Pre-flight inspection group and their functions. Pre-flight inspection

Since 2011 all information about the causes of disability is contained in the disease codes on the sick leave certificate. With their help, the amount of compensation due is determined. The ability to read codes will help the recipient of the certificate of incapacity to eliminate errors when filling out the document and receive money on time.

Code names

In total, there are 5 types of encoded information on the sick leave. The fields for codes are marked in red in the illustration of the document form.

The medical institution enters the following encrypted information:

    Reason for disability - this field must be filled in.

    Family connection - this column is filled in if the employee takes out a certificate of incapacity for work (LS) to care for a sick relative.

    Notes on violation of the regime - codes in this category can significantly reduce sick leave payments.

    Other - the encoding in this field reflects the reasons for continuing or closing the LN.

The employer codes the column “Calculation conditions” on the sick leave sheet. It contains information about benefits or reasons for reducing payments to a sick employee. Based on encrypted data, accounting calculates the amount of compensation due. Control over the payment of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) - it may not pay for the certificate if there are errors in it.


Calculation of compensation on a general basis has the following algorithm: average daily earnings (ADE) is multiplied by the length of service coefficient, and then by the number of days of illness. The length of service coefficient means that if an employee has been working at the company for more than 8 years, his compensation according to the bulletin is 100% of the SDZ. With 5 to 8 years of experience, he will receive 80% of earnings; from 1 year to 5 years - 50%, and if the length of service is less than 1 year, sick leave payment will be 30% of the average daily earnings.

Disease codes on sick leave certificates affect the calculation of compensation: in one case, instead of SDZ, the minimum wage (minimum wage) is taken as the basis for the calculation, in another, length of service is not taken into account, in the third, the number of paid days is limited.



How is it paid?

Main code (2 characters)

General malaise

Compensation on a general basis. The duration of one insured event is 15 days, the paid period is no more than 10 months.

Domestic injury

Quarantine of an employee or his child under 7 years of age

Payment on a general basis is entirely from the Social Insurance Fund.

Inpatient surgery to install prostheses

Treatment in a sanatorium

Work injury

100% of SDZ is paid for the entire period of incapacity. Length of service and violation of treatment regimen are not taken into account. Payment is entirely at the expense of the employer.

Occupational Illness

Maternity leave

100% of the average daily earnings for a period of 140 days are paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

Caring for a sick relative

To care for a child under 7 years of age, no more than 60 days are allowed; up to 15 years – 45 days; up to 18 years of age – 30 calendar days per year. No more than 30 days can be taken to care for an adult relative. The duration of one insured event is 7 calendar days.

Other (poisoning, medical procedures)

On a universal basis. At the expense of the employer - 3 days, the rest - from the Social Insurance Fund.

Socially significant or dangerous disease

(RF Decree No. 715 of December 1, 2004)

Compensation on a general basis. The maximum paid period is 12 months.

Particularly serious illness of a child (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 84N of February 20, 2008).

Payment for sick leave is extended to 90 days a year without time limits for each insured event.

Caring for a disabled child

Paid for 120 days a year, the time period for each case of illness is not limited.

Caring for a child with complications after vaccination or cancer

An employee has the right to take out a certificate of incapacity for work at any time of the year without restrictions on the number of days.

Caring for a child with HIV infection

Additional code (3 characters)

Referral for treatment to a specialist. sanatorium

Payment by main code

Sanatorium treatment for work-related injuries

Treatment in research institute clinics

Additional leave for complicated births

Incapacity for work due to alcohol intoxication, drug addiction or substance abuse.

Sick leave payments are calculated based on the minimum wage, and not on the employee’s average salary.

Code "Violation of regime"

Unauthorized violation of the treatment regimen

Until the date of violation, sick leave is paid according to the main code. After noting a violation of the regime, compensation is calculated according to the minimum wage.

Showing up for an appointment with your doctor unscheduled

The employee started work without covering his sick leave

Refusal of medical and social examination (MSE)

No-show at ITU

Other violations

Code "Calculation conditions"

Person exposed to radiation

Compensation is 100% of SDZ, regardless of length of service.

A person who worked in regions with complex natural conditions(Far North, etc.)

Having a disability

One insured event for a disabled person can last 4 months. In total, disability payments are payable for 5 months per year.

Work experience less than six months

The amount of disability benefits is calculated according to the minimum wage

The illness occurred within a month after dismissal

Compensation is calculated based on 60% of the employee’s SDZ.

There is a good reason for violating the treatment regimen

Compensation is paid according to the main cause of disability code.

The disease lasts more than 4 months

Filled out for disabled employees who have the right to sick pay for 5 months a year.

Disability lasts more than 5 months

The employee is employed part-time in production

Calculation of sick leave payments is done according to SDZ in proportion to the time worked.

Column "Other"

The coding of the column “Other” reflects the change in the patient’s condition during his stay on sick leave:

    code 31 means that the employee needs a new sick leave, and the previous one is closed and must be paid;

    symbol 32 is associated with recognition of disability - the period of payment for sick leave increases;

    code 34 means the closure of the bulletin due to the death of the patient;

    code 36 indicates restoration of ability to work; on this basis, the LN is closed and the employee can begin work.

The decoding of all codes is given on the back of the document and is available to the owner of the certificate of incapacity for work who wants to check the correctness of its completion.

116. Documents of the control zone and inspection point, samples of which are given in the appendices to these Rules:

An act of detection and seizure from a passenger and crew member of an aircraft during an inspection of dangerous goods, objects or substances prohibited for transportation (Appendix No. 2);

Logbook for recording acts of detection and seizure of dangerous goods, objects and substances prohibited for transportation from passengers and crew members of an aircraft (Appendix No. 3);

Certificate of inspection of baggage in the absence of the passenger (Appendix No. 4);

log of baggage inspection acts in the absence of the passenger (Appendix No. 5);

Logbook for inspected cargo, mail and on-board aircraft supplies (Appendix No. 6);

Act of detection and removal from an aircraft cargo shipment during inspection of dangerous goods, objects or substances prohibited for transportation (Appendix No. 7);

Certificate of acceptance of weapons for the period of flight of the aircraft (Appendix No. 8);

a log of records of acts of confiscation from passengers and crew members of an aircraft of dangerous goods prohibited for transportation, items or substances transferred to a temporary storage warehouse (Appendix No. 9);

Logbook for weapons transferred by passengers for temporary storage during the flight (Appendix No. 10);

A log of inspected flights and passengers (Appendix No. 11) (if there are several inspection points in the control zone, one log is kept per control zone);

Logbook for reception and delivery of duty at the inspection point (Appendix No. 12).

117. Acts, samples of which are presented in Appendices No. 2, 4, are drawn up in two copies. One copy of the report is given to the passenger or attached to the baggage searched in the absence of the passenger, the second copy remains in the inspection group.

The acts provided for in paragraph 116 of these Rules are recorded in the relevant journals of acts. The shelf life of all acts and journals is 1 year.

118. The organization of keeping logs is the responsibility of senior shifts or inspection groups of the aviation security service and internal affairs bodies in transport.

119. The management of the aviation security service and internal affairs bodies in transport monthly checks the correctness of document management in their departments.

120. Territorial departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport submit to the Transport Security Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport reports on the state of aviation security for the quarter, half a year, 9 months and for the year no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting period.

121. Information on the equipment of airports (aviation enterprises) with technical inspection means is presented together with a report on the state of aviation security for the year.

122. Information about seizures of explosives and explosive devices or their discovery on airport territory is immediately submitted to the head of the airport, aviation enterprise, operator in the Transport Security Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport.

* Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, art. 1383.

** Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 15, Art. 1795.

**** Gazette of the Council of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, 1991, No. 16, art. 503.

Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections (paragraphs 26, 71).

List of the main dangerous substances and items prohibited (allowed subject to the required conditions) for transportation on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers in checked baggage and things carried by passengers

1. It is prohibited for crew members and passengers to carry the following dangerous substances and objects on board the aircraft in checked baggage and in things carried by passengers:

1) explosives, means of blasting and objects stuffed with them:

All sorts of gunpowder, in any packaging and in any quantity;

Military cartridges (including small-caliber);

Cartridges for gas weapons;

Hunting caps (pistons);

Pyrotechnics: signal and lighting flares, signal cartridges, landing bombs, smoke cartridges (checkers), demolition matches, sparklers, railway firecrackers;

TNT, dynamite, tol, ammonal and other explosives;

Detonator capsules, electric detonators, electric igniters, detonating and fire cord, etc.;

2) compressed and liquefied gases:

Gases for domestic use (butane-propane) and other gases;

Gas cartridges filled with nerve-paralytic and tear effects, etc.;

3) flammable liquids:

Samples of flammable petroleum products;


Methyl acetate (methyl ester);

Carbon disulfide;


4) flammable solids:

Substances subject to spontaneous combustion;

Substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water:

Potassium, sodium, metallic calcium and their alloys, calcium phosphorous, etc.;

Phosphorus white, yellow and red and all other substances classified as flammable solids;

5) oxidizing substances and organic peroxides:

Nitrocellulose colloidal, in granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;

Colloidal nitrocellulose, in pieces, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;

Nitrocellulose, dry or wet, containing less than 30% solvent or 20% water, etc.;

6) toxic substances;

7) radioactive materials;

8) caustic and corrosive substances:

Strong inorganic acids: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric and others;

Hydrofluoric acid and other strong acids and corrosives;

9) poisonous and toxic substances:

Any toxic, potent and poisonous substances in liquid or solid state, packaged in any container;



Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol;


Brake fluid;

Ethylene glycol;

All hydrocyanic acid salts and cyanide preparations;

Cyclone, cyanide, arsenic anhydride, etc.;

Other dangerous substances, objects and cargo that can be used as a weapon of attack against passengers, the crew of an aircraft, as well as posing a threat to the flight of the aircraft;

10) weapons: pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electric shock devices, daggers, stilettos, airborne bayonets, except in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

A detailed list of hazardous substances and items prohibited for carriage on board an aircraft by crew members and passengers is contained in the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO Doc 9284 AN/905).

2. It is permitted to transport the following items and substances on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers, subject to the required conditions:

1) in checked baggage in cargo, luggage compartments an aircraft with isolated passenger access to luggage during the flight:

Crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;

Household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm;

Alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;

Liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;

Aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;

3) in things carried by passengers:

Medical thermometer - one per passenger;

Mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;

A mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;

Disposable lighters - one per passenger;

Dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;

3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;

Liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation, even if the container is only partially filled.

Exceptions to transportation include medications, baby food, and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows for identification of access to the contents of the bag during the flight on which there is reliable evidence that the purchase was made at the airport. duty free shops or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel.

The administration of the airport, airline, or operator has the right to decide to introduce additional measures to ensure aviation security on high-risk flights, and as a result prohibit the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:


Hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);

Knitting needles;

Scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;

Folding (without lock) travel and pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

Head of the inspection team

Job responsibilities. Organizes and takes part in the inspection of passengers and crew members aircraft, aviation personnel, hand luggage, baggage, cargo, mail, on-board supplies and aircraft in accordance with approved inspection technologies; organizes the work of the inspection team personnel in emergency situations arising during the inspection. Monitors the serviceability of inspection technical means, compliance with norms, rules and technological procedures for inspection, and analyzes the reasons for their violation. Develops proposals and measures to prevent violations during inspection; maintains logs of inspected flights and acts of seizure of items and substances prohibited for transportation; carries out registration of documents on the facts of confiscation of items and substances prohibited for transportation from passengers. Interacts with representatives of law enforcement agencies involved in the technological process of servicing passengers, aircraft, as well as in the processing of baggage, cargo, mail, and on-board supplies.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that determine the directions of development civil aviation; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the pre-flight inspection of passengers, crew members, service personnel, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies; aircraft pre-flight inspection technology; basic characteristics and rules of operation of technical inspection equipment; rules for the security of aircraft and airport facilities; instructions on the airport's access and intra-facility regime; technology of production and economic process; rules for personal search of passengers and hand luggage; the structure of the system for ensuring the protection of the airport from acts of unlawful interference; tactics for protecting objects from illegal attacks under normal conditions and in the event of emergency situations related to acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification Requirements. Higher professional (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security for at least 2 years or secondary vocational (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security for at least 3 years.

Head of the ramp control and aircraft inspection group

Job responsibilities. Manages the work of the ramp control and aircraft inspection group. Organizes the implementation of work to inspect aircraft parking areas before its arrival and provide the ramp, to inspect the aircraft in accordance with the pre-flight inspection card for a specific type of aircraft; instructs employees of the apron control and aircraft inspection group about the features of pre-flight inspection of aircraft, arranges them in control zones. Manages the inspection of aircraft in emergency situations. Organizes control of the movement of passengers in the sterile area of ​​the airport, as well as aviation personnel in the airside area of ​​the airport. Monitors the performance by employees of the ramp control and aircraft inspection group of the duties assigned to them and the maintenance of reporting documentation. Informs the shift chief of the aviation security service about violations of technology, norms, and rules for the inspection of aircraft, as well as about the facts of detection of explosive devices, objects and substances prohibited for transportation. Organizes the inspection of service personnel using technical means of inspection before entering the aircraft, and the detention of persons violating aviation security measures. Develops proposals to improve aviation security measures and aircraft inspection technology.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that determine the directions of development of civil aviation; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the pre-flight inspection of passengers, crew members, service personnel, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board supplies; aircraft pre-flight inspection technology; aircraft security rules; instructions for access and intra-facility regime of the airport, technology of the production and economic process; rules for personal search of passengers and hand luggage; the procedure for the use of firearms, special means and physical force; tactics for protecting objects from illegal attacks under normal conditions and in the event of emergency situations related to acts of illegal interference in the activities of civil aviation; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification Requirements. Higher professional (technical or military) education without requirements for work experience.
Head of Aviation Service Department

Job responsibilities. Develops documents on organizing and conducting search and rescue operations, conducting exercises and training. Conducts calculations when developing draft contracts for search and rescue support for aviation flights and space objects. Takes part in search and rescue operations of aircraft and space objects. Organizes interaction with representatives of federal executive authorities during search and rescue operations. Conducts contractual activities. Organizes interaction with the operational services of the Flight Control Center on the organization of data transfer necessary for conducting search and rescue operations on space objects. Prepares materials for analyzing search and rescue operations, drawing up technical reports, summing up results. Carries out the formation and training of groups of specialists necessary for search and rescue operations. Ensures proper recording, maintenance and storage of documentation for search and rescue operations. Develops the necessary reference documentation, contracts with customers and performers of search and rescue work. Directly participates in search and rescue operations. Organizes the reception and transmission of data necessary for the preparation and conduct of search and rescue work. Organizes the collection and analysis of materials, objective control means necessary for the analysis of search and rescue work. Organizes interaction between the main operational control group and the operational and technical group at the landing site of the spacecraft descent vehicle, between the Main Aviation Coordination Center for Search and Rescue and the flight director at the auxiliary control point. Organizes reporting on the progress of search and rescue operations.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating search and rescue flight support; manual on aviation search and rescue service; standards and recommendations of the international civil aviation organization; general air and meteorological situation in the region; specifications onboard and ground rescue equipment and rules for their use; composition, degree of readiness, level of training of crews and rescuers as part of the duty forces on duty for search and rescue support of flights of aviation and space objects ( civil purpose); the procedure for organizing work when landing the descent vehicle of a manned transport spacecraft on the territory of foreign states; working hours regulations; rules for drawing up internal documents; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical, flight or military) education and work experience in the field of search and rescue flight support or management air traffic at least 5 years.

Pre-screening points are equipped at the entrances to the airport terminal complexes. Persons entering the terminal complexes, as well as things located with them, are subject to preliminary inspection using technical means of inspection.

Before boarding an aircraft, each passenger, their belongings and luggage are required to undergo pre-flight inspection procedures. A passenger who refuses to undergo pre-flight inspection and present his belongings for inspection will not be allowed to board the flight.

Inspection at the airport is carried out in special rooms (inspection points) equipped with stationary technical inspection equipment and video surveillance systems, as well as in rooms (booths) for conducting personal (individual) inspection.

Aviation security officers allow passengers through pre-flight inspection in order of priority, avoiding crowding.

During the pre-flight inspection, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for transport or aviation security services conduct a survey of passengers in order to identify potentially dangerous passengers, as well as substances and items prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft.

The purpose of pre-flight screening is to ensure the safety of passengers.

Passing the inspection is an obligation established by international and Russian rules. Refusal to undergo inspection entails termination of the air carriage agreement.

Any jokes on the topic of aviation safety are a violation of the law, entailing liability, including criminal liability.

Inspection is carried out manually (contact) and using technical means. By decision of an aviation security officer or internal affairs bodies, a personal search may be carried out.

According to the statement of passengers with implanted pacemakers, their inspection is carried out without the use of technical means.

Passengers who are unable to move independently are examined at the first aid station.

A number of restrictions apply to a number of transported liquids, objects and substances, information about which is posted at the inspection points.

Liquids, gels and aerosols purchased from duty-free shops are packaged in plastic bags that can only be opened on board the aircraft.

An aviation security officer or internal affairs officer must be informed in advance about the weapons being transported.

It is prohibited to accept from unauthorized persons any things and objects for transportation, as well as for temporary storage in waiting rooms and in the surrounding area.

Hand luggage

Pre-flight inspection of passengers' belongings is carried out using technical inspection means. If there is a suspicion that there are dangerous objects and substances in a passenger’s belongings, a manual search of the passenger’s belongings may be carried out.

Since July 2007, new rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections have been put into effect (Order of the Ministry of Transport of July 25, 2007 No. 104), limiting the transportation of liquids on board the aircraft.

According to the established procedure for things carried by passengers, allowed to carry :

  • medical thermometer - one per passenger;
  • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
  • a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal; disposable lighters - one per passenger;
  • dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
  • liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous in containers of no more than 100 ml, the total volume of which does not exceed 1 liter per passenger, packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag. Packages are issued upon passing pre-flight inspection.

Carriage exceptions include medications, baby food and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased at duty-free shops at the airport are also packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag upon purchase. It is prohibited to open plastic bags before boarding the aircraft.

A passenger who has weapons and ammunition (including bladed weapons and gas weapons) is required to inform an aviation security officer or an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about this before undergoing pre-flight inspection. The weapon of a passenger who has the right to keep and carry it is required to be handed over to a SAB employee for further registration and transfer to crew members for temporary storage during the flight.


Pre-flight inspection of passengers' luggage is carried out using technical inspection equipment. If there is a suspicion that there are dangerous objects and substances in a passenger's luggage, a manual inspection of the luggage may be carried out.

In passengers' luggage allowed to carry :

  • crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
  • household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm;
  • alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
  • liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;
  • aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger.

It is prohibited to transport in checked baggage and things carried by passengers, the following dangerous substances and objects:

Explosives, explosives and objects stuffed with them:

  • all kinds of gunpowder, in any packaging and in any quantity;
  • combat cartridges, cartridges for gas weapons, hunting caps (pistons);
  • pyrotechnics: signal and lighting flares, signal cartridges, landing bombs, smoke cartridges (checkers), demolition matches, sparklers, railway firecrackers; TNT, dynamite, tal, ammonal and other explosives; blasting caps, electric detonators, electric igniters, detonating and fire cord, etc.

Compressed and liquefied gases(gases for household use (butane-propane), gas cartridges filled with nerve-paralytic and tear effects, etc.);

Flammable liquids(acetone, gasoline, samples of flammable petroleum products, methanol, methyl ether, carbon disulfide, ethers, etc.);

Flammable solids(substances subject to spontaneous combustion, substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water, potassium, sodium, metallic calcium and their alloys, phosphorus calcium, white, yellow, red phosphorus and all other substances classified as flammable solids).

Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides.

Toxic substances.

Radioactive materials.

Caustic and corrosive substances(hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric acids, hydrofluoric acid, etc.).

Poisonous and toxic substances in liquid or solid state, packaged in any container (brucine, nicotine, strychnine, brake fluid, ethylene glycol, mercury, all hydrocyanic acid salts and cyanide preparations, cyclone, cyanide, arsenic anhydride, etc.).

Weapon(pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other firearms, gas, pneumatic weapons, electric shock devices, daggers, stilettos, airborne bayonets, except in cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Other dangerous substances, objects that can be used as a weapon of attack against passengers, the crew of an aircraft, as well as posing a threat to the flight of the aircraft.

Items with a dangerous goods mark on their packaging are not allowed to be transported in hand luggage or checked baggage.

1. Inspector No. 1- document verification controller.

Greets the passenger;

Picks it up boarding pass and identity documents;

When checking, pay attention to appearance passenger, his psychological state.

Checks the first and last name on the boarding pass and identification document;

Identifies the identity of the passenger with a photograph in the document and the validity period of the passport;

They will check the date and time of departure, direction and flight number, boarding gate number;

Pays attention to the dimensions of hand luggage;

Places a security clearance stamp on the boarding pass;

Returns the boarding pass and passenger identification document;

Directs the passenger to undergo pre-flight inspection in the order of priority, avoiding crowding;

If necessary, provides information regarding the upcoming procedure;

If a passenger needs to leave the inspection point, the inspection stamp is canceled (crossed out and the employee’s signature with a transcript is added);

When the passenger re-enters the inspection point, the sequence of operations is repeated.

Inspector No. 2 directs the passenger’s belongings onto the conveyor belt and sticks the luggage:

Inquires from the passenger about the presence of prohibited items and substances in his belongings;

ü invites the passenger to remove: outerwear, headwear (if it is the winter navigation period);

ü belt (belt) more than 4.0 cm wide or more than 0.5 cm thick;

ü Shoes, with the exception of shoes with a heel height of less than 2.5 cm and with a sole thickness of less than 1.0 cm;

Invites the passenger to put all hand luggage and removed items into containers;

Film, photo, radio equipment, laptop computers, toys, etc. asks to present it for inspection at the RTI, separately from other things, having previously placed them in the basket;

Animals and birds allowed for transportation in the aircraft cabin are removed from the cages, and the cages in which they are transported are placed on a rubber rubber conveyor belt;

Monitors the correct placement of things on the rubber goods belt (horizontally or vertically, the distance between bags is 20-30 cm);

Regulates the loading of the conveyor;

Informs inspection inspector No. 3 about the need to stop the rubber rubber tape;

Invites passengers to go through a stationary metal detector;

3. Screening Inspector No. 3 – RTI operator.

Determines the contents of baggage, hand luggage, containers with in-flight meals, etc. by the shadow image on the RTI screen;

ü If there are such images on the monitor screen as: Dark spots, wires;

ü Fuzzy contours of inspected objects, substances, containers with liquid;

ü Objects and substances that raise suspicion regarding their use as weapons of attack (cutting and stabbing objects, axes, saws, ice axes, crossbows, spearfishing guns);

ü Objects and substances that cannot be identified.

the RTI operator identifies such a bag as potentially dangerous and sends it to Inspector No. 4 for manual inspection.

Thermos flasks, television, audio, video, radio equipment, portable computers, umbrellas, canes and other items and substances that can be used to bring explosive devices, weapons and other dangerous items and substances prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft - looks at a foreign object is placed inside the case and points towards objects for manual inspection;

In the process of inspection using rubber goods, ensures that the contents of hand luggage are examined (regardless of the shadow image on the screen of the rubber goods), through manual inspection (contact) inspection method of at least 10%

If aviation security measures are strengthened, the percentage of random inspections increases.

4. Inspection inspector No. 4 – random (manual) inspection controller.

Baggage, as well as items carried by the passenger in hand luggage, are sent by the RTI operator for random inspection and are inspected in the following order:

The inspector determines the ownership of things through questioning;

Invites the passenger to open the suitcase/bag;

Inspection of things carried by a passenger is inspected only in the presence of the passenger.

ü Carefully lays out the passenger’s belongings on the table and takes the following steps: Feels the clothes with his hands;

ü Metal objects (tin cans, household items, etc.) are checked separately from each other through RTI

ü The passenger’s confectionery, bakery, bulk and other products in boxes/packs/bags are inspected through RTI;

ü Pays special attention to the internal and external dimensions of the suitcase, bags, travel bags in order to detect double walls, bottoms, cavities, pockets on the lids where substances and objects prohibited for transportation may be hidden;

ü a suspicious item (substance) can be subjected to special control using the Pilot-M explosive vapor gas analyzer

ü Souvenirs and children's toys that are structurally similar to real weapons are examined carefully and with extreme caution in order to detect the possibility of conversion into military weapons;

Toy pistols, dummies and imitation weapons that can be mistaken for real weapons are not allowed in the aircraft cabin.

ü Liquids in containers are visually inspected for the presence of complete factory packaging without traces of opening; thermoses and flasks are checked to exclude liquids and other attachments;

If there are no prohibited items and substances in hand luggage, he thanks the passenger and helps him (with his consent) to pack things into his bag;

If prohibited items and substances are identified during the inspection of a passenger, he makes a decision to confiscate it in accordance with the established procedure. Job description ok.

5. Screening inspector No. 5 is a stationary metal detector operator.

Controls the passage of passengers and personnel through the frame of a stationary metal detector (hereinafter referred to as the Frame);

Observes the readings of the frame;

Does not allow passengers to pass by the frame, as well as pass through the frame with things, in outerwear, in a headdress, in shoes with an unacceptable height and thickness, belts with an unacceptable width and thickness;

Passengers who have devices that stimulate cardiac activity, upon presentation of the relevant supporting documents, are subject to inspection without the use of technical means, through tactile (contact) inspection, in a personal search room.

In the absence of a frame signal, the screening inspector conducts a manual (contact) inspection of the passenger;

ü If a frame signal appears: Invites the passenger to place the metal objects he has with him (keys, lighters, cigarettes, chewing gum, etc.) in a clothes basket or in a special container, remove shoes, belt, suspenders and place the basket/container on conveyor belt and re-pass through the frame;

ü If the signal appears again, use a hand-held metal detector to clarify the location of metal-containing objects, prompting the passenger to present these objects for inspection;

If there are metal rivets, locks, or buckles on clothing, be sure to check with your hands to prevent the bringing of prohibited items and substances on board the aircraft;

If suspicion remains against the passenger, decides on a more thorough manual search - individual search and notifies the senior inspector about this;

Performs 100% inspection of passengers using the manual contact method;

2.5. Methodology for identifying potentially dangerous passengers through a special survey during pre-flight inspection

A trained terrorist uses a set of tactics and tricks, skillfully prepared fake documents, as well as methods of psychological influence on SAB employees.

Inspection procedures are limited in time and are carried out in the flow of passengers, which helps to distract the attention of the security officer and provides an opportunity for terrorists to gain unauthorized entry and carry prohibited items and substances into the controlled area of ​​the airport or on board the aircraft.

IN largest airports around the world, including a number of Russian ones, along with the use of modern technical means of screening passengers, their hand luggage and baggage, various methods and technologies are used to identify potential offenders in the flow of passengers. One of these technologies is selective control technology (Profile method or Profiling).

Special attention was paid to the “profiling” technology after the terrorist attacks in August 2004. By order of the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport, it was recommended to introduce profiling groups into aviation security services before November 1, 2004. This technology is widely used in the world by a number of airlines , primarily in the USA and Israel, is gaining momentum in our country. The profiling system is very flexible and assumes the possibility of various modifications in accordance with the architecture and features of the airport complex, local conditions, and specific threats.

The term "profiling" does not have an exact translation from in English. This word refers to slang terminology and originates from the English “profile” - profile. The concept of profiling is precisely based on building a passenger profile. The main methodological position is that persons who have committed a terrorist act or are planning to commit one are characterized by the presence of a certain set of suspicious signs in appearance, behavior, travel documents and in transported things. The study and systematization of these signs makes it possible to create a passenger profile, on the basis of which each person can be classified as non-dangerous or potentially dangerous. In accordance with this, all passenger traffic is processed according to a certain scheme, which makes it possible to identify suspicious signs.



Fig. 6 “Classification of passengers.”

The concept of profiling is based on the idea that every passenger may turn out to be a terrorist, and every object may turn out to be an explosive device or weapon, etc.; therefore, all activities carried out within the framework of the technology under consideration are designed to confirm or refute this statement. Accordingly, profiling refers to the identification of potentially dangerous passengers and situations during pre-flight inspection. The profiling system allows one to make only an assumption about the possible involvement of a passenger in an act of unlawful interference. A real threat can only be identified on the basis of an in-depth personal search of the passenger and the things he is transporting. Work with a passenger can begin with collecting preliminary information about him using various databases. Then, according to current practice, before checking in for a flight, the passenger’s travel documents are examined, all the things he is carrying are inspected, and the general appearance and behavior of the person and those accompanying him are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to studying documents in order to detect signs of forgery. The most convenient place for profiling during pre-flight inspection is the area in front of the check-in counters, where the passenger is with all the things he is carrying. The work of the profiler can be carried out at the position of the first number of the screening officer or next to him. In profiling, a special baggage control survey system has been developed, which allows us to identify the possible presence of dangerous or prohibited items for transportation carried by the passenger or transferred to him by other people. Emphasizing to the passenger that the survey is being conducted for his safety creates a positive attitude toward contact with the profiler. Questions asked in a language that a person understands usually do not cause any difficulties. A standard survey takes 3–4 minutes. During this period, the employee, analyzing the answers received and the behavior of the person standing in front of him, makes a conclusion regarding his potential danger to the flight; if no deviations from the norm are identified in these positions, the passenger is considered not dangerous to the flight and proceeds further to check-in. A passenger classified as suspicious or dangerous (selected) is sent for personal search. In this process, the profiler’s intuition and professional experience are of great practical importance. Standard questions, depending on the situation, may concern the purpose of the trip, purpose and place of stay, cultural and historical monuments, etc.

In the profiling system, the peculiarities of behavioral reactions of the passenger and those accompanying him are of great interest. Accordingly, it is advisable for the profiler to have some specialized knowledge in the field of applied psychology. Identification of suspicious aspects in the appearance and behavior of people is possible through the use of psychological testing in the work of a profiler, which is understood here as a visual diagnosis of a person’s internal state through visible manifestations of characteristic signs, possibly indicating an impending illegal act. In this case, we are talking about professional observation of a person according to a certain scheme. It has been established that persons harboring criminal plans are characterized by a certain psychological state uncontrollable by the subject, which will inevitably have its expression in behavior, in the physiological reactions of the body and in the entire external appearance. These are, for example, all the symptomatic manifestations of a nervous state, signs of an affective response to a situation, features of deceitful behavior, as well as characteristic signs of drug effects on a person. The so-called “evidence of criminal behavior” also deserves special attention. In particular, this is a general inadequacy of the psychological state; unnaturalness and pretense in behavior when contacting security officers (police); detachment from what is happening around (a symptom of a suicidal terrorist). An important aspect of psychological testing is to focus on the dynamics of the behavior of the passenger that causes suspicion. So, for example, if during a baggage check or during any other contact with a profiler or a security representative, a person changes his behavior when certain topics are raised (tension, anxiety, fear are observed), then this is a very significant fact. Psychological testing of a passenger can also include the use of various communication techniques and influencing the interlocutor in order to quickly establish contact and obtain the necessary information (these technologies are quite well represented in practical developments in the field of neurolinguistic programming).

The main task of profiling is to timely warn and prevent entry into the airport territory and on board aircraft by persons harboring criminal intentions at an early stage.

Profiling methods:

1. Observation:

¾ visual surveillance of passengers and visitors to the airport building;

¾ monitoring passengers using biometric video surveillance (some kind of reading of a person’s aura).

2. Survey of passengers and visitors to the airport building;

3. Work with accompanying documents (air tickets and identity documents).

Required list of suspicious signs of potentially dangerous persons (POP):

1) Lack of luggage.

2) The passenger maintains hidden contact with one of the passengers or mourners (exchanges glances, makes signs).

3) The passenger shows an increased interest in inspection technology, in the operation of technical inspection means, and strives to place personal belongings and luggage on the introscope conveyor from a certain angle.

4) Passenger with expensive ticket(business class) whose behavior, habits, clothing and luggage do not coincide with his status.

5) The amount of luggage does not correspond to the purpose and duration of the trip.

6) The passenger shows up for flight check-in at the last minute. The passenger's desire to go through security at the last moment when there is not enough time (image of haste).

7) An attempt to mislead the AB employees and bring something on board the aircraft without inspection (“you shouldn’t waste time - I don’t have anything prohibited in my personal belongings”) or adding introductory words to the conversation (“my word of honor,” “she God”, “honestly”, “seriously”, “I swear”, “you (you) don’t believe me (don’t believe me), etc.).

8) Excessive politeness, flirting, familiarity with AB employees.

9) The passenger cannot indicate the purpose of his trip or deliberately indicates it incorrectly.

10) Excessively cautious attitude towards personal belongings and reluctance to let them go or put them on the floor.

11) The passenger’s ignorance of the contents of his personal belongings.

12) The passenger is nervous: tense posture, strong squeezing of fingers, biting lips, heavy breathing, frequent swallowing, pulsation of the carotid artery, tapping or shifting from foot to foot, change in skin color, etc.

13) The passenger does not want to answer questions or present things for inspection.

14) No return ticket.

15) Illogical route.

16) Discrepancy between the last name and/or first name of the passenger on the ticket and the passport.

17) Suspicions of passport falsity.

18) Presence of criminal personality traits.

19) Signs of drug use.

20) Alcohol intoxication.

21) Inadequacy of behavior (mental abnormalities): sudden changes in behavior; hysteria; slower reaction;

22) The meaninglessness of the speech flow, repeated repetition of the same words and phrases, etc.

The main purpose of any survey is to obtain information. Achieving this goal to a certain extent depends on the ability of the interviewer to achieve the frankness of the interviewee when identifying specific facts and circumstances. But this is impossible without knowledge of the basics of human psychology, understanding the characteristics of his behavior in various situations, the ability to identify external signs of a specific state of the person being interviewed and the ability to detect lies. The fact is that in the process of communication between people most of information (60-80%) is transmitted through gestures, posture and only 20-40% of information is transmitted through speech. Therefore, when conducting a passenger survey, you should pay attention to behavioral reactions.

To identify external manifestations, primarily during communication highest value have:

¾ Observation;

¾ Personality assessment based on external signs (facial expressions, etc.);

¾ Conversation (oral speech);

¾ Eye contact;

¾ Body language (gestures, postures, body movements).

The SAB officer needs to understand that all feigned movements exaggerate weak emotions or suppress strong ones. In the first case, increased movement of the arms, body, and head is demonstrated; in the second, the mobility of the arms, legs, torso, and head is limited.

Along with modern technical inspection equipment, advanced technologies will make it possible to successfully identify potential offenders among passengers without delaying flights.

Chapter 3. SITA AirportConnect Open Platform. Innovations, proposals for implementation

3.1. Results of the transition of Pulkovo Airport to the SITA AirportConnect Open platform

Pulkovo Airport, which ranks fourth among Russian airports in terms of the number of passengers carried, has made the transition to the fully integrated SITA AirportConnect Open platform, which will provide both traditional and self-service check-in for 6 million passengers.

SITA AirportConnect is a passenger check-in solution that supports both traditional check-in methods and advanced technologies such as self-check-in kiosks, online check-in and check-in. mobile phone. The SITA AirportConnect platform is fully compliant with CUTE and CUPPS industry standards, enabling the use of CUSS public self-check-in kiosks and airline web applications.

The implementation of the five-year contract includes the supply of 100 workstations for the CUTE (Common Use Terminal Equipment) platform and 5 kiosks for self-check-in of passengers CUSS (Common Use Self Service), as well as the modernization of the existing airport infrastructure.

Collaborating with SITA, a leading expert in airline industry solutions, and moving to the SITA AirportConnect Open platform will provide airlines and passengers with a fast and efficient check-in experience. Using a shared platform will also bring the added benefit of reducing infrastructure investment: Passengers can now self-check in for any airline providing airport services through self-service kiosks.

An important moment has arrived in the history of Pulkovo Airport, which has been developing dynamically in recent years. SITA's solution will not only significantly speed up the check-in process and improve the level of passenger service, but will also meet the growing needs of the airport in the long term, thanks to support for the new industry standard CUPPS.

As part of the implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of the airport, the project was put into commercial operation and accepted by airlines providing their services at Pulkovo. To date, the installation process of workstations has been completed, and self-check-in kiosks have been put into operation in the Pulkovo-1 and Pulkovo-2 terminals.

Portfolio Horizon

SITA Horizon is a cost-effective, leading PSS (Passenger Services System).

SITA has introduced 2 new airport kiosks designed to significantly reduce queues in terminals. The WorldTracer kiosk will allow passengers to independently check the status of delayed luggage and submit a request to search for missing luggage, without wasting time waiting in line with agents. All the passenger needs to do is scan their baggage pass, enter their contact details and fill out a loss claim form, then they can continue their journey. To find out about the fate of your luggage, you need to go to the website or call the contact center and provide the identification number you received. WorldTracer will immediately report the status of luggage, with 99.9% of lost items successfully tracked and returned to owners in less than 48 hours.

Another kiosk, SITA AirportConnect S3, became the most compact kiosk of all models on the market. Two S3 kiosks take up as much space as one standard model. Weighing only 64 kg. it has expanded functionality, including the kiosk is equipped with a passport and document scanner that reads data for passenger information collection and visa verification systems. The kiosk also prints luggage tags to speed up the self-check-in process. The new kiosk meets the most stringent security requirements environment: It has the lowest carbon footprint in the industry and is equipped with a printer that can print 5,300 boarding passes per fill.

3.3. Self check-in kiosks

Checking in for a flight at self-check-in kiosks is a modern service, especially convenient for business passengers with electronic ticket traveling without luggage.

The passenger saves time at the airport and gets the opportunity to choose comfortable spot in the cabin of the plane.

The service is simple, convenient, allows through check-in for connecting flights and allows you to independently check-in a group of up to 6 passengers with a single booking.

Conditions for check-in at self-check-in kiosks:

¾ Check-in starts: 23 hours before flight departure;

¾ Check-in for the flight ends 50 minutes before flight departure;

¾ The end of acceptance of baggage subject to check-in is 40 minutes before flight departure;

¾ The dimensions and weight of hand luggage do not exceed the established standards;

¾ The passenger does not belong to a special category of passengers and does not travel with a child under 2 years old, registration of which is possible only at check-in counters for special procedures.

Self check-in kiosks are located in the passenger check-in area.

The kiosk check-in process consists of a few simple steps, and each step is described in detail on the kiosk screen. The only recommendation for the passenger is to follow the instructions that appear on the screen and carefully check the information offered by the check-in system.

There should be airline representatives near the kiosks who, if necessary, can help with check-in and answer any questions from passengers.

Rice. 7 Self-registration kiosks.

At Pulkovo-1, kiosks of Aeroflot and S7 airlines are located on the 2nd floor in the general check-in hall N2, and of Transaero airlines - in the check-in hall N3. At Pulkovo-2, using self-check-in kiosks, you can check-in for flights of Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, KLM, Finnair, British Airways, Turkish Airlines, Russia and Transaero. The kiosks are installed both in front of the entrance to the check-in area immediately after the entry security checkpoints at the airport terminal building, and directly in the check-in hall in front of the baggage packing counter.

Registration using kiosks is very simple and does not take much time. The service is especially convenient for passengers traveling without luggage, since after receiving their boarding pass at the kiosk, they can immediately proceed to the boarding gate. Passengers traveling with luggage can also check-in for their flight using a kiosk and choose their seat on the plane. The baggage is then checked in at the appropriate airline check-in counter.

To register using a kiosk, you need to have your passport, reservation code or airline ticket number ready, and bonus card airlines (if available).

Rice. 8 Self-registration kiosks.

3.4. Mobile boarding pass

Mobile boarding pass is a completely new service for passengers checking in for flights online on airline websites or through their mobile version. A mobile boarding pass allows you to go through security and board the plane without the cost of printing documents or waiting in line to check in at your departure airport. IN this moment In the terminals of Pulkovo Airport, this service is not provided by airlines. Its implementation would also increase the efficiency of passenger service and expand the list of services provided at the airport.

A mobile boarding pass is a form of a regular boarding pass adapted for display on a mobile phone. All data about the passenger and the details of his flight are contained in a special 2D barcode. To use your Mobile Boarding Pass, simply display the 2D barcode on your mobile phone screen and provide it to airport services for scanning. Before going through security control, the passenger must go to a special device for passengers with a mobile boarding pass, located before the entrance to the security control area, and scan the 2D barcode from the phone screen. To do this, you need to attach the 2D barcode of your Mobile Boarding Pass to your device, following the step-by-step instructions on the device screen. A special device will check the data and issue a copy of the paper boarding pass. This paper boarding pass can also be used as an accounting document. Having a paper boarding pass is mandatory to go through airport security upon departure:

From airports not equipped with the equipment necessary to provide this service;

From airports in the Russian Federation (please note that in currently on the territory of the Russian Federation, having a paper boarding pass is mandatory to pass security control at the airport);

To confirm a business flight with the passenger's organization.

The 2D barcode of the mobile boarding pass contains all the information necessary for boarding the passenger on the plane: flight number, route, date and time of departure/arrival, time and gate number, as well as the seat number on the plane selected by the passenger during self-check-in. flight.

When traveling in a group, an individual mobile boarding pass is generated for each passenger separately. It is not allowed to transfer the mobile device to other passengers during security control.

3.5. Online – registration

Benefits of Online Registration:

· Ability to check in for a flight from home or office;

· Online check-in begins 24 hours and ends 45 minutes before flight departure;

· Possibility of choosing a seat convenient for the passenger in the aircraft cabin;

· The ability for passengers to print their boarding pass themselves. Upon arrival at the departure airport, the passenger does not need to go to the check-in counter, only if he does not have luggage.

All the programs proposed in this chapter allow us to solve the most important problem - improving the quality of service for air passengers while simultaneously increasing the level of their safety at the airport and on board the aircraft.

The aggravation of political and socio-economic problems, the emergence of vast zones of conflict situations, terrorism, hostage-taking, the criminalization of society - all this has not spared Russia. Air transport, which accumulates gigantic monetary and material resources and plays a special role in maintaining the normal functioning of any state, also became a direct target of negative impact. Any incident on air transport causes a huge resonance in society. Attempts to hijack and hijack aircraft, threats and explosions at airports, and other acts of unlawful interference (AI) seriously complicate the situation in air transport, undermine people’s confidence in the safety of using its services, entail severe moral, economic and even political consequences, and cause damage national interests.

Despite the growing trend in the number of ANVs in civil aviation activities, the Federal aviation service Russia, as the state governing body of the industry, is actively improving the domestic aviation security (AS) system. This is explained both by the growth in the number of airports open for international air transportation and by Russia’s participation in the created global aviation system.

Today, in Russia, in the interests of survival and flexible response to dynamically changing market conditions, increasing sustainability and adaptability in meeting consumer demand, overcoming the lag in the development of equipment and technology, and ensuring high quality of products and services provided, enterprises must purposefully carry out organizational changes. By improving passenger service, inertia and stagnation in management structures are overcome.

As a result of the analysis of the technology of passenger service by the passenger transportation service, to improve the quality of passenger service, it is proposed to introduce the following:

· installation of a WorldTracer Kiosk in airport terminals, which will allow passengers to independently check the status of delayed luggage and submit a request to search for missing luggage, without wasting time waiting in line with agents. WorldTracer kiosks are designed to significantly reduce queues in terminals (in addition to unconditionally improving the quality and speeding up passenger service, the airport provides itself with savings in human and material resources. There is a real opportunity to reduce the manual work of airport staff, while increasing the reliability of information at all levels).

· introduction of electronic passports with radio labels. The new passports have an unprecedented level of protection and personal identification, including biometric technologies that increase the level of security. Passports contain name, date of birth, passport number, digital photo, issue date and expiration date of the document. A promising direction for preventing acts of terror in civil aviation is the use of subsystems and biometrics in integrated systems.

· along with this, airlines must implement the requirements of paragraph 5 of the Directive of the Head of the FSNT No. 295 of September 23, 2004 on organizing the selection of aviation security employees (profilers) and their training in conducting random psychological testing of passengers, visitors, and staff;

· due to the fact that passenger transportation service personnel are constantly in contact with passengers (during check-in, at boarding gates, while boarding the aircraft), it became necessary for the airline management to include profiling methods in the mandatory training program for passenger transportation service personnel. Due to such interaction with the aviation security service, the level of security at the airport will significantly increase.

Therefore, some air passengers, when undergoing pre-flight inspection and registration at the airport, should not be surprised by a number of unexpected questions that profilers will ask using a specially developed methodology. The profiler’s task is to prevent persons and objects from boarding the aircraft that could contribute to the emergence of a crisis situation associated with an act of unlawful interference.

List of used literature

1. “Aviation Safety”, textbook, V.N. Kornilov, ABINTEKH, second edition, 2005. Publishing house PIK VINITI

2. "Organization" air transport", Rusinov I. Ya., Tsekhanovich L.A.

3. " General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 28, 2007 No. 82

4. Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. Chicago, 1944.