Toulouse France Population. French city Toulouse (South Pyrenees region)

French city Toulouse (South Pyrenees Region)

The French city of Toulouse is a settlement located in the south of France, the capital of the South Pyrenees region and administrative center Department Upper Garonna and Toulouse County.

One of the largest cultural, scientific and industrial centers of France; fourth in the population (480 thousand inhabitants, 2012) city after Paris , Marseille and Lyon. . The motto is PER Tolosa Totjorn Mai, which means "only more for Toulouse."

Toulouse (Toulouse) with its beautiful historical center is one of the lively and largest provincial cities of France. After the war, the city was simply transformed thanks to the French government, which generously invests money into it to turn Tulzu in the cerebral center of the high-tech industry and the similarity of the first transnational Eurovist. Toulouse has always been an aviation center - in 1920, St. Exupery and Mero flew out of here for the first time postal flights over Africa and Atlantic.

Today in Toulouse is the headquarters of the Aerospasian Corporation (Aerospatiale) - the driving force of projects of the Concord aircraft projects, the airbus and carrier rockets. National Space Center, a program for creating a European space shuttle, leading aviation schools, an advanced electronic industry ... All this is concentrated in Toulouse, whose 110 thousand students allow us to talk about it as the second after Paris by the University Center.

Yes, these transformations also apply to flourishing suburbs with plants, laboratories, shopping centers, residential complexesWhere the inhabitants go for entertainment, but not to the old Ville Rose (Pink City), Pink not only because of the color of their brick buildings, but also because of the policy pursued.

Not the first time in the history of Toulouse reached a quick heyday. With the X to the XII century, the Count Toulouse owned mostly southern France. They contained the most brilliant courtyard in the country, famous, primarily by the trumperators, these poets of the curious love, whose works inspired Petrarch, Dante, Chosera and, thus, influenced the development of European poetry in general. It lasted until the greedy northern French barons delivered the Albigoian crusade, and in 1271 Toulouse became the property of the French crown.

Arrival, city information and accommodation in Toulouse

Train Station (Gare Matabiau) and the bus station (Gare Routiere) are located side by side on the Pierre-Semard Pierre Boulevard on the shore of the artistic South Canal. It is here that you will find yourself when you arrive in Touliza by train, bus or aircraft, because shuttle Buses from the airport (arrive every 20 minutes; travel time is 20 minutes; 4 €) will fall out from bus station (They also stop on Allees Jean-Jaures and at Place Jeanne-D`Arc). Those who travel by car should, running up to the city around the District Road (Boulevard Peripherique), turn on the road 15.

To get to the city center from the station, it will take only 5 minutes on the metro (Metro); Exit at Capitole station (1.30 €, the ticket is valid for an hour when traveling to the subway and on Semvat city buses within the city center) or 20 minutes walk.

Going from the station, turn left, go through the channel and go straight along the Allees Jaures Allees (Allees Jean-Jaures) through wilson Square (Place Wilson) to Capitol Square (Place du Capitole), main Square cities. Right in front of it are shaded and frequently visited the Garda of Charles de Gaulle (Charles-de-Gaulle), at which the main urban tour is located in the tower of the XVI century, renovated by the bathroom so that it looks like the main tower (DONZHON) of the castle; Capitole Metro Station is near.

The best way to learn about the repertoire of cultural and entertainment institutions (usually there are many events, from the opera to movies) - it is to buy a fresh release of information weekly Toulouse Hebdo magazines (0.50 €) and Flash (1 €). Intelligent interests are usually reflected in the Toulouse Culture free monthly, which can be obtained in the turbule and other places.

After Carcassonne I. french province Toulouse did not produce a Waw - effect, although the city liked.

There are many young people in different nationalities in the city. It is very noticeable that the university rules in the city. Still in Toulouse a wonderful kitchen (fua-gramen with a onion marmalade is something).

And there we are faced with French language chauvinism - the local simply refused to talk to us in English. The reason was (as we found out later) in a good pronunciation of my husband - he was taken for the native speaker, and only making sure that we were not the British and not Americans (after we started talking to each other in Russian) Local could talk on English (it turned out that they certainly know him).

From the history of Toulouse

Toulouse - the city with an interesting story rich events. Galic settlement Tolosa. Mentioned in the second century BC. Archaeologists say that Tolosa. It was one of the richest cities in Alley, due to the presence of a row of gold and silver mines. The Romans began the conquest of South Gaul in 125 to. AD, and in 106 BC Toloze was subordinate to the Romans.

In the III century, a man named Saturnin settled in Toulvin. He became the first Christian bishop in the city. When Saturnorn refused to bring victims to the pagan gods, he was executed. After he was counted for the face of the saints, in Toulouse in honor of him, was built a large in which his power is stored. Basilica was opened in 403, further rebuilt, is currently considered one of the best samples.

Toulouse was captured by Westges in 413. After some time, the Emperor Honorius, who realized that it was uninterrupted to fight engots, concluded the world with them. Under the agreement with the Romans of Westges received the province of Aquitain in Management. Toulouse becomes the capital of the Kingdom of Visigoths.

The King of Visigdova Eirich (466 - 484) proclaimed complete independence from Rome and began to conquer Spain, with him the kingdom reached its highest power. Almost all of the Pyennese Peninsula was in the power of Visigoths, and it was the largest state that arose on the fragments of the Roman Empire.

The successor of Eurich, his son Alarich II during his rule in 485-507. Faced with. Frank from 507 people were outstretched from Aquitaine. Since that time, Aquitaine becomes the territory of francs, and the affairs are fixed in Spain.

With francs, Aquitaine during several centuries passed from some heirs of merctioning to others, until in 632, it was not included in the nestry.

Aquitations, the capital of which in those days was Toulouse, was the main outpost in the fight against the basks. Over time, Aquitaine becomes actually independent state.

Duke Aquitaine Ed. Great In 721, broke the Arabs, besieged Touli. To combat the Moors, he had to seek help from Karl Martel, who broke the Arab army in the battle when Poitiers. As a result, the duke of Aquitaine becomes vassals of francs.

From that time, the Count Toulouse (Karl the Great transformed the duke in county) is assigned to the emperor. The value of the Counts of Toulouse increased as the power of Carroling in France fell into decay. Very soon they managed to achieve almost complete independence and turn the position of the count in the hereditary title, which he was entrenched in the family of Rueng graphs.

Toulouse county becomes cultural Center. Counts of Toulouse patronize the pipes, at the same time the Religion of Qatar receives a lot of spread.

In 1209, a crusade is declared against Albigians (or Qatar) as a result of which Toulouse becomes part of France.

Inquisition tribunals were established to pursue heretics in the county of Toulouse, which then the Dominican monks were instituted. It is to combat heresy in southern France Holy Dominic approved the Order of Preachers. In 1229, the University of Toulouse was founded, since then Toulouse becomes a student city (more than 100,000 students study in Toulouse).

Dominicans line up the church of the Jacobites (i.e. St. James). The main activity of the Dominicans (except for the participation and initiation of the inquisition processes) was missionary activities and the study of theology. A prominent leader Dominican Market was Thomas Akvinsky, the power of which is located in the same church in Toulouse.

Toulouse, although he stopped being the capital, for centuries remained the cultural and scientific center of France and Europe. Here, trade and industry developed. The fact that the city did not help, it is seen by the mansions that the center of Toulouse is saturated.

Currently, Toulouse is the center of the aerospace industry of France, there are airbasy and equipment for space. By the way, France is also a cosmic power than she is very proud of.

Talking about the history of space development (not only by the French) Here you can see the station Peace and German Fow 2. This park has become a real revelation for us.

In the south of France, there is a modern rapidly developing cultural, scientific and industrial center of the country - the city of Toulouse.

City description

The population of Toulouse (including suburbs) is 425 thousand people. This indicator takes the city to fourth place in the country after Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Toulouse (France) is located on the shores from Mediterranean Sea It separates 150 kilometers, and from Atlantic Ocean - 250 kilometers.

In this area, except french, Occitan adverb is distributed. Street names here are written in two languages. Tourists from all over the world have always attracted France. Toulouse in this sense is no exception. Thousands of travelers arrive annually in this city to see local attractions.

In the world of this locality He received the name of the "Pink City", and all because of the color of the brick, from which almost all of its buildings were built. The city of Toulouse (France) has several higher educational institutions - three state university, a Polytechnic Institute, the Higher School of Fine Arts. Today, more than 110 thousand students are obtained here.

In this French city, aviation enterprises are successfully operating (Airbus and Arian), the biochemical, electronic and information and technological industry is developing. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the metro appeared in Toulouse. In addition, the townspeople are proud of the municipal stadium, which is the main platform of the city football Club.

Toulouse (France): Attractions

This city keeps many monuments of history, culture and architecture. They all cause great interest of tourists, and, I must say, not in vain. With some of them we will introduce you in this article.

Saint-Sernen Church

There are a lot of vintage cathedrals, which are rightfully proud of France. Toulouse retained one of the oldest temples of the city, which belonged to the Abbey of Saint Saturnina. Basilica was consecrated in honor of this holy, who lived here in the third century. It was the first bishop of the city. The saints were ranked after refused to participate in sacrifice, and as a result, she took terrible, martyrdom. He was tied to the bull, which chased through the city streets. The bishop buried the members of the Christian community behind the walls of Toulouse. Much later, a small chapel was built over his burial. Next to the grave, the first temple appeared at the beginning of the V century.

The construction of basilica lasted during the XI-XII centuries. Next to her was built a premises for pilgrims - a kind of innovative courtyard. For this, a pink brick was used, and a white stone was used to finish the building.

The prevailing style of the Basilica is Romanesque, but in the interior you can see the elements of Baroque and Gothic. In 1096, Pope Urban II consecrated the temple, although he was still unfinished. At the beginning of the XII century, other buildings of abbey began to appear, and work in the Western wing was stopped.

In the XIII century, gothic elements appeared in the appearance of the temple, and after the restoration carried out in the XIX century, the construction was so ruthlessly changed that in the next century had to recreate its original appearance.

The main features of this temple include the stone carved decor of the portals of the southern facade. The scene-carved scenes representing the biblical plots, decorated the gate of Port Mjeseville. In the northern part of the cathedral, unique frescoes are preserved, which belong to the XII century. They miraculously survived under the layer of plaster during an unsuccessful restoration conducted in the XIX century.

Basilica's bell tower rises more than 110 meters, there is a carillon on it, which is crowned with 18 bells.

Town Hall

Interestingly, the building of the city administration in this city is called not mayoria, and not town hall, but the capitol. At the end of the XII century, a palace was erected at this place, in which the members of the city magistrate - the capitula, therefore, and the building itself began to call the Capitol.

This monumental structure is located on the main square of the city, which is referred to as the Capitol Square. The building in its current form was built in the XVIII century from the traditional brick of pink shade for this city.

On the facade of the building (its length is 135 meters) there are eight columns - they corresponded to the number of urban capitals. Their coat of arms were installed on the fencing of the balconies of the structure. The construction was led by Guillam Kamm, and in the next century, his case continued on Eugene Violle-le-Duke, who restored the building almost completely during a fire, and also supplemented his donzhon tower and bell tower.

France, Toulouse: Dominican Church

At the very beginning of the XIII century, Dominic Gusman founded his first temple was erected in Toulouse.

Today it is not a valid temple, but it attracts the attention of citizens and guests of the city with its unusual architecture. Concerts and cultural events are held here. For many, parishioners are very important that sv is buried here. Thomas Akvinsky - Medieval theologian and Dominican monk.

In addition to the church, a few more clubs and buildings have been preserved in the complex of the monastery. Resident is B. historical center Toulouse, very close to the Capitol.

The architectural features of the church include "Jacobin palm trees" - elegant columns whose height exceeds 20 meters; Twenty-two ribs are diverged from them, which form the design of the arch. The church is considered one of the highest, while the height of the octagonal four-tier bell tower is only forty-five meters.

In the interior of the temple, for example, in the chapel of St. Antonin, you can admire wall paintings, and in the window-rose see the unique stained glass windows of modern work - it was created in the middle of the last century. The most spacious premises of the church can be considered the refectory, which is used today as an exhibition gallery.

"Space Town"

For many tourists today, France is very attractive. The suburbs (Toulouse has many attractions behind the city) behind the eastern border, became famous for the thematic park, which is called "Space Town". It was opened in 1997. In the park you can take a tour of the full-scale models of the Rocket "Ariana 5", the height of which is 55 meters, the Space Station "Mir" and the "Union" modules. Interesting show programs are held daily in the planetarium in the park. Here you can visit numerous exhibitions. For example, many will interest the simulator room, where you can try to control the spacecraft.

Museum of Paul Dupui

Undoubtedly, France has a huge number of cultural monuments. Toulouse can offer its guests a visit to this museum. He carries the name of its founder - a collector and patronage of the Field of Dupui. For his museum, he acquired the house of Samon, who belonged to the city prosecutor. The cultural institution took the first visitors in 1905.

The exposition of the museum is a large collection of applied art items, graphics collection and other exhibits. The most ancient, by the way, were created during the Middle Ages, and the most "young" acquisitions are not numbered and a hundred years. The meeting is completed by the exhibits created at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Pretty Museum exposure is dedicated to the crafts and history of Languedoc. Here you can see the restored interior of the Pharmacy of the Middle Ages, which belonged (the beginning of the XVII century), dishes, furniture, national costumes. The collection presents works of art created by local masters of glass and metal.

It is impossible not to mention a unique collection of clocks, which has more than 130 mechanisms, and jewelry brought from China.

Impressions about the trip

Today, many of our compatriots are familiar to Toulouse (France). Attractions, reviews about which travelers are left, produce an indelible impression. According to travelers, this is an amazing pink city in which there is something to see. Many tourists liked the excursion train, which serves the guests of the city at commemorative places. The duration of such a trip is 35 minutes, cost - 5 euros. The train does stop, and you can go out in any place you like and continue the inspection yourself.

Many noted that before the trip did not know that Toulouse was famous for violets and perfumes from these colors. In addition, here you can buy violet jam and even liquor. Every year, the festival of violets passes here. According to tourist reviews, this is a stunning spectacle.

Toulouse - The city located in the southern part. This is a large cultural, scientific and industrial center of the country. The population of the city with all surrounding territories is approximately 425 thousand people. According to this indicator, Toulouse is inferior only, and. The city is located on the shores of the Garonna River. The distance from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea is about 150 kilometers, and to the Atlantic Ocean - 250 kilometers. In Toulouse, in addition to French, oxian adverb is widespread. Even the names of the streets are written here in two languages. Toulouse around the world is called a "pink city", because of the color of the brick from which buildings are built.

Toulouse - Video

There are many higher educational institutions in the city, such as, for example, three Universities Toulouse, the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse and the Higher School of Fine Arts. There are more than 110 thousand students. In Toulouse, there are enterprises of aviation construction (world-famous "Airbus" and "Arian"), biochemical, electronic and information and technological industry. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the Metro is opened in Toulouse. The city also has a municipal stadium, which is the main stadium of the Toulouse football club.

Attractions Toulouse

An important attraction of Toulouse is one of the largest European gardens - it is located near the bridge of young young ladies and the Languedoc Canal in the south-eastern part of the city. For the history of its existence, it moved through the territory of the city twice. Currently, the Great Many Plants are growing in the garden, as characteristic of local weather conditionsAnd exotic, among which you can find quite a lot of rare and medicinal.

Another attraction is a building built in the XII century as a place of work of the city government. In the XVIII century, the Capitol was completed on the project of the architect Guillaume of Gammaas in the neoclassical style. All buildings are made of pink bricks. The height of the facade of the capitol is approximately 135 meters. Now there is a city administration here.

Basilica of Saint Sernina - The most famous sight of Toulouse and, at the same time, the greatest church in the world, made in the Romanesque style. Basilica was built in the XI century, as a transshipment point for pilgrims who kept the path in.

Water castle - This is the name of the water tower, which in the old days served to store water reserves for the entire city. Now there are photo galleries in the tower, which present thousands of photos of various directions of art. The tower was built a year when the first night in the world was invented.

New Most - This is the name of a bridge with a length of about 220 meters through the Garonnu River, built in the XVII century and consisting of seven arches, which in the idea of \u200b\u200bengineers of that time should be decorated with a tiger's head with a lush mane. Later, a triumphal arch was completed on the bridge, which was dismantled in 1860, so she prevented the movement of transport.

Saint Etiented Cathedral It was built throughout the six centuries (from the XI to the XVII century) and even, despite this, some parts of it were left unfinished to this day. The building of the cathedral is asymmetrically - this fact is explained by the fact that it consists of two unfinished churches combined with a portal in the Gothic style. Currently, a collection of tapestries XVI-XVII centuries, as well as the oldest fountain is presented in the Cathedral of St. Etienne.

1. A trip to Toulouse in its cost can be compared with tours in or China - not very noticeably "hit the pocket" tourists. Some travelers believe that the country's provincial trips make it better to find out.

2. Toulouse is one of France's aircraft center centers. There is a so-called cosmic town, walking along which will be interested even to people far from aviation.

3. In Toulouse compared to other cities of France, there are quite a lot of people without a certain place of residence and it is very striking. Also, there are so many stray dogs that are running through the streets of the city without obstacles, which is certainly a significant disadvantage.

4. A rather popular view of transport in Toulouse is bicycles that at any time, everyone can lease in specialized rental points. There are many such bicycle rental points in the city - they are located about 200 meters one from another.

5. The most favorable period for traveling to Toulouse is the end of spring - the beginning of summer, when violets are blooming here, which are most often used for the production of cosmetic and perfume products. These flowers are used for the so-called "violent jama", which is widely popular, both at the local population and guests of the city. The violet is even a symbol of Toulouse. In February, the Festival of violets is held in the city. According to eyewitnesses - an impressive spectacle.

6. The streets of Toulouse runs a special locomotive for excursions. You can inspect everything memorial places Cities sitting in a comfortable car. If you have a desire to go out and walk on foot, you can do it on one of the stops of the locomotive. Such an excursion in Toulouse at the moment costs 5 euros, and it lasts a little more than half an hour.

7. In the city there is a problem with car parking due to the fact that the streets are very narrow. Therefore, there are very high parking lot prices. The speed of movement in the city is limited to 50 km / h.

8. In Toulouse, it is quite often possible to see fast food institutions, as it is considered a student city, and students prefer to eat, mainly sandwiches. In general, and tourists here will not have difficulties with lunch - for this there are many diverse inexpensive cafes.

9. Tourists who love to make purchases should be known that there is a clothing market on the Capitol Square in Toulouse, where you can buy everything you want. And on weekends, a flea market is opened next to the church of Saint-Sernen.

10. If you prefer to move around Toulouse on the subway, then pay attention to the fact that there are two branches here: Line A, running from the north to south, and the line B, running from the north-east to the south-west.

The ordinary French postman from a small town, the unusual dream was an unusual dream - about his own castle. And in the spring of 1879, the first stone for the realization of the dream was laid - in the full sense of the word. Ferdinand Cheval began to collect the stones of an unusual shape and colors. He dedicated to this lesson 20 years, up to retirement. Neighbors considered shehev strange eccentric. And in the meantime he began to build from the stones of his "ideal castle." For the construction of the palace of dreams at Sheval, 33 years left. To "gluing" the castle, the author used a mixture of cement and lime.

Talk about the owner of the palace to any style is difficult. This is a real architectural flight of fantasy - you can see plots from biblical and Hindu mythology in the castle. On the walls of the palace are the saying of the Buddha and Christ. Inside there is a mosque, and the Temple of the Virgin Mary. Also, the castle has many moves and outputs. Outside, the ideal Palace of Sheval is decorated with stairs, fountains and sculptures.

After almost 50 years after the death of Ferdinand Sheval, his original creation recognized many famous personalities, including Pablo Picasso. And in 1969, the Ministry of Culture of France announced the appropriation of the ideal palace of the official status of the historical monument.

Museum of garlic

The Museum of Garlic will tell visitors about an amazing plant, which has many beneficial properties. It is located in France, in the Toulouse area and is open to visitors from June 2000. The museum offers visitors while visiting the museum to learn about the culture of garlic, its history, varieties and devices associated with the treatment of garlic.

The Museum of Garlic holds annual holidays in honor of garlic, here you can find many recipes where garlic plays an important role for cooking, such as a recipe for garlic sausages. Exhibitions of sculptures made from garlic heads, garlic peel leaves are also demonstrated.

Since garlic is power, health and energy, then only positive emotions and a great mood will remain from visits to the house of garlic. Any holidaymaking, visiting the Museum of Garlic, can arrange a picnic in nature, as well as buy garlic pigs of any length, bags and ligaments of garlic.

And what sights of Toulouse did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Basilica Saint-Sernen

Saint-Sernen Basilica is Toulouse's business card. This is the largest building of the Romanesque style, preserved to the present day. The name of the Basilica is associated with the name of Saint Sernen (or Saturnina), who was the first Bishop of Toulouse, who died in 257. The very first basilica at the site of the bishop burial was erected at the end of the IV century. In 768-800, during the reign of Karl the Great, who gave several sacred relics to the basilica, she began to play the role of an important transshipment point on the way of driving pilgrims in Santiago de Compostela. In 1080, the construction of basilica began. The first was built apse, and after 16 years ended the construction of chorus and chapels. In the XII century, an eight-marched tower was attached to the church, and her spire would be erected only in the XV century.

Basilica was repeatedly subjected to restoration and restoration, but the largest architectural changes in the church were produced in 1271. Saint-Sernen Basilica Planning is different from other early Christian basil. First of all, it is much larger than other churches. Secondly, its walls are folded mainly from the brick. Thirdly, the layout of the Basilica resembles a cross, and the ceilings, unlike similar buildings, vaulted.

The assistance mansion is a bright pattern of the Renaissance Palace with elements of classicism. It is located on the Square of the same name - approximately one kilometer south of the Basilica Saint-Sernen. The mansion was built for the rich Toulouse Industrialist Pierre Assism in the middle of the XVI century.

The building was built on the project of the Toulouse architect Nicolas Bashchela. It consists of three floors, each of which is decorated in three classic orders:. The first floor is made in the ionic order, the second and third, respectively, in Doric and Corinthian. The courtyard was equipped with pomp and luxury. The family of the assembly building belonged until the middle of the XVIII century. Then he acquired a bank of ozen.

Now in the building of the former private mansion, several scientific societies were located, among which the Museum of the Bemberg Foundation. In its exposition, the canvas of famous Italian manaristers - Canteltto, Veronese, Tintoretto, as well as the works of French impressionists, Picasso, Modigliani and other artists.

Museum of past Toulouse

In Toulouse many beautiful museums and exhibitions. Museum of the past Toulouse invites all interested in this story ancient City. The exposition of the museum is extensive and includes many interesting exhibits.

Museum of the past Toulouse is located in the hotel-Dumay hotel - magnificent architectural monumentbuilt in the XVII century. The museum collection contains numerous artifacts associated with the thousand-year history of Toulouse. Here there are objects found during the archaeological excavations of the ancient monuments of this region, the evidence of the era of the Middle Ages and the Newest Time.

Museum of Field Dupui

During the Walking on Museums of Toulouse, it is clearly visited by the Museum of the Dupi field. Here you can see an extensive exposure dedicated to Languedoc. The museum contains numerous collections of products made of glass, metal and wood, Chinese jewelry, rare watches. Big collection of religious items. The museum was reconstructed interior of the Toulouse Pharmacy of the middle of the XVII century, which was transferred here from the college

jesuits. In addition, there are household items, traditional clothing, clay dishes and furniture, which used residents of the city, starting from the Middle Ages and to the present day.

Theme Park "Space Town"

The theme park "Space Town", located in the suburb of the French city of Toulouse, will be interested in all lovers of space and adventure. He was opened in 1997 and immediately became popular among local residents and tourists.

The park's expositions introduce visitors with the history of the conquest of cosmos, in special interactive pavilions, anyone can feel like a real conqueror of space: put on the satellite of the cosmonaut, try to climb into a vertical sleeping bag, take a place in the chair of the descent "Union".

Want to look at a piece of real stone from the moon, launch a water rocket, learn about the famous Hubble telescope, stroll through Mars? Come for all these unusual adventures in theme park "Space Town".

Museum Augustinsev

The Augustine Museum is located on the territory of the monastery, secularized in 1793. In this museum, an extensive collection of painting and sculptures, ranging from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century. The core of the museum collection was formed, first of all, due to the confiscation of church property during the time of the bourgeois revolution. The gifts of private collectors played a considerable role.

The Toulouse Museum of Augustine was among the fifteen museums created in the provincial centers in accordance with the decree of 13 fruitor for 9 years on the French Republican calendar (which corresponds to August 31, 1801). Jean-Antoine Sheptal played a big role in the arrangement of the museum. He was so inspired by the organization of the space that each collection was presented on the interesting side, emphasizing the diversity of painters and schools. In 1811, the collection of the Museum of Augustines was replenished with the works of Pietro, Perugino, Rubens and other famous masters.

Saint-Raymone Museum

Saint-Reonmon Museum is located in the historic building of the Medieval University of Toulouse - one of the few preserved medieval buildings. In 1523, the building was built under the leadership of the architect Louis Privat. At that time, a college was located here, in which students who arrive in Touliza from different regions lived, theology, medicine. In 1836, the city authorities acquired the building of the former college. In 1852-1853, when the area was placed around the Saint-Sernen basilica, the college building was the only one who escaped destruction. In 1868-1871, large-scale restoration work was conducted here, in two decades later, in 1891, the Saint Reonmon Museum was located here.

Channel of the two seas

The Languedoc Channel (Canal Du Midi) connects the River Garonna with the lake ethane, thereby creating the so-called channel of the two seas. Channel included in the list World Heritage UNESCO as a monument to the engineers of France, which tried in the truth of Titanic work. Twelve thousand workers worked in the most peak of construction over the channel, one thousand of whom were women.

Languedochanal Channel was built sixteen years old and was opened in 1681. His construction was extremely important for France from a strategic point of view. In those days to enter the Atlantic or Mediterranean Sea, ships had to spend more than a month. At the same time, the ships were often attacked by Spain and pirates.

Languedoc canal functions today. During the entire channel, 91 gateways operates.

Cathedral in Toulouse

Residents of Toulouse are jokingly called cathedral Saint Etienne "Incredited Cathedral". The reason for such a nickname was the history of the cathedral, the construction of which lasted for several centuries. Some researchers believe that the modern cathedral is located on the site of the chapel, built in the third century, but there is no evidence of this - the excavations were not carried out at this place. The second version states that the old church of the beginning of the IX century was located here, but also its traces have not yet been revealed.

The construction of the Saint Etienne Cathedral continued in the period from the XI century to the XVII centuries, but some architectural elements remained unfinished due to the banal lack of funds. Asymmetric West Fronton was formed due to the fact that the cathedral was built, connecting two unfinished churches. One of them dates from the XIII century and is characterized by a massive stained glass window-rose. The second church began to be built in 1272, but soon the construction stopped and was abandoned until 1445. The two of these structures connected the portal made in the Gothic style.

Inside the cathedral, an interesting collection of tapestries of the XVI-XVII centuries, telling about the life of St. Etienne, was exhibited. At the site in front of the cathedral there is a fountain built by the XVI century, it is considered the oldest in France.

The most popular attractions in Toulouse with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous seats Toulouse on our website.