A variety of attractions of vast Russia - photos with names and descriptions. The most beautiful natural attractions of Russia Natural attractions in photographs

Interesting cities in Russia? Ratings issued by Internet search engines are usually compiled based on statistics from queries such as “attractions...” or “what to see in...”. Based on this data, we decided to compile a list of interesting places in Russia, dividing the cities into categories.

The most interesting millionaire cities

According to 2016 data, in Russia there are 15 major cities, whose population exceeds 1 million people. Undoubtedly, the most interesting and beautiful among them are Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan.

Moscow - the main city of Russia, which has a long history. There are many interesting places here that attract both tourists from other cities and foreign guests. The main attraction, which is visited by a huge number of people every day, is Red Square. Here you can admire the Kremlin towers, see the changing of the guard at the eternal flame and visit St. Basil's Cathedral.

In addition to Red Square, there are many more amazing and beautiful places in Moscow:

Well, and of course, we must not forget about such wonderful places, which are simply created for walking, like the old Arbat, Vorobyovy Gory, Victory Park, VDNKh.

city ​​of federal significance. Compared to Moscow, this is a rather young city, but, according to many tourists, it surpasses the capital in beauty.

it is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. The city is located at the confluence of the Kazanka River and the Volga. Kazan is an ancient city; in 2005 it celebrated its millennium. But despite its venerable age, it can safely be called a youth city. There are many specialized secondary and higher educational institutions here, where students from all over Russia study. In Kazan there is a place to have a good rest and cultural enrichment. Here are a few must-see places for all visitors to this city.

The Golden Ring of Russia is a whole a tourist route, which runs through eight ancient cities. Among them, 4 cities are considered the most interesting and beautiful by tourists.

Suzdal – quite a small town with only about 10,000 people. It is called the capital of the Golden Ring. It was here that the classic Soviet cinema “The Marriage of Balzaminov” was filmed. Suzdal is a city-reserve, where you can come across a historical monument at almost every step. The most visited place here is the Suzdal Kremlin, which is the most ancient part cities. You can wander around Suzdal for hours, admiring the churches, wooden huts with elaborate carvings, and simply the beauty of nature. Of course, this is the city where you want to return.

Kostroma. This city, where at one time fate was decided Russian state, located on the banks of the Volga. There are many temples, museums and monasteries here.

Vladimir. This ancient city was once the capital of the Vladimir Principality. It is famous for its unique architecture and picturesque landscapes.

This is an ancient city, it was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in the 12th century. There are many interesting museums here that will undoubtedly appeal to both children and adults:

In addition, in Pereslavl-Zalessky it is worth visiting its main attraction - the Dormition Goritsky Monastery. This is a whole complex consisting of a chapel, churches, a cathedral, a bathhouse, a belfry and a school building.

The most interesting cities on the Black Sea coast

There are many beautiful and interesting cities on the Black Sea, but I would especially like to mention Sevastopol and Sochi.

Recently, this is another, third, city of federal significance. Probably not even a month is enough to visit everything. interesting places of this city. Everything here is steeped in the military history of our country. Here is just a small list of what is worth seeing in Sevastopol:

Not far from Sevastopol you can see a beautiful place - Cape Fiolent. There are picturesque cliffs, clear water and a jasper beach, to which there are about 800 steps.

Sochi. IN Lately, thanks to the 2014 Winter Olympics, this resort town noticeably transformed. Now Sochi has become not only popular Russian place recreation. To ride on alpine skiing, European tourists also come here. The most famous sights of Sochi:

And, of course, one cannot help but recall a city like Kaliningrad. Its whole appearance suggests that this is a city built in accordance with European architectural traditions. Here you can see ancient fortresses, temples, stroll through parks and nature reserves, and visit museums.

Of course, these are not all the most interesting cities. The rating can be replenished, because our country is huge and there are a lot of interesting places in it.


On different continents of our planet there are a huge number of objects worthy of visiting. Every year thousands of tourists go on trips to visit the places that seem most attractive to them. We bring to your attention a rating of the 25 most interesting places in the world, compiled by Travelers' Choice. Take a closer look at this list and perhaps your next trip will take place in one of these beautiful corners of the Earth.

1. Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, translated meaning "old peak" - lost city Incas. The history of the city began in the 15th century, when defensive walls, palace and temple complexes, and about 200 different buildings and residential premises were built. The city, built from processed stone slabs, has many staircases and streets winding between the buildings, often leading to a dead end or to a terrace hanging over an abyss. According to research, Machu Picchu was built by Pachacutec, one of the Inca rulers, to create a sacred shelter for nobles, priests, astrologers, artists and sculptors. 1200 people lived in and around the city. At the top of the rock there is a polygonal stone "intihuatana", which is sacred place cities. Now Machu Picchu is visited by about 2,000 tourists every day. And in 2007, Machu Picchu was included in the list of seven new wonders of the world.

2. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

In Cambodia, one of the most exotic countries on the planet, there is main symbol Khmer culture - Angkor Wat temple. Its value for the country is so great that the temple was depicted on national flag. It is interesting that the 50-meter temple towers - pragni - were built without cement, and they were built from top to bottom. A 250-meter bridge leads to the temple territory, the railings of which are decorated with images of the Naga serpent. The Temple itself externally symbolizes ancient mountain Meru. Angkor Wat, built in the 12th century, is a platform in the form of a three-stage pyramid, crowned by five towers made in the form of lotus buds. When approaching the temple, you get the feeling that it is “growing out of the ground,” this is due to the different heights of the terraces. At Angkor Wat there are internal buildings, into which entry was prohibited in ancient times.

3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal is located in the Indian city of Agra and is a monument to love that inspires poets and writers to create their creations. There are many legends about the creation of this structure. According to one of them, before ascending the throne, the Mughal Shah Jahan fell in love with the beautiful poor girl Mumtaz Mahal and stopped paying attention to his concubines. Having married her, he took her on military campaigns and trusted her with his and state secrets. Having given birth to thirteen children to the Shah, Mumtaz died during the birth of the fourteenth. The Shah's grief was so great that he decided to build the most beautiful mausoleum on earth. The construction of the Taj Mahal took 22 years. The result was a magnificent palace with eleven domes and 2 side towers. After several suicides committed because of love, the passage to the minarets was closed to visitors. The Taj Mahal is the most visited place in India.

4. Ancient City of Petra, Petra/Wadi Musa, Jordan

One of the main attractions of Jordan is the ancient city of Petra. The city was founded by brave warriors and hardworking stonemasons - the Nabateans, who lived in these parts about 2 thousand years ago. The territory of Petra extends from Dead Sea to Krasnoye. The name "Petra" was not given to the city by chance, since it is translated as "rock" and in reality is a city of stone, consisting of stone houses, ancient temples and mysterious crypts. A city like Petra did not exist during the Roman Empire. central Street ancient city, running from west to east, ends on one side triumphal arch, and on the other - a huge temple. It is worth visiting the Treasury, surrounded by baths, crypts, mourning halls, temples and other buildings.

5. Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

IN ancient capital Cambodia is home to the unusual Bayon temple complex, built in honor of the ruler of the Khmer Empire Jayavarman VII in the 12th-13th centuries. During the reign of Jayavarman, the Khmer Empire was the most powerful, which was reflected in the architecture - many grandiose structures were built, one of which was the Bayon temple complex. In front of the temple there is a four-meter wall with images of scenes from the battle of Jayavarman VII with the Chams. The entrance to Bayonne is guarded by huge stone lions with gaping mouths. Nearby is a statue of Buddha, which has been a place of worship for residents of Cambodia and neighboring countries for many years. On every tower temple complex There are four images of the god Avalokiteshvara, personifying compassion and mercy, so there are exactly two hundred of his faces here. After Jayavarman's death, no such structures were erected.

6. Mezquita (Cordoba Cathedral Mosque), Cordoba, Spain

The Mezquita is located in the Spanish city of Cordoba - a unique cathedral mosque, combining various architectural styles. Built in the 8th century, the mosque-cathedral was reconstructed several times by Christians in order to give it the appearance Christian temple. As a result, the mosque became the largest in the Islamic West and was so beautiful that Christians did not dare to destroy it and consecrated it as the Cathedral of the Ascension of Our Lady. Through the cathedral tower you can enter the magnificent Orange Court, created over several centuries. There are five bathing fountains in the courtyard. The interior of the mosque is decorated with marble panels and multi-colored mosaics. The prayer hall contains 850 columns made of granite, jasper and marble and sparkling with different colors.

7. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Spilled Blood (Savior on Spilled Blood) is one of the most famous Russian historical and memorial complexes. The cathedral was built in St. Petersburg in 1907 on the site of the assassination of Alexander II. From Nevsky Prospekt there is a picturesque view of the temple, located between Konyushennaya Square and the Field of Mars. The architecture of the cathedral is dominated by the main features of Russian churches of the 16th and 17th centuries, characteristic of Moscow, Yaroslavl and Rostov, in particular, St. Basil's Cathedral. The interiors of the temple are dominated by mosaics, a huge number of semi-precious and ornamental stones, as well as about 20 types of minerals. In addition, the temple is enhanced by an iconostasis made of pink and dark red marble, finishing made of porphyry, jasper, orlets, asp and other materials.

8. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City, Italy

St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican is a Renaissance temple and is the main liturgical center of the Catholic Church. The cathedral building was built in the 16th and 17th centuries on the resting place of the Apostle Peter; his relics are still kept under the altar of the temple. The main feature of St. Peter's Basilica is its impressive size and rich interior decoration. On both sides of the main nave, in numerous chapels and niches, there are statues by Michelangelo and Bernini. A huge canopy is located in the very center of the cathedral, where the Pope sits during mass. In addition to the above, the cathedral contains a large number of relics of saints and other relics, as well as the burial places of several Popes and European monarchs.

9. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The ancient Croatian city of Dubrovnik can be called a real pearl of the Adriatic and one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean. Small houses with red tiled roofs, monasteries and churches, mansions and narrow cobbled streets - all surrounded by a medieval fortress wall. The walls of the Old Town were built between the 12th and 14th centuries and are among the most beautiful structures of their kind in Europe. The widest street, Stradun, practically repeats the location of the strait that once divided the city. Next to the narrow residential buildings there are temples and palaces, as well as other architectural masterpieces. For example, the Great Onuphrius Fountain, created in the 15th century, used to serve as a water pipeline, drinking water which was supplied from a mountain spring via an aqueduct.

In this regard, naive questions often arise from the category “Which country is better?”, “Which country has the most attractions.” Naturally, no one will give a clear answer to this question, because everything is relative. The attractions are not only exclusively touristic, but also known only to local residents who are in love with their city and see it from a special angle.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) maintains records of important cultural, historical and natural heritage sites. By making a list World Heritage UNESCO tries to promote and guarantee the preservation of natural, cultural or mixed sites. The highest concentration of attractions due to their close proximity in Europe. Most of such interesting places are concentrated in the cradle of Western civilization - in. There are many World Heritage Sites and, not surprisingly, over the centuries these two cultures have mixed and influenced each other, and the significance of each of them is undeniable. Not all attractions are included in the list; many will still be included, and many will never be included in it, which will make them less valuable. Italy is immediately followed by , and . So if your mind craves cultural food, these countries are a must see for you.

On the other hand, statistics show that it is not the UN that determines the best of the best. Considered the #1 country to visit by most travelers around the world France. France is the undisputed leader in world tourism, although trips there, as a rule, do not exceed several days in duration. Either the magnificent historical past with expansion and colonization, or the years of prosperity of the monarchs, but something definitely played a decisive role in turning this country into a tourist “mecca”.

The next place in terms of attendance after the tiny charm of France is occupied by France, which, due to its multinationality and many states, has concentrated a great many natural and man-made masterpieces on its vast territory. Following the United States in this ranking is China, which is understandable. The ancient eastern culture of the most populous country on the planet is famous throughout the world.

Although if we continue the chain of the “best-of-the-best” category outside of this rating, it is also worth mentioning, which is so diverse that even in a hundred trips you may not get to know it, tourism in which sometimes borders on madness - or major cities, or hermit, among wild and stunning nature. You will also be provided with super-saturated leisure time during your vacation in Spain, famous for its festivities. Folk games and customs there are like national flash mobs - wild, special and exciting.

Travel Company Group Travel I sincerely wish you success in choosing a country for your holiday. Even with any recommendations, this choice will not be easy. And whatever your decision, we have a thousand and one ways to satisfy it.

Russia is an incredible country. It's not even a country, it's the whole world, which has everything - from architectural masterpieces and a huge number of museums, to a wide variety of natural attractions - mountain lakes, geysers, glaciers and much more. It is incomprehensible how all this survived throughout the history of the largest country in the world, rich in wars and uprisings.

Russians are quite strange people - they are proud of their history, but at the same time they can write a three-letter word on a monument. They are delighted with the nature of their homeland, but they are too lazy to clean up the empty bottles after the picnic. Nevertheless, this is a great people with a difficult fate and attitude to life, which no philosophical concept can explain.

Foreigners go to Russia to check whether Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Pushkin wrote about it, and to see with their own eyes attractions this unique country. Here short excursion according to the main ones.

1. Trans-Siberian Railway

Part of the world's longest railway, the historical section of the Trans-Siberian Railway stretches from Miass (a city in the Urals) to Vladivostok along the border with China and North Korea. It was this that Tsar Alexander III began to build in 1891, and his son Nicholas II completed what he started. 1916 The length of the oldest part of the Trans-Siberian Railway is more than 7000 km, and the total length railway track, connecting Moscow with Vladivostok - 9288 km.

Most travelers use the train for overnight accommodation; there are first, second and third class sleeping accommodations, the most expensive compartments have separate showers and toilets.

2. Elbrus

Mount Elbrus with a height of 5642 meters belongs to Caucasus ridge, located in the south of Russia. Elbrus is included in the Seven Summits - the highest mountains located on different continents of the planet. This is the most high mountain Russia, and thousands of beginner and experienced climbers come here every year.

Previously, Elbrus was a volcano, but not a single eruption was recorded, so it is believed that it is extinct forever. The 3800 meter mark can be reached by cable car, which is very convenient. At an altitude of 4130 meters, there used to be the Shelter of Eleven hotel, which burned down in 1998, and a new building is now under construction.

3. Valley of Geysers

Russian Far East- amazingly beautiful and unusual place. There are a lot of unique natural attractions here, one of which is the Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula - the second largest geyser field in the world.

The valley was discovered by Russian scientist Tatyana Ustinova in 1941, and since then many tourists and researchers have been coming here. The valley is included in the reserve, so there are certain rules for organizing excursions. The most convenient way to get to the Valley is by helicopter, but it is very expensive, so it is better to rent a helicopter with a company.

In 2007, a landslide descended into the Valley, after which it was flooded, but in 2013 a new landslide destroyed the natural dam, and the geysers began to flow again, and there were even more of them.

4. Kizhi Island

This is one of the main attractions of the Republic of Karelia, located in the North-West region of Russia, bordering Finland and washed by the waters of the White Sea. Since the 13th century, Karelians have lived here - a Finno-Ugric people who found themselves at the crossroads of the cultures of the West and the East.

Kizhi Island is a real museum under open air, nothing like these here wooden churches you won't find anywhere else in the world. The 37-meter Church of the Transfiguration with its 22 domes is especially beautiful. The church was founded at the beginning of the 18th century and is entirely built of wood. In addition to it, there are wooden peasant houses, windmills, bell towers and barns. There are very few indigenous local residents, but they carefully preserve their traditions - they weave various crafts from birch bark, do embroidery, sew national clothes, knit lace and sing folk songs.

5. Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

Incredibly beautiful church - main temple Novgorod, a very ancient Russian settlement. The cathedral, in turn, is the oldest surviving church built by the Slavs, completed in 1050. The Hagia Sophia Cathedral is located on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin, the height of the church is almost 40 meters.

The temple is crowned with five domes; several ancient Orthodox shrines are kept here, for example, the Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”, which, according to legend, saved Novgorod from an attack by one of the princes in 1170. His army besieged the city, and when the residents realized that they could not fight back, they began to offer prayers to the Lord. On the third night of the siege, Archbishop John heard a voice commanding him to take this icon out of the cathedral, and he followed the will of God. When one of the arrows of the besiegers hit the icon, tears flowed from the eyes of the Most Holy Theotokos, after which the army of the besiegers threw down their weapons and ran away.

6. Lake Baikal

Traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway and not enjoying the views of Lake Baikal is simply stupid. This ancient lake- the cleanest and deepest fresh water body on the planet. It contains 20% of the world's reserves fresh water, and the depth of the lake reaches 1642 meters.

Baikal was formed about 25 million years ago, and currently it is one of the most famous and beautiful bodies of water in the world. The lake is very large, so many local residents they call it the sea, and another common nickname is the Pearl of Siberia. If you decide to spend a few days here, you can stay in one of the tourist centers or rent a house, and for a very reasonable fee, and amateurs exotic holiday They can put up a tent in some picturesque place on the shore.

Please note that your impressions of Baikal will be incomplete without trying smoked Baikal omul - this is the most delicious fish in the world.

7. Suzdal

The city of Suzdal was previously the capital of one of the principalities of Ancient Rus', and now it is part of the so-called Golden Ring of Russia - ancient cities in which beautiful examples of medieval Russian architecture have been preserved.

Each city of the Ring is unique in its own way, but Suzdal is just one big architectural masterpiece. There are many beautiful, surprisingly well-preserved cathedrals, churches and entire monasteries, and in the very heart of Suzdal is the famous Suzdal Kremlin. Unfortunately, its wooden towers were destroyed by fire in the 18th century, but the earthworks and several buildings still exist, so there is a lot to see.

Suzdal is like a huge open-air museum: walking along the streets, it’s easy to imagine that you are in the distant past.

8. Moscow Kremlin

To describe all the beauty unique structures and relics of the Moscow Kremlin, there are not enough words even in the great and mighty Russian language. Located in historical center capital of Russia, this architectural ensemble has long become the hallmark of the country.

The first wooden fortifications appeared here in the 12th century, and under Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin became white stone - in the most important towers and fortifications, wood was replaced with white stone. By the way, the memory of this was preserved in the speech of the Russian people - Moscow is still sometimes called “white stone”, although the Kremlin was “repainted” red long ago: Ivan III the Great (by the way, the grandfather of the first Russian Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible) ordered the best Italians to be sent from Europe architects, and they rebuilt the prince’s residence using baked bricks.

On an area of ​​27.5 hectares there are the Faceted Chamber (formerly it was the main ceremonial hall of the Kremlin), three cathedrals - the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation, the Armory, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and many other architectural masterpieces.

The Kremlin museums allow you to plunge headlong into the richest Russian history - it will take a lot of time to go around all the exhibitions and look at all the exhibits.

The Moscow Kremlin still serves as the residence of the rulers of Russia: reception halls and the official office of the president are located here, and concerts and various ceremonies are held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

9. Hermitage

The Hermitage in St. Petersburg is the main treasury of Russia, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Literally - because in the halls and storerooms of the museum there is a huge amount of priceless paintings, jewelry, samples of sculpture and ceramics, and what not! Figuratively - because it reflects the culture and history of Russia and the whole world, this is a real book, or, rather, a whole collection of works, but instead of a dry description of beautiful masterpieces, you can see them with your own eyes, it’s a pity you can’t touch them.

The museum began in 1764 as a collection of paintings by Empress Catherine II the Great, who spent considerable sums on the acquisition of paintings by brilliant European artists. Most of the paintings hung in the halls of the famous Winter Palace(the favorite residence of the Russian emperors), which then received the name “Hermitage” (in French this means “ secluded place, shelter").

Initially, ordinary people could not admire the masterpieces - the museum was opened to the general public only in 1852. Anyone who has ever been to the Hermitage will remember it for the rest of their lives, because there is an absolutely incredible atmosphere here, the luxury and splendor of the palace halls will not leave anyone indifferent. Please note that for photo and video shooting you need to purchase a special ticket, and you can only take photos without a flash.

10. St. Basil's Cathedral

This unusual and amazingly beautiful temple is located in the center of Moscow, on Red Square. You will find a description of the cathedral in any tourist guide, but it is better to see it with your own eyes, because it is impossible to describe it in words. It looks like a huge fire burning in the heart of the Russian capital: when the bright Moscow sun plays on its multi-colored domes, it is an incomparable spectacle.

The cathedral was erected in 1555–1561 by order of Ivan IV the Terrible. According to legend, after construction was completed, the cruel Russian Tsar ordered the architects Barma and Postnik to be blinded so that they could no longer build anything equal to this temple in beauty and grandeur. The king achieved his goal - in no corner of the world there is anything similar to this architectural masterpiece.

11. Red Square

A walk along Red Square is the first thing every foreign tourist should do in the Russian capital. The main milestones of Russian history are associated with this place, as evidenced by historical monuments- Execution Place, where Russian tsars executed troublemakers, criminals and rebels; a monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the people’s militia at the beginning of the 17th century to drive the Polish occupiers out of Moscow; Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin and much more.

Various events dedicated to public holidays and military parades were (and are) regularly held on Red Square, and from here on November 7, 1941, Soviet soldiers went straight to the front.

By the way, in the old days the word “red” meant “beautiful”, and if you see the square with your own eyes, you will understand why it was called that.

12. Derbent

The unique city of the Russian republic of Dagestan is not very popular among tourists, but it is worth visiting if only to walk along the streets of one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.

Derbent is famous for its truly Caucasian hospitality and rich cultural traditions. Among the main cultural and historical attractions are the Derbent Wall, which is about 1.5 thousand years old, and Naryn-Kala, ancient fortress, which once faithfully served the defenders of the city. The oldest Muslim temple in Russia is located here - the Juma Mosque, built in 733.

Among the city's attractions, one cannot fail to mention Derbent cognac, which is made from Dagestan grapes. If you happen to get to Derbent, be sure to try it. Now it is the second largest city in Dagestan: the population is about 100 thousand inhabitants, most of of whom are Lezgins, Azerbaijanis and Tabasarans.

13. Altai Mountains

If you think that the most beautiful mountains on Earth there are Alps, which means you have not been to Altai. This is the highest mountain system Siberia, on its territory the borders of Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan converge, and unlike European mountain resorts, here not all the trails are trampled by the ubiquitous tourists.

IN Altai mountains powerful and deep-flowing Siberian rivers are born - the Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei, and in the stunningly beautiful valleys there are rare animals that you will not find anywhere else. There are many poachers here, whom the authorities are trying to fight, but so far not very successfully, mainly because officials themselves have more than once been seen exterminating unique representatives of the local fauna.

Since ancient times, distinctive tribes and peoples have lived in Altai, somewhat similar to the Indians: they worship gods in animal forms and practice pagan rituals.

How many attractions do you think are located on the territory of the largest country on the planet? We think no one will name the exact number, because there are so many amazingly beautiful and unique places in Russia!

This country is rich in both natural and man-made attractions and will surprise you with historical buildings and cultural traditions. In Russia you can find both incredibly beautiful wooden churches and picturesque corners created by nature specifically for a pleasant stay.

Of course, most tourists begin their acquaintance with Russia precisely from and, where the tourist infrastructure is especially well developed. However, today tours, for example, to the lakes of Karelia, Baikal and Altai, are becoming increasingly popular.

Popular hotels and inns at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Russia?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photographs and brief description.

1. St. Basil's Cathedral

Probably the most famous Russian temple, bright and unusual, a real calling card not only of Moscow, but of the whole country. St. Basil's Cathedral is notable not only for its location right on Red Square, but also for its history, architecture, original decoration and collection of icons and church valuables.

2. Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

The Kremlin is not just an amazing historical building, but also a symbol of Russian power. You can talk about everything that can be seen in the expanses of Red Square and the Kremlin for a very long time; this object still remains the subject of study by scientists and creates more and more legends. Of course, visiting Russia and not visiting its heart would be a huge miss!

3. Lake Baikal

Every schoolchild knows that Baikal has the greatest depth on the planet. But to say that this is just the most deep lake- means not to note the amazing atmosphere and beauty of this place. Be sure to rate the cleanliness blue ice Baikal, its amazingly delicious fish and just relax from the bustle of the city alone with nature.

4. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

This valley looks as if it was transported from another planet. This is the most extensive area with geysers in the world and the only one in all of Eurasia! If you want to see one of the Seven Wonders of Russia, take a helicopter tour, which follows strict rules and is only supervised by a guide.

5. Architectural ensemble of Kizhi

This amazing creation is located on an island on Lake Onega and is unique of its kind. The openwork church, built, just imagine, without a single nail, exclusively with an axe, the bell tower, the beautiful fence and the unique flavor of the Kizhi ensemble do not leave anyone indifferent.

6. Kazan Kremlin

This is not just a historical site cultural heritage, and a museum-reserve, the only center of Tatar culture and traditions on the planet. The Kazan Kremlin has been perfectly preserved, retaining its unique features and appearance. This Tatar fortress is located in the very center, so you definitely won’t pass by.

7. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Built back in the 16th century, the Kremlin in Novgorod surprises with its impregnable walls with narrow loopholes, blind towers stretching over several levels, and fortifications. Michael the Archangel Cathedral is also located here. Until now, the Kremlin remains cultural and administrative center city, there are two museums and a Center for Contemporary Art.

8. Golden Ring of Russia

Of course, the ring is symbolic, uniting eight ancient Russian cities. Routes along the Golden Circle have become very popular weekend tours, during which you can see the most interesting places, and so on. Monasteries, churches, original souvenirs and just beautiful nature will make your trip around the Golden Ring memorable and interesting.

9. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

A masterpiece of world architecture, an elegant building that stands in a meadow, in the place where the Nerl River connects with the Klyazma. This architectural monument is confidently called the most lyrical, unusual and beautiful. The temple, standing secluded on the river bank, harmoniously fits into the surrounding nature and seems to be an integral part of it.

10. State Tretyakov Gallery

The largest Russian museum, which has collected a lot of masterpieces by Russian artists and others. Having started with a private collection, today the Tretyakov Gallery is known throughout the world and is a museum of federal significance. You can wander through the halls of this gallery for hours, and many of the paintings deserve a separate story, so great importance they have for world culture.

11. Hermitage

This St. Petersburg museum magnificently celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2014 and is one of the most extensive collections of artistic masterpieces on the planet. The Hermitage collection contains more than 3 million exhibits, including not only paintings, but also sculptures, numismatics, archaeological artifacts, as well as objects of applied art.

12. Bolshoi Theater

One of the most important, significant opera and ballet theaters on the planet. The Bolshoi Theater, which recently “survived” a large-scale reconstruction, is located in the center of Moscow and attracts not only theatergoers, but also those who would just like to get to know its features and luxurious decoration. We warn you that tickets for the premiere in Big theater it will not be easy to get, and their price may unpleasantly surprise provincials.

13. Peterhof

A luxurious, truly royal residence near St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great, known for its parks and fountains, magnificent decoration Grand Palace and pavilions. The system of cascades and fountains of Peterhof is the largest in the world! Moreover, all the fountains are decorated in the same style, with numerous sculptures.

14. Old Arbat Street

The most famous street in Moscow, glorified by poets, writers and artists. Now Arbat is the most tourist street in the capital, closed to cars and famous for its souvenir shops, shops, street musicians and artists. It’s nice to sit in a cafe here, or just stroll along the street, which has retained its historical charm.

15. Mamayev Kurgan and the sculpture “The Motherland Calls”

During the Great Patriotic War, Mamayev Kurgan played a very important strategic role and became the site of bloody battles. Now there is a memorial complex, the most noticeable part of which is the statue “The Motherland Calls.” The complex has become the most visited in Russia; thanks to its location, it is clearly visible from a distance of tens of kilometers.

16. Cable-stayed bridges in Vladivostok

The need to build bridges to connect the different parts scattered along the banks of the Golden Horn has been talked about for more than a hundred years. However, it was possible to implement this large-scale project, which changed the appearance of the city, only in 2012. Now Vladivostok is decorated with two largest cable-stayed bridge country, and the bridge to Russky Island with the longest span on the planet is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

17. Weathering pillars – Manpupuner

The Manpupuner plateau is located in the northern part of the Urals and is famous for its weathering pillars - massive stone sculptures created by nature. Now it is a nature reserve that can only be visited with a special permit. The height of individual pillars reaches 42 meters; this place was important in the religious views of the Mansi.

18. Kungur Cave

This is the pearl of the Urals - an ice cave, which is considered the most beautiful of all the gypsum caves on the planet. Today, the Kungur Cave, located in the ancient city of the same name, is the only one in the country specially equipped for excursions. You can walk between frozen “sculptures” made of ice and stone, visit the restaurant at the entrance and stay right at the local hotel.

19. Volcanoes of Kamchatka

It is noteworthy that the residents of Kamchatka are not afraid of their volcanoes. They are not very active, decorating the landscape with their dark silhouettes. Which of the Kamchatka volcanoes is the most beautiful? We can argue about this for a very long time! The Kronotsky, Koryaksky and Klyuchevsky volcanoes, which have become real symbols of the region, are usually called the highest.

20. Lena Pillars

This natural Park located in Yakutia, on the Lena River. Tours by boat along the majestic pillars, simply amazing in their size and unusual appearance, created by nature, are very popular. In general, the complex consists of two separate sections, occupying a total area of ​​about 81 thousand hectares.

21. Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

This is already a landmark, if you can call it that, the country’s largest hydroelectric power station created by man. It took a very long time to build the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, encountering difficulties such as cracks in the dam. In 2009, a major accident occurred at the station; it was restored only in the fall of 2014.

22. Kul Sharif Mosque

According to legend, after Russian troops took Kazan in the 16th century, the mosque was burned to the ground, and Kul Sharif himself, the warrior and prophet of Muhammad, was killed. However, the outlines of that mosque remained, which simply amazed the conquerors. As a result, Ivan the Terrible repeated them in St. Basil's Cathedral. The mosque in Kazan was rebuilt and opened in 2005 and has now become a decoration of the entire city.

23. Shihans in Bashkiria

This is the highest rock mass of the entire Upper Urals, three mountains that are represented by warriors defending this region - Kush-Tau, Tra-Tau and Yurak-Tau, the three brothers of Shikhan. The fourth mountain was almost completely used in the extraction of raw materials for the plant in Sterlitamak. The Shikhans in Bashkiria are known for their wonderful nature and amazing geology - they are made of coral reefs, because the Ural Sea once raged here.

24. Elbrus

The highest mountain in Russia. And if we take into account the fact that there is still no clear border between Europe and Asia, then the same applies to the entire European territory. Of course, not everyone can climb its 5642 meters, but the surroundings of Elbrus still enjoy the glory of one of the most beautiful regions of Russia, with its own ancient history and a special atmosphere.

25. Trans-Siberian Railway

Transsib is the longest railway line on the planet. This highway stretches for 9298 kilometers! Almost across the entire country. The Trans-Siberian Railway connects the European part of Russia with Siberia and the Far Eastern regions and plays a huge role in the history and economy of the country. Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began back in 1891, so now the authorities intend to reconstruct the highway.

26. Golden Mountains of Altai

On this site vast expanses Russia is united by steppes and tundra, semi-deserts and mountains, cleanest lakes and amazing caves, fast rivers and alpine meadows. In the Golden Mountains of Altai, cedar forests have been preserved; it is here that the highest mountain of Siberia - Belukha - is located, the Altai pearl - Lake Teletskoye and a lot of other interesting things.

27. Krasnoyarsk Stolby Nature Reserve

Just a few kilometers from the outskirts is the Stolby Nature Reserve, which was founded back in 1925. The main feature of the reserve is the rocky cliffs that rise above the taiga, surprising with their variety of shapes and colors, as well as their sizes - up to 100 meters. The nature of the Stolby Nature Reserve is very beautiful and diverse, which attracts tourists.

28. Wrangel Island

One of the most inaccessible reserves not only in Russia, but also in the whole world, is located in the Arctic and is primarily known as favorite place polar bears, whose females raise their cubs here. In winter, Wrangel Island is very deserted, but in summer, on a polar day, you can come to admire the untouched nature of the Arctic.

29. Cruiser Aurora

There is no point in describing the most famous Russian ship. Everyone who studied in a Soviet school knows perfectly well the song dedicated to him, his history, and his participation in the 1917 revolution. Now it is a museum cruiser, which has now left its “eternal mooring” and went to the shipyard for major repairs. To the pier Northern capital Aurora is due to return in 2016.

30. Pole of Cold Oymyakon

Yakutia is the coldest of all inhabited regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Exactly locality Oymyakon was recognized as the coldest place - the temperature here dropped to minus 71.2 degrees! In honor of this, a memorial sign was erected, the so-called “Pole of Cold”. At the same time, even at minus 50 degrees, local residents hear the “whisper of stars,” a noise that is more like wind or falling grains. In fact, it freezes a person's breath.