Phrasebook for Dominican Republic with transcription. Language in the Dominican Republic

Imagine in your mind the American continent. Introduced? So, between Northern and South America There are groups of islands - the Lesser and Greater Antilles. The most large island is Cuba, and the second largest is Haiti. On its territory is located Dominican Republic.

What countries are located on the island of Haiti?

There are 2 states on the island of Haiti. The eastern part of the island is occupied by the actively developing Dominican Republic, and in the west is the decaying Republic of Haiti. This is how it happens - there is only one island, but the contrast between the countries is significant.

What is the capital of the Dominican Republic?

The capital of the Dominican Republic is the city of Santo Domingo. Near the city rich history, and at the same time, it is a modern metropolis inhabited by more than 3 million people.

What is the sea like in the Dominican Republic?

All South coast The Dominican Republic is washed by the Caribbean Sea. The country also includes islands Caribbean Sea- Saona, Catalina and Catalinita.

What kind of ocean is in the Dominican Republic?

On the northern side, the Dominican Republic is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Are there dangerous sharks in the Dominican Republic?

Sharks are a rare guest in the Dominican Republic. After all East End the islands, where the main resorts are located, are surrounded coral reef, which makes access to coastal waters difficult for large predators. In addition, there is simply no suitable food in sufficient quantities for sharks in these places.

What is the flag of the Dominican Republic?

The flag of the Dominican Republic appeared as a result of the long struggle of the Dominicans for their independence. His palette consists of three colors, each of which has its own symbolism.

  • Blue means freedom,
  • White - the strength and purity of the people, their religious faith and readiness for self-sacrifice
  • Red - blood and fire of struggle

The coat of arms of the Dominican Republic is placed in the center of the flag.

What is the coat of arms of the Dominican Republic?

The coat of arms of the Dominican Republic features a shield in the same colors as the flag. The coat of arms is decorated with a bible and a cross. On the left side of the flag there is an olive branch, and on the right side there is a palm branch. Above the shield there is a blue ribbon on which is written: “Dios, Patria, Libertad”, which translates as “God, Motherland, Freedom”.

The ribbon below the shield reads "Republica Dominicana", which means "Dominican Republic".

What is the political system in the Dominican Republic?

Legislative power belongs to the National Congress, consisting of the Senate (30 members) and the Chamber of Deputies (120 deputies) and elected by popular vote for a 4-year term.

The form of government of the Dominican Republic is a presidential republic. The political regime is democracy.

What is the currency in the Dominican Republic?

The national currency of the Dominican Republic is the Dominican Peso. However, in the tourist area they also accept dollars as payment. Currency can be exchanged at a bank or exchange office.

Who are the Dominicans?

Dominicans appeared as a result of the colonization of the island by Europeans, which began in the 15th century. Slaves were brought to the island from Africa to work on the vast plantations. Gradually, the assimilation of Spanish colonialists and African slaves took place. Therefore, the majority of the population of the Dominican Republic are mulattoes. There is a small percentage of whites who make up the elite of society.

What is the religion in the Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic inherited culture, traditions and the Christian faith from the Spanish colonialists. Dominicans profess Catholicism and are very devout people.

What language is spoken in the Dominican Republic?

Dominicans speak Spanish, although it is slightly different from traditional Spanish and has its own flavor. Dominicans often swallow consonants and endings of words. They hardly speak English, and if they do, it’s very poor. So take a Spanish dictionary with you - it will come in handy.

What is the population of the Dominican Republic?

According to the latest estimates, the population of the Dominican Republic is approaching 11 million people.

Where is Punta Cana?

The famous resort of Punta Cana is located in the eastern part of the Dominican Republic and belongs to the province of Altagracia. The distance to Santo Domingo is about 200 km. Punta Cana has the main hotels and one of the most major airports countries.

What is the time difference between Moscow and the Dominican Republic?

Moscow time is exactly 7 hours ahead of Dominican time. This figure is constant, since neither in the Dominican Republic nor in Russia the clocks are changed throughout the year.

What is the telephone code in the Dominican Republic?

The telephone code for the Dominican Republic is

And after that - the phone number itself.

How long does it take to fly from Moscow to the Dominican Republic?

A direct flight from Moscow to the Dominican Republic is approx. 12 hours. During this time, the plane covers the path to 9266 km.

What is the name of the airport in the Dominican Republic?

The largest international airports The Dominican Republic is located in the cities:

Santo Domingo

Puerto Plata

Punta Cana

Punta Cana Airport is the busiest and most flights from Russia land there.

Do you need a visa to the Dominican Republic?

For Russian citizens who plan to stay in the Dominican Republic for no more than a month, a visa is not required. It is enough to fill out a migration card when entering the country.

What is a migration card and how to fill it out?

The migration card gives the right to stay in the Dominican Republic for 30 days. If necessary, it can be extended at the migration service office of the Dominican Republic.

The cost of a migration card is $10. This fee will be collected upon arrival at the Dominican airport in front of passport control.

The card itself is usually offered to be filled out on the plane. The card is filled out for everyone who enters the country, including a child. To avoid mistakes and not waste time filling out the card again, keep a sample for yourself.

What can you export from the Dominican Republic?

Limits for transporting alcoholic beverages per adult:

  • 3 liters of alcohol
  • 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars (cigarillos) or 250 grams of tobacco
  • coffee, cocoa - in unlimited quantities.

It is prohibited to export:

  • shells
  • corals
  • national currency (Dominican peso)
  • objects and things of historical and artistic value

Are drugs legal in the Dominican Republic?

No. The legislation of the Dominican Republic provides for serious penalties for the possession, distribution and use of any drugs.

Is there an airport tax when flying from the Dominican Republic?

No, you do not pay anything when flying from the Dominican Republic.

How many resorts are there in the Dominican Republic?

In total, there are 12 main resorts in the Dominican Republic. They can be roughly divided by region.

East Coast:

  • Punta Cana
  • Bavaro
  • Cap Cana
  • Uvero Alto

South coast:

  • La Romana
  • Juan Dolio
  • Boca Chica
  • Casa de Campo

North coast:

  • Puerto Plata
  • Cabarete
  • Sosua
  • Samana

Common phrases


por favor





I don't understand

but comprendo

What is your name?

cual es tu nombre?

Qual estu nombre?

How are you?

como esta usted?

Como esta usted?

Where is the toilet here?

donde esta Servicio

Dondeesta servio?

What is the price?

quanto es?

One ticket to...

un bigietto

What time is it now?

Ke ora es?

No smoking

proivido fumar

Do you speak English?

Abla Ingles?

Where is?



I need to order a room

una abitasyon

I want to pay the bill

la cuenta, por favor

La Cuenta, Port Favor


Room, number


Shop (shopping)


en effective

By card

con tarheta

To wrap up

No change

sin tener


Very expensive





Please make a stop

pare aqui, por favor

pare aki por favor





Emergency cases

help me

Fire Department








I want to book a table

quiero reservar una mesa

quiero rreservar una-mesa

Check please (bill)

la cuenta, por favor

La Cuenta, Port Favor

Language in the Dominican Republic

Everyone who goes on holiday to this country wonders what language is spoken in the Dominican Republic. The answer is simple - Spanish. This is what the majority of the population speaks. However, the status of the official language in the Dominican Republic does not make Spanish the only one. A country with a developed tourism infrastructure has learned to adapt to the needs of travelers, so today you can hear English, French, Italian and German spoken here. French and Creole are also spoken in areas bordering Haiti. The popularity of English in the country is growing along with the increasing flow of tourists from the United States.

If you don't speak any of these languages, Arrivo recommends taking a short phrasebook with you on the road. The Russian language is practically not widespread and is found only in travel agencies aimed at tourists from Russia.

The language in the Dominican Republic is Spanish. official language countries. Street signs and restaurant menus are written in inches. Although people involved in the tourism trade usually speak English, knowing some Spanish words is a great advantage. It is important to note that "Dominican" (the local way of speaking Spanish, interspersed with Dominican elements) is expressed with a rustic accent and an inner taste. As in all countries, each region has its own dialect and emphasizes its unique expression, it is revealed from the first words spoken in a conversation.

Language in the Dominican Republic, Russian - Dominican phrasebook

Common words and phrases:
Russian Pronunciation Spanish
SorryExcuse miperdon
Thank youGraciasGracias
PleasePor favorFor your sake,
How much time?Ke ora es?¿Cuanto tiempo?
I don't understandBut entiendono entiendo
How are you?Ke tal?¿Como estas?
HelloBuenos dias¡Hola
Good morning!Buenos dias¡Buenos dias!
Good afternoonBuenas Tardes¡Buen dia!
FineMui bienbueno
Good evening!Buenos Noches¡Buenas nights!
Travel / Station / Airport:
Bus stopLa Estacion de Autobusesparada de autobus
Passport controlEl control de pasaportescontrol de pasaporte
SupermarketEl supermercadosupermercado
CustomsLa Aduanaaduana
Railway stationLa Estacion des TranesEstacion de F / ferrocarril
Where is?Dongde esta¿Donde esta?
Where can I buy tickets?Donde se puede comprar entradas?¿Donde puedo comprar las entradas?
Getting around the city / Transport:
I want to rent a carQuiero alkilar un kocheQuiero alquilar un coche
Take me to the airportLleveme al aeropuertoLlevame al aeropuerto
Stop here, pleasePare aki por favorDetengase aqui, por favor
Take me to the hotelLievem al otelLlevame al hotel
Where can I get a taxi?Donde puedo kocher un taxi¿Donde puedo conseguir un taxi?
In a hotel:
Single roomHabitacion individualHabitacion individual
I have reserved a hotel roomTengo una-habitacion rreservadaYo reserve una habitacion en el
Room for twoHabitacion con dos camasDoble
Do you have rooms available?Tenen unabitación libre¿Tiene habitaciones disponibles?
In the Restaurant:
The check, pleaseLa Cuenta, Port Favorcuenta favor
Do you have a table for two (three, four) people?Tenen unamesa para-dos (très, cuatro) personas?¿Tiene una mesa para dos (tres, cuatro) personas?
I want to book a tableKjero rreservar una-mesaQuiero reservar una mesa
One hundredcentciento

Forewarned is forearmed! Armed with the advice from tourists that we have collected in this article, you can avoid many problems and unpleasant surprises during your holiday in the Dominican Republic.

The best time to holiday in the Dominican Republic is from October to May. But keep in mind that in winter, trips are more expensive. Summer on the island is also good, but a little more humid and rainy. Therefore, the demand for trips to the Dominican Republic falls in the summer, and you can catch a tour at a very good price.

If you want to relax on the Atlantic coast, the resorts of Punta Cana, Puerto Plata, Sosua and Cabarete are suitable for you. And if you like the Caribbean Sea, choose the resorts of Boca Chica, Juan Dolio or La Romana.

When choosing a hotel, you can be sure of the quality of service - in the Dominican Republic it is always at its best. But pay attention to the reviews of other tourists about the hotel beach - in the Dominican Republic there are beaches with algae and stones!

Exchange your money for dollars before your trip. In the Dominican Republic, it is impossible to exchange rubles for local currency. It makes no sense to take the euro with you: in the Dominican Republic the exchange rate of this currency is equal to the dollar.

When going to the Dominican Republic, do not neglect health insurance. Medicine is very expensive in this country. Having insurance will help you avoid high costs if you suddenly need medical help.

Pack a first aid kit for the trip: in the Dominican Republic you will need remedies for burns, indigestion, colds, mosquito repellents and painkillers.

Try to prepare your body in advance for changing time zones. To do this, a few days before your trip, try going to bed and getting up a little later than usual. Moscow time is exactly 7 hours ahead of Dominican time.

If you are not flying on vacation in the summer, hand luggage Bring flip-flops, a t-shirt and shorts - if you change into summer clothes on the plane, you won't have to sweat through boots and a sweater at the Dominican airport! Don't forget to put a regular pen in your bag - at airports you will have to fill out migration cards.

Take interesting reading material with you on the plane and download more movies onto your tablet - this will help pass the time on the flight, because it lasts 12 hours. And to spend your time usefully, we recommend taking a guide to the Dominican Republic with you and studying it on the road.

If you are traveling with children, prepare entertainment for them too: books, coloring pages, games and cartoons will help your child sit still during a long flight. It is easier to fly with a child at night - he will sleep on the road.

Try to drink on the plane more water and avoid drinking alcohol or energy drinks to ensure your body is fresh and rested when you arrive.

On the plane you will be asked to fill out migration and customs cards. Fill out these documents carefully and legibly in Latin letters.

Prepare small bills in advance - at the Dominican Republic airport you will need to pay a tourist fee of $10. You will also need change if you want to leave a tip for someone. This is welcomed in the Dominican Republic.

If you are planning a long trip, keep in mind that you have the right to freely stay in the Dominican Republic for no more than 1 month. If your stay is prolonged, it’s okay, you’ll just have to pay a fine upon departure. The amount of the fine depends on how much you exceeded the allowed time (minimum $50 per person)

Upon arrival at the airport, to save time and get to the hotel faster, you can refuse the group transfer and take a taxi (the cost of the trip starts from $30, depending on the distance). Or book a private transfer in advance.

If you don't plan to leave tourist area, then buying the local currency - pesos - is not at all necessary. Dollars are accepted almost everywhere. However, be prepared for the fact that in many establishments, shops and supermarkets you will receive change from your purchase in pesos. Also, in the resorts of the Dominican Republic, bank cards are accepted for payment almost everywhere.

If you still decide to change money, we do not recommend changing money at the airport or hotels - the rates are the highest there. It is better to do this at banks or exchange offices.

If you decide to visit a local restaurant, carefully look at the menu. Very often, a tax of 18% of the order amount is added to the check amount - information about this is usually indicated at the bottom of each menu page.

In the Dominican Republic, almost all hotels use American type sockets with a voltage of 110 W. Therefore, you will need an adapter, which you can easily buy in hotel stores or in the city. You should take your hairdryer or electric razor only in conjunction with a special electricity transformer - in Dominican sockets the voltage is exactly 2 times less than in Russia.

If the Internet does not work well in the hotel, or it is too expensive, do not worry. You can buy a SIM card from one of the local operators: Orange or Claro, which provide Internet access on good terms.

In the Dominican Republic, do not drink tap water. Use bottled water. Make it a habit to take a bottle of water with you on excursions - on a hot day you will need it.

Wash your hands well before eating. It is better to wash fruits and vegetables with soap.

At the hotel, keep money and jewelry only in the safe. Also, don't walk alone deserted beaches and dark city streets - you can be robbed.

Even on a cloudy day, be sure to use sunscreen - the sun is very active in the Caribbean. You will need a cream with a protection factor of at least 50 SPF, and for children and people with delicate skin we recommend using products with a factor of 80 or even 100 SPF.

Take mosquito repellent, preferably in the form of a spray or lotion - domestic electric fumigators do not work on Dominican mosquitoes. Or purchase mosquito repellent locally.

Don't be afraid to leave the hotel premises. The Dominican Republic is not as scary as hotel guides like to talk about it. Follow basic safety rules that are relevant in any country: do not display expensive equipment and jewelry, do not carry large sums of money with you.

There is one more little life hack for your safety: thieves usually easily identify tourists by the hotel bracelet on their hand. To disguise it when leaving the hotel, throw on a light long-sleeve sweater.

We advise you to be wary of compatriots living in the Dominican Republic who are too intrusively offering you their friendship. Never agree to send parcels from the Dominican Republic to Russia - very often drugs are sent this way. But in case of exposure, all responsibility for breaking the law falls on the gullible tourist.

Take a Spanish phrasebook with you on vacation or download it to your phone. In the Dominican Republic, even hotel staff speak very little English. Therefore, having a few Spanish phrases in your vocabulary will be very useful.

Always bargain in small shops and markets. In supermarkets and restaurants in the Dominican Republic, prices are fixed.

The best way to get to know the Dominican Republic is to go on one of the excursions. Do not rush to buy excursions from your tour operator - most likely, their prices will be inflated. Buying excursions from excursion agencies is much more profitable.

If you are traveling to the Dominican Republic for the first time, we recommend that you definitely visit Paradise Island Saona, the capital of the republic - the city of Santo Domingo, and also go to the most picturesque province of the country, located on the Samana Peninsula.

When going on an all-day excursion, take a light raincoat with you - in the Dominican Republic, a tropical downpour can start completely unexpectedly. However, the rains end as quickly as they begin.

When traveling by sea, take care of your equipment! Salty splashes can damage even a very expensive camera or phone. It is wise to invest in a waterproof camera case.

if you love independent travel, you can rent a car for several days. When concluding a rental agreement, carefully inspect it and photograph every scratch and dent in the presence of the lessor. This will help avoid misunderstandings when you return the vehicle.

In addition to the regular taxi, there is also an exotic “motoconcho” taxi in the Dominican Republic. The name literally translates as “motorcycle with driver.” Although motorcycle trips can be a little extreme, they are much cheaper than usual. Whatever type of taxi you decide to use, be sure to agree on the price in advance, or even better, write it on paper and make sure that the driver understands you and agrees.

In the Dominican Republic, traffic on the roads is very chaotic. If you are driving yourself, be very careful and watch out for sudden motorcycles.

You can buy fruit in the Dominican Republic not only in the supermarket, but also from a special fruit machine. A car loaded with a wide variety of fruits moves around the city throughout the day. Check with your guide about what time it can be found near your hotel.

Official official language in the Dominican Republic - Spanish. All residents of this state communicate on it, and all documentation is maintained. In addition to Spanish, some residents speak French and English, but since the Dominican Republic is a country with a developed tourism infrastructure, everyone associated with it speaks English.

However, the inhabitants of the Dominican Republic do not speak pure Spanish, but rather a local dialect, which is based on Spanish. This is due to the history of the formation of this state. Over the past 500 years, after the discovery of the island of Haiti (Hispaniola), at different periods of time it was inhabited by representatives of various conquering countries of the New World.

Initially, local Indian tribes lived in Haiti - the Tainas. Their descendants made some changes in colloquial speech modern language, spoken in the Dominican Republic today.

After the arrival of the Spanish conquerors, Spanish became the main language for communication to this day. The colonialists brought African slaves to the island, and they spoke broken Spanish, with the accent of their languages, so another local dialect began to appear.

Two centuries later, after the dominance of the Spaniards, part of the island was settled by French colonialists. This historical event also made its own adjustments to the formation of the dialect.

After independence, the Dominican Republic came under the influence of its neighbor, the United States, several times. It also left its mark on the local language in the Dominican Republic.

In addition to the historical formation of the dialect, the formation of the language is also influenced by modern local residents who live in different areas islands. They arrived from other countries of the world, bringing with them their pronunciation.

Already in the Dominican Republic for a long time Migrants arrive from the neighboring country - Haiti. Therefore, residents who live close to the border with this state are more likely to communicate in Creole and French, or they use many substitute words for them, mixing them with Spanish.

In some small towns You can also meet residents who speak exclusively French, Italian, German or English. This is due to the fact that the local population consists of only migrants, and they have no need to communicate in Spanish.

Special attention is paid English language. This language is very important to the local population for several reasons. Firstly, part of the local population communicates in it. Secondly, the neighboring country is the United States, with which the Dominican Republic has close trade and economic relations. Thirdly, tourism. Most holidaymakers, and therefore staff, use English as their universal language of communication. This language is used in all hotels, bars and restaurants for vacationing tourists, and excursions are conducted only using it.

As a rule, the Spanish language in Latin America is rarely found in its “pure” form. Due to the influence of the local population, over time, each country developed a local dialect that was different from each other. A peculiarity of the language in the Dominican Republic is the pronunciation of Spanish words. The endings in them are swallowed. Sometimes even Spanish-speaking tourists have difficulty understanding the conversations of the locals.