How to get a Schengen visa for 3 years on your own:

Traveling in Europe has no boundaries if you have a multiple entry visa. It is extremely convenient, you can safely plan a trip, choose favorable fares for a flight. Visiting several countries at once, taking a ferry ride, traveling from Finland to Portugal - all this is possible if you have a multivisa in your passport. How to get a Schengen visa for 3 years? We will tell you how to achieve this on your own and quite legally, according to the rules of the embassy.

First of all, we determine which country's visa we will receive. It is no secret that the consulates of different European countries treat Russian travelers differently. Some states, such as Italy, willingly put visas even in a clean passport, and on a second visit they issue a visa for a year. The chances of getting a visa for three years increase if you have already visited this country twice.

Italian multivisa

But Germany is very harsh on travelers from Russia. It is almost impossible to get a multivisa without a reason. You can get a single entry visa for exactly as many days as you have booked a hotel - for two or three days. And no corridors.

To expand the boundaries of your stay, you will need to prove that you are planning a trip by car, train, ferry. You will need to show your ticket. Only in this case there is a chance to get a visa for more days in order to slowly cross the border.

German multivisa

Given the peculiarities of the visa regime, it is worth preparing in advance and even visiting the country whose Schengen visa you want to receive later. So, we plan trips taking into account far-reaching plans and strictly observe the mode of stay abroad. Violations of any kind will ruin your reputation and permanently close the road to obtaining a Schengen multivisa for three years.

Loyal countries

According to the latest data, the following countries are most loyal to Russians and more often than others give "long" Schengen visas:

  • France. Visas are issued to everyone who correctly crossed the border on previous trips and had already had an annual Schengen before that.
  • Italy. There is an unspoken rule. After two trips within a year, you may qualify for an annual visa. If the annual one was already in the passport, the next visa will be issued for three years.
  • Spain. Good destination for young people. From the first time, the chances of getting a multivisa for six months are high. The next submission of papers will bring you closer to realizing your dream. Can put immediately Schengen for three years.
  • Greece. In 2017, this country is very hospitable to Russian tourists. It is stated that the number of visas issued for three years will increase.

Conditions for obtaining a multivisa

In order to qualify for a Schengen multiple entry visa, you must:

  • Correctly use the previous visa permit without the slightest violation.
  • Do not break the laws either abroad or in Russia.
  • Have a reason to enter the country whose consulate you are applying to. It is required to confirm the need for frequent visits (business, study, relatives, real estate, etc.).
  • Prove a good financial position, the presence of bank accounts for a solid amount
  • Confirm strong ties with your homeland, which guarantee your return home after the prescribed 90 days in half a year.
  • Bring a complete package of properly executed papers. No forgeries and false information about yourself and your place of work! Remember that consular officers often call the office and ask to call the applicant to the phone. Absence from the workplace will not be a problem, but colleagues must confirm that they have such an employee.

Who is easier to get a multiple Schengen

By duty or ownership, most often a visa permit for three years is received by:

  • Entrepreneurs with business abroad.
  • Civil servants and officials traveling as part of delegations cooperating with EU countries.
  • Participants of seminars, conferences, experience exchange programs.
  • Researchers involved in joint projects and research.
  • Athletes traveling for training or competition.
  • Theater troupes, famous performers giving concerts.
  • Drivers are truckers who regularly transport goods in transit across the border.
  • Persons purchasing real estate in European countries.

If you don't fit into any of these categories, don't despair. Collect papers and try to convince the consular staff that frequent visits to the chosen country are included in your plans.

Features of filing papers

The list of required papers and, oddly enough, the cost of a visa do not change, whether you yourself request a visa permit for six months or three years. You will need questionnaires, certificates from the place of work, from the bank, photographs, confirmation of family ties.

You will find the full information provided to the consulate of the country of destination on the website. It is important to confirm the need for frequent visits. To do this, you should prepare an invitation from the organizers of the event or from business partners, confirm the presence of close relatives abroad, and so on.

Sometimes it is worth showing tickets and hotel reservations for the next trip. Consular officers must make sure that you have a legal basis and a legitimate reason to visit the country regularly and there is no desire to stay there after the end of the trip. By the way, therefore, a return ticket to Russia must also be shown.

If you decide to apply for a Schengen visa for three years on your own, go for it. Follow the rules - and you will succeed!