Lake in the center of Hamburg. Hamburg

Photo reports and reviews about the trip and visit to the Alster Lake attraction. Photo report about Alster Lake, history, where it is located

Lake Alster: detailed information

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Alster - a picturesque artificial Lake in the center of historical Hamburg, location expensive hotels and representative boutiques, favorite place pilgrimage of tourists and recreation of citizens. The lake itself consists of two parts: an internal lake with an area of ​​18 hectares, and an external lake with a size of 164 hectares.

The interior of the Alster has three walking areas. There are paths around the lake along which you can walk, enjoying the main attractions of Hamburg - galleries, museums, monuments, ancient buildings. There is an area for sports around the lake - a kind of seven-kilometer “health path”. Lake Alster is decorated with numerous fountains, and beautiful swans swim in flocks here. However, the main attraction of the lake is a sculpture created by a local advertising agency and called "Mermaid", despite the fact that it has knees instead of a tail.

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  • Review to Hamburg I liked the interesting architecture and cleanliness of the surroundings in Hamburg. I thought it was especially beautiful in the evening. There is something to see in Hamburg besides interesting buildings. The New Philharmonic, the Town Hall, as well as many churches and temples attract no less number of tourists from different countries. It was a bit annoying though a large number of beggars and informals on the streets of the city, but nevertheless they did not spoil my mood. There are many hotels in Hamburg, everyone can easily find a place for themselves... March 7, 2018
  • Review to Hamburg Hamburg, like any medieval city, is famous for its architecture and attractions. Perhaps the biggest attraction is the monument to the first Chancellor of Germany. The Bismarck statue is located on a hill in the ancient Elbpark, which, by the way, is also very pleasant to stroll through. The monument is made of granite and looks very realistic (Bismarck is depicted as a kind of Teutonic knight, who united fragmented Germany into a single powerful state with sword and fire). Germans... March 6, 2018
  • Review to Hamburg I can recommend that those who are planning to visit Hamburg should definitely, if possible (because this only happens on Sundays), go to the Fishmarkt. This is a market that runs from dawn until lunch. This is such a performance! I think everyone will be interested in both children and adults. They couldn't take me away from there. One has only to look at how they sell all kinds of home flowers, such as home palms. Or how they sell smoked eel. This is a whole theatrical performance! People return from there with buckets... December 2, 2009
  • Review of “Childhood, yes. Isn’t that right? After all, it’s childhood that you love to remember, my little ones? As a child, I was surrounded by bastards. Mom and Dad were bastards. Grandmother and grandfather were also bastards. In kindergarten, they were all bastards, there was no one else there at all.” did not have." Dunya Smirnova. "Fish oil" She, of course, is a great joker, this Avdotya Andreevna. But for some reason the released word ended up somewhere. - What if they write the same thing, even later, much later? Well, not all parents are bastards... September 7, 2012
  • Review to Germany, Hamburg. This was my second time in Hamburg. My relatives live there, so I came to stay for a couple of months. We went there by bus from Moscow through Belarus and Poland. Oddly enough, the trip was easy. Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany after Berlin. This is where The Beatles started. A huge number of straits, bridges, parks, flowers... A cozy, green city with small streets paved with stones. A city in which everything is thought out. What can you say, Germans! :) I really want to come back... August 25, 2010
  • Review of Catalan Fiesta: Part VII Catalan Fiesta 15 days from 19.09 to 03.10 Route: Helsinki – Stockholm – Lyon – Barcelona – holiday on the Costa Brava – Paris – Hamburg – Stockholm – Helsinki Day 13: HAMBURG Arrival in HAMBURG, brief tour of the city. Free time Departure for Rostock/Sassnitz. Boarding the Scandlines ferry, accommodation on seated chairs (accommodation in cabins is possible for an additional fee). Departure by ferry to Sweden. Overnight on the ferry Day 14: STOCKHOLM Arrival in Trelleborg. Departure to STOCKHOLM. Free... May 1, 2010
  • Review to

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Artificial Lake Alster, created back in the 12th century, is one of the most picturesque attractions. This is a favorite vacation spot for citizens and guests of the city, in summer time every year invariably attracts thousands of people who want to recover a little from the summer heat and enjoy their stay on the lake shores without leaving the city limits. Along the coastline there is a number of expensive mansions and villas where they live or spend free time wealthy people. For the abundance of such buildings, the Alster coast is nicknamed the Millionaires' Coast. However, middle-income city dwellers are also frequent guests in these places, which is not surprising, given the excellent conditions for picnics and recreational activities, such as jogging, rowing, sailing or just walking along the shore.

Among tourists, it is extremely popular to travel along the lake waters by ferry, which sails several times a day from the Jungfernstieg embankment, which is also called the “Maiden’s Path”. Such a walk not only allows you to appreciate the picturesque landscapes of Hamburg from the water, but also serves as an excellent way to gain strength and refresh yourself a little while breathing in the clean air of the Alster. With great love local residents enjoy picnics. Connoisseurs of outdoor recreation often come here on weekends and, having settled on the shore, arrange for themselves a pleasant feast, accompanied by wonderful views of the water.

Near Lake Alster there is an impressive park area, with an abundance of green vegetation, picturesque hiking trails and specially equipped benches on them. Here, those who wish can get complete satisfaction from unity with nature, and also do a lot beautiful photos. On hot days summer days Lovers of natural tanning gather on the green park lawns. An excellent decoration of the water surface are the numerous snow-white swans cutting through the lake waters. In winter, ice skating is a popular pastime for active pastime lovers.

Lake Alster takes on a particularly bright appearance at night, when, in the light of the artificial lights of the houses surrounding it, it is filled with extraordinary romanticism and delights with its beauty not only townspeople, but even experienced travelers. This area is a true decoration of the metropolis and the best way complements his image. Tourists coming for the first time are especially recommended to visit here in order to feel the indescribable atmosphere of this large, but extremely cozy and charming city.

The real pride of the residents of the city of Hamburg is considered to be artificial, but very picturesque lake Alster, surrounded by a beautiful park, where quite original sculptures are installed, and the paths are covered with gravel. This is where many residents and tourists tend to come to enjoy the fresh air and just relax. Here you can look at futuristic houses, which are the result of the extraordinary imagination of architects.

Lake Alster is located in the center of the city, it was created in 1190, when such an order came from Count Adolf III. In order for such a wonderful holiday destination to appear, it was necessary to divert part of the tributary of the Elbe River. The lake itself consists of two parts: an internal lake with an area of ​​18 hectares, and an external lake with a size of 164 hectares.

The Alster even has a relatively small shipping canal, as well as a tributary 200 meters long. It is also called the Little Alster, small boats sail along it every day and sailing ships. Not far from the canal there is a stele dedicated to the memory of those who suffered during the First World War.

Around the outer Alster is amazing beauty natural Park, bearing the same name. In spring, this place attracts special attention, because during this period the cherry blossoms begin, which is considered a real holiday for the Japanese community of Hamburg. It has been celebrated since 1968 with fun and fireworks.

Coastline The lake is a public recreation area with not only pedestrian but also bicycle paths. This is where the townspeople love to spend their free time and also play sports, for this reason this place is called “Paths of Health”. And when you find yourself near a small lake, you can admire a beautiful fountain 60 meters high.

Lake Alster was formed in the 13th century in the center of Hamburg. It is larger in size than the Principality of Monaco. Millionaires' villas are built along its coastline, which is why it is known as the Millionaire's Coast.

The artificial lake consists of an internal and external part: the first part with parks and gardens occupies an area of ​​18 hectares, and the second – 160 hectares. A trip on a boat or steamer on the lake will bring an unforgettable experience. Vacationers will have a beautiful view of the city, numerous fountains installed on the lake, as well as snow-white swans.

The number of bridges in the city is amazing. In Hamburg itself there are about 2,500 of them, which is significantly more than in London and Amsterdam combined. So, while sailing along the lake, you can come across more than one bridge.

On the way you can also meet vacationers on canoes, boats, boards, as well as other “ water transport" Almost all tourists also visit the cafe located on the banks of the Alster.

Alster lake embankment

Alster lake embankment. This is a favorite vacation spot for residents and guests of Hamburg. On the opposite side, medieval houses in the brick Gothic style have been preserved. The brick is red, the window frames and decorative elements of the facade are white. These are the traditional colors of the Hanseatic Trade League, in which Hamburg played a leading role for five centuries.

On a tourist trip, it is very important to follow the rule “rest above all else.” I didn’t always succeed in doing this well, but on my trip in August 2012 I mostly succeeded. For me (and not only for me), rest is a change of impressions and activities. Active movement - and static activities (like gatherings on embankments and other beautiful cozy places); educational activities - and quiet contemplation. And so on. In this post, I want to tell you a little, in order to draw your attention, about two places for a quiet holiday in Hamburg. This is the Planten un Blomen park and the lake (or rather, there are two lakes) Alster.

Park Planten un Blomen

A visit to Planten un Blomen can be combined with a visit to the Hagenbeck Menagerie, since the distance between them is approximately half an hour's walk. You just need to figure out the route with the help of a map, but this is not difficult, since you need to walk not along some alleys, but along large, wide streets. I did just that - in the morning, and in the middle of the day I found myself in the Hamburg kingdom of flora. The day was sunny and hot, so I tried to quickly find myself in the shade of trees, away from highways.

In general, I’m always in big (and not only big) European cities I try to visit parks and gardens. I like this art, which invariably evokes admiration and, one might say, a feeling of bliss. Which is deepened by the fact that in parks I have the opportunity to be away from the bustle and crowds of people.

"Planten un Blomen" (in Low German dialect) translates to "Plants and Flowers". Why flowers are not classified as plants, I don’t know, this is a quirk of the inhabitants of the first half of the 19th century century. The park was laid out in November 1821, with the first plant planted being a sycamore tree. It is interesting that in Hamburg you can plant plants in November - this fact clearly characterizes the climate there. But in the place where I live, now, in November, I am observing a snowy landscape outside the window, and the indicator on the thermometer has long dropped below zero.

The first thing I saw after entering was a certain structure of continuously moving balls:

It looks like a perpetual motion machine. For some reason I like these things.

There are several fountains in its hydraulic system:

In the evenings, the fountains take part in a water and light show accompanied by music; Those who like such shows can take note.

Another element of ponds is cascades:

The sound of easily flowing water, by the way, has a surprisingly healing effect on the nervous system.

The park has a rose garden with an area of ​​50 acres, where historical, English, species, park, flowerbed, hybrid tea, and climbing roses are presented - about 300 varieties in total:

In the center of the rose garden there is an open pavilion where you can read information about roses:

The only thing that somewhat spoils the view of the gardens is the Heinrich Hertz television tower located next to the park:

Its shape reminds me of the capless giant leg of an exotic toadstool; It’s a pity that the name of the great physicist turned out to be mixed with this object, emitting streams of information dregs. Therefore, it is better not to look too much into the distance, but to admire the flowers:

Or trees (personally, I like conifers best):

An interesting feature of Planten un Blomen is the section called the Apothecary Garden. It is arranged as a series of separate garden rooms, separated from each other by walls. In each such room, plants are collected for the treatment of certain organs (nerves, heart, kidneys, stomach and others - all this can be read on information boards, however, only in German; although there are also pictures depicting these organs). Quite interesting. I remember one funny detail: in one sector I saw a nettle and for some reason I wanted to touch it (I’m not a masochist! it was just like that). To my great surprise, this nettle feels like velvet; not the slightest sign of a burning function. However, it is obvious that species such as, for example, the New Zealand nettle tree, the burn from which can be fatal, would not be grown here.

In the Planten un Blomen park there is also a beautiful Japanese Garden with a Tea House:

It’s a pity that it was not possible to perform the “sado” tea ceremony there. If someone really wants to do this, they need to find out the schedule of ceremony classes.

In spring, the park hosts ornithological excursions.

The park is very large in area (about 47 hectares), and it is impossible to get around it at once. I entered it from the northwestern entrance and exited through the northeastern one (the Japanese Garden is just nearby). And if you walk for a long time in the southern direction, where the park extends quite far, you can go to.

Entrance to the park is free. It opens at 7:00 am and closes from May to September at 23:00, from October to April at 20:00.

Lake Alster

From the Planten un Blomen park I went on foot to the Alster lakes, along the way, albeit briefly, examining the Old Botanical Garden at the university. It’s also interesting there, but the emphasis on tropical flora and the corresponding climate made the stay in the greenhouses extremely short. In Hamburg, the 30-degree heat has just begun to subside. That's not why I came to this city north Germany to suffer from the heat. Therefore, he strove for large urban reservoirs.

The Alster is actually a river, a tributary of the Elbe. But in Hamburg, human activity created two artificial lakes- Inner Alster (Binnenalster) and Outer Alster (Außenalster). Together they are called Lake Alstersee. I visited these lakes twice; the first time on the day of arrival, when I took a cruise along them. But then I was tired from the road, and somehow the features of the lake landscape were not very well reflected in my head. And the photographs, taken with weak hands and half-asleep eyes, had to be deleted later.

Inner Alster

The Inner Alster is so called because in the Middle Ages it was located within the city walls. In addition, it served as a source of water for the mill. Since 2008, the walls no longer exist and the Alsters are divided by two bridges - the Lombardsbrücke (road) and the Kennedy Bridge (road and rail).

Complex engineering structure- a combined street and railway bridge, dividing the Inner and Outer Alster. The bridge is extremely important for the entire urban transport system. It received its name as an “inheritance” from a pawnshop located here in ancient times.

The lake is surrounded by mighty buildings, as it was previously called, of large capital. One of them (in the center, the largest and brightest) is the office center of the famous shipping company GAPAG-Lloyd.

On the left side of the photo there is a tower, near which a small water nook is separated from the main part of the Inner Alster - the Small Alster, favored by swans and ducks. Further, away from the Alster, a system of canals stretches through the body of the city all the way to the Elbe. There are always a lot of people on the Jungfernstieg promenade; The white domes belong to tents that sell, for example, tickets for tours in Germany and neighboring countries. True, without knowledge German language There's no point in going there. They also sell fast food (where else, if not in Hamburg, to sell hamburgers!) and non-alcoholic beer.

There is also a pier on the embankment from which cruise ships depart. They are traditionally called Alster steamships. By the way, I want to draw your attention to the fact that cruises are extremely popular in the summer, and you should not be completely confident that you will be able to easily purchase a ticket for the next flight. I tried to book a canal flight between Alster and Elbe, but they were sold out 2 days in advance. And they don’t happen every hour (several times a day). So I cruised both Alsters.

The nominal border between the Alsters is, as I already said, the Lombard and Kennedy bridges. The oldest of the two bridges is a stone bridge Lombardsbrück 1868. Its cast-iron candelabra, topped with glass balls, are very popular with tourists. And that includes me:

Outer Alster

And now I return to the story of how I got from Platen un Blomen to the Outer Alster. I set myself a rather ambitious task - to walk around the perimeter of the lake. Not all of them, of course, but the main body of water, which has many winding side appendages. Bridges allow you to do this, although it is worth keeping in mind that the distance is still quite long (about 7 and a half kilometers). But I love walking, and I also counted (correctly, of course) on having the opportunity to periodically sit and rest. The sight of runners stimulated the hike (running around the Outer Alster is very common); The sight of vacationers lying on the grass was not stimulating.

The banks of the Outer Alster abound with green tree caps:

Near the shore there are many small yachts crowded together, and behind the trees towers of large houses rise:

In some places along the coast there are floating islands (I don’t know how they appear) and scatterings of surface stones that birds like:

In addition to multi-storey buildings, you can see a large number of modern residential and business buildings, quite nice (in my opinion) in appearance:

Naturally, cruise ships periodically catch our eye. They run not only from the Jungfernstieg embankment, there are also other piers:

There are not very many lovers of boat trips in these photographs, since it was a weekday.

I would like to summarize this entry with the idea that the culture of leisure is as important a part of human existence as the culture of creativity, work or service. And it is very good when appropriate highly developed conditions are created for a decent level of recreation culture.