Where to go snowboarding in winter. Where to ski and snowboard: Resorts in Russia and neighboring countries

Glossary of terms

Avalman- an element of ski equipment. The essence of avalman is bending (pulling your legs under you) at the stage of entering a turn, unloading the skis (by straightening your legs), and bending your legs again at the stage of completing the turn. Mainly used on mounds. Pushing the skis forward with a squat at the beginning of the turn helps maintain contact between the skis and the snow surface as the terrain changes.

Apresski(French) Après-Ski- “after skiing”). All the things we can do to please ourselves after skiing while at a ski resort: health centers, baths, saunas, bars, restaurants, cafes, clubs, shows and festivals on the mountain, excursions and even shopping.

Big air(English) Big Air- “big air”). One of the elements of the fan park (snowboard park), a springboard for very high jumps. Big air is also called a competition (or demonstration performance) in which an athlete, jumping from a springboard, performs various tricks in flight. Common abbreviation B.A..

Bordercross(English) Boardercross) - a speed competition with the simultaneous descent of four athletes along a specially prepared track, complicated by additional ditches, humps, jumps, etc. Common abbreviation SBX.

Rejection(French) Braquage - turn, deflection) a method of braking using the simultaneous turn of unloaded skis across the movement, achieved by the rotating force of the feet. Brakazh is an excellent pre-turn option when entering a sharp turn.

Backcountry(English) Backcountry- “remote area”). This is a kind of synthesis of mountain tourism and skiing/snowboarding. For those who are tired of wasted trails and bored with cable cars. We stomp on foot to the top, which is not equipped with lifts, and, with great joy in our eyes, we rush down the unprepared slope on our favorite skis/boards.

Backside(English) Back side- “back side”) - a turn performed on the back edge.

Backflip(English) Back flip- “back somersault”) - somersault over the head, back somersault.

Valset(French) Valse) continuous rotation of the skier along a vertical axis on flat

Wedeln- short conjugate turns.

Godil(French) short conjugate turns in skiing (same as vedeln).

Mountain Beacher- a type of vacationer at a ski resort for whom skiing is not the main goal. Simply put, this is an individual who prefers to spend time on the mountain, basking in the sun in a sun lounger. Skids/boards are used as a means of descending from this very mountain.

Grab(English) Grab-“grab”) is a type of trick in which the rider, while in flight, grabs the board with his hand. Just like the tricks themselves, various grabs have their own names depending on which hand and which place of the board is grabbed.

Goofy(English) Goofy- “stupid, stupid”) is the generally accepted name for boarders who place their right foot forward. The opposite of Goofy is Regular. The term Goofy does not actually mean that the stance is not correct, much less the mental ability of the rider.

Duckfoot(English) Duckfoot) - a snowboard stance in which the back leg is turned at a negative angle. Remember physical education lessons, “heels together - toes apart”, this is duckfoot. This stance is popular among experienced freestylers because it allows you to land securely in a switch (that is, reverse stance) when jumping and riding in a pipe.

Jibbing(English) Jibbing) - acrobatics, jumping, sliding and moving on a jibline (a stretched sling), and the edges of artificial structures. Jibbing is an all-season entertainment; gliding along a jibline is possible on roller skates, a skateboard, or even just wearing sneakers. But we are interested in winter sports. If you see a boarder/skier sliding along the edges of strange figures, then this is jibbing.

Kamus- a long fleecy tape, worn on the sole of the ski to facilitate climbing uphill. Used in ski touring.

Kant(English) Cant- “beveled, cut edge”) - one of the structural elements of alpine skis or snowboards - the metal edge of the sliding surface. Has a certain sharpening angle. Designed to prevent skis from slipping. Edges are external and internal, mountain (upper) and valley (lower)

Canting- changing the angle of placing the skis/board on the edges in relation to the snow surface. Edging - increasing the angle of edging, edging - decreasing, flatter position of the skis on the snow.

Carving or freecarv(English) Carving/Freecarve) - sharp turns on and off the highway, speeds at the limit, dense snow with an icy crust. Riding style - no slipping. Carvers hold the board at a high angle to the snow during the turn, and when turning over, the board comes off the ground. As a result, carvers are able to leave pencil-thin tracks in the snow and swathes of untouched snow when re-edging. The turns of experienced carvers who literally lie down on the slope in a rapid maneuver are very effective. Common abbreviation C.

Quote pipe(English) Quarter pipe) - a type of half-pipe in the form of a quarter circle.

Kicker(English) Kicker) is a slang name for a springboard.

Kuping(English) Coping) - the crest of the halfpipe.

Liner(English) Liner) - a soft inner boot inserted into a hard plastic outer boot.

Lurg- a pole or stick used for telemark skiing.

Magel- a hard, ice-covered mound of artificial snow.

Mogul(English) Mogul) - rolling on the hills. It is also a sport that represents free downhill skiing on a bumpy slope (up to 250 m long), along the most accurate straight line, with the obligatory performance of two jumps. In Mogul, the bumps (bumps) are located along the track in a checkerboard pattern; the athlete’s task is to descend as accurately as possible in a straight line, from the starting point he has chosen, and in no case, except when entering the springboard for two compulsory jumps, do not allow both of them to rest on the poles. hands.

Nolly(English) Nollie) - A freestyle trick similar to Ollie, only the push occurs with the nose of the board instead of the tail.

Ollie(English) Ollie) is one of the basic freestyle tricks. A way to jump without a springboard by first lifting your front leg and then your back leg, while pushing with the tail of the board. Skateboarder Alan Gelfand was the first to come up with the idea. Ollie is his nickname.

Op-traken(English) Up-tracken) - advanced jump. It is used when overcoming bumps with a sharp profile or declines, helps reduce the flight range after takeoff and control the trajectory of movement.

Powder(English) Powder- “powder”) - soft, freshly fallen snow.

Plow- the simplest technique for sliding, braking and turning on gentle slopes. It is performed on skis placed at an angle with the toes drawn together.

Whiplash- short push of the skis forward when entering a turn (reduced avalman).

Prorider(English) Prorider) - professional rider, professional skier, snowboarder.

Radical(French) Radical- “radical, decisive”) - a certain style of riding a board, taken to the extreme.

Ratrak- a special snow-compacting machine on caterpillar tracks used for preparing ski slopes. Snow groomers can also be used for transportation or rescue work in the appropriate area.

Revert(English) Revert- “go back, turn back”) Transition from Fake to front stance or vice versa, usually without lifting the board from the snow.

Regular(English) Regular- “regular”) is the generally accepted name for snowboarders who put their left foot forward on the board when skating. The opposite of Goofy.

Rail(English) Rail- “railing”) A traditional element of the fan park is the railing. It can be either straight or curved. One of the must-haves in Jibbing

Swallow tail(English) swallow-tail- “swallowtail”) - long boards with a wide nose and a tail divided into two parts like the tail of a swallow. These boards are characterized by an increased sliding area, maximum effective edge length and the ability to “float” in the snow. Used in freeride.

Switch- (English) Switch- switching, sudden change) change of stance during descent, for example from a regular position to a goofy position.

Surf- gliding technique with flat skiing. Most often used on soft and deep snow, on rutted slalom tracks.

Ski bass(English) Ski-bus- “ski bus”) - initially - a special bus that runs around the resort and between resorts according to a certain schedule, transporting resort guests from hotels to ski lifts and back (travel is usually included in the price of the ski pass). But in our situation, a ski bus is a bus that runs according to a certain schedule (1-2 times a week, there and back) between the ski resort and the nearest large populated area.

Skido- ride on a children's motor sleigh along your own route, maximum speed 4 km/h.

Ski pass(English) Ski pass -“ski pass, ticket”) - a subscription in the form plastic card for access to the ski lifts. Purchased at the ticket office at the ski resort. It varies by ski area and time.

Ski tour(English) Ski-tour) - absence of lifts and any other infrastructure, complete unity with nature! We get on our skis and head to the mountains. But let's not forget very much important nuance: skis with a camus, the design of the boots allows the leg to bend, the bindings make it possible to tear off the heel. If necessary, the heel is fixed and, voila!, your alpine skis are ready for use.

Slalom(Norwegian) Slalam- ski trail on the slope) is a competitive discipline in alpine skiing and snowboarding, which is a high-speed descent from the mountain in which the athlete must descend as quickly as possible, subject to passing all the mandatory gates specially placed on the slope. Common abbreviation SL.

Slopestyle(English) Slopestyle) - a type of competition consisting of performing a series of acrobatic jumps on springboards, pyramids, counter-slopes, drops, railings, etc., located sequentially along the entire length of the route. Common abbreviation SS.

Snowblade(English) Snowblade- “snow blades”). Short skis with a size from 60 to 100 centimeters with standard ski bindings. Due to the design features they have a small turning radius.

Snow park(fan park) (English) Snow-park, Fun-park) - an artificial park on a slope, built of snow and artificial elements, for freestyle and jumping, mainly for snowboarders.

Telemark(Norwegian) Telemark) - a special, old Norwegian style of skiing. The name of the style comes from the Norwegian province of Telemark, where the popularizer of this style of skating, Sondre Auversen (1825-1897), is from. Telemarkers use a special skating technique. Skiing is done on skis with a special binding that does not secure the heel. A pole is sometimes used instead of ski poles. Common abbreviation TM.

Tubing(English) Tubing) - descent from the mountain on an inflatable sled, mattresses, inner tubes, etc.

Freeride(English) Freeride- “free skating”) “free skating” in the literal and figurative sense, complete freedom of action. No wasted trails, no lifts nearby, no crowds of plush. Transfer to places suitable for freeride is possible on snowmobiles. Skiing on untouched snow, with different radii of turns, on all types of slopes. Common abbreviation FR.

Freestyle(English) Freestyle- “free style”) - free style of skating. Freestyle skiing is characterized by ballet, moguls and acrobatic jumps. Board freestyle is characterized by jibbing, high-pipe riding, and all types of sliding and spinning on a gentle slope. Common abbreviation FS.

Freehill(English) Freeheel- “loose heel”) is the same as the Telemark riding style.

Fake(English) Fakie) skating in a reverse stance, which is not typical for your normal skating. For a goofy, a fake would be skating in a regular stance, for a regular - in a goofy stance.

Half pipe(English) Half-pipe - “ half pipe") - a concave structure covered with snow, with two opposing slopes and space between them, allowing athletes to move from one wall to another, making jumps and performing tricks with each movement. Halfpipe is also called an Olympic discipline. winter species sports Common abbreviation HP.

Heli-skiing(English) Heliskiing) - a type of freeride, the essence of which consists in descending along untouched snowy slopes, far from prepared trails, with a lift to the beginning of the descent by helicopter. Using a helicopter for ascent allows you to find various options for descending from the mountains in pristine nature, untouched by human invasion, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Winter should not be a reason to be sad and miss warm days. Yes, not every person has the opportunity to go abroad and relax, basking in the sun. But you don’t even think about the advantages that snowy time brings.

  • Instead of rollerblades, we put on skates to skate around the rink in search of the puck.
  • Snowboarding gives us much more vivid emotions and impressions than skateboarding.
  • Tired of the strange impressions that roller skis present to us, we finally take the mountain skis and hit the road.
  • There is also an opportunity to try out sleds, cheesecakes and ice cubes.

But where to go? We need to choose the most comfortable spot for recreation, where to go skiing in winter.

The coolest ski areas in Europe

Before surfing the Internet in search of the optimal resort, you need to understand what you want to get from your trip:

  • learn to ride on slopes for beginners;
  • find a panorama with incredible mountain views and enjoy the beauty;
  • buy souvenirs and go on excursions.

Having made certain conclusions, we already know exactly what should attract us and what should be rejected. All this will save certain finances that can be spent on entertainment:

  • Next, let’s ask ourselves if we want book hotels yourself, tickets and think about food or we'll trust everything travel agency? For example, organizing a transfer from the airport to the hotel will most likely almost eliminate the cost difference.
  • When choosing a resort, check altitude above sea level, on which it is located. If it is too high, acclimatization may take quite a long time.
  • It is worth deciding on length of stay: let’s say you are a beginner, then after 2-3 days you will want to take a break, because the loads are quite serious, therefore, a ten-day trip would be optimal.
  • The last thing to consider is that you need to choose a hotel at a distance of 200-300 meters from the ski lift, which will save your energy before and after the descent - the equipment is not easy.

Now we are ready to go on an unforgettable adventure, but where can we go skiing or snowboarding in winter? Alps- highest mountain range V Western Europe , accessed by countries such as: Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, etc.. The best alpine resorts are:

  • Courchevel, Megeve (France);
  • Davos, Zermatt (Switzerland);
  • Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy);
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany);
  • Wilder Kaiser/Brixental (Austria).

All of the above resorts have absolutely all the amenities, but to really enjoy your stay, you need to pay a lot. Thus, you should choose a place located away from noisy crowds of tourists - the Alpine “province”. Yes, in the evening it will be difficult to find something to do, but this does not mean that just taking a walk and enjoying nature, especially with company, will be boring.

Ski resorts in Russia: Sheregesh

Despite the fact that there are not many slopes in Russia, there are undoubtedly places where you can go skiing in winter. Both equipped slopes on the mountains and year-round complexes are being created. On Far East World championships are held, and in Siberia there is a first-class ski resort - Sheregesh. The infrastructure here is amazingly developed, i.e. There are both trails for beginners and experienced people, and all conditions for freeride have been created for extreme sports enthusiasts. The total length of the route is more than 36 km. Here about din of the longest ski seasons in Russia!

Getting here is absolutely not difficult. You can, for example, fly to Novokuznetsk, and from there by regular bus get to the village. The cost of a plane ticket from Moscow will cost about 11 thousand rubles, and a transfer from the airport will cost approximately 350 rubles. It is more convenient to check into AYS hotels. Hotels and - this is what you need! Close location to the ski lifts, huge selection of both designer and standard rooms, presence of a pub and cafe, free entry V night club A bunker and picturesque views are all you need after a great day on the slopes.

Ski resorts in Russia: Rosa Khutor

Pay attention to the Rosa Khutor resort, which is located near Krasnaya Polyana. You can stop in the middle part of this place - “Rose Plateau”. It was a mountain Olympic village in 2014. There are many hotels here, but it is better to choose AYS Design Hotel or AYS Let It Snow Hostel. Why? It's simple! Why look for something like this and compare prices when here Convenient location from the Olympia ski lift And cable car, great choice rooms, promotions for visitors and polite staff. They don’t seek good from goodness! Thanks to the Rosa Khutor resort you can conquer more than 102 km of route, choose difficulty from easy to very difficult.

We hope that after reading the article, you will make it easier for yourself to choose a resort where you can ski in winter!

There are many places on earth where there is snow. all year round. The problem is that getting to where it remains in the summer is either problematic, since these places are high in the mountains, or it makes no sense, because these places are intended for mountaineering, not snowboarding. However, it is still possible to snowboard on natural snow during the summer months. To do this, you don’t have to go to such distant countries as Argentina or Chile. Some people visit artificial ski parks in Moscow or the UAE. But in Europe there are places where there is snow all year round, and they have long been equipped with everything necessary. These are the glaciers of Austria, Norway, France and Switzerland.

Austrian glaciers


The high mountain plateau of Dachstein is located in the eastern part of the Alps (Austrian state of Styria). The glacier is surrounded by mountains. In summer this is one of the best places for snowboarding, as well as an area of ​​interest for climbers.

The territory has a unique landscape and is included in the UNESCO special list.

The glacier starts at an altitude of 2700 m and ends at an altitude of 1700 m. The rope tows cover this distance in 7 minutes. The plateau has three tracks with numerous slopes, six large and several simple jumps, and 5 large boxes.

The summer season in the ski park in Dachstein begins in June. Open for skiing from 7.50 to 17.10. This is convenient since most resorts close around 3:00 pm or even earlier during the summer months. Ski pass – 31 euros.

There is no accommodation available on the plateau. Nearest locality, where you can stay is the city of Schladming (20 min. drive). Salzburg is 90 km away.


The glacier is located on the lands of the Austrian commune of Kaprun (Salzburg). The height reaches 3203 m. Lifts – 19. Snowboard parks – 3. Half-pipes – 2.

After Dachstein, this is one of the most comfortable resorts. Most It's not crowded here. But during the European holidays and on weekends it can be crowded. You can start snowboarding at 8.00. Ski pass – 31 euros.

Kitzsteinhorn is convenient because it is possible to stay directly at its foot - in Kaprun.


The glacier and the mountain of the same name are located in the province of Tyrol in the Ziller Valley, an hour’s journey from the city of Mayrhofen. The height of the peak is 3476 m. Visitors have the opportunity to ride along well-maintained trails at an altitude of 2-3 km. For snowboarders there are 6 jumps, boxes, rails, railings and other obstacles, giant snow ridges and - most importantly - a 100-meter half-pipe.

You can go snowboarding daily from 8.15 to 16.30. Ski pass – 35 euros.

At the foot of the mountain there is a small settlement, which the locals call Tux for short. It has six hotels.


The glacier is located in the municipality of Stall in the west of Carinthia. The resort is closed throughout June after the winter season. On summer season starts on the 20th of June. Open to the public from 8.00 to 14.00. Day pass – 39 euros.

Norwegian glaciers

All Norwegian summer ski resorts are located in the southwestern part of the country. It's difficult to get to them. There are not always enough places to stay. However, the Scandinavian mountains, surrounded by lakes and fjords, are absolutely fantastic and worth seeing.


The resort is located in a natural area national park. Open only in summer - from May to November. During the winter months it is cold and windy. The highest point is 1640 m. Folgefona is located near the city of Jondal. The journey from Oslo takes 7 hours.

The resort is aimed at snowboarders. There are no long trails or steep slopes, but there are half-pipes, jumps, mini-ramps, ramps and even a demo center where you can test the latest boards. There is a lake nearby where you can go fishing, windsurfing or boating. You can snowboard from 10.00 to 16.00. Ski pass - 32.5 euros.

There is the possibility of accommodation on the territory of the national park in special huts.


The largest glacier and mountain range in Scandinavia. Located in the municipality of Stryn. As a ski resort, the place is open for two months - June and July. There are trails for beginners and a special snowboard park.

There are five-day snowboarding training courses in Stryn. Cost – 320 euros, including passes to the ski area. Ski pass - 36.5 euros for one day or 146 euros for 6 days. There is the possibility of accommodation in tents (5 euros/night) or in houses (from 13.5 euros/night).


The highest point of the Scandinavian mountains. Snowboarders and other enthusiasts winter activities are allowed here from late May to early November. The ski park is 1 km wide and 350 m long, with several jumps.

French glaciers

Les Deux Alpes

One of the best European ski resorts for skiing all year round. The snowpark is located at the beginning of the glacier at an altitude of 3200 m. The mountain range rises another 400 m: snowboarding in Les Deux Alpes takes place almost at the very top.

Developed infrastructure, big square, several dozen lifts. The cable car starts directly from the hotels located at the foot of mountain range. This removes the issue of housing, which is often relevant for those practicing summer snowboarding.

In addition, there is the opportunity to stay in camps organized specifically for snowboarders. Instructors will teach snowboarding skills.

They look after the snow park and try to make it even more fantastic every year. Huge half-pipes with walls several meters high, rails, a boardercross track, slopes and more than 70 options for complicating the terrain are being built. The snow park is open from mid-June to the end of August daily from 7.00 to 12.30. Ski pass – 32.5 euros.

The town at the foot of the mountain is developed tourist centre. Restaurants, bars, nightclubs and other entertainment venues are always at the service of tourists. Nearest Big City- Grenoble.


The resort, located in the commune of the same name - Tignes - has more than once become the center of ski sports events. For example, one of the stages of alpine skiing competitions as part of the Olympic Games took place here. The glacier begins at an altitude of 2100 m and can rival any of the similar places in Austria or Switzerland.

The summer snowpark is aimed at beginner snowboarders. Halfpipes are not available in the summer, but there are jumps and pits. There are snowboard schools even for children from 3 years old.

Swiss glaciers

Both summer ski resorts are located in the south of Switzerland in the canton of Valais.


Saas-Fee is a famous ski resort among snowboarders. International snowboarding competitions are periodically held here. Due to its height, the glacier allows skiing in the summer as well as in the winter months.

Summer slopes include 20 slopes, mainly designed for intermediate snowboarders. Large jumps and a halfpipe, additional figures, a traditional restaurant and a chill-out at the top of the glacier, from which a beautiful landscape view opens.

It is recommended to get up early. The journey to the top takes about 1 hour, the lift operates from 7.30. From 12.30 skating ends. By 1:30 p.m. the snow melts and the park stops operating. The summer snowboard park is open from July to September. Ski pass – 65 francs.

There are several dozen hotels in the settlement of Saas-Fee. In addition to snowboarding, downstairs you can play golf and tennis, swim, mountain bike, and go hiking in the forest.


The Zermatt Valley with the Little Matterhorn peak is the most large area for summer skiing in Switzerland. From June to September there are more than 20 km of slopes and a landscape snowpark with a 120-meter halfpipe, boxes, jib-line, jumps and rail installations. The jump line is designed for intermediate and advanced snowboarders: 5 jumps 6-12 m. At the end of the park there is a small chill-out area.

The snow park is open from 7.30 to 13.30. Ski pass – 72 francs. In the afternoon you can visit the ice pavilion, observation deck with one of the best alpine views, try a local restaurant.

Every year ski tourism becomes more and more popular. We will tell you about best resorts Europe, where you can relax inexpensively and go skiing and snowboarding.

Austria - ski paradise in the center of the Alps. Prices here are much lower than in neighboring Switzerland, and the number of ski resorts is twice as large (about 500). Most of them are located in Tyrol (on the map) and Vorarlberg (on the map). The cheapest ski resorts in Austria - Mayrhofen, Söhl And Schladming. Mayrhofen attracts young people with parties and families with children's ski schools highest quality. Soel is the largest ski area in the country, with the most interesting slopes. In Schladming - the most low prices for food and drinks.

Weekly prices:
Ski pass: adults - 282 euros, teenagers - 226 euros, children - 127 euros.
Ski/snowboard rental (+ poles, boots, helmet): 140 euros for adults and 70 euros for children.
Hotel (6 nights):

Season: October to April
Websites of ski resorts: mayrhofen.at, skiwelt.at, schladming-dachstein.at

Most of Spain's ski resorts are located in the Pyrenees and the southern Sierra Nevada (map). The best of them are considered to be resorts in the north of Catalonia with peaks 2700 meters high. This is where the most large resort on the Iberian Peninsula: Baqueira Beret (on map), with 86 slopes of all types, including the extreme Encornacrabes, snowboard, half-pipe, cross-country and dog sled runs. The biggest and cheap resort in the Pyrenees - Formigal(on the map), with 137 kilometers of trails and maximum height at 2250 meters. Formigal positions itself as a resort for family vacation With wide roads and children's schools.

Weekly prices:
Ski pass: 243 euros for adults and 194 euros for children.
Ski/snowboard rental (+helmet, poles, boots): 126 euros for adults and 84 euros for children.
Hotel (6 nights):

Season: late November to early April
Ski resort website: formigal-panticosa.com

Most of the territory of Slovakia is mountains: High Tatras, Low Tatras, Carpathian arc. Ski resorts Slovakia is one of the best and cheapest in Eastern Europe. Best ski resort - Jasna in the Low Tatras (on the map), with 14 trails, of which 3 are of high difficulty, 8 are medium and 3 are easy. There are also tracks for children, tracks for freeride, snowboards and snowmobiles. Jasna is an international tourist center of the first category, where international slalom competitions are held.

Ski pass: 139 euros for adults, 111 euros for teenagers and 97 euros for children.
Skis/snowboard (+helmet, boots, poles): adults - 110 euros, teenagers - 85 euros, children - 60 euros.
Hotel (6 nights):

Season: December to April
Ski resort website: jasna.sk

Most of the German ski resorts are concentrated in the south of the country, in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. The largest and most popular resort - Garmisch-Pertenkirchen(on the map) on the slope of the Zugspitze (2964 m), the most high mountain Germany. The length of the trails is 62 kilometers, half of which are difficult-level trails. There are tracks for snowboards, cross-country skiing, as well as 110 kilometers of hiking routes, for which a network of cable cars has been created.

Weekly prices:
Ski pass: 268 euros for an adult, 246 euros for a teenager and 134 euros for a child.
Skis/snowboard (+helmet, poles, boots): adult -100-120 euros, child - 60 euros.
Hotel (6 nights):

Season: December to April
Ski resort website: www.zugspitze.de

Most of the Czech Republic is surrounded by mountains, the highest of which is Snezka (1600 m). Most Popular mountain resorts The countries are located in the regions of Jeseniky, Krkonosze, Šumava and the Jezer Mountains. In Krkonoše national reserve located Špindlerův Mlýn(on the map) - the most famous resort in the Czech Republic. It consists of two big descents- St. Peter and Medvedin. St. Peter has 12 tracks, one of which is for snowboarders, and next to the descent there are cross-country ski tracks. The second descent is Medvedin, with 7 tracks with a length of 11 kilometers. The resort hosts the Slalom World Cup and the European Freestyle Ski Cup every year.

Prices for 6 days (for how many days the maximum ski pass is sold):
Ski pass: 178 euros for adults, 143 euros for teenagers and 125 euros for children.
Skis/snowboard (+helmet, boots, poles): adults - 80 euros, children and teenagers - 60 euros.
Hotel (6 nights):

Season: December to April


Sochi ski resorts may not be inferior to European ones in terms of service, but they also cost accordingly. Therefore, skiers who want to save money go to the Elbrus region - to the very high point Europe. Elbrus itself is accessible only to climbers, the most high altitude for skiers it is Gara-Bashi (3,780 m above sea level).

Two ski resorts - "Cheget" and "Elbrus Azau" - offer slopes that are suitable for both beginners and professionals. Beginner skiers should choose Elbrus Azau: the slopes there are less steep. But “Cheget” is a challenge for extreme sports enthusiasts. The elevation difference there is 1,000 meters, and the trails are less well-groomed.

If you want to save as much as possible, you need to be prepared for a level of service a la Soviet Union. For example, a night at a camp site remote from the ski resort will cost about 400 rubles. But if you expect to live next to the highway, you will have to part with at least 1,500 rubles.

  • Ski pass: from 1300 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 500 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 650 rubles per night.
  • : from 9,168 rubles.
  • Visa: need not.


Another Russian ski resort - Dombay - in Lately is actively developing. Recently a completely new complex opened there cable cars. It is still inferior in quality of services to neighboring Krasnaya Polyana, but is noticeably cheaper. 20 km of slopes and an impressive altitude - 1,630 - 3,012 m - will appeal to lovers of steep descents and clean mountain air.

And for those who are already bored with the bypassed routes, it is available special service: tourists are taken for a fee to the top of the “wild” slope by helicopter, and then picked up by helicopter.

  • Ski pass: from 1,200 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 700 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 1,100 rubles per night.
  • Flight for one person from Moscow and back: from 11,413 rubles.
  • Visa: need not.


Siberian ski slopes not as popular as the Caucasus, but they can also offer tourists a lot of interesting things. For example, the Sheregesh ski complex near the town of Tashtagol Kemerovo region. The steepness of the trails in this direction is not great, but those who want to learn how to ride quickly and inexpensively can safely go there, and only then go to conquer the Caucasus.

But you shouldn’t think that “Sheregesh” is a paddock for amateurs. The slopes of this resort with elevation changes of up to 680 m have hosted and still host All-Russian and Siberian mountaineering competitions. skiing.

  • Ski pass: from 1,300 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 150 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 2,390 rubles per night.
  • Flight for one person from Moscow and back: from 20,883 rubles.
  • Visa: need not.


Ukrainian ski resorts in the Carpathians are not inferior to Russian ones in terms of cheapness and offer tourists a huge choice: in total there are more than 50 ski resorts in this direction for every taste and budget.

Ukraine is actively developing the construction of more and more new resorts, wanting to participate in the competition to host the Winter Olympics - 2022, and strives to show its mountain tourism from the best side. The most popular local bases are Bukovel, Slavske and Dragobrat. The first is the most developed and the most expensive, the second is for those who like to save money, and the third is the highest mountain, so you can ski there even until May.

  • Ski pass: from 1,200 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 750 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 3,558 rubles per night.
  • Flight for one person from Moscow and back: from 16,345 rubles.
  • Visa: need not.


A new and modern ski resort, Gudauri, has recently opened in Georgia. The elevation difference on it is 1,000 meters, the average length of the slopes is 2–3 km, and the longest descent is 7 km.

By the way, this resort may appeal not only to those who like to ride down the slope, but also to fans of tranquil rides through picturesque valleys. The creators of the ski resort tried to make sure that it is not inferior to its European counterparts in terms of comfort and safety, so beginners and families with children can safely go there.

Another large Georgian resort, Bakuriani, has established itself since Soviet times. It cannot boast of the novelty of Gudauri, but still attracts its loyal fans.

  • Ski pass: from 1,600 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 700 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 10,093 rubles per night (all inclusive).
  • Flight for one person from Moscow and back: from 14,627 rubles.
  • Visa: need not.


Türkiye is not only beach holiday. In winter, she offers skiing in the mountains with elevation changes from 2,000 to 3,000 m. One of the most popular ski resorts in the country is Uludag, which is suitable for a wide range of skiers.

Even in winter, Turkey does not part with the usual all-inclusive format, so every major hotel in the mountains has its own ski lifts and package offers, which includes accommodation, meals and skiing. Traditionally high quality of service combined with relative cheapness allows Turkey to attract many Russians even in the cold season.

  • Ski pass: from 2,240 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 1,100 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 2,145 rubles per night.
  • Flight for one person from Moscow and back: from 19,483 rubles.
  • Visa: Bulgarian (2,668 rubles) or (2,668 rubles).


In Bulgaria, winters are warm and the mountains are low. But its gentle trails are suitable for beginners and family vacation lovers. In winter, the mountains are comfortable -5 °C. Although the level of service on Bulgarian tracks does not reach the elite alpine resorts, but the price of a holiday there is much less.

One of the largest ski resorts in Bulgaria - Pamporovo - is located in the Rhodope Mountains. For little money they will not only provide you with ski equipment, but also teach you how to ski on the slopes. And the ski season begins just at.

  • Ski pass: from 2,500 rubles per day.
  • Equipment rental: from 1,360 rubles per day.
  • Accommodation for one person: from 780 rubles per night.
  • Flight for one person from Moscow and back: from 17,218 rubles.
  • Visa: Schengen (2,668 rubles).


Affordable prices for holidays in the Czech Republic have long attracted Russians. The country's calling card is still excursion tourism, not mountain tourism. But this fact also has its advantages. After all, both types of holidays in the Czech Republic can be combined: to see the fabulous winter Prague and to go skiing. The mountains in the country are low: the largest Snezka reaches 1,602 m above sea level.

The Krkonose National Park has a whole scattering of ski resorts, the most popular of which are Špindlerův Mlýn, Rokytnice nad Jizerou and Pec pod Snezkou. Another plus of the Czech Republic: among all the Schengen countries, it is perhaps one of the most friendly towards Russian-speaking tourists, so the ski resorts of Slovakia are world-class slopes. The best of them, Jasna in the Low Tatras, regularly hosts international and national skiing competitions. It has 57 km of slopes, which are divided into several categories, so that both beginners and professionals will find suitable steepness. The elevation difference ranges from 400 to almost 900 m. Finland is not the most cheap country. However, the cost of living there is partly offset by inexpensive air and train tickets, especially for residents of St. Petersburg. Finland was recognized as the safest country in the world in 2017 The Travel & Tourism
Competitiveness Report 2017
, so it is suitable for those who value quality, comfort and do not like to worry.

For those who want to save money, the Pello resort is suitable. It is not as popular as Luosto, but the ski pass there costs not 35 euros, but 20. The slopes in both directions are long, but not too steep. And to diversify your holiday, in Finland you can ride a dog or reindeer sled.