Interesting facts about the population of South America. Facts about South America

  • 1. Part of the territory of South America was discovered by the Spanish navigator Columbus. About availability big continent he found out first. Christopher Columbus's theory that water becomes fresher only when a river flows into the sea was confirmed in 1492.
  • 2. The largest country in South America is Brazil. It is famous for its magnificent carnivals and performances of various sambo schools.
  • 3. The most big river in the world flows through this continent. The Amazon has more than half a thousand tributaries.
  • 4. Angel - this is the name of the most high waterfall in the world. It is located in the South American country of Venezuela. The height of the waterfall is more than 1000 meters. This miracle of nature is located in hard-to-reach places, so not everyone can be lucky enough to see it.

Angel - The highest waterfall in the world - Interesting facts about South America.

  • 5. The highest capital on Earth is located in Bolivia. The city of La Paz is located at an altitude of 3-4 kilometers!
  • 6. Machu Picchu is the highest mountain city of antiquity. It was built by Indian tribes in the Andes Mountains, Peru. Nowadays, Machu Picchu is one of the most impressive attractions in the whole world.
  • 7. Interesting facts about South America reveal the secret of longevity of the inhabitants of its coastal countries. According to scientists, eating fresh seafood and the unique natural conditions of the mainland contribute to the development of mental potential and strengthening people's health.
  • 8. Did you know that the South American country of Venezuela was named after European city Venice? Florentine traveler Amerigo Vespucci, having studied the principles of construction of Venezuela (a system of canals, houses on stilts, on water), discovered similarities with Venice. This is where the name came from the whole country In South America.
  • 9. Off the coast of this continent is the natural lighthouse Itzalko (or Izalko), known to sailors all over the world. In fact, it is a volcano, about 2 kilometers high. Every 8 minutes, magma pours out here and a 300-meter column of smoke rises. The reliability of such a beacon has been tested by the continuous 200-year operation of the volcano.
  • 10. In the northern part of the state of Chile there is a unique Atacama Desert. It is interesting because for 400 years there was absolutely no precipitation here. For this reason, the air humidity in the driest planet on Earth is 0%, and the local mountains, despite the impressive height of 7 kilometers, do not have ice caps. Imagine the surprise local residents, when in 2010 nature gifted the lifeless desert lands with snowdrifts in May.
  • 11. Indigenous Indian tribes still live in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia.
  • 12. South America is the habitat of the world's largest beetles (woodcutter beetles), the most poisonous frogs (Red-backed poison frog, Spotted dart frog, Bicolor phyllomedusa, Little dart frog and others), the smallest monkeys (marmosets), the largest butterflies (butterfly -agrippina), the most dangerous fish(piranha).

Lumberjack Beetle, Agrippina Butterfly, Marmoset Monkey, Red-backed Poison Frog - Interesting facts about South America

  • 13. The Colombian river Caño Cristales is considered one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole world. Gives it uniqueness a large number of colorful algae. Like red, yellow and green threads, they fill the pond with amazing shades.
  • 14. In the South American country of Paraguay, duels still take place (and are allowed).

Paraguay Duels.

15. Summer Panama hats were invented in Ecuador, and not in Panama, as one might logically think.

South America is a large continent that is located in the Western and Southern hemispheres of the Earth, and a small part of it is located in the Northern. The Pacific and Atlantic oceans wash its shores. History, culture and even civilization developed here in their own way. Therefore, we present to your attention the most exciting, incredible and Interesting Facts about South America.

  • 1. Part of the territory of South America was discovered by the Spanish navigator Columbus. He was the first to know about the presence of a large continent. Christopher Columbus's theory that water becomes fresher only when a river flows into the sea was confirmed in 1492.
  • 2. The largest country in South America is Brazil. It is famous for its magnificent carnivals and performances of various samba schools.
  • 3. The largest river in the world flows through this continent. The Amazon has more than half a thousand tributaries.
  • 4. Angel - this is the name of the tallest waterfall in the world. It is located in the South American country of Venezuela. The height of the waterfall is more than 1000 meters. This miracle of nature is located in hard-to-reach places, so not everyone can be lucky enough to see it.

  • 5. The highest capital on Earth is located in Bolivia. The city of La Paz is located at an altitude of 3-4 kilometers!
  • 6. Machu Picchu is the highest mountain city of antiquity. It was built by Indian tribes in the Andes Mountains, Peru. Nowadays, Machu Picchu is one of the most impressive attractions in the whole world.

  • 7. Interesting facts about South America reveal the secret of longevity of the inhabitants of its coastal countries. According to scientists, eating fresh seafood and the unique natural conditions of the mainland contribute to the development of mental potential and strengthening people's health.
  • 8. Did you know that the South American country of Venezuela was named after the European city of Venice? Florentine traveler Amerigo Vespucci, having studied the principles of construction of Venezuela (a system of canals, houses on stilts, on water), discovered similarities with Venice. This is where the name of the whole country in South America came from.

  • 9. Off the coast of this continent is the natural lighthouse Itzalko (or Izalko), known to sailors all over the world. In fact, it is a volcano, about 2 kilometers high. Every 8 minutes, magma pours out here and a 300-meter column of smoke rises. The reliability of such a beacon has been tested by the continuous 200-year operation of the volcano.
  • 10. In the northern part of the state of Chile there is a unique Atacama Desert. It is interesting because for 400 years there was absolutely no precipitation here. For this reason, the air humidity in the driest planet on Earth is 0%, and the local mountains, despite the impressive height of 7 kilometers, do not have ice caps. Imagine the surprise of local residents when, in 2010, nature gifted the lifeless desert lands with drifts of snow in May.

  • 11. Indigenous Indian tribes still live in the highlands of Peru and Bolivia.
  • 12. South America is the habitat of the world's largest beetles (woodcutter beetles), the most poisonous frogs (Red-backed poison frog, Spotted dart frog, Bicolor phyllomedusa, Little dart frog and others), the smallest monkeys (marmosets), the largest butterflies (butterfly -agrippina), the most dangerous fish (piranha).

  • 13. The Colombian river Caño Cristales is considered one of the most beautiful and unusual in the whole world. What makes it unique is the large number of colorful algae. Like red, yellow and green threads, they fill the pond with amazing shades.
  • 14. In the South American country of Paraguay, duels still take place (and are allowed).

  • 15. Summer Panama hats were invented in Ecuador, and not in Panama, as one might logically think.

Amazing video about South America:

South America is one of the largest continents, crossed by the equator, which stretches across two hemispheres: the Northern and Southern. Civilization on its lands developed in different ways. Therefore, today the amazing original culture of South America and the incredible beauty of the local nature still arouses interest and attracts millions of tourists.

The continent takes its name in honor of the Florentine traveler Amerigo Vespucci. It was he who first suggested that discovered by Christopher Columbus's lands are considered the New World because they have nothing to do with India, already discovered by Europeans.

The southern continent of America is connected to the Northern Isthmus of Panama.

Today there are 14 countries on the territory of the largest continent, most of which are among the developing ones. The largest is Brazil. This amazing country For 1.5 centuries, South America has been the undisputed leader in coffee production and the real queen of magnificent carnivals. IN former capital Brazil - Rio de Janeiro is home to one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. This is a 40-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer.

The Bolivian city of La Paz is recognized as the highest capital of the continent. It is located in the crater of a volcano that was extinct millions of years ago at an altitude of 3.6 thousand meters. Due to its high-mountainous location, the city has critical UV index values ​​that exceed the permissible levels by 16 or more times, which makes the capital of Bolivia especially dangerous for life.

It is noteworthy that indigenous Indian tribes still live in the highlands of Bolivia and Peru. Almost half of them are representatives of the Quechua people. The direct descendants of the Inca culture preserved the traditions of ancient civilization in their original form.

The coastal countries of the continent became famous for the fact that “foci of longevity” were concentrated on their lands. In these areas, people live much longer, maintaining energy, vitality and mental potential until the end of their days. The average life expectancy is 75 years. This phenomenon is explained by the unique natural conditions mainland and regular consumption of fresh seafood.

Amazing flora and fauna

A continent washed by two oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific, also Caribbean Sea, incredibly famous diverse world flora and fauna. Within the largest country in South America, Brazil, there are over 4 million species of flora and fauna.

Unusual fauna

This is the habitat of record holders in several categories at once.

  • The most poisonous frogs.

Representatives of the poison dart frog family live in tropical forests. Tiny creatures, whose body size does not exceed 30 mm, move perfectly through trees with the help of suction cups and claws. The bright spotted body color warns potential enemies of danger. The babies' main weapon is toxic poison, which is fatal to humans even in small doses.

Two-colored phyllojellyfish are no less dangerous. Representatives of the tree frog family are real giants compared to small spotted dart frogs. The length of individual individuals can reach 120 mm. The poison of these amazing animals of South America is also dangerous to humans. It can cause stomach problems and hallucinations. Knowing this feature, the indigenous people specially extract phyllojellyfish venom in order to once again experience the hallucinogenic effect.

  • The smallest monkeys.

The marmoset primates are so small that they were long thought to be the offspring of other animal species. The size of an adult is only 15 cm, and with the tail – 20 cm. The weight of the animal is only 100 grams. These babies prefer to settle in family groups of 5-6 individuals on forest edges, the outskirts of the jungle and river banks. They feed on fruits, tree sap and insects. They move well between trees, easily overcoming any obstacles.

  • The biggest butterfly.

Tizania agrippina has become famous throughout the world for its incredible size. The wingspan reaches 31 cm. Externally, the tizania looks like a huge beautiful moth, and in size it can surpass even a large bird. The wings of the fluttering beauty, decorated with a fancy pattern of gray-brown colors, have wavy edges.

The record holder butterfly is very shy. It is nocturnal and feeds exclusively on the fleshy leaves of the cassia bush.

  • The most dangerous fish.

Ray-finned predators are among the most dangerous animals in the world. They live in huge flocks, spending most of their time searching for prey. These inhabitants of the underwater kingdom are famous for their extraordinary sense of smell, through which they are able to detect prey hundreds of meters away. Their main weapon is their huge jaws with protruding, razor-sharp plate-like teeth. Piranhas attack suddenly, attack with lightning speed and torment mercilessly. Predators are quite voracious, and therefore they can only be found in rivers abounding in fish. The fish's jaws are so powerful and its teeth are so sharp that they can easily bite through a stick as thick as a large man's finger.

  • The largest beetles in the world.

Lumberjack beetles, also known as longhorned beetles, are representatives of the order Coleoptera. They received their second name due to their long segmented whiskers, the length of which can be 3-4 times the length of the body.

On the lands of South America, there are lumberjack titans whose length reaches 20 cm. In this case, only the body without mustache is taken into account. Adult insects have a uniform brown-black color. They live only 3-5 weeks. Moreover, at this stage of physiological development, beetles do not eat anything. They receive all the necessary substances from reserves deposited at the larval stage.

It is also surprising that the lumberjack titans do not have close relatives in nature. Therefore, these unusual insects arouse keen interest not only among scientists, but also among collectors.

Amazing plant world

South America is a place on the planet where natural resources Almost since the Mesozoic era, they have been preserved almost in their original form. On its lands you can find many strange plants that are not found anywhere else on Earth.

Just look at the beautiful cosmos flowers, whose petals have a rare chocolate hue, or the ghost orchid, which creates the illusion that it is growing out of nowhere.

Boast of extraordinary beauty maybe the trees of the mainland. Jacaranda with a spreading crown strewn with tens of thousands of lilac flowers creates the stunning effect of a huge cloud descending from the sky. And the tulip tree, which got its name from the unusual shape of flowers collected in inflorescences and fancy lyre-shaped leaves, simply fascinates with its “fiery stars”.

If we talk about unusual plants of the continent, then they include:

  • bottle tree

Brachychiton has a trunk up to 15 meters high, which has a girth of over 3 m. The unusual shape in the form of a giant swollen bottle is due to the adaptability of the plant: it stores reserves of the most delicious drinking water. In the upper part of the brachychiton trunk there are reservoirs created by nature in which sweet, thick juice accumulates.

  • Cashew Pirangi

The famous 177-year-old tree is interesting because it literally spreads along the ground. At the same time, the branches in contact with the ground immediately take root, allowing the tree to grow. Today, Piranji cashews have “covered” an area of ​​almost 2 hectares. And it doesn't stop there. An unusual plant, occupying an area equal to two football fields, produces up to 80 thousand fruits annually. It turns out that one tree has created its own forest.

Among aquatic plants, representatives of the water lily family are of greatest interest. These amazing plants of South America have no analogues in the world. The leaves of the world's largest water lilies look like huge 2-meter plates, the edges of which are curved to the top almost at a right angle. The dense structure of the leaves allows the plants to float even when they have to support a weight of 50-60 kg.

Unique places on the continent

The continent's landscapes are varied, ranging from lifeless deserts and picturesque hills to impenetrable forests and majestic mountain ranges.

There are 6 deserts in South America. The salt flat of Uyuni in Bolivia is of greatest interest. This salt marsh on the Altipano plateau is interesting for its unusual landscape, indistinguishable from the fantastic landscapes of other planets. On its territory there is a “cemetery” of steam locomotives that have spent their time.

The Atacama Desert is no less interesting. Its lands have not seen precipitation for 4 centuries, and therefore the humidity in this area is 0%. It is noteworthy that the desert mountains, despite their impressive height of about 7 thousand meters, are devoid of ice caps. Atacama has such sparse vegetation that its landscape more closely resembles the surface of a lifeless planet.

But the Nazca Desert - a real museum culture and history of ancient peoples. She became famous for her drawings, earning her the name “the drawing board of ancient civilizations.” The area, which is 50 km long, contains over 30 drawings depicting humans and animals, more than 700 geometric figures and several tens of thousands of lines and stripes.

The Andes are another unique natural wonder in South America. The world's longest mountain range stretches 7.3 km. Her highest point at an altitude of 6.96 km is called Aconcagua, which means “stone guardian” in Quechua. In the Andes there are the most large volcanoes of our planet.

It is in the Andes that one of the most amazing places in South America is located - Machu Picchu. The high mountain city of antiquity was built by Indian tribes. Lost City Incas is located at an altitude of 2.45 km. Today, Machu Picchu is one of the most impressive sights in the world.

Of no less interest is water element this amazing place on the planet. The largest river in the world in terms of flow and basin area, the Amazon, flows through South America. It has 1.5 thousand tributaries and is the concentration of a significant part of the world's drinking water supplies. The mighty river gives life-giving moisture to tropical forests, which are often called “the lungs of the planet.” Over the entire existence of mankind, people have never managed to conquer the Amazon: so far not a single dam has slowed down its flow.

The second most important “reserve” fresh water counts alpine lake Titicaca. More than 300 rivers flow into it, flowing from the glaciers framing the Altiplano high plateau. The reservoir, located at an altitude of 3.8 km above sea level, is recognized as the highest among navigable lakes in the world.

Angel is the name of the world's tallest waterfall. Its height reaches 1000 m. The speed of falling water is so enormous that it simply dissipates, creating the illusion of a seething water jet disappearing into the fog. You can admire its beauty on the lands of the South American country of Venezuela.

Iguazu Falls are no less picturesque. Located on the border of three countries - Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil, the complex of waterfalls will rival the famous Niagara in beauty. It includes 197 cascading streams, separated by small islands. The length of the widest waterfall on the planet is almost 3 km.

Off the coast of the mainland there is another amazing object - the natural Pacific lighthouse of Izalco. The young volcano, reaching a height of almost 2 thousand meters, is considered the most active in the world. Magma pours out of it every 8 minutes, and a column 300 m high rises above the crater. The reliability of this natural lighthouse has been tested by the continuous 200-year operation of the volcano.

Interesting facts about South America

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South America is the world's fourth largest continent. Here are the largest rivers and tropical forests, wide choose deserts, wet and dry regions. It is often called subcontinental America. The continent borders Pacific Ocean in the west, and in the north and east with the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is the world's fifth most populous continent. We will tell you the most interesting facts about South America that will improve your current knowledge of geography.

Historical reference

The history of South America begins 225 million years ago when it was united with Africa. Here, during excavations, people were discovered whose age was 15,000 years old. It is believed that this was the first place where people began to live.

9,000 years ago, people began growing beans, chili peppers and squash in South America. 3,500 years ago, South Americans began domesticating animals such as alpacas, guanacos and llamas.

Norte Chico is considered the earliest famous civilizations South America. The Muisca (now Colombia) was also one of the ancient civilizations In South America.

The Spanish and Portuguese began exploring South American natural resources in 1530.

Simon Bolivar and José de San Martin fought the Peruvian War of Independence and liberated the country.

In the 20th century, South America became a battleground for the Cold War.

The peoples living in South America are known for their carnival celebrations.

Geography of the continent

The climate of South America varies greatly, from the hot and dry climate of its deserts, to the humid and rainy climate of its tropical forests. These forests are surrounded by dry meadows.

The west coast of South America is dominated by a hot desert, and in the mountains the temperature rarely rises above freezing.

People from all over the world come here to see with their own eyes the beauty of the local nature. Thus, the tourism industry becomes the main source of income in South America.

About 200 million people in South America speak Spanish and Portuguese, making them the continent's most spoken languages.

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South America is one of the seven continents of the world. It is located between Quiet and Atlantic Oceans. South America was discovered by the European explorer Amerigo Vespucci. There are 12 countries on its territory.

In terms of area, South America ranks fourth among the world's continents after Asia, Africa and North America. In terms of population, it ranks fifth, behind Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. South America has many natural resources, most of which are concentrated in the Amazon Basin. The Amazon River is one of the largest rivers peace.

Historical facts about South America
Exist historical facts, proving that the civilization known as Chavin spanned the period from 900 century to 300 century BC. Many remains of this civilization were found in Peru, in the area of ​​Chavin de Huanter, which lies at an altitude of 3,177 meters above sea level. The trade network and agriculture developed during the Chavin civilization.

One of the oldest civilizations in South America is the Inca civilization. The capital of the Inca civilization was the city of Cusco in the Andes. The Incas were known for their unique, highly developed culture. The ruins of the Incan civilization indicate that the buildings of their cities were lined with excellent stonework and designed with great precision. Historians believe that the Incas successfully performed brain surgery. Natural resources South America were used by such European countries like Spain and Portugal. Many South American countries were colonies of these European states.

Fun facts about South America
The South American country of Brazil has given the world many outstanding and famous actresses such as Florinda Bolkan, Sonia Braga, Xuxa, Bruna Lombardi and Vera Fischer.

The English film Evita, created by British director Alan William Parker, was based on the biography of the first lady of Argentina, Maria Eva Duarte de Peron.