perhaps this is exactly the kind of vacation that your child will remember for the rest of his life.


Holidays in Crimea attract many potential tourists because for south coast this peninsula, which is the main tourist area, characterized by a subtropical climate. A very important remark should be made here: Feodosia does not belong to the subtropical climate zone; to get into the subtropics you need to travel several tens of kilometers to the southwest. The climate in this resort is rightly considered transitional between temperate steppe, reminiscent of similar conditions on most of the coast Krasnodar region, and actually subtropical.

Nevertheless, this also has its advantages, for example, during the summer peak (July-August) the heat here is not as sweltering as in Yalta. A small average annual precipitation and low humidity make it easier to tolerate high temperatures and give large quantity sunny days a year than many other Crimean resorts. The season here lasts approximately from the end of May to the beginning of September.

And although there really aren’t many amazing rides and other children’s entertainment here, many vacationers with children choose Feodosia, explaining this for a number of reasons.

  • First of all, here the seabed descends very gently, that is, tens of meters from the shore, kids can still safely frolic in the water, and parents have no reason to worry.
  • The shallow depth of coastal waters means that they are well heated by the sun's rays. In addition, storms and other disturbances on the water are not typical for these places.
  • Sea water is clean - local authorities make sure that various waste of any origin is not dumped into the sea. The water is considered especially clean not in Feodosia itself, but in its immediate surroundings.

However, it should be said that when there are large crowds of people, a sandy suspension rises from the bottom, and after rare storms an increased amount of algae is observed.

  • In almost all of Crimea, the beaches are quite narrow. However, due to the fact that Feodosia is not limited by mountains and the slope to the sea is quite gentle, the beaches here are wide enough to accommodate a significant number of vacationers and provide space for children to play actively.
  • The city itself is also good for a vacation - it’s quiet, local residents polite and friendly. Food will be relatively inexpensive due to the fact that the main tourist “magnets” are still located a little to the side. Feodosia and its surroundings are well suited for hiking, which can be an additional advantage for a vacation with teenagers.

Where to stay?

If you are only interested in the most best hotels, then there is no point in going to Feodosia - the resort infrastructure is the highest level You really can't find it here. Even a hotel’s own swimming pool or children’s animation is a luxury for which you will have to travel further, towards Yalta, and in the vicinity of Feodosia there is simply no such service. And although there are rooms offered to customers for over 10 thousand rubles per night, you should think ten times before booking them: they probably don’t really cost that much.

The majority of visitors prefer to stay in middle-class hotels for several thousand rubles per room. Oddly enough, it will be much cheaper to live in the center of Feodosia than on the outskirts, and conditions, as a rule, on the contrary, are better in the city center. On the outskirts there are usually mainly private boarding houses, which consider their main advantage to be distance from the city, secluded atmosphere and direct access to the first line. At the same time, some such institutions look like literally semi-legal squatters.

Therefore, it is better to focus on boarding houses in the city center, especially government ones. They can be booked in advance (however, be prepared that there are a lot of people willing to do so), or you can agree on the spot. In the latter case, the conditions will resemble Soviet ones, but the rest can cost several hundred rubles per person per day. For children, you can choose one or another children's sanatorium, for example, the famous “Volna”, but they will not be able to live there with their parents.

Generally good option Private housing is also considered; here the conditions may be far from outstanding, but this option will turn out to be extremely budget-friendly. Advertisements for the rental of such housing hang on literally every pole here.

What to visit?

As for interesting things for children, there are really very few of them here - many courtyards are not even equipped with basic playgrounds. The only thing left to do with kids is to walk around the city itself, which is distinguished by the remains of ancient architecture in the historical center, and the picturesque surroundings. At the same time, experienced travelers warn that you should take a stroller with you when walking with kids, because the significant ruggedness of the local terrain makes little legs get tired quickly.

All children's entertainment lies in the typical beach infrastructure, which for people living very far from the sea can also seem like a real paradise. We are talking, first of all, about typical beach attractions like trampolines and inflatable slides, from which you can slide into small pools. An alternative would be to ride a banana.

In short, if the experience of relaxing on a variety of sea ​​resorts the family already has one, and the child is unlikely to be happy with a banal wallowing on the beach, Feodosia will most likely disappoint the baby somewhat. True, in Crimea everything is relatively close, so those who really lack infrastructure can take a bus to Koktebel - there is at least a dolphinarium and a full-fledged water park there. This trip will take about half an hour one way; buses run regularly in this direction.

Despite the weakness of the local children's infrastructure, numerous reviews indicate that many parents still bring their children to relax here. By studying their vacation impressions, you can make a small list of recommendations that will help you organize your preparations more correctly.

  • Feodosia is still not located in the subtropics, so sudden and rather sharp cold snaps are possible here, when the weather, even in summer, can no longer be called hot. A windproof, lightweight jacket can come in handy here in any month.
  • Due to international sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea by Russia, there may be problems with withdrawing cash from an ATM, and even if the money is withdrawn, the fees may be shocking.

It’s also not always possible to pay by card in stores, so it’s worth stocking up on a certain amount of cash.

  • Visitors from the northern regions are surprised and frightened by the number and size of local insects. Poisonous centipedes are found here, and spiders, although non-poisonous (according to locals), are frightening with their size, reaching several centimeters. It is clear that such a sight can lead a child into indescribable horror, so you should stock up on powerful insect repellents in advance.
  • In all other respects, you should pack as usual, not forgetting to take a well-stocked first aid kit with you, so that, in case of emergency, you don’t have to look for a 24-hour pharmacy in a small town.
  • For the little ones, it is useful to take a familiar type of baby food with you in case there is none available locally.

For information on where else you can have an inexpensive holiday in Crimea, watch the following video.

Every year the flow of tourists choosing Feodosia for holidays with children is only growing. Everyone comes here for something of their own: some to soak up the beach, others solely for active recreation. If you have chosen Feodosia for a family holiday, you should worry in advance about where to stay and what to see with your children.

What entertainment for children is there in Feodosia?

Thanks to the invaluable climatic conditions and a wide range of interesting and healthy recreation, Feodosia can be a great place for families with children to relax at any time of the year. We will look at where to go with a child in Feodosia in this article.

Dolphinarium Nemo (oceanarium)

There is not a single child who does not love dolphins. Science has long proven that communication with these mysterious inhabitants The sea not only evens out a person’s psycho-emotional background, but can also help in the fight against many mental and neurological diseases. In addition, dolphins are very cheerful creatures, spending time with them will not leave even an unsociable child indifferent.

What to see with children in Feodosia? Of course, dolphins, which you can feed and even swim with in one of the best Crimean dolphinariums - “Nemo”. There are many implementations here entertainment programs: meeting dolphins, swimming with dolphins, feeding, etc. Even a couple of hours of communication with these funny mammals will allow your child to recharge with positivity for the whole year.

In addition, within the framework of the described dolphinarium, dolphin therapy sessions are held. Such classes are conducted under the guidance of specialists, so they can be used for the rehabilitation of children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, neurological pathologies and autism.

Also, holidays are regularly held here, where artists (the local bottlenose dolphins are called by no other name) show real miracles of acrobatics under the guidance of their trainers. At the end of the performance, each child can take a photo with their favorite dolphin.

Crocodile farm

You can also go with your children to a crocodile farm in Feodosia. While everyone knows about the existence of dolphinariums, few have heard of crocodile farms. However, in Feodosia there is such an unusual establishment. Entrance here costs only 150 rubles, and children under 7 years old, accompanied by a parent, can enter for free.

For such a small amount, anyone can literally plunge into the world of reptiles. There are rare breeds of turtles and crocodiles here. The entire first floor of the farm is dedicated to these amazing creatures. However, you should be careful, because crocodiles are extremely dangerous creatures. However, local guides can tell you about this and much more. The second floor of the farm is not so “dangerous”: it is inhabited by fish and small sea animals.

Amusement park on the embankment

Located just a few steps from the Embankment big park attractions. Here you can find affordable entertainment for children of all ages. The entire park is divided into zones with entertainment of varying “danger”.

Perfect for kids aged 2 to 6 years:

  • Swimming pool with jet skis;
  • Trampoline;
  • Train;
  • Carousel.

Children starting from 6 years of age (but only accompanied by their parents) can go on such attractions as:

  • Swans;
  • Orbit;
  • Fun slides;
  • Little dragon;
  • Cars;
  • Room of fear.

Well, adults can easily tickle their nerves on the attractions:

  • Hammer;
  • Bench;
  • Chain, etc.

Children's play center South Park

“South Park” is a kind of mini-city under a roof, designed to entertain children in Feodosia. This place is more suitable for younger children, as the attractions here are quite simple:

  • Inflatable slides;
  • Corner with soft cubes;
  • Pool with balls;
  • Balloon racing;

All entertainment here is as safe as possible, so you can safely bring even a child who has barely learned to walk here. The center of the park is decorated with a small fountain. Children's music is always playing here, and kids are very reluctant to leave this town.

Hang Gliding Museum

But visiting the Feodosia Hang Gliding Museum will be interesting for both children and adults. A huge archive of materials from famous Russian and Soviet aviators is collected here. And the entire path of creation and development of domestic aviation is reflected in countless exhibits. Every aircraft, presented in the exhibition, as they say, “on the go.” You can see this with your own eyes here.

In the museum you can learn everything about the scientific and design activities of Efimov, Utochkin, Matseevich, Gorshkov, Popov, Rudnev and other outstanding scientists.

By the way, it was in the vicinity of Feodosia that the first pilot training center was established a long time ago. There is even Letnaya Mountain, from where the first hang gliders and gliders once soared into the sky.
Now, hang gliding competitions are held annually in these places.

Museum of Antiquities

Entertainment for children in Feodosia can also be educational. Museum of Antiquities, also known as Feodosia local history museum, was created back in 1810. Since then, his fund has become truly rich. For two centuries, exhibits were brought here from all over the Peninsula - primarily from Sudak, Kerch, etc. The collections were also replenished thanks to local residents.

The museum's fund is replenished almost daily, because excavations in the Crimea do not stop for a minute.

You should definitely visit the following halls and exhibitions:

  1. Russian Crimea;
  2. The Great Patriotic War;
  3. Karaite settlement;
  4. Archeology, etc.

Ticket prices for this museum start at 70 rubles ( children's ticket). Children under 7 years old can enter for free.

A. Green House-Museum

The most curious can go on an excursion to Chekhov's house. Previously, this museum was part of the local history museum, but over the years it began to work independently. In Soviet times, there was a tradition of turning houses where famous people once lived into something like a living monument-museum. The same fate happened to the house of the famous writer A. Green.

This place is a must-visit when vacationing in Feodosia with children. The museum attracts admiring glances even as you approach it, because it is made in the shape of a large ship.

Inside you can find a huge collection of manuscripts, newspaper articles and clippings, portraits and many documents relating to the life and work of the writer.

The real highlight of the interior is its decoration with ship decorations. Here you can see sails, bells, navigational instruments, ropes and much more.

Thematic excursions are constantly held for the children, and interesting lectures are given. Contemporary art exhibitions are often held in the neighborhood.

Boat trips in Feodosia

While in Feodosia with children, you can get into the present cruise. Moreover, you can take such a walk either on a small boat or on a real motor ship.

If you want to take an hour-long boat ride, you can simply swim leisurely through the waters of the bay. If you need a multi-hour “swim” on a comfortable vessel, you can choose a route from among the following:

  • Kara-Dag - Golden Gate;
  • Sudak - New World;
  • Koktebel – Kara-Dag;
  • Golden Beach - Koktebel, etc.

On a note: Long walks are taken on the beautiful and comfortable ship “Mikhail Svetlov”.

Water activities and attractions on the embankment

As in any coastal city, in Feodosia you can plunge headlong into the world water activities. Many similar attractions are arranged specifically for children:

  • Water trampolines;
  • Funnels;
  • Inflatable bridges;
  • Castles on the water;
  • Riding a scooter, banana, etc. (only when accompanied by adults);
  • Jet skis;
  • "Pills", etc.

Attractions in the vicinity of Feodosia that are worth visiting with the whole family:

Water park in Koktebel

Many people travel to Feodosia with their children, knowing that there is an excellent one in Koktebel very close by. It is traditionally divided into two zones: adults and children. For kids, everything is organized not only brightly, but also as safely as possible.

Even on the way to the water park, everyone can see a huge colorful mushroom - it is the center of the children's area. On different sides of the mushroom fountain there are many low slides with images of famous cartoon characters and fairy tales. There is also a beautiful pool with octopuses and elephants. Every child will definitely find something to do here. After all, it’s simply impossible to get bored here.

An interesting fact is that children whose height has not reached 1 m can go to the water park for free, accompanied by an adult.

In this establishment you can watch a real theatrical performance, where the main characters are bottlenose dolphins. The Karadag Dolphinarium is one of the oldest on the peninsula. In addition to the dolphins themselves, here you can meet friendly fur seals. There is also a special show program called “auction”. Its essence is that dolphins and seals themselves present paintings to the audience, and they name the price for them.

Although tickets to this dolphinarium are quite cheap, spending starts with the “auction”. You will also have to pay here for photo and video shooting. Dolphin therapy sessions are also held here for children with health problems. Nature reserve– Kara-Dag volcano Kara-Dag is a place where you should not go with very young children. Still, the path here is not so close. However, teenagers and older children can handle it easily, which allows them to enjoy the views famous volcano and stock up on positive impressions from the trip.

You can only go here accompanied by an experienced guide. He will conduct interesting excursion, and will excitingly tell the history of this place.

Many people come here to capture silhouettes extinct volcano. These views are one of the calling cards of these places. I must say, there is a lot to admire here. Kara-Dag amazes the eyes of tourists both from the sea and from the land. Take, for example, the names of some of its peaks and sections:

  • Suite;
  • Throne;
  • Gingerbread horse;
  • King and queen, etc.

Genoese fortress

Holidays with children in Feodosia will not be complete if you do not go on an excursion to Genoese fortress. This building is one of the oldest in Crimea; over the years it has become a real tourist “Mecca”. Unfortunately, today not much remains of the once fearsome bastion. But that doesn't mean there's nothing to see here. The walls of the famous stronghold, its main citadel, and part of the defensive fortifications have survived to this day.

Many are in a hurry to see it before restoration begins here in order to enjoy the spirit of living history. The towers of St. Clement and Crisco are also well preserved here. The famous bridge leading to the fortification can still be seen. You can also see the famous Turkish baths and churches that have been preserved since ancient times.

Where to eat with a child in Feodosia: cafes, canteens and restaurants in the city

When vacationing with a child in Feodosia, you need to take care of his nutrition. Fortunately, there are many places where you can feed your child plenty. Here are the most frequently visited establishments:

  • Bistro "Gallery";
  • Restaurant "Arcadia";
  • Burger Club;
  • Cafe "Old Town".

Where to stay in Feodosia with children

Families with children most often look for establishments where they can stay inexpensively, but with the comfort of home. There are such places in Feodosia large quantities. But most of all the prices will please you in the following hotels and boarding houses:

  1. "Villa Victoria";
  2. Hotel "Valentina";
  3. Guest house "May 1";
  4. Boarding house "Feodosia";
  5. Boarding house "Ukraine".

You can stay comfortably and inexpensively in a sanatorium. For example, the Voskhod sanatorium would be an excellent option for families with children.

Renting housing from owners is also traditionally popular. You can rent an inexpensive house right by the sea - the whole house or a separate room. Some families prefer to rent a small apartment for the entire vacation. Rental prices in Feodosia vary depending on the season. However, in general they are quite democratic. In any case, living and relaxing with children in Feodosia will not be expensive.