Bohol Island, Philippines: attractions, hotels, beaches, reviews and photos. Open left menu bohol philippines bohol island

IN Indian Ocean lies the island archipelago of the Philippines. An amazing and very special country. One of most interesting islands here, in terms of tourism, is Bohol. This is one of the most amazing island resorts in South-East Asia. Tourists leave a lot positive feedback about Bohol in the Philippines. It and several dozen smaller islands surrounding it are united into one province with the same name.

To better imagine this place and the people who inhabit it, you need to understand that the Filipinos are not one people, but more than a hundred ethnic groups. Residents of the island of Bohol in the Philippines consider themselves descendants of warlike people with tattoos. Archaeologists claim that this people had trade relations with China back in the tenth century. They had their own writing, which, unfortunately, has not survived to this day.

In 1565, the Spaniards entered into a treaty with the chief of Sikatuna, and the island came under their dominion. Over the next three hundred years, the local population raised two serious uprisings against the Spanish colonialists. One of these riots is considered the largest in the Philippines.


We'll tell you how to get to Bohol in the Philippines. The island and its capital, Tagbilarana, are relatively close to major transportation hubs. There is an airport with regular flights from Manila. You can also take the ferry from Cebu. It should be noted that the ship looks quite decent and has all the minimal elements of modern comfort, such as comfortable chairs and air conditioning. You can get to the city from the airport or sea station by taxi. Hotels, in case of booking, organize transfers.

You can get around the island of Bohol in the Philippines and the city by buses, taxis or jeepneys - an analogue of the Thai tuk-tuk or our minibus. Hotels and travel agencies offer car rentals and are willing to provide chauffeured transportation for sightseeing.


The main tourist island is not Bohol itself, but its neighboring Panglao. You can get there from the city via a bridge. Wild beaches This area is not suitable for swimming due to the rocky shores and strong ocean swells. It is also not very convenient and pleasant to swim on the equipped beaches of Panglao. Best beaches Bohol in the Philippines are listed below:

  • Alona is a strip of snow-white sand, with a pleasant entrance. But it's very crowded. Full of cafes, sellers of tours and pearls. There is a very dense traffic of small ships at sea, which take tourists for diving, snorkeling and other activities that are very popular in the Philippines and involve going to sea.
  • Long time. Despite the constant attempts of the staff to clean the beach, it is almost always covered with mud.
  • Bikini Beach - covered with small sharp stones. You can only swim and walk on the beach wearing shoes. It is also worth noting the inconveniences associated with low tides, marine flora and fauna. Not far from the shore, the sea is full of algae, sea ​​urchins and other life that is unsafe to contact.


The vast majority of hotels in Bohol Philippines are located in Panglao. The largest and busiest is Alona Beach, next to which is the beach of the same name. In the Philippines, the coastline can be private property, and many hotels fence off the shore. The service is basically nothing special. The cuisine in the restaurants is not replete with any dishes specific to these islands, but at the same time you will be offered a rich assortment of seafood dishes. All hotels offer a selection of excursions, transfer services and car or motorcycle rental. You can order an in-room massage or undergo relaxing treatments.

Sights from the times of Spanish rule

Bohol in the Philippines is replete with interesting sights. Many of them are associated with the era of Spanish rule in the Philippines. For example, the place where the so-called blood contract was signed between the chief Datu and the conquistadors. The procedure for concluding an agreement was accompanied by ritual drinking of wine, into which the head of the Spanish expedition and the leader mixed blood from cuts on their hands. Now there is a monument erected here in honor of this event.

It is also worth visiting the Bohol Museum, which presents a rich collection of ancient finds, models architectural monuments Philippines and stuffed animals living on the islands.

The church located in Baclayon is also worthy of attention. This is one of ancient churches in the Philippines. It was originally built in the 16th century and is more like a fortress, since in those days it served not only as a temple, but also as a barrier from enemies.

Bohol in the Philippines: natural attractions

Nature has prepared the most interesting things for us on the Bohol Islands. The province abounds natural objects worthy of attention tourists. The islands have a limestone-karst nature, and under the influence of water and winds, over the millions of years of their existence, the shores have acquired very bizarre shapes. They abound in caves.

Among the most interesting of these is Dagohoy, which served as the headquarters for the Philippine revolutionaries during the rebellion against the Spanish crown in the eighteenth century. You can get to their secret hideout only by swimming under the water of the lake through a tunnel. Or the Antiguera cave, where local residents escaped during the Second World War. Not far from it there is a city with the same name and several more interesting caves.

Hinakbanan is located on Panglao Island. Just like the most mysterious one - Binkak. Local residents are still afraid to come down here because of the very inconspicuous entrance.

Chocolate Hills

Another amazing place, which you can see - Chocolate Hills. It is they who, as a rule, appear to our eyes in numerous photos of Bohol in the Philippines. More than one thousand two hundred hills on which only grass grows, which has a characteristic brown tint. The mystery of the appearance of the phenomenon has not yet been solved. One of the hypotheses put forward by scientists is the assumption that this strange relief formed on the ocean floor, even before the islands rose above sea level.

Local residents believe that these are stones left here after the battle of formidable gods. Now located here national park and an observation deck was built from which you can view this natural wonder. The hotel is located not far from the hills, offering picturesque views. You can get to the park by regular bus.


Next, as a rule, tourists are recommended to visit the Philippine Tarsier Center. These little creatures live in a fenced garden. Admission is free, but you can make a donation to feed the animals. The impression of watching tarsiers is difficult to convey in words. You need to see this for yourself. The animals are very small in size, literally fitting into the palm of your hand. At the same time, they are so timid that they sometimes fall from a tree from stress and die. Therefore, it is necessary to behave extremely quietly and carefully in the park.

Excursion along the Loboc River

This is a popular inexpensive route in Bohol. You can get to the pier where the excursion boats depart by moped or book a transfer at the hotel's tour desk. You will take a ride along the Loboc River on a catamaran past the city of the same name.

Treats along the way local cuisine. The buffet includes several types of meat, seafood, side dishes and desserts. Everything is tasty and in sufficient quantities. During the excursion on the ferry, folk artists perform songs and dances. There will be a stop where, in addition to drinks, there will be colorful dances performed by local children.

The main advantage of this river walk is the beautiful river scenery. The Emerald River, surrounded by forests, is crowned by the Busai waterfalls at the final point of the route. The local population entertains tourists by jumping into the water from tall palm trees.

Whales and dolphins

If you find yourself in Bohol in the Philippines from March to June, don't miss a trip to Pamiclan Island. The walk starts very early, as the best time to watch whales is in the morning. During this period, you are almost guaranteed to see whales and dolphins. Huge sea inhabitants will appear to you in all their glory. Watching them is a truly unique experience, incomparable to anything else.

Previously, the local population lived off whaling. Now the whales are protected by law and the natives take tourists to see them. After meeting these amazing creatures, you will visit the island. They offer a simple village lunch, a gorgeous white sand beach and pure water. Don't forget to bring your swimwear.


The islands of the Bohol province in the Philippines are a great place for lovers of the underwater world. The nature here is rich in marine attractions. The islands are surrounded by coral reefs and teeming with life. As elsewhere in such places, demand creates supply. Diving tours for beginners and established amateurs can be purchased literally at every turn, in hotels or specialized clubs.

Prices depend on the season. On average, a dive excursion will cost you twenty-five dollars. It is worth visiting Cabilao Island, where you can find hammerhead fish in the coral gardens. If you are interested in barracudas, try diving at the Tangnan Wall. Beautiful views can also be seen by diving in the Napalling area or around Balicasag Island, located less than an hour from Bohol. For exotic lovers, we offer a visit to underwater caves, where it is possible to meet unique marine species.

General impression

Visiting Bohol and the Philippines in general is worth the time and money. There are a lot of interesting things to see and experience here. This is confirmed by numerous tourist reviews about the island of Bohol in the Philippines. Filipinos are described by travelers as very good-natured, hospitable people. The infrastructure is also quite developed for this country.

Of course, there are also disadvantages characteristic of the Philippines, such as the amazing scale of corruption and arbitrariness of the authorities, but it is worth attributing such things to the national flavor, which, by the way, is also presented here in all its enchanting glory. Bohol is full of Spanish-era attractions that were not mentioned in the article. In addition, tourists are offered fascinating tours deep into the island, where they are introduced to the unique ecosystem of the Philippine islands.

Sulu is a unique inter-island sea with warm waters and a rich diversity of fauna from small starfish to dangerous sharks.

The Sulu Sea is famous for its famous places for diving. Located in its southern part Coral reefs, especially Tubbataha Atoll, is visited by many diving enthusiasts from March to June. Tubbataha Atoll is known as a protected marine reserve and is World Heritage UNESCO. Beautiful underwater landscapes in the coastal waters of the Sulu Sea will not leave even the most experienced diver indifferent. Coral cities and the remains of sunken ships, overgrown with algae, around which colorful fish and other marine life scurry, will only complement the fabulous setting.

Coordinates: 8.86336200,120.95947300

Chocolate Mountains

The island of Bohol is home to the unique “Chocolate Hills,” which look like chocolate truffles during the dry season—1,268 regularly shaped limestone hills with steep sides.

They range in height from 30 to 50 meters and are all covered with grass, creating a sharp contrast with the lush tropical forest of the island. These hills are covered with grass, which fades and turns brown towards the end of the dry season, standing out against the bright green background of the surrounding forests growing in the lowlands - hence the name “chocolate hills”. It's hard to believe that these hills are not the work of man, but a natural formation.

Coordinates: 9.83906400,124.19742300

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River Loboc

The river has always played an extremely important role in the life of the inhabitants of this island. The first inhabitants built their homes on its banks and obtained food in its waters. Now it has become a way to attract the attention of tourists.

The river cruise starts either from the Loai Bridge or from the central district of Loboc province. To take a walk along the river, you can rent a motorboat for a minimal fee or visit a floating restaurant where you can enjoy both the scenery and Filipino cuisine.

The floating restaurant is a covered platform of two boats connected to each other. This design can accommodate up to 50 people. During dinners, musical groups play here and can perform a song upon request of guests.

Coordinates: 9.60203000,124.00912100

Church Immaculate Conception Our Lady of Baclayon (Bohol) is considered one of the oldest churches in the Philippines. This is one of the best preserved Jesuit churches of this region. In the 19th century, a modern decorative facade was added to the church, as well as a number of stone service buildings, which still surround the church.

Construction of the church began in 1717 with the help of 200 slaves from local residents. They built a temple from coral stones, which they took from the sea, cut them into square blocks and stacked them on top of each other. They used bamboo to move the stones, and about a million eggs as a bonding solution. Construction was completed in 1727. A notable feature of the church is the presence of a dungeon for punishing natives who violated the rules of the Roman Catholic Church.

Next to the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is the building of an old monastery, which houses a small museum with ancient religious relics, artifacts and antiquities, the oldest of which date back to the 16th century. They say that among them there are even the relics of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Coordinates: 9.62317600,123.91243100

Valencia Church

The parish of Santo Niño (St. Nicholas) and the city of Valencia began as a suburb of Panngatan in the town of Dimiao on the island of Bohol. The municipality and church, founded in 1871, were named after the city on south coast Spain. Construction of the church building began during the time of Cornago Mariano, and was completed under Francisco Arraya, who laid the wooden floor of the church. The walls were initially quite thin, but later they were replaced with cement ones.

The Church of Valencia is a cruciform building with a steep roof and a pyramidal tower. In some parts of the church, such as the façade, cut stone is used. The real treasure of the church is its wooden floor, made of alternating dark and light wooden planks. At the intersection, the pattern on the floor is made in the form of a flower with eight sharp edges. Elsewhere the pattern is herringbone.

Unlike many other churches in Bohol, this one has a completely unpainted interior, devoid of any artistic decoration. The altar is made in neoclassical style. There is also an unusual solution in the location of the monastery. Instead of being next to the church, it is built across the street. It was restored in the 19th century.

Coordinates: 9.60561600,124.16159400

Loboc Church

The Church of San Pedro (St. Peter) in Loboc in Bohol is the second oldest church in Bohol after the church in Baclayon. It was originally built in 1602, but was almost completely burned down in a fire. In 1638, the church was rebuilt - only stronger and larger. On the other hand, the church constantly suffered from floods, being located near a river. Nevertheless, most of the interior has retained its original appearance.

The ceiling of the church is decorated with wonderful naive drawings. The Spanish coat of arms can be found in the stone wall at the entrance to the monastery. A hundred meters from the church is its hexagonal bell tower. It was built in 1768 by Aquilino Bon. He also added Jesuit Church portico enclosing the baroque façade of the building. In the 1820s, the church acquired a pipe organ.

The three-story L-shaped monastery stands out from the traditional architecture of the time, because monasteries often had only two floors. The monastery today houses the Loboc Museum on its third floor. It contains a number of ancient artifacts, including several ancient statues of saints.

Coordinates: 9.63656700,124.03100600

The most popular attractions of Bohol with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous places Bohol on our website.

More attractions in Bohol

If you want to visit all the most significant attractions of the island of Bohol (or Bohol, as the locals call it) in one day, then here is the route for you. There's plenty of time to enjoy each stop, but it's intense enough that you won't get bored.

Attractions of Bohol Island in detail:

I suggest two route options- from the city of Tagbilaran (it is also suitable for those who are staying on Panglao Island, for example) and from the city of Tubigon. The entire route can be covered by public transport, or on a rented motorcycle. moped or car.

The route is designed in such a way that no need to return to the starting point, for example in the city of Tagbilaran. Looking at the map with the route marked, this seems obvious. However, public transport directions in Bohol are not so clearly marked, and locals don’t always know the best way to get to points A, B, C. In addition, Filipinos treat time differently; an hour or two back and forth or waiting is common. I tried to find out at our hostel whether there was a direct bus from Corella to Loboc, because there is a road. Without blinking an eye, the girl at the reception said that there was nothing, we would have to return to Tagbilaran. It’s good that I try to check everything; returning to the city would cost us 2-3 hours! The route suggested in this post has been tested for own experience, so you can safely take it into service.

If you want to do everything, then will have to leave early in the morning, have breakfast in the morning and then eat during an excursion along the Loboc River.

Route map to the sights of Bohol island from Tagbilaran:

Attractions along the route:

Tarsier Sanctuary

a must visit. Stunning cute primate animals with huge eyes and chinchilla fur. In this place, unlike the park near the city of Loboc, the tarsiers live in a natural environment on an area of ​​10 hectares. It's not a zoo, which makes the place an amazing specimen for someone natural place, where they really care about animals, but some are disappointed because the animals are not close and there are few of them in general. If you are more of a zoo person, then it is better to visit the Tarsier Conservation Area in the city of Loboc.

Boat tour on the Loboc River Cruise

To be honest, we were suspicious of this one, considering it too touristy and simply a scam for vacationers. But the walk turned out to be surprisingly pleasant. In addition, there were only 5 foreigners on board the buffet restaurant boat, the remaining 20-30 people were Filipinos. The river is beautiful, the food is delicious, the song and dance performance is fun, and the waterfalls at the end of the trail are picturesque. So, away with doubts and forward to the green distances of the river!

Loboc Eco-Tourism Adventure Park

Here I will, of course, talk about one of the most popular in the Philippines. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint fans of extreme entertainment, zip-line is not at all extreme and not scary. But flying over forests and a river with waterfalls, you rejoice like a child. 50 shades of green from a bird's eye view.

Church in Loboc Church

This is the oldest in the Philippines, which is why it is so popular. Unfortunately, this place is now called “Church ruins in the city of Loboc”, and on advertising pictures there are “before and after” photographs. The 2013 earthquake completely destroyed the church. But the place has not lost its attractiveness; on the contrary, it has become even more atmospheric and mysterious.

Chocolate Hills

Who goes to Bohol and doesn’t go up to see the famous ones? Truffles with dried cocoa-colored grass extend for several kilometers from the observation deck. Small houses and rice fields, lost between the hills, look like toys. It is impossible to believe that this is not the work of man, but a whim of nature.

Also along the way there will be:

A forest planted by human hands.
(Man-made Forest, Mahogany Forest)

Hundreds and thousands of red trees. Each of them was planted by a person. The place is beautiful, but I don’t know if it’s worth stopping to look at the forest. It was enough for us to see him from the bus window.

Bamboo suspension bridge

It's really just a bamboo suspension bridge.:) If you've never walked this way, be sure to take a walk. It won't take much time, and pleasure is guaranteed.
Route section: Loboc – Chocolate Hills

Rice fields

This is not a special place, these are real fields along the roads. There rice grows, peasants work, oxen walk, in general, real life goes on. For me, as a person who is not indifferent to any fields and to everything real, not simulated for tourists, the roads around Bohol brought true pleasure.
Route segment: everywhere

How to do everything in one day?
Race plan for Bohol island.

1. 8.00 – 9.00. Tagbilaran -> Tarsier Sanctuary.
In Tagbilaran we take a jeepney or tricycle to shopping center Island City Mall. There is a bus station opposite it. We take the bus that goes to the city of Sikatuna. The final bus stop is Loboc. We ask the driver to stop near Tarsier Sanctuary. It's a couple of minutes walk from the stop to the entrance to the reserve. The fare will cost 17-50 pesos depending on. The drive is about 20 minutes.

2. 9.00 - 10.00. We watch the tarsiers.
In fact, half an hour is enough to look at the animals and read about them on the stands. Believe me, we also thought that an hour was the minimum, but we did it in 30 minutes without rushing. Entrance 50 pesos.

3. 10.00 - 11.00. Tarsiers -> Pubis.
We sit down in the same place where we got off to watch the tarsiers on a bus following the same route, and go to Loboc. You will need to stop near the church (Loboc Church). If you have time before 11.00, you can see and photograph the church. It's right on the road. If you are pressed for time, it is better to do this after a river excursion. The drive again takes 15-20 minutes. Price 17-50 pesos depending on.

4. 11.00 - 12.30. Excursion along the Loboc River Cruise.
The boats depart from a place called Loboc Tourism Center. The building is located opposite the church. You need to cross the road and the bridge over the river. The restaurant boats are already visible from the bridge, so you can’t go wrong.
Boats depart before 15.30. At 11.00 boarding begins for the boat departing at 11.30. This half hour is allotted for eating. If you want to be on time everywhere, it is better to have lunch on the boat and then have dinner in the city after all the sights. But you can board the boat until 11.30. We went on the Village boat and enjoyed the food. The trip cost 450 pesos. The walk lasts 1 hour + half an hour for food.

5. 12.30 - 13.00. We examine the ruins of the Loboc Church.

6. 13.00 - 13.15. Church -> Zip-line (Loboc Church - Loboc Eco-Tourism Adventure Park).
This distance is 3 km. You can walk. You can take a bus going to the city of Carmen and get off in front of Loboc Eco-Tourism Adventure Park. But the most convenient way is to go by moped. We paid 40 pesos for two people for this trip. We were taken straight to the ticket office.

7. 13.15 – 14.00. We fly on a Zip-line over the Loboc River.
For 350 pesos you can ride over the river there and back. For another 200 pesos you can get photos.

8. 14.00 - 15.00. Zip-line -> Chocolate Hills (Loboc Eco-Tourism Adventure Park - Chocolate Hills).
We go out onto the main road and take the bus that goes to the city of Carmen. The direction is in the opposite direction from the church, to the north. And we leave near the entrance to the Chocolate Hills Nature Reserve. Like everywhere else, there is a billboard near the road. From this stop you will need to walk 10 minutes upstairs to the ticket office. It's an hour or two drive. The fare will cost 25-80 pesos depending on.

9. 15.00 - 16.00. We look at the Chocolate Hills.
Entry costs 50 pesos. If you want to photograph the sunset in this place, then it is better to come here a little later (sunset starts after 17.00), devoting more time to other places or, for example, stopping after the zip-line at the bamboo suspension bridge or into the forest with redwood trees that will be along the way .

10. 16.00-18.00. Chocolate Hills -> Tagbilaran
We return to Tagbilaran. The road to Tagbilaran from the Chocolate Hills will take 2-3 hours. The fare will cost 50-80 pesos depending on.

Main attractions of Bohol Island (Bohol):

Route map to the sights of Bohol island from Tubigon:

The route is essentially the same, but in reverse order. Please note that the center with tarsiers (tarsiers) is open until 16.00, and the last boat on the Loboc River leaves at 15.30. This makes the route from Tubigon more intense and risky.

Where to stay for the night?

For this route, it is most convenient to stop in Tagbilaran. This will allow you to quickly get to all points on the map. However, many prefer to stop at. For lovers of more secluded and quiet places, I can advise excellent hotel on a rock with private beach and a swimming pool.

How to get to Bohol attractions from Tubigon?

From Tubigon you can get to the Chocolate Hills through the city of Carmen. From the bus station in Tubigon (it is located one kilometer from the port) we take the bus that goes to the city of Carmen(Carmen). The cost of the trip is 30-80 pesos, the journey will take 1-2 hours.

From the city of Carmen to the Chocolate Hills you can take a bus that goes to Tagbilaran city, or a moped or tricycle. If you go on a moped/tricycle, then arrange to be taken directly to observation deck, and not before the turn in the road. The tricycle cost us 100 pesos. The journey took 15-20 minutes.

How to get to Bohol attractions from Alona Beach?

What kind of transport is there in Bohol?

Colorful jeepney.

  • Jeepney. It's a cross between a jeep, a bus and a truck. The brightest, most colorful, cheapest, slowest and most inconvenient. In general, the very best. The seats are benches along the body, there are no doors, they are jam-packed.
  • Buses. They're just buses. They can be more or less comfortable, with air conditioning or doors wide open. The cost is slightly higher than a jeepney.
  • GT Express minibuses. It's like our minibuses, only more comfortable and with air conditioning. Fast, but quite expensive.
  • Motorcycles And mopeds of all stripes. They will take you quickly and inexpensively to any point within reasonable limits. Price is negotiable.
  • Tricycles. Three-wheeled motorcycles with sidecar and visor. In Bohol, this mode of transport is the official taxi service. All of the same model, with numbers; often the drivers do not own tricycles, but are hired to work. The fare will be more expensive than buses, jeepneys and mopeds, but may be cheaper than minibuses if you are traveling with two or three people.

Is it worth renting a motorcycle or moped?

It's a matter of taste. We were simply afraid that there was a lot of driving, there were serpentine roads around us, we didn’t know the roads, we didn’t have a map, and we didn’t have the Internet. In addition, Andrei, who in the case of a moped was driving, did not get enough sleep and did not want to get behind the wheel at all. Renting a moped in Bohol costs 500-600 pesos per day+ gasoline about 80-100 pesos. It's quite expensive, even considering there are two of us. So we chose public transport. Just for fun, I calculated all transportation costs per day. It turned out to be less than 650, even taking into account the tricycle of 350 pesos, which we took to the Mag-Aso waterfall and back in order to save time.

The whole truth about our trip to the island of Bohol (Bohol).

If I had such a plan before my trip, I would have used it. But I didn’t find such a route on the Internet, but I found others, so our real journey was a little different.

  • Place name: Bohol Island (Bohol), Philippines (Bohol, Philippines)
  • Budget for the “All of Bohol in One Day” Itinerary: 1,100-1,500 pesos per person.
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    If there is a paradise on earth, then it is definitely the island of Bohol. It is above it that the particularly bright sun shines, reflected in the azure sea ​​waters. This is where the picturesque jungle is located, richly populated with unique inhabitants. Bohol Island is the place where you can feel like a part of nature while enjoying a comfortable holiday. If you move about 630 km south from the capital of the Philippines - Manila, then you will see one of the most famous among the Visayas islands - Bohol (Bohol). It is considered quite large and ranks 10th in size in the archipelago. Bohol is surrounded by almost 70 smaller islands.

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    Like many other islands, Bohol was created by volcanic activity. reaches 870 meters highest height islands above sea level.

    The beauty of the island appeared before Europeans for the first time in 1521. It was then that the ships of Magellan’s expedition passed by, returning to Spain after the death of their leader. However, the landing on the island was made only in 1565 by Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. After some time, the Spanish traveler managed to conclude a blood alliance with the leader of the local aborigines, Sikatuna. To confirm the union, each of the men dripped his blood into a glass of wine, and then drank from it. This great event, which made the island of Bohol a Spanish colony, is still the most revered day among the local population. And not far from the capital of the island, the city of Tagbiliran, there is a monument called “Blood Compact”, which forever immortalized this historical event.

    It is believed that the island got its name from the word “boho”, which is translated from the local language as “hole”. It is due to the fact that the entire island is penetrated by a multiple network of caves. Near each city located in Bohol (and there are 47 of them) there are about 30 caves of different sizes, many of which have not yet been studied.

    What is especially interesting about the island of Bohol?

    Chocolate Hills

    Every year, hundreds of tourists come to Bohol to enjoy the spectacle of the famous Chocolate Hills.

    These wonderful natural formations are small, perfectly rounded hills covered with fluffy grass. Their height ranges from 30 to 50 meters. In total, there are almost 1,500 chocolate hills on the island, which, like the works of an experienced sculptor, absolutely repeat each other.

    The hills get their appetizing name thanks to the grass that hides them like a fluffy cape. Green at the beginning of the season, by the end it fades in the sun, which is why it acquires a brownish tint. Against the background of the rest of the bright greenery, the new color of the neat mounds looks especially juicy. Until now, the phenomenon of such “partial” burning of grass has not found a scientific explanation. Likewise, scientists debate the origin of the hills themselves. One version says that these natural formations are just limestone, which cannot be weathered due to certain processes.

    Local residents have their own versions of the appearance of such an unusual landscape. According to one of them, in ancient times a battle between two giants took place on the island. For several days the giants threw stones and sand at each other. Realizing that such behavior would not achieve anything, they made peace and left the island, but after their massacre, mountains of stones and sand remained on Bohol, which later became chocolate hills.

    There is also a more romantic legend of their appearance. It is dedicated to the love between a powerful young giant named Argo and a mortal girl - Aloy. Their love was beautiful and lasted for several years, but one day Aloya died. Argo was never able to come to terms with the death of his beloved, the giant cried for a long time, and his tears then turned into hills - a beautiful reflection of great grief.

    Philippine tarsier

    There are lovely inhabitants on the island of Bohol, for which many tourists also come here. These are Philippine tarsiers - tiny monkeys, whose huge eyes and neat ears have earned them the love of people from all over the world. It is quite difficult to meet tarsiers in their natural environment - these animals are extremely cautious and are in no hurry to catch the eye of a random passerby.

    But the island of Bohol is unique for its theme park - the Tarsier Center. Lovers of these animals will enjoy a fascinating and discovery-filled journey along the Loboc River, during which many stories will be told interesting facts about the life of adorable monkeys. But most of all, this trip is unique in that at the end of it you will not only be able to see the charming tarsiers in person, but also treat them with permitted delicacies, hold them in your hands and capture them in photographs.

    For diving enthusiasts, it is difficult to find a better place than the island of Bohol. The local waters have everything that can impress even the most avid diver. Entire walls and gardens made entirely of rare species exotic corals, sunken ships, beckoning with their silhouettes in the enveloping blue waters, unique marine inhabitants, which include rare surgeon fish, scorpion fish and other inhabitants of the local fauna.

    As mentioned earlier, the island is rich in caves: large and small, empty and inhabited. Those who love thrills will be able to find an excursion to suit their taste. In addition, there is also the famous Butterfly Garden, where you can get unprecedented emotions from such close communication with these magical insects. Bohol is also rich in waterfalls of extraordinary beauty and walking routes, passing through the most picturesque places of the island.

    The island of Bohol is notable for the fact that despite the fact that there are many hotels and entertainments here that offer tourists all the amenities, it has nevertheless managed to maintain its originality. The local population remembers their kinship with nature, which is why there is even a “Manifesto of Mother Nature” here, calling for respect for every living inhabitant of the island. It is thanks to this that an atmosphere of harmony and endless joy of life reigns in Bohol.

    The island of Bohol, surrounded by 70 small islands, is associated with the smallest monkeys on Earth and the Chocolate Hills, a unique natural phenomenon. The island and its satellite islands are home to several resorts with excellent beaches, each offering a variety of aquatic species sports The infrastructure is less developed than, for example, on the island of Cebu, so Bohol is more suitable for divers, families or a relaxing romantic holiday.

    The capital of the island, Tagbilaran, is located opposite the resort island of Panglao and is connected to it by a bridge and a road.

    The coastal algae is full of sea urchins, so you need to be careful in the water, and it is better to wear shoes along the shore.

    How to get to Bohol

    • The best way to get around in the Philippines between the islands of Palawan, Boracay and Bohol

    Search for flights to Manila (the nearest airport to Bohol)

    Beaches of Bohol

    Near Bozol there is the small island of Panglao, on whose territory lies Alona Beach - an 800-meter beach with a lot of hotels, restaurants and world-class dive centers, popular among outdoor enthusiasts.

    Cabilao islet lying west of the island Bohol is surrounded by excellent corals. Diving here is especially good due to the incredibly clear water.

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    Entertainment and attractions in Bohol

    “Chocolate Hills” (1268 hills of the same conical shape, on which only grass grows, burning to a chocolate brown color by the end of summer), Hinagdanan cave with an underground lake, a hand-planted redwood forest, a church in Baclayon (the oldest in the Philippines), the island museum, Busay waterfalls, the Raha-Sitakuna forest reserve and the center of tarsier lemurs, of which there are about two hundred left in the world.

    Cruise along the Lombok River with lunch and personal singer. Near the island of Balikasak there are excellent coral reefs and the remains of ships sunk during the Second World War. Watching dolphins and whales in the ocean, all kinds of water sports. In addition, the island has about 1,400 caves and picturesque waterfalls.

    Best Photos of Bohol

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    Diving in Bohol

    Coral gardens, caves, walls, sunken ships and depths of over a hundred meters. The most visited places are Panglao Island, connected to Bohol by a bridge, Cape Arco, where a large colony of snakes lives in an underwater tunnel, the Tangan wall with many caves in which giant groupers hide, Cabilao and Pamilacan islands. Due to strong currents and a very complex underwater structure, it is better to dive here only with a dive guide.

    Cabilao is a small triangular-shaped island located north of Bohol. Along its shores you can see walls, arches, faults, coral gardens of soft and hard corals and rare hammerhead sharks (from December to June). Along southwest coast The islands have quite a strong current, so drift diving is possible.

    Balicasag Island is located just 6 km southwest of Panglao (approximately 45 minutes by boat). This is one of the best dive sites in the central Philippines, with a fine coral sand beach and a 9-50m wide flat reef that fringes the entire island. The edges of the underwater reef are covered with hard corals, deeper there are barrel sponges, parrotfish, table corals, rare sea lilies, octopuses, gorgonians, triggerfish, barracudas and schools of mackerel. However, even experienced divers should not be overwhelmed by the abundance of beauty: the depths there reach 250 m, so you should be very careful.

    Server-Shoal (" Snake Island") is famous for its large colony of striped sea snakes. Whitetip sharks, barracudas and surgeonfish are also found. This site also has quite a large depth and, in addition, strong currents that change depending on the depth.

    Pamilakan (translated either as a cemetery or as a resting place for manta rays) used to be held in high esteem by divers. Today, according to eyewitnesses, there is practically nothing to see there (probably all the local stingrays have finally rested).

    Weather in Bohol

    The weather here is quite capricious: at any time of the year, short-term daily rains can begin, or it can be dry for several months in a row. Typhoons are also not uncommon. However, in March-May you can expect the least amount of trouble.