Around Scotland by car. Isle of Skye - untouched beauty Why many tourists want to visit the Isle of Skye

Skye, the second largest island of Scotland, part of the Inner Hebrides archipelago, is devoted to only a meager couple of paragraphs in the Russian Wikipedia.

It says the following: the island from the point of view administrative division belongs to the Highland region (that is, “highlands”), by and large, the only region of the country where the population still speaks not only English, but also the almost extinct Gaelic language; Several castles remain on the island, and the main city of Skye is the small fishing port of Portree. In a word, nothing special, ladies and gentlemen, a typical Scottish outback.

However, sometimes a lack of information is preferable to an overabundance, since it eliminates the possibility of inflated expectations. At least that’s what happened with the Isle of Skye. Going there, I didn’t expect anything special, but found myself in a real fairy-tale land.

You reach the island from the Scottish mainland via a bridge that is invariably shrouded in fog. Because of this, while crossing the bridge there was a feeling that our little Fiat 500 was literally diving headlong into the clouds, but when the fog cleared, it was like in the old Soviet song, suddenly “everything around became blue and green.”

Only the black basalt rocks on the horizon gave the landscape a slight bit of drama, otherwise the feeling that we had suddenly found ourselves inside a photograph processed by a designer who could not resist intensifying colors would have been one hundred percent.

Isle of Skye and Old Man of Storr cliffs

You need to travel around Skye by car; there is not much public transport on the island, but you notice hitchhikers voting on the road every ten minutes.

You don’t have to work out the route in advance, just move along the road and stop at each View Point. Of the obligatory places to visit, I would like to recommend the Old Man of Storr rocks, and the gorge near the diatomite road, the rest will fall like a map in the literal sense of this expression. It is easy to recognize the observation decks - opposite there are signs describing the place in English and Gaelic.

Famous rocks Old Man of Storr, whose silhouette resembles a Cambodian temple complex Angor Wat is the first thing that guests of the island try to see, among whom there are many Scots traveling around Skye in motorhomes.

As expected, the Scottish old man Storr (this is how the name of the rocks is translated) has a mysterious story connected with it, in which the Vikings are involved. The fact is that at the end of the nineteenth century, among the stones of Old Man of Storr, researchers discovered a “stash of silver” left in the Scottish rocks by the Norwegians. Scientists dated the coins to 935 AD.

It is curious that, according to the chronicles, the first Norwegian Vikings arrived on the island a little later, at the very end of the tenth century, and now scientists are thinking: the chroniclers telling about the Viking migration were mistaken by a couple of decades, or the Vikings hid a treasure with old coins.

Lakes near Old Man of Storr

However, tourists are not too interested in this small discrepancy in dates, but prefer to hike to the rocks that arose after the ice that covered Skye during the last ice age disappeared from the top of the island.

The duration of the walk is about 40 minutes, but it is still more interesting to contemplate the Old Man of Storr rocks from the valley; from below they seem like menacing giants who have been silently watching over everything that is happening on the island for many centuries.

The second observation deck is straight ahead, located next to Diatomite Road, that is, the place where diatomite is mined - a sedimentary rock, the main material for the production of dynamite.

Viewpoint next to Diatomite Road

Previously, there were mining villages here, but today only ruins can be seen on the green slopes near Diatomite Road, and only ruins remain from the local diatomite processing factory.

The cliffs covered with soft green grass, hanging over the azure sea, like the eyes of northern beauties, look like the scenery for a fantasy-style film with a story about how she “waited and waited until it came.”

Indeed, if beautiful ladies should live somewhere, going out to the sea every day in the hope of seeing on the horizon a boat with a betrothed returning from an overseas campaign, then best place than the cliffs of the mountains with the truly Scottish name Kilt and it’s not worth looking for.

Of course, in reality, on the coastal cliffs you can see not at all sad ladies peering longingly at the horizon, but tourists desperately photographing local beauties.

However, everyone, without exception, at some point catches themselves thinking that constantly clicking the camera in an attempt to capture the changing colors of the sky and sea is nothing more than a conscious refusal of the pleasure of contemplating the amazing beauty of this place, and therefore they put the camera aside and, not caring caution, they sit down at the very edge of the cliff and begin to peer into the deep blue sky, thoughtfully clinging to the transparent surface of the sea.

The Coast of Skye is a place of amazing energy

From the point of view of meditation and contemplation, the shore near the diatomaceous earth road is an ideal place, and this is not only due to the amazing beauty of Scottish nature. Here, every stone breathes majestic tranquility, it’s hard to believe that material for dynamite was previously mined in these mountains, and in the Norwegian saga of the thirteenth century with the difficult-to-pronounce title Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar, this place appears as a bloody battlefield.

Having meditated enough, we decided to become like mountain sheep and went down to the waterfall rustling at the foot of the mountains. Although the slopes of Kilt from the top seem absolutely impassable, you can go down and up along their paths, albeit slowly and carefully.

And the local waterfall, as it turned out, is an excellent place for swimming. Its shape resembles a deep bowl, into which you can easily and naturally dive from the stone side. While swimming in the waterfall, I remembered a scene from my favorite childhood movie “Robin Hood” with Kevin Cosner in leading role, in approximately the same conditions, the king of robbers was “taking a bath” when Lady Marianne, who had arrived in Sherwood Forest, noticed him.

While swimming in a mountain waterfall, you experience an amazing feeling of unity with nature.

Unfortunately, few people dare to go down to the waterfall, and only the most stubborn get to the local bay, which is located near the gorge and an abandoned factory.

The fact is that the entire coast near the bay is strewn with large smooth boulders, on which you have to step with extreme caution so as not to injure your leg. It is also unlikely that you will be able to sit thoughtfully on the shore of the blue-blue sea - the local boulders, although smooth, are not at all a cushion chair or even a soft carpet of grass.

Of course, from the point of view of impressive views, it is best to stay at the top rather than crawl up and down the mountains, but the descent into the bay is a full-fledged exercise in the theme of “feeling like a real Scottish Highlander.”

A destroyed factory that used to produce raw materials for dynamite.

Having admired the duet of the blue sea and green mountains from the heart, go deep into the island. Here you find yourself in a land of a thousand shades of green, where the blue of the sky already seems like nothing more than a background, shading the green slopes of the mountains.

In the center of the island, the mountains are covered with a green carpet of grass.

Bold, but at the same time timid Scottish sheep jump out onto the road every now and then, but, on the contrary, there are no people or cars at all. It seems that you somehow ended up on a planet that people left a hundred years ago, and now you are the only one who can observe these green slopes frozen in silence.

You won't find people or cars in the center of the island.

Lonely sheep in the center of the island

By the way, the fantasy of “the last man on earth” is not too far from reality, because the island, whose area is 1656.25 km², is home to just over 10 thousand people, and in the largest local city, Portree, according to official data, even only 2490 inhabitants.

Although, in essence, Portree is just a small fishing village with colorful houses and an embankment, where there are even more seagulls than people, after desertion mountainous areas this place seems full of life.

Harbor with fishing boats, Portree

The stalls selling fish are crowded with customers, in the pubs (here this word is pronounced with a Scottish accent, which makes it sound like “pub”), visitors drink an evening pint of ale, and from the cafes comes the recognizable oily smell of Fish & Chips, which local residents they take it to go and eat it right on the embankment, without being embarrassed by the greedy glances of the ever-hungry seagulls.

In Portree, it makes sense to follow the example of the Scots - sit on a bench on the embankment, devouring Fish & Chips and periodically feeding them to starving birds. After the deserted expanses of Skye, go to a relatively Big City- the solution is not very successful; it is still worth returning to human noise gradually.

And finally, another interesting one historical fact, associated with the Scottish Isle of Skye. When I wrote about it, I did not mention one interesting document that was created in Ravenna in 700 AD. It is called Cosmography of Ravenna and is a map of the world. The Isle of Skye is also marked on it under the name Scetis, which means that the ancient Romans or Byzantines visited here long before the Vikings.

Photographer Davide Bacelle

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Yulia Malkova- Yulia Malkova - founder of the website project. In the past, he was the editor-in-chief of the Internet project and the editor-in-chief of the website. I talk about travel for my own pleasure and the pleasure of my readers. If you are a representative of hotels or a tourism office, but we do not know each other, you can contact me by email: [email protected]

Scotland is made up of more than 750 islands, but only one of them is so beautiful that the magazine National Geographic included him in the list of the most beautiful islands in the world. It is described in all the guidebooks of Scotland as a must-see place - this is Skye.

If you have little time and don’t have time to visit all corners of the country, then choosing the Isle of Skye as your main point of visit, you can’t go wrong. This is an amazing place that combines waterfalls, valleys, Mountain peaks and unique landscapes. It is very often called “Scotland in miniature”, but here I slightly disagree with this, because Skye is something else, incomparable.

End of the earth

So, since 1995, getting to the island has not been difficult, since it is connected to the main part of the country by the Sky Bridge. The bridge isn't very scenic, but it's worth a look since without it you'd have to wait in line for the ferry to get to your destination. On our first trip, we passed this bridge without even paying attention to it, and only on the way back did we appreciate its significance for the local residents.

Since 1995, the bridge has connected Scotland with the Isle of Skye.

Sky is the most big Island, which is part of the Inner Hebrides archipelago and the second largest in Scotland, after the Lewis and Harris archipelago. Its territory of 1,656 square kilometers is home to only 10,000 inhabitants, which makes it practically deserted, giving you the opportunity to retire and enjoy nature with beautiful scenery. The main thing is that the weather does not let you down during the trip. The largest town on the island is Portree. If you live there, you can easily get to any part of the island by car in half an hour maximum. It is worth thinking about places to stay in advance, as the number of tourists here is usually much higher than in other parts of Scotland.

The landscapes of the Isle of Skye are very diverse

The island is shrouded in a huge number of legends and secrets that still excite the minds of many visitors. The most important attraction and calling card of the island is a mountain range called Trotternish, at the top of which there is a lonely stone - old man Storr (Old Man of Storr) . Legend has it that it was once a huge giant who lived on Trotternish. And when he died, he was buried, but a few fingers remained sticking out of the ground, which turned to stone and took the shape of the famous Old Man of Storr. According to another legend, these were giants who were fleeing from pursuit, but turned around and turned into stones. Indeed, from a distance this statue looks like a sitting, thoughtful old man, looking into the endless distance. The bizarre stone rises 50 meters above the ground and looks truly mesmerizing up close. Especially if it is also shrouded in fog. The path to the top to the old man and back takes up to 5 km.

mountain range Trotternish is clearly visible in sunny weather
When there is no fog, the Old Man of Storr is clearly visible from afar

No special preparation is required for the climb, since the road to the top is quite simple and does not require much physical activity. The ascent and descent will take you about 4 hours. If you are lucky with the weather, you will see the amazingly beautiful landscape that surrounds this area. When we climbed up, the top was so covered in fog that we almost missed the Old Man of Storr himself. They saw him only when they came close to him. The fog only added to the mystique of it amazing place. By the way, the mystical nature of this place was noticed by the famous director Ridley Scott, who showed the Old Man of Storr in his film “Prometheus”. According to the plot of the film, it was here that a cave was found, on the walls of which alien creatures were depicted. The landscape near the stone really doesn’t look very earthly. Huge blocks of black stones are scattered in a chaotic manner, and what’s most interesting is that rockfalls still happen here today, so you have to be very careful while walking.

This is the fog that greeted us on the path leading up.
Quite dense fog drove away many who wanted to climb up
Winding path to the top
From time to time the outline of Storr could be seen through the fog.
Climbers often climb to the top of the rock
This area was familiar to us from the movie "Prometheus"
In such a fog, all the stones look like huge giants
A little further from the trail there is a magnificent view of the stones. And even fog is not an obstacle to a beautiful panorama.
It’s a real pleasure to sit and look at Storr like this.
The road goes further into the fog

Having said goodbye to Storr, we moved on to explore the island. And on the way, one of the very picturesque waterfalls awaited us - Kilt Rock (Kilt Rock) or Kilt Falls (Kilt Falls) . It gained its fame due to the fact that the flow of its water from a height of 90 meters falls directly into Atlantic Ocean. It got its name due to the fact that its rocks are very similar to the folds of a piece of Scottish men's clothing - the kilt. It is surrounded by tall basalt pillars. The waterfall appears in all its beauty if you take it from the water, but we didn’t have such an opportunity, so we enjoyed the view from the shore.

The waterfall falls straight into the ocean
View from the top of the waterfall
Basalt cliffs are located along the coast of the island

Next to Kilt Rock Falls are traces of dinosaurs that lived here more than 170 million years ago. The Isle of Skye is also called the “Dinosaur Capital of Scotland” due to the fact that archaeologists still find fossilized traces of sauropods. The paw prints are very well preserved because they were left on sandstone and limestone that were exposed at low tide.

List of dinosaurs whose traces have been preserved
All traces are very well preserved
Next to the waterfall there is a museum with various artifacts dating back to the era of dinosaurs.

Almost in the north of the island there is a picturesque plateau Quiraing which is definitely worth a visit. It is unique in that it was formed during the Ice Age, and is now actively being destroyed, because it consists of solidified lava. Its plates are in constant motion, so rockfalls are a very common occurrence here. The total route of the trail on the plateau is 6.8 km, but we, being very active tourists, went much further and almost walked around the back of Quirang, making a walk of 18 km. And because of our carelessness, we made a very big mistake, which turned the whole trekking into a little stress - we set out on the trail in the afternoon, and did not take into account that the sun sets in the mountains much earlier than elsewhere. Even before we realized our mistake, a strong wind arose, which made it difficult to move along the narrow paths. Apart from us, there were no other people on the path, and along the way there were countless sheep grazing, and they rushed so freely along the mountain slopes that at times it seemed as if it would cost them nothing to knock us off our feet. We were already walking back in pitch darkness, single file and holding hands, because it was easy to stumble. That's it, quite simple walking turned into an exciting journey with a lot of memories. But we learned the lesson well.

The beginning of the trail to Quirang
Quirang is beautiful in sunny weather
The further inland along Quirang, the stronger wind
Symbol of Scotland
The strongest gusts of wind were at this point in Quiranga
Sunset Quirang

We were in a hurry to visit a very famous castle, which has been the family seat of the “immortal” clan MacLeod for more than 800 years – Dunvegan () . This is the oldest castle in Scotland where people still live. Today, the 30th head of the legendary clan, Hugh MacLeod, lives here with his family. On the ground floor of the castle there is a museum that houses relics of an ancient family, and it is open to visitors. The upper floors are closed to the public and this is where the Hugh family lives. At the time of our visit, the owner of the castle had gone to London on business, but the workers told us that he was happy to come out to visitors and communicate with them. In the castle you can see a large number of portraits of all members of the ancient clan, their relics, awards, trophies, weapons, uniforms and much more that the people living in this castle could use for 800 years. But the most famous of the family heirlooms, which is shrouded big amount secrets, this is the Fairy Banner. According to legend, the Fairy Queen, whom the head of the MacLeod clan loved very much, gave the heir a piece of silk that could protect the family from danger three times with the help of fairy magic. After the third time it will lose its power. According to history, this banner was used twice before, both times in defense against the warlike MacDonald clan, who from time to time tried to conquer the Isle of Skye, which belonged to the MacLeods. Also in the castle is the Dunvegan Cup, which some consider to be the very same Cup of the Holy Grail, which gives immortality and happiness to its owner.

The castle stands on a basalt rock
Impregnable and inhospitable castle

The castle itself is located on a basalt rock on the shore of Loch Dunvegan and from the outside it looks rather inaccessible and inhospitable. A large number of funds for the maintenance of the castle are allocated to care for the huge garden that surrounds it. Judging by how well-groomed the plants are here, you can understand that the owners put their soul into the trees and flowers. Here you can find a huge number of varieties of tulips, pine trees, palm trees, and exotic plants in greenhouses. Also in the garden you will see a very nice waterfall, which is dedicated to the fairies who live here. Entry tickets you can buy separately for the garden, and for the garden and castle.

Waterfall dedicated to fairies There are a wide variety of trees in the garden
Growing in the garden large collection tulips Fancy trees

And finally, I want to tell you about the biggest disappointment that awaited us on Skye, these are very famous Fairy Pools (Fairy Pools) . Most guidebooks to Scotland describe this place as unique and inimitable. Seeing the photos from there makes your heart beat faster with anticipation of seeing such beauty. The Fairy Pools are multi-level cascading waterfalls in which crystal mountain water flows in several streams and merges into one large swimming pool. This looks stunning... But only in the photo. We first came here in early May, hoping to see the splendor of the water that was shown in the photographs. But we were very disappointed because it didn't show even a tenth of the beauty it should have. After taking photographs, we decided to return here at another time of the year, in the hope that the picture would change. Our second visit was at the beginning of October, and here, as in the case of Quirang, we walked a distance twice the distance of the trail to the Pools. And they went so far that they almost climbed a mountain that stood far behind these waterfalls. And all because we could not believe that what we saw was the same Fairy Pools. So we decided to go even further, and a little more…. What's most interesting is that we weren't the only ones who refused to believe their eyes. Several people who were walking not far from us also asked everyone where these Pools were located. As a result, having covered the distance twice as much as to the waterfalls, we nevertheless returned to the Basin and decided to photograph what we saw. The third time I don’t want and won’t return to this place, because I still won’t see what is in the photos on the Internet. Because too much Photoshop in pictures can play a very cruel joke on tourists, as in our case. I am in no way dissuading you from going to this place, because I believe that everyone should come and assess the situation for themselves. Maybe you will be lucky and the secrets of the magical waterfalls that are so beautifully described will be revealed to you.

The Isle of Skye is an unexplored Europe; time seems to have stood still here. For some, the island is a European outback, for others it is Amazing beauty Scotland. In general, Scotland amazes with its beauty, and the Isle of Skye is proof of this - mountainous terrain with little vegetation and abundant rainfall at any time of the year, it would seem that it could be worse, but after visiting the island you understand that this is a real fairy-tale paradise.

The Isle of Skye is the second largest island of Great Britain, not counting Great Britain itself, located in the Inner Hebrides archipelago, in the west of Scotland. Administratively it belongs to the region of Highlan, Scotland and is a rare area where the local population speaks the almost extinct Gaelic language. The island's population is small, just over 10 thousand people. Main city- Portree.

  • Area: 1656 km²;
  • Water area: Atlantic Ocean;
  • Population: 10,000.

Get to the island

The only sure way to get to the island is to cross the Sky Bridge, which connects it to the mainland in the village of Kyle of Lochalsh. You can do this by bus or car. In addition, you can consider the water option, since both Portree and Kyle of Lochalsh are port settlements.

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Nature itself is the main attraction of the island. IN summer time and in sunny weather the island looks simply magnificent, combining rich green and blue colors. Black basalt rocks along the horizon give this landscape a more unrealistic setting. Still, it is best to go to the island with your own or rented car, since there is no developed infrastructure on the island. transport infrastructure. But local residents are happy to give rides to those voting on the road. To get the best view of the island, you don’t need to work out any route - follow the road and stop at each View Point. These are peculiar observation platforms where there are signs describing the place.

The following must-see places can be recommended: the Old Man of Storr rocks, which from a distance resemble a Cambodian temple complex. There is a lake nearby. Next observation deck Worth visiting is the Diatomite Road, where mining villages were once located. Today only ruins remain of them. There is a gorge located near the Diatomite Road. Another interesting place- these are the Kilt Mountains and the famous waterfall here. This place is definitely worth a visit if you come to the Isle of Skye.

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If you love picturesque natural landscapes, go to the Isle of Skye. This is one of most beautiful places not only Great Britain, but throughout Europe. In addition, the island is also interesting for its architectural monuments.

Isle of Skye: photos and description

Skye is an island in the western part of Scotland. Geographically, it belongs to the Inner Hebrides archipelago, and administratively to the Highland region. The Isle of Skye is the second largest off the coast of Great Britain. Its total area: 1656 sq. km. The length and width of the Isle of Skye are 80 and 42 kilometers respectively.

The terrain here is hilly and highest point reaches a height of 993 meters. The sky over the island is almost always covered with gray clouds. The local climate is characterized by high humidity and frequent precipitation.

About 10 thousand people live on Skye. Many of them speak a special language - Scottish Gaelic. Students and linguists from different parts of the world come to the island to study it.

There are two ways to get to the Isle of Skye. It is connected to the mainland (if you can call Great Britain that way) by only one bridge, near the town of Kyle of Lokolsh. You can also get to Skye by ferry, which runs between settlements Mallay and Armadale. The length of the crossing is 7 kilometers. There is an airport near the city of Broadford, but there is no regular passenger service with it.

The island is mentioned several times in the popular Harry Potter novels. So, according to the book, this is where the Hebridean black dragon lives.

Isle of Skye: attractions and interesting places

The pearl of Scotland, a reserve of natural, pristine natural beauty. This is what the British often call the Isle of Skye. Here you can admire the amazing landscapes, woven from gentle hills, rocky outcrops and sea bays. Sometimes these landscapes are harmoniously woven or

The Isle of Skye is not only picturesque nature, but also a huge number of legends, traditions, tales. And all this is carefully preserved by local residents.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of must-see attractions on Skye:

  • Dunvegan Castle;
  • Magic Bridge;
  • Quirang plateau;
  • Fairy pools.

Dunvegan Castle

One of Skye's most famous attractions is located in the western part of the island, in the vicinity of the village of Dunvegan. The castle was founded in the 14th century and belongs to the famous MacLeod dynasty in Scotland. One of its representatives, Hugh MacLeod, still lives there. True, his apartments are located in one of the buildings, and the rest are free for tourists to access.

Dunvegan Castle is very interesting from an architectural point of view, as it displays several historical styles. There is a wonderful park around the fortress with flower beds, ponds, waterfalls and openwork bridges.

Magic Bridge

This one is popular tourist site is located near Dunvegan Castle. A miniature arched bridge made of large boulders spans a small stream near the A850 highway.

One of the local legends is associated with this bridge. Thus, one of the representatives of the MacLeod dynasty, Ian Kiar, was allegedly married to a fairy. They had a son, but a year later the fairy wife was called back to her magical land. Jan fell in love with his wife and did not want to let her go. But the fairy still soared into the sky and flew away to her people, leaving Ian with a piece of the finest silk. “He will save you three times in difficult times,” she managed to say goodbye. All this happened right on the bridge, later called the Magic Bridge.

By the way, the flap donated by the fairy was used twice in history. It is now kept at Dunvegan Castle.

Fairy Pools

Charming, heavenly place on the Isle of Skye - Fairy Pools. This is a whole complex of waterfalls and cascades formed by water flowing from the mountains. The attraction is located in the southern part of the island, near the Glenn Brittle forest (3 km from the coast).

The waterfalls are surrounded on all sides by picturesque rocky outcrops. The water here is clear and clean. It is best to come here after heavy rains, when the Fairy Pools become especially stormy and full of water.

An interesting point: an interesting photograph of this marvelous natural corner of Skye is circulating on the Internet. But in the picture, the Fairy Pools are surrounded by bright purple trees. Many tourists who come here spend a long time trying to find these unusual plants in the area. In fact, the purple trees are nothing more than a Photoshop trick.

Quirang Plateau

The Quirang Plateau is another most picturesque place on Skye, located in the far north of the island. This is a grandiose plateau with sharp rocky peaks, deep depressions and colorful meadows. The entire area is generously cut by tourist trails. A walk here will be very impressive and educational.

The plateau began to form at the end of the Ice Age and is an actively collapsing mass of solidified lava. Here you can see many strange geological formations. For example, the Prison ledge, which resembles a massive medieval fortress, or the sharp 37-meter Igla rock. From any point in Quiranga, landscapes of incredible beauty open to the gaze of the traveler.

Next, you will be faced with the need to hire workers. Since the game doesn’t want to help us with this, we’ll try to figure out where to find them.

Recruitment missions will appear after the construction of special terminals at their base. There are 5 types of specialists in the game that can be hired: builders, scientists, gunsmiths, technicians and farmers. Such a team will allow you to obtain rare and valuable items in the command center. Each of these workers has its own series of tasks, after completing which you can receive various drawings.

Where to find a builder?

First you will be asked to find a builder. To do this, we go to the Geks, to any of their space stations. We talk to everyone there until we find out the information we need.

Where can I find a gunsmith?

We go to look for the gunsmith at the space station of the Vay’kin race. There we find a suitable specialist. The Vy'keen are skilled with weapons.

Where can I find a scientist?

We go to look for the scientist on the space station of the Corvax race. We talk with everyone on the space station and choose a worker. Korvax are very smart.

Where to find a farmer?

We go to look for the farmer at the space station of the Gek race.

Where to find equipment?

We are going to look for the equipment at the space station of the Vy’keen race. Sometimes found on a common platform.

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