Where is the best place to relax Cyprus Tunisia. Which is better: Djerba or Cyprus

In 2016, many Russian vacationers again turned their attention to foreign resorts, primarily those with a calm political situation, developed tourism infrastructure and a mild climate. or – where better rest, better climatic conditions, health improvement and shopping?

Tunisia is called French Africa, guests are surprised snow-white beaches, azure waters, preserved fragments of great buildings and thalassotherapy that restores youth. Cyprus – beautiful island, which demonstrates clean endless beaches, many hotels to suit all tastes and financial capabilities, delicious cuisine and the same healing procedures based on seaweed.

Best climate – Tunisia or Cyprus?

Tunisia, located in the north of the black continent, is characterized by a very favorable climate. Summer here is usually hot, the temperature rises to +30-33 °C, but due to the dry air, tourists tolerate the heat quite calmly. You can swim in the Mediterranean Sea on Tunisian beaches almost until October.

The climate in Cyprus is in many ways similar to Tunisia, there are many sunny days, winters are moderate, summers are very hot, temperatures can rise to +35 ° C, low humidity makes the heat well tolerated. You can swim almost all year round, but the water temperature does not rise above +23 °C.

Beaches - advantages and disadvantages

Guests are pleased that in both Cyprus and Tunisia all beaches are municipal, that is, entry to them is free. Some Tunisian hotels have a piece of the beach assigned to them, so relaxing on them is much more comfortable - there is no local population, the area is clean and well-groomed.

Guests of resorts on the island and the continent who choose 3* hotels should be prepared to incur additional costs for umbrellas and sun loungers. If the vacation spot is 4* or higher, then sun loungers, other beach furniture and equipment are provided free of charge.

Recreation and wellness

Many Tunisian and Cypriot hotels are ready to provide not only beach holidays and entertainment, but also various wellness treatments. First of all, this is thalassotherapy, procedures based on seaweed. They help restore tone, lose weight, restore youthful skin, and help fight arthrosis and stress.

The first such programs were developed in hotels in Tunisia; today, almost all hotel and hotel complexes in the country are equipped with spa centers and beauty clinics. Thalassotherapy has begun to develop in Cyprus in recent years; many 4-5* hotels are ready to offer their guests various procedures and healing systems.

Vacation souvenirs

Guests of African and European resorts, naturally, take away many souvenirs and gifts for their relatives from their vacation. Among the traditional souvenirs from Tunisia, the following stand out: “sand rose”; silver jewelry made in the style of Berber traditions; hookahs; oriental sweets. Among the more expensive souvenirs, beautiful hand-woven carpets are popular.

There are souvenirs in Cyprus that are similar to those in Tunisia, for example, original items made of silver and gold, handicrafts made of leather, dolls in folk costumes. Expensive gifts from the island are natural fur coats; liqueurs, dessert wines, and Cypriot sweets are popular products.

Where is it tastier?

The cuisine of Tunisia and Cyprus is different from each other, but in both places you can find very tasty dishes, desserts and drinks. Tunisian cuisine is tuna; sometimes you can find a version of the origin of the country's name from fish. Tuna can be found in first courses, salads, and baked goods. Drinks include green tea with mint and coffee with cardamom.

The cuisine of Cyprus is close to Greek, there is a wide variety of dishes with fish and seafood, both vegetable and meat are popular. The highlight of Cypriot cuisine is “mezze”, a set lunch that consists of 20 dishes or more. Cheeses such as feta, halloumi, Cypriot wines are very tasty, the island’s brand is Commandaria wine, it is recommended to buy it at the Kykkos Monastery.

So, which resort should a tourist prefer, located in Tunisia or Cyprus?

Coast Mediterranean Sea off the Tunisian coast are chosen by tourists who:

  • love sandy beaches, hot climate and low humidity;
  • dream of a French-African ambience;
  • are going to undergo a full course of thalassotherapy;
  • They love tuna, green tea and coffee with tasty additives.

Cyprus resorts are chosen by tourists who:

  • love European comfortable holidays;
  • are going to buy a fur coat and original gold jewelry;
  • prefer fish dishes, red wines and sweet desserts.

Perhaps, in order to find the right solution, the guest should visit both Tunisia and Cyprus, then it will be absolutely possible to answer the question of which is better.

May is exactly that spring month that can please us with warmth, a riot of green colors and a pleasant holiday somewhere in nature. But after such a long winter and sweltering cold, I already really want to go somewhere to the seas, where the warmth in May is already in full swing warming up tourists.

Moreover, this month is famous big amount holidays, which can be spent with benefit for the soul and body. So let’s figure out together where it’s warm in May and which resort is best to go to. As you can imagine, there is plenty to choose from.

Perhaps Turkey is also the most popular among Russians. This is not surprising, because they are famous for their quality service, clean sea and pleasant staff, and all this for minimal money. Thus, in answer to the question about where it is warm in April-May, we can safely name Egypt and Turkey. At this time of year you can already spend your holidays and weekends here.


For those who like to soak in warm water, the climate of Egypt is more suitable, where the sea is warmer in May by about two degrees than in Turkey. Accordingly, the air temperature is also higher. Of course, the difference seems insignificant, but for those who do not tolerate heat well, even one or two degrees makes a big difference. This is understandable, because the consequences can be very unpleasant.


Where is it warm in early May? Of course, it’s softer here. Here the thermometer shows about 26 degrees. But this is the temperature that is considered the most comfortable for a person to relax. But the evenings in Turkey are quite cool, so when going for a walk, do not forget to bring a jacket or a warm sweater.


A holiday in Thailand will cost you an order of magnitude more than in Egypt and Turkey, but you can gain a lot of impressions here, especially if your hobby is windsurfing. It is in May that ocean waves and tropical downpours begin, which contribute to successful surfing.


If extreme sports are not your thing, then the Moroccan resort of Agadir, which is famous for its clean golden sands and warm, gentle sea, would be an ideal holiday option. The air temperature will pleasantly please you with 27 degrees.


If passively lying on the beach is not the goal of your vacation, then good option will become Montenegro. This is the resort where it is warm at the end of May. Good weather promotes active swimming, and also provides an opportunity to expand your horizons thanks to interesting excursions.


Tunisia is a resort where the warmth in May has not yet fully established itself, so it is advisable to come here in June. Then the water will warm up more and the wind will subside.

Cyprus and Greece

At these resorts, the season opens in May. True, the sea is still cool, and you are unlikely to be able to swim, but do not forget that you can visit many interesting places here. Children will also find it interesting and fun to wander through the ancient ruins and areas they have read about in books.


Israel is simply two in one for those who want to combine relaxation on the beach and active walks. The air temperature here in May ranges from 25 to 30 degrees, and interesting places plenty.


In Bulgaria beach season also begins in May, but the water is still not warm enough for comfortable swimming. The air temperature here is similar to Russia in May - 20 degrees.


Those who want not only to relax, but also to improve their health, can go to Jordan. This country has it medicinal properties famous all over the world. In May, the weather in Jordan is excellent: the warm sun has already warmed both the land and the water. By visiting this country, you can not only swim and get medical treatment, but also enrich yourself culturally by booking excursions to ancient monuments. It is also worth visiting the caves and admiring the coral reefs.


Booking a tour of Europe in May would be an excellent decision, because it is not so hot yet, which means it will be easier to travel by bus. Moreover, walking around the city in spring is more pleasant than in summer, because nature comes to life, everything around turns green and pleases the eye. The choice of countries you can visit is huge. France, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Spain... In general, choose the route to your liking.

Czech Republic and Poland. To spend a pleasant time here, you won’t need much money, but you will certainly enjoy what you see. Be careful and take care of booking your tour early, because usually there are quite a lot of people who want to go there in May.


Mauritius is simply a paradise for those who love impressions and exotic things. You will definitely get a lot of impressions there. Just look at someone constantly spewing lava! And there are so many different exotic dishes you can try here. The weather in Mauritius is quite comfortable, it is warm here, and there is practically no wind.


Seychelles is picturesque islands, bordered by turquoise water. This is a wonderful corner of the globe, where the sea is warmer in May than anywhere else. And the air temperature is 27 degrees. If you are rich enough, the Seychelles will offer you truly heavenly holiday in upscale hotels with private beaches. It’s an expensive pleasure, of course, but it’s worth it, believe me.


Just in May, the birthday of Buddha is celebrated on a grand scale in Asian countries. And it is accompanied by noisy events and fun. It's very interesting, so you won't regret visiting Nepal, China or South Korea for the May holidays.

Now you know where it is warm in May. This means that you can decide for yourself where to go on vacation. The choice, as you may have noticed, is quite wide.

North African Tunisia, the country's close location to the sea provides a subtropical climate in the coastal region and a tropical climate in the rest of the territory. Ideal resort in any season. Cyprus Island – fairy island with golden beaches where there is never a dull moment. Which is better: Cyprus or Tunisia in 2018?

It's intense night life, stunning landscapes with dense cedar forests. Hot summer, rainy winter, best time for holidays: from June to September. Archaeologists are constantly excavating in this country, there is something to dig - the island has its own history, if you are a fan of plunging into the past, then best place can not found. In your free time from beach fun, it’s time to visit Kolossi Castle, examine the mosaics at the Villa of Dionysus or the Petrou tou Romiou fort.

Ancient monuments

Here, according to ancient Greek myths, Aphrodite herself was born. There are many ancient monuments in the capital of the state, Nicosia. This is the Trypiotis Church, Turkish baths, they have been known since pre-Ottoman times. In Limassol there is a museum of the Middle Ages with knightly armor, coins and other exhibits of that time.


Rich beach resorts, such as Sousse, Djerba, Hammamet, Mahdia. This country also has something to see; history has left and preserved many cultural monuments here. Ancient Carthage, which everyone knows about from school, was destroyed many times and rebuilt just as many times. Utica is a Phoenician colony and traces of bygone times are still preserved. El Jem is famous for its amphitheater, built in the third century BC. Tunisia – a good place for a holiday for the whole family, there is something for everyone to do here. When traveling to Tunisia, take into account the fact that this is an Arab, Muslim country; this imposes some restrictions.

Pros and cons of a tourist destination

It is best to book tours or hotel rooms in advance for both countries. At the height of the season, this will be more difficult, and prices will increase. Weather approximately the same, but in some respects Cyprus still wins: the European mentality, a larger selection of entertainment, good national drinks and developed service outweigh here. Tunisia will offer more exotic things; lovers of the breath of hot Africa should better go here; there is a chance not only to relax, but also to receive medical treatment, take hydrogen sulfide baths, and thalassotherapy.

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Cyprus and Tunisia are quite close to each other on the world map. They are washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and it is logical to assume that they have the same climate. Does this mean that holidays in Cyprus and Tunisia are similar? Let's try to understand this in all respects.

Climate and weather

The entire island of Cyprus is subject to a subtropical Mediterranean climate. And in Tunisia there are only its northern and coastal parts. But tourists are from other countries and go mainly to seaside resorts. Therefore, we can say that the climatic conditions of Tunisia and Cyprus are very similar.

Cyprus or Tunisia in May will be a good option for a holiday. You can sunbathe in these countries as early as April, and swim – towards the end of spring. In June it will also be comfortable, but in July-August it will be a little hot. It is better for parents with children and elderly people to reschedule their vacation to September and October. At this time, the sea will still be warm and the sun will be less active.

But you can come to Tunisia and Cyprus in winter. If you are planning an excursion program and decide to do without swimming in the sea, you will enjoy your vacation! Even in winter there are many sunny days, although it is cold.

Visa regime and political situation

To get to the Republic of Cyprus (from there you can easily go on an excursion to) you must obtain a visa. This can be done through the Embassy in Moscow or visa centers in other cities. It is even easier to apply for a provisional visa (preliminary visa) via the Internet. Upon arrival in Cyprus, you will receive a valid visa. You can also visit the Republic of Cyprus with a multiple-entry Schengen visa.

Russians do not need to obtain a visa to Tunisia if they have a voucher from travel agency. By purchasing a ready-made tour, you receive this voucher. So it will be very easy for organized tourists to get to Tunisia. For independent travelers you will have to either apply for a visa or negotiate with a travel agency to sell a voucher for special conditions(without purchasing a tour).
It is worth noting that there was a terrorist attack in Tunisia in 2015. And although the situation in the country is now calmer, the Russian Foreign Ministry recommends vacationing only in resort areas, carefully guarded by Tunisian security forces.

Sights and excursions

Tunisia or Cyprus: which is better if you want to visit interesting excursions? Both the island of Cyprus and the state of Tunisia have rich history. Which means there is a lot unique places. Must-sees in Cyprus:

  • ruins of ancient settlements that are scattered throughout the island,

Avakas Gorge in Cyprus

  • national reserves and parks with beautiful nature,
  • places associated with ancient Greek gods and mythology,

Lefkara Crafts Village in Cyprus

  • artisan villages,
  • numerous Christian churches.

What to see in Tunisia:

The perfectly preserved ancient city of Dugga was captured at the end of the 2nd century. BC e. the Roman Empire. It was later captured by vandals

  • ancient ruins (there are also a lot of them),
  • architectural monuments of the Ottoman Empire - palaces, mosques, mausoleums,

Sahara Desert in Tunisia

  • nature parks and the Sahara Desert.

There are far fewer natural reserves here than in Cyprus, but the different types of desert excursions are impressive!

Vacation prices

The European level of hotels in the Republic of Cyprus dictates more high prices. But a flight to Tunisia from Russia is somewhat more expensive. Therefore, for the same price you can find a trip to both countries. However, you will have to spend more on food in cafes and souvenirs in Cyprus, because the standard of living there is generally higher.

Service in hotels, beaches, restaurants

Cyprus or Tunisia: what to choose with children? The vast majority of tourists with children vote for Cyprus. European service involves organizing a carefree family vacation. Hotels have Children's swimming pool, family rooms, children's menu in the restaurant. In Tunisia, you should choose high-class hotels if you are used to European holiday. Three-star hotels may not meet the expectations of the discerning tourist. Children's holiday Not all hotels are ready to organize this, so you need to find out in advance, for example, whether there is a children's menu in the restaurant.

The beaches of Cyprus also outperform Tunisian ones. Many have been awarded the Blue Flag, are better equipped and have more entertainment. There are many catering establishments in both Tunisia and Cyprus, but on the island there are more restaurants and cafes of a high level of service. Cyprus also wins in terms of how to travel independently: it is very easy and convenient to rent a car there.
So, if you want to learn something new, you will enjoy the excursion program in both Tunisia and Cyprus. Want to see the desert? Off to Tunisia! Would you like to see breathtaking turquoise lagoons, picturesque cliffs and mountains? Cyprus is waiting for you! Want to save money? Travel to Tunisia, but be prepared for something a little different best service. Do you expect a high level of service at the hotel and on the beach, especially if you are traveling with children? Fly to Cyprus!

How much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart! A few hours after taking off from Moscow - and now our friendly company landed at Larnaca airport, and all around was scorched, yellow, flat terrain with rare bright green bushes. And we are rushing along a luxurious highway at high speed in a bus from the Biblio Globus to Ayia Napa, our refuge for these 10 days. Many people call this place (resort town) Cypriot Ibiza, and the very name of this place comes from the Venetian monastery of the same name that was once built here.
Our 4-star hotel, surrounded by green hedges, roses, some beautiful flowering vines (as it turned out, we arrived in the “yellow summer”, and everything blooms only thanks to everyday care and watering, and their “green summer” lasts for April). There are two swimming pools, a paid tennis court, and a volleyball court on site. Here tourists are offered studio rooms, which provide everything necessary for a comfortable stay - air conditioning (free only for Russians, all others Foreign citizens they pay a certain amount of euros for use!), a toaster, a refrigerator, a kettle... And just think! – a juicer (thanks to which every morning we made juice from local oranges - unsightly in appearance, but very juicy! - and our mornings became ORANGE!
Since everything was “all-inclusive” for us, we didn’t deny ourselves anything! The food was tasty, a little monotonous, but you could still choose something for yourself (personally, I liked the arugula salad and dorada fish).
The shore near our hotel was made of volcanic rock - not very hospitable. But soon we were advised to visit Nissi Beach (city beach) - turquoise sea, white sand... A FAIRY TALE! And the question of where to sunbathe and swim was resolved once and for all! The beach is free, but umbrellas and sun loungers are paid (2€ per piece).
Except beach holiday we wanted to get acquainted with the history and culture of Cyprus, its attractions. To do this, our tour operator Biblio Globus offered many different excursions, some of which we purchased.
Our first trip was a visit to one of the most beautiful (and richest!) monasteries in Cyprus - the Kykkos Monastery, which over 900 years has experienced many adversities (for example, in 1821 the Turks took gold and silver from here on 16 camels!)
The monastery houses an icon of the Kykkos Mother of God, which has great miraculous power (it is hidden from the eyes of pilgrims by a silver frame). There is a museum at the monastery, where religious objects are displayed: the clothes of ministers, ancient icons, etc. There is also a souvenir shop where anyone can purchase icons painted and consecrated by monks, honey and wine from the monastery farmsteads. It is not customary to visit the monastery in shorts or short dresses, so everyone who is unprepared is given robes.
The second excursion was to monastery Macheras, near Nicosia, among lush coniferous forests. The serpentine road leading to it is so steep that even anti-sickness pills did not help some tourists - the height of the mountains and the steepness of the turns were impressive! The monastery got its name thanks to the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Maheratissa, which translates as “knife”. This icon, one of three painted by Luke during Mary’s life, was brought to Cyprus from Constantinople and hidden in the mountains. For a long time no one knew where it was kept. Only in the 12th century did two monks find it in a cave. To get through the dense thickets, they used a knife found here, and since knife in Greek is “makheri” - hence the name of the icon and the monastery. People from all over the world come to venerate the shrine - we also hastened to venerate it with our aspirations...
We also visited the village of Lefkara, which is famous for its silver products using the filigree technique - the finest silver lace, which is used to decorate dishes, cutlery, and jewelry. Another one national pride residents of Cyprus - lace. The craft is passed down from generation to generation. Locals are proud that once upon a time, Leo himself