Tracking what. Walking tourism

The word trekking means walking. To be more precise, in essence, trekking is a transition from one camp site located in the mountains, through a series of passes and gorges to another camp site. The final point of the hike can also be a boarding house, a hotel, or any other place. The duration of the trek depends on the intended route, the number of passes that need to be overcome, the number of mountain rivers that need to be crossed, and the objectives of the hike.

While trekking, tourists plunge into the diversity of flora and fauna. Climbing up to the pass and going down, you can observe how the plant world changes.

Tourists spend the night in tents in sleeping bags or in wooden houses of mountain shelters. Food is cooked over a fire, which also requires some experience and knowledge of the characteristics of camp food. Sometimes people who have little idea about how to cook food at home show their talents in camp cooking. Usually, at the very end of the hike, if the conditions are right, the barbecue is marinated and prepared. The entire tourist group celebrates the successful overcoming of mountain obstacles, shares their impressions, and relaxes with a complete sense of satisfaction from the hike.

Outdoor enthusiasts and opponents purely beach holiday is getting bigger and bigger. Swimming in the sea or lake after trekking is a completely different pleasure. Therefore, in order to get the full range of impressions and the necessary exercise, so necessary for health, people go hiking.

In order to successfully complete the entire route, you do not need any special training, but you still need good physical shape and endurance. Typically, if people jog in the mornings or evenings before going on vacation, they won't have any problems while hiking. The heart and lungs are well prepared.

Trekking routes can pass through a wide variety of landscapes: mountain passes, dense forests, snowfields, glaciers, madder and rocky ascents and descents. In order to overcome all these ups and downs, you need not only good physical shape, but also good shoes and a certain set of clothes.

You must have with you:

backpack (50 - 70 liters), rain cover, hiking shoes - sneakers or hiking boots, replacement shoes, warm tracksuit and sweater, nylon wind suit, shorts, sun hat, small flashlight, liter polyethylene water bottle , personal dishes, a seat, a personal sleeping bag and a mat. It is also advisable to have medications for your own needs.

Trekking usually involves crossing rivers. In all likelihood, someone is bound to get their feet wet. Therefore, it is imperative to have spare socks and replacement shoes with you for rest stops. Legs should rest.

Halts are made right in the gorges or on the banks of a mountain river. Rest and overnight stay on the river bank is always preferable, because tourists need water. If a group stops in a gorge, under a pass, there must still be a source of water somewhere nearby. The organizers of the trip will definitely think about this.

During trekking, radial excursions are made from time to time. What are radial outlets? This is when a group of people or the entire group leaves a parking lot or a mountain shelter to some particularly noteworthy places and returns back after a few hours.

These notable places are usually various healing springs (for example, radon), sacred places, monuments, sites of ancient people or simply Beautiful places associated with some legend. Guides love to tell these legends, as well as other mountain bikes. This gives its own special flavor to such a radial exit.

Trekking along particularly difficult mountain ridges requires more physical preparation than hiking from one mountain shelter to another. This is decided upon by experienced tyrusters who strive to go through more difficult routes, try your hand.

Usually, daily transition tourist group is about 20 kilometers. It takes 7-8 hours. The most best time going out on a hike - early in the morning, when it’s not too hot, but it’s cold.

If the trek takes a full day, tourists have a hearty breakfast early in the morning, have a snack near the water during the day, and in the late afternoon, when the trekkers set up tents or settle down in huts, prepare dinner over a fire.

Any person who believes that active recreation is what he needs to recuperate can choose a route of any complexity and direction. Everything will depend on how physically prepared a person is, how interested he is in the route and the attractions included in it, and how far he is willing to walk.

This is a variety hiking and this is what they call transitions to different places, most often mountains or forests. Trekking lovers greatly value it not only for the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature, but also to face obstacles and overcome them on their own.

Trekking is not only a systematic movement along a given route, but also an educational journey. Hiking are an opportunity to see the country from the inside, with its traditions and culture.

Tracking will be useful for all people without exception; there are almost no age restrictions. Therefore, the whole family can take part in small 1-2 day hikes. Large trips that last for several weeks allow you to go around other countries and see them much more beautiful and real than in advertising brochures. Many Europeans of retirement age take part in such hikes.

Transitions per day usually last five to seven hours. Every day on the hike is rich in events and new sensations. More and more people around the world are choosing this type of holiday.

What you need for tracking

To go trekking, you don't need expensive equipment or hotel reservations. All you need is comfortable clothing for hiking, strong boots, a spacious backpack and a readiness for new experiences. All hikes are accompanied by an experienced instructor who will help with all the difficulties that may arise during the hike.

In addition to regular trekking, the programs include climbing. For climbing, of course, you need mountains. It would be better if these were not too steep cliffs, because trekking is not mountaineering. A regular tour involves routes with beautiful views. The main purpose of such hikes is not just walking around mountain paths, but acquaintance with other cultures, traditions and customs.

Trekking places

Trekking takes place in many regions of the country: in the foothills of the Caucasus and Altai Territory, in the Sayan Mountains, in the famous Kamchatka and in the Urals. The most attractive region is the Caucasus. There the program is held in the Elbrus region, which is a high-mountainous part of Kabardino-Balkaria, which is famous for its wild rivers, snow-capped peaks, waterfalls, glaciers and narzan springs.

In the Altai Territory, programs are offered that include visiting mountain lakes and climbing high peaks mountains

You can, of course, walk in the suburbs along well-trodden paths in a beautiful forest, but a trip to the Urals, in Altai region or the Khibiny Mountains will bring much more pleasure. Ascents and passes, mountain slopes, lakes and mountain rivers - all this is worth trekking.

Trekking trips have various categories difficulties. It is recommended to start with the simplest ones so as not to get too tired and to understand how wonderful it is. After the understanding of this exciting feeling comes, it will be possible to visit various exotic places and countries. But do this not as a simple tourist with a camera, but practically become a part of this country or place.

If you are tired of sitting within four walls and want change and unity with nature, then quickly pack your backpack and hit the road... Take up trekking!

Tracking - this sport charges athletes and amateurs with optimism, opens up new horizons for them in active recreation, introduces you to nature, the splendor of sunsets and sunrises, as well as the romance of bonfires, giving you incomparable unforgettable impressions and new friends.

History of origin

The true origin of tracking is still a hot topic of debate among its fans today. But they say that the history of trekking as a sport began in the Republic of Nepal with the capital Kathmandu. This type of hiking was discovered by a British citizen of Russian origin, Boris Lisanevich. In 1949, trekking as a type of sports hiking was included in the All-Union Sports Association. And in 1970, the first competitions for the best trekking trip were held.

What is tracking?

Tracking - translated from in English means walking or walking sports tourism. The main goal of this sport is to overcome a certain route in a group over any terrain.

The trekking route is divided into certain categories depending on the degree of difficulty. The complexity of the route is influenced, first of all, by the presence of local obstacles, geographical indicators of the area, and so on. Depending on these conditions, hiking trips are divided into the following types:

1. Weekend hikes

Often held for tourists and amateurs. They assume the passage of simple routes.

2. Hikes from 1st to 3rd degree of difficulty (among children and youth groups)

  • First degree of difficulty (The length of the route is at least 30 km and lasts at least 3 - 4 days)
  • Second degree of difficulty (The length of the route increases to 50 km with a duration of 4-6 days)
  • Third degree of difficulty (The length of the entire route increases to 75 km with a duration of 6-8 days)

3. Hikes from 1st to 6th category of difficulty

  • 1st category of difficulty (The length of the route is 100 km. Number of days - 6)
  • 2nd category of difficulty (The length of the route is 120 km. Number of days - 8)
  • 3rd category of difficulty (The length of the route is 140 km. Number of days - 10)
  • 4th category of difficulty (The length of the route is 170 km. Number of days - 13)
  • 5th category of difficulty (The length of the route is 210 km. Number of days - 16)
  • 6th category of difficulty (The length of the route is 250 km. Number of days - 20)


For trekking you will need a backpack, sleeping bag, tent and comfortable shoes. The choice of boots should be taken seriously. It is best to seek help from a specialized sports store. There you will be selected for heavy trekking boots with special protection on the toe, which protects your toes from hitting rocks and uneven surfaces. But, if the trekking route is not difficult and takes less than 2 weeks, then you can get by with regular good sneakers.

What to take with you

With you during hiking you should take the following things:

  1. a backpack, at the bottom of which you should place a plastic bag to prevent moisture from getting in;
  2. a small piece of soap (it’s better to put it in a plastic bag);
  3. several disposable shampoo sachets;
  4. everyday items (mug, first aid kit, change of clothes, personal hygiene items);
  5. products that are designed for a long shelf life;
  6. warm clothes and a raincoat (in case the weather changes);
  7. sports socks (2 pairs);
  8. 2 T-shirts;
  9. light windbreaker jacket;
  10. fleece hat and gloves;
  11. towel;
  12. light trousers or shorts
  13. seasonal essentials

Additionally, you can take sunglasses and a flashlight.


During tracking classes you must:

  • listen carefully to the initial briefing from the group leader;
  • become familiar with the rules of behavior on the route;
  • familiarize yourself with the safety rules;
  • familiarize yourself with the rules of first aid.

Interesting Facts

The longest trekking trail is the Appalachian Trail, which is located in the USA and is 3500 km.

There is a known hiking record, which was overcome by Alexander and Sonia Poussin. It is equal to 14,000 km in three years and three months.

It is a kind of window into beautiful world tracking
and everything connected with it. Welcome...

Why are there such conflicting opinions about tracking?

We've all heard of tracking. We saw people who participate in tracking (well, at least from afar, at the station). And maybe even looked at tracking photos. But only a few of us decided to participate in trekking ourselves. And not everyone might like tracking the first time.

There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps this is a discrepancy between the goals of different tracking participants. Maybe it was an unsuccessful tracking organization or poor preparation of one of the group members. Or unsettled relationships within the team during tracking... The reasons may be different, but this page is not to analyze them.

It was created to tell you - the treks are absolutely wonderful, excellent, which charge people with optimism and open up new horizons for them in recreation.

The success of tracking depends entirely on its proper organization and on the common goals of all participants.

At the same time, it is not necessary to be a previously familiar, well-coordinated team.

Properly tuned people communicate well in tracking conditions.

And in trekking, it is not so much physical preparation that is important, but the POSITIVE ATTITUDE and DESIRE of each participant to successfully complete what he started.

The low popularity of trekking compared to other types of recreation is supported by common misconceptions about trekking. Get to know them. Perhaps they are the ones who keep you in the city.

So what is tracking?

A group of people are moving from point A to point B along a pre-planned route. Unattractive at first glance. But only for the first one. Because that's not all.

  • Tracking- This immersion in beauty, the purity and silence of natural nature (something we are deprived of in the city).
  • Trekking is the romance of bonfires and the splendor of sunsets.
  • Tracking- This opportunity for personal growth.
  • Trekking is an unforgettable experience and new friends...
After all, this is a type of vacation, every moment of which is filled with emotions and a sense of life. Every moment of tracking is lived by the participant as consciously as possible.

How and where to start tracking...

I guess that many people can’t try tracking because they don’t know how and where to start. Indeed, trekking requires a suitable company, equipment, and a good guide-instructor. What to do if you don’t have this, but want to take part in tracking?

No problem, join our treks or those who organize treks in your city. And you will be happy! I recommend reading it