Mountain cyanosis rest. Moss Lake, Sinyukha Mountain, White River

Attracts with the uniqueness of the relief and flora, rich history, for Orthodox Christians the mountain is a sacred place. Many people have been here famous travelers and ore connoisseurs, a stone-cutting factory has been operating nearby for 300 years.

Location of Mount Sinyukha, Altai Territory

Sinyukha - mountain of the Kolyvan ridge in the northwest Altai mountains, located approximately 300 km from Barnaul. The height of Mount Sinyukha is 1210 km above sea level, this is the highest point of the ridge. From a distance, the peak appears blue thanks to the fir forests covering its slopes - hence the name of the mountain.

Sinyukha is located in the Kurinsky district, 8 km from the village of Kolyvan and 2 km from the village of 8 March. Nearby is the Loktevka river and the natural monument Moss Lake. The reservoir is very small - approximately 22 by 33 m, on the map Altai Territory it is not visible near Mount Sinyukha. There is an opinion that by swimming in the lake, you can wash away accumulated sins, and those who like easy solutions are willing to try this belief.

Here tourists are pleased with the abundance of sunny days, excellent fishing, clean air with the aromas of medicinal herbs and an acquaintance with the history of the region. Near Mount Sinyukha there are the camp sites “Kolyvan-tour” and “Bogomolov”, the campsite “Zagis”; You can improve your health at the Skala dispensary.

However, the tourist infrastructure of the places still lags behind their popularity. But for savages who prefer tent camps, the vicinity of Sinyukha is real paradise. Many fans flock to Mount Sinyukha every year - they call the holiday in tents here magnificent.

How to get to Mount Sinyukha? From Kolyvan - on foot or by a good cross-country vehicle. It’s safer to walk - the road is abandoned, in bad weather weather conditions becomes dangerous.

From Lake Beloye, a popular natural monument among tourists, it is 5 km to the east to Kolyvan. The road is not bad, the path from Bely to Sinyukha is 11 km. Part of the path will have to be walked; the only path to the mountain passes by Lake Mokhovoye.

Climbing Mount Sinyukha

The ascent does not seem difficult - the climb is quite gentle, but it fully opens up picturesque panoramas of the surrounding area. The endless Kulunda steppe appears to travelers on one side, and the snow-capped peaks of the Tigiretsky ridge on the other. The top of the mountain is bare rock and is accessible only to rock climbers. The northern and southern sides of the mountain are steep, tourist routes laid along the northwestern and northeastern slopes.

First, more interesting route, passes through the Kolyvanstroy tract, where in the 18th century the industrialist Demidov built a copper smelter, and subsequently tungsten-molybdenum raw materials were mined. Travelers also encounter an abandoned granite quarry, where wonderful views of the mountains open up.

The starting point of the second route is Beloye Lake. The path also follows a forest path, but is longer. There is a group near the lake ancient mounds, archaeological site- the village "Podsinyushka". In our era, there was an Orthodox Christian convent, now installed in its place worship cross. Halfway to the top there is a Holy Spring, especially revered by believers.

Tourists who made the climb describe their experiences as follows:

  • “The beauty that you see when you get to the top is indescribable! It’s breathtaking from these rocky ledges, as if someone had intricately laid them on the top of the mountain”;
  • “The view from above is just super!”

Sinyukha is a sacred place

In the upper part of the mountain and on Lake Mokhovoye, gray granite outcrops, formed over thousands of years, acquired unique shapes. At the top, the rocks form columns and arches - giant stones are flawlessly fitted by nature. The powerful masonry forms a semblance of fortress walls, covering the top of the mountain in semicircles, as if nature itself had built a universal temple here.

A huge natural recess in granite, located near the top, is a real miracle of nature! The large hemisphere in which water accumulates has a diameter of about a meter and a depth of about half a meter. Water is considered healing, capable of healing any wounds. The miraculous cup is tirelessly photographed by amazed tourists; successful photographs complement the set of photographs of Mount Sinyukha in the Altai Territory.

The mountain was worshiped by both ancient pagans and Orthodox Christians - it is no coincidence that a monastery was built at the foot of the peak, which existed until the 30s of the last century. Orthodox communities of Kazakhstan and Altai previously gathered on the top of Sinyukha, which served as their temple. The pilgrimage continues today: after Trinity, the traditional ascent of believers and clergy to the Holy Mountain takes place.

Pilgrims perform prayers, drink the water of the Holy Spring, wash their faces in a miraculous bowl and worship the cross on the top of Sinyukha, erected in 1997. This is how people cleanse their souls, find peace and tranquility.

Natural resources of Sinyukha

The vegetation of the mountain is very diverse - 541 species of trees, shrubs and grasses are found here. The slopes of Sinyukha are covered with black taiga, which is quite rare in our time - fir-aspen forests with pine and birch trees. Viburnum and rowan, bird cherry and spirea are often found. There are no larch or cedar here.

There are also relict plants on Sinyukha - maral root, Krylov's forget-me-not, Mertensia Palassa, Rhodiola rosea and others. 18 plant species are listed in the Red Books of the Altai Territory and Russia.

The inhabitants of the forest zones of the mountain include a wide variety of birds and mammals - lynxes and wolves, red foxes and ferrets, gophers and many other animals can be found here. Pleases with the beauty and abundance of butterflies.

Wonderful nature also suffers from humans here - thousands of tourists pull out the rarest plants and flowers, and the golden and maral roots are being destroyed especially quickly. Since 2009, it is planned to create the “Gornaya Kolyvan” park with the aim of preserving rare nature.

Attractions in the vicinity of Sinyukha

The tourist attractiveness of Sinyukha is also explained by the attractions near the mountain. Having visited Sinyukha, tourists usually do not deprive them of attention.

Kolyvan Lake

From a considerable height, the lake looks very much like a Bactrian camel with a large head. The reservoir is surrounded by rocks, sharpened by the winds, among them - the likeness of animals, rocks, castles. The rarest water chestnut chilim, shaped like the bizarre head of a devil, has been preserved here.

The lake is known for its beautiful beaches with good sand and a gradual increase in depth. The pond is small, calm, with pure water. Tourists live in tents or numerous equipped campsites.

Kolyvan stone-cutting plant

The plant is considered the soul of the wonderful region - Kolyvan. Famous stone-cutters in Russia have long worked here; craftsmen created the “Queen of Vases” from jasper - the current decoration of the Hermitage, more than 2.5 m high and weighing 19 tons. The cup, as a symbol of dignity and courage, adorns the Coat of Arms of the Altai Territory.

The Kolyvan Stone-Cutting Museum is also interesting. The atmosphere there is magical - you can touch ancient objects with your hands, collected with love and carefully transferred to the museum by local residents.

Mount Jealousy

This landmark of federal significance fascinates with its beauty and surprises with its rich history. There is a unique jasper deposit here.

The world's greatest vase, “The Queen,” was made from a block 11 m long in the 19th century; craftsmen embodied the strength and spirit of man in stone. The craftsmen also made the columns of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the stone from the deposit.

Mount Charming

The low mountain (600 m) is located 5 km from the settlement of Kolyvan. At the top there are unusual rock formations - boulders and grottoes, which probably served as a sanctuary for the sorcery of shamans and an ancient observatory.

It doesn’t take much time to explore the mountain. Impressions of the beauty of nature and mysterious stone structures of fantastic shape are usually very vivid.

Mount Sinyukha and its surroundings - most interesting place Altai region, where you can have a good rest and enrich yourself with knowledge of the history of your country. By casually looking at your photo of Mount Sinyukha, you will be immersed in the world of the most pleasant memories.

Cyanosis is sacred place for Orthodox Christians, is considered a temple under open air. Mount Sinyukha is located in the south of the Altai Territory in the Kurinsky district and is the highest point of the Kolyvan ridge (1210 m).
The regional center of Kurya is 56 km away, the village of Kolyvan is 8 km to the east, and the village of 8 March is 2 km away.

Mount Sinyukha received its name not by chance: from afar, the fir forest covering the slopes of the mountain really appears blue.

Sinyukha is a sacred place for Orthodox Christians and is considered an open-air temple. In addition, the mountain has a unique relief and unique vegetable world and has always attracted with its plant, animal riches and climatic features scientists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Famous scientists and travelers visited the slopes of the mountain: K.F. Ledebour, A. Bunge, K. Mayer, D. Messerschmidt, G.F. Miller, P.N. Krylov.

Climbing to the top of Sinyukha can take a whole day. The southern and northern sides of the mountain are steep, so climbing the mountain is possible by two simple routes. The first one runs along the north-western slope of Sinyukha through the Kolyvanstroy tract near the Loktevka River (where in the 18th century Demidov set up the first copper smelter, and from the 1930-1960s large-scale mining of strategic tungsten-molybdenum raw materials was carried out here) and near Lake Mokhovoy - a natural monument . On the pass there is an abandoned granite quarry.

From here they open beautiful views on mountain slopes covered with black taiga. This route is considered the most interesting; the path goes first along an abandoned old road, then along a forest path.

The second route runs along the northeastern slope of the mountain and starts from Lake Beloe. The trail also goes through the forest, but the climb is quite long. Not far from Lake Beloye you can see a group of mounds (1st century BC - 1st century AD), as well as the archaeological monument of the settlement "Podsinyushka" (III-II centuries BC) - the oldest settlement of metallurgists - Afanasyevtsev, III-II centuries BC; in our era, a female Orthodox monastery arose in its place. The monastery was destroyed during Soviet times and in its place there is now a worship cross.

Halfway along the path you will see the Holy Spring, which all Orthodox pilgrims are sure to visit.
Climbing to the top of Sinyukha does not require skill or equipment. The only significant obstacle may be the typical daring wind, which can make the climb difficult. A beautiful panorama opens from the top of the mountain.

A series of low spurs of eastern and southern strike, cut by small rivers, diverge from the main Sinyukha massif. To the north of Sinyukha lie the endless and sultry Kulunda steppes, and on the southern side are the snow-white peaks of the Tigiretsky ridge and mountain slopes covered with black taiga.

In the upper part of Sinyukha and in the area of ​​Lake Mokhovoye you can see bizarre granite rocks, which under the influence of natural forces have acquired fantastic shapes. The mountain is dominated by round, dome-shaped shapes and rocky outcrops are common.

At the top of the mountain, some rocks form arches and columns, as well as something similar to ancient fortress walls - all the stones are fitted one to another, the masonry of giant “bricks” is high and powerful. Indeed, it looks like a kind of temple, the “walls” of which cover the top in two semicircles. On the top and slopes of the mountain there are several natural granite bowls filled with water.

According to legend, this water is considered healing, healing wounds, and curing many diseases. The top of the mountain served as a place of worship among ancient pagans and did not lose its significance in Christian times. It is no coincidence that an Orthodox convent was built under Mount Sinyukha, which existed here until the 1930s.

And after the destruction of the monastery, the Orthodox communities of Altai and Kazakhstan secretly gathered on the top of the mountain, and thus Sinyukha served them as an open-air temple for a long time.

Today, the pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain continues - after the holiday of the Trinity, traditionally, pilgrims from the Rubtsovsky, Aleysky and Barnaul dean districts of the Barnaul-Altai diocese arrive to climb the mountain. It breaks down on the mountainside camping. Participants in the ascent are parishioners of Orthodox parishes, mainly young people, and, of course, the clergy.

It is believed that if you prayerfully drink holy water from the Holy Spring, wash your face in a granite bowl, and bow to the cross on top, your soul will be cleansed and your heart will be light and calm for a whole year.

Botanically, Mount Sinyukha is interesting because there is a huge variety of herbs, shrubs, and trees - a total of 541 species. The slopes are covered with relict fir-aspen forests with an admixture of birch and pine (the so-called black taiga). There is no cedar or larch here at all. Bird cherry, rowan, viburnum, spirea and caragana are widespread.

Grows on Sinyukha a large number of relict plants preserved from ancient eras (Pallas's mertensia, Krylov's forget-me-not, maral root, Rhodiola rosea, poppy, etc.). 18 species are listed in the Red Book (Altai onion, Siberian kandyk, variegated tulip, Lady's slipper, Bunte primrose, etc.). Alpine spurge also grows here, which deer and sika deer love to eat.

The forests on the mountainside are home to many birds and animals. Birds include: chickadee, Siberian chiffchaff, garden warbler, green warbler, nuthatch, whistling nightingale, blue nightingale, hazel grouse, gray warbler and whorl, bluetail, bullfinch, jock, common buzzard; in some places nutcracker, bee-eater, common redstart, capercaillie. Typical representatives of mammals of the black taiga live on Sinyukha: red vole, shrew, East Asian mouse, ground squirrel, red fox, polecat, weasel, corsair, lynx, wolf. In addition, there are many butterflies and beetles here.

In 2009, it was decided to create the first in the Altai Territory on the territory of Kolyvan national park"Mountain Kolyvan", which included such natural objects like the city of Sinyukha, lakes Beloe and Savvushki (Kolyvanskoye).
Not far from the town of Sinyukha there are several more attractions - ancient sanctuary and observatory on Mount Charming, Vostrukha, Podsinyushka settlement, Kolyvan stone-cutting plant.

Kurinsky district...

History of the development of mining in Altai...

Mountain Kolyvan...

We went to Lake Mokhovoye.
In July 2000, my mother and I visited these places, drove to Kolyvanstroy and went to Mount Sinyukha.
Sinyuha - highest point Kolyvansky ridge (1206 meters).
You can climb the mountain from two sides - from the north-west, from Kolyvanstroy past Lake Mokhovoy and from the north-east, from Lake Bely.
We climbed from Kolyvanstroy. The climb is not difficult, but long. We left the camp immediately after breakfast and returned only for dinner. A cross was installed on the mountain, at the very top there is a granite bowl with a diameter of about one and a half meters, it is believed that the water in it is holy.

This time we decided not to climb Sinyukha, but to try to get to Mokhovoy by car along this road

Eventually most Dad was the only one driving along the way, we went up on foot and admired the surroundings.

11 years ago Mokhovoye seemed amazing to us, fabulous place. We walked for a long time in the heat along a dusty road and suddenly saw a mirror bowl cold water surrounded by granite rocks and tall pine trees. We sat for a long time on the stones in silence and coolness before moving on, and this was one of the most vivid impressions of the trip to Mountain Kolyvan.
This time the lake disappointed us: gazebos, fire pits and, of course, garbage appeared on the shore. Cars, tents, lots of tourists, no fairy tale. And people constantly go to Sinyukha. In 2000, all day we saw tourists only at the top of the mountain, then almost everyone climbed from Lake Belye, few knew “our” route.
It even seemed that the lake was very overgrown and shallow. But, once we got there, we took a walk around the neighborhood, especially since dad and Alexey had never been to Mokhovoy before.
And when we returned home, we looked at old photographs and it turned out that Mokhovoye had not changed at all.

For reference: the water surface area is 615 sq.m, the circumference is 125 meters, the greatest depths are up to 2 meters, the area of ​​wetlands is 248 sq.m. The maximum width of the reservoir is 33 m.

year 2000



After walking around and having a snack, we returned to Kolyvan and decided to go to the Belaya River to spend the night there.
We are approaching the village of Bugryshikha. It’s immediately clear why it was called that

We spent a long time looking for a parking spot on Belaya.

But they still found it. We pitched tents, cooked dinner, sat by the fire, and played cards.
At night it became sharply cold, ice formed on the tents and the car, and the grass was covered with frost.
But in the morning, fortunately, it became warm again, even hot, and we went further - to Kolyvan Lake. More on this in the next part.

Track - Kolyvanstroy - Lake Mokhovoye - Belaya River - 42 kilometers:

Altai 2011:
Parts 1-2 - August 10-13 - Road. Klepikovo:
Part 3 - August 14 - Going to the mountains:
Part 4 - August 15 - Caves:
Part 5 - August 16 - In the Ust-Kansky region:
Part 6 - morning of August 17 - Kumir River:
Part 7 - day August 17 - Border zone:
Part 8 - morning of August 18 - From Tyuguryuk to Upper Uimon.

I remember the “conquest” of this mountain by the fact that not the slightest effort was made for it; the chairlift took us to it with ease and comfort. But the most important thing is that this happened on the first day of meeting nature Gorny Altai. The surrounding beauty was mesmerizing, the lungs were getting used to the cleanest air - everything caused delight.

Mount Sinyukha is located in the foothills of the Altai Mountains and is divided into two peaks: Bolshaya Sinyukha - 1218 meters and Malaya Sinyukha - 1196 meters. I visited Malaya. Getting to know her was also made easier by the fact that we lived practically at her foot. Locals They said that the mountain has an unusually strong energy, which gives a powerful charge of strength and vigor to everyone, and this has been known since ancient times. This is probably why it is so popular that it is included in many excursions.

But, in my opinion, the entire Altai can be attributed to an extraordinary, beneficial effect on humans.

The mountain received its unusual name due to the fact that the air at its peak is slightly rarefied and, covered with virgin forest, it acquires a slightly bluish tint.

And there really is a lot of vegetation on it. There is even a legend associated with this. There was a great famine in Altai. God dropped a wheel of cheese from the sky to the hungry. Babyrgan and Sinyukha were the first to pick up this cheese, since they were taller than everyone else, and began to share it among themselves. Everyone wanted to grab a bigger piece for themselves. A big quarrel began between them. Babyrgan tore up trees by the roots and threw them into Sinyukha. In the end, these trees filled it all up. Before the quarrel, Sinyukha was covered only with grass, and after that a forest grew on it.
And Sinyukha responded by throwing stones at Babyrgan; they still cover its top. While Babyrgan and Sinyukha were quarreling and throwing stones and trees at each other, the cheese disappeared, and the angry Babyrgan and Sinyukha are now sending snow and rain to each other, they just can’t calm down.

Indigenous people compare this mountain to a capricious woman. Her mood can change several times a day. One moment it is sunny and clear, but after a short period of time it is already frowning and shedding tears, and at the same time it can become raging, sending thunderclouds and wind towards the neighboring village. They believe that the spirits that live at the top are to blame for this. Once you offend them, bad weather is guaranteed. Therefore, you need to rise to it with a pure heart and good thoughts.

We have convinced ourselves of this. During our stay near the mountain and on it itself, the bright sun was shining, it was drizzling, which turned into a short downpour, and so on in a circle. But our thoughts were pure, so it did not cause us any inconvenience, but brought us the feeling of a little adventure.

Our first “ascent” took place on Sunday, so it was very crowded, there were a lot of buses and cars from different cities and regions. We had to wait in line for the lift, but it moved quickly.
Finally we set off. We were told that the journey time was about 30 minutes, which was somewhat surprising; it seemed like the top was very close. It turned out that this was just the beginning, a small hill, and behind it the real peak was already visible.

Moving slowly we admired the surrounding nature. The slopes of the mountain are covered with the canopy of mighty cedars, pines, spruces, adjacent to thin birches and bushes, and the air is such that you can’t breathe. In spring it is even more beautiful here, the rocks are decorated with blooming maral, rose hips, and meadows of orange lights.

Photo from the Internet
And here in winter ski slopes, which are considered one of the best in Gorny Altai, is located below ski resort. At this time of year, the lift works faster, delivering to the top in 15 minutes, but skiers are dropped off at the middle station, from where the descent actually begins. The trails here are of varying degrees of difficulty, but this is all in winter, and we had summer, although during the ascent we thought about skiers rushing down.

We quietly reached the upper station, there is an observation deck here, but we left it for later, and we ourselves went deeper to explore the surroundings. Finding yourself here, you find yourself in the realm of legends and traditions.
The mountain is sacred to Altai people. For a long time it has been a place of worship of shamans to the gods. And now it’s still leading her to the top walking trail along which shamans climb to perform rituals. Holy place and a large number of tourists are somehow not comparable, in order to streamline joint coexistence, a compromise was found - museum villages were built, historical paths and an observation deck were equipped. It turned out to be a small branch of an ethnic museum, where you can get acquainted with the life of small indigenous peoples of Altai, see household items and even try on national costumes.

In the medieval historical shooting range "Arrow of Sarmatov" (archery and crossbow shooting), you can shoot at targets, and an instructor dressed in national clothes will introduce you to small arms.

In the open-air complex “Legends of Altai”, on stands you can read Altai legends: “About the White Wolf”, “About the White Maral”. Nearby is the shaman's yurt and the Main Tambourine of Altai, which depicts the tree of life, which gives energy to fulfill what is desired. And the bull skin from which the tambourine is made produces a natural resonance for humans and stabilizes the human body.
This is how you can combine business with pleasure while walking.

The legend about the white deer is interesting. “A long time ago it was, long ago and behind the past, when God created the Earth.” The Supreme God in Altai - Ulgen, as he created the Earth, began to create mountains and forests, rivers and deserts, animals and people. And the people were pure and blameless, like the creator himself. Having admired the beauty of that living creature, Ulgen calmed down and fell into a deep sleep.
But it was not there! The world was attacked by Delbegen - a terrible seven-headed ogre on a blue bull. Having learned about this, Ulgen sent his faithful servant, White Maral, to help people. Only he was able to fight the evil ogre. After forty days and nights, the deer defeated the enemy and stopped evil on Earth.
One of the people suddenly wanted to get the beautiful white skin of a deer, and he shot an arrow straight into his heart.
But he did not fall from a high cliff or break on the rocks, because Ulgen himself took him into his almighty arms. And Ulgen told people that day that diseases and pestilence would remain on earth until people became pure in their souls, as at the moment of their creation.
And then the White deer will return to earth, and the Golden Age will begin on earth."
Will we ever get this?!

At the very top of the mountain is the Well of Wishes. According to legends, anyone who has mastered the steep climb will come to the well and throw a coin and make a wish, he will definitely wait for it to come true.

There is also a tree of Spirits here. It can be immediately recognized by the many ribbons tied on its branches. Without thinking about whether this was right or wrong, I also began to look for improvised material to tie on a tree. Later I learned that this is a rather serious ritual of tying Dyalam.

The meaning of tying these ribbons is that the one who ties the ribbon swears to protect the nature of Altai, cherish the traditions and customs of the people, and remain faithful to it. By tying a white ribbon, a person asks Altai for favor and expresses his love for the nature of the region. At the same time, there are certain rules that everyone who ties a ribbon must know and follow: it must be made of new, white fabric. This must be done seriously, without laughter, while the person must express his desire, request to the owner of the mountain, ask for a happy journey, prosperity, health. If there is no tape prepared in advance, then it is better not to do this. On the tree you can see tied plastic bags and scraps of linen. What kind of holiness is there? Under no circumstances should you break branches on this tree.

There is another attraction here, to which the signs on the stands refer to with the intriguing name Golden Woman. How can you not look at this?! We find it. And the woman honestly surprised me... While I was coming to my senses, not even thinking about taking a picture of her, when they saw my camera, her two “servants” unanimously shouted that the photo was paid and the pleasure cost 50 rubles. Moreover, this was done with such bitterness, it is clear that many spoke negatively about such a service. I didn’t mind the money, but in response to this, I didn’t take photographs of this exhibit.
Nearby on the stands there are instructions on what a woman needs to touch in order for you to be happy in personal life. By the way, there were people interested.

Photo from the Internet
According to legend, the Golden Baba is the mother of all living things, the patroness of fertility, wealth and fate. This idol has been worshiped by all pagan peoples for many thousands of years. As the legend says, newlyweds who touch the Golden Woman will gain her protection - the family will be strong and rich, the children will be healthy, smart and beautiful.
Various nations have legends about how people survived a major flood. All the peoples who did not accept monotheism and remained pagans worshiped the idol of the Golden Baba, who saved her people from the flood, managing to organize the construction of rafts on which they sailed to the fertile land of Altai. And her name was Altyn-Ai.

After seeing the man-made sights, we went to observation deck look at what nature has created. They were more impressive.

From the top of the mountain, breathtaking landscapes open up. All around they stretch mountain ranges, covered with forests. Winding between them, the beautiful Katun carries its turquoise waters. And at the foot of the mountain the surface of Lake Manzherok shines, to the left of the lake is the village of Ozernoye, along the bend of the Katun is the village of Manzherok.

How can we get by without pompous words?!

The creeping clouds forced us to hurry down, but a brief downpour still caught us on the road, although by the middle of the journey the sun was already shining brightly.

The mountain is located 30 kilometers from the Gorno-Altaisk airport and 3 kilometers from the M-52 highway, in the Mayminsky district, near the village of Ozernoye.

Sinyukha rises at a distance of 56 kilometers from the regional center of Kurya, which is 8 kilometers east of the village of Kolyvan, and the mountain is separated from the village of 8 March by only 2 kilometers.

Cyanosishighest mountain Kolyvansky ridge, located on its northern edge and reaches 1210 meters above sea level. Located within the territory. It’s called Blue for a reason – from a distance, the fir forest covering the mountain slopes glows blue.

The top of the hill is formed by “bare” rocks; the reason for this “nakedness” is weak rocky soil that does not accept young seedlings. The predominant formations of the mountain are roundness and domes; rocky outcrops are often found.

The top of Sinyukha gives conquerors a wonderful panoramic view: the main massif of the mountain is divided by a number of miniature spurs of southern and eastern strikes, cut by rivulets. Towards the west, the ridge extends in compact ridges into the steppe distance. The ornate relief forms of the mountain are due to the joint efforts of wind and water, the fruits of which were arches and columns, along with amazing creatures.

Mountain slopes covered with fir trees, in general, the flora of Sinyukha is represented by 541 species of higher vascular plants, of which 18 are listed on the pages of the Red Book of the Altai Territory. For a long time, the mountain has been famous for its richness of flora and fauna, climatic favorability in different parts of the country and abroad. The slopes of Sinyukha were visited by world-famous scientists and travelers: Bunge, Mayer, Ledebur, Millier, Krylov.

Sinyukha was a massively visited place at all times. At the top of the hill and its slopes there are several granite bowls of natural origin, water in which, as many believe, holy. A source with such moisture flows along the northern “side” of Sinyukha. People constantly visit it to drink.

At the dawn of the 20th century, a convent operated at the feet of Sinyukha; today, a monastery has been erected in its place cross, this happened on the initiative of believers in 1997. After the celebration of Trinity every year, a tent camp is organized nearby. And according to tradition for climbing Pilgrims from the Barnaul, Rubtsovsky, Aleisky dean districts of the Barnaul-Altai diocese come here to the mountain. Both Orthodox parishioners and clergy take part in the procession.

To conquer Sinyukha You don’t need any special equipment, nor do you need any skills, because there is a gentle and comfortable path to the top of the mountain, walking along which you can admire the picturesque rock passages of interesting shapes. Unless a strong gusty wind can spoil the ascent. But those who overcome the obstacle will see the Kulundir steppe in all its glory on one side of the mountain, and on the other - the peaks of the ridge in snow-white headdresses. At the feet of Sinyukha, diluted with scatterings of granite, stretched out Pinery, lakes and the Charming rock will appear before your eyes.

Archaeologically oriented guests of the area will be happy to visit the village of “Podsinyushka”, dating back to the 2-3 centuries BC and a group of mounds off the coast that have survived to our times from the 1st century BC.

Stay possible at tourist centers or “Kolyvan-tour”, at the “Bogomolov” recreation center, at the “Skala” dispensary or at the “Zagis” campsite.