Surf tours to Mexico for women. Surf school in Mexico

Friends vacationed in Cancun at the beginning of September.
Without exaggeration, we can say that the holiday turned out great! We managed to combine the beach-lounge rhythm with the active conquest of the waves. The only thing that could darken our mood was the heavy rains at night. Otherwise, the daytime drizzle, if it appeared, did not bother us in any way. Daytime rains pass quickly and unnoticed. If it weren’t for the clouds in the first days, we would have been guaranteed to burn!
The temperature was +27 +30, the humidity was high, you could only freeze from the air conditioning in your room or cafe.
Everything is yours free time We spent as much time on the beach as possible, that’s why we went far away =)
Special thanks to Pipeline Surf School. Coach Richie literally made our vacation!!! None of us had ever tried to stand on a plank. But the shallow depth and smooth entry into the sea inspires confidence.
Richie can put anyone into surfing! After the 2nd lesson, we rented boards and tried to catch waves on our own! Ideal for us newbies. The coach is nearby, we are under supervision, but at the same time we are already trying to ride ourselves. If you want and have the strength, you can swim further from the shore, where it’s deeper, and start from there)) But this is for those who are confident in their abilities.
I do not belong to them.
But I know that even children study with Richie. We are incredibly grateful for the first steps in mastering surfing!
I would like to express special thanks for useful tips and terrain orientation, without Richie we would have spent a lot longer figuring things out. “Our” place was Surfin Burito - a cafe where cocktails are poured into mini buckets =) Order a margarita and see for yourself)))
Getting around the spit is very easy. A trip in any direction of any duration costs approximately 8.5 pesos. Or 1 dollar (about 12 pesos, so it’s more profitable to pay in them; you overpay in dollars)
The bulk of souvenirs can be bought at the market near Senor Frogza, in Plaza La Isla and Plaza Kukulcan. We liked La Isla the most.
Entrance to discos (CocoBongo, Mandala, etc.) can be purchased at the hotel or on the street. average price 30 dollars, so think about how much you need to take at the hotel for 120. Buses run around the clock. At night, however, a little less often. Taking a taxi is also not a problem, but the range of prices is incredible. From 5 to 100 dollars, it all depends, apparently, on the desire and mood of the driver. We didn’t buy excursions, because last year we already went to Chichen Itza to see the pyramids. We independently reached Playa del Carmen, where it was also very interesting and beautiful. Before bus station In Cancun you can take the R2 bus. We drove to Walmart and walked from there to the station. 7 minutes drive. Be sure to buy it whenever you go sunscreen 50 spf!! The sun is merciless even in the rainy season.
The people are generally very friendly and nice, both in and out of the hotel. In the hotel area many people speak English. And the hotel staff knows the basic phrases - Good morning, please, etc. When checking into the hotel, we were given a printout of the restaurant schedule in Russian.
In a word, have a nice holiday everyone!
Separately for those who want to surf - perfect place and people to master the basics and make confident progress!
As our maid told us, best months- these are January, February and March. The weather is just great. I sincerely wish everyone who is going to Cancun not to stay too long in the hotel! Get out of it at least a couple of times. And if you're looking to be active, try surfing! You will never regret it!

Mexico is a very culturally rich country located in the south North America. However, despite geographical position, many surfers may have noticed that the wave forecast for this country should be looked at in relation to Central America.

Surfing in Mexico is especially developed in Pacific Coast, although East End The country is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea. If you choose this country for a tourist trip, you should definitely take time to explore the local nature, which is replete with diversity. There are plenty of sheltered beaches with blue water and clean white sand. IN mountainous areas you can find something interesting vegetable world, however, the climate here will be colder.

In general, surfing in Mexico is of particular interest to both the local population and visiting tourists. Beginning athletes will be able to undergo training in specialized schools located in the north and south.

Why do you think Mexico has become a favorite training destination for many of the world's surfing stars? Numerous factors contributed to this. First of all, warm ocean water allows you to exercise all year round without a wetsuit. Secondly, constant waves high altitude have a beneficial effect on the quality of training, allowing you to hone the most complex tricks and exercises. And thirdly, the country’s infrastructure was created with tourists in mind, who find the most favorable conditions for themselves here and do not need anything.

Beginners will also enjoy surfing in Mexico. There are plenty of specialized spots where you can learn this sport or hone existing skills. There are also constantly operating rental points with high-quality equipment and affordable prices.


As already mentioned, surfing in Mexico is available throughout the year. However, different seasons have certain differences that should be taken into account when setting off with a board to the ocean coast.

Mexico has a wet season in summer and dry season in winter. At the same time, the rainy season occurs with virtually no wind, which, however, does not contribute to tourism on the continental part. The summer months are the most popular among professionals due to the strong swells from the south during this time. Pacific Ocean They also reach the coast of Mexico.

The average annual water temperature is +27 degrees, and the air warms up to +34 and above.

Surfing in Cancun

A favorite destination for tourists in Mexico is resort town Cancun. It is located on a narrow 25-kilometer sand spit, one side of which faces Caribbean Sea, and the other to the lagoon. As a result, tourists can enjoy endless snow-white beach, sea ​​water crystal purity and abundance architectural monuments, left here after the Mayan civilization.

However, surfing in Cancun is popular not only because of the excellent waves, but also because of the interesting location of the resort. Here vacationers can enjoy being next to tropical nature, waterfalls, caves and rich underwater world. The main category of tourists who come to surf in

Cancun is, of course, North American. However, meeting the Russian language on local beaches is not such a problem.

Popular surf spots

Despite the fact that surfing in Mexico is widespread along the entire coast, certain spots receive the greatest attention among visiting tourists and local athletes.

The first city on the list of preferred places is Puerto Escondido. Known far beyond the country's borders, Zicatella Beach is called the Mexican Pipe Line by many. The wave comes here very high and only breaks on the shore. Beginners should not try their hand here, but surfers who are confident in their abilities will find on this beach what they came for - a lot of adrenaline and amazing emotions.

For those who decide to warm up before taking on the mighty waves, there is nearby La Punta Beach with more forgiving conditions. Local surfers on Mexican beaches are friendly towards guests, but you shouldn’t forget about your status, because disrespect on the water not only poses a danger to all athletes, but also irritates more disciplined riders.

Not all tourists who choose to surf in Cancun or other resorts have the same problem with the waves. Many tourists prefer to combine skiing with exciting excursions to local attractions. And there really is something to see in Mexico. In addition to many excellent spots, there are deserted nature reserves all around. Their tropical and distinctive nature makes the stay on the line-ups and on the shore especially wonderful.

It turns out that the beaches of Mexico are suitable not only for getting a golden crust and languidly rocking on the waves, you can also do something more interesting here. If you remember, we have already swam in several on the coast of Puerto Escondido and reached the rocks at the end of Marinero, behind which the Zicatela beach. That's exactly what I'm going to talk about.

Description of Zicatela beach

What is so interesting about this beach and why it deserves the honor of a separate story? And the fact that Zicatela beach(Playa Zicatela) - the most famous in Puerto Escondido, one of the most popular in Mexico and well-known all over the world (at least among knowledgeable people). Why? Yes, because the waves are steep here and the annual surfing championship is held. More precisely, two: in August and November. The wave season seems to begin in April, so we caught the very beginning.

Even now the waves are impressive (especially since Andryusiks and I have never seen anything like this, except in Mui Ne), but I think they can be bigger.

It’s kind of scary to get into the water, the waves are very scary and the current is strong, it will drag you into the ocean to the dolphins. Although I won’t be dragged away, I won’t get that far, because I’m a coward, but I can hit the sand hard. It’s better to sit on the shore and admire it from the side.

I still can’t wrap my head around what this is Pacific Ocean. Ocean! It is huge, it has neither end nor edge. It hides so many secrets in its depths; it is home to so many creatures. It’s hard to even imagine!

We've had enough. We get up and go look for where the beach ends, just out of curiosity. It is really long, about three kilometers, no less, so it will be a long walk. It's hot, only the breeze from the ocean saves us. We walk along the edge of the water: the waves crawling to the shore, sometimes sleepy, barely reaching the ankle, sometimes frisky, trying to bite almost on the shoulder. And there, after a few meters, the water is raging with might and main!

At first we walk briskly, then more and more slowly: it’s hot, humid, stuffy - completely unusual conditions for our body. But it's beautiful! For this it is worth being patient or getting used to.

There are very few people around. I wonder why? Maybe it’s not the season now, or maybe towards evening everyone will crawl out like crabs from their holes. Judging by the number of hotels along the coast, the flow of vacationers should be quite large. Some hotels have been welcoming guests for a long time, while others are just being built. There are cafes too, but they are quiet. Here and there there are sun loungers with umbrellas, some are even occupied by tourists. This means that there is still life on Mars.

The end point of Zicatela is getting closer and closer. The coast opposite the ocean is overgrown with houses of the same type with palm roofs, located on the slopes of the rock. It looks like some kind of tourist village. Suddenly it becomes crowded: macho men with boards, local couples walking, young ladies with dogs, American youth. This is where the whole party is.

Americans have long chosen Mexico as a resort area, which, in general, is very logical: close, beautiful, inexpensive, frivolous. They say that on the beaches of Cancun they are out of stock.

And in general, Puerto Escondido is famous for its spirit of freedom and hippie culture, I think this attracts many. There is no shortage of semi-homeless-looking characters with dreadlocks, tattoos and careless eyes.

Here, where the stones begin, the beach ends, beyond the rocks, what is beyond them is not known. We won’t check it: you no longer have the strength or desire to climb along the trails at the top, you can’t go along the bottom - there are rocks, stones, there’s no way. There is one secret passage in the rock a la Santa Barbara, but you can only use it when the water is low, we were out of luck.

The nook at the end of Zicatela beach is popular with surfers. Apparently, it’s smeared with honey, that is, the wave is strong. Everyone dances, both professionals and beginners.

Some people train closer to the shore, not always successfully.

Someone is cutting with might and main in the thick of things. Daredevils!

I liked a girl of about six with a small pink board, which she handled skillfully, and dived under the waves no worse than any big guy.

Not everything is so simple - you still have to wait for a good wave. While it’s going on and gaining strength, you can chat and discuss Lupita with Maria.

Well done guys, cool! Andryusiks, impressed, also wanted to try to ride the board. But he didn’t say where or when. Sometimes some dreams are destined to remain dreams.

Tired of the sun, we wandered in the opposite direction. Another three kilometers. But is this a distance for us? We walked thirty a day. Phew, jaaarkooo, wateryyy...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, horses appeared in the middle of the beach. If it weren't for the photo as proof, I would have thought that I had overheated in the sun. Although, one does not interfere with the other. Panama had to be captured.

Four, three, two, one. Bam! We've arrived! Here is the finish line - the border between the beaches of Zicatela and Marinero.

Tired, warm and happy - what could be more pleasant? Personally, I liked Zicatela beach, it has some kind of drive and crazyness. And you?

In general, there are many different resorts and beaches in Mexico, but those in Puerto Escondido, in my opinion, are some of the best.

Let me get a little clever)) In Russian, the beach is correctly called “Zicatela”, and not “Zicatela”, as many people think and write, because no one doubts that Zaragoza is Zaragoza. From here we draw a logical conclusion - Zicatela = Zicatela.

Happy waves to you, dear readers!

Useful information about Puerto Escondido

How to get to Puerto Escondido from Oaxaca And where we lived, I described in detail in the article


Mexico provides excellent surfing opportunities. You can catch waves here throughout the year; the most favorable period is considered to be from June to September. The variety of surfable spots and waves that come there is also impressive. In some places the waves break on a sharp reef (reef-break, point-break). But there are also beautiful sandy beaches with good waves (world class beach breaks), which are considered a specialty of Mexico. Also positive is the temperature of the water and the ability to spend relatively small amounts of money. Even from the stories of friends you can partially feel how this picturesque corner the world fascinates with its nature and vibrations that reign there. Once in Mexico, you can travel along the coast for months, catch waves, cook over a fire, swim in clean rivers and waterfalls. Make an unforgettable impression ancient cities and pyramids of the Maya and Aztecs, even on people who have already seen so much. You can hang out for weeks in small coastal villages, do surfing, yoga, read, talk to the locals (and thus learn Spanish) Or just lie in a hammock and look sand beach, cacti, mountains or jungle. Sometimes dolphins swim.


Puerto Escondido(literally - "closed port") remained unchanged for centuries until the 1970s. hippies didn't settle here. Despite the impact of modernization, it still retains the features of a fishing village, which once made it popular. Advantages Puerto Escondido the following: peace, distance from civilization, absence of annoying dealers who do not allow tourists to pass through in Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta. But the main thing is low prices. Despite the intimacy and tranquility of the resort, there is excellent night life. The surrounding landscape is typical of the Mexican Pacific coast - green hills and mountains rise almost close to the water, and the only possible coastal road winds along the coast. There are restaurants and hotels on the hills. Puerto Escondido also often called the Mexican Pipeline - one of best places in the world of surfing. The best surfers gather here for competitions. Most often, pro-surfers can be seen on Zicatela Beach, a famous beach break. The season for surfers of any level lasts 365 days a year. Huge giant waves usually come to Zicatela Beach towards the end of summer. The average annual temperature of water and air is 28 degrees. Enjoy great surfing in a bikini and board shorts. The average monthly swell is 4-5 feet, i.e. we always, always have waves. Depending on your level of skiing, camp instructors will determine a suitable spot for you, and, if desired, organize surf trips to exotic spots no less famous for their waves and stunning scenery.


OUR SURF SCHOOL— The first Russian surfing and bodyboarding school in the most famous surfing spot in Mexico, Puerto Escondido on the Pacific coast. Surfing lessons for beginners and advanced surfers in Russian on the best world-class waves. We are sure that surfing training in our surf school is one of the best, not for nothing that we were recognized as one of the best Russian surf camps or surf camps in the world. And not because we have a super cool office with a swimming pool and a cafe, we don’t have that, but because we have equipment for teaching surfing that is ideal by ASP standards, experienced instructors with more than ten years of surfing experience and individual approach to learning. We want to make you surfers and convey our experience in the shortest possible time. Depending on the level of skating and physical fitness, surf school instructors will determine a suitable spot for students, even if the waves at the home spot are huge, there are always spots with small and gentle waves. We also organize surf trips to exotic spots no less famous for their waves with stunning scenery and interesting excursions, eco-tours, and select comfortable accommodation options in a surf camp, surf villa or luxury villas in Puerto Escondido.

Several times a year we hold surf camps - this is the May surf camp and the New Year's surf camp, where in addition to surfing and training, we arrange excursions and entertainment for you to make your surf holidays in Mexico unforgettable. In the fall, in October and November, we organize surf camps - intensive surfing training, these are two weeks of lessons, video and photo analysis, watching educational videos and films. The cost of surf camps is low and you can always buy cheap air tickets in advance. We always have good weather, there is sun every day, even during the rainy season (June-August), the water is always warm or very warm, so we were lucky to ride the waves every day in bikinis and board shorts. Surfing in Mexico means learning to surf at a Russian surf school in warm water all year round!

Around Puerto Escondido there are many kilometers of protected uninhabited beaches and surf spots, next to us are two huge lagoons, where you can find a huge variety of birds in wildlife and even crocodiles, thermal springs with hot volcanic water. Mexico has juicy sweet fruits all year round, watermelons, melons, papayas, apricots, peaches, apples, grapes, pineapples, nectarines, and such exotic fruits as carambola, mamay, apio, passion fruit, avocado. The season for surfers of any level in Puerto Escondido lasts 365 days a year. Learning to surf in winter offers a dry season and small to medium waves, ideal for beginners and intermediates. Surfing lessons in autumn and spring - great waves for all levels of surfing. Surfing in Mexico in the summer means huge giant waves that usually come to Zicatela Beach. It's really worth seeing: sitting on the shore, it's like you're watching a surf movie with giant tubes. The average annual temperature of water and air is 28 degrees. The average monthly swell is 4-5 feet, meaning we always, always have waves.

Often, while sitting on the line-up during surfing lessons, you can see frolicking dolphins and see manta rays swimming beneath you in the crystal clear azure water. Sometimes they put on a show and jump out of the water to a height of up to 1.5 meters, this is a truly breathtaking sight. The Pacific Ocean in Puerto Escondido is a very lively ocean; in winter, huge whales swim into our warm waters and many of our students have already managed to see them. In Puerto there are surf spots for all levels of surfing - this is our main feature and advantage. We believe that there is no other place like this that combines all the delights of relaxation and surfing in Mexico, which is why it is often called a surfer's paradise. We love surfing and want you to become surfers. Come learn surfing and improve your skills at a Russian surfing school in Mexico!


So, we invite you to live, relax and learn to surf in our surf camp, located on a cozy, designer-designed area measuring 1.2 kilometers. In the camp you will find bungalows of varying design and level of comfort, as well as a relaxation area with hammocks, a bar, wi-fi and books, and a guest kitchen. Prices in US dollars per person. Payment on site upon arrival. Significant discounts for two or three people sharing separate bungalows!!!


The package price includes: meeting and seeing off at the airport, accommodation in a camp, surfing lessons with equipment, lycra, waxing, 1-2 photo lessons with further analysis of mistakes, transfers to surf spots. The lesson lasts 90 minutes, includes theory and surfing with an instructor in the water. Instruction in English, Spanish, Russian. Prices are valid all year, with the exception of Easter (18.03 - 12.04.) and Christmas and New Year holidays (20.12 - 15.01).

In general bungalow (5 beds, toilet, shower):
1 week (5 lessons/6 nights/7 days) – $450
2 weeks (10 lessons/13 nights/14 days) – $650

1 week (5 lessons/6 nights/7 days) – $500
2 weeks (10 lessons/13 nights/14 days) – $850

1 week (5 lessons/6 nights/7 days) – $550
2 weeks (10 lessons/13 nights/14 days) – $900


The package price includes: transfers at the airport, accommodation at a surf camp, surf guiding with an instructor, lycra, wax, one or two photos of a surf guide with further analysis of mistakes, transfers to surf spots. Surf guiding— this is a transfer to the spot, a briefing, a ride with an instructor at various servo spots close to the camp. The choice of surf spots is made by a surf instructor, taking into account the surfer’s level of preparedness. Additionally, it is possible to rent equipment: surfboard - 10 US dollars per day, bodyboard + fins - 10 US dollars per day.

In general bungalow (5 beds, toilet, shower):
1 week (5 surf guides/6 nights/7 days) – $450
2 weeks (10 surf guides/13 nights/14 days) – $650

In a separate bungalow (toilet, shower outside):
1 week (5 surf guides/6 nights/7 days) – $500
2 weeks (10 surf guides/13 nights/14 days) – $850

In a separate bungalow (toilet and shower in the room):
1 week (5 surf guides/6 nights/7 days) – $550
2 weeks (10 surf guides/13 nights/14 days) – $900

By far my favorite surfing destination is Mexico. The Pacific Ocean pleases with its warmth, calm waves and wild beaches. How to get to Mexico, and what you need for this, you can read in the review article on ours. I want to tell you about where you can ride, when and what dangers await you in the water.

I tried spots in the states of Nayarit and Oaxaca. Since these are not the most popular destinations for Russian tourists, I will still devote a couple of lines to how to get there and will definitely tell you about the conditions of the spots, seasons and possible accommodation options.

So, let's go!

Sayulita and Punta de Mita, Nayarit State

This is one of the most famous places for surfing, and for beach holiday throughout Mexico.

If you tell one of the Mexicans that you are going there, you will definitely hear an enthusiastic review about the place and specifically about two towns: Punta de Mita and Sayulita. More about them later.

Indeed, this is the pearl of the Mexican Pacific coast. The climate is the most comfortable, the water is warm (I’ll talk about the weather and seasons below), and the waves are slow and even. Due to this characteristic of the waves, longboarding - surfing on long boards - is most developed here.

You can easily find here rental boards measuring 9’6 with one fin (or fin, as it is also called, attached to the bottom of the board for maneuverability or speed: depends on the size and quantity). You will be able to admire the skills of Mexico's national longboard and SUP champions.

How to get to the state

In the state of Nayarit, I stayed in a village called Sayulita, a popular resort among Americans and Canadians. The locals are very surprised when they meet Russians here, but at the same time they love us very much.

To fly to the airport closest to the towns from Russia there are two options:

  • You need to fly to the airport Puerto Vallarta named after Gustavo Diaz Ordaz (Puerto Vallarta),state of Jalisco There are no direct flights from Moscow there; you will have to make at least one transfer. The cheapest option is through, but, of course, only if you have an American visa. The ticket price is approximately 750 USD, but everything also depends on holidays, seasons, etc. Airlines such as Iberia, KLM, AirFrance, AllItalia, Lufthansa fly there... In general, there are many of them. Capital flights operate from Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports, and to St. Petersburg from Pulkovo.
  • If you do not have an American visa, you will have to fly through Mexico City, international Airport named after Benito Juarez. The ticket will be about 300 USD more expensive than in the previous case, current prices for the desired dates you can compare, for example, . The same airlines fly from the same airports. The most convenient flights are usually Iberia via. You can read more about how to get to Mexico.

How to get from the airport to Sayulita and Punta de Mita

There are two ways to get from Puerto Vallarta Airport to Sayulita: by bus or by taxi. Punta de Mita can be reached in the same ways, only it is further away than Sayulita, so the price of the trip will be a little more expensive.


The bus is a strange and incomprehensible thing. If you come for the first time and have a huge amount of luggage with you, then this is not the most convenient option. However, the stop of this transport is located next to the airport. You just need to go to the opposite side of the road.

Buses do not have numbers; you need to navigate by the stops listed on the windshield. We need to catch the one that says Sayulita or Punta de Mita if we're heading there.

The ticket costs 1.5 USD (30 Mexican pesos / MXN) to Sayulita and to Punta de Mita.

Catch the required bus (it’s better to gesture for it to stop, otherwise it might pass by) and go to the final stop. Each direction has its own bus, but in both cases you need to go to the final one. You will have to spend about 40–60 minutes on the way.


Taxi drivers will catch you at the exit from the airport building - just like everywhere else. For the journey to Sayulita and Punta de Mita you will be asked to pay 30–35 USD (500–700 MXN). If you are coming with your own surfboard, they will agree to take you for 40 USD (800 MXN).

Where to stay


Once again, Sayulita is a destination geared toward tourists who are paid in dollars, so don't expect cheap accommodations. Especially if your trip falls during Mexican or American holidays and vacations. This is generally the most expensive city in the state in terms of living. If you stay in hotels, of which there are a lot, the price per night will be from 45 USD and above.

You can stay in any area of ​​Sayulita: it is so small that you can reach the beach in a maximum of 15–20 minutes on foot from the farthest corner. Those who live further away rent a golf cart to get around the town. The rental price for a day is 63 USD.

Sayulita is safe and calm. If you live next to the central square, then, of course, it will be noisier in the evenings and at night, but by one or two in the morning everything will definitely calm down. The advantage of living in the Center is that all the cafes and restaurants are concentrated there.

There are also several hostels in the town and prices per night start from 15 USD.

If you plan to stay on for a long time, then it makes sense to talk to the locals, ask sellers and bartenders about rooms or houses for rent. Thus, you can find a nice house with a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom a 15-minute walk from the beach costing from 150 USD (2,500 MXN) per month. For some reason, Booking and other well-known housing search engines are not widespread in this place, and only word of mouth works.


It will be even cheaper to stay in the town of Bucerias, which is on the way from Puerto Vaillart to Sayulita, 18 kilometers from the airport (20 minutes by bus). Apartments for a month there cost 90 USD (1,500 MXN), hotels - from 30 USD per night. But you should also think carefully: there are no surf spots there, and you will need to get to them yourself, which means an additional 20–30 minutes by bus.

Punta de Mita

I didn’t stay in Punta de Mita, but came for a day, using the room of a friend who lives at the Hotel La Quinta del Sol (by the way, it’s clean, cozy hotel with large rooms, Wi-Fi and even a kitchen in the room), which is not on Booking.

In general, the town itself is small, smaller than Sayulita. But at the same time, one of the group’s hotels is located here Four Seasons Resort. The most budget accommodation here will cost about 45 USD/night. It’s also convenient that the spots are located in the city itself, but more on that below.


Since Sayulita and Punta de Mita - popular places holiday for Americans and Canadians, the beach here is crowded, especially during Easter week (Semana Santa).

Only 1/4 of the vacationers will go surfing, while the rest will simply enjoy being in the warm water. To ride, you will have to work hard to catch the moment when there are no people in front of you. If it so happens that you came here exactly at high season(from November to April, especially April), go for a ride at 8:00–9:00, since at this time all the tourists are still sleeping, the rentals have not started working, and the shops are closed. Just don't forget to take the board the night before. Therefore, when planning a trip, check the holiday dates.

The season with good waves here begins in November and lasts until April. During the day, the water temperature at this time will be about +30°C, and the air temperature will be the same. At night it becomes fresh: the temperature can drop to +10–15 °C, so in the early morning the water can be cool, and locals prefer to surf in thin and short wetsuits. During these months, you can find huge turtles in the water, calmly swimming next to you.

The hottest time of the year lasts from May to August. It is absolutely impossible to be outside during the day. The rainy season also begins in June. And also in May, a huge number of jellyfish appear in the ocean, which is the most unpleasant thing for me. You can find about 5 different types of jellyfish in the water, and some of them have very strong poison, so you even have to see a doctor after a burn.

September and October are the time for hurricanes and tornadoes, besides, the air is very humid, even clothes don’t dry, you have to constantly walk around wet.

I note that the off-season is not a reason to refuse a trip: instructors and board rental places do not disappear anywhere, but continue to work, but there are much fewer people, and the prices for accommodation are much lower.


Near Sayulita, I know of 6 public spots and 3 secret spots. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to tell you about the latter, but I will share information about the former with you.

In the most Sayulite three spots:

  1. Spot for beginners: sandy bottom, left waves. Flaw: all instructors teach their students here, and vacationers frolic in the water in front of you. Among the dangers are stingrays! In the water you need to move smoothly, sliding your feet along the bottom, but without stepping, only in this case these fish will get scared and swim away. You also need to jump off the board as carefully as possible. Also, don’t forget to watch the current, as on some days it can be quite strong.
  2. There's another one very close spot for more experienced surfers: this is a point break (the top of an underwater rock), a rocky bottom and right-hand waves. There is no channel as such. Flaw: All the locals ride at this spot, and this is probably one of the main problems. For the most part, everyone is, of course, very friendly, but there are also those who are quite aggressive, and they may even express their dissatisfaction with assault if you encroach on their wave, and it makes no difference whether you are a girl or a man. Of course, if there are no waves at the spot for beginners, instructors bring their students here, but only if it is an individual lesson, and they carefully ensure that you do not violate the priority in any way.
  3. Spot located a little north along the beach towards one of the most beautiful local beaches Malpasos: rocky bottom, left waves. There are always significantly fewer people there. Flaw: strong current.

There is another village 30 minutes from Sayulita - San Pancho(the official name, but everyone calls it nothing other than San Pancho, so I will always call it that). There is also a beach break with left waves. The bottom is sandy and there is a free line-up (place for skiing).

From the Sayulita bus station, which is the only one in the entire town, a bus runs to San Pancho once an hour. The ticket costs 1.5 USD (30 MXN). The cities are located quite close to each other, 6.5 km away; by bus the journey will take about 15 minutes. On the map below I showed bus route to the town.

IN Punta de Mita two spots:

“Semi-secret” spots

Surf prices

In Sayulita there are a lot of surf instructors and board rental places. You can rent boards for an hour, a day or a day, but, however, not everywhere. Some only give by the hour.

Along the entire coast the price is approximately the same, and you can pay in both pesos and dollars, but they count dollars at a less favorable rate. So:

  • board rental for an hour - 10 USD;
  • board rental for the day - 25 USD;
  • board rental for a day - 30 USD;
  • SUP rental - 10 USD/hour; 30 USD/day; 100 USD/week;
  • individual surf lesson (1.5 hours) - 60 USD, for a group - 40 USD per person.

Buying equipment, in my opinion, is pointless. But if you are going to spend about a month here, then it may be more profitable to buy your own equipment, taking into account the fact that it has already been used by someone. Depending on whether it is a shortboard or a longboard, prices will be approximately the following in all surf shops:

  • new shortboard - 600 USD;
  • new longboard - 1,200 USD;
  • used shortboard - 300 USD;
  • used longboard - 400–800 USD.

It is more profitable to buy boards secondhand. It’s enough just to ask in any store if anyone sells their board. As a rule, an offer is found immediately. The boards are sold, naturally, without fins or leash. Depending on the Finns, they cost around 20 USD, or 30 USD, in any surf shop in the city.

Surf camps are not common in this area. The only school I know that organizes them is Lunazul. They train people of any level, select the right board and spot. Classes are held in English, Spanish or Finnish. If you take one lesson, it can be either an individual lesson or a group lesson: 60 USD and 40 USD, respectively.

  • The minimum number of days of stay is three.
  • cost for the cheapest accommodation - 375 USD for three days; 750 USD for 7 days.
  • If you wish, you can do yoga for 10 USD/class.

To Punta de Mita prices for renting boards are higher, they ask for 10 USD (200 MXN) per hour of riding. But, if you are indignant when renting and say that we just arrived from Sayulita, and there it costs 3 USD (50 MXN) per hour, then they immediately reduce the amount to at least 5 USD (100 MXN) / hour.

If you buy equipment in Punta da Mita, then everything is exactly the same as in Sayulita: the same prices.

There are no surf camps here, but you can take individual lessons:

  • individual lesson - 140 USD;
  • group - 100 USD.

Lessons, as in Sayulita, are conducted in English and Spanish, all schools (there are only three of them, in fact) are concentrated near the spots.

Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca

I had heard a lot about the popularity of this place, as one of the stages of big wave competitions takes place here. However, to be honest, I was completely unsatisfied with my trip to this place, and all because I was too lazy to organize everything myself. I went to camp B.A. Surfer, positioning himself as “Russian” (Russian-language support during lessons and throughout his entire stay at the camp). But, unfortunately, she was dissatisfied with the organization and taking money out of poor surfers.

As a person who is quite familiar with Mexico, I roughly know the prices and conditions, and after the wonderful experience in Sayulita, I would not advise you to go to Puerto Escondido for a camp, at least not this one.

How to get to the state

Getting from Russia to Puerto Escondido is extremely easy. Arrive in Puerto Escondido airport. He is very small.

In any case, you will have to fly through a route already known to you. Benito Juarez Airport. By the same airlines that I listed in the description of the route to the state of Nayarit (Iberia, KLM, AirFrance, AllItalia, Lufthansa), and from the same airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Pulkovo). A flight from Russia to Puerto Escondido will cost approximately 1,000 USD.

To Puerto Escondido from VivoAerbus, Volaris, Interjet, AeroMexico fly. A domestic flight will take an hour and a half and cost approximately 200 USD. By the way, flights are often delayed; this should be taken into account when purchasing return tickets and allow sufficient time for transfers.

How to get from the airport to Puerto Escondido

From the airport you can go by Taxi, but there are nuances. A regular taxi to Punta Zicatela (this is the name of the area of ​​​​Puerto Escondido where the surf spots are located) costs 12 USD (230 MXN). The drive is about 18 minutes.

There is something else like ours minibuses. They recruit about 8–10 passengers and transport them to the required addresses. It costs 2 USD (35 MXN). And if you go out from the airport onto the highway, there are always 2-3 city taxi cars parked there and they will ask you for 3-5 USD (60-80 MXN) for the road to Punta.

Where to stay

There are a lot of places to stay in Puerto Escondido: there are both hotels and hostels. Prices per night start from 45 USD. The cheapest you can find is 32 USD per night. On average, all hotels are three stars.


The season in Puerto Escondido is from April to November. The most big waves, which reach a height of 30 feet, come here in July. These are the third highest waves in the world and the first in speed. Accordingly, it is better for beginners to come out of season, when the waves are very small.

It so happened that I came here at the end of October - beginning of November, that is, at the end of the season, and stayed in a place called Punta Zicatela. I can’t describe this place as a party place, on the contrary: everything is very calm, half of the cafes are closed, perhaps precisely because of the lack of waves there is not a large influx of tourists at this time.


IN Punta Zicatela you can ride the left waves at the very edge of the beach, the wave begins to break on the rocks, then there is a sandy bottom. The spot works well in low water. The waves are fast and harsh.

A little further away, opposite the lifeguard tower, there is a beach break, the same one where the big wave championship takes place during the season. There are waves both right and left.

There is another spot where you need to get three hours: first by car to the village of Zapotalito, which is located in the area of ​​the second largest Laguna de Chacahua in all of Mexico, and from there another half hour by motor boat. That's what they call Spot Chacahua(Chacahua).

The waves here are both right and left, there is a pronounced channel along the stone-filled pier. Now various apartments are being actively built there and there are many different cafes along the coast.

Depending on the swell, the spot may be suitable for beginners, but under certain conditions it will be very interesting for advanced surfers.

Surf prices

As elsewhere in Mexico, the price can and should be discussed here. You can rent a board for 10 USD/day (24 hours), or you can rent it for 10 USD/day (from 9:00 to 18:00).

A surf lesson costs approximately 45 USD and lasts 2 hours. Includes, as elsewhere, theory, exercises on land and practice in the water.

For my two-week camp I paid 650 USD (although I never received some of the requested items, and for some they wanted extra payment). There are no more Russian-speaking camps in this place, and there are no Russian-speaking ones either.

I was attracted to the water by the work of the instructors from the school Experience. As it turns out, this is a Spanish language school that also provides surfing lessons. Thinking about a possible visit to the same place, I inquired about their prices and found out that a package including 10 lessons costs 209 USD. Accommodation in their apartments in low season (including breakfast and a kitchen) will cost 124 USD/week, in high season - 139 USD/week. An individual two-hour lesson costs 33 USD and includes theory, training on land and practice in the water.


This is the experience I lived in amazing Mexico. In my opinion this is great country for surfing. There are conditions for every discerning taste: if you want pipes and big waves, please; if you want slow flat ones - please; if you want a sandy bottom, here it is; reef lover - and there it is. So Mexico is always a good idea!

For me, this has become my favorite place on the planet. Every time, before I even have time to unpack my suitcase, I run into the warm ocean with my favorite longboard. There is nothing better than putting your face under the first warm rays of the rising sun, hearing a giant sea turtle splashing a meter away from you, watching pelicans flying along the wave, feeling how the ocean “breathes”.

If you are interested in any nuances or find it difficult to plan your trip there, do not hesitate to ask your questions.