Anomalous zones and mysterious places of Crimea. Places of power in Crimea Mysterious places of Crimea on the map with description

Crimea, favorite place holidays for tourists from all over post-Soviet space. Every year people from all over the CIS and even the world come to this beautiful land. Unique festivals, government events and all this is here in Crimea. And how nice it is, after a sultry and hot summer, on a winter evening to go to a restaurant of Crimean cuisine in Kyiv, on Independence Square and drink herbal Crimean tea and look at large map Crimea to remember its tourist routes.

How many legends are there about the Crimean land? Indeed, there are quite a lot of anomalous zones and mysterious places on this earth. Of course, it is necessary to always separate real information from false information. Unfortunately, along with truthful information, there are a lot of ridiculous hoaxes that spoil the whole picture about the unidentified and only push the average person away from the truth.

The anomalies of Crimea are studied by the famous ufologist, researcher of the unidentified and anomalous from the city of Simferopol, Anton Anfalov. He told about some interesting and unusual anomalous places in Crimea.

Let's start with the city of Simferopol. Why exactly from this city? Yes, because the entire main flow of transport from Ukraine and Russia begins in this city. Arriving in Simferopol, tourists travel further: to Yalta, Alupka and other resorts of the peninsula. So! Under the city of Simferopol there is a whole network underground tunnels and communications of ancient origin.

The researcher notes some entrances that are now blown up, filled up, and closed:

  1. The Vernaya cave near the village of Dubki was blown up long ago. Erased from all maps!
  2. Snake Cave near the village of Levadki, 3rd floor - filled in! Cave of the Serpentoid Serpents.
  3. Cave in Petrovsky Rocks, st. Vorovsky, Simferopol - part is used as an underground shelter for the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rest is blown up and filled up!
  4. Entrance at Lugovskaya Hospital, area st. Lugovaya drift is a tunnel. The entrance is closed.
  5. Under the old cemetery near the street. Titova - fenced on all sides!
  6. Near the street 51st Army - thermal anomaly on the ground!

There are bases not only under the mountains of Crimea, but also under the flat, steppe part.

Anton says he knows at least two of these:

  • North of the village of Kotelnikovo (Krasnogvardeisky district, near the North Crimean Canal); witness - Zdorov V.A., saw a lot of things there when he worked as a watchman;
  • Near the village of Sary-Bash (northeast of the village of Susanino), under the Tana-Bash hill. There is a long tunnel going there, partly at the base of the fault, from the Simferopol area. Then the tunnel goes to the Melitopol area - Stone Grave, with a branch to the Genichesk area."

Also mentions the Kara-Dag complex in Eastern Crimea, which is located in the body of an ancient volcano. The main lair of the last representatives of the Serpentoid race. “The shape of the complex is a pentagon (pentagonal niches connected by straight tunnels). In the center there is a huge vertical shaft-shaft with a diameter of approximately 80 m (up to 100 m), narrowing at the top. The neck of the mine is now closed - encapsulated, under the top of Mount Svyatoy. Underwater entrances are through caves, used by sea "Snakes" (snakes are intelligent!). Underwater entrances are protected by infrasonic protection. Because of this, scuba divers cannot penetrate there.

At the Kara-Dag complex in the upper part of the mine there is an intersection of tunnels. At the bottom side is the base station on the main tunnel (the tunnel was converted from a fault. They often did this - they equipped faults for tunnels). Tunnels from Kara-Dag go towards Feodosia and Sudak, there is a direct tunnel between Kara-Dag and Demerdzhi-Chatyr-Dag. Another tunnel goes towards the Surb-Khach monastery, where it branches, the branch goes to Mount Agarmysh and further towards Belogorsk.

System of ancient serpentoid snakes, race "Great Snake".

List of the main underground deep man-made objects near Crimea:

  1. The Temple of the Golden Cradle is the last Arian complex. North of Mount Chernaya, in a clastolite. Crimean Center nature reserve.
  2. Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is a transshipment recreation center, plus a repair base. In the laccolith.
  3. Mount Boyka, district Grand Canyon Crimea - a plant for the production of thorium and rare earth elements. At the base of the buried Crimean Mountain volcano. In the body of a volcano (drilled leg and volcano crater).
  4. Cape Aya is a settlement of "Atlantean" giants - amphibians (limited population).
  5. Ai-Petrinskaya yayla, especially the west of the yayla - underground cities, factories, complexes, residential and technical premises. At the base of the buried Crimean Mountain volcano. In the body of a volcano.
  6. One of the entrances is the western rock wall of Mount Lysaya or Chavush-Kaya. Near Trapan Bair - the so-called. Susaninsky forest.
  7. Under Mount Mogabi is one of the nodes of the system.
  8. Under the Iograph ridge above Yalta is the entrance to the tunnel junction.
  9. Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta, Northern part— entrance to three tunnels at once, a junction.
  10. Inside the laccolith mountains near the cities of Alushta-Seraus, Uraga, Chamny-burun, Chamny-dag, Deve-dag, etc. there is a network of technical complexes, underground rooms, tunnels, etc.
  11. Inside Mount Kastel (plagiogranite body) near the city of Alushta there is an ancient base, a junction - the intersection of tunnels. Preserved. The entrance is direct to the main branch tunnel.
  12. The cavity under Mount Demerdzhi (north of the “Valley of Ghosts”), unlike the half-rot under Castel, is still actively used. Node-intersection of tunnels, incl. direct entrance to the main tunnel.
  13. Mount Pakhal-Kaya (Bald Ivan) - cavity, entrance (practically not used).
  14. Laccolith near the village. Rybachye - entrance, cavity, used.
  15. Mount Chatyr-Dag, Shater Mountain, large underground cavity-lake, system of underground lakes, large junction - intersection of tunnels, base - used.
  16. Paleovolcanoes Lozovskoy, Petropavlovsky and others are near Simferopol. Used. Node of the underground system of dwarf Reptilians-Amaargi.
  17. The Bodrak paleovolcano, near the villages of Prokhladnoye (Mangush) and Trudolyubovka - a node of the underground system of the same Reptilians - is used.
  18. In plagiogranites and diorites south of the Partisan reservoir - a node of the underground system of the same Reptilians - is used. Tee - tunnels go in three directions.

There are legends about underground hums and vibrations from underground in Crimea.

Specifically, this was and is being observed, according to A. Anfalov, in various places in Crimea - where the underground objects of our web are located, namely, a low-frequency, clearly man-made, constant underground hum (although it is periodically heard, not all the time, but time from time) at the following points:

  • Mountain base Ayu-Dag (bear) - drowned out by the noise of the surf sea; and also on the stones near the Pushkin grotto in Gurzuf (vibration was felt); in Partenit - shaking of the railings near the embankment, all these are signs of man-made activity of the Ayu-Dag complex;
  • Mount Boyka;
  • Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta (low-frequency vibration, felt by the body);
  • Iograph ridge above Yalta (+ glow);
  • The village of Hadji-Sala near Mangup, the valley below near Mount Mangup - the vibration of the earth is periodic, the water in the bottle was shaking, it could not calm down even in a state of complete rest);
  • Lozovsky paleovolcano near Simferopol, plus Petropavlovsky volcano - two different people (V.A. Zdorov and Victor (also Victor) Sikilinda) described the hum and vibration. A hum, as if from a subway tunnel. Almost constant hum. It was active until about 2001-2002. Zdorov assures that the rumble can still be felt there from time to time.
  • Village-village Pink at Chatyr-Dag - hum, etc.

In total, it hums in at least 13 places, because near Crimea - there are now 13 main power crystals in underground rooms, when the Merkaba-type energy force field is turned on - it gives resonance through the rocks. Previously, there were more crystals; in a number of places they were dismantled. A ufologist reports that under Crimea there is a very large and highly branched underground system, similar to a web. Part of the ancient World Tree project.

The “Tree” itself is an ancient, now filled-in, deep water intake shaft abeam the Caucasian coast of the Russian Federation. From there there are a lot of tunnels with water.

The main underground bases near Crimea - there are 3 of them:

  1. Temple of the "Golden Cradle" (encapsulated) bio-energy-resonance healing complex of the Hyperboreans (Aryan-Russians), in clastolite north of the mountain Black. Crimean Nature Reserve (in the center of the reserve).
  2. Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is a transshipment and repair base, a UFO site, in a laccolith.
  3. Mount Boyka (at the base of the buried Crimean Mountain volcano) is an underground plant for the production of thorium (UFO nuclear fuel) and rare earth elements from monazite sands mined at the bottom Sea of ​​Azov. Various raw materials are imported and pumped there, including fluoride water from under Mount Bytkha (near Sochi) is pumped on board the UFO, and a deep channel is laid through which water from the Black Sea, rich in hydrogen sulfide, is pumped from great depths and this hydrogen sulfide is extracted for processing monazite sands (sulfuric acid is made from it, which is necessary for the production of thorium).

The canal runs in the Koreiz-Gapsra area under Mount Mogabi and further under Mount Boyka. The plant near Boyka was built in the leg of a buried volcano drilled from the inside. Depth - starting from 300-500 m below sea level, on top - a thick cover of limestones, conglomerates, sandstones, etc.

These are three main bases - underground. In addition to these three bases, located in a triangle, there are other underground cavities and objects under Crimea. Crimea is the territory of the Hyperboreans, a piece of Ariana (Oriana) or the Boreal Rus. There were previously 7 sacred islands here: RA, HA, OM, TE, TEO, SI, HEO.

There were about 40 pyramids with different vibrations. Now almost none of this remains on the surface.

Anton Anfalov refutes information about underground pyramids in the truest sense of the word.

Further, the researcher writes about the last object that remained - the underground temple of the Golden Cradle. It is located in a clastolite north of Mount Chernaya in the Crimean Nature Reserve, where people are not allowed to go (and you can’t even penetrate underground), the depth is just below sea level, with a limestone cover on top.

All entrances to the Temple were closed after its desecration and destruction about 3,000 years ago. Now all the moves are encapsulated. The object is protected techno-magically, encapsulated. The last techno-magical legacy of Ariana (Hyperborea) in Crimea. Associated with this Temple are silver springs of healing water, of which there are several in the area.

Crimea is also the territory of reptilians, who, as is known, live underground (short Amaargs are purely terrestrial reptiles, also serpentoids of various species). There used to be more Serpentoids, they were cleared out, they all hid underground, but sometimes they come out to hunt dolphins, etc.

Information about the anomalous zones of Crimea was provided by Anton Anfalov. Researcher of anomalous phenomena Simferopol.

The Crimea Peninsula is located on Russian territory. It was once considered an all-Union health resort and a large number of tourists and vacationers visited this peninsula, but few of them knew about the anomalous places of this peninsula. Mystical places can be found in many corners of this amazing peninsula. This is Cape Meganom, the Valley of the “Ghosts” - Dimerdzhi, Cape Aya, “Bear Mountain” - Ayu-Dag, “Crimean Alantis” - New World, dormant volcano Kara-Dag, Crimean stonehedge, numerous gorges and caves. This list can be continued indefinitely. But let's look at some of the most interesting of them.

pathogenic places of Crimea

There are already quite a few stories going around about how sometimes people witness something unusual, unearthly, something that cannot be explained by acquired life experience and knowledge. This is how legends about UFOs, spirits and ghosts appear. There are certain places in the world where such cases occur especially often; they are considered to be places of power, anomalous zones. There are such anomalous zones directly and in Crimea. New trend modern tourism Anomalous tourism has become - traveling to places with energetic activity, ancient abandoned houses and castles. It has been proven that in such places a person can feel differently, he can be overwhelmed with energy or, on the contrary, feel a loss of strength and irritability. There is a whole list of places where accidents most often occur or people disappear. Are you ready to go on such a journey and tickle your nerves? If so, then our list of anomalous places in Crimea is for you.

Strange and anomalous places Crimea

Cape Chersonese (Sevastopol)

Mount Zamana (near the village of Perevalnoe

Simferopol district)

Karadag Forest (Karadag)

Cape Meganom (surroundings of Sudak)

Kachi-Kalyon (remains of a medieval settlement near the village of Predushchelnoye, Bakhchisaray district)

Yaman-Dere Gorge ( northern slope Babugan-yayly)

Cave cities

Mangup (above the village of Zalesnoye)


(near the village of Krasny Mak)


(near Bakhchisaray)


(near Bakhchisaray)

Old quarries

(Kerch Peninsula)


(near the village of Lenino)


(near the village of Kamenka)


and Bagerovsky

(near the village of Bagerovo),

The mystery of “cold lightning”

Particularly attractive in winter cave city Mangup. Remains of walls, steps and graves carved into stone - everything reminds of the people who lived in these dungeons until the middle of the 15th century. A couple of years ago in ancient city A real Tibetan lama wandered in with his disciples, who insisted that he had never heard of Mangup, but was simply going to a powerful energy source.

Former naval officer and now green tourism enthusiast Boris Svidlov lives in the vicinity of Mangup and says that he will not leave here. He often wanders around the cave city, arranging excursions for his guests.

I was told more than once, and I myself observed a phenomenon that someone dubbed “cold lightning,” says Boris Ivanovich. - Outwardly, it appears as a luminous spherical object of a soft neon color with a clearly defined internal structure. The balls appear and hover in the air at a height of up to one and a half meters. I tried to contact them, but they did not react and did not hang in the air for a long time - from 3 to 15 minutes. Then they simply disappeared. Balls do neither good nor bad to a person.

Moscow tourists tried to study the phenomenon of “cold lightning” in detail. It turned out that the balls were equally indifferent to both sleeping bags and canned goods laid out from backpacks. They are not afraid of crosses, gravestones, prayers, or spitting over their shoulders. But they are clearly not indifferent to people, especially at moments when they are overwhelmed by some kind of emotion: delight, joy, fear...

By asking his friends, Boris Svidlov found out that “cold lightning” was seen in many places in Crimea.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: they feed on emotions,” sums up Svidlov. “For them it’s like fish food.” But one person is still not enough, so the larger the company, the more emotional it is, the more attractive it is for “cold lightning”.

Gray-haired and wise Chatyr-Dag
Chatyr-Dag is a mountain of volcanic origin of very respectable age. Perhaps it is the most ancient volcano in Crimea and since its formation it has become almost twice as low. Wind, water erosion and earthquakes have taken their toll. His entire body is literally permeated through and through with cave labyrinths. That's why UFOs are rare here. What else can they take from the "old man"? And there are a lot of people. Extraordinary beauties. The caves attract speleologists. Yes, the spirits of caves are very capricious and capricious, they require a special approach, and do not tolerate frivolous behavior. The denser and taller the yew trees, the more fertile the places.
It is good to be in a yew grove if you have pulmonary-bronchial diseases, and it is always useful for a healthy person to breathe in the healing air. The water in the springs is also healing, and the medicinal herbs are special - they give strength to the body and make the mind clear. But Chatyr-Dag doesn’t like fuss. If you are in a hurry, you will get tired quickly, and then the road back will seem endlessly long.
If you climb to the top, you will feel the strength of the local winds. They blow right through - the body trembles... At night, a different life begins in the forest. Strange sounds are coming from everywhere. And if you understand the language of the forest, you will learn about many things that happen here this night. During the day it is good to sleep on the slopes facing the sea - strength is quickly restored and sunbathing is especially good here. Visit Sugarloaf, they say you can help your eyesight there. Amazing places.

Mount Ai-Petri

Ai-Petri is a security mountain. It protects the southern coast of Crimea from cold northern and western winds, and not only. According to many geological and energy features, a tectonic fault passes through here.
Ai-Petri separates the energy zones of the Southern Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so anomalies are found throughout - from the valleys to the top, especially from the sea. On the road from Yalta to the weather station there is small lake Karagol. It is known for its dark water. This water helps in the treatment of skin ailments: lichens, warts, calluses and others. However, wounds can be sprinkled with it only after boiling.
The water is saturated with iodine, phosphorus, hydrogen sulfide and other active elements. Not far from the lake is the Uchan-Su waterfall, an eagle shelter. There is a strong anomaly in the gorge. You need to be very careful to maintain stability while walking.
Even higher you will come across a “drunken grove”. The tree trunks in it are strongly bent and pressed to the ground. It is undesirable to stay here for a long time - this is a geopathogenic zone. At the very top is a wind rose. Stay there, don't rush to leave. Turning your face to the sea, you can make wishes.
On the descent towards Bakhchisarai, walk slowly; it is best to spend the night here in open clearings. And early in the morning, walk barefoot through the dewy grass in the fog. Inhale the air slowly too and be sure to wash yourself with dew. Your face will become not only fresher, but also younger. The daisies here are especially large, you can make a good collection. Try the fragrant infusion made from local birch bark and buds. Very helpful. The western side of Ai-Petri is very favorable for walking: the paths are smooth, the air is always fresh, the sun is gentle and not scorching. The energy of the earth is soft - calming, calming...

(Ukrainian Emine-Bair-Khosar, Crimean Tatar. Emine Bayır Hasar, Emine Bayyr Khasar) - a karst (washout) cave of a vertical type, located near Marble Cave on the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif, in Crimea.
The cave was opened in 1927. The main route is about 700 meters and takes about one and a half hours.

The most beautiful, but also inaccessible lower galleries of the cave are the natural mineralogical museum-reserve of Crimea.

The name of the cave is translated from Turkic: Emin - oak, Bair - slope, Khosar - well, all together this means: a well on a slope near an oak tree. The name reflects several features of the cave: geographical location, appearance and the legend associated with the cave.

The Emine-Bair-Khosar cave is called one of the most beautiful caves in Europe. It is located at an altitude of about 1000 meters on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve, 11 kilometers from the village of Mramornoe.
The length of the cave is 1460 meters and the depth is more than 120 meters. The name translated from Turkic means “Emine’s well on the mountainside.”

Emine Bair Khosar, also called the Mammoth Cave, was discovered in the 1920s when a group of researchers discovered a huge hall, which was later called the Main Hall. For a long time The stunningly beautiful huge underground halls of the cave were tried not to be made public. This was done in order to preserve the cave, because very often vandals operated in other caves.

Only in 1994 the cave began to be equipped for tourist excursions. For a convenient entrance to the cave halls, an inclined 12-meter tunnel was expanded in the rock; previously, only speleologists using special equipment could descend into the cave through a wide 16-meter well.
Emine Bair Khosar is a real underground kingdom more than 10 million years old, with dozens of long galleries, narrow manholes, large and miniature halls.

UFO in Crimea

(Victor Kilyaev)

Good afternoon I live in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Ukraine (2011).

We have a fairly diverse terrain - there are mountains and plains, wonderful nature and air. That's why I really like to travel around South Coast. On south coast Crimea, outside the city of Sudak (it is located twenty kilometers away) there is a small village of Mezhdurechye. This summer I was there. This village is located between two large mountains. The area is indescribably beautiful. There are also several ponds there.

One warm summer day I walked through this wonderful area. The time was not very late, so it was not yet dark. At some point, looking at the starry sky, I turned my gaze to the tops of one of the mountains and saw next to the mountain a luminous, incomprehensible object hovering in the air. The height of the mountain is about one hundred to one hundred and fifty meters, and it is quite steep.

A luminous object hung to the right of the top of the mountain. He didn't move. Its shape was triangular. The glow was bluish. I felt somehow scared and uneasy. Almost in the opposite direction there was already a rather bright round moon - it was a full moon. I've never seen anything like this in my life. The size of the object was approximately two times larger than the moon, and it was quite close to me, I think no more than two to three kilometers. And I stood in the middle of the street - not a soul around me. There was also deathly silence on the street, except for the chirping of crickets.

To be honest, when you can’t explain what you see, it’s scary. What do they need near the mountain? Or they are watching this village - it was spinning in my head. Then I remembered mobile phone(he has a camera). I thought - at least I’ll take something off. While I was taking out my phone and turning on the camera, the object disappeared without me even noticing how. I didn’t see this object for more than a week of living there, although I looked forward to seeing it every evening...

Overnight at Mount Karagach

I remember this very well...

It was in the spring of 2011, I traditionally went on an expedition to Crimea and the management decided to go to the suburbs of Sudak, they spent the night near Mount Karagach. I had nothing against spending the night, it was fucking beautiful there: the mountains, the sky, there were some megaliths on the mountain, I saw them when I went to get fuel for the fire. We were supposed to be there for a week, after which we left for Sudak.

The first night passed quietly, but now I’ll tell you about the second. It seems like we went to bed, everything is fine. At night I woke up from the cold because I crawled out of my sleeping bag. I was about to climb back in, when suddenly I heard a roar near the tent, well, I thought it was wild boars... I wanted to hit the tent to scare them... Suddenly, it went. I CLEARLY HEARD THAT IT WALKS ON TWO LEGS! I think, damn, what the hell is this?! He lay down and pretended to be asleep. I thought it was my imagination, but no! It was heard that he was not alone. There were several of them walking around the parking lot. Then I heard they began to unzip the tents. What the hell are boars?!

Then they started roaring again, one howled. My knees were shaking and I couldn’t stop them. I've never been so afraid before! Sleep like a dream! Suddenly I heard that our tent had been opened, well at least there was an outer compartment (vestibule for scarves) where things were stored... And between the vestibule and the sleeping compartment there was another barrier with a zipper. I felt it rummaging through things, and they flew. I felt them hitting the barrier, since we were sleeping with our heads towards it... I realized with horror that they were opening the bedroom barriers in other tents and looking at the sleeping people...

I realized that I would die of horror if they looked into our tent... OUR! Exactly! After all, I didn’t sleep alone, but with my friend, Ilya...

I pushed him away. Of course he asked what happened. I told him everything, he, like me, at first decided that these were wild boars, took his machete and told me to move with him to the middle of the tent, because “boars can tear the walls, and this is dangerous.” Then I told him that if this does not stop in 2 minutes, I will scream... He stated that he was not taking part in this, and pretended to go to bed.

After 2 minutes, the hellish performance was in full swing and I, gathering my strength, quietly shouted: “Help!” One of the creatures, hearing me, went to the tent, and, undoing the outer zipper of the vestibule, approached the inner barrier... I realized that the situation was critical, and again shouted, this time very loudly: “Help! Someone is crawling towards us.” to the tent!" A couple of seconds later, the parking lot was illuminated by the light of lanterns, exclamations were heard from the neighboring tents: “Now we’ll help, calm down!”, and the creatures hastily ran away to Karagach. The expedition leader looked into the tent and said that everything was in order.

Many, including us, found their tents unzipped and their things scattered... The management was discussing something on the street. Our guide, who had a gun, was sent to guard the parking lot until the morning. The management blamed everything on either wild boars or drunken tourists, but they never came to a common opinion. The next morning, everything was quickly wrapped up, although the expedition was planned for a week, the order was given to pack all things and equipment and have a quick breakfast. Then we hastily left for Sudak.
This is what happened...

The land of the ancient peninsula seems to be intended for lovers of everything mysterious

People come to Crimea to enjoy beach holiday, nature, clean air, but there are also tourists for whom thrills come first; who want to penetrate the secrets of mystical places. And there are a lot of them in Crimea.

Cape Meganom: in the kingdom of Hades


If you get to Sudak and turn left, after a while you will see a completely mystical landscape: a deserted sandy steep bank along which the wind blows. This is Cape Meganom, behind the first ridge of which you find yourself as if cut off from civilization, in some ancient times.

Nobody lives here, although the space is huge. People generally try to come here as little as possible, despite the clear sea and spacious beaches. At least the locals. Tourists come here mainly to take a break from the noise and crowds of resort towns and villages. And also - to touch the unknown.

Time flows here in a special way - sometimes it seems to freeze and stop. When flying over Meganom, planes sometimes go off course.

On the rocks, they say, you can see a boy beckoning to the cliff. Be careful - it's a ghost! He has already forced more than one gullible tourist to throw himself off a cliff into the abyss. Those who survived repeat the same thing with trembling voices: the boy called.

One day, as the guide recalls Nelya, the tourist ran up to her and excitedly shouted that he had seen a lamb, which appeared only for a moment and then disappeared. Before this, the tourist had heard local stories about ghosts on Meganom. He never recovered from the strong impression - he walked around pale for the rest of the vacation and repeated that meeting a lamb on the cape means dying soon.

In the depths of Cape Meganom there are unexplored mines, it is unknown how they arose. They say that through them you can get to that very kingdom Aida, where I went down myself Odysseus.

Bear Mountain: a wonderful tree

No less mysterious rumors are circulating about the famous Bear Mountain - Ayu-Dag. None of the locals in their right mind would dare to climb the mountain after sunset, much less spend the night here - almost every night luminous balls hang over the ridge, and an incomprehensible rumble is heard from inside the mountain.

The few tourists who did spend the night here said the next morning that they had nightmares. There are cases where, after a terrible night, travelers threw themselves off a cliff.

At the top of Bear Mountain, according to rumors, a wonderful tree grows - it can restore youth. But no one knows which of the thousands of trees is the right one.

Crimean Stonehenge: energy ribbons

Not far from Foros, from the town of Laspi, there is the so-called “Crimean Stonehenge”, which is formed by huge stones - menhirs. Research by ufologists, dowsers and other adherents of esotericism has shown that each of these vertical pointed stones, placed by someone unknown and unknown for what purpose, seems to be entwined with energy ribbons that are lost high in the sky.

Reference: This attraction has other names: Tyshlar rock (translated from Turkic as “teeth”): Nine Monks, Chamomile, Five Fingers, Dragon’s Teeth, Flower of Power, Keban-Kaya (from Turkic “stack rock”), Devil’s Fingers , Temple of the Sun.

It's amazing that the stone blocks never get hot - even in the hottest summer days, when everything else is literally hot from the sun's rays, the menhirs remain cold.

However, there is nothing sinister here. On the contrary: many tourists say that they made wishes here, and “Crimean Stonehenge” fulfilled them. Ancient stones are especially supportive of requests to help strengthen family relationships.

Alimova Balka: a favorite place of shamans


Not far from Bakhchisarai you will find the village of Bashtanovka, and beyond it - Alimov Balka. All kinds of shamans, sorcerers and healers flock here like flies to honey to gain strength: they are convinced that this place gives powerful energy. If you believe the rock paintings discovered by archaeologists, this is where the first settlers on the peninsula lived.

In the caves, as legends say, the spirit of a rebellious robber wanders Alima - Crimean Robin Hood. To get through these caves you need to have strong spirit and a clear conscience.

If you move along the path from Bashtanovka, you will see a huge stone, and under it - a tunnel leading to a cave. By touching the walls of this cave - Yazly-Tash, infertile women get a chance to get pregnant - so say the legends. Many tourists then return here with small children and thank the holy places for their help.

Yeni-Sala: bloodthirsty gods


The village of Perevalnoe near Simferopol is known for its entire system of caves called Yeni-Sala. These caves were discovered in 1965 by two risky local teenage truants, completely by accident.

Having studied the caves, archaeologists came to the conclusion that the ancient Tauri made sacrifices here to the pagan gods - entire warehouses of bones were discovered. True, they say that they all belong to animals, not people, but still it’s scary to be here - it seems as if the groans of innocent victims are heard underground, in long galleries. Be careful - according to popular belief, evil spirits living in dark dungeons are hungry for fresh victims and are just waiting for the right moment to lure a gullible tourist to a dangerous place!

These are just some of the most famous mystical places in Crimea. On ancient peninsula Every grotto is a mystery, every rock is a legend, every stone is an echo of events that took place here a long time ago.

In Crimea it is difficult to find something more captivating than beaches, sea and mountains. There are many places on the peninsula that every vacationer should visit: Vorontsov and Livadia palaces, Bakhchisarai, Ai-Petri. The list of attractions is endless. What about mysticism? After all, many vacationers want to see something special, sometimes even creepy.

Meganom: Odysseus' path to the kingdom of Hades

Cape Meganom is located between Sudak and Koktebel. People don't live here - they don't dare. UFOs go astray here, time stops and ghosts walk around. As soon as civilization disappears behind the first ridge of the cape, you feel as if you are in prehistoric times. Tourists often see the ghost of a boy on the rocks, calling for him to follow him into the black waters of the sea. It's dangerous here! Careless tourists with a goat mountain trail The ambulance then picks me up with broken arms and legs. People often say: I fell off a cliff because I saw a ghost...

Once a tourist ran up to me and shouted that he had met a lamb, an instant - and he disappeared. Locals They frightened him before this - they told him a story that such a meeting meant imminent death. The whole trip, the tourist walked as if he had lost his head,” says tour guide Nelya Kritskaya.

They also say that through the underground mines of the cape, Odysseus himself once found himself in the kingdom of Hades. Although such stories from local residents are perceived ironically, they still force the tenth road to swim around deep “chasms” in the waters of the cape. Many mines have not yet been explored.

Bear Mountain and Magic Tree

Many legends and stories are associated with the peak, which hangs over the village of Partenit and the famous Artek camp. Some believe that Ayu-Dag is the second name of the mountain, it is a giant bear turned into stone. He wandered around Crimea for a long time, leaving potholes in the ground, which have now turned into valleys, crushing mountains and scattering stones. The bear didn’t like anything, but one day he came across a beautiful shore. The giant liked it so much that he decided to settle in this place. After a long journey, the bear was thirsty. Leaning towards the sea, he began to drink water greedily, so much so that he angered the sea god, who turned the bear into stone. The legend is beautiful, but still looks like a romantic fairy tale. And here is what the old-timers of Partenit themselves say about the current times.

Near the mountain, luminous balls are often seen in the sky; spending the night on Ayu-Dag is dangerous; there have been cases when tourists who spent the night in tents here had nightmares. They got out of bed and jumped down from a steep slope, local historians say. - And according to legend, somewhere on the back of the “bear” there is a magical tree growing. But, since no one has found it yet, no one knows what properties it has.

Our Stonehenge

In the village of Rodnikovo, not far from Balaklava, there are mystical menhirs - huge stones. Who, why and when they were installed is a mystery shrouded in fog. Scientists call them a monument of megalithic culture, and our tourists call them “Crimean Stonehenge,” but research by dowsers has shown that the menhirs seem to be entwined with an energy ribbon extending into the sky. It is not surprising that some consider the pointed blocks to be the same age as Egyptian pyramids. Local historians of Sevastopol claim that under the place where the stones stand, two mysterious energy coils intersect, which create these energy vortices. The strangest thing is that the stones, even in the most extreme heat do not heat up. Animals often come to the menhirs, but locals say that they don’t stay there for long, and people have noticed that foxes and hares begin to behave strangely around these blocks.

Tourists, after visiting the “Crimean Stonehenge,” noted a surge of spiritual strength, and some asked for happiness in family relationships and made their deepest wishes. It has come true for many! - says tour guide Nelya Kritskaya.

Alimova Balka - a place of secret power

On the outskirts of the village of Bashtanovka, near Bakhchisaray, Alimova Balka is located - a favorite place for esotericists, shamans and spiritual practitioners. They say it is endowed with powerful energy. Rock paintings found by archaeologists, which are more than four thousand years old, indicate that it was in this place that some of the first settlers in Crimea lived. According to the stories of local residents, the spirit of Alim lives in the caves. Therefore, only a person with a pure heart and a strong spirit can pass through the gorge calmly.

If you follow the path from Bashtanovka, you can come across a large stone under which a cave has been dug, the guides say. - This is Yazly-Tash - a place of worship for pagans. Women who cannot get pregnant ask for blessings to conceive at the walls of this place. People came to us and said that now there is a new addition to the family of every lady who visited this place. Apparently, there is something magical in these walls.

It is enough to walk another 50 meters to taste the unique, unforgettable taste from the Kachnedzhe “lower” spring. Tourists on forums note that they have never tasted such tasty and healing water.

Yeni-Sala - caves of bloodthirsty gods

The Yeni-Sala cave system is located in the village of Perevalnoye, near Simferopol. It was discovered by chance by two schoolchildren and relatively recently - in 1965. While descending into two of them is quite problematic, the third is accessible to visitors without climbing equipment. It turned out that the ancient Tauri used it for sacrifices to their bloodthirsty gods. And although archaeologists and biologists have not found human bones here, but only animal bones, many tourists claim to have seen ghosts in the cave.

Many believe that the souls of innocent people still walk through the dark labyrinths, the guides say. - Local residents are superstitious and believe that being underground is dangerous. Some people believe that a person’s presence can bring upon himself the curse of the ancient gods. And all because the creatures living there are hungry for victims.

As part of the Russian Federation, more and more tourists are trying to visit the peninsula. Warm sea, sandy beaches, famous estates and palaces - all this leaves an indelible impression in the memory. What else can you visit in Crimea besides the places listed? For lovers of mystical phenomena and extraordinary natural complexes, we can suggest visiting the most mysterious places in Crimea. The mystical places of Crimea do not like loud voices, laughter and noise. To visit such places you need an inner mood, calmness and tranquility. Local spirits do not like irritated or angry visitors.

What unusual places Can you visit Crimea to satisfy your imagination? In the southeast of the peninsula there is, perhaps, one of the most famous amazing places. This is Cape Meganom (“ big house" - Greek). The bare rocks and lack of vegetation of the cape make it mysterious. They say that UFOs often visit here, and ghosts do not leave the cape alone. Here you can hear the voice of a lamb bleating on the edge of a rock, and see a boy calling you into the depths of the sea. And if you look from above, you can see burnt yellow rings on the grass. They either glow at night or dim. But then they become saturated with light again, and then people come to them for energy and strength. There is an opinion that it is from here that you can go on a journey to parallel worlds.

And in the south of the Bakhchisarai region, an entire cave city, Mangup, has been preserved in the mountains. It can also be brought into the most mysterious places of Crimea. The city was built in the 3rd century AD, and people lived here until the 15th century. Powerful energy is still present over the ruins of the city, glowing neon balls appear. Mangup also has his own legend. In 1475, the Turks invaded the city and destroyed it. Many people died then, but one boy managed to escape in the most extraordinary way. When the Turks wanted to capture the boy, he found himself on the very edge of the abyss. And the rocks opened up and swallowed the child. Since then, on quiet moonlit nights, many have seen the ghostly figure of a boy and heard the inviting cry of a child looking for his parents. They say that you cannot hold your gaze on a lonely figure for a long time, otherwise this image will be dragged along with you into the depths of the sea. These are the places of power in Crimea.

And also, if you want to visit the most mysterious places of Crimea, you definitely need to see the unusual stone Flower on Mount Ilyas-Kaya. The stones, laid in an unusual way, receive the first ray of sunlight into their heart - the center of the “flower”. It is very important to find this central stone, stand on it and make a wish. It will definitely come true in the very near future.

Interesting places in Crimea and places of power are the Skel menhirs. These are tall, from 1.2 to 2.8 m, ancient vertical stone blocks. The energy can be felt immediately after touching. You will feel a slight tingling and warmth in your fingertips. These stones transform your energy into positive. Another powerful place of power in Crimea is Mount Karadag. This is a sleeping volcano. The compass needle behaves unpredictably here, and people settle here or come every year to recharge their energy. Do you remember the fabulous firebird? So this is about the place Kizil-Koba (Red Cave). Four times a year, when the seasons change, a bright luminous cloud in the shape of a fairy-tale bird appears here. A water treatments at the Su-Uchkhan waterfall. located nearby, help maintain strength and eternal youth.

And, finally, the title “the most mysterious places of Crimea” is given to the dolmens on Mt. Koshka - unique portals to other worlds and Mount Demerdzhi. On its slopes a person gets lost in time. They say that it is here that energy flows intersect and the bizarre rocks paint eerie pictures that frighten the imagination.

There are many more wonderful places in Crimea. Come, find your place where you can replenish your internal energy and find peace and tranquility. Rest