Mega volcanoes of the planet. The most powerful volcanoes on the planet

Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface of the earth's crust where magma comes to the surface, forming lava, volcanic gases, rocks and pyroclastic flows. The word “Vulcan” comes from the name of the ancient Roman god of fire, Vulcan. There are several thousand volcanoes on earth, more than 500 of which are active. In our list we will talk about the 11 largest and highest volcanoes on the planet.


Tajumulco is a volcano in western Guatemala. It has an altitude of 4220 meters, is part of the burrow system of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas and the highest point in Guatemala and Central America. The volcano cone has two peaks; the eastern cone is ancient with a crater with a diameter of about 70 meters, the western one is young. There are oak and pine forests on the slopes, and xerophytic mountain meadows in the upper part. There is several evidence of its eruptions in historical times, but none of them are reliably confirmed.


The volcano in Washington state, 4392 meters high, is located 88 kilometers from Seattle in Pierce County. Rainier is a dormant stratovolcano, but there is evidence of volcanic activity from 1820 to 1894. Today, according to the USGS, in the event of a strong eruption, about 150 thousand people could be in danger. Rainier is one of the most glacially rich mountains in the world, on the slopes of which are the sources of many rivers. Up to a height of 2500 meters, the volcano is covered with coniferous forests, above - alpine meadows, above 2800 meters - glaciers and eternal snow. On the peaks there are 40 glaciers with an area of ​​87 km², the largest of which is Emmons - 14 km². The volcano and surrounding area are protected and have the status of Mount Rainier National Park.


Klyuchevskaya Sopka is an active volcano in eastern Kamchatka, about 7,000 years old. It has a height of 4850 meters, a crater diameter of 1250 meters and a crater depth of 340 meters. It is the highest active volcano on the Eurasian continent. It is a regular cone with 70 side cones, domes and craters. Despite greater height There is no snow or glaciers on the volcano. This is caused by active volcanic activity. Klyuchevskoy volcano was formed only due to summit eruptions. Over 270 years, more than 50 strong eruptions occurred. During the 2004-2005 eruption, the ash column reached a record height of 8,000 m.


It is the highest active volcano of the Andean volcanic belt at 40 km north of the city Manizales. Nevado del Ruiz is located in the territory National Park Los Nevados is part of the Ruiz Tolima massif and includes a group of five snow-capped volcanoes: Tolima, Santa Isabel, Quindia and Machin. The Cordillera is located at the intersection of four deep faults that are still partially active. The top of the volcano is covered large glaciers, but they are quickly receding thanks to global warming. This volcano has been active for about 2 million years. Its relatively minor eruption in 1985, after a 150-year period of inactivity, almost completely destroyed and cut off the town of Armero from the outside world and led to the death of 23 thousand of its inhabitants.


Seventh place in the list of most large volcanoes world occupied by this active stratovolcano in South America. Sangay is located in Ecuador, on the eastern slope of the Andes and has three craters. The height above sea level is 5230 meters. A young cone rises above the ancient volcano, cut by deep gorges. Almost continuously since 1728, the volcano emitted steam and ash, covering the surrounding area. The volcano is believed to have formed about 14,000 years ago. Last eruption it was in 2007. At the top there is eternal snow.


Popocatepetl is an active volcano and the second highest mountain in Mexico, with an altitude of 5426 meters. The name comes from two words in the Nahuatl language: popo - “smoking” and tepetl - “hill”. There are three state capitals around the volcano - Puebla, Tlaxcala and Mexico City, with general population more than 20 million people. The volcano has a perfect conical shape, a very deep oval crater, with almost vertical walls. Most eruptions over the past 600 years have been relatively weak. In September 2006, the volcano resumed activity, with periodic ash emissions over the volcano's crater.


Peak Orizaba is the most high mountain Mexico and the third highest in North America. Its height is 5636 meters. Difficult terrain, significant altitude above sea level, strong winds- all this became the reason for the presence on the volcano of several climatic zones. If tropical vegetation can be observed at the foot of the eastern side of the volcano, then at more high levels the vegetation is more similar to alpine. And to the south and southeast there are large fields of small cinder cones and maars - funnel-shaped depressions that appeared during the explosion of gases, up to 300-400 m deep and exceeding 3 km in diameter. Although Orizaba has fallen asleep since the last volcanic eruption occurred in 1687, he can suddenly awaken and show his hot temper.


A volcano in South America in southern Peru, whose height is 5822 meters, and the top is covered with snow only in winter. 17 km to the west is Peru's second largest city, Arequipa, with a population of about 1 million people. The volcano has three concentric craters. Fumarole activity can be observed in the inner crater. Geological studies indicate that El Misti has had 5 weak eruptions over the past hundred years. In the 15th century, a strong volcanic eruption forced the residents of the city of Arequipa to flee. The last weak eruption was recorded in 1985.


The third largest volcano on the planet is the Cotopaxi Volcano. This volcano is located in Ecuador and is the highest active volcano in the country, its height is 5911 meters. The area at the base is 16 km by 19 km, and the top, starting at an altitude of 5200 meters, is covered ice cap. The icy crater of the volcano reaches a diameter of about 800 meters, and in the lower part there is peculiar vegetation - mountain meadows and pine forests with mosses and lichens. Since 1738, Cotopaxi has erupted about 50 times.


This dormant volcano It is part of the Cordillera Oxidetal range and the highest point in Ecuador. Its height is 6267 meters, and it was formed about 60 million years BC. The top of the volcano is completely covered with ice, in some places falling to a height of 4600 m. Melt water from the mountain is the main water resource for residents of the provinces of Bolivar and Chimborazo. Today, the top of this volcano is the most distant point on its surface from the center of the Earth. The last volcanic eruption occurred around 550 AD.


The largest volcano on the planet is an active volcano in the Western Cordillera of the Andes, on the border of Chile and Argentina - Llullaillaco. The height of this giant is 6739 meters. At the top there is eternal glaciation. Located in one of the driest places in the world - the Atacama Desert, the snow line on the western slope exceeds 6.5 thousand meters. Llullaillaco is also famous archaeological site- in 1999, the mummified bodies of three Inca children, allegedly sacrificed 500 years ago, were discovered on its summit.

Most of the volcanoes on our planet are located in the “ring of fire”, which stretches along the shores of the entire Pacific Ocean. There are about 1.5 thousand volcanoes on Earth, of which 540 are active.

Here is a list of the most dangerous of them.

1. Nyiragongo, height 3470 m, Democratic Republic Congo

This is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Africa. Since 1882, 34 eruptions have been recorded here. The main crater is 250 meters deep and 2 km wide, and contains a lake of actively bubbling lava. This lava is extremely fluid and its flows can reach speeds of 100 km/h. In 2002, an eruption killed 147 people and left 120,000 people homeless. The last eruption to date occurred in 2016.

2. Taal, height 311 m, Philippines

This is one of the smallest active volcanoes on our planet. It has erupted 34 times since 1572. Located on the island of Luzon, on Taal Lake. The most powerful eruption of this volcano in the 20th century occurred in 1911 - in 10 minutes, 1335 people died and, in general, all living things at a distance of up to 10 km. In 1965, 200 people died. Last eruption - 1977

3. Mauna Loa, height 4,169 m, Hawaii (USA)

There are many volcanoes in Hawaii, but this is the largest and most dangerous of them all. Since 1832, 39 eruptions have been recorded. The last eruption occurred in 1984, the last major eruption in 1950.

4. Vesuvius, height 1,281 m, Italy

One of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world is located just 15 km east of Naples. The most famous historical eruption occurred in 79 AD. As a result of this disaster, two cities - Pompeii and Herculaneum - disappeared from the face of the Earth. IN modern history The last eruption of Vesuvius occurred in 1944.

5. Merapi, altitude 2,930 m, Indonesia

This most active active volcano in Indonesia is located on the island of Java near the city of Yogyakarta. "Merapi" is translated as "mountain of fire." The volcano is young, so it puffs with enviable regularity. Major eruptions occur on average every 7 years. In 1930, about 1,300 people died, in 1974, two villages were destroyed, and in 2010, 353 people died. Last eruption - 2011

6. St. Helens, altitude 2,550 m, USA

Located 154 km from Seattle and 85 km from Portland. This active volcano's most famous eruption occurred in 1980, killing 57 people. The eruption was of a rare type - a “directed explosion”. The process of the volcanic eruption and the spread of the ash cloud was filmed by photographer Robert Landsburg, who died in this eruption, but saved the film. Last Activity currently recorded in 2008.

7. Etna, height 3,350 m, Italy

Volcano Etna is located on east coast Sicily. This is the highest active volcano in Europe. Throughout its existence, it has erupted about 200 times. In 1992, one of the largest eruptions was recorded, during which the town of Zafferana barely escaped. On December 3, 2015, the central crater of the volcano ejected a fountain of lava to a kilometer height. The last eruption was February 27, 2017.

8. Sakurajima, height 1,117 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Osumi Peninsula of Kyushu Island in the Japanese Prefecture of Kagoshima. There is almost always a cloud of smoke above the volcano. Eruptions were recorded on August 18, 2013, in March 2009. The last eruption was recorded on July 26, 2016.

9. Galeras, altitude 4,276 m, Colombia

Over the past 7 thousand years, at least six large eruptions and many small ones have occurred on Galeras. In 1993, during the research work Six volcanologists and three tourists died in the crater (then the eruption also began). Latest recorded eruptions: January 2008, February 2009, January and August 2010

10. Popocatepetl, altitude 5426 m, Mexico

The name translates as "smoking hill". The volcano is located near Mexico City. It has erupted 20 times since 1519. The last eruption was recorded in 2015.

11. Unzen, altitude 1,500 m, Japan

The volcano is located on the Shimabara Peninsula. The eruption of Mount Unzen in 1792 is one of the five most destructive eruptions in human history in terms of the number of casualties. The eruption caused a tsunami 55 meters high, which killed more than 15 thousand people. And in 1991, 43 people died during an eruption. No eruptions have been observed since 1996.

12. Krakatoa, height 813 m, Indonesia

This active volcano is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. Before the historic eruption of 1883, the volcano was much higher and was one big Island. However, a powerful eruption in 1883 destroyed the island and the volcano. Today Krakatoa is still active and small eruptions occur quite regularly. Last activity - 2014.

13. Santa Maria, altitude 3,772 m, Guatemala

The first recorded eruption of this volcano occurred in October 1902, before which it “rested” for 500 years. The explosion was heard 800 km away in Costa Rica, and the ash column rose 28 km. About 6 thousand people died. Today the volcano is active. The last eruption was recorded in 2011.

14. Klyuchevskaya Sopka, height 4835 m, Russia

The volcano is located in the east of Kamchatka, 60 km from the coast. This is the largest active volcano in Russia. Over the past 270 years, more than 50 eruptions have been recorded, the last one in April 2016.

15. Karymskaya Sopka, height 1468 m, Russia

Also located in Kamchatka. Since 1852, more than 20 eruptions have been recorded. Recent eruptions: 2005, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015. A very turbulent volcano.


In 2018, scientists dared to predict the intensification of volcanic activity on the planet, frightening ordinary people catastrophic consequences in the form of global climate change, destruction of cities and loss of life.

Such bleak forecasts from experts are not unfounded: for many years now, increasing volcanic activity has been observed along the region of the Pacific volcanic ring of fire, where more than three hundred active volcanoes.

The behavior of a couple of other active volcanoes that have managed to last years ten to twenty ruin the lives of a significant number of people on our planet. But there are about nine hundred active volcanoes on land alone.

Volcanoes are an integral part of the Earth, reminding us of how destructive the fury of nature can be. We bring to your attention a list of the ten most dangerous active volcanoes on our planet today.

Active volcanoes

Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii

While the whole world watches with aspiration as the Kilauea volcano covers the most large island Hawaii, not so far from it, peacefully slumbering megavolcano Mauna Loa, whose height is 4169 meters (that is, almost three thousand meters higher than Kilauea!).

Mauna Loa, whose name translates as " long mountain", is the largest active volcano on planet Earth. this moment it is a place of pilgrimage for tourists and a work site for representatives of the scientific world.

Education of this volcano began approximately 700,000 years ago, with its activity continues to this day. Mauna Loa's most recent eruption occurred in 1984. The underwater part of this volcano is the largest on the planet and is 80 thousand cubic kilometers.

The volcano spews intense lava flows that threaten not only the huge ecosystem that has settled on its slopes, but also nearby human settlements. The Hawaiians in their mythology singled out Mauna Loa as the place of one of the sisters Pele - the goddess of fire, volcanoes and strong winds.

Eyjafjallajokull volcano, Iceland

For some time now, Eyjafjallajökull has become one of the most famous volcanoes on our planet. And this despite the fact that Very few people can pronounce its name without hesitation.. This 1666-meter-high volcano (a mysterious combination of three sixes, isn't it?) is located in the south of Iceland.

It is part of several small glaciers of this island state. The volcano's crater itself, which is three to four kilometers in diameter, was also covered by glaciers. However, the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, which began on March 20, 2010, melted its ice.

Despite the fact that Eyjafjallajökull is not the largest volcano in Iceland, its eruption caused trouble throughout Europe. The height that the volcanic ash reached was 13 kilometers. And its significant spread led to the suspension of air traffic over the entire Northern Europe.

Almost a month later, volcanic ash from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano was recorded over a huge part of the territory Russian Federation. As a result of the last eruption, a new crack formed on the volcano in the direction from north to south, the length of which was two kilometers.

Volcano Vesuvius, Italy

Speaking about the most dangerous active volcanoes on the planet, it would be unforgivable frivolity not to mention the Italian Vesuvius. This volcano the last eruption of which was recorded in 1944, is most famous in the world for the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum that were razed to the ground in 79 AD.

The location of this volcano, the only one active in continental Europe, makes it one of the most dangerous in the world. The reason is the proximity of densely populated regions. Suffice it to say that just fifteen kilometers from Vesuvius is Naples, whose agglomeration exceeds three million people.

Vesuvius does not have an outstanding height - it is only 1281 meters above sea level. His quite frequent activity (one eruption approximately every twenty years) due to the relative youth of the volcano - it was formed about 25,000 years ago.

We most often remember the tragedy of Pompeii, where about two thousand people were buried during the eruption. At the same time, we forget that during the eruption on July 26, 1805 (far from the most powerful eruption of this volcano!), Vesuvius took the lives of 26 thousand people!

Active volcanoes

Volcano Nyiragongo, Congo

If we talk about activity, then the Nyiragongo volcano, whose height is 3469 meters, can rightfully be considered one of the most active. It is known that 34 eruptions have been recorded since 1882. Some of these eruptions continued for many months and even years.

In fact, Nyiragongo and its neighbor Nyamlagira are responsible for forty percent of all eruptions that continue to be observed on the African continent to this day. If we talk about the most destructive eruptions of Nyiragongo, the last one occurred on January 10, 1977.

As a result of that cataclysm, about two thousand people died, and the tragedy occurred literally within the first half hour from the moment the eruption began. Deadliest eruption of Nyiragongo in this century happened in 2002, when 45 people died under lava flows.

Nyiragongo is also famous for having the most big lake molten lava, the diameter of which is two kilometers. The temperature of the lava is 1200 degrees Celsius. Self lake of fire, which is visible even from space, resembles in size a red Cyclopean eye, or, if you like, the eye of Sauron.

Taal Volcano, Philippines

Taal Volcano, whose height is only some 311 meters, is located on the island of Luzon, just 50 kilometers away from the more than one and a half million city of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. In fact, it is one of the smallest active volcanoes on our planet.

Despite his size, Taal sent many thousands of people to the next world. It is known that since 1572 this volcano has erupted at least thirty times. It was thanks to his activity that the third largest lake in the Philippines was formed, the greatest depth of which is 172 meters. It is also called Taal.

One of the most powerful eruptions of Taal, which resulted in the death of all living things within a few minutes at a distance of up to ten kilometers from the volcano, occurred on January 30, 1911. Then masses of superheated steam and hot ash killed 1335 people. It is noteworthy that the volcano did not eject lava.

A huge cloud of ash, according to sources of those years, was visible at a distance of more than four hundred kilometers. The last powerful eruption of Taal was also recorded in the last century. It happened in 1965, taking the lives of more than two hundred people.

Volcano Merapi, Indonesia

Some volcanoes destroy settlements and villages, like Nyamlaghira and Taal. Others, like Vesuvius, entire cities. About the Merapi volcano it is known that he destroyed the entire Javanese-Indian kingdom, which was located on the territory of modern Indonesia. This happened in the year 1006.

The highest point of Merapi is 2968 meters. “Mountain of Fire” (that’s how the name of this volcano is translated) does not skimp on deadly eruptions. And this is not surprising, since Merapi is the youngest volcano from the group of its many “relatives” located in the south of the island of Java.

In the first half of the last century, there were 13 eruptions of the “mountain of fire”. It is known, for example, that in 1930, 1,300 people died due to the activity of this volcano. And now in 1974 Merapi wipes out two villages, and just a year later - another village, causing enormous damage to the region’s infrastructure. 29 people died then.

The last powerful eruption of Merapi in 2010 forced more than 350,000 people to flee the surrounding region. local residents. Some of them, however, dared to return, for which many of them paid with their lives - the volcano sent 353 people to the next world.

The most dangerous volcanoes

Volcano Galeras, Colombia

In Colombia, very close to the border with the Republic of Ecuador, is the majestic Galeras volcano. The height of this giant is 4276 meters. The depth of the crater (about 80 meters) and its diameter (320 meters) turn this volcano into a kind of cannon that has fired more than once.

The Galeras volcano continues to be active, as can be seen from numerous small eruptions. Not many really strong eruptions happened on Galeras. According to scientists, over the past seven thousand years there have been about six major bursts of its activity.

Galeras is very popular place for tourists in South America who also come to admire the beauty of the mountain located at the foot of the mountain national reserve , the area of ​​which is several thousand hectares.

Galeras constantly keeps in suspense almost half a million people living near the volcano, which, according to experts, remains active for at least a million years. Due to small eruptions, people often die there, and due to the threat of large ones, the authorities periodically evacuate many thousands of residents.

Sakurajima Volcano, Japan

Active Japanese volcano Sakurajima once appeared an independent island. However, after the eruption of 1914, it became part of the Osumi Peninsula, connecting with it through frozen lava flows.

Sakurajima has been continuously active since 1955, posing a serious threat to the city of Kagoshima, with a population of more than six hundred thousand people. However, this did not prevent (or rather helped) the residents of the city to benefit from such a dangerous neighborhood, making the volcano a tourist attraction.

There is a regular ferry to Mount Sakurajima, and from the city itself to the volcano, whose height is 1117 meters, a breathtakingly beautiful view opens up. Given the constant small eruptions of the volcano, it is not surprising that residents have become accustomed to it. For example, in 2014 alone, 471 eruptions occurred!

Volcanoes of the Decade are called Mountain peaks, which, according to the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, deserve careful and thorough study. The need to study volcanoes is primarily due to their proximity to large settlements and a rich history filled with many destructive eruptions. The Volcanoes of the Decade Project was launched on January 1, 1990, at the initiative of the United Nations as part of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction.

Selection criteria for Volcanoes of the decade

According to the project, the list can only include the most dangerous volcanoes that meet the following criteria:

  • pyroclastic flows;
  • lava flows;
  • lahars;
  • tephra fall;
  • structural volcanic instability;
  • recent geological activity;
  • high probability of death of tens or hundreds of thousands of people;
  • destruction of the lava dome.

List of Volcanoes of the Decade

Today, these include 16 peaks located in different parts of the world:

1. Avachinskaya Sopka, Russia. The 2741 m high volcano is located in the southern part of Kamchatka and is composed of slag, andesite and basalt lava. It has erupted 18 times over the past three centuries, with the last explosion in 1991 leaving a large plug of lava in its 400-meter crater that could burst out at any moment.

2. Colima, Mexico. Located in the Mexican Volcanic Sierra, the peak has an altitude of 3850 m and consists of two conical peaks, one of which is active. Since 1576, over 40 eruptions have been recorded; during the last one, in 2015, a column of ash and smoke rose to a height of about 10 km.

3. Galeras, Colombia. The mountain rises near the city of Pasto and is a constant threat to its 400,000 population. The height of the volcano is 4276 m, the diameter of the crater is 320 m. Over 7,000 years it has experienced at least 6 powerful eruptions and countless small ones. During the last volcanic activity in 2010, local authorities had to evacuate more than 9,000 people.

4. Mauna Loa, Hawaii, USA. The shield volcano in Hawaii rises 4169 m above the sea and is considered the largest in volume among all active peaks on our planet. Since the 1830s, 39 eruptions have been recorded, the most recent occurring in 1984.

5. Etna, Italy. Beautiful is the highest active volcano in Europe and one of the most active. It once caused the almost complete destruction of Catania, and now on average every 3 months it pours out lava from its numerous craters.

6. Merapi, Indonesia. The most active Indonesian volcano is located on the island of Java and erupts at intervals of about six months. Every seven years it has a powerful eruption, and emits smoke almost every day. During the 2010 eruption, more than 190 residents of surrounding villages became victims of the volcano.

7. Nyiragongo, Congo. Of all the observed eruptions in Africa, this volcano and the neighboring peak Nyamlagila account for about 40% of the continent's volcanic activity. has a large 250-meter crater from which it emits incredibly liquid lava from time to time. Due to the low quartz content, this lava is capable of flowing down slopes at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour.

8. Rainier, USA. According to the US Geological Survey, more than 150 thousand people could be affected by the volcano. rises 88 km from Seattle and is currently classified as dormant, although at least 6 eruptions were recorded in the 19th century.

9. Vesuvius, Italy. The most terrible event in the history of the volcano happened in 79, when several cities of Campania, including Pompeii and Herculaneum, were destroyed by pyroclastic and mudflows. The last time it erupted was in 1944, when 27 people were injured and the towns of Massa and San Sebastiano were destroyed.

10. Unzen, Japan. The volcanic eruption in 1792 was one of the five most destructive in human history. When the mountain exploded, a 55-meter tsunami was generated, killing over 15 thousand people.

11. Sakurajima, Japan. The volcano is located on the island of Kyushu and is considered a tourist attraction, but the cities of Tarumizu and Kagoshima are located next to it, so if it erupts, the disaster will affect at least 600 thousand people.

12. Santa Maria, Guatemala. One of the most terrible volcanoes in the country. Until the beginning of the 20th century, it did not erupt for over 500 years. In 1902, as a result of the big explosion, about 5 cubic meters were thrown out. km of tephra and killed 6,000 people.

13. Santorini, Greece. A volcanic eruption dating back to around 1645 BC caused the extinction Minoan culture in Crete and led to a tsunami 18 m high, which washed away all coastal settlements.

14. Taal, Philippines. Active on the island of Luzon, it is known for its eruption in 1911, when pyroclastic flows literally destroyed everything up to 10 km away in just 8–10 minutes, including more than 1,300 people.

15. Teide, Canary Islands, Spain. During an explosion in 1706, the volcano destroyed the city of Garachico and a number of villages. The last volcanic activity dates back to 1909.

16. Ulawun, Papua New Guinea . The highest peak in the Bismarck Archipelago is considered the most active in the country and is famous for its 1915 eruption, which left the nearby town of Toriu covered in 10 centimeters of ash.

Undoubtedly, active volcanoes in the world are one of the most fascinating and beautiful and at the same time terrifying natural phenomena. These geological formations played a key role in the formation of the Earth. Thousands of years ago there were a huge number of them throughout the planet.

Today there are few volcanoes that are still active. Some of them frighten, delight and at the same time destroy entire settlements. Let's figure out where the most famous active volcanoes are located.


A typical stratovolcano (has a layered, conical shape) with a height of 6739 m. It is located on the border of Chile and Argentina.

So complicated name can be interpreted in different ways:

  • “water that cannot be found despite long searches”;
  • "a soft mass that becomes hard."

On the side of the Chilean state at the foot of the volcano there is National Park with the same name - Llullaillaco, so the surroundings of the mountain are very picturesque. While climbing to the top, tourists encounter donkeys, many species of birds and guanacos living in natural conditions.

There are two routes to get to the crater:

  • northern – duration 4.6 km, the road is suitable for traveling by car;
  • southern – duration 5 km.

If you plan to walk, take special shoes and an ice ax with you, as there are snowy areas along the way.

Interesting fact! During the first ascent in 1952, an ancient Incan repository was discovered on the mountain, and in 1999, the mummies of a girl and a boy were found near the crater. According to scientists, they became ritual victims.

The most powerful eruptions were recorded three times - in 1854 and 1866. The last eruption of an active volcano occurred in 1877.

San Pedro

The 6,145-meter-high giant is located in the Andes, in northern Chile near Bolivia on the Western Cordillera. The peak of the volcano rises above the longest body of water in Chile - Loa.

San Pedro is on the list of the highest active volcanoes. It was possible to climb to the crater for the first time in 1903. Today it is a unique attraction of Chile, which attracts thousands of tourists from different parts of the world. In the 20th century, the volcano reminded itself of itself 7 times, the last time in 1960. For more than half a century, San Pedro has resembled a bubbling cauldron that could explode at any moment. At the foot there are signs that warn that climbing to the crater is only possible with a mask that protects against toxic emissions.


  • San Pedro is one of the few giant volcanoes that has remained active to this day. Many giants are considered extinct.
  • San Pedro's neighbor is the San Pablo volcano. It is located to the east and its height is 6150 m. The two mountains are connected by a high saddle.
  • Residents of Chile tell many legends associated with the San Pedro volcano, since each eruption in the past was considered a heavenly sign and had mystical significance.
  • For the descendants of migrants from Spain and local indigenous residents, the volcano is a source of constant and considerable income.

El Misti

Among all the active volcanoes in the world on the map, this one is rightfully considered the most beautiful. Its peak is sometimes snow-covered. The mountain is located near the city of Arequipa, its height is 5822 meters. The volcano is notable for the fact that at its summit there are two craters with diameters of almost 1 km and 550 m.

There are unusual parabolic dunes on the slopes. They were the result of constant winds between El Misti and Mount Cerro Tacune, and they stretch for 20 km.

The first active action of the volcano was recorded during the migration of Europeans to Latin America. The most severe, destructive disaster occurred in 1438. In the 20th century, the volcano showed varying degrees of activity several times:

  • In 1948 for six months;
  • in 1959;
  • steam emissions were observed in 1985.

Scientists in Peru concluded several years ago that the seismic activity of the volcano is gradually increasing. This leads to earthquakes, which are not uncommon in this area. Considering that El Misti is located near a large settlement in Peru, this makes it a rather dangerous active volcano.


Located in Mexico, the highest point reaches 5500 m above sea level. It is the second highest mountain peak in the state.

The Aztecs believed that worshiping the volcano would bring rain, so they regularly brought offerings here.

Popocatépetl is dangerous because many cities are built around it:

  • the capitals of the states of Puebla and Tlaxcal;
  • the cities of Mexico City and Cholula.

According to scientists, the volcano has erupted more than three dozen times in its history. The last eruption was recorded in May 2013. During the disaster, the airport in Puebla was closed and the streets were covered in ash. Despite the hidden danger, thousands of tourists come to the volcano every year from different countries world to admire the scenery, listen to the legend and enjoy the grandeur of the mountain.

Volcano Sangay

Sangay rightfully belongs to the top ten active volcanoes, which are the most powerful in the world. The mountain is located in South America, its height is 5230 meters. Translated, the name of the volcano means “fear-inspiring” and this fully reflects its behavior - eruptions are frequent here, and sometimes stones weighing 1 ton fall from the sky. At the top of the mountain, covered with eternal snow, there are three craters with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters.

The age of the volcano is about 14 thousand years; the giant has been particularly active in recent decades. One of the most destructive activities was recorded in 2006; the eruption lasted more than a year.

The first ascent took almost 1 month, today tourists travel comfortably by car, and people cover the final stretch of the journey on mules. The journey takes several days. In general, the journey is assessed as quite difficult, so few people decide to climb to the crater. Tourists who conquer the mountain smell a strong sulfur smell and are surrounded by smoke. As a reward, an amazing landscape opens up from the top.

The volcano is surrounded by the Sangay National Park, whose area is more than 500 hectares. In 1992, UNESCO added the park to its list of endangered sites. However, in 2005 the object was removed from the list.

Interesting fact! The park area contains the three highest volcanoes of Ecuador - Sangay, Tungurahua and El Altar.

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

The volcano is the highest on the Eurasian continent - 4750 meters, and its age is more than 7 thousand years. Klyuchevskaya Sopka is located in the central part of Kamchatka; there are several other volcanoes nearby. The height of the giant increases after each eruption. There are more than 80 side craters on the slopes, so several lava flows are formed during an eruption.

The volcano is one of the most active in the world and makes itself known regularly, approximately once every 3-5 years. The duration of each activity reaches several months. The first happened in 1737. Throughout 2016, the volcano was active 55 times.

The most serious disaster was recorded in 1938, its duration was 13 months. As a result of the cataclysm, a 5 km long crack was formed. In 1945, the eruption was accompanied by a serious rockfall. And in 1974, the active actions of Klyuchevskaya Sopka led to the explosion of the glacier.

During the 1984-1987 eruption, it was formed new peak, and ash emissions rose 15 km. In 2002, the volcano became active; the greatest activity was recorded in 2005 and 2009. By 2010, the height of the mountain exceeded 5 km. In the spring of 2016, another eruption occurred over several weeks, accompanied by earthquakes, lava flows and ash emissions to a height of up to 11 km.

Mauna Loa

The eruption of this huge volcano can be observed from anywhere in Hawaii. Mauna Loa is located in an archipelago formed as a result of volcanic activity. Its height is 4169 meters. The peculiarity is that the crater is not round, so the distance from one edge to the other varies between 3-5 km. Residents of the island call the mountain Long.

On a note! Many tour guides on the island take tourists to the Mauna Kea volcano. It is indeed slightly higher than Mauna Loa, but unlike the latter, it is already extinct. Therefore, be sure to specify which volcano you want to see.

Mauna Loa is 700 thousand years old, of which 300 thousand it was under water. The activity of the volcano began to be recorded only in the first half of the 19th century. During this time, he reminded himself more than 30 times. With each eruption, the size of the giant increases.

The most devastating disasters occurred in 1926 and 1950. The volcano destroyed several villages and a city. And the eruption in 1935 was reminiscent of the plot of the legendary Soviet film “Crew”. The last activity was recorded in 1984; lava poured out of the crater for 3 weeks. Several earthquakes occurred in 2013, indicating that the volcano may soon show what it can do again.

We can say that scientists are showing the greatest interest in Mauna Loa. According to seismologists, the volcano (one of the few in the world) will continuously erupt for another million years.


Located in the republic of the same name, on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea. This is the highest point of the state - 4040 meters. The foot of the mountain and its lower part are covered with tropical forests, there is no vegetation at the top, and there is a small amount of snow.

In the territory West Africa this is the most active volcano of all those operating on the mainland. Over the past century, the giant has manifested itself 8 times. Each eruption resembles an explosion. The first mention of the disaster dates back to the 5th century BC. In 1922, volcanic lava reached the coast Atlantic Ocean. The last eruption occurred in 2000.

Good to know! The optimal time for climbing is December or January. In February, an annual competition is held here - “Race of Hope”. Thousands of participants climb to the top, competing in speed.


Tallest volcano on the territory of Indonesia (its height reaches 3 km 800 meters) and the most high point Sumatra. Located in the central part of the island, south of the city of Padang. Not far from the volcano there is Keinchi Seblat Park, which has national status.

The depth of the crater is more than 600 meters; there is a lake in its northeastern part. A strong eruption was recorded in 2004, when a column of ash and smoke rose 1 km. The last serious disaster was recorded in 2009, and in 2011 the activity of the volcano was felt in the form of characteristic tremors.

In the summer of 2013, the volcano emitted a column of ash 800 meters high. Residents of nearby settlements hastily packed their things and evacuated. The ash colored the sky gray, and the smell of sulfur was in the air. Only 30 minutes passed, and several villages were covered in a thick layer of ash. Concerns were raised about tea plantations, which are located near the volcano and were also damaged by the disaster. Fortunately, heavy rain fell after the event, and the consequences of the eruption were washed away.

This is interesting! The climb to the crater takes 2 to 3 days. The route is laid through dense forests, most often the road is slippery. To overcome the path, you will need the help of a guide. There have been cases in history when travelers disappeared while setting out on their own. It is best to start climbing in the village of Kersik Tua.


Active volcanoes on every continent (except Australia) attract the attention of scientists and tourists. Even in Antarctica there is one of them - Erebus. This volcano is located south of other objects that are the object of research by seismologists. The height of the mountain is 3 km 794 m, and the size of the crater is a little more than 800 m.

The volcano has been active since the end of the last century, when a station was opened in the state of New Mexico, its employees monitor its activities. A unique phenomenon of Erebus is the lava lake.

The object is named after the god Erebus. The mountain is located in a fault zone, which is why the volcano is recognized as one of the most active in the world. The gases released cause serious damage to the ozone layer. Scientists note that this is where the ozone layer is thinnest.

Volcanic eruptions occur in the form of explosions; the lava is thick, hardens quickly and does not have time to spread over large areas.

The main danger is ash, which makes air travel difficult because visibility is sharply reduced. A mud flow is also dangerous, as it moves at high speed, and it is almost impossible to escape from it.

Erebus is an amazing natural creation - menacing, magical and enchanting. The lake in the crater attracts with special mystery.


Located in Sicily, in the Mediterranean Sea. With a height of 3329 meters, it cannot be classified as the highest active volcano in the world, but it can confidently be considered one of the most active. After each eruption, the height increases slightly. In Europe this is largest volcano, its top is always decorated with a snow cap. The volcano has 4 central cones and about 400 side cones.

The first activity dates back to 1226 BC. The most terrible eruption occurred in 44 BC, it was so strong that the ash completely covered the sky over the capital of Italy, destroyed the harvest on Mediterranean coast. Today Etna is no less dangerous than in prehistoric times. The last eruption occurred in the spring of 2008 and lasted almost 420 days.

The volcano is attractive for its diverse vegetation; here you can find palm trees, cacti, pine trees, agaves, spruce trees, biscus trees, fruit trees and vineyards. Some plants are characteristic only of Etna - stone tree, ethnian violet. Numerous myths and legends are associated with the volcano and the mountain.


On the territory of the Hawaiian Islands, this is the most active volcano (although far from the highest in the world). In Hawaiian, Kilauea means highly spreading. Eruptions have occurred continuously since 1983.

The volcano is located on the territory of the Volcanoes National Park, its height is only 1 km 247 meters, but it compensates for its insignificant growth with activity. Kilauea appeared 25 thousand years ago; the diameter of the volcano’s caldera is considered one of the largest in the world - about 4.5 km.

Interesting! According to legend, the volcano is the residence of the goddess Pele (goddess of volcanoes). Her tears are individual drops of lava, and her hair is rivulets of lava.

An amazing sight is the Puuoo lava lake, which is located in the crater. Molten rocks bubble restlessly, creating amazing stains on the surface. Being close to it natural phenomenon dangerous because fiery lava erupts to a height of 500 meters.

In addition to the lake, you can admire a natural cave here. Its length is more than 60 km. The ceiling of the cave is decorated with stalactites. Tourists note that walking through the cave is reminiscent of flying to the moon.

In 1990, volcanic lava completely destroyed the village; the thickness of the lava layer ranged from 15 to 25 meters. Over the course of 25 years, the volcano destroyed almost 130 houses, destroyed 15 km of roads, and lava covered an area of ​​120 km.

The whole world was watching a powerful eruption Kilauea in 2014. The eruption was accompanied by periodic earthquakes. Huge volumes of lava destroyed residential buildings and working farms. Evacuation of nearby settlements was carried out, but not all residents showed a desire to leave their homes.

Which continent has no active volcanoes?

There are no extinct or active volcanoes in Australia. This is explained by the fact that the continent is located far from crustal faults and volcanic lava does not have access to the surface.

The opposite of Australia is Japan - the country is located in the most dangerous tectonic zone. Here 4 tectonic plates collide.