To Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh. Holidays on the Red Sea

Hurghada - ancient city on the Red Sea, a popular resort and paradise. Sharm El Sheikh - small town on Sinai Peninsula with alluring views and luxury hotels. To decide which place you prefer, you need to know the characteristics of the resorts and their climate at the time of year you are interested in.

So, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh— where is better in November?

Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh?

When choosing a suitable resort, your gaze falls on and you see two familiar names - Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh. The soul is torn, because these two tourist destinations both are good.

Climatic conditions throughout the year

Affectionate Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh allows you to relax both there and there practically all year round , so all seasons there is no end to tourists.

In addition to the climatic conditions, the water here surprises with its transparency, and the clean, pleasant beaches create comfortable conditions for relaxation.

Climate of Hurghada divided into high and low seasons. Low season is when the air temperature is highest (up to 43 degrees at midday), as is the temperature sea ​​water(up to 28 degrees Celsius). The second half of winter also belongs to this season, with a comfortable air temperature of +21 degrees and approximately the same water temperature, which is quite cool for swimming.

The climate of these places tropical desert. Therefore, in the hottest time, in summer, there are much fewer tourists. Name "short" the season comes from a decline in the influx of tourists. But in high season- vice versa. The high season is the autumn months and the beginning of summer, when the temperature is the most comfortable and there is an increase in the flow of people coming on vacation. During the day, the maximum air temperature in autumn is +28 degrees, water +25 degrees.

The most favorable month for visiting the resort of Hurghada is considered to be -. This the Velvet season, suitable for those who would suffer from the heat in summer and would not tolerate cool water at the end of winter.

It's hard to imagine that one of the best this moment resorts of Egypt, Sharm el-Sheikh, was once an inconspicuous small town, if not a village. The velvety climate could not be ignored, and therefore, on the site of a small town there is now a world-class resort, which Russians and Europeans love to visit.

The climate here feels like hotter than in Hurghada. This is due to the presence of mountain ranges around the resort that prevent the passage of winds. Best time for holidays in Sharm El Sheikh, or high season, begins in mid-spring and ends at. At this time, the air temperature is also hot, but very comfortable: +30 in the air and +25 degrees in the water.

The second, equally comfortable period for relaxation lasts from until the end of November, approaching the same air temperature as in June. For those who decided to meet new year holidays in Egypt and doesn’t know which resort to choose, it’s worth knowing that in Sharm El-Sheikh the temperature is slightly higher.

Where is it warmer in November?

In Sharm El Sheikh the air temperature in November compared to Hurghada higher by 1-2 degrees. This is not much, but for a tourist it is noticeable. During the day in Sharm the average temperature is +28, and in Hurghada - +26-27.

But in the evening after sunset in Hurghada there will be not so comfortable, the temperature will even drop to +18 degrees, so it makes sense to take a thin windbreaker with you. In , accordingly, in the evenings - +21-22.

By the way the wind blows at these resorts, it will become clear that Sharm El Sheikh is a little more comfortable. It will not be so windy there, due to the location of the city in a bay among the mountains.

Where is the best place to relax?

In some regions, winter begins already in November, so many people strive for warmer climes. Choosing a resort in Egypt will not be difficult after studying certain nuances.

Beach holiday

For sunbathing on a sun lounger and long swims in clear, sparkling water in the sun, both cities equally good. The beaches are clean, pleasant and beautiful. But the water temperature in Sharm El Sheikh is still warmer. It would seem like only a couple of degrees, but how noticeable it becomes when swimming. The location of the city on the Sinai Peninsula affects - Sharm El Sheikh is surrounded coral reefs, so not all beaches are suitable for swimming.


The pyramids, which are the most important of Egypt, are not the only place for excursions.


Sharm El Sheikh:

Youth recreation

Extreme Sports They are more popular with young people; there are plenty of them in Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh:

  1. November is the month when the windy season begins. It will be especially appropriate in Hurghada surfing And kitesurfing. Sharm El Sheikh does not have good enough wind for surfing in November;
  2. For lovers diving the weather does not contradict, so you can safely go in search of adventure to the bottom of the sea. In Sharm El-Sheikh, surfers will be upset, but divers, on the contrary, will be amazed by the beauty of the seabed, which is more diverse and beautiful here;
  3. Thrill seekers may want to visit Hurghada water parks“Makadi Water World” or “Sindbad”. Sharm is very large water park"Albatros Aqua Park» will welcome everyone who wants to ride the water slides.

And, of course, every tourist who respects his travels will not be able to miss such a famous entertainment as a trip through the desert on quad bikes. It will be an unforgettable adventure!

Sharm El Sheikh is famous for its establishments for night's rest. Therefore, the most active tourists can run into one of the famous nightclubs “Le Pasha” or “Hard Rock Café” to dance. There is also a resort in the city called El Fanar. Beach Resort", where parties are held for young people.

Vacation with children

It doesn’t matter in which city you are going to relax, if you are going on vacation, choose your hotel carefully.

It is better to choose a hotel equipped children's entertainment, taking into account your child's preferences.

Where to go with a child Hurghada:

IN Sharm El Sheikh there is also quite a bit of children's entertainment:

  • The most curious will enjoy the excursion to boat with a transparent bottom. An alternative to diving, which is too early for children to do;
  • Big Albatross Jangle water park hospitable to everyone. There are a sufficient number of slides for children and adults - no one will be bored;
  • Exciting attraction karting "Ghibli Raceway" will give you the opportunity to ride with your child in a racing car. Attentive and sensitive instructors will teach children how to drive a racing car and tell a fascinating story;
  • A popular entertainment among children in Sharm El Sheikh has become Stable "Mangroovy Horses", where you can see, touch and ride ponies.

In Sharm El Sheikh there is more variety of children's entertainment than in Hurghada. But, even if you decide to go to Hurghada, your child will not be bored there, believe me.

Financial component

Of course, it is also important how much it will cost at a particular resort in Egypt.

Where is the most expensive vacation?

Sharm El Sheikh - city more expensive compared to Hurghada. But they’re also screwed up for a reason. It became a resort not so long ago, so everything there is newer and more modern.

If you want to have a pleasant holiday, but your budget is limited or you have not planned much, then Hurghada is the option that will suit you. You won’t notice any significant differences in your vacation, but a pretty penny save.

Where are the best hotels?

There are differences in the newness of the hotels due to the fact that Sharm El Sheikh was established as a resort only 10 years ago. Coral reefs, protected by law, create an inconvenient approach to the sea from hotels. For this purpose, bridges were built from the hotels built next to the reefs, which formed a cozy embankment with cafes, gazebos, and restaurants. There are hotels that have convenient exit to the beach. Tourists note that the quality of service in Sharm is slightly higher, but not significantly.

From hotels Sharm el-Sheikh can be distinguished:

  1. Hilton Waterfalls;
  2. Baron Resort;
  3. Royal Albatros Moderna;
  4. Rehana Royal Beach& Spa and many others.

The peculiarity of Hurghada and its advantage is a large number of hotels with direct access to the sea.

There are much fewer hotels on the second line of Hurghada, and if you look from a satellite, you can clearly see that most run clearly along the coast.

Among the 5* hotels in Hurghada we can note:

  1. Baron Palace Sahl Hasheesh;
  2. Golden Five Diamond Resort;
  3. Jaz Bluemarine;
  4. Iberotel Makadi Beach.

Most hotels in Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh, even with a low star rating, often turn out to be very comfortable and cozy. And both resorts have the same hotels with luxury apartments.

So, if you want to soak up the sun and swim in... clear water with your family, and all this for reasonably little money, you are definitely in Hurghada. Holidays for sophisticated people who want to relax beautifully and expensively await you in Sharm El-Sheikh.

Before you gather in, thoroughly study the resort, its features, climate, look at hotels and read reviews about them. This will allow you to be informed and avoid troubles and “surprises”.

Most tourists wonder: which resort in Egypt to choose?

In this country, as you know, there are two main resort regions: Hurghada and, located on the opposite shore of the Red Sea, Cape Sharm El Sheikh.

Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh. Prices. Hotels. Children.

In general, prices for holidays in Hurghada are lower. This is apparently due to the fact that Sharm el Sheikh is considered newer and modern resort. Although in this case, this is very vague, since there are also quite a few new and comfortable hotels in Hurghada.

Therefore, if you want to save money, then your way to Hurghada. For less money, it is quite possible to relax in a hotel of the same class; the main thing here is to follow the simplest recommendations for choosing the right hotel.

Well, if little tourists are traveling with you, then it would be a good idea to read the article Holidays in Egypt with Children.

Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh. Beaches.

There are real sandy beaches only in the resorts of Taba and Nuweiba. Artificial sandy beaches exist in Naama Bay in Sharm El Sheikh, and in old Hurghada. All other beaches are either bulk beaches with a coral bottom or completely coral. Detailed description beaches at all resorts, read the article beaches of Egypt...

Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh. Attractions.

Hurghada or Sharm el Sheikh. Diving.

Here we should also mention the most popular activity in Egypt - diving. More than half of tourists come here precisely to admire the extraordinary beauty and picturesqueness of the underwater world.

This extraordinary place For many millennia it has been famous for its healing sands. And now a network of excellent medical institutions specializing in various diseases is being built here.

Choosing between two resort areas Egypt - Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada is not an easy task. Both resorts are well developed, both have extensive infrastructure, a large number of hotels with different conditions accommodation, different price categories. If we also add that the cost of the flight and the flight time are almost the same, then it is really difficult to choose. But there are still some differences:

  • In Sharm el-Sheikh, almost the entire coastline is occupied by coral reefs. This is great news for scuba diving enthusiasts, but going into the water in such conditions is quite dangerous: if the waves are strong, there is a chance of getting hurt on the reefs. That’s why many families with children prefer the beaches of Hurghada: there are sandy areas without corals.
  • If you are planning to visit Cairo, then you don’t care where to stay: it is located almost equal distance from both resorts. If you are planning a trip to Luxor, then it is better to relax in Hurghada - from here to Luxor it is only a 4-hour bus ride. You can only get from Sharm el-Sheikh to Luxor by plane, which raises the cost of such an excursion to fabulous heights. But from Sharm you can take a bus to Israel, to the Dead Sea. Near this city there is Mount Moses, the Colored Canyon, and St. Catherine's Cathedral.
  • There is some difference in the atmosphere. The fact is that Sharm el-Sheikh is located on the Sinai Peninsula, and Egyptians can work here only if they have work visa. Therefore, only those who came to work are here and the resort is safer and calmer.

In addition to these nuances, there is also a difference in weather conditions. In some months you feel more comfortable in Sharm, in others more pleasant stay awaits you in Hurghada.

December, January and February are better in Sharm el-Sheikh

Since even in Egypt this period is cold, the main advantage during this period is the higher temperature. According to this indicator (as well as all year round), Sharm el-Sheikh is in the lead. Average winter temperatures here are 3-4°C higher than in Hurghada. It should also be noted that in Sharm in winter there is almost no wind, which causes a lot of inconvenience on the beaches of Hurghada. Although, when choosing a hotel in Sharm in winter, pay attention to the area: there are areas in which the wind is almost the same as in Hurghada, and there are windless ones:

  • Naama Bey;
  • Sharm El Maya;
  • Hadaba;
  • Ras Um Sid.

Where is the best place to go in March, April and May?

Between March and mid-April, Egypt is not very popular due to the strong winds blowing from the desert and carrying sand with it. But even at this time you can have a good rest in Egypt: comfortable stay awaits you in Sharm. It is covered by mountains from the wind and dust storms, if they happen (they actually happen very rarely), are not of the same strength and duration as in Hurghada.

But it’s more pleasant to spend May in Hurghada: at this time it’s already hot in Sharm el-Sheikh. The beneficial calmness in winter becomes the cause of intense heat in summer.

In June, July and August it is better to relax in Hurghada

In summer you will definitely feel more comfortable in Hurghada: the temperatures here are lower. At this time, the constant wind is perceived not as a hindrance to rest, but as salvation. It’s not for nothing that it is now called the “sea breeze”.

And Sharm el-Sheikh is melting from the heat at this time: temperatures above 45°C are not uncommon here. The water is also very, very warm and almost not refreshing. In the hottest months, here you can only hang motionless in the water, making a minimum of movements: it’s hot. But if you want to warm up efficiently, then Sharm in the summer is your choice.

What's better in September, November and December?

With the approach of the “cold” season in Egypt, more and more vacationers are choosing Sharm el-Sheikh: with a decrease in average daily temperatures, the resort, protected by mountains, becomes more comfortable. But this picture has been observed since the second half of November. Until this time, holiday conditions are ideal in both regions, even in Hurghada in September it is better: in Sharm it is still hot. But it's Christmas and New Year It is better to meet in Sharm in windless areas.

Both resorts have their merits. Whichever one you like best, choose that one. At any time, you can choose an option that guarantees comfortable relaxation conditions.

Where to relax? - this question arises with us every year on the eve of the holidays. We work hard all year and save money for a long-awaited vacation.

Nowadays there is a huge choice of countries for economical, budget holiday- why Egypt?

- firstly, almost the whole year the temperature is +28+30 (warm),

-the flight is not tiring - 3 hours and you “find yourself in summer” (especially if you have small children)

-combines both active and passive recreation (both for those who like to lie on the beach and for those who like to snorkel and go diving in the beautiful Red Sea)

- there is something to see - the rich historical / cultural heritage of the country - for lovers of excursions - Pyramids of Giza, Luxor

-many hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis - you don’t need to worry about where and what to eat and how much it costs! - Meals are included in the price of the tour.

Climate. In Egypt, the climate is mild, even though the heat/scorching sun is +30+35, it is still easily tolerated. I was in Egypt even in JULY, and at the same time I went on an excursion to Giza to the pyramids in the desert, where the temperature was over +40, nothing bad happened to me, the sun did not incinerate me. In principle, the temperature is excellent all year round, but there are monsoons - winds from the desert, from Wed. January - until early February - when there are large temperature changes during the day up to +30, and at night +17, the sea at this time does not have time to warm up, it is cold and possible strong winds from the desert. It is better to take warm clothes with you or postpone the trip for a week.

Sea. The sea is divine. Warm, gentle, clean, azure and beautiful. What are the advantages of Sharma - precisely at sea. The corals are alive - there are fish everywhere, like in an aquarium. For those who like to snorkel, this is exactly it; if you walk along the pontoon for 200m, you can see such beauty while diving, you don’t even need to sea ​​excursion take. For children, there are hollowed-out reefs in the sea, where it is shallow and you don’t have to worry about your child. Fish come into such places with the tide - it’s so beautiful, all the children are delighted. And for me, free fish spa!

Swimming at night is prohibited - it is very dangerous, you can cut yourself on the coral!

There is no such thing in Hurghada, all the corals are dead - and it is very rare to see fish. In the new area of ​​Makadi there are living reefs, but the prices for new hotels are sky-high. You can only admire the beauty of the sea on an excursion.

Hotels. For every taste and budget. To save money, you can take a ticket to a 3* chain hotel on line 2, but at the same time you can enjoy all the benefits of a 5* hotel; the food is almost the same everywhere, the food is designed for Europeans, and you will not be offered any “exotic” food. Although in a la carte all the cuisines of the world are at your feet. If you are not satisfied with the food, take a taxi and go to the nearest McDonald's or restaurant. Alcohol - local - is simply terrible, they mix it with water. It is better to bring your favorite alcoholic drinks with you.

Prices. All prices for goods in the markets are inflated by at least 5 times. Bargain, bargain and bargain again! Even when purchasing an excursion, bargain! In Sharm, excursions, small gifts, hookahs, oils, magnets are a little more expensive than in Hurghada.

Entertainment. Excursions. Usually, hotels have animation and entertainment. But if you are unlucky with a hotel and are bored in the evenings, you can leave the hotel, take a local minibus and for 1 dollar go to Naama Bay, walk around the evening market, smoke hookah in numerous cafes or buy gifts for your family. Of course, just lying on the beach for 10 days will be boring. Sharma is the closest place to go on an excursion to Israel, the price is about 60 dollars. For the pyramids (Cairo) about 80 dollars. Ride ATVs in the desert -20 dollars, Take boat trip on a glass bottom boat.

Merchants will pester you everywhere, at every step, inviting you to their shops, asking you to buy at least something from them! bargain with them, if the sellers do not make contact, feel free to turn around and leave, in the next shop they will offer you the same product even cheaper. There are, of course, boors who will also curse you out, don’t be offended by them, they’re just “that way.” Considering that 80% of the Egyptian population is illiterate, don’t hold a grudge against them!

Divorce. The Egyptian people are poor, and for the Arabs we are the only opportunity to somehow earn money and feed their family. You will be scammed at every step, be careful!

At the airport, Sharma was faced with an immediate divorce. When purchasing a visa. Previously it cost 15 dollars, now it costs 25 dollars. At the entrance, representatives of your tour operator will allegedly call you and offer to buy a visa from them for 17 dollars, or now for 27 dollars. DO NOT be fooled by the crowd, fill out the form yourself, with an example on the stand, and go to the window with the inscription VISA and buy it for 15 dollars. I understand that 2 dollars. - not money, but if there are 10 of us going, yes, I don’t understand what to give it for, and why?

If you plan to stay only in Sharm (on the Sinai Peninsula) and will not go to Cairo on an excursion, you DO NOT NEED a visa. On the migration card, in the stay column - just write SINAI ONLY! and you don't have to spend $25.

People will run up to you, help you carry your luggage to the bus, then they will take money from you for it! you decide!

In markets and all crowded places, keep valuables close to you. Because if something is stolen from you, you cannot do anything, no one will even call the police.

A tourist who hasn't been ripped off is not a tourist

If you choose between Hurghada and Sharm, definitely Sharm, since you can enjoy the beauty of the sea in Sharm.

It’s always a pleasure to relax in Sharm El Sheikh - beautiful sea, gentle sun.

Many tourists heading to Egypt are faced with the choice of which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh. Both of these resorts in the country are considered the largest, quite comfortable, they are favorite places holidays for Russian travelers. Therefore, deciding which one is better is quite difficult. It is worth trying to compare both cities, as well as what is offered to tourists there.

If you compare which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, you first need to pay attention to local hotels. At both resorts you can find establishments to suit your taste. There are both luxury apartments and more modest hotels. Most of them operate on an all-inclusive basis. It takes approximately the same time to fly to both places. Therefore, the cost of tickets for the trip, as well as prices for accommodation, will be approximately the same.

Some tourists choose which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, depending on the proximity to attractions. Resorts are located on the coast. They have all the conditions for relaxing on the beach and diving. Some travelers praise the variety undersea world for which Sharm el-Sheikh is famous. However, in Hurghada, most hotels have a gentle entrance to the sea. Cairo can be reached from both of these resorts in the same amount of time. Sharm el-Sheikh is located near the Colored Canyon; Mount Moses, located nearby, is interesting to visit. At the same time, from Hurghada it is closer to Luxor, and accordingly, the cost of the excursion will be less.

Tourists are invited to relax all year round. However, regarding such parameters as climate and weather, Hurghada wins a little in the hot months, since the winds that blow here will help you better tolerate high temperatures. Sharm el-Sheikh is convenient for a holiday in winter, when you want to soak up the warm, but not scorching sun. The thermometer reaches 25 degrees during the day.

Thus, determining which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh, is quite difficult.

Both resorts offer tourists a comfortable stay on sandy beaches. If we talk about family vacation, then Sharm el-Sheikh is recommended, as it is more calm and comfortable here. Hurghada will appeal to young groups who prefer noisy establishments and nightclubs. However, most hotels have their own bars and discos, so there is no need to look for entertainment outside the hotel.

The situation in Sharm el-Sheikh is currently calmer than in other resorts. Due to unrest in the country, tourists prefer this city, which is better guarded. However, this does not mean that travelers in other places in Egypt may be in danger. When traveling to this country, you can be sure that whatever resort you choose, quality rest guaranteed. Inspection famous pyramids and beautiful corals, considered a local treasure, will leave only vivid impressions and wonderful memories of your vacation.

Those who have visited Egypt often return there again. Tourists thinking about which resort to choose can be advised to visit each of the cities in the country, even if not immediately. Only personal experience will determine in the future where you want to return during your vacation.