The most beautiful cities in France top 10. Where to go and what to see in France: cities and attractions

5 most beautiful cities France after Paris

Undoubtedly, Paris ranks first in the ranking of the most beautiful French cities. In this regard, a tourist going to France has a logical question - where else to go in order to get a more complete impression of the country and not be disappointed. Let's talk about five cities in France that deserve no less attention from a traveler than the luxurious capital.


The capital of Alsace captivates with its half-timbered architecture and canals over which toy houses huddle. The most pleasant time to visit Strasbourg is Christmas, when holiday fairs are held and the city becomes even more fabulous in its New Year's decorations.


The medieval arched bridge and the majestic old town are the hallmarks of Avignon. Here, the spirit of antiquity reigns in every alley, and one of the main decorations of the city is the Papal Palace. Avignon is an excellent starting point for a trip to Provence and the mountain villages of the Luberon Park.


The pearl of the French Riviera, Nice has always been a haven for the nobility and aristocracy. The fashion for this trend among the Russian intelligentsia was introduced by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, and since then the flow of Russians to Nice has not dried up. If you come to Cote d'Azur France in February, you can take part in the colorful Nice Carnival, which lasts about two weeks.


Lyon can truly be called the culinary capital of France. It’s worth going here for the gastronomic pleasure that literally permeates the entire city. The best aperitif for this is the exquisite architecture of Lyon, which is a mosaic of styles from the Middle Ages to classicism. Of particular interest is the grand festival of light, which is held every year from December 8 to 11.


Bordeaux is famous not only for its abundance of wine, but also for the longest pedestrian street in France, the most large area in Europe and the largest water mirror.

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If a tourist wants splendor and luxury, he goes to France, a country where amazingly beautiful castles are combined with small and cozy villages, and lavender fields stretch for several kilometers and exude a special aroma that nothing else can compare with. Having gone south, you can endlessly admire the vineyards, and the local wine is considered one of the best in the world. Lovers of fashion brands and shopping will also find something to their liking here, as will romantic couples. If you have never been to the country of Cezanne and Parmesan, then you have not seen beauty in its purest form, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with the top 10 most beautiful cities in France, and which of them you will go to is up to you.

1. Paris

Paris is undoubtedly the leader of this rating and it is false to argue with this. The most beautiful and visited city in France fascinates at first sight and makes the heart beat faster. Whatever you do here - stroll along the embankment or have breakfast in one of the Michelin-starred restaurants, you will get a lot of unforgettable impressions from everything. Once you see Notre Dame Cathedral, Boulevard Haussmann, Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower or the Bourbon Palace, these memories will remain in your memory for a lifetime. Just wandering through the narrow streets of Paris is the ultimate dream for many, and every tourist will be able to find a suitable activity for themselves here.

2. Lyon

Lyon is rightfully considered the heart of the Rhône-Alps and the gastronomic Mecca of the country. In addition to fine cuisine, the city is famous for its picturesque views and many interesting attractions. Old León is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is the second largest in size among all Renaissance areas. Lyon is a city of contrasts: ancient areas with narrow streets coexist harmoniously with ultra-modern ones. The main pride of the Lyons people is the Cathedral of St. John, which is distinguished by its special splendor and beauty. Here is also one of the most large areas country, in the center of which there is a statue of King Louis XIV.

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3. Nice

The unrivaled star of the French Riviera is distinguished not only by the exquisite beauty of its architecture, but also by its magnificent climate. The city is located in the Bay of Angels and offers tourists to visit a huge number of historical monuments created in the Baroque, Middle Ages and Renaissance styles. Nice is growing rapidly and never ceases to amaze with its emerging parks, gardens and recreational areas. The city is popular not only among the French, but also among tourists around the world. The swimming season opens in May and lasts until mid-autumn, and even in the winter months the temperature rarely drops below +10.

4. Strasbourg

Strasbourg is the capital of Alsace. The city is famous for its extraordinary architecture, and the most notable object is the cathedral. Do not be surprised by the abundance of works of art here, belonging to the hand of Monet, Gauguin, Rubens and Picasso. The local suburbs are more like alpine villages than traditional French settlements. Travelers prefer to go on a cruise along the Rhine, and the most visited area is “Little France”, where you can visit restaurants or go shopping. Every tourist should visit Strasbourg, and the most beautiful time to visit is the Christmas holidays.

5. Avignon

Avignon is located in the south-eastern part of the country and is rightly called Eden for those who prefer leisurely walks in beautiful surroundings. Here you can go to the Pont Saint-Benez, which is better known as Avignon, taste truffles in one of the local restaurants, or simply enjoy a glass of wine while sitting in a quiet and uncrowded street cafe. In July, Avignon opens its doors to a theater festival and then the city is captured by a special atmosphere that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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6. Annecy

Annecy is a small town located in the Rhône-Alpes region, close to Switzerland, just 30 km from its capital. Annecy is located in a very picturesque place, near an incredibly beautiful blue lake, framed by a panorama mountain peaks. The main attraction of the city is an ancient tower standing right in the middle of the river. It’s not for nothing that Annecy is considered one of the most beautiful cities not only in France, but throughout Europe, so you should definitely visit here.

7. Marseille

It is one of the oldest and most beautiful European cities. After Paris, Marseille is the second largest populated area in France, while at the same time being considered the largest Mediterranean port, located in the southeast of the country. On the local streets you can admire medieval architecture and dilapidated buildings built during the Roman Empire. Marseille is famous for its universities, which are considered very prestigious to enroll in. The bustling harbor of Marseille accommodates many large and small ships, and the most interesting object tourists consider the Calanques to be deep gorges swallowed up by the sea. Arriving here, you will have a huge choice of what to visit here: historical statues, museums and galleries are found here at every turn. There are many entertainment venues for young people, and dance and music festivals are held in Marseille several times a year.

8. Cannes

The resort city, located in the south of the country, is known throughout the world not only for its excellent beaches, but also for the famous film festival that is held here annually. Over the past few decades, Cannes has become even more beautiful, thanks in no small part to the local municipality and city residents. The most beautiful is the road to the palace where the film festival is taking place. Palm trees are planted along the edge of the sidewalk, and there is a huge number of luxury hotels, luxury shops and Michelin-starred restaurants with national cuisine. You will always find a cozy cafe to drink a cup of coffee and eat a real croissant. The historical district of Le Suquet invites tourists to explore historical and architectural monuments, and on the island of Saint Honoré there is a monastery and a castle. Not far from Cannes there is a small island on which, according to legend, a prisoner known to everyone as the “iron mask” was imprisoned.

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9. Dijon

The city is administrative, financial and cultural center Burgundy and is one of the ten most beautiful French cities. Dijon has extraordinary architectural diversity and connects gothic cathedrals with half-timbered houses and modern buildings. The city has an old French atmosphere; it is always quiet and peaceful here, so visiting it means getting to know France from the inside.

10. Toulouse

The city is the capital of the Midi-Pyrenees, a distinctive and charming region. Toulouse is located in southeastern France, close to the French-Spanish border. The town's population is about 430 thousand inhabitants, which puts Toulouse in fourth place in the country in terms of the number of inhabitants. Due to the color of the bricks used in the construction of the old city, Toulouse is called “pink”. In the Middle Ages, there was a center of pilgrimage here, from which time many ancient churches have been preserved here.

Known for its elegance and cheerfulness, Paris is the most beautiful European capital. The French have an expression “there is only one Paris” because this magnificent city is truly incomparable. Even photoshopped photos in tourist brochures do not convey the beauty of Paris. The city is filled with architectural masterpieces such as the famous Eiffel Tower and the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral, which reflect the city's rich heritage. The Louvre contains one of the best art collections in the world, Latin Quarter and Montmartre and its graceful boulevards, like those on the Champs Elysees.

2. Provence

In contrast to the gray skies of Paris and northern France, Provence basks in the Mediterranean sun. This beguilingly beautiful area is simply fantastic in its provincial splendor. The hills of Provence are covered with a patchwork of small farms, olive groves, sunflowers and lavender fields. The air is fragrant with the aroma of rosemary, sage and thyme, herbs, all these herbs that grow here in abundance are used in local cuisine. In this dreamy landscape, impressionist artists drew inspiration to create their vibrant works.

The French Riviera is a glamorous stretch Mediterranean coast, known in France and throughout the world under the name - Cote d'Azur, because of the mesmerizing azure blue waters Mediterranean Sea. The sky is often bright blue due to sunny weather most years in this area in the south of France. The Cote d'Azur begins at Saint Tropez and extends up to Menton, less than 30 kilometers from the Italian border.

Normandy is a quaint pastoral area, covered with apple orchards and cow pastures, dotted historical castles, inspiring churches and fairytale towns such as Rouen , Honfleur And Bayeux, where tourists will be enchanted by beautiful half-timbered houses and impressive cultural monuments. Normandy also boasts one of France's top tourist attractions, the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. For believers, the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel is still an important place of pilgrimage. For those who are looking beach holiday Normandy's seaside resorts are worth visiting Dovilla, Trouville, Dieppe and Etretat.

5. Brittany

A picturesque coastal region with rich traditions, Brittany owes its existence to the sea. Numerous historic towns demonstrate the region's maritime heritage, such as the port of Saint-Malo, surrounded by old fortified walls, and the medieval capital of France - Nantes. Brittany also has stylish beach resorts, such as Dinar And La Baule at the mouth of the Loire. The landscape of Brittany in northeast France is dramatic and unspoilt, it's secluded sandy beaches and the rocky coast where the waves are wild Atlantic Ocean crash on the shore. Quaint centuries-old fishing villages are located in quiet bays and on tiny coastal islands.

6. Biarritz

The perfect combination of Parisian style elegance and natural beauty, Biarritz is an upscale seaside resort with magnificent beaches. Known as “The Queen of Resorts and the Resort of Kings”, this is how Biarritz was described by Empress Eugenie, wife of Napoleon III, who loved the area located along the Bay of Biscay in the Basque region.

An hour's drive (15 km) from Biarritz is a historic fishing port Saint-Jean-de-Luz, popular place summer holiday for the whole family. In the Basque Country of Spain, 50 km by bus, car or train from Biarritz, San Sebastian is a lively seaside town that delights visitors with its elegant architecture and sandy beaches.

The historic cities of Strasbourg and Colmar, along with hundreds of Alsatian villages, have a charming character. The architecture and atmosphere of Alsace, influenced by neighboring Germany, has many differences from the rest of France, this is clearly visible in the brightly painted half-timbered houses and Gothic churches. Strasbourg charms tourists with its narrow cobbled streets, picturesque canals and opulent cathedral. Colmar is the quintessential medieval city, full of interesting old churches and traditional houses with flower-decorated balconies.

The French Alps boast some of the most spectacular natural scenery in the world. Majestic Mont Blanc is the most high mountain in Europe, it is beautiful with its snow-capped peak that soars to a height of 4810 meters. The French Alps offer fresh air and stunning scenery with crystal clear lakes, dramatic waterfalls, peaceful valleys and lush pine forests. IN summer time Tourists from all over the world flock to the Alps to hike, bike and mountaineer. In winter, the French Alps offer stunning mountain trails.

Situated on a cliff in natural park The Dordogne region, Rocamadour, seems to be reaching for the sky. This unforgettable commune has been the third most important site of Christian pilgrimage since the 11th century, after Jerusalem and Rome.

10. Bordeaux and Saint-Emilion

The Bordeaux region of France is a delightful countryside, with many vineyards spread across the nearby hills, where grand castles dominate the landscape. In addition, the region has two exceptional facilities world heritage UNESCO, this is an elegant city Bordeaux, with more than 350 buildings classified as historical monuments and the pastoral village of Saint-Émilion is 51 km away. from Bordeaux. Saint-Emilion filled with remarkable churches and monasteries.

Situated on a hill and protected by ancient walls, Clermont-Ferrand is one of the most beautiful medieval cities in France, the capital of the Auvergne region. Clermont-Ferrand is picturesque city with quaint old quarters anda fascinating story related to the medieval crusaders.The idea of ​​the Crusades was first voiced in this city.The First Crusade was proclaimed by Pen Urban II in 1095 and developed into a fervent ideology for the conquest of the Holy Lands.

On On the city's skyline you can count 50 towers that represent the churches of the medieval city.The main attraction is the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Assompice, which is considered one of the great Gothic cathedrals of central France.Built in the 13th and 14th centuries, this magnificent cathedral was built from dark volcanic stone.The cathedral is famous for its beautiful stained glass windows, especially in the choir chapels and the rose windows in the transepts.The crypt is from an earlier century church and contains a remarkable 4th century sarcophagus.

2. Carcassonne

Inside the amazingly beautiful and fabulous battlements of French Carcassonne you will find a completely enclosed world of narrow cobblestone streets that transport travelers to the real Middle Ages. All buildings, squares and alleys have retained their medieval character. There are amazing historical sites such as the former Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, built between the 11th and 14th centuries, unique for its 14th-century Gothic choir with 22 statues, picturesque stained glass from the 15th century and a number of important tombs, including Simon de Montfort.

3. Perpignan

A charming melange of densely packed red-tiled roofed buildings and shaded squares, sunny Perpignan is a vibrant Mediterranean city located about five kilometers from the sea. Historically, it was the main city of the province of Roussillon.Due to its proximity to the Pyrenees Mountains, which border the Spanish region of Catalonia, there is a strong Spanish influence.

In the center of the old town is Republic Square, dominated by the Theater Museum.On the north side of the old town is Castille, a 14th-century fortified tower resembling a castle that is Perpignan's main landmark.From the top of the Castille Tower you have stunning views of the city and surrounding area. Another interesting place in the city, this is the Saint-Jean Cathedral14th century with stunning interior.The most notable feature is the 16th-century white marble altar.South of the old town, in a massive star-shaped citadel, lies the Palace of the Kings of Mallorca, an excellent example of medieval architecture, built in 1276 as the residence of King Jaime I.

4. Uzes

The historic town of Uzès is located outside Provence, about 40 kilometers west of Avignon. The city is located in the wooded Alzon Valley. Travelers will appreciate the medieval atmosphere of Uzès with its narrow streets, quiet alleys and shaded boulevards. Main square city, surrounded by medieval houses and trees with an old fountain in the center. On Saturdays, a wonderful provincial market opens on the square. The city's main attractions are the Château, which was built at various times from the 11th to the 17th centuries, the former bishop's palace and the Uze Museum, a fine art museum.

5. Beziers

In ancient times, Béziers was a Roman military colony, which left its mark on the city's architecture. Beziers is locatedon a hillside overlooking the Canal du Midi.Béziers has two interesting historical churches: the Church of the Madeleine, originally Romanesque, but later rebuilt in the Gothic style and the church of Saint-Aphrodise is a landmarksarcophagus of the 3rd century.In the center of the old town is18th century town hall. Former Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, standing on a hill, is a fortified church from the 12th to 14th centuries with massive towers and a large rose window on the western front.The Museum is located not far from it fine arts, Towhich is famous for its paintings and antique Greek vases.

6. Moulins

The town of Moulins takes its name from the many mills that once stood along the Allier River.Founded in the 10th century, Moulins became the main city of the Duchy of Bourbonnais in the 14th century.In the center of the quaint old part of the city is the Place de Villewith a wonderful Jacquemard, a charming watch with moving figures.At the Folklore Museumantique craft tools, a model of a medieval peasant house, furniture and traditional costumes are on display. Another important monument in Moulins is the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation, whose history dates back to the 15th century.The cathedral was designed in the Flamboyant Gothic style with stunning stained glass windows.In the sacristy you can see the famous triptych of the Master of the Moulins. Against cathedral locatedancient ducal palace of Moulins.

7. Saint-Gilles

The medieval town of Saint-Gilles is located near the western border of Provence, about 16 kilometers fromArle. The highlight of the city tour is the 12th century church, Elisa Saint-Gilles, one of the most impressive Romanesque buildings in the south of France. Church landmark,exquisite facade with many decorative figures, including the first detailed image Passions in Western Sculpture.In front of the church, on Republic Square, a narrow lane leads to the beautiful town square, de Lolme. The most notable building on the square is Ran Omani house that has capitals decorated with detailed drawings.Inside there is a museum with a Christian sarcophagus with a beautiful bas-relief.From the hall on the second floor there is an amazing view of Saint-Gilles and the surrounding area.Saint-Gilles is also a good starting point for trips to nearby nature reserve Camargue.

8. Villefranche-de-Conflent

At the crossroads of the Kadi and Teth rivers there is a historical Villefranche-de-Conflents, this one withThe medieval fortified city was once an important stop on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Within the fortress wallsThere are atmospheric narrow streets with elegant houses from the 15th to 17th centuries. ANDThe highlight of the city is the Church of Saint-Jacques, built between the 12th and 13th centuries.The church has an exquisite sanctuary with wonderful paintings of Saint Pierre and Saint Antoine.

9. Salers

The small medieval town of Salers, with a population of less than 1,000 people, is considered one of the most beautiful medieval towns in France.Picturesquely located at an altitude of over 914 meters, Saler is still surrounded by ancient fortress walls.The historic city is distinguished by its turreted houses and elegant Renaissance mansions.Many of the houses are built from dark lava stone, giving the town an austere appearance.The central square of the city, Grand Place,considered one of the most charming squares in France.A must-see place in Salers is the Church of Saint-Mathieu15th century. This church was built in the typical Romanesque style of the region and is decorated with old Aubusson tapestries.Another notable feature is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher from 1495.

10. Saint-Flour

Situated on a volcanic promontory, the ancient fortified city of Saint-Murs has unique character and charm. Saint-Flourhas earned the title "Pays d'Art & d'Histoire" (Land of Art and History) due to its rich cultural heritage.The history of the city began in the 4th century, when Bishop Flous arrived on an evangelical mission.During the Middle Ages, the city of Saint-Flour flourished as the religious capital of the region.The medieval walls are still visible, surrounded by volcanic rocks.Due to its location, the views of the surrounding landscape are impressive.Saint-Flour has the majestic Gothic Saint-Pierre Cathedral,which was built from black basalt.

Another notable attraction in Saint-Flour is the Musée de la Haute-Auvergne, located in the old bishop's palace.The museum displays archaeological collections, folk art and furniture, and traditional crafts.

France greets you with splendor that travelers only dream of. Here you will meet beautiful castles, picturesque villages, large fields of lavender, impressive Gothic cathedrals, luxurious grape farms and the capital, glorified as the city of love and romance, the abode of fashion and beauty. You can have a good time in any region of France. If you have never been to France before, then you should definitely plunge into the world of these beautiful cities.

Without a doubt, the palm goes to Paris - the most visited and beautiful city in France. There is nothing more beautiful than a walk along the embankment, when you can take in the masterpieces of Paris's heritage, such as Notre Dame Cathedral, the Bourbon Palace, and Boulevard Haussmann. Visit picturesque bridges city, look at the Champ de Mars, explore the beautiful parks and gardens, and visit the narrow streets hiding the mysterious silence. In Paris you can find everything that modern tourists require, including exquisite Michelin-starred cuisine.

Lyon is the official capital of the Rhône-Alps and the gourmet capital of France. In addition to fine cuisine, Lyon is famous for its excellent views of the city and big amount attractions. Old Lyon has been listed as a UNESCO heritage site and is the second largest Renaissance area. Lyon has become famous for its urban contrast. Old city With its narrow streets, it is completely different from the new areas. St John's Cathedral and Amphitheater are a source of pride local residents. In one of the most majestic squares in France, located between the Saone and the Rhone, in the very center there is a statue of Louis XIV sitting on a horse. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the ruins of the Museum of Gallo-Roman culture, the local town hall of the 17th century, as well as visit the opera and the Museum of Fine Arts.

Nice is recognized as the star of the French Riviera and has unique climatic conditions. Nice is located in great location- Bay of Angels. The city has many prehistoric monuments, Roman ruins, buildings from the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. This rapidly growing city has many parks as it rebuilds natural resources in the city is a task of paramount importance. Nice is quite popular among tourists various countries. In May, the swimming season already opens here and it will end only by the end of September, but even in winter the temperature can reach +10 degrees. If you want to be in a luxurious, beautiful life, then Nice will definitely be to your liking.

Strasbourg is the capital of Alsace. This city has a lot of memorable architecture, the most impressive example of which is Notre Dame. In that cultural city you will probably come across works by Picasso, Rubens, Monet and Gauguin, and the names of the adjacent villages will hint at the proximity of Germany. Be sure to take a cruise on the Rhine and visit Petite France, a neighborhood filled with great restaurants and shops. Strasbourg is a city that every tourist needs to visit. Especially around Christmas, when the city is filled with special comfort and beauty.

This city, located in the southeast of France, is a real paradise for those who love walking. Here you can see the Palace of the Popes and walk along the Pont Saint-Benez, better known as the Avignon Bridge. The city has many wonderful sites that a tourist can visit, as well as places for hiking. The city is one of the cities that amazes with its magnificence at every corner. Avignon can be visited only for truffles and local wine. July turns Avignon into an entertainment city as the popular theater festival begins.

Annecy is another city in the Rhône-Alpes region. The city is located almost near Switzerland, only 30 km. from Geneva. The city is located in picturesque places, and in the background there is a panorama of mountains and a blue lake. The main attraction of this town is the ancient tower, which is located in the middle of the river. Annecy was awarded the title of one of the most beautiful towns Europe, so every tourist who is nearby should definitely visit here.

Marseille is one of the oldest European cities, it is also the second largest French city. Marseille is the largest port in the Mediterranean, which is located on the Riviera of south-eastern France. Here you will encounter medieval architecture, ruins of the Roman Empire, as well as several notable universities. At the end of the bustling harbor of Marseille's long-standing port lies the Quai des Belges, home to large ships. One of the most important attractions of the city is the Calanques - deep gorges that were swallowed by the sea. Marseille is recognized as a thriving regional base for culture and the arts, with a large number of museums, galleries and historical statues. Here you will see a huge number of entertainment venues. Every year the city hosts music and dance festivals, as well as Christmas-themed fairs. Everyone will find something that interests them among the attractions of Marseille.

This incredible resort city, located in the southeast of France, has beautiful beaches. “Princes, princes, princes, princes everywhere” - this statement by Guy de Maupassant is still relevant today. But few people know the efforts that have made Cannes a garden city in recent decades. Cannes remained a fishing village until the 19th century, but today it is a stunning seaside city that annually welcomes crowds of tourists with a famous film festival. The road to the palace, which in addition to the film festival hosts many different events, is incredibly beautiful. The sidewalk is decorated with planted palm trees, there are many magnificent hotels, restaurants and shops of famous designers. Le Suquet is a historical district where tourists can explore delightful ancient architecture and visit a cozy cafe to drink a cup of coffee. Cannes also attracts with its small islands: on the island of St. Honoré there is a castle and a monastery, and on the island of St. Margaret the notorious prisoner “The Iron Mask” was once imprisoned. Those who are planning to study urban nightlife, visit clubs and casinos, they will be able to find an establishment to their liking.