Detailed map of New Mount Athos with attractions. Abkhazia New Athos - “New Athos - where to go, what to see? Sights and most beautiful places of New Athos

Sights of New Athos: photo with description on the map - Excursions of New Athos 2019 prices

The catalog contains the main attractions of New Athos with photos and descriptions, and a detailed map of their location. From the note you ask what is known New Athos and what to look at in it first of all, what worthy of attention places, monuments and natural beauties are available in its surroundings.

The history of New Athos is perfectly illustrated by the surviving construction monuments - and this is the main superiority of New Athos over other cities of Abkhazia.

Sights of New Athos - defensive buildings , made by the Byzantines in the 7th century, a stately monastery, a chapel, a grotto, a comfortable municipal park and a free embankment. In the vicinity of the town, it’s not just the slides that delight you, karst caves, thermal informants and dense forests, but also found historical artifacts - rock paintings, prints of old sites.

You can visit the most noteworthy places in New Athos in 2 days, creating an intensive excursion program.

The embankment in New Athos, which suggests a blossoming garden, is excellent for walks at any time of the year, and in the evening it is beautifully illuminated by dozens of lanterns. Basic suitable for a home holiday: in addition to landscape attractions and statues, snow-white and dark swans that have taken a fancy to the district ponds attract interest.

They will suggest options for unusual routes according to the town and little-known interesting places that are traditionally not included in excursion programs.

Extremely popular attractions of New Athos - , Of the main spiritual centers of the area, for the bulk of travelers, probably the only factor is to visit New Athos. The Lavra ensemble embraces 6 temples, connecting the main Panteleimon Temple - the largest religious building.

It is located within the town, but is surrounded by nature: the path to it runs through the depression of the Psyrtskha River.

Imbued with the spiritual splendor of the place, there is no need to rush back to the city: nearby there is a beautiful (true, fake) , a colorful discharge is revealed on Lake Psyrtskha.

Don’t forget about the city museums, which have collected artifacts that are very worthy of attention: you are allowed to visit them without the help of others. .

New Athos has a number of walking routes leading to the main attractions and colorful natural places. The famous Road of Sinners allows you to feel the spirituality of the place along the path to the monastery, and the road is the Garden of Pebbles. The routes following natural attractions are no less interesting.

The most famous natural orientation in the vicinity of the town is , the largest in Abkhazia: the size of the karst cavity is about a million cubic meters. There are 6 halls for daily excursions, and along with the unusual stone formations, its attraction is the steel path for delivering travelers to the grotto.

Approximately 2.5 km. located from the cave great place, known as 3 cauldrons - probably 3 karst baths, the moisture in which has an emerald hue. This landmark is not included in the main routes, so there are not many people here.

Sights of New Athos: photo with description on the map. What to see, where to go on an excursion in New Athos in winter and summer 2019. Sights of New Athos in Abkhazia. Abkhazia New Athos attractions photo. New Athos attractions and entertainment 2019. New Athos attractions photos and descriptions. Abkhazia attractions. Excursions from Sochi to New Athos of Abkhazia. Abkhazia attractions excursions prices 2019.

New Athos is a resort town in the Gudauta region of Abkhazia. Despite its modest size, this place is one of the most famous and visited by tourists. Pilgrims come here from different countries world, to touch the holy lands, where one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, Simon the Canaanite, preached and died a martyr’s death.


The first mention of the settlement of Anakopia on the site of present-day New Athos dates back to the 3rd century. They are connected with the developed trading activities of the city, which at that time was one of the main trading ports on the Black Sea coast. During the excavations, much evidence was found that the culture of the local residents was well developed.

In the 5th century, the Abkhazians built the Iverskaya fortress on the slope of the mountain. Two centuries later, a wall was erected to protect the fortress from the attacks of conquerors. By the end of the 8th century (during the period of troubles in Byzantium), Leon II arbitrarily declared himself king of Abkhazia. It is worth giving him his due; for these lands and the people of Abkhazia, he did everything in his power. Under his leadership, Anacopia was declared the capital of the country and flourished.

Later, the city was owned by the Byzantines, Genoese, and Turks. All of them, except the Turks, left a mark on this land in the form architectural structures that time. Then the Russians came, thanks to them, today we can admire the majestic monastery and the unique man-made gardens (with a system of artificial ponds) adjacent to it. All structures were erected by Russian monks who arrived on these shores from Greece.

Entertainment in New Athos

New Athos offers tourists little in terms of entertainment. This place is, first of all, the center of spiritual life. There are no nightclubs and restaurants, noisy discos, or drunken cheerful groups on the streets. People come here for a peaceful and measured holiday, which heals the soul from city stress and helps restore the nervous system.

Swimming in the clear sea, sunbathing and educational excursions - these are the entertainments New Athos offers its guests. Local kitchen will also not leave vacationers indifferent. Hospitable local residents they sell aromatic delicacies of their own production, restaurants and cafes invite you to taste amazingly tasty Caucasian dishes.

New Athos is rich not only in amazing man-made attractions, there are many unique natural places. Among the must-see attractions when you come on vacation:

  • New Athos Simon-Kananitsky Monastery;
  • New Athos Cave;
  • grotto of Simon the Canaanite;
  • Novoafonskaya embankment.

At the end of the 19th century, Russian monks settled in the Psyrtskhi valley, having moved from the opposite shores of the Black Sea. In 1875, they began the construction of a monastery at the foot of the mountain, which is to this day the main attraction and pride of Abkhazia. The war with the Turks played a fatal role in its construction. The partially built buildings were destroyed by the Turks, and only a year after the end of the conflict the construction of the monastery was resumed.

In addition to the buildings of the monastery itself, the monks built a narrow-gauge railway here, which facilitated the construction process, cable cars to Mount Iverskaya and Mount Athos, a dam with a hydroelectric power station on the river. The surrounding area was cleared and landscaped, a beautiful park with artificial ponds and canals was laid out. The monks bred carp and mullet in them. The mountain slopes were planted with fruit trees, regularly producing juicy apples, olives, and tangerines.

The monastery buildings were erected for about 20 years; Emperor Alexander III took an indirect part in this. Upon completion of construction, the monastery was presented with chimes placed on the highest tower of the bell tower. In 1888, a chapel was built and an alley called Tsarskaya was laid out.

The Soviet period became critical for the monastery; its activities were suspended for anti-Soviet agitation. For almost 70 years, the monastery buildings were used by the Land of Soviets as a boarding house. Five years before the beginning of the new century, the Russian Orthodox Church carried out restoration work and restored the activities of the monastery. Today New Athos is the largest religious center on the Caucasian Black Sea coast.

In the Primorsky Park, in addition to the abundance of subtropical vegetation, there is a system of ponds. Previously, monks bred mullet, carp and crucian carp here; today their main inhabitants are beautiful swans. Sculptures symbolizing Soviet times remain from the times of the Union. This mixture of styles and times reflects the history of the park. You can admire the picturesque landscapes by sitting on benches located throughout the park for the convenience of tourists. Here you can take a photo, capturing this amazing romantic atmosphere as a memory.

Cave in New Athos

The New Athos cave is located in Iveron Mountain, the entrance is located near the monastery. It was opened in 1975 and immediately became a place visited by tourists. The cave stretches almost 2 km deep into the mountain; for ease of movement, there is a railway that can take tourists to the halls located 1.3 km from the entrance. There are 11 halls in total with many grottoes and galleries, there is even underground lakes. Electric lighting was installed in the halls, and all conditions were created for the convenience of 2 thousand tourists who visit this amazing attraction in one day.

Grotto of Simon the Canaanite

Simon the Canaanite is an apostle at whose wedding Christ turned water into wine. The shock from the influence of the personality of the God-man was so strong that Simon became one of the twelve followers of Christ and followed him, leaving his family. In the middle of the first century AD, he and Andrew the First-Called came to these places and preached the Word of God. Then Andrei followed further and reached the island of Valaam, and Simon remained in Anakopia, settled in a grotto and lived in it until the embittered Roman legionnaires killed him. A stone cross was erected at the site of the martyrdom of the apostle. The Grotto of Simon the Canaanite has been preserved almost in its original form; the passage to it was modified by the monks for ease of visiting. They installed a staircase and laid out mosaics depicting Jesus, the Mother of God and the Apostle Simon.

The embankment is especially beautiful in August, when pomegranates, acacias and magnolias bloom. It stretches for 6 km in length and its width is 35 meters. Tall broad-leaved palm trees are planted along the entire embankment, creating life-saving shade in the heat. It is always lively and noisy here, in the evening the lights turn on, the embankment acquires a special charm and mystery.

In addition to the attractions described, there are many more in the city and its surroundings. interesting places For inquisitive tourist. Among them are the Inexhaustible Well, Iverskaya Mountain, the Rock Garden, Stalin's dacha and about 30 more architectural and natural monuments.

By visiting the main spiritual shrine of Abkhazia, you will not only get an incredible healing effect and many vivid impressions from your vacation, but also put your thoughts and feelings in order.

New Athos is rich not only in natural beauties. This Abkhazian city has ancient history, leaving behind many interesting sights.

From time immemorial, different peoples have lived on this beautiful piece of land. Greek monks built their monasteries here, important political activities and representatives of the royal family, many famous writers and poets rested here.

Defensive structures were built here with the help of the Byzantines already in the 7th century AD, but traces of ancient fortresses have been perfectly preserved to this day.

Rock paintings and traces of ancient sites were discovered in grottoes near the foothill villages of New Athos, which scientists attribute to the Paleolithic era, as well as inscriptions made in the Middle Ages. Guests really have something to see in New Athos.

What to see

One of the main attractions of New Athos is, of course, one of the largest and most interesting caves in the world, New Athos Cave (all details).

Tours take place here all year round, on a specially equipped underground train, which takes tourists through the underground halls.

The depth of the cave in some places reaches 180 meters.

Stalagmites and stalactites merge here into bizarre stalagmata.

Underground lakes, various mineral formations of the cave, skillful lighting in the background of music, and after the excursion leave a stunning impression for a long time.

This excursion is worth it 500 rubles, plus 50 rubles for permission to take photographs in the cave.

The road to the cave goes from main square historical center city, the second road from the same square will lead you to another attraction - the New Athos Monastery.

Simono-Canonite Monastery

The monastery was built at an altitude of 75 meters above the sea, near Mount Athos.
The monks of Old Athos began to build it with subsidies from the royal family in 1875, into which a lot of effort and labor was invested.

The monastery had to be restored after it was plundered by the Turkish conquerors, but from 1880 it began to be actively completed and gradually became a major religious center on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, until the revolution of 1917.

On the territory of the monastery complex there are 6 temples, each of which is an example of church architecture and is a separate attraction.

The holy monastery rises majestically above the city and is visible from almost everywhere.

Path of Sinners

The road leading to the monastery is called the “path of sinners”.

It starts from the Church of the Intercession near the Primorsky Park. They say that If you go all this way on your knees, you can receive absolution.

But not everyone can decide to do this : The path is quite long, made of stones and leads up to the monastery, running along cypress trees.

Behind them lie well-tended citrus and olive orchards, which were planted here by the monks of the monastery and then spread along the entire coast.

New Athos waterfall

Hearing the phrase “New Athos waterfall”, unknowing people imagine first of all a natural attraction, but in reality it is an artificial structure.

In 1903, the monks of the New Athos Monastery built a hydroelectric power station on its territory, on the picturesque Psyrtskha River, providing the monastery with electricity.

The erected dam formed an arched slab more than 20 meters long, from which it falls from a height of 8.6 meters

Several outlets extend from it, intended for watering nearby gardens and operating the mill. The rooms located in the wall under the waterfall are used by the monks as refrigeration chambers.

Seaside Park

The seaside park of New Athos is located in the very center of the city. It was once built here by the monks of the New Athos monastery, back in the late 19th century. They dug 7 ponds up to 2 meters deep here, and the bottom of each of them was lined with stone tiles.

They were used for the fishing needs of the monks; they raised fish in them. And it was officially declared a Primorsky Park in 1910, when the royal family arrived in New Athos.

Now the main attraction of the park is black and white swans living in ponds.

The park is decorated with well-groomed flower beds and palm trees. It’s very nice to relax here in the summer, on cozy benches in the shade of weeping willows.

The famous sculpture “Eagle Tormenting a Snake” is located on the territory. You can find her near three large plane trees, near a pond with black swans.

The eagle's wingspan reaches 1.5 meters; vacationers love to take pictures near it.

Anakopia fortress

The Anakopia fortress is located on Iverskaya Mountain, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

In ancient times, Anakopia was the capital of the Abkhazian kingdom. Significant events took place here trade routes, which made the city the subject of intersection of interests of the Romans, Byzantines and Turks who ruled in the 8th-9th centuries.

Residents of the city were forced to strengthen their defenses, for which the Anakopia fortress was built. Loopholes ran along the entire defensive perimeter of the fortress, helping to fire back from the enemy in all directions.

The Byzantines began to build the main line of walls in the 7th century, concerned about the increasing frequency of Arab raids.

The fortress adequately defended the townspeople from the army of the Arab commander Suleiman ibn Isam, but the siege of the fortress by Murwan ibn Mohammed in 736 was able to break its defenses and the residents suffered enormous damage from this invasion.

You can climb Iverskaya Mountain on foot, but it will be much more interesting to take a horse ride to the fortress. Even people who are not experienced in horse riding can handle the climb.

Chapel of Our Lady of Iveron

On the top of Mount Iveron, the New Athos monks built a chapel, which today houses An ancient copy of the miraculous icon of the Iveron Mother of God.

It was believed that the Iveron Mother of God protected the fortress and the mountain, because for so many centuries no one was able to finally conquer this fortification.

Among the Arabs who besieged the fortress at the end of the 6th century, an epidemic of gastric disease suddenly broke out, killing 35 thousand conquerors in a few days.

In front of the icon in the chapel, a lamp is burning all the time, people bring their gifts, and the clergy conduct singing and services.

Next to the chapel there is an ancient spring where you can get water, which is considered healing.

Agtsa Grotto

Agtsa Grotto is a unique ancient monument and is located behind Iverskaya Mountain, near the northern side of the ancient village of Anukhva. The entrance to the grotto is located at an altitude of 30 meters, in a rock made of red limestone.

This is a seven-meter corridor with many rock paintings and inscriptions. It is noticeable that the walls of the grotto were leveled by hand, and the grotto itself served as a place for some kind of religious rituals.

It was discovered in 1940 by archaeologist L. Solovyov, who also found a nearby site of ancient inhabitants of the Paleolithic era.

Excavations were carried out that prove that the “Sanctuary of Fire” was once located on the territory of this village, and the ancient inhabitants already in those days revered the cult of the cave, characteristic of the population of mountainous regions.


One of the most beautiful places in New Athos - this is his embankment, which looks more like a garden than a regular seaside boulevard. It is especially beautiful in August, when pomegranates bloom and the aroma of blooming magnolias fills the air.

The length of the embankment is about 6 km, width is 35 m. . Palm trees are planted closer to the shore; on the other side, the boulevard is decorated with well-groomed flower beds and beautiful shrubs. Exotic plants are found everywhere here. The embankment is thoroughly cleaned every morning.

All the main infrastructure is located behind a small decorative fence, and the embankment itself is intended more for walking among picturesque nature near the seashore, musicians play on benches, couples in love relax.

In the evening, decorative lighting is turned on here, creating a romantic atmosphere of relaxation by the coast.

The small resort town of New Athos has been widely known since Soviet times. It lies among fragrant subtropical groves surrounded by a ring of wooded hills. The history of this place began in the first centuries AD, when a prosperous ancient city Anacopia was the largest and most important center of the entire region.

In the 20th century, New Athos continued to develop as resort area and gradually gained all-Union fame. Of course, after the unrest of the 1990s and 2000s, its glory and popularity faded, but local hotels and motels still welcome tourists, and the historical and natural attractions have not lost any of their appeal, although some of them are in a slightly neglected state.

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in New Athos?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The New Athos monastery is one of the most famous in the Caucasus; until 1917 it served as the main spiritual center of the region. It was founded by monks who came from the Greek Old Athos. Just two years after the formation of the community, the Russian-Turkish War began and the Turks who invaded the Caucasus plundered the monastery. The restoration, which began in 1880, continued for a couple of decades with the personal participation of Alexander III.

A mountain 344 meters high, on the top of which in ancient times there was the capital of the Abkhazian kingdom, and now the ruins of the Anakopia fortress. It is under the Iveron Mountain that the famous New Athos Cave is located. From the very high point there is a view of Black Sea coast from Sukhum to Pitsunda. Despite its modest size, the journey to the top along the serpentine road will take at least an hour.

A defensive structure of the 4th–5th centuries, which survived many attacks over such a long period of time. During the Early Middle Ages, it was an entire fortified city; from the 8th century, the rulers of the Abkhazian kingdom settled here. The building is well preserved, considering its advanced age. In 2008, in a restored watchtower equipped observation deck and put the hiking trail in order.

The seaside park was laid out by the monks in 1880. At first, the inhabitants of the monastery organized ponds here, where they began to breed fish for their own needs. After the royal family visited these places in 1910, he officially began to be considered recreational area. There is a chapel in the south-eastern part of the park, several sculptures from the Soviet period are scattered around the territory, and black and white swans are found in the lake located among cypresses and palm trees.

The temple was built during the heyday of the Abkhazian kingdom in the 9th–10th centuries, it is a unique monument church architecture, formed under the direct influence of the Byzantine style. According to legend, in the lands of Abkhazia in the 1st century, the Apostle Simon the Canaanite suffered martyrdom from the Romans. Several centuries later, a church was built on the site of his supposed burial. The temple was repeatedly destroyed, but each time it was restored.

Nowadays, the cave is one of the points of religious pilgrimage. In the 1st century AD, the Apostle Simon the Canaanite lived in it for two years until he was captured by Roman legionnaires. In the 19th century, the grotto was consecrated and turned into a chapel, which attracted even more pilgrims. The cave is located on the territory of the Psyrtskha Nature Reserve; on the way to it there is a holy spring where you can get water.

The museum was opened in 2010 as part of the New Athos historical and cultural reserve "Anakopia". The small exhibition is a collection of household and art objects, paleontological and archaeological finds, weapons, products of local artisans, maps and documents belonging to different historical eras. The earliest exhibits date back to the 7th–8th centuries.

The museum collection is dedicated to the memory of those killed in the Georgian-Abkhaz war of 1992–93. The shape of the building resembles a mound, on top of which there is a small belfry. The exhibition consists of photographs of people, books and documents. Anyone can visit the institution for free, but you need to time your visit around the unique work schedule, since the museum is not open every day.

The former residence of the Soviet leader (in total, several dachas were built for him on the territory of Abkhazia), which today can be considered a museum, although little of the original furnishings has been preserved inside. It is known that Stalin stayed here several times in the period 1947–1953, that is, already at the end of his life. Interestingly, in the 1990s the dacha was used as luxury hotel, in which political figures settled.

Small Abkhazian platform railway, first of all, interesting for its unusual architecture. The station pavilion is designed in the form of a rectangular canopy supported by columns, located above the glazed part. The roof and openings are decorated with intricate patterns. The passenger platform is decorated with forged lanterns and a fence. Psyrtskha stands on the shore of a small picturesque creek.

The tower is part of the destroyed defensive fortifications that protected the Abkhazian kingdom from the sea. Presumably, the structure was erected in the 11th–12th centuries. In the 19th century, a hotel for wealthy pilgrims (where Chekhov and Paustovsky stayed) was attached to the tower; in the 20th century, it became part of the Abkhazia sanatorium complex. Only the original walls remain of the building; the roof was replaced during restoration.

“Three Cauldrons” are three reservoirs of karst origin, filled with water from the Psyrtskhi River. The lake surface has an amazing emerald color, which fades only during the rainy season and during the spring flood. Even in the hottest weather, the gorge is cool and fresh, and the water is very cold, but there are still many who want to swim here. “Three Cauldrons” is one of the most picturesque natural attractions in the vicinity of New Athos.

The abyss in the depths of Iverskaya Mountain has been known since time immemorial, but local residents were afraid to look into this place until in 1961 a 16-year-old boy, who later became a famous Abkhaz speleologist, descended to a depth of 35 meters. Today the New Athos Cave is a popular tourist attraction. It is a real underground kingdom, consisting of nine palace halls with fabulous stalactites and stalagmites.

The water cascade is a man-made structure erected by monks in 1882 for household needs. With its help, the brothers maintained the irrigation system for the gardens. The impressive waterfall reaches 8 meters in height and 20 meters in width. Its jets roar into the reservoir located at the foot. Nearby there is a staircase that leads to the Psyrtskha railway platform.

Almost all the beaches of New Athos are covered with pebbles of various sizes, and in some places there are admixtures of sand. The bathing areas are surrounded by eucalyptus and pine groves, creating a unique climate and atmosphere. It should be noted that most beaches do not have any infrastructure; only sanatoriums and hotels are equipped. You can rent a sun lounger on them and sit comfortably on the shore.

Details Maps of Abkhazia

New Athos is beautiful city, which has its own ancient history. The most picturesque resort in Abkhazia, which is located in a small but cozy bay. The splendor of nature, the purity of the sea, the mild climate attracts here a large number of vacationers. A majestic mountains complement the charm of places in New Athos.

There are literally lemon and tangerine groves everywhere, as well as orange and olive groves. The city of New Athos is one of the main attractions of the Caucasus. By purchasing a tour of Abkhazia, you will see that it will definitely include a visit to the city of New Athos, as unique, and New Athos map, there are many natural, historical and architectural attractions.

The name - Anakopia, was given to the city because of the protruding mountains. In the Abkhaz language, the protrusion reads “anakob”. The name that the city previously bore was Psyrtskha in ancient times. New Athos received it in honor of the river flowing through its surroundings. Among the attractions, here is the famous Simono-Kananitsky monastery (New Athos Monastery), built by the monks who founded the Old Athos monastery in the 19th century. Its construction lasted about 15 years.

Now it is one of the main shrines of Orthodoxy, you can see it on New Athos map. Based on the maps below, it will hardly be possible to get lost in New Athos. They are marked tourist sites, locations and street names and the main objects necessary during vacation, such as: bus station, gas stations, post office, cafes and main attractions.