Grand Canyon of Crimea. Grand Canyon of Crimea: where it is and how to get there by car

When traveling around Crimea, be sure to find an opportunity to visit Grand Canyon Crimea, which is located a few kilometers from the village of Sokolinoe (Bakhchisaray district). Grand Canyon of Crimea unique place created by nature. The canyon was formed approximately 2 million years ago as a result of a tectonic fault. Then the skilled craftswoman nature got down to business, and with the help of her tools, water and wind, she created this miracle, which never ceases to amaze the eyes of people to this day.

The canyon stretches for three and a half kilometers in length, its depth is over 300 meters, the width of the canyon in some places reaches only three meters. Being in such narrow corridors, the rocky sheer walls of which rush three hundred meters into the air, you experience an indescribable sensation. There is silence and twilight all around, the source of light is only a narrow strip of sky, in such a place you can feel all the unprecedented power of the mountains and understand that a person is just a small grain of sand. There are four such corridors in the canyon, ranging from 20 to 200 meters in length. The canyon itself is a giant crack, at the bottom of which there are scatterings of blocks and boulders; in places, harder rocks, the so-called rapids, come to the surface. As we know, the Crimean Mountains are of sedimentary origin and consist mainly of limestone. Several rivers flow along the bottom of the canyon. The largest is called Auzun-Uzen, which in several places ends with waterfalls whose height reaches 3-4 meters. As a result of the fall of water in the canyon, erosion cauldrons called bathtubs were formed. In total, there are more than 150 such baths, the depth of which reaches three meters, and the width and length of up to ten, on the territory of the canyon. One of the largest baths, where the Auzun-Uzen River reaches its maximum width, was named Blue Lake– one of the most beautiful places in the Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Another attraction of the Grand Canyon of Crimea is the Pania spring. The source is one of the most powerful in Crimea. Its average annual debit (water consumption) is more than 350 liters per second. Readers strong in mathematics have probably already calculated that over 1,200 cubic meters of water flow out per hour. This amount of water is enough for a large village.

So, your shoes are in order, the environmental tax has been paid - it's time to hit the road. At the entrance there is a huge poster with a diagram. The trail goes through a valley covered with forest. First stop – Postal Oak. Or rather, what was left of it was a huge stump. Nearby enterprising local residents set up a mini-base. There is an opportunity to drink tea with mountain herbs, have a little refreshment and relax in the shade of the trees. The next point on the route is Blue Lake, then passing the Apple Ford, we come to one of the picturesque places - the Paniya spring. According to legend, there once stood a chapel in honor of the Holy Mother of God in this place.

in the gorge of the mountains

As you move further into the canyon, the vegetation becomes less and less. More and more steep cliffs are exposed. The Grand Canyon of Crimea appears in all its beauty and leads us to its next attraction. Here is one of the largest baths - the Bath of Youth, into which a waterfall flows. This magnificent place with beautiful surrounding scenery is always quite crowded. The fact is that, according to legend, those who bathe here are granted youth. But, in my opinion, it’s all about the cold water (temperature about +10 degrees). Indeed, quite elderly people jump out of the bathtub, which is filled with crystal clear water, jump out like young people. I don’t know about being young, but you will definitely get a lot of adrenaline and impressions that will last a lifetime. For lovers of mountains and coniferous foxes, this article will be of interest.

A visit to the Grand Canyon of Crimea would not be complete without looking at it from above. Climbing to the top of Mount Boyko, tourists have the opportunity to see the enormous gorge of the canyon from above. It was here that Professor Puzanov, who was one of the first to explore this canyon, and admiring its beauty and grandeur, gave it its current name.

You can get to the canyon by bus going to the village. Sokolinoe along the highway – Bakhchisarai. The road passes along a picturesque plateau. For navigator owners GPS coordinates waypoints: Blue Lake: N 44°31'12 , E 33°59'51, Pania Spring: N 44°31'20 , E 34°0'12, Bath of Youth: N 44°31'31 , E 34° 0'29.

And in conclusion, I suggest you watch a short video about the great canyon of Crimea.

Today, the Grand Canyon of Crimea has become one of the main attractions of the peninsula. 300-meter sheer cliffs, formed by erosion over 2 million years, overhang the riverbed, the width of which in some places narrows to three meters.

The length of the canyon is about 3.5 km; the most popular among tourists is its first half upstream to the “Bath of Youth”. Most of the sights are concentrated on this section of the route; visiting them takes no more than two hours.

However, it is worth noting that the canyon itself, in the usual sense, begins a little further and is more difficult to get there. The paths used by tourists end, and on the way there are often obstacles from fallen trees, stones and dams, which in spring and early summer can only be overcome by swimming.

Lovers active rest This, however, does not stop them; there is a special route for them, which includes a passage along the entire canyon and a return journey along the capes hanging over the abyss.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Postal Oak"

The first point of the route is Postal Oak. This tree has been known to perhaps every visitor to the canyon since the mid-20th century. For a long time, travelers have been leaving wishes and messages for other tourists in the hollow of a huge old oak tree. The good tradition continued until the 1980s, when the tree was struck by lightning. Although some claim that the tree caught fire due to arson.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Blue Lake"

Then a well-trodden path leads to the Blue Lake - the largest body of water filled with transparent, mirror-like clean water. Its depth does not exceed one and a half meters, but in hot summer days there are many people who want to swim.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Source of Pania"

The next stop is one of the largest karst springs in Crimea, Pania. Every second, 370 liters of water burst out of the rocks. This source has been known since the Middle Ages. Previously, there was a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary nearby. It was called “Panagia”, which translated from Greek means “All Holy”.

Grand Canyon of Crimea – stop “Bath of Youth”

Upstream from the source, the most picturesque section of the route begins, running along the rocky bottom of the Auzun-Uzen stream, which has carved out a canyon. The trail ends at the final point of the route - the “Bath of Youth” - a reservoir created by nature in the canyon bed and notable for its constant water temperature of 9-11 degrees even on the hottest days.

You can get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by regular buses or minibuses, which regularly run from the Bakhchisarai railway station to the village of Sokolinoe. By car you can get much closer, almost to the entrance to the mouth of the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Another road to the Grand Canyon of Crimea goes from Yalta through the Ai-Petri plateau.

Grand Canyon Crimea one of the most interesting and visited attractions Crimean peninsula. Among the hiking routes, the Grand Canyon occupies one of the first places; here you can visit: mountain rivers and lakes, extreme cable cars, baths of youth, waterfalls and beautiful, environmentally friendly mountain routes.

Geographic coordinates of the Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.527778 E 34.016667

The Grand Canyon is located near the village of Sokolinoe, on the old Yalta road, which runs through the Ai-Petri plateau, from Bakhchisarai to Yalta. The length of the Grand Canyon of Crimea is 3.65 km, width is from 375 meters to 5 meters, maximum height mountains, from the bottom to the top - 372 meters. The average route duration is 2.5 hours. The length of the entire route along the Grand Canyon of Crimea is 8.4 km, measured using a pedometer. There is no ticket price for entry to the Grand Canyon of Crimea; since 2016, charging money for visiting is prohibited. Of the paid services, only guides remain; the cost of payment per group is from 1000 rubles. The Grand Canyon of Crimea is open to the public all year round, during spring floods, the water level rises greatly, so most of the path becomes impassable.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - the beginning of the route

Entrances to Grand Canyon n - several: if you come from Bakhchisarai, then the first entrance will be in front of the bridge over a mountain river. There is a large parking lot here, summer season There are several cafes, and private guides are on duty at the entrance. They are ready not only to show the way, but also to brighten up your leisure time. amazing stories and legends associated with the canyon. The guides also lay out the road quite competently in order to make the descents and ascents along the route as easy as possible. Whether or not to take a guide is your decision, but even if you decide to explore the canyon on your own, you definitely won’t get lost. All the main attractions will be painted on boards along the tourist trail. The entire route is completely marked with signs, making it very difficult to lose your way.

Second entrance to the Grand Canyon of Crimea located 2 km from the bridge up the mountain. There is a small market (souvenirs, tea, coffee, herbs, etc. in the Crimean style), this entrance is most often preferred by guides from Yalta. But if you travel with your own transport, then it is quite difficult to leave the car there, but in terms of time or the beauty of the route, you will not gain or save anything. Entrance to the Grand Canyon is free, but sometimes in the summer, they collect money at the entrance, saying that it is tourist tax or contribution to the forestry. Most the best option building a route along the Great Canyon of Crimea, start the route from the upper entrance, and end at the lower one. It is in this sequence that the route will be as easy as possible for travel.

How to get to the Grand Canyon in Crimea

Get to the Grand Canyon in Crimea, the easiest way is along the Yalta - Bakhchisarai highway, through Mount Ai-Petri. On the descent from Bakhchisarai there will be a small market, it is the only one there, and below it there will be a bridge and a large parking lot with a sign - the Grand Canyon of Crimea. In general, it will be quite difficult to drive. If you go down the highway just 5 km, you will enter the village of Sokolinoe. Immediately at the foot of the mountain, along the main road, there will be a large local market with quite low prices. Here you can buy: hazelnuts or hazels, peaches, apples and much more that grows in the area. There are not many resellers on the market, mostly local people with reasonable prices and excellent quality.

A little history of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Name of the Grand Canyon of Crimea given by geologist I. I. Puzanov. This happened back in 1925, when the researcher was absorbed in studying this natural creation. It is believed that the Grand Canyon was formed in ancient times, several tens of thousands of years ago. It is the result of a tectonic fault Crimean mountains. Thus, the Grand Canyon is a huge crack that arose between Mount Ai-Petri and the Sedam-Kaya and Boyka mountain ranges. The length of this crack was more than three and a half thousand meters. The height of the rocks hanging over the canyon reaches 320 meters, and in the most bottlenecks the passage takes a little less than two meters. Here, even a loud speech can cause stones to fall.

Tourist route along the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Tourist route along the Grand Canyon, in general, uncomplicated. Therefore, to overcome it, no special preparation is needed. But, of course, it is better to walk through it in comfortable shoes. You will have to walk along the path along which the Auzun-Uzen River is located. As a rule, tourists move against its current. On average, the duration of the Grand Canyon route is about 2-3 hours, this time is calculated until the Bath of Youth. Usually 95% of tourists end their route at this point, and only those who are prepared or extreme sports go further.

The most popular route in the Grand Canyon is called the Grand Circumnavigation. At the beginning of the path is the famous Post Oak. Next you can see many natural bowls filled with water. One of the largest forms a lake called Blue. Then the road approaches a picturesque place - Apple Ford. It is so called because in the fall the river flows along with the water and carries wild apples. The Paniya spring is also located here. It is so powerful that it could supply water to a small town.

The end point of the excursion is the Bath of Youth, which was once called Karagol. It is located at 6 kilometers from the start of the route. As the name implies, if you bathe in it, your youth will be prolonged. At least that's what the legend says. Therefore, there are more than enough people willing to take a dip in this bath. Tourists are not even stopped by the invigorating water temperature - no more than 8°C even in summer time. The bath is quite deep, so extreme sports enthusiasts like to jump into it from the top of the nearest boulder, but it is very obvious that this idea is not suitable for everyone and is very unsafe. After the Bath of Youth, most tourists turn around and head out along the upper path, but after the Bath of Youth you can extend your route by another 6 km.

The trail will go approximately smoothly all the time, but its complexity increases several times due to the low speed of this road. From the main trail there will be several branches to the left and right, but they all lead to the ridges of the canyon. The trails are quite dangerous, and in spring they are very slippery and almost impassable. Therefore, if you decide to go for a walk, do not deviate from the main route. Also, there is interesting trail, which leads along the vertices above Grand Canyon, but it is also extreme, and most importantly, if you make your way through it, remember that there are people at the bottom of the canyon. Finding this trail is not difficult; it starts from the post oak tree and leads up the mountainside. Of course, you don’t need any mountaineering training, but you should remember that the road leads up 200 meters, and then winds over the abyss of the Grand Canyon. The trail is quite extreme, but the views and landscapes are worth it.

If you decide to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, be sure to check out in order to properly plan your route and not miss interesting places. A visit to the Grand Canyon will be quite a bright and educational journey; swimming in the baths of youth and in mountain lakes will add an unforgettable flavor to this journey.

Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map

For a large army of tourists, there are places on Earth that are extremely popular. But gradually interest in them cools down, since a conveyor belt of visits by everyone turns this place into an ordinary route, devoid of attractiveness.

The Grand Canyon in Crimea is both a visited and at the same time not fully explored place on tourist map Crimea. The pristine and most majestic of all the gorges in Crimea. Everyone who visits it discovers something new every time.

Where is the Grand Canyon in Crimea? Is it possible to climb it yourself? What places in the canyon are worth visiting? We'll talk about this in our article.

Description of the place

The Grand Canyon was formed as a result of a fracture in the earth's crust. Its age is approximately 2 million years. As a result of earthly transformations, the Grand Canyon in Crimea was created.

A tectonic fault divided a single mountain range for two: and Boyka. This is a mountain funnel 3000 m long, 320 m high, and the width in some places reaches only 2 meters. But how a tourist route it was opened relatively recently, in 1925. Released this year documentary about the canyon, which brought it popularity among tourists The territory of the Grand Canyon of Crimea covers an area of ​​300 hectares.

However, it is not so easy for many to walk along its bottom due to great difficulties and obstacles during the journey. Therefore, to make the route easier and to enjoy the hike, all tourist routes were laid along the upper edge of the canyon. They do not require special tourist or physical training. For these routes you do not need to have special tourist equipment.

But for those who are not afraid of difficulties along the way, the route along the bottom of the canyon is more attractive and educational, since few people visit these places. Therefore, untouched nature, not visible from above, fascinates with its extraordinary beauty.

See photos of the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

Crimean Canyon It is fed by numerous mountain streams. The water temperature in them never exceeds 11-12 degrees.

The main decoration of the canyon landscape is the Auzun-Uzen River. Its waters, replenished by numerous tributaries and springs, the main one of which is the Paniya spring, are the main “architect” of this reserve. It was the influence of water over many centuries of its existence that allowed the canyon to acquire a unique appearance.

The waters of this river formed about 150 different water baths and boilers. Along its bed there are many grottoes and niches. The second important river in this canyon is the Sary-Uzen River. These two rivers unite to form the Kokkozka River. A tourist route runs along the entire canyon gorge.

There are places on it where you need to prove yourself a bit of a climber. The narrowest hole in it is only 3 meters. Very beautiful vegetation: many unusual fruit and berry bushes, rare species ferns and juniper, pistachio, strawberry tree. It is here that there is a unique grove of yew trees, of which there are only 1000 specimens and they are classified as endangered trees.

Unique vegetation, freshness river water, heady air - these are all components of an unforgettable time spent on this route. And it is very interesting to travel with the whole family, no matter what, you will be tired from the distance traveled on foot, but the general positive emotions from everything you see around will make even children forget about the difficulties on the road.

Some experienced tourists There is an inconspicuous path that leads to rocky ledges. Standing on these ledges, you can admire all the beauty of this majestic canyon.

Waterfall Silver Streams

This beautiful creation of nature is located 4.5 km south of the village of Sokolinoe (Bakhchisaray district), in the Small Canyon gorge. It, like many “creations” of the Sary-Uzen River (from the Tat. “yellow river”) was formed by its waters over a long period of time.

Externally, the entire structure resembles it musical instrument, and the jets look like silver strings. This is what gave it one of its names.

Another name for the waterfall is Silver. The third name is “Crystal”, since in winter the streams freeze, forming many icicles. It is located away from the Grand Canyon, 3 km west of it. A very unusual waterfall in appearance: a huge “cap” of moss, from under it numerous jets of pure “silver” water flow out. This entire composition hides behind itself a black hole, the entrance to a mysterious grotto. The waterfall is surrounded by a forest in which a lot of hornbeam, beech, oak, rowan, and dogwood grow

Bath of youth

It is located above the Pania spring among numerous small baths and cauldrons. But it was she who acquired the fame of a special bath, the waters of which preserve young people and return youth to the older generation. This beautiful belief made visiting it especially desirable for all organized tourist groups and independent travelers.

This bath is up to 5 meters deep; the water temperature in it, even on a very hot day, does not exceed 10 degrees. Until the early 60s, it was called Kara-Gol, which means “ Black Lake" Typically, a tour of the Grand Canyon of Crimea for mass groups ends at this bath. To move further, you need good preparation of the climber.

Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map and how to get there

Anyone can find this canyon both on the map and on the ground. This is due to its enormous popularity among holidaymakers. Therefore, there is a well-established infrastructure that allows you to get only positive emotions when visiting this great place in Crimea.

The starting point for the Grand Canyon is the famous. Regular minibuses to this city of all major cities Crimea ply systematically.

Grand Canyon on the map:

You can also get to the Grand Canyon from Sevastopol. In both cases, from these cities you need regular buses get to the village from beautiful name Sokolinoe. However, there are only three such flights per day from Sevastopol. If by personal transport, then reach the village of Sokolinoe, then drive 3 km along the road to the south from it. And it will open before you in all its indescribable glory - this magnificent nature reserve Grand Canyon of Crimea.

See the map (diagram) of how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car from Bakhchisarai:

Let's summarize:

  1. There are areas within the Grand Canyon that are prohibited for tourists. The probability of rockfalls on their territory is very high.
  2. In the reserve it is strictly forbidden to pick flowers and fruits from trees, to cut down trees, to spend the night, or to light fires.
  3. It is recommended to visit the Grand Canyon during the dry season, as during high water it is impassable in many areas and dangerous for travel.
  4. If on the way you come across a “cauldron” or “bathtub” with black water surface, then it is not advisable to swim in them. This often happens when water is low (during dry times). The water in these “containers” stagnates and begins to turn black from rotted algae, acquiring an unattractive brown color and smell.

Watch a video about a trip to the Grand Canyon in Crimea:

Among the natural attractions of Crimea, the Grand Canyon occupies a very special place. This large canyon was formed about 1.5 - 2 million years ago, at the site of a huge tectonic fault.

In the very deep place The depth of the canyon exceeds 320 m, and it itself stretches for 3.5 km. Perfect place trekking and hiking. But you shouldn’t go to the canyon alone or on your own; it’s better to go as part of a tourist group or take a tour from a specialized agency.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is one of many similar places in the world. There are stunning mountains, gorges and canyons, for example in Iceland. Norway is incredibly rich in such natural attractions. And if you want to get closer, there are many mountain routes of varying levels of difficulty in Georgia. Look interesting routes You can go to the mountains on the page of the tourist club

The Grand Canyon of Crimea was formed over millions of years. Today it is a deep channel, sometimes wider, sometimes narrower. Along the riverbed there are about 150 erosion cauldrons with waterfalls, the so-called baths. Some are very tiny, and some reach a depth of about 2.5 m and a length of up to 10 m. The Blue Lake is the largest cauldron, the bath of youth is also a similar formation.

The canyon is fed by a huge number of streams, springs, and mountain rivers that emerge from the gorge and flow into the Azun-Uzen River. This is a clean, cold river. Throughout its entire length, even in the baths, the water temperature does not exceed 11 degrees.

When can you go to the Grand Canyon?

It is safe enough to be in the canyon only from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. During this period, when it rarely rains, the canyon is drained. And routes for trekking and hiking become available.

During the rainy season, the canyon is dangerous. Not only is there a mountain stream with mud and stones rushing along the riverbed. Because of the rains, the slopes of the canyon become less stable and rock falls occur more often. By the way, even during the dry season, due to the danger of falling stones, you should not go close to the slopes.

Keep in mind that the canyon has developed its own microclimate. It's always a few degrees cooler here than outside. And at the same time, quite humid.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon begins 5 km away. from the village of Sokoliny. If you are going on a hike on your own, you will have to take a taxi from Sokolinoe or walk, no public transport does not run to the canyon. You can get to the village of Sokolinoe by bus from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai.

If you are going on a hike with tourist group, such a tour usually includes a transfer to the canyon.

If you are traveling by car, you need to go through Ai-Petri. On the way to the plateau, about halfway along the path there will be a sign “Grand Canyon”.

What to take on a hike

The minimum duration of a walk through the Grand Canyon is 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, be sure to take enough water with you and, if necessary, a light snack.

Comfortable shoes are a must. The route itself is not too difficult, but you will need to jump somewhere, cross streams, puddles, and stones.

There is an entrance fee to the Grand Canyon because it is a nature reserve. So, you need to take money with you. In the 2017 season admission ticket costs 100 rubles.