Full Moon Party and schedule of parties on Koh Phangan. Mega-party Full Moon Party - tips, prices, schedule Full Moon Party schedule Phangan

Full Moon Party– this is perhaps the best reason for insomnia. Thais are convinced that the full moon is a great reason to have fun. That’s why every year they organize a noisy celebration in honor of the earth’s satellite and invite thousands of Thai guests to it. The meeting place is , a place imbued with intoxicating freedom and special energy that fills and persists until the next Full Moon Party (for more detailed information We recommend visiting official site). This event is attended by about 20 thousand tourists, among whom you can meet our compatriots.

History of the Full Moon Festival

Oddly enough, Koh Phangan was the first to dance under the full moon until dawn local residents, and the guests. Legend has it that in 1985, a group of tourists accidentally ended up on the island of Koh Phangan close to midnight. The guests were amazed at how brightly the full moon illuminated the coast and sea surface. They decided to stay here until dawn and have fun in the light of the heavenly beauty.

Since that night Full Moon Party in Thailand began to be held every month. and visitors flock to the coast even before sunset and leave only in the morning, and for some after lunch. Those who are already drunk or just tired sleep with happy faces right on the beach sand.

How much does it cost during the Full Moon Party?

Enterprising Thais made the event free only for their compatriots; foreigners will have to fork out 100 baht for admission to the Full Moon Party. At the entrance, paying guests receive a branded bracelet, which can be left after the party as a souvenir of the magical night.

The event starts at 22.00, and until then you can enjoy the views from the coast and meet other participants in the action. As an option, spend from 100 to 600 baht for a “breezy” walk around the island; this is the same amount you will have to pay to ride a songthaew - a pickup truck with benches installed in the back.

Along the coast to the mega party Full Moon Party Trays are open in which guests are offered, for 200 baht, to apply a simple luminous pattern to the skin. There, for 100-200 baht you can buy bright glasses, a massive hat or a branded T-shirt in an acid shade.

Light snacks and quick meals are sold right there from mobile carts (). The prices are quite affordable. And for those who are especially thrifty, there is a 7-11 supermarket not far from the party venue.

Advice: The Thais do not conduct searches at the entrance to the Full Moon Party. Therefore, it is quite possible to carry a pre-purchased bottle of any strong alcoholic drink with you. All you have to do is buy a bucket of ice, pour cognac or rum into it and plunge headlong into the holiday atmosphere. This method allows you to reduce party costs by a couple of thousand baht.

Prepare in advance for the fact that Thais simply love to hug and even kiss guests Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan. Cheerful sellers sign the bodies of visitors with glowing markers completely free of charge and will not refuse for you to write your name on the mobile counter with the same marker in return.

How to get to the Full Moon Party

The easiest way to get to Koh Phangan is from (read more about that by plane, then) or from Donsak Pier in Surat Thani province. A boat with a high-speed motor rushes to the coast of the island in only 25 minutes, a ferry takes a little more time. The transfer cost () ranges from 350-500 baht. Ferries and boats depart from the pier and Big Buddha pier (you can do this in advance through the 12 Go Asia website).

Party checkpoint

Whatever type of transport you prefer, they all arrive at one point on the island - Haad Rin Nok beach (one of). The length of the sandy crescent is only 800 meters, but on the night of the full moon this place manages to accommodate tens of thousands of people who want to dance under the light of the Earth’s celestial satellite. This is where the Full Moon Party takes place.

Haad Rin Nok beach on the eve of the party

Where to stay?

Coming to Pangna Island to celebrate the Full Moon Party is half the battle; it is important to decide in advance where exactly you will be staying. It is best to remotely book a room in any hotel on the island in advance on the websites and , of which there are plenty here. The fact is that on the day of the parties, as a rule, there are no free rooms left.

Full Moon Party scenario

Up to 30 thousand tourists are eagerly waiting for the sun to give way to the moon to shine. With the first rays of the moon, energetic music starts, and most of the guests on the coast start dancing. It doesn’t matter here whether you know how to catch the rhythm and move to the beat of the DJ sets, the only important thing is the desire to give free rein to your emotions and have a blast.

After the Full Moon Party begins, several dozen dance floors operate simultaneously on the island of Koh Phangan. Each one has DJs playing excellent musical genres: techno, house, trance, drum and bass, hip-hop or reggae. The venues are full of bright images dancers dressed in acid T-shirts and decorated with glowing patterns.

One of the special features of the party is the fire show. Extreme sports enthusiasts, having drunk plenty of alcoholic cocktails, jump over a burning rope or rings. Dangerous entertainment is extremely popular.

At dawn there is a temporary calm. Taxi boat drivers take tired guests to hotels, and the Thais begin cleaning the coastline from the trash left by party-goers. Someone is sleeping quietly and peacefully on the beach. But the party doesn’t end there, because at 11 am the afterparty starts for the most die-hard moon worshipers. The Full Moon Party lasts for three whole days!

For those who want to leave only the best memories after the Full Moon Party on the island of Koh Phangan, keep or remember the following 12 unspoken rules drawn up by the regulars of the lunar party.

  1. There is no place for children at the Full Moon Party.
  2. You should not take documents, valuables, jewelry, accessories with you; leave them at the hotel (but what if you do?).
  3. Keep cameras and phones close to your body to prevent them from being stolen or damaged (read more).
  4. Bags and backpacks can easily be lost in the general commotion; they should also be left in the room.
  5. It is advisable to take enough money for food, drinks and transport, and it is important to store it so that it is not stolen by dishonest coastal guests.
  6. Take some small change; you can only get it by putting 10 baht in the automatic coin acceptor.
  7. Try to stick to “your people” and agree on a meeting place with them in advance in case you do get lost in the noisy crowd of dancers.
  8. Do not go into the water while heavily intoxicated; rescuers may not be there in time. There is a high chance of drowning or being washed out to sea.
  9. Drink less alcohol and more water, this will help you last much longer during the holiday.
  10. Be careful about what you eat and drink. Bottles of alcohol should be opened in front of you and poured within your field of vision, otherwise you can become a victim of deception and be poisoned by low-quality alcohol.
  11. For a trip to the idle coast, choose comfortable shoes and clothes that you won’t mind throwing away later. Traces of the holiday may not be washed off, especially for temporary luminous patterns on the body.
  12. Don't take treats from strangers. Under the guise of safe food and cocktails, you may be offered drugs (read more about the punishment for use), which obviously will not make your full moon night more enjoyable and fun.

Full Moon Party Schedule for 2019

Below is the party schedule for 2018 and 2019. As you can see, the dates are no different between years; just in case, you can check them at official website.

Schedule for 2019
January 20th February 20th 20th of March
April 19 May 19

Full Moon Party 9.676992 , 100.068069 Party location \"Full Moon Party\" (Calculate route)

Koh Phangan is an eternally young and eternally drunk island, where the tourist infrastructure is geared towards young people and party-goers. Well, not just them, of course, but in comparison with Koh Phangan, Koh Samui is like a pensioner on vacation. There are a lot of places on Koh Phangan whose only purpose is to party in their own format. Not clubs, not bars with dance floors, but parties. Out of three dozen existing parties, I selected eleven of the most famous and in demand. Well, you can see a list of cool cafes and bars in the post.

Full Moon Party on Koh Phangan, also known as the Full Moon Party, is held once a month, on the full moon. The very first such party happened in the late eighties, and then it was just an ordinary celebration of the birthday of one of the islanders. And nowadays the Full Moon Party attracts from 5 to 25 thousand people, depending on the season. The party is large-scale and not tied to one establishment - it is celebrated by everyone who has a restaurant and bar business on the coast.

Haad Rin is closed to free access for the duration of the party and they begin to take a bribe - 100 baht. There are several dance floors throughout the beach where they play their own music, so there is a place for everyone to have fun. If you intend to attend this particular party, then take care of accommodation in advance - you understand, the crowd will be overwhelming and all the adjacent hotels and guest houses will be packed to capacity.

Half Moon Party

Half Moon Party or Half Moon Party is an alternative to Full Moon Party, or “When you really want to, but the full moon has already been staked out.” The Half Moon Party is held once a week before the full moon, and once a week after it, respectively. The organizers are using a section of the island near the beaches of Ban Tai and Ban Kai, but not on the seashore, alas. Time: from 20 to 7 am. Entrance is expensive - 500 baht, the music is played in techno and trance style.

Black Moon Party

Black Moon Party - The Black Moon Party, which is held next to the Mac's Bay resort a couple of weeks after the Fullmoon Party, from 20:00 to 7:00 am. This is on Ban Tai Beach, an easily accessible and walkable place. Entrance to the techno party is not cheap - 600 baht per nose, and as a compliment from the organizers you will be offered one drink to get you going. Despite the cost of entry, the place is very popular, and world-famous DJs are invited here on high nights. They play mostly trance.

Lost Paradise Party is a fairly recent event (this article was written in 2018), which has been held once a month since 2015. According to experts, the party took the Phangan underground to a new level, thanks to its excellent location on the secluded beach of Haad Yao East (not to be confused with), an excellent sound system and a competent selection of performers. When I say “secluded,” I mean a truly wild and inaccessible beach, difficult to reach by land, so there are no random people or idle tourists there. That's why the party is called " Lost Paradise" I went there, 1.5 hours by pickup truck on a broken dirt road, or you can take a boat, 20 minutes from Haad Rin.

Lighthouse - techno parties, bar and bungalows

Guy's Bar and Eden Bar

In the east of the island there are three hermit beaches:, and. So, Haad Tien is notable for the fact that there are two establishments located not far from each other: Guy’s Bar and Eden Bar, which are deservedly considered iconic bars where parties are regularly held. From 20:00 to 9:00 every Friday (Gais Bar) and every Saturday and Tuesday (Eden Bar). The trick of the establishments is that they are inaccessible, so coming here by land is problematic, but by sea it’s not cheap. They play house music. Details with photos and how to get there -

Shiva Moon

The Shiva Muun party is held on Ban Tai beach, three days before and three days after the Full Moon Party, from 20:00 to 7:00 in the morning in a small area with a bar and a dance floor, where they play techno, psy-trance and house. If you are not yet in the know, then Shiva is one of the main gods of Hinduism, but there is nothing from Hinduism here except the name of God and fluorescent pictures on the walls, for obvious reasons. For added color, fires can be lit along the perimeter of the dance floor after dark.

Jungle Experience

True to its name, this party is not held on the beach by the sea, but in the depths of the jungle, not far from the Half Moon Party. Right in the middle of the jungle there is something like a garden, which is decorated with fluorescent and laser lighting, with a bunch of lighting effects. Entrance to the territory is 300 baht, and this price already includes a compliment from the organizers - two drinks. Once a month (4 or 1 day before the Full Moon Party), from 20:00 to 7:00 am they play psy-trance, progressive house, electronic music, and all this on excellent equipment with well-produced sound.

Sramanora Waterfall Party

Sramanora Waterfall Party is a party that takes place two days before the Full Moon Party and two days after, next to the Sramanora Waterfall from 20 to 6 am. In the lower reaches of the waterfall there is an artificial plunge pool with fresh water(it’s better not to drink it) where you can swim during the daytime, and at night, if you wish. There is little space around the waterfall, so the main party takes place about 20 meters away, near the small bungalows and the main building of the entire resort. Entrance fee: 300 baht (two cocktails included). They play techno and house.

Original Pool Party

The Original Puul Party is held on Haad Rin, on the territory of the Coral Bungalows hotel, where there is not the most large swimming pool(approximately 10x20 meters, oval shape). The party starts once a week at 21:00, admission and parking for guests are free. There isn't much room for dancing, but you won't bother anyone, people are jumping right in the water. Prices for booze are about the same as in a store - also a significant bonus for such an event.

Moon Set Party

Pre-party and after-party of the grandiose Full Moon Party (or so it is believed, although due to the distance from Haad Rin I would not say so). It takes place on the territory of the Pirate’s club (this is) three days before Fullmoon and two days after Fullmoon. From 20:00 to 7:00 am they play house and trance music here.

This concludes my list of recommendations. Keep in mind that the schedules and number of parties are constantly changing and I don’t need to tell you that it’s always worth checking the information in advance, Google is your friend. If you have any comments or additions to the list, please send them in the comments, it will be useful for all readers of the blog.

Posters are posted all over the island, so don’t miss anything.

P.S. If you are interested, then follow the link, they are listed in a separate post.

Phangan is a place of rare beauty: stunning panoramas, tropical jungles, waterfalls, mountains, blue lagoons, cozy bays, spacious beaches with flour-white sand, coral shores with amazing underwater world- It’s amazing how all this could fit in a concentrated form on such a small island.

A house is a house. Needless to say, Koh Phangan is good.

What if a blue light, congratulations from the President and Olivier with champagne are not at all what your soul asks for?

Hmm, we have a better plan! :)

New Year Reboot on Koh Phangan 2017

We invite you to meet New Year together - at our home, on Koh Phangan. This is how we celebrated last New Year - around the fire in a quiet sandy beach, barefoot...

Have you ever celebrated the New Year barefoot?

On the Festive table there are tropical fruits, raw food sweets that the guys made themselves and, of course, no alcohol:

Seminar program

As usual at our on-site seminars, Natasha and I conduct two practices a day.

Every morning at dawn we will practice pranayama, energy practices and meditation.

And in the evening at sunset, hatha yoga with Natasha

Meditation in a functioning Buddhist monastery

According to tradition, we will conduct practice in a functioning Buddhist monastery with panoramic view for the whole island:

Right-hemisphere Drawers

Natasha will conduct a master class on right-hemisphere drawing for seminar participants.

At the master class, the barrier to drawing is removed, spatial-figurative perception, a holistic rather than schematic vision is stimulated. A person learns to see a picture from all its sides: a new perception of space occurs in all its diversity, emotionality, colors and forms. You will notice that after 5 hours of friendship with paints you will begin to look at the world differently.

This is how it was last winter at the New Year's seminar - complete freedom of expression, creativity, ecstasy, childish delight:

And at the next Reboot in February, we went even further than on the New Year, discovering that in one day you can learn to draw not only on paper and the body, but also on the walls, floor, ceiling... It was unforgettable :)

Master classes by invited masters

In addition to yoga and meditation, we will organize several additional master classes and practices for you, for example, on raw food and Thai cuisine, contact improvisation, eco-phototherapy, yoga on canvases, voice opening, women's Taoist practices, intuitive massage, etc.

Ancient Indian bath ritual Inipi

Rise at 4 am, get ready at 4.30. We drive along the deserted streets of Koh Phangan to a secret place, then we make our way on foot through the jungle, lighting the way with flashlights. Here we are. Here they are already waiting for us - a fire is blazing, herbal tea is smoking, a waterfall is roaring.

The Inipi ritual begins.

The purpose of this action was to obtain spiritual cleansing and some kind of rebirth before performing important events in the life of the tribe. The sweating tent - Inipi, was affectionately called the “mother ancestor”, from whose womb everyone emerged with a renewed consciousness.

Having cast aside all their ideas about themselves, status and merits, as well as clothing with insignia, remaining on equal terms, the Indians sat in a close circle, lightly touching each other, so that a single outline of their common strength was formed. They sat in complete silence, with their eyes closed, concentrating on unity with each other and the Great Spirit.

“I” disappeared and a powerful “WE” appeared.

The journey had begun. The stones were hidden from view behind clouds of hot, wormwood steam. The eyes closed again and the only task became one - to forget about the body and at the level of spirit to unite into a single being. Little by little the shaman's song emerged. She was not the center of attention, but served only as a tie to the earth, so as not to fly far to the land of the spirit, not burdened with a body.

Hearing this song on the periphery of consciousness, everyone penetrated deep into themselves in search of the best and brightest:

What else will happen on Koh Phangan?

Every day we will drive around best places islands, together discovering the magic of Koh Phangan:

And in free time we'll swim, sunbathe, get acquainted with local cuisine, go for a Thai massage, take a steam bath in a monastery herbal bath, conquer mountains and swim in waterfalls, drink delicious tea, play and chat by the fire under the starry sky... You can’t count everything... :)

Let's meet the dawn at altitude

Rise at 3 am, night climb through the jungle to the most high mountain Pangana - Khao Ra (627 m), meeting the sunrise and fruit breakfast at the top:

Let's go sing mantras to live music

Once a week, the entire yoga community of Phangan “comes out” - they gather for evening bhajans to sing mantras together to live music and dance. A beautiful event that we will definitely attend:

We will spend the night in a floating hut in the middle of the lake (for those who wish)

Let's go to national park on the mainland and visit a beautiful karst lake, one hundred meters deep, surrounded by steep cliffs. We'll spend the night in floating thatched huts standing right in the middle of the lake:

New Year's Seminar Dates

The seminar will take place from December 28, 2016 to January 10, 2017 (14 full days)

The dates are specially selected to successfully capture holidays. You can arrive plus or minus a couple of days from these dates.

Everyone buys their own air tickets.

Participants fly from different countries and cities, and everyone has their own preferences for dates and different budgets. Therefore, it will be better if you have the opportunity to independently choose the best flight option for yourself.

Now is the optimal time to buy a ticket for the New Year - you can still find relatively inexpensive flight options. As you yourself understand, the closer to the New Year, the more expensive the tickets will be, so it’s better to take care of your vacation now.

Seminar cost

The cost of the seminar consists of several components, where a significant part of the cost is the air ticket to Bangkok. As written above, participants independently purchase air tickets for dates convenient to them.

Cost of the program NOT including accommodation: $850 per person.

Included in cost:

  • Twice daily hatha yoga, pranayama and meditation classes with Igor and Natasha;
  • Rent of practice areas;
  • Master class on intuitive drawing with Natasha;
  • Inipi bath ritual;
  • participation in 2-3 additional master classes from invited masters;
  • our advice on travel logistics and assistance in selecting tickets, accompaniment around the island and organizing interesting leisure activities for you.

The workshop price does NOT include:

  • air tickets - participants buy themselves;
  • accommodation (see below);
  • food (about 500 baht per day, although it all depends on your preferences and appetite);
  • all travel around the island according to the seminar program by car (about $50 per person, including the cost of renting a car, gasoline and driver’s salary);
  • excursion to a karst lake with an overnight stay in floating bamboo huts (approximately $70, the exact amount is calculated based on the number of applicants);
  • SPA services and massage (an hour of massage on the island on average is 250-300 baht).

To register for the seminar, a prepayment of $300 is required. We will send details for prepayment to participants who successfully complete the preliminary interview (see below). In case of cancellation of the trip less than a month before the start of the seminar, the prepayment is not refunded.


Like last winter, seminar participants will live in Pangan Cove - a well-maintained resort on one of best beaches islands.

New Year is the peak season on Koh Phangan and every year housing prices invariably rise, but we managed to agree with the hotel owner to leave prices at the same level - as they were for the last New Year.

The room costs 1500 baht per night. In dollars at the current exchange rate, this is approximately $42, that is, for double occupancy it works out to $21 per night per person.

If you are flying alone, we will try to find you a neighbor.

The final cost of accommodation is calculated based on the number of days for which you fly to Koh Phangan using a simple formula: the total number of nights multiplied by the cost of half the room (for double occupancy).

For example, 14 nights with double occupancy will cost $294.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Is it possible to go to Reboot with children?

Of all the places where we conduct seminars, Koh Phangan is the most child-friendly. The hotel is located right on the sandy beach - smooth, clean, safe. Gentle descent into the sea, warm clear water, what else does a child need to be happy?

In addition, on Koh Phangan you can hire a nanny who, for a very reasonable fee (about 150 baht per hour), will sit with your child while you do yoga or frolic in Risovashki.

At previous seminars, participants came to us with children aged 4 and 5 years.

2. What if I've never done yoga? Is experience required?

The required level of training is initial ambitious. Elementary means that our classes are designed for beginners; you do not need to have prior yoga experience. The practice will be gentle, we will take into account the individual characteristics of each participant, since the group will be small. Ambitious means that you have the desire and attitude to learn, learn something new with an open mind, expand your boundaries, practice diligently.

3. This is my first independent trip. Will I be able to get to Koh Phangan on my own?

Everything will be fine! Natasha's parents, for whom this was the first trip abroad in their entire lives and who do not speak English, easily reached the island, following our detailed instructions. Of course, you will have these instructions too! We will give you clear and precise instructions on how to get there, help you build the optimal route and choose tickets so that everything works out in the best way!

4. I have no one to go with. Is it possible to come alone without a partner?

Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Most of the participants in our seminars come alone, without a partner. There is never a dull moment at Reboots; you are guaranteed an abundance of pleasant communication. You will meet new friends here and (who knows?) maybe your destiny... There have already been several such cases :)

Who is this seminar for?

Reboot on Koh Phangan is not just a yoga tour and we don’t care who goes with us. We want people who are close to us in spirit to come to the seminar. This way we will be joyful, free, easy and interesting together.

Two weeks of Reboot is your opportunity to look at the world, your life and other people with different eyes, try to live differently, not the way you are used to. This is, first of all, an experiment on yourself and it consists of daily internal work and involves leaving your comfort zone - this is the only way growth is possible.

I won’t lie - we meticulously select people for our seminars. The format of Reboots is two weeks of drive and adventure in a circle of like-minded friends.

The selection criteria are:

  • the desire to change something in your life and the willingness to confirm this intention with actions;
  • sincere and deep interest in the topics of self-development, spiritual growth, yoga, meditation, healthy lifestyle;
  • openness to new experiences and meeting new people, willingness to leave your comfort zone and make compromises;
  • the desire to be useful to other participants, the desire to share something with other people;
  • positive attitude, optimism, mental stability.

We want this seminar to really “reboot” you and give you charge and energy for the whole year - and we will do everything for this. But only together can we go deep and launch a real reboot in your life.

Your contribution to the success of the seminar:

  • for the duration of the seminar, stop smoking, eating meat, alcohol and drugs;
  • refrain from negative thoughts, words and actions;
  • attend all classes of the main program;
  • practice accepting, letting go and being present :)

What needs to be done now if you are already ripe for a Reboot?

1. Confirm your participation - write to me by email [email protected], "YES, I'm going to Koh Phangan!" and answer THREE questions:

  • Briefly tell us about yourself (what you consider important);
  • why do you want to go to the seminar with us?
  • What does “Reboot” mean to you? What Reboot do you need now?

You can also ask us your questions.

2. After our confirmation, urgently buy air tickets to Bangkok. Nowadays you can still find relatively inexpensive flight options. But as you yourself understand, the closer the New Year gets, the more expensive the tickets become, so you should hurry.

The number of places for the New Year's seminar is limited - we will close the enrollment as soon as the group is formed.

UPD: As of December 12, 2016, there is only one place left for the New Year's seminar.

Video reviews from the “rebooted” on Koh Phangan

Watch video reviews of the “rebooted” on Koh Phangan - one post contains more than 40 video reviews from participants in our Koh Phangan reboots.

Give yourself a gift for the New Year - make up your mind, plunge into another reality!

We will be glad to celebrate the New Year with you on Koh Phangan! With love, Igor and Natasha

Oh my God, how I love to remember this place) B paradise called Koh Phangan, I would love to return again... And today I’ll tell you about how we were struck by the idea of ​​coming to this island in Thailand for the first time, which is mostly known for its unbridled beach parties.

When we switched sides Andaman Sea to the Gulf of Thailand, we have identified three islands that we would like to visit. My husband is a lover of all sorts of “actions”, so when he learned that full moon parties were held on Koh Phangan, he decided that we definitely had to be there.

Our travel schedule was designed in such a way that we hang out on Koh Samui for two weeks, and then go to Koh Phangan for a week. If we had known then that Koh Phangan would be much more interesting, we would not have spent so long on Koh Samui. If we compare these two islands in terms of recreation: then on Koh Samui we were a respectable couple of pensioners, and on Koh Phangan we were a couple of hippies at the height of honeymoon. It’s just that each island has its own energy and we felt it)

Anyway. And now about what lures ordinary travelers and tourists to this island: after all, in fact, there is no airport on Phangan and therefore there are no “package tourists” here. People mostly come here before the full moon party and stay for one to two days. And even a week wasn’t enough for us (you can read why I fell in love with this place so much).

  • Dress code at Full moon party
  • Our reviews about Full Moon Party

How to get to the Full Moon Party

Thai tour agency flyers advertise the famous Full Moon Beach Party, and the easiest way to visit Koh Phangan is from the nearby islands of Koh Samui and Koh Tao. You can do this by purchasing a ready-made tour, which includes transfer by boat or speedboat. You are dropped off at Haad Rin Beach, the boat waits for you until the morning to then take you back to Samui, the approximate cost of the tour is from 200 baht. And the time you spend on Koh Phangan is limited to just one night.

We were not happy with this option, we wanted to get to know the island better, so we bought a ferry ticket from the same travel agency and simply sailed to Phangan with an open date.

We settled on Ban Tai Beach (Ao Ban Tai Beach), having rented a wonderful bungalow ala country house by the sea at Blue Lotus Resort through hotellook for 400 baht/day. We were not at all bothered by the low tides that often occur on this beach - since we were constantly in different places on the island, exploring it on a motorbike. Then we found out that our friends rented housing much worse than ours, at a much higher price.

This is how we spent time on the terrace of the Blue Lotus Resort house

On the day of the beach party, we just stopped on the songthaew road ( public bus- minibus), which took us from our Ban Tai beach to Haad Rin Beach. The fare cost 100 baht per person one way. This is a flat fare, regardless of which beach you are going from, where you are going and on what day. Minibuses run on the roads every 5 - 10 minutes, and on this day - around the clock.

Songthaew - public minibus

What to expect from Full moon party on Asian Ibiza - Koh Phangan island in Thailand

If you are coming here for the first time, then you should know that it is not necessary to adjust your arrival to the full moon party schedule. So here such parties are held several times a month - these are various parties, such as Relax-party, India-party, After Party and the like.

The best thing to expect from a full moon party is that it is held on one of the best beaches on Koh Phangan. Snow-white fine sand, ideal entry into the sea without the fear of hurting your feet on corals and stones, clear sea water - I can’t even believe that every month this beauty is invaded by drunken youth from all over the world.

Dress code at Full moon party

Drawings on the body using fluorescent (luminous) paint can be considered a special dress code of the Full Moon Party. We painted ourselves, standing at a tray with paints, while rejoicing like little children (the price of such independent creativity is 20 baht). If you are not an artist or do not trust your companions, then enterprising Thais will decorate your face with washable tattoos of flowers and other symbols for 50 baht.

Ticket price (entrance) to Full moon party

Entrance to Full moon party – 100 baht per person. For this amount you will be immediately surrounded by hair, which will then remain with you for a long time. An important point: if you drink alcohol (otherwise you simply don’t belong here), then you don’t have to buy it on the territory where the beach party is being held. You can bring the same bucket of whiskey, brandy and drinks with you. Thais are very accepting of bringing alcohol with them to the Full moon party.

Bracelet - entry to Full moon party for 100 baht

Sleeping lounge - areas at Full Moon Party

Since alcohol is consumed all around large quantities– at the Full Moon Party, there are special lounge areas for those who have had too much to drink. This is an area fenced off with some kind of plastic fence, sleeping mattresses are thrown onto the sand, where already deranged young people are lying in positions like they fell and fell asleep. There is a security guard nearby who monitors the safety of tourists. From the outside it looks like a cattle pen, excuse me, but these are the only associations that come to my mind.

Our reviews about Full Moon Party

So, a friendly group of us walked through the corridor of shops and the paraphernalia presented in them in the form of T-shirts with inscriptions and wreaths for girls. And we entered the territory of the full moon party.

Before this, we had not been able to visit Haad Rin Beach - even though it was next door to ours. The road that leads to it is super mega steep (in some places the slope reaches 50 degrees), and after this mountain serpentine you will need time to come to your senses and realize with fear that you still need to go back.

Now, actually, to what the organizers of the Full Moon Party have prepared for young people flocking here from all over the world to have fun and hang out. This is music of various styles and directions, mainly techno, R&B, house, dance and reggae from DJs invited to the festival.

You can walk along the beach line, where stages for dancers are built, choose a platform with the music you like, stop and dance. We even heard that there was a stage where they performed Russian tracks, but we never found it.

You can still entertain yourself active games in the form of a fire show, in which we have already taken part on. If you are under the influence, you probably know that alcohol dulls the feeling of fear. Therefore, everyone from our friendly company wanted to jump over the fiery jump rope.

My husband and girlfriend went first. As a result, they got their share of adrenaline: they burned through their shorts and began to smell of burning. After examination, it turned out that half of my husband’s beard was burned off and there was a burn on the back of his head, but my friend’s hair was severely singed. The next party, consisting of me and my friend’s husband, changed her mind about going jumping.

Phangan tattoo in memory of the Full moon party

Speaking of which, if you don’t already know who has the most fun at such parties – these are young parents. People like us - moms and dads, taking a break from family life and seem to be not old people yet.

We didn't stay at this event until the final end (i.e. until the morning), because after a few hours all this fuss begins to get boring. We had a little snack - at the Full Moon Party you can eat a hearty meal: there are cafes, street vendors and 7/11 stores. Then we went to the bus stop, where the same couples who had had a good time were waiting for a minibus - a songthaew.

I won’t describe the way back home. Let me just say that he was in more unpleasant company - since there were a lot of drunk people in the cabin of the car. which are on sharp turns fell to the floor, or vomited right at their feet.

We jumped off the minibus with relief when we finally saw our Ao Ban Tai Beach. Thus ended our trip to the full moon party.

Tips for those who are going to visit Koh Phangan for the Full moon party

What conclusions have we drawn for ourselves? Many characterize the island of Koh Phangan with the Full moon party. Now I understand that this is not so. This party is just a way to lure tourists here; the island has much more impressive strengths and places that are really worth visiting. These are waterfalls, beaches and Mountain peaks- views that blow your mind better than any alcoholic cocktails.

Yes, I would return to Koh Phangan more than once. But as you understand, not for the sake of noisy parties and full moon beach parties.

By the way, as you understand from the article, we have practically no photos from this event. This is because it is very easy to lose expensive equipment at a Full moon party. At the party there are many who take advantage of the drunken state of visitors and cleverly pick out the pockets of tourists. Therefore, do not take valuables or large sums of money with you to the beach on this day.

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