Beaches of Evpatoria. Sunny Paradise - cultural nud beach in Evpatoria Beach of the sanatorium "Udarnik"

Evpatoria - small town on the Black Sea coast. It barely has a hundred thousand inhabitants. But about a million vacationers come there. This is one of the largest European medical complex centers. This mud resort is considered one of the best in the world. Therefore, rest here can be combined with treatment of the upper respiratory tract, musculoskeletal system, and cardiovascular system. But Evpatoria is most famous for its beaches.

Fine golden sand containing semi-precious stones. According to legend, it was here that the famous Hercules recovered his health after cleansing the Augean stables. During excavations in this area, several objects depicting the ancient hero were discovered. On them he does not perform his famous feats, but simply reclines with a cup, as a real holiday-goer should behave. Therefore, it is his monument that adorns the embankment of Yevpatoria. And here you can often hear the following phrase: “The whole world is for exploits. For relaxation – Evpatoria.” Photos of the beaches of Evpatoria cannot convey all the beauty of these paradises. They are ideal for relaxation.

What is holiday like in Evpatoria?

This city was founded about two and a half thousand years ago by the Greeks. This is one of the oldest cities in the world; it was mentioned by Herodotus, Pliny, and Ptolemy. Yours modern name Evpatoria received when Crimea was annexed to Russia at the end of the 18th century. Translated, this means “gracious”. Next to it are the lakes Sasyk - Sivashskoye and Moinakskoye. They are known throughout the world for the healing properties of silt and brine. There's one more thing famous lake This is Donuzlav. Its depth is 27 meters. Its bottom is covered with a ten-meter layer of healing mud.

Well, the main thing that vacationers come for is the sea. The city stretches along the sea for 14 kilometers. And the entire coastline is wide beaches and sandy bays. And the Kalamnitsky Bay, where this settlement is located, is 25 kilometers of velvety golden sand. The smooth bottom gradually decreases from the shore into the depths of the sea.

There are practically no ebbs and flows. In the city of Evpatoria, the beaches are great for families with small children. The water is a little cloudy because of the sand, but it is thanks to this sand that the beaches are called golden, velvet, silver, pearl. And all because the grains of sand are small fragments of shells, they do not form dust. Pebbles and stones are extremely rare. Many beaches are equipped with special slopes for people with disabilities. All this was done thanks to the “City without Barriers” program.

There is only one official nudist beach in Evpatoria. It is called very romantically “Sunny Paradise”. It is paid, but this price includes all beach services. Sun beds, umbrellas. Other beaches charge an additional fee for this.

You can buy water and ice cream on its territory. It is visited mainly by naturists, but if you come there in a swimsuit, no one will kick you out. Democracy and tolerance reign here. But although it is generally accepted that there is only one nudist beach in the city, nevertheless, girls sunbathing topless can often be seen on any other beaches. Moreover, the sun and Mediterranean climate are quite conducive to this.

And the climate here is truly wonderful, it can be compared with the climate of the north of Italy or the south of France. The sun shines over the city 258 days a year. This is much more than in Sukhumi and Yalta. There are no frequent storms here, only 9 days during the entire season. No sudden drop in temperature. Evpatoria is famous for its uniform temperature sea ​​water. In summer it is + 22 degrees. Autumn is warm and dry; over the summer the sea accumulates heat, releasing it in the fall and warming the air. Therefore, Evpatoria autumn is the most best time per year. Winter is mild and there is little snow; there are also frosty days, but they are usually rare and short-lived. That's why you can often see roses blooming in December. Since the Kalamnitsky Bay is relatively shallow, the water in it begins to warm up in the spring much earlier than anywhere else on the southern coast of Crimea. Swimming season begins in mid-May and lasts until mid-October.

Let's do a little sightseeing tour along the beaches of Evpatoria for tourists who prefer relaxing by the water.

City beaches of Evpatoria

Today in Yevpatoria there are six communal city free beaches. All of them are under the control of the Kursaal public utility company. These are the beaches located at the addresses of the streets - Polupanova, 1, Gorky Street (sanatorium "Pobeda"), Gorky Embankment, "Sports Beach" on Simferopolskaya Street, the beach on the street. Simferopolskaya, 2, beach on Lake Moinaki, CP "Panacea". All six recreation areas are free and equipped with everything necessary for comfortable rest on the coast.

At peak beach season On this beach, places are occupied from early morning. The coastal strip is not wide, and every year the sea washes away part of the beach area, making it even narrower.

The beach is landscaped, there are changing cabins and showers, sun loungers and sun loungers. The beach area extends from the boarding house "Gold Coast" to " To the water world", occupying almost the entire shore of the central city park named after. Frunze.

This is one of the few central beaches where health and treatment activities are launched. Blood pressure is measured and massage therapists are available to guests.

Further along the coast towards the military sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense there is another small beach, also equipped with everything necessary for swimming and sunbathing. There are attractions and entertainment complexes on the territory.

This vacation spot attracts lovers of rocky days and concrete slabs on the shore. The place, it would seem, is not landscaped for a full-fledged beach holiday, but there are also enough tourists who love to sunbathe on the slabs. Both during the day and in the evening, people come down here to swim and relax, not paying attention to the warnings of the rescuers.


Excellent city beach with modern infrastructure. This is one of the few vacation spots where almost everything is provided to vacationers. Sun loungers, sun loungers and umbrellas, numerous catering places and even a storage room. From entertainment events on the water - banana, parachute and bun rides, high inflatable slides descending to the waters of the warm sea.

And, of course, many visitors cannot help but be pleased that the beach is open 24 hours a day. If you like to soak in the waters of the Black Sea, looking at the sunset or the moonlit path, this beach is for you. You can get to the territory by walking from the city along Simferopolskaya Street.

The city's well-maintained paid beaches are an impeccable holiday on clean sea sand, providing all necessary services, delicious food in small private comfortable cafes and perfect cleanliness, which is maintained by the beach administration almost around the clock.

Payment on such beaches ranges from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on what exactly is included and the quality of the services provided. Even the most expensive paid beaches in Evpatoria at the height of the season are crowded with people who prefer luxury holiday by the water.

Almost all beach areas belonging to sanatoriums and resorts fall into the paid category. In some places, the payment will be symbolic - 15-20 rubles, and in others, access to the beach is only the resident’s sanatorium book. Such beaches are always kept perfectly clean - the sand on them is sifted to remove debris, and there are special smoking areas for smokers.

Beach "Côte d'Azur" in Evpatoria

This paid beach is located on the western part of the coast of Evpatoria, not far from Magnat beach. The wide coastal zone allows cars to pass through it. Modern infrastructure and a large number of entertainment complexes often mislead tourists. The excellent service of the beach gives reason to believe that the prices for all services are inflated, but this is not the case. This is one of the few beach areas that, despite the well-maintained area, has quite reasonable prices for all types of services.

The flat bottom and wide sandy strip of the beach make it possible to accommodate quite a lot here. a large number vacationers, without crowding or interfering with each other. And at the rental point you can rent sun loungers, umbrellas and air mattresses. Massive gazebos are located along the coast for people who cannot stay under the scorching southern sun all day.

Yevpatoria is perhaps one of the first cities in Crimea to officially open a well-maintained nudist beach in the city center. The beach area is located in the area of ​​Simferopolskaya Street towards the city of Saki, next to the “Knight” beach, famous among the townspeople.

The nudist beach is included in the territory of the Sunny Paradise beach. This place for naturists and nudists is fenced off so as not to attract curious people to the features of their holiday. At the entrance to the zone there is a sign orienting visitors to the features of relaxation on this beach, so tourists visiting these places are well aware of this place on the Black Sea coast.

The beach is landscaped, showers, awnings and trash cans, ideal clean sand- these are the main features of this beach. Despite the fact that the beach is paid, the cost of access to it is quite symbolic. Last season it barely reached 20 rubles.

Having heard reviews about this beach, you may have a rather contradictory opinion, but the small number of people who support this direction, the clean sand and sea speak for themselves. Visiting is recommended from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is at this time that a decent contingent gathers here and there is no place for indecent jokes and mockery of others.

Naturists and nudists themselves greatly value and love their small corner of relaxation, maintaining order and cleanliness in it and being jealous of visitors who visit this place more out of curiosity.

The wild beaches of Evpatoria are located outside the city. The beaches in this city are the most popular, even despite the complete lack of service. So what is remarkable about the wild beaches of Evpatoria? First of all, the cleanest water, flat sandy bottom and picturesque landscape. For those who want to find a calm, peaceful place to relax away from the benefits of civilization, this is an ideal place.

Most of the wild beaches of Evpatoria are located near the suburban villages of Shtormovoe, Vitino, Pribrezhnoye and Popovka. The beaches are not equipped and are deserted sand strips of varying widths. However, even for these zones Black sea ​​coast there are their admirers. IN summer season people who come as “savages” with whole families settle down on the coast, build tents, cooperate in groups, having a great time by the fire with a guitar and admiring the amazing Crimean sunsets.

Calm and peaceful holiday wild beaches Evpatoria makes these places favorite for many tourists who return here year after year.

You can see a lot of interesting things by visiting not only the beaches of Evpatoria. Photos of the picturesque places of the resort will help preserve in your memory such attractions as, for example, the burning Greek fire in the square. They brought it from Greece on a warship in memory of the Greeks - the founders of the city. One of the most important relics of this city. According to legend, he protects him from evil misfortunes. This favorite place for newlyweds and tourists.

While relaxing in Evpatoria, plunge into the wonderful world of this city, walking along its quiet, shady streets. Karaite kenas, Little Jerusalem, Juma-Jami Mosque, Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Yekiye Kapay Synagogue. All this will not leave you indifferent. And you will want to come back here!

The flat sandy bottom makes local beaches attractive for adults and safe for children, which is why Evpatoria has the official status of a children's health resort and the reputation of a good family resort.

In total, there are about 70 beaches in Evpatoria, all of them are sandy, stretching along the Black Sea coast for 12 km. Most belong to health resorts, and relaxation at some of them is possible only if you have a sanatorium book.

In 2010, when Crimea belonged to Ukraine, the Evpatoria beaches became the first coastal areas in this country to receive certificates from the international Blue Flag program. The award confirms the ecological cleanliness of coastal and beach areas. The winners were the beaches of two sanatoriums - the Interregional Center for Labor, Medical, Social and Professional Rehabilitation of the Disabled, as well as the health treatment center - the Severny boarding house.

In the city center, in the park named after. Frunze, beach located "General". The downside of the beach is that it is crowded: to get to the sea, you need to walk almost on other people’s things. The already small area is filled with numerous attractions for children. Unlike many resort beaches, this one is open 24 hours a day. Nearby, on the pier, there is a parking lot for yachts on which you can take a short cruise along the coast.

On beach of the Central Resort Clinic Anyone can go in completely free of charge, so it’s crowded and there’s not enough free space in the morning. Despite its popularity, many people do not like the beach: the bottom is rocky, the water and sand are quite dirty. On the coast there are changing rooms, rental of sun loungers and umbrellas. Vacationers are offered to ride a banana boat or fly behind a boat with a parachute.

Shore beach on the embankment. Tereshkova in the old town area it consists of concrete slabs and steps that go straight into the water. Sun loungers and umbrellas can be rented. The beach is also popular among city residents; the concrete shore is not considered an inconvenience - in summer it warms up to a comfortable temperature. Not far from the embankment, on the pier in Karaev's garden, yachts are based on which you can cruise along the Crimean coast.

Solaris Beach, located on Simferopolskaya Street, is very popular among tourists and residents of the old part of the city, so during the season it can even be difficult to find a place there. The beach has a children's playground, changing rooms, showers fresh water, cafe and traditional rental of sun loungers and umbrellas.

Golden Beach(unofficial name - "Resort Romances") offers a lot of entertainment: from paragliding to a three-meter water slide with a descent straight into the sea.

Login to beach of the sanatorium "Primorsky" It is carried out with passes, but everyone is allowed in for an additional fee. The beach is open from 8:00 to 20:00. Despite the fact that the coast is quite long, there are traditionally a lot of people here. You can rent a diving mask and fins.

Spacious beach of the sanatorium "Udarnik" not very full. The beach is open from 8:00 to 19:00.

One of the most large beaches coast of Evpatoria, beach of the sanatorium "Pobeda", open from 8:00 to 20:00. A standard range of entertainment is available to tourists here.

Robinson Beach- one of the largest and best beaches on the Evpatoria coast. There are no crowds of tourists here because the beach is not very famous. The entrance is opposite the Southern Cross nightclub. There are dry toilets on site.

Situated on the isthmus between Lake Moinaki and the sea, beach " Cote d'Azur" The boarding house "Planet" is distinguished by the cleanliness of the coastal area and water. Beach opening hours are from 7:00 to 20:00.

Nearby is Magnat beach, it is a little inferior in purity. However, Magnat has a volleyball court that will appeal to fans active rest by the sea.

Beach of the boarding house "Oasis" suitable for lovers of active recreation: there is a volleyball net here, and mini-football championships are regularly held. Beach opening hours are from 7:00 to 20:00.

Knight's Beach- the most unusual in Evpatoria. Previously, this place was held Knight Tournament- hence the name of the beach. The beach will appeal to young people: discos here start at noon, DJs play right on the coast. The bar menu includes original cocktails and hookah. In addition, the beach is equipped with a swimming pool with healing mud, which is delivered here directly from Lake Saki, and cabins where you can get a massage for an additional fee. You can get to the beach by minibus at numbers 6 and 7.

Near Knight's there is a nudist beach "Sunny Paradise". It is landscaped, you can use sun loungers and umbrellas, and buy food.

Wild beaches are located outside the city: in the villages of Popovka, Vitino, Pribrezhnoye and Shtormovoe. The popularity of these beaches was not affected by the lack of service; the reasons for this are the clearest water, gently sloping sandy bottom and picturesque landscape. Those who are looking for a calm, peaceful holiday away from the noisy city come here.

The city beach of Evpatoria is always crowded. Photo



Crimean peninsula– this is, first of all, the sea, the sun and the cleanest air. In order to combine all this “in one bottle”, just come to one of the many sea ​​beaches, stretching along the entire coast.

In the west there is Tarkhankut and its environs, shallow bays near the villages of Portovoye, Mezhvodnoye, Bakal Spit, Chernomorskoe, which is full of spacious and clean places for swimming.

in the old town area. The peculiarity of this free beach is that its “ground” is concrete, wide steps heated by the sun, going directly under the water.

Paid beaches of Evpatoria

The sand on paid beaches is sifted and cleaned every day, the sea bottom is clean, sandy and without stones. The beaches start opening early in the morning. At the entrance you need to pay a daily ticket. After this, you can go back and forth if the ticket is not lost. Vacationers are provided with sun canopies, sun loungers, deck chairs and sun umbrellas - for an additional fee: plastic sun lounger - about 10 hryvnia, umbrella - 5 hryvnia, water fountains drinking water, changing cabins, showers, toilets

Smoking is now prohibited on many beaches. There are specially designated smoking areas with benches and ashtrays. For smoking on the beach outside the smoking area - a fine of 150 hryvnia.

Masseurs perform massages in specially installed tendons. Some beaches have small stalls where you can buy drinks, ice cream, chips, nuts and more. You can go beyond it and buy everything you need, spending just a couple of minutes on it. Also, without moving too far from the beach, you can visit restaurants and cafes that are located along the entire embankment.

Approximate prices for entry and entertainment on the beaches (may change during the season)

Entrance to the beach: from 5 hryvnia.
Banana: 40 hryvnia.
Parachute (10 minutes): 1-seater - 250 hryvnia, 2-seater - 400 hryvnia.

Gold, popularly - "Resort Novels"

beach at the intersection of Duvanovskaya street and embankment . Open from 8.00 to 19.00, entrance costs 5 hryvnia. A ticket is issued, valid for the day, you can enter and exit. The beach has everything you need - shower, foot wash, toilet, awnings, changing rooms. Sun loungers are paid additionally - 10 hryvnia. There is an inflatable slide on the beach, from here water excursions on a banana, a “plate”, a “Batman”, and a parachute depart. There is also a 3-meter inflatable slide with a descent into the sea.

Beach of the sanatorium "Oren Crimea"

Open from 8.00 to 20.00. Officially, entry is only with sanatorium passes, but in reality everyone is allowed in for 5 hryvnia per person. The beach is not very large, but well maintained and modern. Newfangled plastic sun loungers, umbrellas and other beach equipment are available for rental. There are extensive awnings available for those seeking shelter from the sun. But there is no toilet on the beach - it is located 100 meters away, at the intersection of Duvanovskaya Street and Gorky Embankment.

Beach of the sanatorium "Primorsky"

Open from 8.00 to 20.00. Entrance with passes for vacationers in the sanatorium. Everyone else has access to the beach for 6 hryvnia per person. Rent of beach equipment at standard Evpatoria prices: umbrella - 7 hryvnia, sun lounger - 10 hryvnia. You can also rent underwater masks, fins and more. The beach is quite large, but a lot of people go to it.

Beach of the sanatorium "Udarnik"

Open from 8.00 to 19.00. There is no cash desk at the entrance, but a young man with an “official” sign around his neck will immediately approach you and ask for a pass. Entrance to the beach with a fictitious pass costs 5 hryvnia per day, but you need to ask about it yourself - here they don’t show much initiative towards tourists. The “Udarnik” beach is spacious and not very crowded (apparently thanks to the policy of unobtrusive “cashiers”). Infrastructure - as elsewhere, you rent everything you need for an additional fee (8 hryvnia for an umbrella, 10 hryvnia for a sun lounger).

Beach of the sanatorium "Pobeda"

Open from 8.00 to 20.00. One of the largest beaches on the Evpatoria coast. Entrance with passes, without them - 5 hryvnia per person, children under 7 years old are admitted free of charge. A standard set of beach equipment is offered for rent. Also, people periodically ply on the beach offering rides on a “banana” and a “plate”. There are dry toilets near the beach.

Beach RSRC

Previously, it was possible to get here without a pass, but until recently the beach was closed to outsiders.

Beach of the sanatorium "Tavrida"

Open from 8.00 to 20.00. Entrance with sanatorium passes or for 6 hryvnia per person. If you come with your family and choose this beach for daily visits, they will issue you a pass for the desired period and give you a discount - you will pay 5 hryvnia per person for each billing day. Children of preschool age are admitted free of charge. The beach is quite large and not too crowded.

Robinson Beach

Open from 8.00 to 21.00. One of the best beaches on the embankment, although not so famous - due to the fact that it is located on the right hand of Frunze Street, where few tourists turn. The entrance is opposite the Southern Cross nightclub. Cost – 5 hryvnia per person, umbrella – 7 hryvnia, sun lounger – 10 hryvnia. There are also shops selling chilled drinks, ice cream and more. They periodically play a variety of club music. The area is quite large. There are dry toilets nearby.

Knight's Beach

A local knight's tournament was held at this place. Since 2006, the beach of the same name began to operate here. A disco with club music starts here in the morning and lasts all day. Famous DJs from Ukraine and the CIS countries play right on the beach. The bartender will easily mix you a cocktail or offer you a cold beer. Tourists also have a hookah and other attributes of real club life. There are experienced massage therapists here, the beach is equipped with a swimming pool with healing mud, which is delivered here directly from Lake Saki. The beach is open from 7.00 to 21.00. The main "club" movement begins after 19.00 - at sunset.

Entrance to the beach costs 10 hryvnia, a session of healing mud baths is paid additionally - 5 hryvnia.

How to get there: the final stop of minibuses No. 6, 7. Pay attention to the corresponding sign or the statue of a knight rising above the fence.


opened this year - the city's first specialized sports beach on Simferopolskaya Street. Now there are 2 nets for playing volleyball and a portable tent for judges. In the future, spectator and referee stands will appear, and it is planned to re-equip the toilets and showers. Smoking on sports beach forbidden. The entrance is free.

Paid beaches on Simferopolskaya street

When leaving the city, the situation with the beaches seems more pleasant, since there are fewer people than on the Gorky embankment. Paid beaches here are more advanced, many have volleyball nets, and regular minifootball championships are held on the beach near the Oasis boarding house.

Beach opening hours are from 7.00 to 20.00, the cost ranges from 5-10 hryvnia. Children under 7 years old are usually admitted free of charge.

How to get there:

1. Tram No. 1, terminus; and then up the street. Simferopolskaya - tram number 4 - carries along all the beaches described above.

2. Minibuses No. 6 (goes to "Knight's Beach"), No. 7 (final - " New beach"); No. 13 (it’s convenient to catch in the city and go to Simferopolskaya Street - but it goes back in incredible circles).

Sunny paradise - nudist beach

Entrance here is open to everyone. Of course most of visitors are naturists, but no one will kick you out if you leave your swimsuit on. Complete democracy and tolerance. But this is where you can safely sunbathe topless and not only - people will understand you here. An additional plus is that entrance costs 5 hryvnia, but this includes all beach services, including plastic sun loungers and umbrellas. In addition, you can buy ice cream, soft drinks, chips and more right on site.

The nudist beach is open from 7.00 until the last client.

How to get there: the final stop of minibuses No. 6.7, 100 meters from the "Knight's Beach".

Look for the "Sunny Paradise" sign and you won't miss it.

In addition to those mentioned, in Evpatoria there are beaches: Magistral, Ogonyok, Almazny, Brigantina, Helios, Health Resort, Golden Sands, Sacco and Vanzetti Beach, Taras Shevchenko Beach, Yuri Gagarin Beach, Magnat, Mriya, Cote d'Azur, Novy, Pervomaisky, Planet, beach of the children's boarding house Russia, beach named after Nagovitsyn, Primorye, Rodnichok, Solnechny, Solnyshko, Solar is, Tavria, TOK Evpatoria, Yubileiny.

Beaches of Evpatoria at night. Fans of night swimming should take into account that most beaches close after 20.00, and it is difficult to climb over the sharp fence. However, the beach along Frunze Street remains open and is not actually guarded, so everyone can easily accommodate themselves right on the shore. One minus - there are a lot of people willing. As for the communal beach near the CCP, at night, apparently, only one entrance is left open. If you want to calmly swim in the night sea without a bunch of “neighbors” nearby, we recommend coming after 21.00 for any private beach and negotiate with the guards. The cost of an overnight visit is usually moderate and does not exceed a day ticket. The experience of tourists has shown that they are allowed to go to the beach on Duvanovskaya Street without any problems, as well as the beaches of the Oren Crimea and Udarnik sanatoriums. The only thing the guards will require of you is not to swim too far. No one is responsible for your safety at night.


Karkinitsky Bay is shallow here, with still and almost fresh water, overgrown with sea grass. The coastline is steep almost everywhere. Residents of Krasnoperekopsk, for example, swim on Lake Krasnoye, where there is a recreation area with a beach. And the one closest to Krasnoperekopsk and the northernmost in Crimea is good sand beach is located in the village of Portovoy, 10 kilometers north of the regional center of Razdolnoye.

There are few large spacious beaches - on 120 kilometers of the sea coast of the Tarkhankut Peninsula - there are only 30 kilometers of coast convenient for relaxation. But among the cliffs and landslides of the wild coast, there are very cozy and romantic “pocket” beaches at the mouths of small ravines, in the center of landslide potholes, in narrow coves ending in small cool grottoes. Beaches 2-3 meters wide and 10-15 meters long consist of sand or fine gravel and shells. During a storm, the waves cover them entirely, so you can spend the night only in the middle part of the coastal slope, where the grass begins. In pocket beaches there are underground lenses of very tasty fresh water and even medieval wells have been preserved.

Bakal Spit

a huge beach, a semi-circle surrounding a shallow bay, which warms up to +17 degrees already in early May, and from May 20 the water temperature here reaches 20 degrees and stays until mid-October. In Lake Bakalskoye, like other estuaries of Crimea, swimming is not for everyone: the water is very salty, very warm, the bottom slopes are weak, and you can go knee-deep in silt. The mud in the Crimean estuaries is almost everywhere healing, but smearing yourself with it under the sun is harmful.

After swimming in the estuary, it’s good to run to the other side of the bay and cool off in the sea or wash off excess salt in the shower. Most estuaries have a depth of 10-60 centimeters and warm up to 32 degrees in summer.

From Bakal, after 40 kilometers of the steep coast, the sea near the village of Mezhvodnoe again meets shallow warm Yarylgachskaya Bay framed by two sandy embankments separating lakes Panskoe (Sasyk) and Dzharylgach from it.

Black Sea

The Chernomorskoye resort is located in the convenient Uzkaya Bay of Karkinitsky Bay. Sea breezes, inherent in this place, change direction twice a day, which creates a natural inhalation on the shore. Another advantage is low air humidity compared to the South Coast. The water in the bay warms up faster than in the resorts of the South Coast, and the swimming season lasts longer.

Very cozy and romantic are the “pocket” beaches at the mouths of small ravines, in narrow coves with grottoes. During a storm, the waves cover them entirely, so you can spend the night only where the grass begins.

Beaches consisting of finely ground shells are good not only for relaxing after sea ​​bathing, but also for taking sand baths. Their total length is over 30 kilometers.

To the traditional set of entertainment - inflatable waterslides, rental of jet skis, bicycles, skis, parachute flights, rides on inflatable rafts) - in Chernomorskoye, boat trips are added sailing yachts, horse and buggy riding, sports activities. In the evenings, discos, bars and restaurants are open. Wide choose offers for excursions and diving.

How to get there: from the railway station Evpatoria - 70 kilometers, at shuttle bus, which departs directly from the station, or by taxi. From Simferopol - 140 kilometers, there are also buses (3 hours on the road through Yevpatoria) and you can order a taxi. In the village itself you can call a taxi at any time and anywhere.

The swimming season in Chernomorskoye begins at the end of May and ends in October. There are almost no storms, and there are more excellent days for swimming than in any place in Crimea.


A resort and dacha suburb of Yevpatoria, located on the coast of Kalamitsky Bay, 10 kilometers north of the city. The shallow beaches of Zaozerny are well warmed up by the sun; it rains here in the summer much less often than, for example, in Yalta. The coarse golden sand is pleasant on the feet and leaves the water very clean and clear when moving and slightly agitated. Large expanses of beaches have not yet been developed.

But now you will find everything you need for a good rest at a sufficient price. low prices. In the village there are several grocery stores, numerous stalls and tents where you can buy almost everything - from the necessary little things to original things and souvenirs, and a market where you can buy all the necessary products: fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy products and more. On the territory of the village there are three pharmacies, a clinic, exchange offices, post office, telephone office, telegraph.

How to get there : from Yevpatoria you can get to Zaozernoye by minibus No. 8 (fare 2 hryvnia), the stop is located opposite the railway station or by taxi (fare about 40-50 hryvnia).

Beach attractions and entertainment: on the coast you can ride jet skis, inflatable bananas and plates, and water catamarans. Local cozy restaurants offer friendly feasts or a quiet evening for two. As for evening relaxation, it can be noted that the bars are located along main street resort. There are billiards and dance floors, and if you wish, you can take a ride to Evpatoria. Numerous travel agencies offer excursions to undersea world coast and mountain Crimea, By historical places, ancient, abandoned cave cities and historical shrines of Crimea.

The sanatoriums of the village have a modern complex of sanatorium-resort treatment using natural Natural resources given climate zone- therapeutic mud, brine, mineral water.


Located 15 kilometers from Chernomorskoye, in an ecologically clean area, a gentle warm sea, rural silence, wide sandy beaches, absence of mountains, mild maritime climate, distance from highways - all this makes your vacation especially pleasant.

The village is famous for its magnificent sandy beach and shallow waters for children. The swimming season in Mezhvodny begins about half a month earlier than on the South Coast, since the shallow Karkinitsky Bay, Yarylgachskaya, Akmechetskaya and Karadzhinskaya bays are quickly warmed up by the sun in the spring.

The beach is a 5-10 minute walk. The sand warms up to 42 degrees in summer. The beaches are located on embankments between bays and shallow salt lakes; the coating consists of finely ground shells, and they are good not only for relaxing after sea swimming, but also for taking sand baths. The total length is more than 30 kilometers.

At the grocery market you can buy fresh vegetables and fruits at low prices. Prices for fruits, drinks, and services differ significantly from prices on the South Coast. This also applies to housing prices.

How to get there : by bus or minibus - about 1 hour from Evpatoria, 2 hours - from Simferopol. In addition, the village is connected with Dzhankoy, Simferopol and Evpatoria good tracks.

Entertainment on the beaches of Mezhvodnoye includes water slides, banana boat rides, catamarans, and jet skis. The village has everything you need for a good summer have a nice holiday by the sea: cafes and cozy coastal bars, discos open air, rental base of beach and water accessories. You can also book an excursion to any corner of Crimea at or near the local market.

A special advantage of the resort village, in addition to the sea coast, is the local healing mud, which in its own way medicinal properties not inferior to the mud of Evpatoria and Sak. Their reserves are practically inexhaustible.


The resort is located 5 kilometers from the shore of Kalamitsky Bay. Saki healing lake with mud and brine, as well as springs mineral water successfully complemented optimal combination humid marine and dry steppe climate. The sea swimming season, when the water temperature is more than +17 degrees, is from the beginning of June to the end of September. The beaches are sandy. In the city center there is a park, a market, a local history museum, sanatoriums, cafes and restaurants, and gastronomy.

How to get there: from Simferopol - from the Central bus station (Kyiv street, 4) or the Kurortnaya bus station, located near the railway station. People go from here all the time Shuttle Buses and minibuses to Sak. The transfer time will be about an hour. From Yevpatoria - from the bus station on Internatsionalnaya Street, 124. In Saki itself there are 6 bus lines, a ride in a minibus costs 2 hryvnia.

The most important entertainment is located outside the city, but you can get to them in a few minutes by minibus. All kinds of beach activities are provided here for vacationers: beach soccer and volleyball competitions, diving and much more.

Entertainment complex "Solnyshko" - 450 meters of sandy beach with pure water, water attractions, sports and children's playgrounds, diving center, cafes, bars, guarded parking. Nearby is the largest water park in Crimea with 8 pools and 25 water attractions. For sports lovers, the city has tennis courts, volleyball courts and a stadium, go-karting and billiards.


Holidays in Shtormovoye have become very popular relatively recently, thanks to the clean sandy beaches and therapeutic mud. Here the mild maritime climate of the coast is combined with the dry climate of the steppe Crimea. The swimming season begins in the second half of May and ends in the second half of September, and sometimes in October. There are sandy beaches, the distinctive feature of which is the gentle slopes of the seabed, which makes them especially attractive for families with children. The coast is about 10 kilometers long. There are both well-maintained beaches and wild ones. Since there are many shallows in Shtormovoe, the water warms up quickly, and due to the fact that the coastal strip is open, the water is clean all the time.

The influence of Lake Donuzlav on climate contributes to more sunny days and has its own weather pattern, slightly different from its neighbors. When it rains in Evpatoria, there is no hint of precipitation in the stormy sun. Very often, rain clouds simply circle around the village.

The village has a market, a sufficient number of shops, stalls, tents, cafes, bars, and restaurants. For those who wish to eat on their own, in every courtyard of the private sector, as well as in a private boarding house, there are kitchens where tourists can cook their own food. Travel agencies offer excursions to all corners of Crimea.

How to get there : by bus (minibus), or by own transport. You can leave Simferopol from the railway station by bus going to Evpatoria. You can also wait for a direct minibus to Shtormovoe, but they don’t run often, so it doesn’t always make sense to wait. In a maximum of an hour and a half you will be in Evpatoria. At the bus station you need to change to a bus going to Shtormovoye. In summer they depart approximately once every 20 minutes.


A small village 17 kilometers from Yevpatoria. If your main goal is to relax away from the bustle of the city on the seashore with minimal financial costs, this is the place for you. Silence, healing sea ​​air saturated with ozone, herbal aromas, bromine, iodine, fluorine, calcium and other microelements; clean, clear water; free sandy beach, closeness to nature, fresh cow and goat milk.

A shallow bay with little surf, a smooth sandy bottom that gradually descends from the shore, an almost complete absence of ebb and flow, a sandy beach and a favorable climate create excellent conditions in Vitino for sea swimming not only for adults, but also for very young children. The village has a small market and several grocery stores.

Get there You can get to Vitino from Evpatoria by bus, the stop of which is located opposite railway station in Evpatoria.

There's not much entertainment here, but that's the beauty of it. In Vitino there is only one paved street, there is bare steppe all around, but there is a warm sea with pretty good sandy beaches nearby. Only nature, sea, sand and summer sun. But if you wish, you can book a tour of Crimean sights.


A resort village consisting of private boarding houses, hotels, camp sites and estates. Therapeutic climate, sandy beaches, shallow shores, pure water. There is a village near Popovka Peaceful, in the past - a former military town. These resort villages They have long grown together and form a single resort area. It has a mild, moderately humid climate; compared to other cities of Crimea, Popovka is the driest. There are almost no sharp temperature fluctuations here. You will be greeted by a wonderful beach: the sand is not golden like in Yevpatoria, but somewhat whitish, probably due to the proximity of Cape Tarkhankut with its limestone cliffs. The water is very clear, clean, and highly mineralized.

In the village there are several grocery stores, numerous stalls and tents where you can buy almost everything - from the necessary little things to original things and souvenirs - and a market where you can buy all the necessary products: fruits, homemade milk, which is so healthy for children, meat and other products. There are two pharmacies on the territory of the village, including a 24-hour clinic. The ambulance station is located in the village of Mirny.

How to get there : a bus leaves from Evpatoria towards Popovka every 30 minutes.

The beach has water slides, trampolines, and children's attractions. Here you can ride a banana boat, water ski, jet ski, catamaran, and ATVs.

Here is a haven for diving lovers - reliefs and landscapes of the seabed, the consequences of long-standing tectonic faults and eruptions of now defunct volcanoes, an abundance of such gems as jasper, onyx, agate, other beautiful, fancy semi-precious and ornamental stones, as well as a huge number of utensils and objects everyday life belonging to different historical eras.

Avid fishermen will be able to test their gear on the seashore and on Lake Donuzlav. Good bite both from the boat and from the shore. Possible trophies: red mullet, white salmon, mullet, bluefish and goby. And also crabs, shellfish - mussels and rapana.

Speaking about holidays in Popovka, it is impossible not to mention that every summer one of the world's largest dance music festivals (open air) is held here every year. Cheerful people who love communication and are tired of rules and boundaries gather on the hospitable Black Sea coast. Usually the festival takes place in the second half of summer: from July 15 to August 30, and during this period fans of the KaZantip Republic come here from all over the world. During the festival, many find accommodation in Popovka.

The popularity of Kazantip is growing every year, and today the festival attracts tens of thousands of outdoor enthusiasts. Sharing happiness with others is his motto, and, as the “residents” of Republic Z themselves believe, KaZantip is the only place on earth where the end of the world can simply not be noticed.

There are many nudist beaches in Crimea, but most of them are located at a distance from settlements. Provide “natural” vacationers with cultural beach holidays Evpatoria decided. The Sunny Paradise beach is located within the city limits, but is intended for nudists.

Where is Sunny Paradise Beach on the map

Conscious Innovation

What’s interesting is that the Evpatoria nudist beach is not the result of a purely private initiative. Its creation is planned by the city authorities, and the territory of the “Sunny Paradise” is available to anyone who pays a nominal amount for entry (that is, it is actually a paid municipal site).

3D panorama of the beach

Opening unusual place The holiday took place during the 2017 season. Attracting attention is the fact that local media widely disseminated the statement that local church leaders approached the leadership of Yevpatoria with the idea of ​​​​creating a separate, well-maintained beach for nudists.

It is not known for certain whether they wanted to help tourists in this way or protect morally unstable parishioners from temptation. In fact, it has not even been proven that representatives of the church even came up with such an initiative. All this is just speculation, but, as they say, there is no smoke without fire.

Moral code

It is not very different from the generally accepted one, but a special place in it is occupied by tolerance (indifference is possible, but without contempt) towards others and reverence for the natural environment. Any guest of the Sunny Paradise beach in Evpatoria should remember this.

At the entrance to the “Sunny Paradise” there are clear signs indicating what type of recreation is practiced there. Therefore, it is difficult for a person to get here “out of ignorance.” But not all visitors are ideological nudists. Sometimes ordinary bathers also come here for the sake of cleanliness and silence. Even more often there are people who are not real naturists, but who have no antipathy towards this practice and are happy to sunbathe naked sometimes when the conditions are suitable.

Akostyukhina © Yandex.Photos

These guests need to firmly remember two things. Firstly, they don’t litter on a nudist beach - naturism implies respect for nature, and why are the trash cans there? Secondly, it is bad form to pay increased attention to others, no matter whether they are dressed or not. Nudists are not attractions; they do not undress in order to please someone, much less conquer someone. They themselves are good-naturedly indifferent to traditional “textile workers”. But it is not necessary to completely undress on the beach - nudity is not a law here.

The best time to visit “Sunny Paradise” is midday. In the evenings, sometimes companies appear here, undressing for reasons opposite to nudist ones - for show and out of spite. Few will feel comfortable in such company. And it’s clear that you shouldn’t take them here - such impressions are beyond their age.

Cultural holiday without clothes

Otherwise, reviews characterize “Sunny Paradise” as perfect place for a calm, quiet time. His passion for cleanliness made him perhaps the best in terms of sanitary indicators. Noisy discos are not practiced here and “music” at 1.5 notes is not constantly blaring from the loudspeaker (the nearby Knight’s Beach is intended for “party-goers”).

But at the same time, the beach is provided with all the amenities that modern ideas about comfort consider necessary. Sun beds, umbrellas, showers, toilets - everything is at the disposal of visitors; the use of these amenities is included in the entrance fee. There are also beach “frills” here - various attractions, a massage parlor with drinks and ice cream. These pleasures need to be paid additionally, but the prices differ little from those accepted on regular ones.

Alex Kuledin © Google Photos

“Sunny Paradise” is a sandy beach, with an excellent entrance into the water (gradual, but not too much), without stones at the bottom. Since there are relatively few vacationers here (another plus), the water is rarely cloudy.

The beach is surrounded by a secure solid fence. The reason for the closure is obvious - the fence protects naturists from unhealthy curiosity, and protects passers-by with puritanical views from a shocking spectacle. But there's no need to climb over the fence to get to the nud - although it officially has opening hours, they are somewhat vague. The opening time is considered to be 7 am - and then until the last swimmer.

It should be noted that “Sunny Paradise” also has a “dressed” double - not all of its territory is given over to nudists. “Textile workers” are also located on Knight’s Beach next door, and sometimes the “population” of the two edges rotates. Naked tourists move from their properties to other beaches if they want to find more attractions or play sports (for this they have to dress up). And traditionalist vacationers come to nudists for peace and space. No one has any problems.

How to get (get there) to the nudist beach?

This can be done either by car or by public transport. If you choose the second option, look for minibus No. 6, and you will need to get off at the “Rytsarsky Beach” stop.

By car from the center of Evpatoria you can get here like this:

Note to tourists

  • Address: st. Simferopol, Evpatoria, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 45.192511, 33.416032.

If you are interested in “Sunny Paradise”, it is better not to count too much on viewing its photos. The nudist beach in Yevpatoria is usually filmed only by its visitors, without making the results publicly available. But this - positive side nudism, because it encourages not to brag about nudity, not to put it on display, but to enjoy the fullest possible contact with the pleasant phenomena of nature. In conclusion - a video on the topic, enjoy watching!