The most unusual lakes on the planet top 5. Amazing lakes

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There are many breathtaking places on earth: they inspire, they enchant, and every time you are convinced that there is no better artist than nature itself.

website I chose 10 picturesque and amazing lakes to once again enjoy the beauty of our planet.

Moraine, Canada

Moraine is a glacial lake in Canada's Banff National Park. The lake is fed by glaciers, so its maximum filling occurs only in June. The amazing blue color of the water is created by the refraction of light on the rocky bottom of the lake. Being one One of the most photographed sites in Canada, Moraine is truly a paradise.

Crater, USA

Crater Lake is located in the crater of the dormant Mount Mazama volcano. last eruption which happened more than 7 thousand years ago. The main attraction of the lake is the Ghost Ship, an island named so by his appearance. At dusk, it resembles a ship abandoned at sea to the mercy of fate. The Crater is also famous for a huge log called the Old Man of the Lake, which has been floating upright in the lake for over 100 years. They say that whoever sees it will have great luck.

Abraham, Canada

Abraham is a man-made lake created during the construction of a dam in the 70s of the last century. Tourists and photographers are especially attracted by the unusual patterns that appear in the water column in winter. The secret of the miracle is this: methane bubbles produced by the plants of the lake rise from the bottom, freeze at different depths, thereby creating a stunning visual effect.

Hiller, Australia

On Middle Island Western Australia There is a pink lake called Hiller. A narrow strip of sand dunes separates it from the ocean, and evergreen eucalyptus trees surround it on all sides, enclosing it in an irregular ring. The origin of the pink water of this lake still remains a mystery. While scientists are puzzling over the mystery, tourists from all over the planet admire the amazing natural object.

Melissani, Greece

Melissani is the name of a cave and lake located on east coast Greek island Kefalonia. The vault of the cave collapsed as a result of an earthquake several thousand years ago, forming a kind of uneven well in the center. This is how light penetrated into the underground kingdom of the cave. And now the rays of the sun break through the hole and, in refraction, paint the surface of the water in azure shades. Romantic place, which tourists really loved.

Peyto, Canada

Another stunning lake in Banff National Park is named Peyto, in honor of its discoverer. The reservoir has an unusual shape, reminiscent of a wolf’s head, and its “tropical color” noticeably stands out against the background of green vegetation. Rock particles that fall with the melt water give the lake a unique turquoise hue, and this makes Peyto look simply magical.

Five Color Lake, China

In the Chinese Jiuzhaigou National Park, which translates as “Valley of Nine Villages,” the Lake of Five Colors is replete with rainbow colors. The lake got its name because of its ability to change color from yellow to diamond blue. Plus it never freezes. Shrouded in mysteries and secrets, it awes the local population, hence the careful attitude towards the reservoir.

Titicaca, border of Peru and Bolivia

Lake Titicaca is considered the cradle of the Incan and other Andean civilizations. It lies in a huge depression on the border of Peru and Bolivia and is the largest alpine lake in the world. Titicaca for a long time attracted attention thanks to a huge number of legends. One of the most famous is about the Inca gold hidden from the Spanish conquistadors. Fans of adventure and treasure hunting will definitely like this place.

Lakes on our planet.

1. Jellyfish Lake in Palau

In the very heart Pacific Ocean, the island of Palau in Micronesia is home to one of the most stunning lakes. It was once connected to the ocean, and now it is home to almost eight million jellyfish, which are not dangerous to humans.

2. Lake Rezia

In 1950, the small town of Graun in northern Italy went under water due to a flood, after which two lakes merged into one. Since then, Lake Resia has completely covered former city; and on its surface only the bell tower is visible.

3. Lake Superior: A Surfer's Paradise

Canada's Lake Superior is so huge that it is called a lake masquerading as an ocean. This place is especially loved and appreciated by surfers.

4. Boiling Lake, Dominica

The second largest boiling lake in the world is located at Caribbean island Dominica. Its water can reach boiling point due to carbon dioxide and sulfur gases rising from the bottom of the large crater.

5. Man Sagar Lake

This artificial lake in Jaipur, Indian state Rajasthan, in the middle of which stands the amazing Jal Mahal Palace, but entry is closed to tourists and visitors.

6. Spotted Lake

The lake is located in British Columbia, in western Canada, and is famous for its blue-green spots - hence the name. Among indigenous peoples, the lake is considered sacred.

7. Lake Erta-Ale-Lava

One of the strangest lakes in the world at the top of the Ethiopian volcano Erta Ale. This is truly a lake made of real lava, and it regularly overflows.

8. Peach Lake

It is located in the state of Trinidad and Tobago and is one of the largest natural lakes of liquid asphalt, which is extracted from there for road construction.

9. Laguna Colorado

Located in Bolivia along the Chilean border, Laguna Colorada is a blood red salt Lake. Its unusual color is caused by sediments and pigments of microorganisms living in the lake.

10. Lake Don Juan

This is a small body of water in Wright Valley, Antarctica, which never freezes despite the cold temperatures in the region. What is the reason? Very high level salinity. Don Juan is 18 times saltier than the ocean and twice as salty as the Dead Sea.

11. Lake Balkhash

Balkhash is the largest lake in Kazakhstan. Its waters are divided into two parts by a strait, on the western side with fresh water, and on the eastern side with salt water.

12. Lakes Kelimutu

There are three lakes at the top of the Kelimutu volcano on the island of Flores in Indonesia. They are all in the same crater, but each lake has its own color, and these colors change periodically: they can be blue, green, yellow or black. And this is still a mystery to science!

13. Nong Khan Lake

This lake in northern Thailand has its own special and unique charm - from October to March, thousands of pink lotus flowers bloom on it, creating a continuous cover of flowers. The effect is amazing!

14. Dead Sea

In fact, the Dead Sea is not a sea, but a salt lake located between Israel and Jordan and has high salinity. It is especially popular among people who love therapeutic thermal treatments.

15. Lake Manicouagan

The lake is also called the “Eye of Quebec” because of its clear circular shape. It was once a crater formed by an asteroid impact. When a dam was built on the Manicouagan River, the crater was flooded and became one of the largest reservoirs in the world.

When we were students, in geography lessons, we learned amazing things about the world around us. And one of the topics that has always interested people is lakes. Over the many years of existence on the planet of this natural phenomenon, man has even learned to create artificial lakes on his own! However, what do we know about them? Yes, the deepest is Baikal, and the one with the largest reserves fresh water- Titicaca. This is undoubtedly basic knowledge, a base, so to speak, but in this article we want to tell you about much more unusual lakes that you have hardly heard about in schools and universities. We present to you the top 10 most amazing lakes on the planet. Happy reading!

Who among us has not admired our reflection in the surface of the water? The lack of wind turns the calm surface of the reservoir into an amazing semblance of a mirror, however, Lake Mattison has surpassed all standards. The surface of this lake is so smooth that it can not only resemble, but also surpass any real mirror. Mattison captures the peaks of Mount Tasman and Mount Cook with incredible clarity. Every little detail is visible in such detail that it will be hard to believe your own eyes. And all you can do is admire the stunning picture that appears before you.

Kelimutu Lakes

Volcanoes are incredibly dangerous creatures of nature. But in addition to hot lava and destruction, they can also present pleasant surprises. For example, the craters of the Indonesian volcano Kelimutu filled with water for some time, and as a result turned into three beautiful lakes. And in addition to their unusual location, they all have different colors, which, moreover, are not constant. Lakes change their colors just like a person changes his mood. It is quite possible that, noticing this feature, local residents attached special significance to the amazing lakes. And they were given the appropriate name - unusual and “talking”. "Lake of the Elderly", "Lake of the Young and Women" and "Enchanted". One of the local legends will tell you that only the souls of the righteous fall into the first two lakes, while the souls of sinners are doomed to endless wanderings among the expanses of the Enchanted Lake. And that is why the bodies of those who drowned in any of the lakes could not be found. Local Indonesians believe that water takes away both body and soul. The constant steam that rises above all three lakes will add to the atmosphere - here you will involuntarily believe in ghosts...

Once again we () turn to the knowledge acquired at the school desk. What is asphalt? Those who have diligently crammed may recall that this is a substance that was invented and manufactured by man. Whatever the case! Nature continues to amaze and laugh at all of humanity. The Peach Lake reservoir represents more than seven million tons of asphalt, naturally occurring, in a liquid state. This is one of the most amazing places on the planet. Peach Lake's asphalt is never in a frozen state; it constantly flows and is shrouded in clouds of thick smoke. But, despite such an unusual component, simple clean water can be found on the surface of the lake in a certain place. And therefore, numerous curious tourists not only admire the unusual natural phenomenon, but also often swim. In addition, while exploring the coast, you will probably come across interesting museum, the exhibits of which are a variety of objects that were found in Peach Lake.

Jiuzhaiguo Lake

Crystal clear and surrounded on all sides by beautiful vegetation - this is how you can describe the Chinese Lake Jiuzhaiguo. You, of course, learned a long time ago that when the temperature of water drops below zero, its state of aggregation changes. However, this lake “violates” our usual rules. The water in Jiuzhaiguo is never covered with ice, regardless of the thermometer readings. For quite a long period of time, scientists believed that this phenomenon could be explained thermal spring or its likeness, but long research and active searches led to nothing. In addition, this theory not only did not receive confirmation, no reasons were found for the year-round non-freezing state of the lake. Well, at least they couldn’t explain it, but everyone – and local, and tourists can admire the unforgettable beauty of Jiuzhangguo at any time of the year.

Kliluk Lakes

We have more than once begun comparing lakes by their depth, by their area and cleanliness, but what criteria are required for a lake that contains... many smaller lakes, which, moreover, are completely different in terms of the parameters listed above. Thanks to the sun, which partially evaporates the water, on Lake Kliluk, paths made of lime become visible to the eye, which are a “partition” between tiny lakes. This Canadian lake is translated as “spotted”. And all because, due to differences in the depth of the lakes and the effect of sunlight, each of the mini-lakes can change the color of their waters in the most unexpected way. However, such metamorphoses can only occur in summer and autumn; in the rest of the year, Kliluk is no different from other lakes. Several years ago, the territory was made a protected area, for which incredible efforts were made indigenous people those places.

This lake can be found in Kenya, but its peculiarity lies in the fact that it was not to the liking of people, but of birds, thanks, by the way, to whom the lake acquired the status of a National Park. There are countless representatives of the “feathered” class on the lake - you can see ducks, herons, pelicans, and quite a lot of others, because about four hundred and fifty species of birds were counted on Nakuru. However, the real highlight of Kenya National Park are the beautiful flamingos, which make up the vast majority of all the birds that live there. Pink inhabitants sometimes fill a body of water so closely that the water surface is almost completely hidden from view. You can admire as many flamingos as your eyes can take in! But it is also interesting that in addition to the huge number of birds, in the park you can also see animals, of which there are about sixty species.

In our age of complete disregard for nature, the property of the American Crater Lake is more valuable than ever - it is one of the cleanest bodies of water on the planet. For many centuries, the Indians kept the very existence of this lake a secret, protecting it from all curious people who tried to study the nature of those places. Of course, the endless protection of the Crater was not feasible, and therefore, today, the territory of this region is officially declared as a National Park of the United States. The lake is also unusual for its small island, which is located in part of its waters and is of volcanic origin. However, this reservoir is famous for something else. For a century now, a log has been floating in the waters of the Crater. You probably thought: “What’s unusual here,” right? But the fact is that the log is more than nine meters long and “travels” in a vertical position! And besides, thanks to the low temperature of the water in the lake, the log was very well preserved, despite its age.

Nature has also created underground rivers for us. Of course, their position is easy to understand from the name, but nature has once again defeated logic. And this time, through the dome of a Texas underwater river, after it collapsed, underground water abruptly changed its location. However, the interesting thing is that the dome did not fall completely. As a result, a semblance of a very mesmerizing canopy of a natural creation, of enormous size, was formed. Lake Hamilton is located just below it. And this whole magical picture is complemented by a fifteen-meter magnificent waterfall. You probably won’t want to leave such a nice and unusual place!

Beautiful Melissani is unique in that instead of a beach with warm golden sand, the clear waters are surrounded by rock formations. The reason for this was the location of the reservoir - in caves, at a fairly low level. The famous phrase “Water wears away stones” perfectly describes the origin of this Greek lake. The water, in search of a way out, slowly and thoroughly eroded the rocks. This is how, long and persistently, the water destroyed space for itself, which later turned into one of the most unusual and beautiful places on the planet. Melissani is not fully illuminated by the sun, and depending on the angle at which the sun's rays fall on the surface of the reservoir, the lake changes its hue over the course of twenty-four hours, and quite dramatically. In addition, the water is so clear that all visitors to the cave will have the feeling that they are not floating, but simply floating in the air.

In this article we have cited many lakes with crystal clear waters, or, on the contrary, having a unique blue tint. There were even lakes with yellow-colored waters, which, of course, was a very pleasant picture. However, Lake Hillier surpassed everyone in beauty and unusualness. There are only about six lakes on the planet in which the water has a pink tint. The reason for this was a certain type of algae – Dunaliela salina. Of course, those bodies of water in which it can be found are salty. The exception is the Australian lake. It is surprising that absolutely nothing was found in its water that could cause the water to turn pink. However, contrary to all canons, Hiller has a delicate pink tint. After such phenomena, one can only wonder what Nature is capable of.

Many times photographs of unusual ones were published on chips. extraordinarily beautiful and other unique lakes in the world. But apparently they have no number.
And if some of them are known for their beauty, others for their healing properties, others for their size, then there are those that have become popular due to the unusualness of their nature or even its strangeness. There are bubbling lakes, there are lakes that disappear and appear again, there are even asphalt and spotted lakes.

In the USA, in National Park Yellowstone, is the famous source - Lake of Morning Glory. This small hot lake has a depth of about 2200 meters, in addition, it changes its color from dark purple to pale turquoise, and sometimes turns green. The behavior of the lake is also constantly changing - sometimes it is calm, sometimes it boils or even explodes like a geyser. Typically, such explosions occur after seismic activity in the vicinity of the lake. The temperature of the lake is favorable for the growth of various bacteria. Unfortunately, numerous tourists have the habit of throwing coins into the lake, which clogged the source heating the lake and the temperature of the lake dropped to 100 degrees in depth and about 50-65 degrees on its surface. However, the water in the lake remains very clean and clear.

2. Kliluk Lake (Spotted Lake) in Canada

Kliluk Lake (the famous Spotted Lake) is located in Canada, near the city of Osoyoos. Due to the fact that Kliluk contains the most a large number of(in comparison with other lakes) of mineral substances, summer evaporation of water on it leads to the formation of bizarre islands. Depending on the mineral composition and time of year, these spots are painted in different colors. The minerals harden so much that you can walk on them. In addition, the waters of Lake Kliluk have a pronounced therapeutic effect, which is why Canadian Indians consider this lake sacred and protect it in every possible way. The lake and the land around it officially belong to the indigenous people, so it is almost impossible to get to the lake due to the erected fence. However, the picturesque view of the lake can be enjoyed from the highway located next to it, which is taken advantage of by numerous tourists who have heard about the history of the lake and the legends surrounding it.

3. Asphalt Lake in Trinidad

Trinidad island located in the seas Caribbean, became popular thanks to the Peach Lake located on it (the famous Asphalt Lake). The lake is in a crater mud volcano and is a natural source of asphalt, so you won’t be able to swim in the lake. The asphalt lake was formed after the Caribbean continental plate fractured. Oil rose to the surface of the earth along a fault line. Oil rising up the crater of a volcano, under the influence of evaporation of volatile substances, turns into asphalt, whose properties are not inferior to asphalt obtained by production. New asphalt still appears on the surface of the lake to this day. Asphalt development is also underway here; about 150 thousand tons of asphalt are produced per year, which is mainly exported to the USA, China and England for use in construction.

4. Jellyfish Lake in Palau

Jellyfish Lake, located in the Palau archipelago, has no analogues in the world. Despite the fact that this is a rather small closed lake, it is home to about 25 million jellyfish - Mastigias. Jellyfish gather together in the middle of the lake, forming an almost continuous wall. But as soon as a person approaches this wall, the jellyfish part to allow guests into their amazing kingdom. It is completely safe for humans to be among jellyfish, since in the process of evolution jellyfish have lost their stinging cells and do not sting. However, you won’t be able to scuba dive in the lake either, since at a depth of more than ten meters, the water becomes toxic. Palau currently has three lakes inhabited by Mastigias jellyfish. And although all the lakes are separated from each other, the evolution of jellyfish in them is exactly the same, which is interesting for biologists.

5. Kelimutu Lakes on Flores Island in Indonesia

On the island of Flores there are famous lakes Kelimutu. Not only do the lakes have different colors, but they also change color. For example, black lake may turn red, then turquoise, then green. The color of lakes depends on the predominant minerals dissolved in their waters. The local Lio tribes have a legend about the islands, according to which the souls of the dead live in the lakes. So, the souls of old people are in the red lake, the souls of the young dead are in the green, and the souls of children are in the white. According to another version of the same legend, the souls of murderers and sinners live in the red lake, the righteous and old people live in turquoise, and young people live in green.

6. Loch Ness in Scotland

Scotland is home to one of the most mysterious lakes - Loch Ness. Since almost every castle in this country has its own ghosts, and many other places are shrouded in legends and myths, this lake has gained worldwide fame thanks to the Loch Ness Monster. Tourists come to the shores of the lake not only to enjoy the beauty of the lake, to breathe fresh air, but also with the hope of seeing the famous monster. Therefore, there are dozens of different routes - cycling, walking, driving. All these routes pass through places where the mythical Nessie was once seen. Although no one has yet been able to examine the monster, perhaps due to the high peat content in the waters of the lake.

7. Lake Gippsland in Australia

The Gippsland Lakes, popular among tourists, are located in Australia. Here is the Kroajingolong National Park with giant eucalyptus trees, white sandy beaches. However, in 2011, a phenomenon was captured on one of the lakes that made it especially popular. Tourist group, who was vacationing on the lakes not for the first time, noticed that the waters of the lake glowed with blue neon light. There are very few examples of natural bioluminescence in the world and it mainly occurs on ocean depths where sunlight does not penetrate. In this case, the cause of the glow was rare view algae that has grown in the lake over several years. Noctiluca scintillans (Nightlights) are not visible to the human eye, but the light emanating from them is.

And also anomalous creatures are born that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth.
Some lakes are the sites of catastrophic events in history, such as or, while others contain unique geological strata.
We present to our readers the 13 most amazing lakes on our planet.

Boiling Lake

Boiling Lake on the island of Dominica is the second largest in the world, although you probably wouldn't want to dive into its waters.
Along the shores, the water temperature rises to 80-90 degrees Celsius, while the central part is too hot to get close and take measurements. The lake is almost completely covered with clouds of steam, and its grayish water is constantly seething.
Laguna Colorado

The water of this eerie lake in Bolivia is blood red, and its surface is covered with strange islands of sodium tetraborate, the same substance that is found in many detergents.
The color of the lake is associated with colored bottom sediments and big amount red algae that grows rapidly in this place. People often walk in the waters of this lake, in sharp contrast
Plitvice Lakes

These amazing lakes in Croatia are truly unique, and the national park of the same name represents one of the most beautiful places in the world.
In reality, it is a complex of 16 lakes, all interconnected by a series of waterfalls and caves. Each lake is separated from the others by thin natural dams of travertine - an unusual shape that is slowly formed from local lichens, algae and bacteria. Travertine dams are growing at a rate of 1 centimeter per year, making the lakes extremely vulnerable.
Lake Nyos

This lake in Cameroon is one of the few known exploding lakes in the world. Directly below it is a cavity of magma, which fills Nyos with carbon dioxide and turns its waters into carbonic acid.
Recently, in 1986, the lake produced a huge explosion that suffocated 1,700 people and 3,500 head of livestock from nearby villages. This was the largest case of asphyxia due to a natural phenomenon.
There is a danger that this could happen on one of the three exploding lakes in the world. In fact, it is Nyos that may be the most likely place for a repeat disaster, since the natural channel along which the lake flows is fragile and vulnerable to cracks.
Aral Sea

The Aral Sea, once one of the world's largest lakes, is now an almost completely dry desert. On its territory you can see the rusted skeletons of ships that once plied the expanses of this reservoir, emphasizing its scale.
Since 1960, the lake has steadily decreased in size, primarily due to irrigation projects of the former Soviet Union, within which the river beds that fed the lake were changed.
Today the area Aral Sea only 10 percent of previous sizes. The region's fisheries and ecosystems have been devastated in what has been described as one of the world's worst disasters. environmental disasters planets.
Peach Lake

Dismal Lake on the island of Trinidad is the world's largest natural source of bitumen. The lake covers an area of ​​more than 40 hectares, its depth is up to 75 meters, and it is even inhabited by extraterrestrial, extremophile organisms.
Local residents claim that the waters of this lake have mystical properties. medicinal properties for everyone who bathes in it, although such claims have not been proven. Interestingly, bitumen obtained from Peach Lake was used to pave some New York City streets.
Lake Don Juan

The hypersaline lake, discovered in 1961 in Antarctica, is the saltiest body of water on the planet.
Its salt content is more than 40 percent, so high that Lake Don Juan never freezes, even though it lies near the icy south pole.
Dead Sea

The deepest hyperhaline lake in the world is too salty for living creatures to live in it, which is why the reservoir got its name.
The surface of the lake is 415 meters below sea level, making it the lowest on Earth. The salt levels in the Dead Sea make it very difficult to swim, but extremely pleasant to drift.
In the mid-20th century, in caves along Dead Sea, located in Israel, ancient biblical scrolls were discovered. They have been preserved partly due to the unique climate of these places. The Dead Sea also borders the state of Jordan.
Taal Lake

Taal Lake, located in island state Philippines deserves special attention, since in its center there is an island called Vulcan.
Since the crater of Vulcan Island is also located small lake, this entire complex is known as largest lake in a world on an island, which in turn is also in a lake on an island. The tongue twister doesn't end there: the Vulcan Island crater lake also has small island called Vulcan Point. Got it?
Lake Balkhash

Lake Balkhash, located in Kazakhstan, is the 12th largest lake in the world, but this is not actually what makes it unique. This lake is surprising in that half of it consists of fresh water, while the other half is salt water.
Balkhash partly maintains this balance due to the fact that its two halves are connected by a narrow piece of land 3.5 kilometers wide and 6 meters deep.
There are fears that Balkhash could dry up like the Aral Sea, since the beds of many of the sources that feed it are currently being changed.
Tonle Sap

The unique Tonle Sap ecosystem in Cambodia is difficult to classify as a lake or a river.
During the dry season, the waters of the Tonle Sap flow into the Mekong River, but during the monsoon period the water flow is so intense that it is literally carried back out of this river, resulting in the formation of the largest freshwater lake in South-East Asia. It is especially different in that its course changes in the opposite direction twice a year.
Because of these unusual conditions, the region is a real treasure trove in terms of , and has been named a UNESCO biosphere.
Crater Lake

After the massive eruption of Mount Mazama in the center American state Oregon 7,700 years ago there was a huge caldera about 600 meters deep into the mountain. Despite the complete absence of feeding sources, the crater of Mount Mazama gradually, over thousands of years, was filled with simply sediment.
Today it is the second deepest lake in North America, and its waters are practically the clearest, cleanest and least polluted in the whole world.
Lake Baikal

The huge body of water in Russia is truly unusual. This is the oldest and deep lake world, in addition, it is the second largest on the planet and contains almost the purest water. By unknown means, it remained filled for 25 million years, and in given time The lake contains 20 percent of the entire Earth.
Two thirds of the 1,700 species that call Baikal home cannot be found anywhere else in the world. It is not surprising that in 1996 the region was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.