Cuba on the outline map. Detailed political map of the world in Russian: hot sun and dizzying dances in Cuba

Cuba... Incendiary dancing, scorching sun, cigars and unusual beautiful bays- that's what gives birth to imagination. The calling card of the state are cozy bays, beautiful beaches and the geographically advantageous location of the island.

The state consists of the Antilles, the Isle of Juventud and many small islands. The country's landscape consists of diametrically opposed reliefs: there are plains and highlands that alternate and mix. Cuba has another name - Liberty Island.

The country is located between Northern and South America, in the north Caribbean Sea.

The state does not have a very large cubic capacity. And almost all of this area is occupied by yellow beaches and comfortable hotels.

Geographical feature of the location of Cuba

The state is located on the islands of Cuba, Juventud and many small islands. The island is surrounded by reefs and coral colonies. The country is divided into sixteen regions, or provinces as they are called here. Cuba is not included in the hundred largest countries, but is in the lead in the second hundred.

The cube on the world map, if you use your imagination, is shaped like a lizard. The island is surrounded by water: to the south is the Caribbean Sea, to the west is the Gulf of Mexico, and to the east is the Atlantic Ocean.

Given this fact, the country does not have land borders, but only the maritime neighborhood with the following countries: America, Jamaica, Haiti and Mexico.

The capital of Cuba is Havana , the oldest city that has existed for more than five centuries. The uniqueness of the country's cities is that antiquity coexists with modern buildings, a quiet, measured life with endless movement.

The island of Cuba has a lot to offer tourists interesting places. Here you will find something best for yourself, even the recluse who prefers relaxing holiday and a regular at noisy parties. The main attractions of the country are luxurious places where everything is provided for the comfort and entertainment of tourists:

  • Province of tobacco Pinar del Rio interesting for its amazing nature and tobacco production.
  • Villanes Valleyreal paradise for lovers historical mysteries and unsolved secrets: they will offer visits to caves and ancient temples.
  • If you want to see hundreds of extraordinarily beautiful flowers in one place, welcome to Soroa, orchid garden .
  • District of Santa Cruz del Norte is famous for the company that produces the world famous brand of rum “Havana Club”.
  • A variety of animals and unusual plants collected in one place will not be forgotten if you visit province of Matanzas .
  • Varadero– the most popular city and resort in the country and even the hemisphere. Life here is in full swing around the clock. Ideal place for entertainment lovers.

This is important to know

Each country has its own special rules and prohibitions. This also applies to Cuba. Before you travel to Cuba, please read the most important information:

  • Medicine is very developed in the country and it is free, so do not take medicine with you, only the essentials.
  • To avoid losing money in foreign currency, exchange dollars for euros in advance or you will have to exchange them at a completely unattractive rate. Dollars do not circulate in Cuba.
  • Summer and autumn in Cuba are the rainy season, so try to plan your vacation.
  • The import of alcohol to the island is strictly prohibited.
  • You need to bring creams against the scorching rays of the sun with you; the cost of protective equipment is in local stores exceed the real price by five to six times.
  • All warning signs along the coast must be taken into account. In Cuba, it is not sharks that pose a danger, but moray eels, jellyfish and sea ​​urchins. If there is a warning sign on the beach, move to another vacation spot.
  • When buying souvenirs for your loved ones, keep all receipts. Otherwise, you will have to prove that you did not interfere with nature and did not take the item (for example, corals) without permission.
  • Tipping is a prerequisite for any contact with a Cuban.
  • Cubans are very careless on the roads, road signs are often just signs that no one looks at. You should be careful when crossing the road or renting a car.
  • Traveling at night is not recommended.

Cuba is a country in Central America located in the northern Caribbean.

Most of the territory of Cuba belongs to the island of the same name; the country also includes the island of Juventud and many small islands. On a detailed map of Cuba, the country from the coast North America It is separated from the north by the Strait of Florida (180 km from the USA), and from the west by the Yucatan Strait (210 km from Mexico).

Cuba is a world-famous exporter of cigars, sugar cane and nickel, as well as a tourism center.

Cuba on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Cuba on the world map is located in the western part of the Greater Antilles and includes approximately 1,600 islands, the largest of which is called Cuba, and the second largest is Juventud.

The island of Cuba is washed from the south by the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and from the north by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

The length of the island of Cuba is 1250 km, and its greatest width is 191 km. The coast of Cuba is heavily indented with bays, bays and reefs, the total length coastline– 5745 km.

The country has no borders with foreign countries, the only exception is the 29-kilometer border with the US naval base Guantanamo Bay, located in the southeast of the island.


The country has some of the world's largest reserves of nickel and cobalt (3rd place). There are also significant deposits of copper, manganese and iron ores; chromites; asbestos; phosphorites; white clay; oil and gas.


The relief of Cuba is predominantly flat, approximately 1/3 of the islands are mountain systems. On the map of Cuba in Russian you can find the following of them:

  • Sierra Maestra in the southwest of the country, to which it belongs highest point islands – Turkino Peak (1974 meters);
  • Sierra del Cristal in the southeast;
  • Escambray in the center;
  • Sierra del Rosario in the northwest.


About 600 rivers flow through Cuba, most of them are low-water and are fed by rain. The longest river is the Cauto (370 km), originating in the Sierra Maestra mountains and flowing into the Gulf of Guacanaiabo in the Caribbean Sea.

The island's lakes are also small in size, the largest of which is the freshwater lake Laguna de Leche, with an area of ​​67 km 2, located in the center of the country. There is a lot of groundwater in western Cuba.

Flora and fauna

There are 13 types of soils in Cuba, the predominant ones being red-colored powerful soils, occupying 80% of the territory. To date, the area of ​​tropical forests has been reduced to 30%; red, guaiac and logwood trees, cedrels, ficus and guarea trees grow in them. Pine forests grow in the western and eastern parts of the island of Cuba, as well as on the island of Juventud.

The flora of Cuba is represented by 3,000 plant species, half of which grow only on this island.

The country's fauna is also endemic, with Cuban snaptooths, Hutia tree rats, Cuban trogons (birds), many crocodiles, turtles, frogs and 500 species of fish.

Specially protected areas include National parks: Alexander Humboldt, Turquino Peak, Sierra Cristal, Zapata Swamp and Desembarco del Granma.


Cuba's climate is tropical, significantly influenced by trade winds and the warm Gulf Stream. average temperature January + 23 °C, and August + 28 °C. The wet season lasts from May to October, during which time strong hurricanes and storms are possible. The dry season is from November to April. In flat areas, 1000-1200 mm of precipitation falls per year, and in mountainous areas - up to 3800 mm.

Map of Cuba with cities. Administrative division of the country

The territory of Cuba is divided into 16 provinces and the special municipality of Isla Juventud, which consist of 169 municipalities.

Largest cities in Cuba

  • Havana- the capital of Cuba, the largest industrial, cultural and shopping mall country, located in the northwest of the island, on the Gulf Coast. The city is home to 2.1 million people, which is 21% of the total population of Cuba. In Havana, where there are about 900 historical monuments, old colonial buildings are adjacent to modern skyscrapers.
  • Santiago de Cuba- the second most populous city (445 thousand people) in the country. The city is a center for recreational diving and is also home to several UNESCO sites - the Ethnographic Museum of La Isabelica, the Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca and the palace of Cuba's first conquistador. On the map of Cuba with cities in Russian, Santiago de Cuba is located in the southeast of the island.
  • Holguin is a city in the eastern part of Cuba and one of the country’s most important tourism centers. Not far from Holguin are famous beaches"Emerald Coast" and Guardalavaca, and in the nearby lake Laguna del Tesoro there are crocodiles and turtles. The population of the city is 346 thousand people.

Cuba – large island, located in the Caribbean Sea. This state is one of most beautiful places on our planet. The beaches and coasts of Cuba attract hundreds and thousands of tourists every year. The island is located near North America, where it is washed by the Strait of Florida.

Convenient geographical location islands, a large number of colorful bays and blue bays is the calling card of this unusual country.

The Atlantic Ocean, between the continents of North and South America...where is this island?

Cuba includes Antilles, Juventud Island and a large number of small islets, their total number is equal to 1500.

Length of the island from west to east is 1250 km. The shape of the island is somewhat similar to a lizard. The body of the “lizard” is turned towards Atlantic Ocean, and its tail is located at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. Geographically, the island of Cuba occupies 110,860 square meters. km. The widest point of the island is 210 km. There are almost 300 beaches along the Cuban coastline.

The landscape and relief of the state is incredibly diverse. Here you can observe and high mountains, and lush plains.

The Cordillera de Guaniguanico mountain is located in the western part of the island, Escambray is in the very center, and the Sierra Maestra mountain occupies the east of Cuba. Here is also the highest point of the state– Turkino Peak, 1974 m above sea level. The rest of Cuba lies in flat terrain.

On the territory of the mountains there was formed a large number of caves and waterfalls, among them Abagama and Salto del Carbuni are especially popular. The rivers of Cuba, although small, are dominated by fast currents. The Cauto River, whose length is 370 km, has the title of the most long river on the island.

Popular cities


City is the capital of Cuba, or as it is also called – Freedom Island.

Havana – quite ancient city, its history began almost five centuries ago. The architecture, preserved from the days of Spanish rule, coexists with modern high-rise buildings made of glass and metal.

The city is incredibly picturesque: its center is occupied by ancient Spanish buildings, with their narrow streets and alleys. To the list of historical objects Havana includes more than 900 different objects. During the daytime, various performances take place on the streets of the city, and at nightfall, cabarets open their doors.


Varadero is the most popular city is a tourist center the entire island. There are countless five-star hotels, clubs and restaurants here.

Varadero has the status of the most famous resort Western Hemisphere. The city is located just a few hours from the capital, and life is in full swing here both day and night.

During daylight hours tourists have access to excellent beaches with mirror water, boat trips, underwater fishing and excursions to the most exotic places on the island. In the evening tourists are invited to nightclubs, discos, cafes and restaurants, of which there are a huge number in Varadero. There are practically no historical sights in the city, so they are perfectly replaced by local entertainment venues.


The province of Holguin is the second most important resort in Cuba. Here it is the most picturesque beach in the country– Playa Esmeralda, Guardalavaca Beach and Playa Pesquero. The last two beaches are famous for their coral reefs.

In Holguin, there is also largest bay on the island there is Nipe Bay. Harguey Grande is suitable for sport fishing: the most large lake Cuba hides exotic fish and reptiles in its waters. There is also a crocodile farm here. The Holguin coast includes more than 40 beaches.

Sights and entertainment of the country

  • Province of Pinar del Rio famous for its nature and tobacco fields. Located in the western part of Cuba.
  • Villanes Valley in the Sierra del los Organos mountains. Here you can visit the “Indian Cave”, the Santa Tomas Cave, healing springs and ancient temples.
  • In Soroa The world's largest orchid garden is located.
  • The world-famous Havana Club rum is produced in settlement of Santa Cruz del Norte. Tourists can visit this factory and take part in production.
  • Province of Matanzas famous for its nature, there is a reserve with unique representatives of the animal and plant world.
  • Also located here is the Joliet prison, where Fidel Castro served his prison sentence.

Map of Cuba from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Cuba online in real time. Detailed map Cuba created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Cuba allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and sights of Cuba. The map of Cuba from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Cuba - island country in the Caribbean Sea, which occupies the islands of Juventud, Cuba and many others small islands. The coast of Cuba is washed on all sides by the Florida, Yucatan, Windward Straits and the Caribbean Sea. The uniqueness and attractiveness of Cuba lies in the fact that in this country life is harmonious and calm, which is why Cuba is often called a true paradise on Earth. The capital of Cuba is Havana. Official language- Spanish, but you can hear French, Russian and English spoken.

The climate in Cuba is tropical trade wind. This type of climate is characterized by a large number of sunny days and high air temperatures throughout the year. Average annual temperatures are +25...+26 C. There are two seasons in Cuba - dry and rainy season with big amount precipitation.

Cuba has many historical and natural attractions. The main caves are considered to be near the city of Matanas. These are unique natural formations. The capital Havana also has a lot to see. The most interesting places and ancient buildings- these are the Castillo del Morro fortresses, built back in the 17th century, the Palace of Fine Arts, Prado Boulevard, city ​​hall Built in the 18th century, the largest zoo in the whole world and many museums, each of which is a repository of unique exhibits.

Tourism in Cuba is thriving and actively developing. New hotels are constantly opening and resort areas what attracts tourists from different countries. After a long period of isolation from the world and instability, Cuba is becoming a center of world tourism. One of the most popular tourist centers today it is considered the Isle of Juventud. The island has beautiful golden beaches, amazing vegetation, tourist villages and luxury hotels.

Cuba - how many thoughts about this island, country, and simple paradise our beautiful world! This island is located in the Caribbean Sea; there is probably not a person on earth who has not at least once dreamed of visiting Cuba?! The shores are strewn with crystals of sand, and the water beckons with its mirror-like beauty; the reefs of various corals are also incomparable; fishermen will delight in the shallows, where they can happily spend time fishing. The flora and fauna here are unique.

Map of Cuba in Russian interactive online

The island is located in the western part of the Caribbean Sea, and because of this location it was called the “Gateway to New World" The neighbors of the Cuban population are the inhabitants of the island of Hispaniola, Dominicans and Haitians, located 77 kilometers to the east. Also nearby are the Bahamas, 140 kilometers to the northwest. Jamaica is located 146 kilometers to the south, and the giants of the USA are 180 kilometers to the north and Mexico is 210 kilometers to the west.

Cuba is one of the many islands of the so-called Cuban archipelago, there are about 1,600 of them, with an area of ​​110,992 square kilometers, the leader in size is the island of Cuba with a length of 105,000 square kilometers. The island measures 1,250 kilometers in length and up to 210 kilometers in width. This wonderful island has 290 beaches with their own charm and appeal. Probably everyone has pleasant associations with Cuba and this is natural, expensive cigars, exotic women, palm trees, sun, sand, Cuba has all this in abundance. Cuba is an island of pleasure!!!