The Czech Republic is a great country for budget travel. Our trip to the Czech Republic Treatment in the Czech Republic

Hello friends! We recently implemented . Sorry if the tape is in In social networks and Instagram was full of my photos - I wanted to show you a lot! Today I want to talk about on our trip to the Czech Republic.

Photo 1. View of Prague. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Before starting to describe our journey, I want to introduce you to the beautiful girl Lyudmila. Which we met thanks to the blog. Luda has her own virtual Diary, where she writes about traveling around the world, about the picturesque Czech Republic, where she now lives, about fashion and creativity. We are both in love with travel and cannot imagine life without trips. Therefore, I didn’t think much about Lyuda’s invitation to come visit, and happily agreed. True, we didn’t go right away, but after six months, but everything that doesn’t get done, as they say, is for the better!

Photo 2. Prague. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Is our independent travel We arrived in the Czech Republic at the end of September. Romantic Prague greeted us with surprisingly warm weather.True, the day before the weather forecaster predicted rain, but the sun never tired of delighting us every day. The umbrella stayed in my backpack the entire trip.

By the way, we abandoned bulky suitcases and replaced them with backpacks. We felt the difference when we walked in Lviv. The fact is that there was plenty of time left before the bus to Prague, so we came up with an excursion program for ourselves. The walk promised moving with luggage along the central cobbled streets of the city, and with suitcases, you know, it’s problematic, but since we had backpacks it was much easier. Throw them on your back and go!

The Czech Republic is rich in attractions, we wanted to see more, but not miss the main thing, soindependent travelWe tried to think it through and compiled a list of the most important places to visit. As they say, “Preparation for a trip is already the beginning of the journey.” Schengen visa to the Czech Republic was received unexpectedly quickly. Two days later we had passports with visas in our hands. We applied at the visa center ourselves. I have already written about this, so read it if you are interested.

Now it is valid for Ukrainians, and there is no need to apply for a visa. Traveling has become much easier and more affordable, since you don’t have to pay for Schengen. I have prepared and so that everyone can choose the right country for travel.

Travel to the Czech Republic. Prague

Our journey to the Czech Republic began in Kyiv, but the most interesting thing was ahead of us. The bus arrived at the Florenc bus station, where Luda and Misha met us. We decided not to waste time on rest, but to quickly change clothes and go for a walk. Of course, we couldn’t do without tasting Czech beer, which our hospitable hosts treated us to. How nice it is to meet open people. It is so easy to communicate with them, as if you have known them a long time ago.

On this day, the guys gave us a wonderful sightseeing tour of Prague, which was very useful, since we needed to plan all the rest of the days and get our bearings a little about what and where.

From the central bus station it is not difficult to get to the city center. The metro is nearby. If you are arriving in the Czech Republic by plane, I have prepared a useful article "".

Photo 3. View of the Old Town Square. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Prague turned out to be very convenient from a tourist point of view. Almost all the attractions are located close to each other and you can easily visit them on a stroll. But for those who don’t like to walk a lot, this will help you.

Surprisingly, the most convenient way to get around in the capital of the Czech Republic is by tram. Every day we enjoyed riding it to the center. For some reason, until now I had associated this type of travel with inconvenience and slowness, probably as a sign of travel on the Kyiv trams, which, by the way, look exactly the same as the Prague trams. There are, of course, newer formulations, but there are many like ours. By tram you can get to anywhere in the city very quickly and comfortably. Tickets can be bought at stops, but not all have them. The fines are not small, so it’s better not to risk it and buy a ticket in advance. By the way, it’s very convenient that for all types public transport one ticket is valid.

Photo 4. Old Town Square. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Traveling to the Czech Republic, as I already said, we thought it through carefully, so there were no misunderstandings. The Czech language is quite understandable for Ukrainians, so we had no problems with understanding or communication. Moreover, we have compiled for ourselves a small phrasebook of the Russian-Czech language. When traveling independently, it makes communication and understanding very easy. In the Greek language there are quite funny words that stick in your head and don’t come out for a long time.

Photo 5. Czech chimes. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Sights of Prague unique. They delight, I'm sure, everyone! We walked around, constantly clicking the camera and turning our heads so as not to miss anything. Just look at the value of the Czech chimes, or as I also call them Orla. This ancient clock is located on the Old Town Square (Staroměstskéname). Every day crowds of people come to watch them and listen to their amazing fight. At a certain time, all the figures on the clock begin to move, silently speaking to us. Each of them has its own deep meaning. We didn’t specifically choose the time to come to the clock, but we were lucky on the very first day to capture this grandiose event in our memory. This is the central square of Prague; in addition to the unique clock, it houses many interesting sights.

Photo 6. Dancing house. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Prague contains unique assets of various architectural styles, many interesting modern monuments that are so beloved by tourists. For example, extraordinary dancing House. At first, residents did not like the building at all. In their opinion, it spoiled the appearance of ancient Prague, but after a little time, the Dancing House took root, I would even say, joined the romantic atmosphere of the city. Now, in its place, townspeople and tourists cannot imagine anything else.

Photo 7. View of the Vltava and Charles Bridge. Our trip to the Czech Republic

The capital of the Czech Republic is divided into two parts by the Vltava River. The name translates as "Wild River". At first glance, quiet and lazy, it sometimes turns into stormy, impetuous and indomitable. In 2002, this quiet one flooded the central part of Prague. During the flood, the dams were destroyed, after which a huge stream of water poured into the city center. The water rose to the second floor and flooded the subway. This was the largest flood in the last 500 years.

Photo 8. View of the Vltava and Charles Bridge from Mala Strana. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Despite this, I really like it when cities have rivers. For example, in Kyiv the Dnieper, with Trukhanov Island, but in Prague - the Vltava with Streletsky island. The island is shaped like a narrow boat and is the highlight of the city. Families with children love to come here, as well as everyone who wants to ride a “pedal” catamaran. Pleasure boats and restaurants constantly ply through the Vltava. Some of them are moored on the embankment, where walking along you can see many swans, which have become completely tame here. Without a doubt, we can say that the birds really like it here, they breed and do not want to fly away at all.
Two dozen bridges connect the two banks of the Vltava. Each of them is unique and has its own name. The oldest and historically significant is the famous Charles Bridge. It connects two legendary districts of Prague - Old Town Square with Lesser Town.

Photo 9. Charles Bridge. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Prague's Lesser Town differs from Old Town Square ( Old place ). I can say that there is a completely different atmosphere here, more ancient or something!

In the Lesser Town there is another attraction of Prague - Prague Castle. We walked up the cobbled streets to it almost every day. It contains a masterpiece St. Vitus Cathedral. It’s amazing that no matter what corner of Prague we were in, almost from every corner we could see the tall spiers of this temple. It takes a lot of effort to put the cathedral into the lens.

Photo 10. St. Vitus Cathedral. Our trip to the Czech Republic

We went to the Cathedral of Vitus most often, because we could not get inside. The fact is that just at that time there was a unique exhibition where the crown of King Charlemagne was shown. This happens extremely rarely. The crown is very valuable, decorated with precious stones and pearls. Therefore, these days there was special attention to visitors. Yes, and there were a lot of them themselves. This gave me the opportunity to see a lot amazing places near.

Photo 11. The immense Cathedral of St. Vitus. Prague. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Take a walk along the Golden Street, where goldsmiths, alchemists, seers and healers lived long ago. Many mystical legends envelop it, which I will talk about in a separate article. Golden Lane most interesting place. There are tiny houses with small rooms on it, which have survived to this day. Entrance to the street is paid, but if you come after 18, like we did, you don’t have to pay anything and see, in principle, the same thing.

Photo 12. View of Mala Strana. Our trip to the Czech Republic

In addition to Golden Street, there is another unique street - the narrowest I have ever seen. It is called Vinarna Chertovka(Vinárna Čertovka). Its width is only 70 centimeters. To ensure that people do not get stuck there for a long time, but take turns on both sides, a traffic light has been installed. For those who are afraid of confined spaces, be prepared for extreme sports. I don’t have claustrophobia, but I have the feeling - I wish I could get out as quickly as possible!

Not far from Prague Castle, there are two dissimilar, but very attractive places. This (Valdštejnská zahrada) and Petrin Hill(Petrin). They are both very picturesque and interesting. The first one houses the palace where the Czech Senate is now located, but it attracted us more with its stunning garden. Peacocks walk in it, and huge carps swim in the pond. The garden is decorated with sculptures and an amazing fountain of the goddess Venus.

Photo 13. Wallenstein Garden. Our trip to the Czech Republic

It was not by chance that we were brought to Petrin Hill either. I really like such huge parks. On its territory there is an observatory, the Strahov Monastery, a mirror labyrinth, a tower that Prague residents call their own, the Eiffel Tower, as well as apple orchards. Don't be intimidated by the high climb. For the lazy, there is a funicular that will take you to the very top. But for active people like us, a hill is nothing. The walk was very impressive. You can take a blanket and sandwiches with you and lie down under a shady tree. Relax and enjoy looking at nature and views around. The hill has been known since ancient times. According to legend, it was from here that Princess Libuše predicted the appearance of the capital of the Czech Republic - Prague. If you take the time to climb to the very top of the Hill, you will have a stunning view of the city.

Photo 14. Water mill from the bridge of lovers in Prague. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Tourists are bamboozled by the views. The fact is that access to the towers that are offered is paid (approximately 100-200 CZK), but it is not at all necessary and even stupid to pay for it! After all, the city is full of places where you can enjoy the best angles, and for free. I have already said one thing, as you understand. This is second place. It itself is very interesting to visit and is considered the oldest district of Prague. It all began, as they say, with him. Vysehrad is located on the other side of the Vltava. It is given away by the pointed towers of the Church of St. Peter and Paul, which are visible from afar. It is located right in Visegrad. In addition, there is a calm park with sculptures of heroes, a memorial cemetery, which is also the most prestigious in Prague. In addition to historically valuable sights, the Castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area and the city itself.

Photo 15. Vysehrad. Our trip to the Czech Republic

Travel to the Czech Republic. Karlstein

Our independent journey to the Czech Republic did not stop only at beautiful Prague. One day we went to. It is located 30 kilometers from the capital.

Photo 16. Karlštejn Castle. Our trip to the Czech Republic

We rode on my favorite double-decker train. Well, I like them madly. I remember how I squealed with joy when we drove to Dresden in one.

Photo 17. Karlštejn Castle. Our trip to the Czech Republic

I’m very glad that I got to go to the castle and the weather didn’t let me down. It so happened that we wanted to visit Karlovy Vary that day, but there were no tickets for the morning. Instead, we decided not to waste a day and look at Karlštejn Castle. Prices there are cheaper than in Prague, so I wasn’t left without something new. You can also buy it there.

Travel to the Czech Republic. Karlovy Vary

We dedicated the whole day to Karlovy Vary. The town turned out to be amazing! It took an hour and a half to travel from Prague. I was lucky to get tickets for a very comfortable bus, so the trip was easy and pleasant.small tourist town. It is famous for its thermal waters. In this regard, the central part of the city is occupied by hotels. I was glad that all the spas (springs) are open, and everyone can drink the healing water absolutely free of charge.

Photo 18. Karlovy Vary. Tepla River. Our trip to the Czech Republic

The Tepla River flows in Karlovy Vary, which may be why the water in the springs can reach 60 degrees. It tastes a little salty and even a little carbonated. Judging by the Russian-speaking people around us, you don’t feel like you’re in another country at all. Only when we moved further away from the center did everything fall into place. Karlovy Vary is famous not only for its thermal waters. Probably few people leave the city without Karlovy Vary waffles or platkas and Becherovka, which originated right here.

Photo 19. Karlovy Vary. Tepla River. Our trip to the Czech Republic

There are many interesting tourist moments associated with this city, so I will write in more detail later.

Czech delicacies

Having visited a dozen Prague establishments, we can proudly say that we tried them all Czech cuisine . We liked many of them, but especially the ribs in honey sauce that the Beer Museum prepared for us, the Boar's knee in the Kozla restaurant, and the delicious duck leg in our favorite establishment, At the Parachutist. Dishes are dishes, but what can you do in the Czech Republic and not drink beer? Honestly, I haven’t had something this delicious for a long time! If in Kyiv we drink beer extremely rarely, then on this trip to the Czech Republic we drank a lot of it. We liked “Krušovica” and “Goat” the most.

Photo 20. Boar's knee. Beer Kozlovna. Our trip to the Czech Republic

I really liked the fact that the menu of each establishment hangs on the street, and you can see the range of dishes and prices without entering the restaurant. Basically it was that we wanted to try something specific, so it was very convenient.

In addition to the dishes that you can try at the establishment, I would like to mention another tasty treat from the Czech Republic:Trdelnik. To tell the truth, I didn’t really want to try it before the trip, but one fine morning after buying coffee at the popular Starbucks, I wanted to chew something. The solution was Trdelnik. In the Czech Republic they are sold at every turn. And what can I say?! I really liked him! One was enough for Vitya and I for two. They cook them right on the street. Trdelnik consists of yeast dough, sprinkled with sugar and nuts on top. If desired, you can order filler inside. Prices may vary, buy further from the center, then it will be cheaper.

Review. We really enjoyed . This boundless greenery, an abundance of trees and all kinds of living creatures, and the air made my lungs green! It’s just so clean and fresh, it’s unbelievable!

I can say that the trip to the Czech Republic was a success! How do you like our trip?

How to find budget accommodation in the Czech Republic
Cheap accommodation or hotels in the Czech Republic can be found through the hotellook booking system, we use it ourselves, it’s been verified. The convenience of the service is that it compares prices from dozens of booking systems - all you have to do is choose the best offer for yourself and buy.

How to buy cheap air tickets to the Czech Republic
Air travel to the Czech Republic can be purchased directly on the airline’s website, but it is most profitable to take advantage of flight offers in the direction of Aviasales, a unit that we use ourselves. The service selects the most advantageous offers in terms of prices and destinations - you just have to choose the best by price, departure time or favorite airline.- purchasing travel insurance online for citizens of Russia and CIS countries.

] Authors: Jiri Hanzelka, Miroslav Zikmund. Translation from Czech by S.I. Pink. Edited by I.I. Potekhin.
(Moscow: Foreign Literature Publishing House, 1956)
Scan, OCR, processing, Djv-600,1200 format: krestik, 2019

    Chapter XIX. With a machine gun to Addis Ababa (5).
    Border formalities under tropical rain. A pistol instead of a signal horn with Let's look into the Ethiopian's home. At the Pass of Death. With Tatra to an altitude of 3200 meters. Addis Ababa.
    Chapter XX. One hour in the company of Emperor Haile Selassie? (25).
    “Tell him that I have nothing against him personally.” King of kings and English language. “I sent a plane for your specialists.” Lion the Conqueror from the tribe of Judah. 72 high school football teams. Ethiopia outside and inside.
    Chapter XXI. In the Ethiopian trap (41).
    Game of motorists. Gallows in the market square. How to get out of Ethiopia? With Swedish pilots over Ethiopia.
    Chapter XXII. Is there oil in the Ogaden? (50).
    Railway track in the air. “There’s a small ford here and there.” We are building a road for ourselves. Tangier in East Africa. Third day without water. Refrigerators in the desert.
    Chapter XXIII. We are looking for the equator (67).
    Termite skyscrapers. Curious ostriches. Magic cat. Wife for 300 shillings. Direction - southern hemisphere. Where is the equator? Black cotton soil. Malaria.
    Chapter XXIV. Captured on the roads of Kenya (83).
    Another accident victim. 59 degrees in the shade. Bath in the middle of the road. Drinking water from elephant tracks. "Listen to a review of the latest news." Synthesis of Europe and India. With blacks at the all-night vigil. A city without postmen.
    Chapter XXV. Czechoslovakian flag over Kilimanjaro (101).
    Lions in front of the Tatra. “Are you smuggling flies?” Fight for 6000 meters. Sparkling Mountain. Through coffee plantations and virgin forests. Hail over Peters Shelter. Before the night hike. The sun rises over Mawenzi. Glaciers near the equator. Leopard skeleton in the crater. Wreaths of victory.
    Chapter XXVI. West of Mombasa (127).
    The Germans must leave Tanganyika. Under the coconut trees. Wholesale trade of elephants and rhinoceroses. Pampered warriors? British colonial "democracy". The birth of a coffee bean.
    Chapter XXVII. To the sources of the Nile (148).
    Steam locomotives on 28 wheels. Tanganyika - right, Uganda - straight. Once again across the equator. Was Herodotus right? 700 billion hectoliters of water. Crocodile for 120 CZK. 200 students for three million square kilometers.
    Chapter XXVIII. Through western Uganda to the Congo Pygmies (169).
    Miracle road near Rwenzori. A black ruler under the authority of his royal majesty. Night concert of hippos. "Never argue with them." The smallest people in the world. Among the dwarfs is the bambutti. A day with the pygmies. Pygmies hunting elephants.
    Chapter XXIX. 200 elephants in two hours (194).
    Two systems. Last night at the equator. First meeting with elephants. Race with the attacking hippopotamus. Elephants grazing. Gas! Gas! Hypnotized buffalo. Petrified antelopes. Chevrolet on an elephant's tusks.
    Chapter XXX. Fire rain on Kivu (214).
    Country of volcanoes. 60 million cubic meters of lava per month. Throne of Hephaestus. The primeval forest is on fire. A car in a flaming trap. Dante's hell. Along the elephant paths to the volcano. Return to the first days of the Earth. 200 meters from the volcano. Seething lava cauldron. “We’re leaving for New York now!”
    Chapter XXXI. Tom-toms sound (237).
    Kneeling blacks. "Enchanted Castle" on the lake. Rubber devils in Nyondo. People in the vicinity of the "enchanted castle". Academic half an hour. A kilo of ivory costs 340 CZK. Jablonec gifts. “Quinine, sir!”
    Chapter XXXII. "Scandal in Katanga" (259).
    Departure on Tuesday at 8.00 - arrival on Thursday at 21.30. “600 more or 600 less...” Dinner under a mosquito net, 1000 kilometers alone on the road. Mass production of labor. Eight percent copper. A workshop without people. 250 tons of copper per day. The tallest factory chimney in Africa.
    Chapter XXXIII. Great Northern Road (277).
    Copper belt. 15 train sets of copper in a bath. Will-o'-the-wisps underground. 12 equals 20. Great Northern Road. Retreat before the ants.
    Chapter XXXIV. Night rainbow over the Zambezi (291).
    Decisive millimeters. On the border of eternal rain. David Livingston. Lunar rainbow. Over the canyons of the Zambezi River. Double stripes. Rhodesian drivers. By Cecil John Rhodes. Socrates from Zimbabwe. Across the Limpopo River. The land issue again.

Plan your own trip to the Czech Republic! We tell you how to travel in 2020: where to go, what to see, how to save money, how to get a visa, what to try.

How to get to the Czech Republic on your own

Ticket prices are per person, round trip during high season.

The most convenient way is to fly from Russia to Prague - there are many flights. If you need to travel to other cities, it is easy to get from the capital by bus or train.

The cheapest way to fly to the Czech Republic is from Moscow - tickets cost from 10 thousand rubles with a transfer, and a direct flight - from 14 thousand. Ticket prices from St. Petersburg are higher - from 13 thousand rubles for a direct flight, but without luggage (airBaltic).

Flights from the regions are expensive. It is relatively inexpensive to fly from Kaliningrad and Kazan - from 13 thousand rubles, and also from Rostov, Yekaterinburg and Samara - from 15 thousand.

If you couldn't find it cheap tickets, buy a tour - sometimes it is cheaper than traveling on your own. For example, trips to Prague for two from Moscow for 6 nights cost from 40 thousand rubles. However, the price includes tickets, accommodation, meals and transfer.

Visa to the Czech Republic

To travel to the Czech Republic you need a Schengen visa. It’s easy to get it yourself - correctly collect the standard package of documents and submit them in advance. The main thing is confirmed hotel and ticket reservations, insurance and a sufficient amount of money in the account.

Don't forget about insurance! It will save you from expenses in case of emergency. Register it on the services or. Cost - from 300 rubles per week.

Transport in the Czech Republic

Intercity transport

Trains. The Czech Republic has a dense network of railways. Main center- this is Prague, there are several railway stations. From the main station (Praha Hlavní Nádraží) - trains depart to cities in the Czech Republic and to other countries. We went from there to Kutna Hora. Trains also run from Nádraží Holešovice station to European cities, and from Masarykovo nadraži - mainly to Czech ones. The cost of a ticket from Prague to Karlovy Vary is 160 CZK (second class). .

If you are interested in trips from Prague to European cities, we recommend reading, and.

You can travel independently around the Czech Republic cheaply on Student Agency and Eurolines buses. For example, a ticket from Prague to Karlovy Vary costs from 130 CZK. It can be purchased online. There is no need to print it out; you can send it to your phone and show it to the driver.

You can independently organize a trip between cities in the Czech Republic, Europe, or just around Prague. The search engine shows all possible travel routes.

Transport in Prague

The main types of transport in Prague are the metro, buses and trams.

Trams and buses run even at night - they have separate schedules on dark blue signs at the stops. Night transport runs from 0:30 to 4:30. Metro operating hours are from 5:00 to 24:00. Schemes of day and night transport routes, as well as a metro plan, can be downloaded for free in excellent quality.

You can buy tickets from vending machines at some metro stations and stops, ticket offices, newspaper and tobacco kiosks, as well as via SMS. Read more about purchasing a ticket via SMS on the website

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An inconspicuous city hotel hidden in the narrow city streets (Photo © / Hotel Leon D´Oro)

Remember that hotels become more expensive during high season. It is better to book them 3-4 months in advance - this way you will find the best option at a good price. Peak times are summer and New Year's holidays.

View from the window of the Studio Nicolas Prague apartment (Photo © / Studio Nicolas Prague)

What to see in the Czech Republic on your own

Look for interesting excursions on the Sputnik and . Individual and group, without crowds of tourists and in Russian.

So, if you are planning an independent trip to the Czech Republic, we advise you first of all to get to know Prague, which has won the love of millions of people. However, the number of attractions is off the charts in other cities of the country.


Prague is one continuous attraction. It will take more than one day to get around them all. However, when going on an independent trip to the Czech Republic, do not forget to pay attention to other cities in the country.

The old town is the most famous area. Usually tourists begin to get acquainted with the city precisely from where the monument to Jan Hus, the town hall with an astronomical clock and the Tyn Church are located. Located next door.

Prague is a city oversaturated with tourists. Most of them are in the summer and on New Year's holidays. We advise you to be mentally prepared for such a number of people.


Must see in Brno, the former capital of Moravia: the Church of St. Jacob, where the ossuary is located, the Church of St. John, the Gothic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, the castles of Špilberk, Veveří and Slavkov, where the Battle of Austerlitz took place, the Capuchin and Augustine monastery and much more. There are many art galleries and universities in Brno.

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Note for gourmets: food in the Czech Republic

An independent trip to the Czech Republic is a great opportunity to arrange a gastrotour! Here's what to try on your trip:

  • Roasted pork knuckle, served with garnish and sauces. It is especially good with beer. The portions are large, so don't overestimate your strength.
  • As an alternative to knuckle - baked pork with gravy, stewed cabbage and dumplings. In general, a huge number of dishes are prepared from pork in the Czech Republic: baked pork ribs in honey, grilled pork, pork roll, pork goulash, steak and pork schnitzel, etc. Lamb and beef are present, but in smaller quantities.
  • Game and poultry dishes also common: pheasant breasts, hare pate, baked partridges, foie gras, baked geese, ducks, pheasants, etc.
  • Beer snacks are very popular in the Czech Republic: these are the so-called drowners- spicy pickled bacon, usually consumed after a couple of glasses of beer, and hermelin- soft cheese with white mold (can be fried, baked and pickled).

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Jáchymov and Marianske Lazne are suitable for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system. Jáchymov is the first medical resort in the world and in the Czech Republic in particular with radon sources. This is a quiet and calm city, helping to restore mental and physical harmony. Besides taking a bath, you can see the summer palace, the 16th-century palace park and ice caves, and climb Mount Klínovec.

Marianske Lazne- the second most popular resort in the Czech Republic, there are about 40 healing springs. The city is also famous for the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with 33 steps symbolizing the years of the life of Christ, the Anglican Church, the Evangelical Church and Orthodox church St. Vladimir. In the vicinity of the city there are nature reserves Kladska and Smradech, through which ecological trails pass.

Frantiskovy Lazne specializes in the treatment of gynecological diseases and the genitourinary system, 21 sources come to the surface. Like other cities, there are many attractions here: the resort, despite its developed infrastructure, has retained the appearance of the city of the early twentieth century.

(photo © Yael Gripich /

Ski resorts in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic in winter is no less interesting for tourists than at other times of the year. Ski resorts The Czech Republic is a worthy alternative to Western Europe, despite the medium-altitude mountains. Their undoubted advantage is their location: many centers are located near or in protected areas.

Some of the most popular ski resorts in the Czech Republic are located in Krkonoše, where Mount Snezka is located with a height of 1602 meters - the most high point countries. These are resorts such as Pec pod Snezkou, Spindleruv Mlyn, Janske Lazne, Harrachov, Karpacz, Szklarska Poreba and others. The resorts are very picturesque: the slopes of the mountain range are covered with pine and spruce forests, from here the Elbe River originates. Snow lies here from November to May.

Second largest mountain Jeseníky massif not inferior in popularity to the Giant Mountains. Despite the abundance of tourist routes and ski slopes, there are also unexplored corners here - for example, the Rychleb Mountains do not have a developed tourist infrastructure. The highest point is Praded (1491 m).

In general, the Jeseniky region is considered one of the most promising regions: here you can get medical treatment, which will cost much less than in Karlovy Vary, and engage in active sports, be it skiing, cycling or trekking. The massif is also not deprived of attractions and natural beauty - it is clearly worth going here not as part of a tourist group. If you are traveling around the Czech Republic on your own, we definitely recommend visiting Jeseniky.

(photo © CzechR /

Sumava Mountains with the highest point of 1378 m (Mount Plekhi) are also not offended by the attention of travelers. As in Jeseniky, recreation here is varied, and the nature is gorgeous.

Moravian-Silesian Beskids- a colorful massif with the highest point Lysaya Gora (1323 m). Developed infrastructure, good service. Places favored by tourists are Pustevny, Yavorovy, Bila, Solan. Fans of winter sports will be pleased with Bila's ideal trails and slopes of varying degrees of difficulty.

Ore Mountains with the peak of Klinovec (1244 m) are not so popular among tourists, but they also have a lot to offer: ski resorts (Bozi Dar and Klinovec), thermal springs, and attractions.

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Introductory image source: © @notnixon /

There are a lot of interesting natural places in the Czech Republic that are suitable for a real trip or a short one-day outing. The Czechs themselves are constantly exploring the country, and in a hiking format: climbing mountains, rafting down rivers, and participating in volunteer camps. In any wild corner of the Czech Republic you will meet a family with infant, a group of cheerful old men and a fashionable couple with an energetic terrier. See the places where The Chronicles of Narnia were filmed, climb the highest mountain or wander into the most deep cave, find out what the Czech paradise looks like or try coffee in the mountains, for which even Austrians come - don’t be afraid to move away from the cities you know, especially since Czech nature is especially beautiful in the fall.

How to plan a trip?

Hiking is very simple and convenient: absolutely all paths in the country are marked with special signs of different colors (red, green, yellow, blue, and usually this is not related to the severity of a particular route), and at intersections there are signs with the names of the nearest settlements or attractions and distances to them. It is impossible to get lost, planning a route is easy. There are four national parks in the Czech Republic. All of them are accessible to visitors, although they have different zones - some are prohibited for tourists (signs will inform you about this). Also, in national parks you cannot leave the hiking trails and light a fire. Except national parks there are many natural areas with less strict visiting conditions - you can safely spend the night in a tent.

The algorithm for planning any trip to the Czech Republic looks like this: find the ones closest to the chosen one natural place settlements. A trouble-free Czech transport assistant will help you create a route to them. Then search for this place on in the layer with designated tourist routes, study local attractions (they are all marked on the map) and choose the color of the route. is only in the Czech version, but the common Slavic roots of Google Translate work wonders. The map also shows information points where you can get an analogue map of the area.

The highest mountain

Snowball(Sněžka) - part of the Krknoše mountain range and national park. This is the most high part Sudeten, and Snezka itself is the highest mountain in the Czech Republic, 1602 meters, and it is located exactly on the border with Poland. The height is just right so that you can climb without much prior physical preparation and feel the joy of conquering the highest mountain in the country.

The ascent begins in a tourist village at the foot of the mountains - Pec-pod-Snezkoy. It consists mainly of guesthouses and ski rentals, but it has its own convenient and useful website - you will find there a map, tourist routes, discounts, places to stay and entertainment. Plan a whole day for the climb. A blue tourist trail leads from the village to the top of the mountain, flat at first and then increasingly steep (for the lazy, you can take the cable car). The forest around us changes, like a geography textbook, into an increasingly arctic landscape (as does the weather, so don't forget to dress warmly) until all that remains is boulders and lichens.

Poles rise from the opposite side of the mountain, and you all gather together on the cloudy top. There is a cafe that looks like a UFO and a postal station - don't miss the opportunity to send your friends a postcard from the highest point in the Czech Republic. You can go down another way - follow the yellow route, then turn onto the green one.

By the way, in addition to Snezka, there are many other mountains and many hiking routes of varying difficulty, so lovers of mountain walks can safely stay for a couple of days, and in winter, of course, go skiing.

Deepest cave

To get to the Moravian Karst, you need to get to the city of Blansko, and from there go to the objects that interest you on foot or by local buses. Visiting the caves Moravian Karst paid - check the prices and schedule on the website, and keep in mind that in tourist season, i.e. From May to September, it makes sense to book your tickets several weeks in advance. And one more thing: it is very cold in the caves, do not forget about warm clothes and shoes even in summer.

The largest forest

Šumava(Šumava) - the largest national park in the Czech Republic, a huge forest on the border with Germany and Austria, the green roof of Europe. You can wander through this ancient and fabulous forest for several weeks at any time of the year: climb mountains and look at the clouds lying like cotton wool in the valleys, pass through lakes, rivers and swamps, or simply listen to the green noise.

First, you can see the main Šumava lakes. From Špičak take the yellow route to Devil's Lake, and then along the red one - to Cherny. Along the way you will pass the European watershed - a mountain range, on one side of which rivers flow into the Black Sea, and on the other - into the North. Both lakes are at an altitude of more than 1000 meters. Devil's Lake is called so because of the legend about the devil who supposedly drowned here with a stone on his tail. Further along the same red path you can get to the White Ravine waterfall (this is the most high waterfall in Sumava - 13 meters) and follow the yellow path to the Hamry-Hojsova Stráž station.

You can walk along the canyon of the Otter River, full of rapids and waterfalls - a special Povydří trail has been created there, which goes from the village of Antýgl to Čenkova Pila(red route). If you're lucky, you might even meet the otters themselves.

Finally, it is worth exploring the surroundings of the largest Czech reservoir, Lipno - go to Lipno nad Vltavou. There you can walk along the route through the treetops and, in good weather, even see the Alps.

A site about Sumava from local enthusiasts.

White cliffs of southern Moravia

Palava(Pálava) are several low (549 meters) white limestone mountains in southern Moravia, on the border with Austria. They arose back in the Mesozoic era, and in the Neolithic people already lived here. A local archaeological find, the clay figurine of Venus of Vestonitskaya is one of the most ancient clay products in the world.

Best to get to Mikulov(which in itself is worth a visit). In summer, a special express train (Expres Pálava - Podyjí) runs from Brno in the morning and evening - the journey takes only a few hours. You can set out on foot from Mikulov - this is a five-kilometer walk through spacious fields with vineyards (red tourist route).

On the way you will meet a place Kletnice with a cafe where people even from Austria come to have a cup of coffee. The garden around the cafe looks like a magical place, but be careful - the prices here are comparable to a good Prague restaurant.

By itself mountain range There are several hiking trails, easier and more difficult. We advise you to choose the one that goes through the entire “ridge” of the mountain (red) - it is more steep, but all the most interesting things are located on it: the symbol tree of Pálava, the highest point (Děvín) with a breathtaking view of the whole of southern Moravia and Novomlynskoe reservoir, ruins of Děvičky castle. Then you can go down to the wine-growing village of Pavlov, reward yourself for a great trip with a glass (or bottle) of local white wine from a variety that bears the same name - Palava. By the way, the reservoir is an excellent place for windsurfing; in the middle of it there are artificially created islands for nesting birds and an island with a church - the top of the hill of the flooded village of Mushov.

Paradise branch

If you need to get a Czech experience in a concentrated form, namely to see many different castles in the middle of forests and mountains, then you are in Czech paradise, and this is not a play on words. Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj) - protected natural area in the north of the Czech Republic, 182 square kilometers of forest and rocks between the cities of Turnov, Jičín and Mnichovo Hradiště. Once upon a time, a long time ago, the sea splashed here and volcanoes erupted, but time and wind turned the seabed into bizarre rocks - however, you can still find sand under your feet. Entire cities are made from rocks, others have their own names - Lighthouse or Dragon, for example. It is quite possible to explore this region for several days, especially since in addition to the rocks there are many different castles here. The most famous are Trosky Castle (two towers on two rocks opposite each other) and Kost Castle, which often hosts medieval festivals.

Most popular here Prahov Rocks(Prachovské skály). It's very beautiful rock city, which has observation decks and the castle of Parges, carved into the rocks themselves. The place is also popular with climbers. It is better to explore this region from the city of Prachov along the green or red route.

The second large popular group is Hrubá skála - the path to it lies along the blue path from the Hrubá skála railway station of the same name.