Colombia tourism. Holidays in Colombia, best prices for tours to Colombia

Tourists come to Colombia for its luxurious resorts and a huge number of natural attractions. This country is beautiful and original in its own way and delights guests with beach Cartagena - the capital that keeps the secrets of the colonial era, as well as national parks and volcanic islands.

The development of Colombian culture was influenced by several other cultures - European, Indian, and African. Dances, songs, architecture of this interesting country distinguished by a mixture of ethnic groups. Colombia has an excellent representation of contemporary art: the works of local artists are known all over the world. Colombians' special love for beauty is expressed in a significant number of art museums and galleries.

Cities and attractions of Colombia

The capital and one of the most frequently visited cities of the republic is. A river with the attractive name Rio San Francisco flows through its territory. On main square Simon Bolivar can be seen: the first Colombian president is immortalized on horseback. When planning your trip, it is worth including Candelaria in your list of attractions in the capital. This is a colonial-era protected area that retains the architectural features of Spain. Mostly creative people live here. There are 40 museums in the city, among which the Gold Museum stands out. After inspection significant places you can go buy coffee in, where it is sold ready-made and in beans.

The most an unusual city country is recognized. Every stone in old houses and streets is imbued with history. Tourists here will be charmed not only by the impressive military fortifications and rich architecture, but also by the friendly locals. While walking around Cartagena, it’s worth stopping by, where they sell national Peruvian food at reasonable prices - gastronomic delight is guaranteed. And then you can go to the Palace of the Inquisition, conquer the top of the Clock Tower, and visit the fortress of San Felipe de Barajas.

Another city that stands out is. The cobbled streets in the older areas feature Spanish churches, luxurious villas and, in contrast, red brick barracks. Connoisseurs of ancient architecture will love this place - it is worth visiting the Metropolitan Basilica, the largest brick church on the territory South America. In the capital of orchids, it is important to take time to explore botanical garden Joaquin Antonio Uribe.

The country's attractions include the archaeological park "San Agustin" on the banks of the river. Magdalena. Stone figures were found there, impressive in size and depicting gods, animals and people. Some of them were created in the 6th century BC. A vacation in Colombia usually includes a visit to the Tekendama Falls on the river. Bogota. It will surprise you with its size - the height of the water fall is 140 meters. If you have free time, you can also look into State Museum South Carolina. It presents more than 70 thousand exhibits in four sections: history, science and technology, art, and natural science.

When is the best time to go to Colombia?

The optimal time for vacation is the dry season. It is better to buy a voucher for the period from December to February or from June to August. But you need to be prepared for the fact that it also rains during the dry season, just not as abundant and regular.

Safety Information

When traveling, it is better not to cross city boundaries, especially at night. It is not recommended to use night buses for travel. Tourists should avoid street demonstrations and other crowded places.

Drugs are common everywhere, it is recommended to refuse any “gifts” from strangers. You also need to remember that sharks and poisonous sea creatures live in the waters off the coast. You should not drink tap water; it is better to use bottled options.

When you are not a tourist in a country, everything takes on a new meaning and is painted with new colors. For example, after, I was seriously faced with the question of where to relax? Where to go on your own, with your husband, with your whole family? I was surprised, and then I discovered that I had no experience of relaxation here.

The first year and a half was traveling throughout Latin America and adapting to my new role as an emigrant, and the second six months I devoted to “reproduction,” that is, pregnancy and again adaptation to the new role of a mother. Even my travel contracts are work and such trips are in no way associated with vacation.

However, the topic is important and pressing, and I tried to delve into it with all responsibility. So, I’m sharing with you my knowledge in the area - how, where and for how much you can go to Colombia to have a great holiday! I will deliberately not write in detail now about active travel and attractions; I will not talk about mountains, rivers, archeology, ancient cities and others, undoubtedly very interesting places. This text is only about beaches, sea and water activities. About the rest of course, but later.

Marine diversity of Colombia

Colombia is the only country in Latin America that has access to both oceans: the Pacific and Atlantic (“represented by” the Caribbean Sea). There is a beach holiday for every taste and budget; the flight to one coast and the other from the capital of the country, Bogota, takes no more than an hour and a half.

A small note on transport: I used to really respect buses, they are quite comfortable here, the country is relatively small, and even with mountain roads you can cross it completely in two days. Naturally, with stops. But! Something has happened to our planes lately. Even Avianca, LAN and Satena have nice promotions, and air tickets for the same ones are cheaper than bus tickets. Plus, charters and discounters have appeared - EasyFly and VivaColombia, where there are quite serious restrictions on luggage, but tickets are always available and are half the price of the same buses. Therefore, flights are everything, and buses can be used on those stages where there is no air route.

The climate on both coasts is humid and tropical; if you don't tolerate heat well, it may take a couple of days to adapt. Take care of yourself - don’t eat anything unfamiliar or stale, don’t drink tap water, take plenty with you sunscreen, a good repellent, be sure to get vaccinated against yellow fever too - you never know!

Beaches of the Pacific Ocean belonging to Colombia

What can you do here? You can fly, for example, to Cali. If you want to party, it’s better to arrive in Cali at the end of the week, that’s where all the “rumba” and discos start. If fun is not very interesting, then the day of arrival in Cali is unimportant.

From Cali there are minibuses to Buenaventura, an important Pacific port of Colombia. The city itself is not that it is not beautiful... In general, of course, it is ugly)) This is a port city with all its shortcomings! But there is a tourist mall (muelle turistico) from where boats depart to the secluded beaches of Ladrilleros, Juanchaco and Pianguita. From the terminal where the minibuses arrive, it is a 5-minute walk to the mall. You won’t miss it, usually there are “hunters” already on duty at the terminal who want you to buy boat tickets from them. Bargain! Even without Spanish, bargain using gestures, reducing the offered price by 30% is a sacred thing, then it’s up to your discretion and skill.

It is better to arrive in Buenaventura in the morning so that you can take the morning boat to the beach. Why? Firstly, the ebb and flow is Pacific Ocean: Arriving in the evening, you will find that there is no beach at all, but instead the waves are splashing. Low tide is at least just a shallow sea. Secondly, when you see the tourist mall, you will understand why you need to arrive early. Everything there is... somewhat disorganized. Fun though! The boats leave as they fill up, everyone is running somewhere, in general, you need to be patient and time. Therefore, in order not to be nervous, it is better to arrive in advance.

Holidays here are not “all inclusive” and not “show off”. This is an ordinary boat on which both residents of nearby islands and local tourists will travel with you. These are screams and hubbub, beach restaurants, where, however, they serve excellent fish. This is a coco loco cocktail right in a coconut shell and, according to tasters, it is very strong. These are intrusive sellers of all sorts of things and cheerful chocolate masseuses, whom, if you don’t want to pay for a beach massage, you have to push away quite persistently. However, if you want it to be relaxed, fun, inexpensive and “authentic” - this is the place for you!

It should be noted that the Pacific coast is significantly different from the Caribbean. Don't expect anything here white sand, nor the azure transparent sea. This is the ocean. There is dark sand, quite serious waves in some places, mangroves and the aforementioned ebbs and flows. Everything has its own charm, we will still get to the Caribbean.

If you want to get into virgin nature “for a little longer,” then you can consider the Choco department. Here are the beaches of Nuqui and the Bay of Bahia Solano, and surfing, snorkeling, and a lot of national parks, and the unique folk culture of the Colombian Pacific coast, lovely people, landscapes... Beauty!

Getting there is just not entirely convenient: almost all local airlines fly from Bogota to Quibdo, the capital of the department, except VivaColombia. But Quibdo is far from being beaches; you still have to go from there to get to them. Satena flies directly to Nuca and Bahia Solano. This is a state-owned local airline that, with the support of the government, takes people to all sorts of local “assholes of the world.” Reviews about it are mixed, but I can say that I was not late and did not cancel flights.

As for ground transport, here we must be patient fatalists. Punctuality, in general, is not the strongest trait of Latin Americans, but Pacific coast she completely disappears somewhere. Hispanic comrades! Be prepared to understand little about this region. The local people speak with the most terrible accent, swallowing consonants and jabbering at the same time. There are local words - don’t hesitate to ask)

Colombian Islands in the Pacific Ocean

Colombia also has two islands in the Pacific Ocean.

The first is the Gorgon (Isla Gorgona), national park, which can only be reached by sea. That is, for example, you first need to fly to Cali, then fly to Guapi, and from there fast motor boats go. Satena and Avianca fly from Cali to Guapi (preferably Satena), and the boat takes about 2 hours. Those who like long trips sea ​​trips, those who are not afraid of ocean motion can not spend money on a plane, but take from Cali the already familiar minibus going to Buenaventura, and from there buy a ticket for a 12-hour ferry to Gorgona.

Gorgon is a national park. You have to pay an entrance fee there, something around 20 dollars, you can’t bring food, any organics like fruits and vegetables with seeds, and a number of other requirements. In order not to delve into it, don’t take food at all) Or eat it before going ashore!

It is better to go to Gorgon from July to November. During this period, humpback whales come to the Pacific waters of Colombia in search of warm currents. Here they breed and enjoy the warmth in every possible way, and then leave. Whale watching is one of the main attractions on Gorgon, and it’s really cool, they come very close, waving their tails, beautiful.

Here you can also find the famous local blue lizard, which is found only on this island, seals, the brown booby - a relative of the Galapagos blue-footed booby, monkeys, snakes and many other exotic animals.

The underwater world is also good - diving and snorkeling here are unforgettable, however, it is hardly worth diving for beginners: diving on Gorgon requires experience and a certain number of dives. However, for those who have time, money and an irresistible desire, courses work.

Another Pacific island is Isla de Malpelo, also a national park, as inaccessible as it is attractive. If you appreciate serious diving, unusual underwater life and places where very few have been, Malpelo is for you!

To be honest, I haven’t been yet. I’m not at all the kind of diver they let in there yet, it’s expensive, it’s far away, but as soon as I watched a tiny piece of underwater video from there, I added Malpelo to my list of goals. I think this is very cool!

The island is uninhabited. This, in fact, is not an island, but rather a huge rock sticking out more than 500 kilometers from Buenaventura. Once there was something military here, and since 1995 it has been a nature reserve. The birds here live very similar to those of the Galapagos, but it is still the same ecosystem. And Nazca gannets are here, and gray gulls, and frigatebirds. Underwater - there is everyone, about 400 different sea creatures, from sharks to small fry. Magically! If you swim, of course. There is no permanent transport here; dive boats are available on request from Panama, Costa Rica and Colombian Buenaventura.

Caribbean beaches of Colombia

The Caribbean coast of Colombia is very diverse. It stretched from the Panamanian to the Venezuelan border, about each locality I can’t tell you here, I’ll only focus on key points, those I’ve visited myself, and those that are still in my plans.

So, the most touristy, most beautiful and expensive city on the Caribbean coast of Colombia is, of course, Cartagena. The city is magical, with a rich and unique story, with a lot of entertainment, charming historical center and... alas, so-so beaches. Anything flies to Cartagena from Bogota, there are great sales, and tickets for regular flights not so expensive. Soon it is planned to open a new highway that will connect the capital with the coast, which will be absolutely wonderful, since the existing road is not the most modern in the world. Although we Russians are no strangers to uneven asphalt)

In Cartagena you can swim in Bocagrande or in the surrounding area, in all sorts of Manzanillas and others like them. The sea is gentle, warm, the beaches are normal, they sell fresh oysters, but not the Caribbean. On the beaches, be careful, ask the price before purchasing anything, otherwise you will have to pay whatever they tell you. Well, there, be more careful with your personal belongings and, in general, be on the alert. As everywhere else, there is nothing mega-scary, just don’t relax!

But it is best, of course, to devote time in Cartagena not to the sea, but to visiting historical sights. Walk around the colonial center, go to the La Popa monastery, it’s surprisingly quiet and excellent observation deck. The San Felipe fortress, pirate stories, monuments, the city wall... You can definitely devote a couple of days to this city, it’s worth it. You can also go to the Totumo mud volcano in 45 minutes. from the city by car. And for the beach, go to the Rosario Islands, which I’ll tell you about a little later.

Second tourist centre in the Colombian Caribbean it is Santa Marta. The city itself is so-so, the beaches are the same as in Cartagena, but Santa Marta is an excellent radial for traveling, for example, to the Tayrona National Park. There are wonderful beaches, magnificent nature and a lot of all sorts of entertainment, both sea and land. Unfortunately, with very young children or elderly people, Tayrona is not an option. Highway It ends at the entrance to the national park, then you have to pay something like 15 dollars, and then on foot or on a horse. Far away - about an hour of walking through a tropical forest with giant boulders.

My mother is coming to see me very soon, and I was thinking about Tayrona, because it’s wild and beautiful there, and there are different beaches, everything that my husband and I love. But neither my daughter nor my retired mother, no matter how sad, will not walk or ride a horse. But the place is great, romantic, I have been and will be again!

There are several other beach spots around Santa Marta. For example, to the west of the city, near the airport, is Rodadero, a hotel ghetto with incredible prices. Locals call it “Robadero”, from the Spanish robar - to steal, rob, and, I want to say, the nickname is quite apt. And to the east, towards Tayrona, slightly to the left of the highway to the sea, is the town of Taganga. The beaches there are all accessible by boat or rocky, “C-grade”, there is also diving and snorkeling that are quite decent, yacht trips and round-the-clock fun in the style of sex-drag-rock-n-roll. Be careful! The legislation here is not loyal, even if it seems quite the opposite.

Near the Venezuelan border there is the city of Riohacha, to which for some reason only Avianca flies. Once upon a time, the Guajira Indians lived here... To the east of Riohacha you can see the Cape of Cabo de la Vela, this is another point in Colombia where I have not been yet and where I plan to go. The climate there is completely different, semi-desert, I like it when it’s dry and hot. An azure, almost green, clear sea and desertedness... Not entirely deserted, of course, tourism there is also already actively developing, but still not as crowded as in Cartagena or Santa Marta.

And near the Panamanian border there are places like Capurgana, Trigana and others... It’s difficult to get to them, flights are irregular, but there are package charters, among which you can also choose convenient options. I haven’t been here either, these beaches are not in my top ten, but the opportunity to go by boat to the Panamanian side also interested me.

Caribbean islands of Colombia

And lastly, “for dessert”, our locals here caribbean islands. We have three archipelagos in the Caribbean. These are Rosario and San Bernardo, united into one national park park Nacional Natural corales del Rosario y San Bernardo. You need to get to them from Cartagena: there are “public” islands, which are reached by public boats, there are private islands and hotel islands with their own water transport.

What can I say? They are beautiful! These are paradise islands with everything you need: white sand, clear water, corals, serenity, seafood, high prices and comfortable hotels. For a “reboot” - that’s it, especially since the mobile Internet reception in Rosario is disgusting. There’s simply no other one)

Another archipelago - Archipielago de San Andres y Providencia - includes 3 islands: San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina. The most popular and crowded island of them is San Andres. Airplanes fly to it, Avianca and LAN, and now the discounter VivaColombia, and charters, there are a lot of hotels, a great variety duty-free shops, apartments for rent and entertainment for every taste. This is where we are going in February, when my mother arrives. The whole family: husband, daughter, mother and I - this perfect place for such a vacation, and I decided not to be original, but to make it as comfortable as possible for everyone.

You can get to Providencia and Santa Catalina from San Andres by ferries, they are comfortable, modern and run on schedule. Satena also flies between Providencia and San Andres... But it’s somehow strange: it doesn’t fly from the mainland, but it flies there, and there are always no tickets on the website. My choice is the ferry! There is practically no seas in the Caribbean Sea, and I don’t suffer from seasickness. You go and look at the sea, it’s beautiful! There, on Providencia and Santa Catalina (as well as on San Andres), there is again diving, snorkeling, boat trips, all sorts of pirate shows and other tourist and marine activities.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I am hereby being the Customer tourist services, included in tourism product, and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, I give consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data specified in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my identity and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourism services, including those included in the tourism product generated by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and the data of the persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without the use of such tools, if the processing of personal data without the use of such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows for in accordance with a given algorithm, searching for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and/or access to such personal data, as well as transfer (including cross-border) of this personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) for the purpose of fulfilling this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement - for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized government bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data provided by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and undertake the obligation to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with sanctions of inspection authorities.

I agree that the text of my consent to the processing of personal data, given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, is stored in in electronic format in a database and/or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and I take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be withdrawn by me at any time, and insofar as it concerns a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person by sending a written notice to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights as a subject of personal data have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

The Republic of Colombia is located in northwestern South America. This amazing country will allow tourists to enjoy a vacation for every taste.

Nature lovers can take an unforgettable walk in the Andes or stroll through the rainforest. Fans of cultural recreation will get acquainted with a huge number of natural and historical monuments here. Curious travelers can explore the life of Amazonian tribes who still observe the traditions of their ancient ancestors.

Fashionable beaches, cultural centers, ancient Indian settlements, tropical forests untouched by human hands - this is all the many faces of Colombia, which has long become one of the favorite tourist places travelers from all over the world.

For a Russian citizen who is fond of Hollywood action films, the name “Columbia” is primarily associated with drugs, the mafia, and guerrilla movements. Many years ago the country could not be classified as a safe state.

It's much more prosperous here now. Of course, it is impossible to compare the feeling of security that tourists experience when visiting Rome with the sensations that appear on the streets of Bogota, but the fact that Colombia is much calmer than 10 years ago is noted by all vacationers.

Historical reference

The state received its name in honor of the great navigator Christopher Columbus. From the middle of the 15th century, the colonization of lands began. The local population was exterminated, all valuables were exported to the Spanish kingdom. The struggle for independence continued for many years. Uprisings were constantly suppressed. Only after Napoleon's victory over Spain was it possible to form the United States of Colombia. In 1886, the state received its modern name.


More than 45 million citizens live in the country. There is practically no indigenous population left. For many years it was mercilessly exterminated by the colonialists, and also died from “unfamiliar” diseases brought by Europeans. In the general composition of indigenous Indians, no more than 1% of the total population.

The colonialists brought slaves with them, so there are many races in the country. These are the descendants of Africans - mulattoes, offspring of marriages between Indians and blacks, between blacks and whites. National traditions, characteristics and ethnic groups are so mixed here that you get a unique mixture that cannot be found in any other state.

The bulk of the population is located in cities, speaks Spanish and professes Catholicism.


Colombia can be called the land of eternal summer. Thanks to its proximity to the equator, the hot sun shines here all year round, and average temperature does not fall below 27 degrees. The climate of the state is strongly influenced by the Pacific Ocean, which washes the coast from the west, and the Caribbean Sea, which caresses the coast in the north.

Only in the Andes can you find snow and cold. Apart from the mountains, Colombia is one of the hottest countries in the world.

There is no rainy season here. Precipitation does not occur often, but is very abundant. In summer, they do not bring the desired coolness, leaving behind a strong stuffiness.

In lowland areas it rains from December to March. The Amazon region is rainy all year round.


The nature of Colombia is multifaceted. Here you can find plains and mountains, tropical forests and savannas. The famous anaconda lives in the equatorial forests. Its size always depends on the impressionability of the tourist. Many hidden places have not yet been fully explored. The local landscapes are an excellent area for ecotourism. The researchers' gaze reveals the emerald greenery of forests inhabited by caimans, monkeys, jaguars and many other not always fully studied inhabitants.

The flora and fauna of the rivers is very diverse. Marine inhabitants are distinguished by their incredible beauty and uniqueness. But you should be careful here, because some especially brightly colored plants and fish can be very poisonous.

Best season for vacation

The best time to holiday in Colombia is July, August and the period from December to April. The peak of tourists is observed from December to February. Everything in the country is starting to become more expensive. The same rise in prices is observed during the Catholic Easter week.

There are especially many travelers during carnivals and festivals. Colombia loves to have fun, so fairs and parades happen all year round. The most famous are the following:

  • Manizales Fair. Lasts from January 2 to January 10;
  • Carnival of Barranquilla. Its date changes from year to year. Approximately this is always the last week of February. The carnival lasts 4 days;
  • Flower fair in Medellin. Organized only in August for 10 days;
  • The Carnival of Blacks and Whites is held in the city of Pasto starting on December 28, and lasts 10 days.

Many tourists try to purchase a tour for a period coinciding with one of these events.

Do I need a visa

There is no need for a visa to enter the country. Such an agreement was signed back in 2011. To avoid unnecessary questions when crossing the border, Russian citizens must have the following documents with them:

  • A foreign passport whose validity does not expire in the next three months;
  • Tickets confirming return flight from the state or movement to another country;
  • Evidence of financial security. This may be a certain amount in cash, bank cards and other.

Russians can freely stay in Colombia for 90 days once every six months. If a child over 14 years of age is taken on a trip, a separate foreign passport must be issued for him. When traveling with young children with two parents, a birth certificate is sufficient, provided that the child is included in the passport.

Otherwise, a notarized permission from one or both parents of the child is required.

Special entry requirements

To ensure that your vacation is not ruined, you should worry about a few things in advance before traveling:

  1. If any certificates or permits are required to enter the country, they must be translated into Spanish. The state does not place strict restrictions on the import or export of its own or foreign currency. The main thing is that the amount of more than 10 thousand US dollars is declared;
  2. Russians may not get any vaccinations before entering the state. However, if tourists are planning to visit the rainforests along the Amazon, it is better to take care of their health and get a yellow fever vaccine two weeks before departure;
  3. It's worth purchasing health insurance. This document is not mandatory, but if suddenly a tourist needs an ambulance health care Without a policy, you will have to pay for it. Any medical care in the country is paid.

Communications and communications

Internet access can be found not only in major Colombian cities, but even in villages. Internet cafes are located everywhere here. For an hour of online communication you will have to pay about 2 thousand pesos. You can save up to 20% on accessing the World Wide Web at night.

Local cellular communications mainly cover only central areas. You can call Russia if the traveler is a subscriber of the largest Russian operator.

On the streets major cities There are telephone booths from which you can make a call to anywhere in the world. Phone cards for them are sold everywhere.


The official currency of the country is the Colombian peso. The name comes from a Spanish silver coin. In translation, “peso” means weighted.

The exchange rate of the Colombian currency is constantly changing and is approximately 2 Russian rubles per 100 pesos.


Colombia cannot be called safe country. It continues to lead in the number of kidnapped people. But Russian tourists are unlikely to arouse interest among criminal gangs. Therefore, if you follow common sense and certain rules, staying in the country can be completely harmless:

  1. You should not leave the city, especially at night;
  2. If there is a need to travel late in the day, use only official carriers;
  3. Don't take part in street marches and mingle less with crowds local residents, this will help save personal funds;
  4. Do not allow yourself to be treated to drinks or cigarettes. It is not at all difficult to get cocaine in the country. Therefore, the “gift” offered by a stranger may contain it. Local residents also like to mix “borracero” into their food - a drug that, after taking, induces long and deep sleep. In this state, it is very easy for a tourist to be robbed;
  5. Do not wear expensive jewelry or take valuable accessories on a walk. They can be torn off or torn out of your hands. The same goes for money. It is better to store all valuables in the hotel safe.

Governments are trying to improve the situation. The army and police guard the streets and roads. But this does not help to cope with theft and armed robbery. Therefore, every tourist should take two mandatory requirements as a rule:

  • Never remain in an isolated state, that is, you should not be separated from the tourist group;
  • Return to the hotel before 19.00.

You can make sure that the second rule is also followed by local residents. Usually after 20.00 the streets of Colombian cities are completely deserted.

How to get into the country

The fastest and convenient transportation- this is a plane. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights between Russia and Colombia. Therefore, you will have to make one or two stops depending on the carrier company.

It is important to take into account one point - while a visa is not required to enter Colombia, it is required for transit. That is, if the connection takes place at one of the US airports, you must have an American visa. If you plan to make more than one transfer in the Schengen countries, you must have the appropriate visa.

Depending on the company, connections occur in the following cities:

Flight time excluding transfers takes from 16 to 26 hours. The cost of a ticket largely depends on the date of departure and the service company. For the flight of one person you will have to pay from 55 thousand rubles. Baggage should not weigh more than 23 kilograms per passenger.

Companies often offer tickets at a significant discount. To participate in the promotion, you must register on the website of Lufthansa, Air France or others. You can save a lot on such tickets, but if there is a need to change the departure date, such tickets cannot be returned or exchanged.


Where to stay

IN Lately Colombia is becoming a popular state for travelers. Therefore, the authorities are trying to create optimal conditions for accommodating guests of the country. Here you can find any accommodation for every taste and budget.

At the same time, modern comfortable apartments can cost about $100 per night. Most economical way overnight stay - hammock open air, its rental per night will cost 3 dollars.

Don't be dismissive of Colombian hostels. Here they are done on a grand scale. A spacious, comfortable room, equipped with everything you need, elegant design and good service will cost a vacationer only $15 per night. At the same time, you can find a lot of entertainment on the hostel territory.

In major cities, room rates start at $40. If it is a luxury hotel, then the price increases to $100. It's not that much for a deluxe room and highest level service. In Europe it is impossible to get excellent service for that kind of money. Therefore, if a tourist wants to enjoy first-class holiday and excellent service, it is better to stay in a five-star hotel in Cartagena or Bogota.

There are plenty of campsites in the countryside where you can stay for $5 a night.

Colombia has come up with a rather original way to accommodate tourists - floating hotels. These are large boats equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay.

How to get around the country

Between major cities There is a network of local airlines. Buses are more popular. Many carrier companies operate flights throughout the country. Therefore, there is no need to book tickets in advance. Don't be surprised if the flight is delayed by half an hour or an hour. Punctuality is not the main character trait of local drivers.

In order not to depend on the “human factor”, it is better to rent a car. To do this you need to have credit card, which has a balance of at least $700. This amount is taken by the company as collateral. If the car is returned in its original condition, the security amount will be returned.

To complete the documents, you must have an international driving license. The average rental cost per day is 35 US dollars. Rental companies do not place restrictions on mileage. It is not possible to leave the country with a rented car. You can return the car in any city in the country where the company has a branch.


It is impossible to see all the beauties of Colombia in one trip. This amazing and diverse state surprises historical monuments, museums and breed splendor. While in the country, you should definitely visit Medellin and Cartagena, and don’t forget about national parks, historical buildings.

Natural attractions such as the El Peñon de Guatape Rock, the Caño Cristales River, Tequendama Falls and much more amaze with their beauty. In order to get to know this diverse country better, it will take more than one day or even a month. Every place or corner of nature gives travelers an unforgettable experience.


Of particular interest to tourists is Old city. Its streets seem to take travelers back to the Middle Ages. In the old town area there are many historical buildings and structures:

  • Castle of San Felipe;
  • Palace of the Inquisition;
  • Plaza de la Audana;
  • Church of Inglesia de Santo Domingo;
  • Clock tower.

The Castle of San Feoipe is a majestic fortress located on one of the mountain slopes. During numerous wars and raids, it remained impregnable. If the enemy got inside, he could not get out of it, as he became entangled in a network of labyrinths.

The Palace of the Inquisition is under the protection of UNESCO. In memory of the terrible executions, torture and thousands of victims, a museum has been opened in the building, which deservedly bears the name “Museum of Torture”. The cameras and weapons of the Inquisition send shivers down your spine. The tour of the place is very educational. The guides read out the texts of the confessions and the signs by which the victim was classified as a witch or apostate.

The Church of Santo Domingo is legendary. She resisted the devil, who tried to spoil her appearance. The church is open to tourists day and night. Next to the building is the famous figure of a reclining woman. Street musicians are located nearby.

The tower was created in the Spanish style. This is the symbol of Cartagena. Once it protected the port from enemy attacks, now it is main entrance in town.


Medellin. This is one of the most dangerous cities in the world, where a popular drug cartel once settled. Criminal fame especially attracts tourists here. Medellin is located in the Andes. Medellin is the city of Eternal Spring.

The city has many museums and a wonderful zoo. And in summer you can take part in the Flower Fair here.

National Coffee Park

Everything has been done here to attract tourists: exciting attractions, theatrical performances, and most importantly, the funicular from the height of which offers a wonderful view of coffee trees and orchids.

Tayrona National Park

The incredible beauty of the park evokes genuine admiration. The emerald green of the forests, the blue of the reservoirs, and the snow-white sand of the beaches make Tayrona National Park a paradise on earth. Here you can discover the ruins of ancient settlements and get acquainted with Indian tribes.

Mapis Park

This is a park in memory of the exterminated Indian tribes. Walking along its paths, visitors get acquainted with the life of Indian tribes before the colonization period. The park teaches you to value relationships between people and respect other people's customs.

Of particular interest is the museum, designed in the form of a pyramid.

Underground Cathedral

A unique structure is located in the city of Zipakiru. The height of the cathedral is 23 meters, it is located in an old salt mine. The monks worked for a long time on the grandiose structure, which can easily accommodate 9 thousand visitors.

Passing many labyrinths and bridges, tourists find themselves in an underground museum. Translucent sculptures of saints and angels make you freeze with admiration. All rooms have unique lighting. Visitors feel as if they are under the open starry sky.

Church of Las Lajas

It is considered one of the wonders of this amazing state. It is built on a bridge. Greenery, mountains and neo-Gothic style of construction create a feeling of ideal beauty.

National cuisine

National Colombian cuisine is a mixture of Indian, European and African cultures. The result is extremely tasty and unique dishes. They contain completely incompatible ingredients. All food is seasoned with various spices, so the food looks very colorful and exudes an amazing aroma.

Locals prefer dishes made from legumes, rice and maize. The proximity of the sea allows you to prepare culinary masterpieces from lobsters. In Colombia they do not eat bread; it is replaced with tortillas, on which any food can be placed.

The flatbreads are prepared without salt. They are baked, fried, smoked. They are used instead of a spoon or plate. Each city or region has a special recipe for “arepa” - flatbread.

It’s worth starting your acquaintance with local cuisine with ahiko – a delicious potato and yucca soup. The taste of ajiaco santafereño milk soup is very interesting.

Any meat is popular in Colombia. Not a single meal goes without it.

The main pride of Colombians is fruits. Their names are so interesting that you immediately want to try them. Just the sound of zapote, kuruba, uchuva, lulo exudes exotic uniqueness. Juices are prepared from fruits and cooled with ice.

You should start your acquaintance with alcoholic drinks with Colombian rum. But Colombian wine does not deserve attention at all.

Prices in Colombian cafes and restaurants vary greatly. On the streets of the city you can safely buy a flatbread for 50 rubles or drink juice for 250 rubles.

The prices in local cafes and restaurants are pleasantly surprising. Translated into Russian rubles, in a decent establishment in Cartagena you can purchase dishes at the following prices:

  • National soup from 135 rubles per serving;
  • Lasagna – from 280 rubles;
  • Dessert – from 80 rubles;
  • Ice cream – from 70 rubles.

Local establishments prepare delicious set lunches for only 400 rubles per person. No need to worry about the quality of the prepared food. It is customary for restaurants to serve freshly prepared food.

Colombian resorts

Colombia is washed Atlantic Ocean and warm Caribbean Sea, so there is a huge area here intended for beach holiday. Local beaches comfortable, the sand is snow-white, and the water is uniquely clean and azure. No wonder the Colombian coastline is considered the best in the Western Hemisphere.

The main resort in Colombia is Cartagena. Here you can find hotels and entertainment for every taste. Tourists especially note the following beaches:

  • Bocagrande. This perfect place for travelers with children thanks warm sea, gently sloping Berg. There are no waves here, which is very suitable for swimming for young guests of the city. Berg is equipped with everything you need - umbrellas, changing rooms and sun loungers;
  • Tierrabomba. This beach is for those who love peace and comfort;
  • La Boquilla. A very picturesque coast. Mango bushes bordered blue lagoons cause enthusiastic exclamations from vacationers;
  • Pointe Arena. On the shore there are many cozy restaurants and cafes where tourists are served delicious seafood delicacies;
  • Playa Blanca. This is the best Colombian resort on the island of Baru. Here you can calmly enjoy the incredible beauty of the seascape. There are many cozy coves on the shore and no local population at all. This gives you the opportunity to completely relax and unwind.

What to bring from Colombia

Despite its widespread availability and cheapness, it is not worth bringing drugs from Colombia. Although there are some groups of tourists who come to the state to try the cheapest drugs in the world. But this product is not a souvenir, so there is no need to try to transfer it across the border.

Many travelers purchase body armor from local stores. They look very elegant as the designs are developed by top designers. For local residents, this is not an exotic wardrobe item, but an urgent necessity. Therefore, the body armor looks like an elegant vest. Such uniforms can hardly be bought anywhere else in the world.

When visiting Bokota, you should definitely buy a gourd pumpkin as a souvenir. You won't find such a souvenir anywhere else. This amazing lamp is made from an ordinary pumpkin. The uniqueness of the product is that it seems as if the work is made of wood, the hand carving looks so elegant. For a medium-sized lampshade you will have to pay at least $300.

The most exquisite Colombian souvenir is emeralds. Local gems the highest quality.

As a souvenir for a girl, you should definitely choose handmade jewelry. They are made from beads, leather and wood. You can buy rings and pendants for every taste, especially since you won’t have to pay more than $2 for one item.

In local markets you can find many interesting products - bags, masks, magnets and much more. Don't forget to bargain. Although souvenirs are not very expensive.

tour cost

In many ways, the cost of a trip to Colombia depends on the class of the host hotel. The price of the tour consists of the following components:

  • Flight. The flight can be charter or regular. Depending on the class and time of departure, the ticket price varies greatly;
  • Transfer. Meeting the tourist at the Colombia airport with delivery to the place of residence;
  • Accommodation in a room;
  • Nutrition, in accordance with the chosen scheme;
  • Medical insurance.

Tour prices may vary depending on the season. Its lowest price will be from 3 thousand dollars and above.

Colombia is an amazing country. Despite rampant crime, guerrilla wars and an unstable situation, a holiday in the country will bring only good impressions. The most expensive element of the tour will be the flight. Other prices will pleasantly surprise you, so you can stay in the country for more than ten days. Moreover, local hospitality, cozy rooms and exceptional service will satisfy even the most spoiled tourist.