Mozhaisk reservoir beaches how to get there scheme. Spring fishing with a float rod

With a tent on the Mozhaisk Sea. August 24th, 2014

I can’t count myself among those who like tenting and wild tourism, but this year I either wanted to remember my childhood (and my parents and I traveled so often), or I just wanted to change my usual way of life.. In short, I persuaded my closest friend to do something like this a risky outing: together with tents with an overnight stay - and in an unknown place.

No, it's not that we haven't explored our options. But I must admit, after sitting at the computer for 3 days searching best places in the near Moscow region, I gleaned little information. The task was to find places tent camps or at least regular parking spots. Because we are two women, we have no experience, etc...

Basically, the places were indicated approximately, without a map, with descriptions like “we rested with tents between Zakharino and Kruglovo,” and the distance between these settlements is 8-10 km. And, most importantly, there was practically no description of the nature of the places there. In general, remembering someone’s apt aphorism that “if you want to have a good vacation, you need to spend twice as much time on the Internet as the vacation itself.” That's pretty much what happened to us. After five days of active searching, we settled on two options - the Ivankovskoye Reservoir (Ukhodovo Island) and the Mozhaisk Sea. With the first, everything was clear - a vacation close to civilization, with rental of everything you need, security and parking on the mainland. With all the advantages, there are many small disadvantages, one of which is the extreme popularity of these places. Moreover, at that time, just outside Tver, the peat bogs were burning, and no one could guarantee us clean air. In a word, we decided to go to the Mozhaisk Sea - both closer and a few precise guidance to the place.

The journey from Moscow took a little over an hour: we left on a weekday at about 7 am. Our route from the Moscow Ring Road to the village of Blaznovo was built by Google and it looked like this:

There were difficulties on the highway at the very beginning, until we drove through the entire industrial and commercial area around the highway. This is approximately before the turn to Peredelkino.
The village itself was found quickly, but it was not possible to find the right turn right away. Thank God, my grandfather was like an angel near the store and helped me find my way. After all, the area around the reservoir is a water protection zone, with a ban on construction, installation of tents, etc. Now there are only two roads around the village, along which you can drive to the shore by car.

In general, the essence of the route is this: you need to drive through the village and after the store and stop, turn left, focusing on the “tower” (as the locals call it). It's actually a cell tower. Pass a spontaneous garbage dump with dumped bags of garbage right in the field (Russian people are Russian everywhere!), and when you reach the village, go around it on the left or right.

Everything that is marked in red on the map is chosen by camping tourists because of the beauty of the landscape and convenient access to the water. If you look to the right, the descent becomes steeper and the coastal part itself has a strong slope.

We stopped here:

The landscape pleased me. And also the fact that we didn’t have to come face to face with “comrades in misfortune”)) True, with a discount on the fact that we rested on weekdays. Old-timers complained that on weekends there were more tourists than fish...

What else can I say: the weather was amazing - 28-30 degrees. The sea is warm and clean, and not at all cold, as we expected. A muddy bottom that even a child could walk through. We were a little upset when we saw a tapeworm fish that periodically swam to the shore.

Well, who caught what - we, for example, melon and Chianti)

Along the entire shore, in parking lots, we saw knocked together tables and shower facilities, and at one point (excuse me) even a dug out toilet.

In the evening we watched a very beautiful sunset, but for some reason we didn’t take a photo of it...
But the lunar path, after puffing up for a long time, was filmed on an iPhone)

I can’t help but mention the features Russian holiday savage or what you need to be prepared for:
1. In principle, such places are safe - they relax mainly in couples or families, with children, so you most likely will not meet wandering maniacs in the forest. But among all the decent inhabitants there will definitely be a drunken group where they will swear, scream songs and try to go home at 4 o’clock in the morning. So take strong alcohol and earplugs with you.
2. There are few mosquitoes. Special plates that can be lit near the tent and a fire save you. We didn't smoke, but if anyone did, then yes.
3. It’s better to pitch a tent in the forest on a sunny day - the area is open, you get sunburned easily. We unknowingly placed it near the water and greatly regretted it.
4. There is no need to take axes with you. Firewood can be found in the forest, and people are now fined for lighting fires. So your friend is a barbecue.
5. Where we were resting, a squat Peugeot-type car passes freely. There are no obvious holes or potholes. Or they are being driven around.
6. Garbage... I’ll write about it separately. Since many people who vacationed there before us apparently had the impression that a garbage truck comes to the shore of the Mozhaisk Reservoir once a day, most throw their bags right under the trees. There you can also find chicken bones on the grill, discarded plastic, fish remains and many other interesting things. Before setting up the tent, we spent almost a Leninist clean-up day because of our girlish disgust, but in general, keep in mind that the majority of people are relaxing in the midst of all this. Because, as one of the MChS officers, who was vacationing nearby, wisely noted, “people come here to drink, they have nothing to do.”

So “think for yourself, decide for yourself,” but overall - a 5-star vacation. And even without a minus))

The Mozhaisk reservoir is located in the western part of the Moscow region on the territory of the Mozhaisk district not far from the city of Mozhaisk.

This reservoir is easy to get to by train or bus, departing from the Belorussky railway station and heading to the Mozhaisk station. Next, you should transfer to any of the regularly running trains here. minibus taxis, heading towards the reservoir.

Map of the Mozhaisk Reservoir with cities and roads.

This artificial reservoir was created as a result of the construction of a hydroelectric complex on the Moscow River in 1960-62.

The average depth of the reservoir is from 6 to 12 m, in some places located near the dam, the depth reaches 15 to 30 m, the area of ​​the man-made reservoir is 30.7 km, and its length is 47 km. Fluctuations in the water level in the Mozhaisk Reservoir can reach from 4 to 8 m, which negatively affects the livelihoods of certain species of commercial fish.

The species composition of fish in the Mozhaisk Reservoir was formed on the basis of the ichthyofauna of the Moscow River and those fish species that were acclimatized in this reservoir a little later after its formation. IN Lately There are about 30 species of fish here, among which the most common are bream, pike, pike perch, silver bream, roach, eel and perch. Asp, ruffe, burbot, tench and other types of fish are often caught on the bait.

Since 1960, the Mozhaisk Reservoir has been the basis of the Moscow Society of Hunters and Fishermen, on whose initiative a number of fishing and sports bases were created on the territory of the reservoir, providing for sport and amateur fishing. Among these bases, one should name the Krasnovidovo base, which is located in a picturesque birch grove and is considered the most comfortable for fishermen, as well as the Glazovo, Myshkino and Troitsa bases. At these bases you can relax and spend the night; there are also boat stations where you can rent a boat.

Please note that some of these bases only accept hunters during the hunting season.

Map of fishing spots of the Mozhaisk Reservoir.

Video: “Cool place.” Mozhaisk reservoir.

Fishing on the Mozhaisk Reservoir.

The Mozhaisk Reservoir attracts not only fishermen. Lovers beach holiday and bathing also comes here as soon as the weather warms up summer days. Many tourists are attracted by the opportunity to admire the nature of the Moscow region and relax in silence among the birches. Others rush here for new experiences that can be obtained by visiting Gorokhovsky Island, located in the middle of the huge water surface of the reservoir. In addition, the surprisingly warm water, often reaching 30 degrees, does not leave any lover of water procedures indifferent.

On the territory of the reservoir there are sanatoriums, boarding houses, camps and rest houses where you can not only relax, but also improve your health. The most popular among vacationers are the Mozhaisky sanatorium and the Moskvoretskoye recreation center, where attentive staff will pleasantly surprise you with unobtrusive and well-functioning service. There is everything for a good rest: comfortable rooms, cozy cafes, sports and playgrounds.

On weekends in the summer, tourists – “savages” – often settle on the banks of the reservoir, setting up real tent cities. As a rule, such tent “complexes” are set up on spontaneous beaches of a reservoir. It should be noted that on the territory of the Mozhaisk Reservoir there are also well-maintained beaches, among which Ilyinsky Beach stands out. There is a platform with sun loungers, gazebos with barbecues, and you can rent a catamaran, yacht or jet ski. Lovers active rest can play mini-football or Beach volleyball on a designated area. You can have a good snack in a cozy cafe located nearby. Here you can stay overnight in comfortable cabins. For young people, discos and other events are organized on weekends. entertainment activities. The beach is cleaned regularly, so it is always clean.

To relax with your family (and not only) and have a lot of fun, you don’t have to travel far. You just need to take a closer look at the local natural attractions. For example, in the Moscow region there is such a wonderful corner where camping is just a fairy tale.

Choosing a vacation spot

This beautiful reservoir is located in the Moscow region. There are many reservoirs, but this is one of the largest, with an area of ​​approximately 30 square kilometers. In the middle of it there is a wonderful island called Gorokhovsky.


From November until the end of April, a layer of ice covers the Mozhaisk Reservoir. Camping with tents is possible only in the summer (the water temperature sometimes reaches 30 degrees). By the end of August, the Mozhaisk Reservoir begins to the Velvet season, the temperature drops a little. Tourists come with even greater pleasure to relax at this amazing lake.

We recommend visiting the Mozhaisk Reservoir. Camping here in summer is simply excellent! There are a lot of fish in the reservoir. You can catch pike perch, roach, perch, bream, carp, silver bream and other species. That is why the lake is often visited not just for relaxation, but also for fishing. If you are not tempted by camping, you can rent a beautiful house for a few days at one of the many bases, where you can also rent any equipment.

There are also many rest houses on the shore of the reservoir. In addition, you can use the services local residents, who with great pleasure rent out housing to everyone. Although the amenities attract many who come to the Mozhaisk Reservoir, camping also has some advantages. You can swim and sunbathe for a long time on the fine golden sand. The water in the lake is very clean and warm. The places around are so beautiful that it simply takes your breath away. 15 kilometers from the reservoir is the famous village of Borodino, where tourists are also gladly received.

How to get there

If you have made a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle and chosen the Mozhaisk Reservoir, we will be happy to tell you how to get there. Firstly, you can get there by train all the way to Mozhaisk. Next we go to the bus station, which is located very close to the station, and take a ticket costing about 30 rubles to Krasnovidovo. If you have sufficient funds, you can get to the reservoir by taxi. A state car will cost you about 150 rubles. We reach Krasnovidovo. Further, the path will lie past a local cafe with the cute name “White Stork”, past the zoo, which can also be visited for a change. Moving through the village, we pass several shops, and from them the reservoir is just a stone's throw away, about one and a half kilometers.

Visit the Mozhaisk Reservoir. Reviews about this amazing place extremely positive. But it’s better to see the lake once than to read or hear about it a hundred times.

The Mozhaisk reservoir is made up of artificial reservoirs created in the Moscow region - in its western part. It was named after the district in which it is located; is the largest of the reservoirs located in the region. When going around, it is often called the Mozhaisk Sea.

A reservoir was formed within the Moscow River in 1960...62, after the construction of a hydroelectric complex. The dam that blocked the river is 900 m long; is a car crossing, but travel through it is only possible with passes. Within the dam there is a hydroelectric power station that produces 2.5 MW of power under the condition of a water pressure of 20 m.

The reservoir has an elongated shape in plan and an area of ​​almost 31 sq. km. Its length is almost 47 km, and its width is maximum 3.5 km. The depths of the Mozhaisk reservoir are different in different places, the greatest reach 30 m. Opposite the settlement of Staroye Selo in the water area there is an island named Gorokhovsky.

The banks of the reservoir are different: the left one is almost entirely flat, you can get to it without much difficulty; the right one is much higher, there are cliffs in places. The bottom topography of the Mozhaisk Reservoir corresponds to the floodplain of the Moscow River and is mostly flat. There are a lot of stuck places at the bottom. Greater depths in the reservoir are located within and adjacent to the flooded channel.

There was a time when ships sailed along the Mozhaisk Reservoir, in the Goretovo - Marfin Brod section. Today the reservoir serves to provide Moscow with water and to regulate the flow of water in the Moscow River.

The reservoir and its banks are used for recreation. There are recreation centers around the reservoir, there are many cottage villages and ancient rural settlements. It almost always has fishermen coming from Moscow and more remote regions of the Russian Federation.

The reservoir has recently become heavily overgrown with reeds, especially in its upper part. The time of ice formation on the reservoir occurs in November (end), time clean water starts from the end of April.

Fishing on the Mozhaisk Reservoir

Fishing on the pond is more amateurish. The catches consist of perch, roach, bream, pike perch, pike, ruffe, bream, tench. The reservoir is rich in ide, silver bream, bleak, dace, chub, burbot, and asp. Among the fish of the Mozhaisk Reservoir, the asp reaches the largest size, growing, according to fish inspection data, up to 5...6 kg. Although most fishermen report catching such predators more often in the range of 1.5...2.5 kg.

There are some decent carp in the reservoir; if you're lucky, you can become the owner of a specific catch - an eel, which here can weigh up to 1 kg.

Long underwater edges are especially popular for spinning anglers on the Mozhaisk Reservoir, next to which there is a high probability of catching a large predator. Small pike are caught, and lots of them, by fishing in overgrown shallow bays along the banks of the reservoir.

In winter, when fishing at night, burbot are often added to the prey in the form of bream. In summer, eels can bite on bottoms equipped with a bunch of worms. Catching carp or crucian carp in a reservoir is a rarer phenomenon, but possible. Catching asp on the Mozhaisk Reservoir is possible throughout the entire reservoir, but in order to catch a decent specimen, you need to work hard and swim more than one kilometer.

Fish are unevenly distributed throughout the reservoir. Most of it is located near the dam - here it has somewhere to hide, since the depths reach three tens of meters.

Fishing Features

There is a lot of food in the reservoir, so the fish bite on the Mozhaisk reservoir is almost always capricious; she “sorts” over baits and can change her preferences literally within an hour of fishing. For example, fishing for bream will not be effective if it is not fed well, and only with clean bloodworms. And for a successful roach hunt, bait must be prepared from burdock moths, mixing both the moths themselves and their larvae.

In winter, from the ice, fishing for bleak on the Mozhaisk Reservoir is successful. It is decent in the reservoir and reaches 100 g. The fish bite greedily and in almost all places of the reservoir. But the only baits are a dung worm, maggot, and a piece of lard. She doesn’t take the bloodworm at all, she doesn’t seem to even see it.

Problems with biting on the Mozhaisk Reservoir and pickiness about bait also occur with predators. Early in the morning, a pike can quickly fall for a crucian carp set as live bait on a donk or girder. And only on a single hook and on a tackle with a monofilament leash. In the evening, the same toothy fish only catches perch and ruff, which should weigh about 100 g.

Pike perch on the Mozhaisk Reservoir also “indulges” in taste preferences. If you catch it with lures or mugs, then you are guaranteed a catch if you use bleak or, as an exception, roach as live bait. Moreover, this predilection of fanged fish for these species of fish manifests itself all year round.

Fishing for pike and pike perch with a spinning rod, in general, differs in fishing methods and installation of equipment. But for both types of predators, rather narrow spoons and jigs can serve as bait; Among jig baits, it is better to give preference to vibrating tails and non-hooking ones. Of the rigs suitable for the conditions of the Mozhaisk Reservoir, the ones that are suitable are Texas and “Carolina” or something similar.

Large perch in the reservoir are caught mainly with fry, and at long distances from the shore. It is possible to catch it using spinners, but you need to choose one with a white petal.

Winter fishing on the Mozhaisk Reservoir

The popularity of the reservoir among fishermen in winter is no less than during the time of clear water. Most often they come here even from Moscow for roach, perch, pike, pike perch, and ruff. They fish everywhere, but the most visited fishing spots in the Mozhaisk Reservoir are as follows:

  • near the Trinity base: the most memorable pike fishing here; large specimens are encountered, and they are caught by vertical lures and with the help of girders on the Mozhaisk reservoir; the most “productive” periods are a couple of weeks after freeze-up and during thaws closer to spring;
  • near the village of Krasnovidovo: the beginning of the winter period is spent here by jig fishers who hunt for roach and minke whales; they catch them near and inside the reed islands, of which there are many here; in catches, fish are often of standard size, but sometimes they are caught under 350 g;
  • near the settlement of Myshkino: this place is rich in roach and bream; They use jigs all winter, but it’s best towards the end of the winter period;
  • the best places on the Mozhaisk Reservoir for fishing and near the riverbed: in general, all places located next to the riverbed bring good luck, but the most catchy places are located near the bases located in the settlements: Krasnovidovo, Troitsa, Myshkino, Staroe Selo, Blaznovo, Glazovo, Bestuzhevo; the channel of the latter is closest to the shore; Bream from the Mozhaisk Reservoir is caught here, and fishing for all other types of fish is possible throughout the winter.



Ice fishing with a friend. The village of Ilyinskoye is nearby.

We arrived at the pond with our own car. The time is approximately 7-00. The computer in the car showed a temperature of -8°C. When we were driving we learned that the pressure had dropped to 735 mm, the wind was weak 2 m/sec. After a couple of hours of fishing, the weather changed dramatically - after all, low pressure suggests this. The wind began to blow strongly - there was even drifting snow on the ice. But the temperature continued to remain at the same level.

We caught them with branded balalaikas, bought in a store. The line on them is 0.12 mm, the floats are made of foam - we made them ourselves. Jigs are tungsten, small, flattened in shape, yellow-lead in color, black.

All holes were fed. Only with clean food bloodworms - bought along the way at a roadside fish store. We spent half a kilogram for fishing. Only bloodworms, large ones, were used as bait. We bought it in the same place where we bought the bait bloodworm.

We caught it not far from the shore, on a dump. 100 meters north of Ilyinsky beach on the Mozhaisk reservoir and 20...30 meters to the bed of the reservoir. Depth 4...5 m. A small bream was pecking and we went for it. Fish as per selection - about 400 g each. We caught 7 kg for two. We weighed them at home and divided them equally there.

By the end of the fishing trip the weather had completely deteriorated. It warmed up to -3°C, and it started snowing. It was not easy to return - visibility was poor. And it's already dark.

Rest on the Mozhaisk Reservoir

The Mozhaisk Sea is the most wonderful place to relax with the whole family in the Moscow region. This is facilitated by:

  • its location: getting to the Mozhaisk reservoir by car is not so far and not difficult - the entrances to the water itself and the numerous bases on it are equipped with a hard surface, providing all-weather access to the reservoir;
  • water temperature in summer, which is usually comfortable and conducive to swimming and children playing;
  • beautiful nature surrounding the sea;
  • beaches of the Mozhaisk reservoir, covered clean sand having good access to water, equipped with everything necessary for a pleasant and safe pastime for both adults and children;
  • variety of fish in the pond, its decent amount, which is a great pleasure for fishing lovers, for a variety of activities on it, for gatherings around an evening fire, the decoration of which can be a real fisherman’s fish soup from underwater inhabitants caught on the spot.

For those who are planning to relax or go fishing at the Mozhaisk Reservoir, there is a large selection of places where you can stay for yourself or the whole family. On the coastal strip today there are numerous Fisherman's Houses on the Mozhaisk Reservoir, sanatoriums, boarding houses, and recreation centers. Local entrepreneurs and residents offer houses and separate rooms in the private sector, in cottages in holiday villages, settlements, for example, in Staroye Selo, Goretovo, Gidrouzla.

Calypso Base

The recreation center on the Mozhaisk Reservoir is located on the left bank of the Mozhaisk Sea, on the edge of the village of Goretovo, approximately in the middle of the reservoir. It's easy to get to:

  • along the Mozhaisk highway they enter Mozhaisk, into its center - up to Oktyabrskaya Square;
  • at the traffic light turn onto Klementyevskaya Street (direction – north);
  • drive along the park and the eternal flame, located on the left;
  • cross the Moscow River on the bridge;
  • drive along the Ilyinsky cemetery, located on the right;
  • pass Ilyinskaya Sloboda;
  • drive into the settlement of Teterino and immediately after the Dixie supermarket (located on the right) turn left onto the asphalt road;
  • along this road, passing the villages of Mozhaiskaya Sloboda (left), Mozhaisk Sea (left), Blaznovo (left), Parus, Krasnovidovo (left), Sosnovye Berega (left), Khotilovo (left), enter the village of Goretovo;
  • drive through Goretovo completely and, before the Goretovo cemetery, turn left onto Lesnaya Street;
  • at the end of the street turn left onto Pribrezhnaya Street, which runs parallel to the shore of the Mozhaisk Reservoir;
  • Having passed the junction on the right of Zelenaya and Tsentralnaya streets, turn right onto Tsvetochnaya Street;
  • drive along it until it turns; do not turn, but continue moving straight towards the reservoir, which will lead you to your goal - to the Calypso recreation center.

The Calypso recreation center on the Mozhaisk reservoir welcomes vacationers all year round. For their accommodation there are 10 wooden houses located in one row with a distance of 20 m from the water. Among them are 4- and 8-bed buildings that have heating and everything necessary for a normal rest: beds, kitchens, toilet/shower, kitchen utensils, TV. Nearby there is a barbecue and a platform where you can park your car.

Vacationers are offered rentals of boats and sports equipment, a visit to the Russian bathhouse, paintball classes, and sports fields. You can eat in the lodge or in a local cafe. There is a place where tourists can pitch their tents and relax almost like savages.

Of interest to fishermen is the fishing store operating on the base with a large selection of various equipment. Equipped convenient descent on the water of boats and boats. There are possibilities for organizing fishing both in summer and winter.

Check-in at the base is from 14-00, checkout time is 12-00. Your stay is governed by the Rules, which you will be familiarized with upon check-in.

You can get acquainted with the services of the Calypso base:

  • on the website;
  • by contacting the administration by email [email protected] ;
  • by calling: 8-965-1197924; 8-926-7283734; 8-925-1330322 (questions about paintball); 8-985-2240061 (cooperation issues); 8-965-2433333 (cooperation issues).

Camp site

This vacation spot by the Mozhaisk Sea is located near the village of Krasnovidovo (2 km), along the 8th Myshkinskoe highway. It is completely filled with birch trees and equipped with a convenient pier.

There is accommodation for tourists main building with various rooms, many summer houses that can comfortably accommodate 2 people. The territory is equipped with summer kitchens, barbecue areas, there is a banquet hall, and a karaoke room. There is a Russian bathhouse; those who want to warm up are provided with various courts (volleyball, football), table tennis, and billiards.

The path to the camp site is the same as to the Calypso recreation center and is described above. The only thing is that it is shorter and ends in front of the village of Krasnovidovo, 2 km before reaching it in the area of ​​​​the bay located at the confluence of the Bodnya River into the reservoir.

Addresses of the camp site on the Internet:

  • website

Mozhaisk Reservoir (Mozhaisk, Russia) - detailed description, address and photo. Reviews from tourists about the best entertainment Mozhaisk.

  • Tours for May in Russia
  • Last minute tours in Russia

Mozhaisk Reservoir is very popular place holidays in the Moscow region. Here beautiful landscapes, clean air, modern infrastructure, including sanatoriums, holiday homes and sports facilities.

For fishermen and hunters there is a base "Krasnovidovo", on the territory of which there is a hotel, a dining room, a cafe, a bathhouse, a sauna, and you can rent a boat. Due to the great depth of the reservoir (up to 30 m), fish of different species are found here. According to reviews from local anglers, large specimens can be caught near the long edges. Pike prefers deep places. In winter, burbot and bream are readily pecked. In the spring-summer period, eel is caught, asp is a common trophy, large carp and crucian carp are caught, and there are crayfish.

To fish on the Mozhaisk Reservoir you need a ticket, which can be purchased at fishing bases or in fishing shops in Mozhaisk on the central square.

For lovers of sailing, this is also a real haven. Yacht club "Novimor" in Ilyinsky has sailing boats, catamarans, motorboats and offers tourists routes along the waves of the Mozhaisk Sea. Ilyinsky has attractions, a cafe, a restaurant, playgrounds and guest houses. The second yacht club is located in cottage village Grand Marina.


Supporters excursion tourism and amateur photographers explore the shores of the Mozhaisk Sea, decorated architectural monuments. Among them is the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in Stary Selo, which is more than two centuries old. It was built in the late Baroque style; the massive and at the same time harmonious building is moderately decorated with decorative details. When creating the temple, Spanish motifs were used.

Among the local attractions there are others: the Goretovo estate, where a beautiful outbuilding with a colonnade and an ancient church have been preserved; Tushkov town, with an impressive high defensive rampart, which protected against raids in the 11th-15th centuries; Krasnovidovo estate, where in 1941 Marshal G.K. Zhukov lived and commanded the headquarters of the Western Front.

Practical information

Address: Moscow region, Mozhaisky district. GPS coordinates: 55.6014233, 35.6614418.