International meeting of caravaners.

From April 28 to May 1, Minsk hosts international meeting caravaners. As the organizers note, this rally is the largest ever held in Belarus; both citizens of the post-Soviet republics and guests from Poland, the Czech Republic and Finland take part in it. Yesterday, on April 28, the participants gathered at the site of the National Airport "Minsk-1", today at 12.00 the grand opening took place, after which the guests will entertainment- performances of national groups, tasting are organized for them local cuisine as well as a city tour. As the organizers noted, many participants really wanted to see the capital of Belarus. On the eve of the celebrations, the site's correspondent went to the airport site to talk with the participants and organizers of the rally about their impressions of our country and the differences between rest here and in Europe.

Tourists in Belarus love food, people and cleanliness

Not at all the spring weather, which was established this year at the end of April, does not interfere with the preparations for the event and does not affect the mood of the participants - this is the beauty of caravanning: you can travel the world without denying yourself the comfort of your home. Despite the fact that this type of vacation cannot be called cheap - a mobile home with all the amenities itself costs a lot and, like any car, requires investments - the rally participants unanimously note that they do not want any other way of traveling.

We have been traveling in this way for 7 years already - the first camper has been in our family for five years, and we are driving this for the second season, - says Viktor, a guest from Kaunas. - Neither me nor my family want to travel in any other way. Children and languages ​​learn in this way, and history - after all, nothing is so deposited in memory as what they saw with their own eyes. Traveling by camper, you will find out how people live in other countries, because you drive freely, you yourself choose the route of travel and the time, how long you want to stay in one place or another. In Belarus, we really like the people - everyone is very hospitable - and your products.

Nelly and Andrey came to the meeting from Surgut. To get to Minsk they had to overcome 4 thousand kilometers. They warmly invite us to their trailer.

We have been traveling by car since the 90s. Seven years ago, we bought the first motorhome, then the second, and later changed it to a trailer. In terms of comfort, we like to travel with a trailer more, so we settled on it. Arriving in any city, you can leave the trailer and go to explore the city in a passenger car, while the motorhome will have to be parked in the parking lot and continue to drive public transport... It is more difficult and longer for us to get to various club events from the north and during travel we have to travel long distances - for example, to get to your border now, we drove for four days. They rarely travel with a caravan in Siberia, although this direction is also developing in our country: as far as we know, several years ago there was one motorhome and several trailers in the city. This year the guys traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the direction, of course, is developing more actively: if in 2006 there was only one forum of caravaners in Russia, now there are three or four, where participants from Rostov, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg, etc. communicate.

Nelly offers us tea with Belarusian chocolate, which she has already managed to purchase in the sales stalls, and continues the story. For seven years, the couple has traveled almost all over Europe. For the night in Russia, travelers stay at the parking lots of truckers, in Belarus - at gas stations or also parking lots for trucks, in Europe - at equipped campsites.

“In Europe, campsites are well equipped with showers and a place to cook. And in Belarus we know several good campgrounds - on Lake Selyava and near Brest. Infrastructure is also developing in Russia - if you compare what was 20 years old and now, it has become much better, before there were no "shinomantazy" or repairs on the track, everything had to be carried with you. Belarus has made great progress in this direction - gas stations have toilets and shops, many have showers. In general, we like it very much with you, your order is elementary. "

Sergey and Natalia came to us from Zaporozhye with two children. Despite the fact that in Ukraine it is now much warmer and there is a rally of caravaners, they decided to come to our country for the sake of an excursion around Minsk.

In Belarus, we were at a rally in Brest - we very much regretted not taking our bicycles with us. Previously, Ukraine was often the host country, but due to the turbulent situation, international rallies are increasingly held in Belarus. It is noticeable that the number of participants becomes more and more every year, the movement is popularized.

Like the previous interlocutors, they often travel to Europe - last year they were in Poland, the Czech Republic and Austria, before that in Bulgaria and Romania.

We have never traveled on airplanes or on vouchers - as far as we understand, in those travels you are always tied to the hotel and walk along the hiking trails. And so you go, I saw a nice place, at any time you can go out, chat with local residents, stay anywhere for as long as you want.

We asked the couple how they treat travelers at the border, because caravaners often carry a lot of things with them.

This time they crossed the border very quickly, last time at 1 am we were driven into the hangar and forced to unload all our things. We spent about three hours at the border that time.

As for the infrastructure for motorhomes, Sergei and Natalya believe that very comfortable conditions for travelers have been created in Belarus, although Europe is still beyond competition in terms of comfort.

Europe lives on it, they have campsites on every piece of land, and they have special places for motorhomes. But you have to pay for it - last year we paid for a place on a camping in Austria for 50 euros per day. Although for this money we got very comfortable conditions - a place in a closed guarded territory, a kitchen, a bathroom, a beach. On the other hand, the cost is still not so small, considering that it is practically equal to the cost of a hotel room, and we arrived with all our own. In Belarus, the situation with parking is much better than in Ukraine, and there is still an opportunity to stop at any convenient place Accommodation is free of charge, while in Europe there are restrictions.

A family from Poland came to Belarus for the first time and has already managed to see Brest, the Mir Castle and the Sapieha Palace in Ruzhany. On the way back, they plan to visit Grodno and the Adam Mitskevich Museum in Novogrudok. They have been traveling on a motorhome for 20 years, during which time they have traveled all over Europe.

"From European countries the most expensive parking for campsites in France and Italy. In Greece, Croatia, we paid 20-25 euros per day for parking. In Greece, you can become free on the beach - there will be no problems with the police. In any country you can just stand in the parking lot and if you do not use the kitchen, shower, etc., it will be much cheaper than if you use a camping with all the amenities. "

In Belarus, according to guests, they come to taste our products - sausages, milk, chocolate. Many travelers noted that they like our people and nature. We also asked travelers from Poland and Ukraine if they have problems with paying for roads in our country. As the guests explained, they did not have any problems with paying for the roads, they had already encountered such a payment system in Europe and could not complain about the inconvenience. As the guests from Ukraine explained, they would even be glad to have good roads, albeit toll roads.

"The owners of our campsites are not interested in the tourists knowing about them."

According to the chairman of the Belarusian association of caravaners Viktor Orabey, despite the fact that Belarus makes a positive impression on the guests, there are enough problems to be solved in our country:

For example, the issue of camping, they need to be developed. We are used to stopping at gas stations, while foreigners want civilized rest and security. Today we have about 30 of them, but there are practically no real campsites that foreigners are used to. The only kenping that meets all European standards - there is a place where you can cook food, have a shower, etc. - is in the area of ​​Lake Selyava. Public campsites have a lot of shortcomings: for example, good camping is in Brest, but its trouble is that there is no information about it anywhere. People simply don't know about it, as there are no signs on the track. More recently, a camping was built in Lida, but there is another problem - it is impossible to pay for it on the spot, that is, you need to take a receipt and go to the bank to pay. A common problem in our country is that there is no information about our campsites - we need to post it on European sites so that people can find out.

Although not all foreign and Belarusian tourists support the introduction of paid camping in the country, Viktor Orabey believes that this is necessary to protect our nature:

With the development of tourism, we just need to develop infrastructure and open campgrounds. After all, if everyone can still stay where he wants, our forests will turn into dumps, because our people are not used to cleaning up after themselves, - said Victor Orabei.

According to the chairman of the association, foreigners also have a lot of questions about BelToll road payments.

"In many European countries, a vignette is glued to the glass, which confirms the fact of payment for travel on a toll road. Its purchase takes a minute, you can buy it at any gas station and it is valid for a fixed number of days. Our system is complex: first, you need to find the device, its registration takes about half an hour, then it needs to be submitted. There are problems that it does not work or a foreigner may unknowingly miss the frame - then he will receive a fine, which will ruin his impression of the trip. "

Another problem is the issue of visas.

"In general, it is very difficult for a caravaner to obtain a visa, since this requires a hotel reservation. The caravaner does not book a hotel, but he needs to take an invitation. For this meeting, the president instructed to give everyone free visas for 20 days. But for caravaners, the question is not to pay money, but to receive an invitation - now for this you need to have friends in our country, to receive an invitation from them, to go to the police with them, to register. some progress. "

According to Viktor Orabey, such events increase the flow of tourists to Belarus and raise its image among Europeans:

Foreigners like to have a rest with us, especially now, when in Europe, due to the influx of migrants, it has become unsafe. They come, enjoy their holidays, share their impressions at home, and next year even more people come to us - for example, last year there were 70 Estonians in Selyava, now 110 of them came. Moreover, this year for the first time the Finns arrived. Let's hope everything goes well, they'll like it, and next year the gathering will bring even more people.

Last Thursday, October 26, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism hosted a business meeting dedicated to the issues of caravanning in Belarus. The meeting was initiated by the head of the Union of Campings of Belarus Vladimir Rudoy. The event was attended by representatives travel companies- "Belarusisturist", "Viapol", "Ditrib", "BelarusTourService" and "Camping-Tour".

Uladzimir Rudoi complained that, unfortunately, representatives of agricultural estates and other accommodation facilities in Belarus did not attend the meeting. In the meantime, they, like travel agencies, have a real chance to make money on such a difficult form of tourism as caravanning. In the summer of 2018, caravaners will travel through Belarus in transit to the FIFA World Cup to Russia. It is already clear that there will be a lot of them. The small number of campsites that exist in Belarus today, - said Vladimir Rudoy, ​​- will obviously not be able to withstand the load. Therefore, we need equipped sites with water and electricity - near hotels and agro-estates - in order to receive and serve a completely new flow of tourists for Belarus. Accommodation facilities can earn on food and animation programs, travel agencies - on excursions, visa and other support.

Of course, as always, many organizational questions arise. As said director of the company "Ditrib" Igor Chernozipunnikov, the Smolensk road, in fact, today is closed for transit foreign tourists, since there are no equipped international checkpoints. When they created the Union State, they somehow forgot that according to the law Russian Federation crossing its border is possible only at international checkpoints, which we do not have with Russia, and if they appear, then what an alliance it is! Therefore, as we remember, at one "fine" moment Belarus lost transit tourists who prefer not to turn in the Smolensk region to Latvia in order to get from Belarus to Russia in such a strange roundabout way, but simply go around our country, immediately following to the cherished Golden Ring of Russia through the Baltics.

However, for the time of the FIFA World Cup, this issue will be resolved - Russia will open temporary checkpoints on the border of Belarus and, following the example of our 2014 Ice Hockey World Cup, will make visa-free entry for fans.

So, at least for the duration of football, we will be able to work with transit people, including caravaners. According to Vladimir Rudoy, ​​the website has been created specially for caravaners interactive map Belarus, where every accommodation facility, animation platform, museum and so on can celebrate itself.

As for travel agencies, then, of course, first of all, they are expected to create routes. These routes and other services should be offered to caravaners, which, according to Vladimir, are easy to find. For example, there is such a resource as, which brings together European caravan clubs.

According to preliminary data, foreign caravaners are very interested in the region of our part of the Augustow Canal. To be honest, for ordinary tourists local infrastructure has almost nothing to offer. In any case, it is absolutely impossible to compare it with the rich infrastructural possibilities of the neighboring Polish Augustow. But for caravaners, local "wild" places, provided that the sites are equipped, are of considerable interest.

According to Vladimir Rudoy, ​​the transit flow of caravaners, which will pass through Belarus in the summer of 2018, is a chance to acquaint foreign tourists who are completely unfamiliar with our country with local beauties and sights. If neither accommodation facilities, including agro-estates, nor travel agencies show initiative and offer their routes and programs, well, transit passengers will fly through our country in a few hours, without really understanding where they have been. Some of them will stop for a transit overnight in one of the campsites, including at the site near the National Airport, where parking costs the crew 10 euros per night, and the main flow of tourists simply will not stop in Belarus.

According to Vladimir Rudoy, ​​it is a shame not to take the chance to promote the country a little as a tourist destination. The same Polish caravaners gathered for the first rally of caravaners in Belarus with obvious apprehension - in 2016, only 10 Polish crews arrived at Lake Selyava, where the rally took place. And this year there were already 140 of them! And, according to the Poles, word of mouth worked: a huge number of Polish caravaners appreciated the local beauty, cleanliness and safety and became interested in traveling to Belarus.

At the end of the meeting, Vladimir Rudoi suggested that travel agencies "practice" and try to work with caravaners within the framework of the annual gathering. Next year, this event will be held either on the "old" site on Lake Selyava (and will be a chamber one), or the Ministry of Culture will give permission to hold it on a huge site near the open-air museum in the village of Ozertso, and the gathering will be very large-scale. According to the plans, the rally should take place on June 23rd.

Meeting of caravaners on Lake Selyava, photo -

Topics: inbound tourism

News of Belarus. More than one and a half thousand people camped for several days almost in the center of Minsk. On the territory of the airport Minsk-1, they settled with whole families, or rather, houses.

This is what the campers are called, on which tourists from 15 countries arrived in our capital. These days Belarus hosts an international meeting of caravaners.

These are automobile travelers traveling the world in special caravans.

By the way, they all received free visas to the country for 20 days, this will enable foreign guests not to be limited only to the capital, according to the News 24 Hours program on STV.

Elena, like a real hostess, often has a full house of guests. Only this house is not ordinary - it is on wheels. Initially, it is difficult to think that this is not an apartment - baby beds, toys, kitchen, household appliances. Elena's husband Sergey is a caravaner, that is, a traveler on a camper - a car with living quarters in a van. The name of the car - Alyonka - gives the origin of the owner, they just arrived in Minsk from Moscow today.

Sergey Arzamastsev, caravanner:
In fact, the ride is only 7 hours, but we decided to extend this pleasure. For us, when you leave the house and get into the car -

it already turns out to be a vacation when you go with your family.

Outside the window, the landscape changes every five minutes, we can afford to stop when we want, where we want and how much we want, for us this freedom of choice, freedom of decision-making is very important.

There are about one and a half thousand people like Sergei now in the capital alone. An international meeting of caravaners has opened on the territory of the airport "Minsk-1" today. Already the fourth. If in 2014 motorhomes came to us from three countries, in 2015 - out of five, and the next year out of 12, but now caravaners from 15 countries have come to us. For all of them, this is not just an adventure, but rather a way of life.

Andrey Makarov, caravaner (Latvia):
Here we have a window - 3-5 days. We are going and going anywhere. Where to? Spain? To Spain. France? To France, that is, this is independence from nothing.

Germany, Finland, France, Poland, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia - the geography of the gathering is impressive. Find mutual language for a few words and immediately introduce each other to their tourism traditions.

After all, camping - a camp for autotourists - is a whole culture.

An experienced caravaner, whether he is in Belarus or in any other place, always feels comfortable. The pitched tent should have a gas cylinder and an electric generator.

All participants of the rally received free visas for 20 days. This is the decision of the head of state. Almost three weeks for communication and of course a trip to Belarus. Our roads allow. During this time, they can not only communicate with each other, but also visit attractions throughout the country. And also our history, or rather fairy tales, accurately point to the place where the first caravaner appeared.

Vladimir Rudoy, ​​Chairman of the Camping Union:
A hut on chicken legs, like such a self-propelled carriage, is like a prototype of a motorhome, we looked for the place of birth, the time of birth, and decided that the hut was actually our invention,

and we claim to be the place where the motorhome was born.

Just the same tomorrow at noon on the territory of the airport "Minsk-1" the car occupants will solemnly celebrate the birthday of the hut on chicken legs. There will also be a performance tomorrow national cultures and large family sporting events.

It will be an open day in every house in this rocking town.

The international gathering of caravaners will be held in Minsk from April 28 to May 1. About 1,200 people from 16 countries (about 550 motorhomes) have confirmed their participation in it.

Vitaly Gritsevich, deputy director of the tourism department of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, said this at a press conference on April 20, as the correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency reports.

Tourists from Germany, Finland, Poland, Russia, Moldova, Latvia and Estonia showed particular interest in the rally.

- The grand opening will take place on April 29 at 12:00 at the site of the airport Minsk-1, - said Vitaly Gritsevich. - The place was not chosen by chance: the guests really wanted to see the capital. An entertainment program has been prepared for them - performances by pop artists, folk ensembles, dance groups. Work zones of tourist industry facilities will be organized: they will be able to taste dishes of our cuisine, herbal teas, get acquainted with Belarusian applied art - straw weaving, pottery, blacksmithing. And if you wish, they will order excursions and visit the most iconic tourist sites country.

In addition, there will be a bath on wheels, Helipad, children's attractions, laser tag, crossbow shooting range, exhibition of ATVs and retro cars. It will also be possible to ride horses, see demonstration jumps of parachutists.

Vitaly Gritsevich noted that such events require minimal investment, and the benefits for the country and the development of tourism are colossal. About 40 parking lots for campings have already been created in Belarus, and work is underway to improve their infrastructure.

Such a rally is not held for the first time: in 2014 it was held on the territory of the Krupsky District. Then only representatives of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine took part in it. In 2015, representatives of 5 states came to the country, in 2016 - 12.

- In recent years, there has been a surge in auto tourism in Europe, which, alas, cannot be said about our country., - continued the chairman of the Union of Campings of Belarus Vladimir Rudoy. - According to official figures, the number of tourists camping has exceeded the number of those staying in hotels.

Last year we asked car tourists what they are attracted to by Belarus. We thought they would tell them that they want to get to know cultural heritage country, everyday life, but it turned out that they like communication with Belarusians. One Pole, who has traveled all over Europe, has come to Belarus five times already and does not hide the fact that he will come again in the future. By the way, if last year 10 crews from Poland participated in the rally, then this is expected to be 140.

The organizers of the meeting of caravaners are the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Belarus, the Minsk City Executive Committee and the Union of Campings of Belarus.

Their life is a road in a motor home. An international rally is being held in Minsk, which brought together more than 1200 caravaners from 15 countries. On the site of the airport Minsk 1, an international auto-metropolis has grown. By the way, anyone can get acquainted with lovers of a voyage with their own roof over their heads. What impressed travelers with our country, and how will the network of car campings develop in Belarus? About the romance and adventures of motorhome enthusiasts - the plot Alexander Horovets.

Indeed, such a mobile home has absolutely everything you need to travel. Sergey Vakhnetsky from Estonia became seriously interested in caravanning 15 years ago. Traveled all over Europe. Thanks to Belarus, his travel map has increased by one more country. And today, together with him, 33 crews from Finland came to see the blue-eyed for the first time.

Sergey Vakhnitsky, head of the Estonian caravan club:

“I like Belarus for its hospitality, all people are open and very friendly. You feel comfortable and safe. I really like it here, and not only me, so many of us have come and everyone likes it. "

Experienced caravanner Aleksey Strochilo invited his friend Volodya with him for the first time. And immediately carried him away with road romance.

Another essential attribute of a self-respecting camper is a bicycle. After all, where a house on wheels does not pass, this type of transport will definitely pass. Travelers admit that this is a great warm-up after a long marathon behind the wheel of a car.

This weekend, it was the Belarusian capital that became home to 1,200 caravaners from 15 countries of the world. An auto metropolis has grown on the site of the airport Minsk 1, out of more than five and a half hundred cars. And this is already a good tradition, the organizers say. For the first time, the rally of travelers took place in our country three years ago, then representatives of only three countries came to the festival.

Vladimir Rudoi, Chairman of the Union of Camping Camps in Belarus:

“According to European institutions, for two years now the number of campers has exceeded those in hotels, that is, hotels have faded into the background after outdoor recreation. And here's the prospect. "

And although caravanning is not the most budgetary type of recreation, in Belarus it attracts more and more people. Today in our country there are about three thousand motorhomes. An appropriate infrastructure is being created for them.

Today everyone will be able to get to know the caravaners better. Today will be the Day of National Cultures, where everyone will discover the traditions and cuisine of campers. Well, on Monday, travelers will hit the road again to get to know our country better. After all, plowing the roads of the world for campers is the meaning of life.