How and where to spend your weekend. Some interesting ideas on what to do on the weekend without breaking the budget

If you don’t think about how to spend your weekend, you can very easily become hostage to your usual routine when you have free time. However, there are many activities that will allow you to spend your weekend fun and usefully.

How to spend your weekend

1. Walk. Walking is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a healthy activity.

2. Visit the pool. Go to sports complex to swim.

3. Team. There are a sufficient number of football, volleyball, and basketball teams that you can join. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet new people during the competition and also have a fun weekend.

4. Go on a hike. Plunge into the arms of the forest and feel unity with nature, surrounded by loved ones... What could be better?

5. Meeting with friends. Organize a meeting with friends and spend the day off together, talking and having fun.

6. Become a volunteer. Become a volunteer or participant in an event. You can have fun and get free access to an event that interests you, as well as meet new people.

7. Make homemade pizza. Not good at culinary delights? Now is the time to upgrade your skills and spend the weekend in a tasty and healthy way.

8. Drawing. All you need are pencils and paper. Give freedom to your imagination.

9. Origami. Take up origami. On many sites on the Internet you can find interesting patterns that you can implement using plain paper.

10. Creative writing. A computer, pen and paper are all you need to become a writer. You don't have to be Hemingway, just start writing whatever comes into your head.

11. Build a home shelter. Build a hut at home for yourself and your family, and enjoy childishness all day long.

12. Reading. Reading is a great way to spend your weekend productively. Stock up interesting books, and go into the world of new knowledge and.

13. Learn a foreign language. Nothing can stop you in your quest to master English, German, French, Spanish or even Chinese.

14. Get a pet. For example, a dog or cat can provide plenty of entertainment if you're not sure how to spend your weekend.

15. Visit the ice palace. Ice skating will be fun and interesting entertainment. Don't you know how to skate? Great, here's a reason to learn.

16. Get some sleep. Chronic lack of sleep increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. In the short term, lack of sleep has a negative impact on the feeling of alertness, reduces attention and impairs memory.

17. Have a no-obligation day. You are so used to making plans, running somewhere, doing something. Give yourself a fasting day. Do what you want, and if you don't want to, don't do anything.

18. Take up meditation. Helps reduce high blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve productivity, creativity and well-being.

19. Learn something new. Learning not only provides you with new knowledge, but also improves your... Identify a skill that interests you that you want to develop, or an area of ​​knowledge that you want to explore in more depth, and commit to self-improvement.

20. Analysis and improvement. Take time to reflect on the past week and think about your goals and areas of your life that you can improve.

21. Visit an amusement park. Eat cotton candy, take a ride roller coaster, immerse yourself in childhood.

22. Go to a cafe. Here you can relax in pleasant company, eat something sweet and more.

23. Bowling or billiards. Spend time combining sport, competition and relaxation into one.

24. Cinema. Do you like watching movies? Then you will definitely enjoy visiting the cinema.

25. Travel. Travel to another city and spend the weekend disappearing into a crowd of strangers.

26. Holiday for children. Take your children to the circus, zoo or Entertainment Center, and in the evening play with the whole family Board games.

27. Extreme. If you don’t know how to spend your weekend, then skydiving or rope jumping will allow you to remember these moments for a long time.

28. Paintball. You ? Then get together and take part in a military clash. You will be guaranteed a feeling of adrenaline and muscle pain.

29. Theater. Have you been to this quiet cultural place for a long time? Perhaps this day will come this coming weekend.

30. Hobby. The moment has come to remember what you like and do it.

31. Football or hockey match. Are you an ardent fan and lover of team sports games? Then spending a weekend evening watching your favorite team play is what you need.

32. Quest or room of fear. For those who like to take part in intellectual events, as well as tickle their nerves, comments are unnecessary.

33. Dating girls. If you are not in a relationship, then go outside and.

34. Bathhouse. The weekend will not be in vain if you decide to go to the bathhouse.

35. ATVs. Ride an ATV and feel the full power of these monsters.

36. Romantic date. surprise: invite her to a romantic dinner.

37. Bicycle ride. If you want to have a fun, interesting and rewarding weekend, then go on a bike ride with your girlfriend.

38. Rest in the countryside. Rent a house in the countryside and have a grand gathering with friends.

39. Going to the shopping center. If you haven't updated your wardrobe for a long time, it won't be a bad idea for you to go shopping.

40. Water park. Be part of this water fun and feel spontaneous and carefree.

41. Nightclub. If you have absolutely nothing to do, and your body requires rest, then why not visit.

42. Concert. Is your idol coming to your or a neighboring city? You should definitely attend his concert, experience what live sound and a crowd of fans are like.

43. Meeting with parents. Don’t forget about your closest people, especially if you haven’t seen them for a long time.

First you need to understand that lying on the couch is not an option, it is a boring activity, the same as sitting at the computer and playing new games. It’s better to do something interesting and exciting, at the same time you can learn a lot of new things. Next, you need to promise yourself that you will spend every weekend productively, and will not be lazy and sit at home in front of the computer monitor. Life passes unnoticed, and you are wasting time sitting in front of the TV or computer, don’t you really want to go to another city and see the sights or just take a walk in the park?
You need to get used to new sensations, and there are several goals: firstly, you will learn a lot of new things and experience new emotions, and secondly, you will have many topics to communicate with others. Below we will talk about in different ways spending your weekend with real benefit.
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How to spend a weekend with your loved one

Most women want romance, but men do not always strive for it and want to do something ordinary and standard; if hints of romance are not perceived by a man, you need to act differently. On the weekend, come up with a plan for what you will do, preferably something very romantic. In the morning, bring your husband a delicious breakfast in bed; of course, it’s not standard, but it will make a great impression. Next time the man will do the same because he will understand what you want. Then you can lie in bed, watch an interesting and romantic movie, and then give your loved one a massage or go to a bath with essential oils. You can buy lavender or rosemary oil, but rosemary is stimulating and increases sensitivity, so be careful.
You can improve the atmosphere in the bathroom with candles, beautiful glasses of champagne or wine, classical music and so on. In the evening you can take a walk in the park or go to a cafe, but this is very standard, it is better to go to the roof of the house and sit there with a bottle of champagne. Thanks to this, you will improve the quality of your relationship, see your lover from the other side, and see how he reacts to the care shown. It is advisable to organize such days at least once a month and constantly change the plan of events so that it does not become boring. Of course, a man may not say whether he enjoyed the evening, so look at his reaction and behavior the next day.
Try to spend your weekend the way you want. Work takes energy and strength, you need to recover, and romantic evenings has a very good effect on your state of mind and emotions, you can prepare and recharge for the next week so that you can work more productively and know that you will have a great time again.

How to spend your weekend profitably (20 options)

1) Start going to exhibitions, concerts, museums and theaters;
2) Find an interesting forum, make new acquaintances there and communicate more with people (less preferable option);
3) Go to the country house or to the forest, take a walk in the fresh air;
4) Travel to another city or fly to another country (takes a lot of time);
5) Have a photo day, take photos of everything you see, or find interesting place for filming and take some memorable shots;
6) Go visit those you haven’t seen for a long time, find out how they are doing;
7) Go to the pool or gym;
8) Read a book that you have been wanting to read for a long time;
9) Go on a hike;
10) Go to the cinema or watch several films in a row at home;
11) Call your friends and figure out what to do this weekend;
12) Go to a mosque or temple;
13) Take a car ride throughout the city and the most interesting places;
14) Go on attractions;
15) Go shopping and buy new clothes;
16) Participate in a sweepstakes, contest or promotion;
17) Skydive or hang glider;
18) Come up with a business plan and start developing your own business
19) Take a walk along the seashore or river;
20) Study the list of restaurants in the city and go to several of them, compare the quality of service.

How to spend a weekend with a child

Children love to compete with each other and play new games, but it is advisable that adults come up with the rules of the game. You can organize competitions and come up with a prize so that children actively compete and want to win, otherwise you will not interest them. If you're on a picnic, you can arrange a juggling competition, for example, with potatoes. Of course, this is very difficult, but since children show interest in everything unknown, they will begin to master juggling, especially if there is an attractive prize.
If you are gathered in nature with a large group, you can arrange team games and competitions, play games: third wheel, Cossack robbers, and so on. Children also love excursions; if you tell them about insects, plants, animals and birds, they will listen to you carefully and believe every word you say. Organize a plasticine modeling competition, for example, ask the children to make a huge bear, be sure that they will like it. If they get dirty in it, don’t worry, in the next article we will tell you how to do it correctly and quickly.

Mothers who often walk with their children in the park can easily find something to do for them. Give your child colored chalk and ask him to write his name on the pavement or the first thing that comes to mind. He will be very passionate about the process, and you will be able to watch him and be happy that the child is finally engaged in an interesting activity. Feed the city birds, show your child that birds love to come into contact with humans. If you are walking with the whole family, you can show your child the playground and help him with pull-ups, let the father lift the child to the horizontal bar and give him the opportunity to hang a little, but you need to be very careful. In the future, the child himself will try to climb onto the horizontal bar. Experiment and come up with new activities for your child, but don’t forget that he also needs to rest.

The long-awaited day off has arrived, and with its arrival, all ideas and thoughts regarding a useful and fruitful pastime have disappeared.

As a result, the day off passes without leaving a trace or memory, without bringing any benefit. Well, is this a familiar situation?

How to stock up on new ideas

The thing is that, getting used to the high speed of life, we do not know how to rest properly, we forget to relax and distance ourselves from stress. For example, the average person on a weekend most often:

  • does some housework
  • sits all day in front of the TV or monitor
  • completely idle.

Of course, these things are also needed, but don’t devote your precious and only day off to them! It’s better to spend at least part of this free time differently.

So what to do on a day off in order to get mental and physical rest? Surely, you yourself will be able to answer this question if you decide to write down your ideas in a separate notebook in order to restore your own plans and perspectives when free time appears for them. In this regard, you will gain a lot of time to think and will be deprived of uncertainty, which will certainly come at the most inopportune time - on the weekend.

In turn, the site undertakes to give the reader some interesting ideas about what to do on a day off. Perhaps you can supplement our recommendations and advice with your own thoughts, preferences, and personal plans, which will form the basis for a complete, quality vacation.

What to do on a day off

1. Take care of yourself. In the literal sense of the word, devote your free time to restoring your physical and mental strength. For example, you can start your morning with exercise, treat yourself to a healthy homemade breakfast, or go shopping or to a beauty salon. Finally, you can go:

  • in the pool
  • to the sauna
  • to the bowling club
  • to the billiard room
  • to a cafe or restaurant
  • to the gym, etc.

Self-development can be included in the same category of activities. For example, in your free time you can watch an educational film, read a useful book, look for useful courses or trainings. Anything to get the most out of your day off, increasing your self-confidence and raising your level of motivation for the next work week.

2. Remember your hobby. It is no coincidence that the male part of our readers is waiting for the weekend to go fishing. This is really high quality, complete and useful rest, in which physical relaxation is combined with mental relaxation. A hobby (which we wrote about in a previous article on our website) is exactly what will allow you to spend a day off with maximum benefit, having received bright, joyful and pleasant memories for the next working week.

3. Prepare gifts. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to pay attention to your loved ones on your day off. Believe me, giving gifts is no less pleasant than receiving them. In addition, your long-awaited call to an old friend or someone you haven’t seen for a long time can be a gift.

If you are surrounded by small children, give them gifts. A trip to the circus, a walk in the park, ice skating or roller skating, a trip to the cinema, the zoo, etc. are guaranteed to be suitable gifts. Children's joy is characterized by special sincerity and positivity, which is transmitted to everyone around them. And you will definitely like new impressions and emotions!

4. Go out into nature or on an excursion. No one forbids spending a day off in nature, where there is fresh air and cheerful, friendly company.

5. Meet with friends. On weekdays there is so little time left to see relatives and friends. But what's stopping you from doing this on the weekend? Feel free to go on a visit, write letters and call those who are dear to you. Perhaps together you can come up with something interesting for yourself.

6. Get alone. In cases where work is connected with social activities, on a day off you really want to be alone. At the same time, you can enjoy the peace and quiet of home and solitude. Sometimes this is sorely lacking in the hustle and bustle of the city.

Write down ideas in a notepad

Thus, even these few ideas can already be used by the reader as a basis for making plans for the weekend. But the guide to action will be your personal notes and notes made during the week. The more ideas accumulate in your notebook, the more useful and fulfilling your next day off will be!

Life these days is always in a hurry to get somewhere, before the long-awaited weekend arrives, Monday comes and then it’s back to work. But what about rest? Let's figure out what you can do on your days off.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What can you do on your day off?

There's nothing wrong with spending two days lying on your side, flipping TV channels or staring at the ceiling. This even needs to be done, but very rarely, otherwise it also turns into a routine and brings melancholy and bad thoughts that life is joyless and boring.

This is certainly not true! We just don’t always know what to do on our days off. But if you set a goal and come up with options, then it is quite possible to create a very large cultural program on Saturday or Sunday.

Your program will also depend on who you will be doing it with - your beloved husband or wife, your child, your friends or your parents. The material component is also an important point: are you ready to spend money or would you prefer to have fun without spending your money? How you will spend your day off and where will depend on these moments.

Therefore, stop messing around, gather your team, choose a place and time, and go on vacation!

Spending the weekend with family

If you are a family man, you have a spouse, as well as a couple of children, and you want to have fun and interesting time with them, then here are your options:

  • Outdoors. The park is perfect place for the whole family. Usually there are children's swings or slides, which will definitely delight the little ones. The park allows you to take a walk in the fresh air, arrange for your children leisure, and you can relax and chat with your soul mate.
  • It happens that there are no swings or places in the park where children can frolic, this is not a problem! You can easily have a small picnic here on the lawn under the tree. Prepare something tasty to take with you, such as sandwiches or hot dogs. You can buy them along the way, but that's if you're willing to spend a little. The main thing is to take a blanket with you to lay on the grass. You can also take a couple of games with you. Almost every home has cards, checkers or chess, perhaps you have Monopoly or other board games.
  • Another great idea is board games. If you do not have them, then it is advisable to purchase them, just for such a case.
  • On summer weekends, the beach can be a good alternative to the park. This option is suitable if you have a river nearby. Grab your swimming trunks, circle, blanket and go swimming. The beach is a great way to spend quality time with your family.
  • In the summer you can always go to the village to visit your grandmother; if there is a river or forest there, then that’s generally great. You can go swimming or go mushroom picking.

Of course, the beach and picnic in the park are suitable for warmer seasons, such as summer, late spring or early autumn. But what to do when it’s cold outside? In winter, the best activity would be to play snowballs if you have big family, then you can arrange a real battle. It's always fun to build a snowman or go sledding.

Heading out to town for the weekend

What do people do in the city? If you are willing to spend money, then a great option for family vacation On the weekend there will be a visit to the cinema. If the children are still small, take them to see a cartoon. Nowadays there is always at least one cartoon showing in cinemas.

If you crave thrills, go straight to the amusement park. This is where the real impressions are! Here you can have great fun for both adults and children, ride a Ferris wheel, ram each other with cars and eat cotton candy.

Your family might enjoy visiting various exhibitions, museums or other cultural events. Find out in advance where they will be held and be sure to go there.

It's always interesting to go to the theater to see a performance. It is very interesting and exciting to watch actors play live.

Relaxing at home

There is no need to think that there is nothing to do at home other than sitting in front of the computer or TV. For many, it will always be better to spend time with family at home. Especially if the weather outside is rainy and you don’t want to go anywhere. What can you do at home? Let's start with the fact that it will be a lot of fun to do something together, like cook a meal. Get organized and cook a simple meal together.

Games are always the most exciting and fun. If you have board games, play them, but if you don't, you can always play crocodile and the like.

You can add a little romance and set up a home theater. To do this, choose an interesting movie, sit on the floor close to the computer monitor or TV screen, lay out a soft blanket or throw pillows, and, of course, have something to chew. It is best to arrange such a viewing in the evening, when the sun has already set; the darkness will add a real feeling of being in the cinema.

What can you do on the weekend with your girlfriend or boyfriend?

For a couple of lovers who are just beginning to build their relationship, it is very important to spend time together and preferably not only at home while watching TV series, but also to go for walks and have a cultural relaxation. But what can you do on the weekend with a girl or guy?

A great way to have a good time with your loved one is a simple walk in the fresh air. Regardless of the time of year, you can take a walk (this way you communicate, enjoy nature and learn a lot about each other). A walk is a great option for a young couple who wants to spend a lot of time together.

Go to the cinema or theater. It is worth organizing such outings at least once or twice a month, it is very useful for developing culture in yourself, as well as just having a pleasant time together.

An excellent option would be to visit the same amusement park, where the two of you can have fun and get a lot of positive emotions, and of course, eat cotton candy!

For a girl and a guy the best option For weekend relaxation there is always a visit to a cafe or restaurant. There is nothing more pleasant than sitting in the evening in the company of your loved one, in a good establishment, chatting and tasting delicious food. This option is also suitable for married couples who want to be alone without children. Romance is never too much.

How to spend your day off without money?

You don't have to spend money to have a good rest. It doesn’t matter who you are with - your family, your child, your husband, your girlfriend or boyfriend, you can have a great weekend at home or outdoors and do it without any money!

Take a walk. Fresh air will be to your benefit. You can walk everywhere if you live in the city. There are plenty of places where you can take a walk, the same park where there are swings and slides. If there is a river, then there must be an embankment, walk along it, watch the people and city life. Such an excursion will allow you to learn more about your city and introduce your children to it.

Active leisure is also an excellent example for spending time on the weekend. Go for a run or do some aerobic exercise. Go on a hike. Just take water and a light snack from what you have at home and travel a little.

A good option for spending a day off would be to visit your parents. Applicable if you live separately. Meeting with mom and dad will always give you a boost of positive energy and will also help strengthen your relationship with your family. You may have to spend a little money, for example, on travel if your parents live far away, but this is an insignificant expense for such an important visit.

Is it possible to do repairs on weekends?

For some of us, the weekend does not promise much good, because while some of us are having fun in nature or going to restaurants on Saturday or Sunday, others are waiting for the weekend to continue repairs! Naturally, there are people who really like it and they transform their home with joy. But is it possible to do repairs on the weekend? However, when else should it be done? After work you won't have enough energy.

In any case, if doing repairs is a pleasure for you, you like it, and you feel a sense of joy, then do repairs on your day off! If you don’t want this, then it’s better, of course, to hire specialists who will do everything for you, but this costs money. It's up to you to decide. But repairs are a sacred matter, so if you start and decide to do it yourself, then do it on your vacation or on weekends.

Freelancers are people too and therefore they, like other workers, should take a break from work. The lack of a fixed work schedule and irregular working hours often lead to the fact that a freelancer works seven days a week, completing tasks that could not be completed during the week. This approach to work is fraught with many dangers: stress accumulates, you can work to the point of creative burnout, and, worst of all, when working seven days a week, a freelancer’s productivity decreases. As a result, he works less and earns less. So you need to rest.

Many active freelancers look forward to the weekend with the same impatience as their office colleagues. They also dream of getting a good night’s sleep, having a delicious breakfast, and lazily surfing the Internet. Everyone has their own preferences, but most people still prefer not to do anything special on the weekend. However, freelancers don't have that luxury. They won't have a planning meeting on Monday where they will be told what to do. Freelancers plan their own work schedule, which means that at the beginning of the week their brain should be rested enough to produce the next portion of creativity. Therefore, you should do everything possible on the weekends to ensure high productivity on weekdays. It is unlikely that computer games or communication on social networks will help a freelancer stay in good shape, rather the opposite. It’s best to do things on the weekend that will allow you to really relax, unload your brain and get new experiences. There are 6 things every freelancer who wants to stay productive should do on Sunday (if there is only one day off).


Despite the fact that a freelancer already works alone, on a day off it will be very useful to spend some time alone with yourself. Of course, you want to spend Saturday and Sunday with your family or friends, but it’s still worth trying to be alone a little, as it helps you concentrate and evaluate the quality of your work done during the week. Solitude will allow you to reflect, clear your mind, and increase your creativity. You can calmly rank future tasks according to their importance and think about what can be done to increase productivity.

It's important to have no distractions during this time, so it's best to turn off your phone and step away from your computer. You also need to ask your loved ones not to disturb you. Explain that you will join them later, but for now you need to be alone.


Most people have some kind of hobby - an activity that allows them to take a break from work and recharge their “creative batteries”. And it doesn’t matter what your hobby is: whether you jump with a parachute, paint pictures, restore old cars, on your day off you need to devote a little time to your hobby. Many freelancers, especially beginners, get so carried away with their work that they completely forget about an activity that they once really enjoyed. In pursuit of money, they forget that the ability to create is a very fragile thing - one day they will work to the point of creative burnout and will not be able to work at all for some time.

A hobby allows you to relax, let off steam, get a charge of creative inspiration, in a word, refresh yourself and temporarily get rid of the oppressive burden of work problems. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the hobby has nothing to do with work. For example, a copywriter can write stories on his day off, because literary work is his passion. And the designer and programmer can devote their free time to working on personal projects. The main thing is not to overdo it in this matter, otherwise productivity will decrease.


Freelancers have a sedentary job, nothing can be done about it. During the working week, not every person has the opportunity to find time for sports. But on the weekends you have time and you should definitely use it to practice. Physical exercise allows you to take your mind off work and get an extra boost of energy. However, physical activity should be dosed; you should not overexert yourself. Otherwise, on Monday you will find yourself unable to work because you feel completely exhausted.

On your day off you can ride a bike, play football or basketball, or go to the gym. You can simply take a long walk, the main thing is to switch the mental switch from “work” mode to “active rest” mode.


A freelancer works at home, alone, and this is fraught with social isolation. It's so easy to fall into a comfort zone and stop communicating with people. Therefore, on the weekend it is important not only to be a little human, but also to prove yourself as an active representative of society. In any city, there are always some events taking place on weekends, so you can have a little fun by visiting an exhibition or fair, going to a concert or cinema, or just taking a walk in crowded places.

It is very important to be around people, especially those who share your views and passions. This is a great way to make new acquaintances and expand your social circle. The work of a freelancer persistently pushes him into the quagmire of loneliness - this must be resisted in every possible way, and attending public events is an excellent remedy against self-isolation.


Weekends can also be devoted to doing things that you never had time for during the week. The main thing is that these things are not related to your main job. What are these things? Well, for example, go get a haircut or a manicure, wash your car or clean up your work place. In short, it had to be something that couldn’t be done during the week because the work schedule didn’t allow it.

At the same time, you should remember that you need to rest on your day off. So you need to do only what distracts and interferes with your work. For everything else, you can find time on weekdays.


On your day off, you need to find time to make a work plan for the coming week. As a rule, an experienced freelancer already has a medium-term plan for a month or six months - in this case, minor adjustments will need to be made to it. If there is no plan, then you need to make a list of things that need to be done on weekdays. Moreover, you need to plan not only work, but also other things, for example, cleaning the house or visiting the dentist. A plan helps you focus on the main things, set priorities, and thus evenly distribute the load.

To stay productive, the most important things need to be done when a freelancer feels energetic and energized. Therefore, such matters should be given the highest priority in the plan. Everything else needs to be planned according to the residual principle: such matters have no or almost no effect on the result. Delivering a project or meeting with a client is much more important than filling out a portfolio or posting on a personal blog. Typically, a freelancer has a rough idea of ​​what he will do in the next week, so he just needs to organize his thoughts and rank all the tasks in order of importance.


No matter how exciting or financially rewarding the work is, you still need to rest. And even if it seems to a freelancer that he is not tired at all, this is not so. Fatigue and stress tend to accumulate, so it is better to prevent this and be sure to rest on weekends. You don’t have to try to do all six things discussed in this article on your day off. The task of a freelancer is to gain strength, take a break from work for a while, and gain new experiences. All this will definitely help in your work: new ideas will appear, inspiration will come more often and, of course, productivity will sharply increase.