Photos on the yacht hold up beautifully. Holidays on yachts with the main girls photo

Model Charlie Smith, 29, and her fiancé, 'The Captain', 34, were renovating houses in the Channel Islands when they decided to uproot their lives and take to the high seas.
The couple postponed their wedding, quit their jobs and bought a yacht.

“We had been thinking about traveling for years while working and renovating,” she says. - The prospect of carrying backpacks around the world and sleeping in hostels didn’t seem like what we wanted at all. The idea of ​​sailing was a way of traveling in which you could take your nest with you.”

After completing a sailing course, the novice sailors said goodbye to their relatives and in May set off to explore the world on a yacht. They have already been to France, Spain, Italy, Elba, Corsica, Sardinia, Balearic Islands and in Barcelona - carefully documenting his journey.

This is Charlie Smith. She is a 29-year-old model and television presenter from New Zealand.

This is her 34-year-old British fiancé, known as "The Captain". The couple were renovating a home in Jersey, Channel Islands, before quitting their jobs and setting sail.

The couple were engaged in 2013, but "wedding plans were put on hold as we spent our wedding budget on a yacht!" says Charlie.

Today the couple lives and travels on this 12-meter sailing yacht Dufour, which they called "Silver Paws". On the way, they take a lot of pictures of each other.

The couple talks about their adventures in a blog called “Captain and Charlie.” Their slogan reads: "See you later, bricks and mortar... We sold the house and bought a houseboat so we could follow the winds ourselves, explore the seas, have fun."

“Neither of us had lived on a yacht before. We knew we didn't have the sailing experience to do such a feat, but we did it anyway,” Charlie says. - Sometimes you shouldn’t wait to be completely “ready” - you just have to rush in without looking back and learn along the way. We each completed RYA Yacht Captain, Sea Survival and First Aid courses before setting off on our voyage.”

The couple spends the night in the cozy salon of the yacht.

Well, during the day they explore the open sea.

So far, the couple has visited France, Spain, Italy, Elba, Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands.

Over the past month they have also visited Barcelona, ​​but are now returning home to see relatives for the Christmas holidays.

The couple continues to go sightseeing.

"Every day is aquatic view sports, because every day we are on a yacht,” says Charlie.

"If we don't sail..."

“... then we, having dropped anchor somewhere, enjoy the sea.”

“Most days we paddleboard and swim.”

"Every few days we go ashore to explore new town or stock up on fresh produce,” Charlie says. “Everything doesn’t always go according to plan; once we spent several nights at anchor, where the wind unexpectedly overtook us.”

Sometimes friends even come to visit the couple.

They also have enough time to read books.

The "captain" even installed a hammock.

Charlie takes plenty of air baths.

But the girl especially likes “days at anchor, in beautiful bay with clear warm waters with breathtaking blues and greens.”

“We wanted to clean up our lives, simplify our lives, and get rid of things that accumulate over time,” says Charlie.

Not a bad life, isn't it?

Another Friday selection of beautiful and athletic girls in which we talk about what yachting is and where you can do it.

Sailing on a yacht evokes several associations; first of all, it is very romantic and exciting. Imagine yourself at the helm of a yacht, and you will feel the excitement and thirst for adventure. Yachting is also associated with luxury; many of our compatriots prefer to consider this type of active recreation an attribute of the rich and beautiful life. In fact, you can rent a yacht for an amount that is feasible for a person with an average income. There are many places in the world where you can try on the role of captain. A helm and a captain's cap - this combination guarantees adventure, the discovery of new islands, like Robinson, and all this in comfortable conditions, surrounded by loved ones.

What is yachting?

This active view recreation involves traveling along the seas or rivers on a small pleasure boat.

Yachting allows you to throw off the shackles of everyday life and look at yourself and your life with new eyes.

Already after the first such walk, people begin to think differently, they have tasted the feeling of unlimited freedom and complete controllability of the vessel; yachting instills a love of independence and self-reliance.

Who can become a yachtsman?

The best yachting schools are considered to be those operating in the Netherlands and Great Britain, where the traditions of this active recreation were born many centuries ago. In Russia, you can also get a certificate to operate a yacht, but it will not be international, that is, it will not give the right to engage in yachting in other countries. In order to be able to operate a yacht abroad and freely cross country borders, an international qualification is required.

Certificates are issued by the Royal Yachting Association, and having such a document opens you up to waterways around the world. The main branch of the RYA operates in Hampshire (England), with additional branches located throughout the world. The closest school to Russia is located in Marmaris (Turkey); training in the skill will take only one week. Trainees undergo theoretical, practical and higher stages of training, after which they receive unlimited rights to operate a yacht and travel around the world on it.

Where is the best place to go yachting?

In addition to obtaining a certificate, you should carefully choose a place for water travel. Preference should be given to the most safe places so that they match your capabilities. It is worth starting from the least prepared crew member, as a rule, these are children. If there are children on board, the sailing area should be as calm as possible. It is worth paying attention to the presence of charter companies in the selected city that provide yachts for rent. Not only place plays a role, but also time; different waters behave differently depending on the season. And during the peak season, renting a yacht live can be problematic; sometimes they are booked several months in advance.

The best countries for yachting


There is no better place for yachting in the whole world; the country is washed by three seas, in which there are thousands of islands, including many very tiny and uninhabited. In addition, Greece has many historical attractions, through which you can build exciting routes. The Argosaronic and Ionian islands, the eastern Sporades and the Peloponnese coast attract yacht lovers the most. the Cyclades and Dodecanese archipelagos, and, of course, the huge island of Crete.


The yachting season in Croatia begins in May and lasts until September. This country also has a lot of ancient cities with architectural and cultural attractions, as well as centers of modern art. In summer, the sea of ​​Croatia is always calm and welcoming for yachting enthusiasts; in autumn and winter, strong winds will not allow sailing.


Turkey's marinas will not disappoint you; the state has thirty years of experience. Those who do not yet have much experience in sea ​​travel, the coast is designed in such a way that you can stop and rest at any point. The shores consist of bays, large and small bays. In Turkey, the season lasts from April to November, weather quite bearable even in November, this month marks the traditional sailing week in Marmaris. Anyone can take part in the regatta, as well as in the Gulet race in the city of Bodrum (Gulet is designed for wooden boats). Turkey has decent service and many attractions.

Canaries and Balers

Spanish resorts are ideal for yachting holidays; they have a moderately warm climate and optimal winds for yachting. Balera is based in the marina of Palma de Mallorca; yachts depart from here, with exciting routes starting from Menorca and Ibiza. Main bases Canary Islands– this is Tenerife and Santa Cruz. There are also bases in the Radosul marina, in Gran Canaria. When planning routes around the Canary Islands, you must take into account wind speed; for inexperienced sailors it can become a problem. If you need a yacht for rent, you can rent it from a charter school located on La Gomera. With an average route length of 150 miles, you can end up in Ibiza and enjoy some of the world's best beaches, then on to Formentera and back to Mallorca.


If we consider Thailand from the perspective of yachting, then three regions will be the most successful: Phuket, Koh Chang archipelago, Koh Samui. In the Koh Chang archipelago, the water area does not allow yacht racing due to its small size, but there are many picturesque volcanic islands, where local nature appears to guests in all its glory. The main attraction of Phuket are the vertical steep islands, famous from the film “The Beach” with Leonardo DiCaprio.

The main advantage is that summer in Thailand never ends; seasonality is revealed only by changes in the wind; heavy rains are possible in spring and autumn, as the northern monsoons begin to blow. In summer and winter the temperature is almost the same, differing by a couple of degrees.


The islands are located quite far from Russia, but a visa-free regime has been introduced for our compatriots. The weather allows you to fly here several times a year to hone your skills in comfortable conditions - the complete absence of dangerous sea animals and strong currents. Not typical for these areas big waves and strong winds, the journey will be safe and comfortable. The islands are located quite close to each other, meaning you can make many stops along the route and discover something new at each one. The main marinas are Mahe and Praslin.


If you look at the coast Mediterranean Sea, then the most suitable areas for yachting holidays will be in France. This marina is rated all over the world; high demand forces those wishing to relax here to book in advance. In France, a special yachting experience awaits you, combining boat trip and a cognitive element. Resort towns France became more civilized and comfortable, many beautiful embankments, every narrow street here is fraught with its own history.


This country leads in the number of yachts per population; the most luxurious vessels are produced here, and the quality of yachting is at the highest level. The coastal part of the country is washed by five seas, which gives the opportunity unforgettable trip, the coastal part of Italy extends for 5 thousand miles. In greatest demand West Coast with many islands and steep rocky shores, routes are being built from Liguria to Sicily. Here you can find not only natural, but also cultural attractions.

The east coast is rated weaker, but this is where Venice is located and some of the best in the world sandy beaches. If you are interested in elite places, they are located in the Tyrrhenian and Ligurian seas, these are Sardinia, Liguria, Capri, the Aeolian Islands and Amalfi.

Development of yachting in Russia

Russia will never become the center of world yachting in mind geographical features its location. However, in our country there are enough places suitable for this active recreation. If we evaluate the suitability of places by the level of infrastructure and service, then the best of them will be in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Yacht clubs on the Moscow River offer good conditions, where you can rent a yacht, purchase your own vessel, and entrust specialists with questions about its care.

Also, yacht clubs are based on the banks of the Volga, the best climatic conditions for yachting are in Sochi, Novorossiysk and Vladivostok. But the situation with the service here is not the most pleasant. Domestic media have repeatedly promised the development of marinas in Sochi, but this moment It's extremely difficult to say anything. The same can be said about the Baltic Sea - it is very beautiful here, there are many attractions, but practically no infrastructure for yachtsmen. Finding a gas station, a club or a ship repair service will be very difficult. It is obvious that in Russia yachting is still a sport for the elite.

Get ready, residents of a cold December! In the coming posts I will show you the amazing underwater world of the hot Maldives, which I discovered for myself, despite the fact that I am here for the fifth time. In the meantime, a small announcement.

Our trip was organized by the travel club “Let’s go” in collaboration with Men’s Health magazine. There were 6 boys and 7 girls in total - the guys were experienced and had certificates for deep-sea diving, and the girls and I swam separately, dubbing the company “my Pride.” This splendor lasted a whole week on a huge luxury yacht - welcome to the cut to see the details...

Our yacht was called Ritrella. By default, it was designed for 50 passengers, so for 13 people there was real freedom:




When the scuba divers went diving, the girls and I rode on a small boat:


We also had a third boat, Donnie. We went snorkeling on it:


It was especially fun to jump from her roof:



While we were being taken to the diving site, the girls were sunbathing on the bow of “Donnie” and on the large main yacht:


The girls didn’t let me get bored for a second and constantly asked me to photograph them in different poses:


Group in red slippers:


Guess how I took this photo (no editing used):


We had two dinners on island hotels, the rest of the time we lived on a yacht. Sometimes we landed on small islands, swam and sunbathed:





We also had night barbecues:


A few words about diving.

Usually, if you come to the Maldives, you are settled on an island and you explore the underwater world around it. Here you may be lucky with the living creatures, or maybe not. On a yacht we moved from one island to another, dived to reefs in the open sea, observing all the diversity of the underwater world.

For example, a gigantic number of moray eels of various sizes and colors:



One night we went to feed the sharks. I am terribly afraid of them and will soon write a whole post about how I overcame my fear:


Well, and turtles, of course.

By the way, during filming, my aquabox leaked and I drowned the camera for half a million rubles:


Introdive is an introductory dive for beginners. One instructor holds two people, plus another pro on top with a mask and snorkel watches the company:


And finally, a couple of reviews from travel participants:

Maxim Byankin (Magadan):

— For me, the Maldives has become the place where I want to return. Amazing nature, combined with the richness of the colors of the underwater world, gave a lot of positive emotions. Each day of my stay in the Maldives was special and different from the previous one, because each atoll, each dive is unique and inimitable in its own way. But for have a nice rest Nature alone is not enough. Our friendly team of conquerors occupies a special place depths of the sea. We had a great time, I am sincerely glad to meet new people. Special thanks to the organizers.



Yulia Verteletskaya (Sochi):

— When the guys from “Let’s go” sent me an invitation to this tour, it was enough to see a few words in the title “Maldives” and “Sergey Dolya” to make a decision in 30 seconds and say: Let’s go!!! As a novice traveler, I really wanted to meet the most famous travel blogger in the country. And then I had the opportunity to do this on a trip that I had been dreaming about for so long! The puzzle is complete! For everything else, I was calm - after all, the tour was created by the “Let’s go” club, which means that everything will definitely be at the highest level! After all, in addition to the fact that the guys create cool and unique trips, they also gather a cool crowd! Effective networking is inevitable!

This trip turned out to be one of the highlights of my life! The adventure-filled program made me lose sleep throughout the entire trip; my emotions were just off the charts! Thanks to the entire organizing team for the excellent service and such exclusive activities! I would like to express special gratitude to Sergei Dolya, because it was he who created for us that warm atmosphere filled with smiles and jokes. And his stories about expeditions simply excited my consciousness with terrible force! For me, Sergei is a great example and a lighthouse man! The one who inspires new countries and discoveries! He inspired me so much that after the Maldives I did not return home, but continued my journey and went to explore Asia! I’m looking forward to the calendar of expeditions with Sergei Dolya for next year so I can go on another unforgettable journey!



Olga Liora (Moscow):

— Moscow has a classic gray and dirty winter. And I am still overwhelmed with emotions, I smile like a blessed person all day long. I just returned from a trip to the Maldives, organized by Man's Health magazine. This trip coincided with my birthday. I can say that it was the coolest trip and birthday of my life))) Let's start with the fact that we had the most beautiful and large yacht on Maldives. Thanks to the host Ritrella Cruise Hotel. And especially her team, who took care of us, surrounded us with comfort and excellent service. I haven’t experienced such a number of positive emotions per minute for a long time. Before the trip, I knew practically no one from our group, but I met an amazing group of amazing people, in which I made new friends. An amazing, diverse, infinitely beautiful underwater world opened up to me. Snorkeling, diving. One night dive with sharks is worth it. Turtles, stingrays, moray eels, a million colorful fish. Night BBQ at desert island, dancing on the roof of the doni, group jumping from the same roof into the water.... 3 times in a row for a beautiful shot. Special thanks to Sergei Dolya for most interesting stories about travel, for his lively, cheerful disposition, jokes, laughter. For the patience with which he photographed us in the water and on land. A piece of my heart will forever remain in this paradise. And of course I already dream of returning there again.



Olga Lineva (Moscow):

— My first thematic trip with a focus on the underwater world was unforgettable thanks to Men’s Health magazine, the “Let’s Go” club and the unique travel blogger Sergei Dole. To say that half of our team had no diving experience is very neutral, most of I didn't even have snorkeling experience. The surprising thing is that our “dive group” turned out to be very diverse, we came from different cities and professions, but this did not stop us from becoming a real team of adventurers. Stay 5 days on a yacht, even the largest in the Maldives and comfortable in all respects, but not always in a mostly turbulent ocean, sometimes under the scorching sun, sometimes in strong wind, having almost no free time, since everything is scheduled by the hour, became possible, exciting and safe, thanks to high level organization of travel by the "Let's go" club and hospitality of the yacht Ritrella. By the end of our trip, we all began to feel like we were part of the underwater Maldivian world. Separately, I would like to say that a pleasant meeting on a yacht with a welcome cocktail, a romantic dinner “by candlelight” on a desert island, evening gatherings in front of the screen listening to stories by Sergei Dolya, spontaneous fiery discos, brought us back to the atmosphere of a “pioneer camp” for adults :). Many thanks to the well-coordinated work of the club and the yacht crew for their professionalism, understanding and care for everyone, special thanks to Sergei Dolya, who was our tireless hero throughout the entire adventure :)



Ulyana Kononenko (Moscow):

— In the last days before flying to the Maldives, I strongly doubted the correctness of my decision to go, because I was afraid of motion sickness on a yacht and diving. I note that I had no experience of traveling on a yacht, or snorkeling, much less diving. The atmosphere in which we immersed ourselves immediately after arriving and settling on the yacht is indescribable, we always felt fun and comfortable, there is something special about it when completely strangers adults live as one friendly team in a limited space. The professionalism of the yacht crew, some of the participants in our tour, our most important core of the company, Sergei, organized us, inexperienced travelers, and instilled confidence in safety. And it was really cool because, despite our lack of experience, we started with careful snorkeling and ended up with a 40-minute second dive. I will leave our emotions from what we saw under water and above water outside the scope of this review, I will say the main thing, it was a real adventure, every day, some more, some less, but we overcame ourselves, our laziness, our fears. Everyone had their own fear: diving from the upper deck, meeting a shark, diving under water, we were all honestly very afraid, but we did everything, because in a team everything is not so scary! I am immensely grateful for this, for the fact that on this trip I got rid of my fears of the inhabitants of the underwater world, I suddenly realized that underwater is not only not scary, but comfortable, almost like home). Special thanks to the tireless crew of the yacht for new routes every day, understanding and patience, as well as to our Sergei, if not for him, I would never have decided to dive among the sharks.


P.S. Well, while everyone was relaxing and having fun, I was filming and working a lot to please the participants and readers with good posts!