Mystical Crimea: places of power. Mystical Crimea Mystical places in Crimea what to visit

In Crimea it is difficult to find something more captivating than beaches, sea and mountains. There are many places on the peninsula that every vacationer should visit: Vorontsov and Livadia palaces, Bakhchisarai, Ai-Petri. The list of attractions is endless. What about mysticism? After all, many vacationers want to see something special, sometimes even creepy.

Meganom: Odysseus' path to the kingdom of Hades

Cape Meganom is located between Sudak and Koktebel. People don't live here - they don't dare. UFOs go astray here, time stops and ghosts walk around. As soon as civilization disappears behind the first ridge of the cape, you feel as if you are in prehistoric times. Tourists often see the ghost of a boy on the rocks, calling for him to follow him into the black waters of the sea. It's dangerous here! Careless tourists with a goat mountain trail The ambulance then picks me up with broken arms and legs. People often say: I fell off a cliff because I saw a ghost...

Once a tourist ran up to me and shouted that he had met a lamb, an instant - and he disappeared. Local residents scared him before this - they told him a story that such a meeting meant imminent death. The whole trip, the tourist walked as if he had lost his head,” says tour guide Nelya Kritskaya.

They also say that through the underground mines of the cape, Odysseus himself once found himself in the kingdom of Hades. Although such stories from local residents are perceived ironically, they still force the tenth road to swim around deep “chasms” in the waters of the cape. Many mines have not yet been explored.

Bear Mountain and Magic Tree

Many legends and stories are associated with the peak, which hangs over the village of Partenit and the famous Artek camp. Some believe that Ayu-Dag is the second name of the mountain, it is a giant bear turned into stone. He wandered around Crimea for a long time, leaving potholes in the ground, which have now turned into valleys, crushing mountains and scattering stones. The bear didn’t like anything, but one day he came across a beautiful shore. The giant liked it so much that he decided to settle in this place. After a long journey, the bear was thirsty. Leaning towards the sea, he began to drink water greedily, so much so that he angered the sea god, who turned the bear into stone. The legend is beautiful, but still looks like a romantic fairy tale. And here is what the old-timers of Partenit themselves say about the current times.

Near the mountain, luminous balls are often seen in the sky; spending the night on Ayu-Dag is dangerous; there have been cases when tourists who spent the night in tents here had nightmares. They got out of bed and jumped down from a steep slope, local historians say. - And according to legend, somewhere on the back of the “bear” there is a magical tree growing. But, since no one has found it yet, no one knows what properties it has.

Our Stonehenge

In the village of Rodnikovo, not far from Balaklava, there are mystical menhirs - huge stones. Who, why and when they were installed is a mystery shrouded in fog. Scientists call them a monument of megalithic culture, and our tourists call them “Crimean Stonehenge,” but research by dowsers has shown that the menhirs seem to be entwined with an energy ribbon extending into the sky. It is not surprising that some consider the pointed blocks to be the same age as Egyptian pyramids. Local historians of Sevastopol claim that under the place where the stones stand, two mysterious energy coils intersect, which create these energy vortices. The strangest thing is that the stones, even in the most extreme heat do not heat up. Animals often come to the menhirs, but locals say that they don’t stay there for long, and people have noticed that foxes and hares begin to behave strangely around these blocks.

Tourists, after visiting the “Crimean Stonehenge,” noted a surge of spiritual strength, and some asked for happiness in family relationships and made their deepest wishes. It has come true for many! - says tour guide Nelya Kritskaya.

Alimova Balka - a place of secret power

On the outskirts of the village of Bashtanovka, near Bakhchisarai, there is Alimova Balka - favorite place esotericists, shamans and spiritual practitioners. They say it is endowed with powerful energy. Rock paintings found by archaeologists, which are more than four thousand years old, indicate that it was in this place that some of the first settlers in Crimea lived. According to the stories of local residents, the spirit of Alim lives in the caves. Therefore, only a person with a pure heart and strong spirit.

If you follow the path from Bashtanovka, you can come across a large stone under which a cave has been dug, the guides say. - This is Yazly-Tash - a place of worship for pagans. Women who cannot get pregnant ask for blessings to conceive at the walls of this place. People came to us and said that now there is a new addition to the family of every lady who visited this place. Apparently, there is something magical in these walls.

It is enough to walk another 50 meters to taste the unique, unforgettable taste from the Kachnedzhe “lower” spring. Tourists on forums note that they have never tasted such tasty and healing water.

Yeni-Sala - caves of bloodthirsty gods

The Yeni-Sala cave system is located in the village of Perevalnoye, near Simferopol. It was discovered by chance by two schoolchildren and relatively recently - in 1965. While descending into two of them is quite problematic, the third is accessible to visitors without climbing equipment. It turned out that the ancient Tauri used it for sacrifices to their bloodthirsty gods. And although archaeologists and biologists have not found human bones here, but only animal bones, many tourists claim to have seen ghosts in the cave.

Many believe that the souls of innocent victims still walk through the dark labyrinths, the guides say. - Local residents are superstitious and believe that being underground is dangerous. Some people believe that a person’s presence can bring upon himself the curse of the ancient gods. And all because the creatures living there are hungry for victims.

Satanists gather at the Simferopol cemetery, and Stalker is played at the abandoned nuclear power plant in Shchelkino.

Many people, as psychologists say, in order to recharge with adrenaline, need to undergo some kind of psychological test and feel fear. This explains, for example, a passion for horror films or a tendency to visit scary places. mysterious places. There are a lot of them in Crimea, and they are overgrown with deep secrets and legends. "KT" compiled a rating of the most creepy places peninsula, where an atmosphere of fear and mystery reigns.

No. 1. Abandoned nuclear power plant in Shchelkino

Dark corridors, staircases, a giant rusty crane that was supposed to install a nuclear reactor into the building. Nuclear power plant in Shchelkino (on Kerch Peninsula) makes a lasting impression. The nuclear power plant in Shchelkino was supposed to be launched in 1989, three years after the accident in Pripyat. But the echo of the tragedy spread throughout the world and sowed seeds of doubt regarding the need to use nuclear energy. Thus, the Crimean Nuclear Power Plant, with the first power unit almost 80% ready, decided not to start up. And we inherited a reactor building, in the turbine section of which enterprising youth began to hold discos at the Kazantip festival. And some airsoft clubs organize shootouts in the dark corridors of nuclear power plants based on the popular computer game “Stalker”.

No. 2. Starorusskoe cemetery in Simferopol

Located in the Central Market area, the old cemetery is one of the few that have survived the many reconstructions of the city over the past two centuries. It is recognizable by the Church of All Saints, built and consecrated in 1864. Immediately behind it is the entrance to the cemetery, where many are buried famous people late 19th - early 20th centuries: Archbishop Gury, Crimean artist Nikolai Samokish, commissar of the 51st Army brigade Ivan Gekalo, underground fighters Viktor Efremov, Zoya Rukhadze, Evgenia Deryugina and many others. Some graves have been dug up by grave diggers and treasure hunters. And at the very end of the cemetery there is a Gothic temple, which is covered with black and red paints. They say that satanic inscriptions and pentagrams are left here by occultists during night rituals.

No. 3. Children's room in Adzhimushkay quarries

During the Great Patriotic War, tens of thousands of people died in the dungeons of Kerch. Most of them - 13 thousand - remained forever in the Adzhimushkai quarries (only 48 people survived). In addition to ordinary soldiers of the Soviet army and partisans, among the inhabitants of the quarries were local residents, including women and children. Most of them also died here without waiting for liberation. A rusty crib and charred dolls are all that now remind us of the terrible death of hundreds of boys and girls of all ages who were forced to hide from the Nazis in the dungeons of Kerch.

No. 4. Bunker "Alsu"

Many kilometers of shafts, metal hatches tightly closing the passages, and everywhere on the walls there is an image of a radiation sign. Four floors underground, tunnels going down 200 meters, and a huge room for a nuclear reactor... Even standing at the entrance to the bunker, disguised as a residential building with windows painted for maximum effect, you understand how seriously the Soviet leadership took possible aggression from the side of their enemies - mainly the United States as a nuclear power. It was planned to evacuate the command to the bunker Black Sea Fleet in case of a nuclear strike.

No. 5. Sleepy cemetery

A destroyed stone fence, broken tombstones and holes in the ground at the site of the graves... In fact, the contents of the graves were barbarically plundered by looters, and the bones of soldiers and officers who fell in the Chernorechensky battle of the Crimean War in 1855 lie next to the tombstones. The Crimean authorities have not yet bothered to put in order the Sleepy, or, as it is also called, Gorchakovsky cemetery (after the name of the commander of the battle), so when visiting you should be careful - you can easily fall into graves overgrown with grass and bushes, and therefore not visible everywhere.

No. 6. Bagerovo ditch

In an anti-tank ditch near the village of Bagerovo in 1941, about seven thousand residents of Kerch, including 245 children, were shot. Nowadays there is a monument to those killed in this place. Announcements appeared on the streets of Kerch, according to which Jews registered with the Gestapo were to appear on Sennaya Square on November 28, 1941, from 8 to 12 o’clock. Failure to comply with orders resulted in execution. The bitter irony of fate turned out to be that they were shot just after reporting to the prison commandant’s office. From December 2, the anti-tank ditch began to fill with bloody naked bodies of people. The eerie atmosphere of death still, more than 70 years later, hovers over this place.


No. 7. Roaring Grotto

Underwater caves of Mount Karadag on southeast coast Crimea, according to geologists, leads into the depths of an extinct volcano. The largest grotto, cutting into the body of the rock for almost 70 meters, simply amazes with its gloominess and mystery, and the waves create their own unique ominous roar in it. Many Crimean local historians claim that the entrance to the kingdom of the dead, located in Cimmeria, which Homer mentions, was localized by the Greeks on Karadag, in a place that today is called the Roaring Grotto.

No. 8. Object "Sotka"

Another echo of the Cold War, in addition to the Alsou bunker, is located in the mountains near Balaklava - this is the Coastal stationary missile system "Utes", or, as it is called, object-100 (or simply "Sotka"). It has been abandoned since Soviet times and is being dismantled for scrap. Nevertheless, the scale of the two huge launch mines located right in the rocks still amazes. Next to the rectangular necks, the remains of metal guide rails have been preserved, along which massive gates once slid away, and formidable missiles rose from the shaft on special platforms.

No. 9. Cape Meganom

This place is famous for its mysterious “power rings” (they appear in the grass in ring-shaped strips up to half a meter wide and are clearly visible from a bird’s eye view) and the unhealthy interest in it from UFOs. They say that the cause of the “ring” phenomenon is some kind of magnetic anomaly. Perhaps these are the consequences of an underwater nuclear bomb test that allegedly took place here in 1960. As for flying saucers, they are regularly observed on the Cape. Crimean ufologists believe that one of the plates was shot down just above Meganom. The military found a piece of debris in which cold thermonuclear fusion allegedly occurred before their eyes.

No. 10. Petrovskaya beam

If there is an old civil cemetery in the area of ​​the Central Market, then the largest military cemetery in Simferopol was located in the Petrovskaya Balka area. Soldiers who died from illnesses and wounds received during the battles of the Crimean War were buried there. More than 36 thousand Russian soldiers rested in the cemetery, but in the 30s of the last century the graves were razed to the ground, and on the newly formed hill local residents began to bury their pets, not even suspecting that they could stumble upon the remains of their ancestors.

The land of the ancient peninsula seems to be intended for lovers of everything mysterious

People come to Crimea to enjoy beach holiday, nature, clean air, but there are also tourists for whom thrills come first; who want to penetrate the secrets of mystical places. And there are a lot of them in Crimea.

Cape Meganom: in the kingdom of Hades


If you get to Sudak and turn left, after a while you will see a completely mystical landscape: a deserted sandy steep bank along which the wind blows. This is Cape Meganom, behind the first ridge of which you find yourself as if cut off from civilization, in some ancient times.

Nobody lives here, although the space is huge. People generally try to come here as little as possible, despite the clear sea and spacious beaches. At least the locals. Tourists come here mainly to take a break from the noise and crowds of resort towns and villages. And also - to touch the unknown.

Time flows here in a special way - sometimes it seems to freeze and stop. When flying over Meganom, planes sometimes go off course.

On the rocks, they say, you can see a boy beckoning to the cliff. Be careful - it's a ghost! He has already forced more than one gullible tourist to throw himself off a cliff into the abyss. Those who survived repeat the same thing with trembling voices: the boy called.

One day, as the guide recalls Nelya, the tourist ran up to her and excitedly shouted that he had seen a lamb, which appeared only for a moment and then disappeared. Before this, the tourist had heard local stories about ghosts on Meganom. He never recovered from the strong impression - he walked around pale for the rest of the vacation and repeated that meeting a lamb on the cape means dying soon.

In the depths of Cape Meganom there are unexplored mines, it is unknown how they arose. They say that through them you can get to that very kingdom Aida, where I went down myself Odysseus.

Bear Mountain: a wonderful tree

No less mysterious rumors are circulating about the famous Bear Mountain - Ayu-Dag. None of the locals in their right mind would dare to climb the mountain after sunset, much less spend the night here - almost every night luminous balls hang over the ridge, and an incomprehensible rumble is heard from inside the mountain.

The few tourists who did spend the night here said the next morning that they had nightmares. There are cases where, after a terrible night, travelers threw themselves off a cliff.

At the top of Bear Mountain, according to rumors, a wonderful tree grows - it can restore youth. But no one knows which of the thousands of trees is the right one.

Crimean Stonehenge: energy ribbons

Not far from Foros, from the town of Laspi, there is the so-called “Crimean Stonehenge”, which is formed by huge stones - menhirs. Research by ufologists, dowsers and other adherents of esotericism has shown that each of these vertical pointed stones, placed by someone unknown and unknown for what purpose, seems to be entwined with energy ribbons that are lost high in the sky.

Reference: This attraction has other names: Tyshlar rock (translated from Turkic as “teeth”): Nine Monks, Chamomile, Five Fingers, Dragon’s Teeth, Flower of Power, Keban-Kaya (from Turkic “stack rock”), Devil’s Fingers , Temple of the Sun.

It's amazing that the stone blocks never get hot - even in the hottest summer days, when everything else is literally hot from the sun's rays, the menhirs remain cold.

However, there is nothing sinister here. On the contrary: many tourists say that they made wishes here, and “Crimean Stonehenge” fulfilled them. Ancient stones are especially supportive of requests to help strengthen family relationships.

Alimova Balka: a favorite place of shamans


Not far from Bakhchisarai you will find the village of Bashtanovka, and beyond it - Alimov Balka. All kinds of shamans, sorcerers and healers flock here like flies to honey to gain strength: they are convinced that this place gives powerful energy. If you believe the rock paintings discovered by archaeologists, this is where the first settlers on the peninsula lived.

In the caves, as legends say, the spirit of a rebellious robber wanders Alima - Crimean Robin Hood. To pass through these caves, you need to have a strong spirit and a clear conscience.

If you move along the path from Bashtanovka, you will see a huge stone, and under it - a tunnel leading to a cave. By touching the walls of this cave - Yazly-Tash, infertile women get a chance to get pregnant - so say the legends. Many tourists then return here with small children and thank the holy places for their help.

Yeni-Sala: bloodthirsty gods


The village of Perevalnoe near Simferopol is known for its entire system of caves called Yeni-Sala. These caves were discovered in 1965 by two risky local teenage truants, completely by accident.

Having studied the caves, archaeologists came to the conclusion that the ancient Tauri made sacrifices here to the pagan gods - entire warehouses of bones were discovered. True, they say that they all belong to animals, not people, but still it’s scary to be here - it seems as if the groans of innocent victims are heard underground, in long galleries. Be careful - according to popular belief, evil spirits living in dark dungeons are hungry for fresh victims and are just waiting for the right moment to lure a gullible tourist to a dangerous place!

These are just some of the most famous mystical places in Crimea. On ancient peninsula Every grotto is a mystery, every rock is a legend, every stone is an echo of events that took place here a long time ago.

16 MYSTICAL AND MYSTERIOUS PLACES OF CRIMEA. In Crimea, you can not only soak up the warm sand or stroll through famous palaces, but also visit the so-called places of power, where people come for mysticism, harmony and a charge of cosmic energy. According to esotericists, such places should not be visited in an angry or irritated state - they subtly sense the mood, and such a visit will do more harm than good. Also, in the mystical places of the peninsula, you are not supposed to raise your voice, joke or laugh - it is better to remain silent and maintain calm, both external and internal. ● Cape Meganom One of the most favorite places for occultists and esotericists. Located in the southeast of Crimea. The name of the cape is translated from Greek as “ big house“However, no ancient settlements have been found here. Desert rocks with a minimum of vegetation are not particularly conducive to this. But they say that UFOs like to visit Meganom. Ghosts have also taken a liking to this place: they say that at night you can see a boy here who calls for him and can lure the gullible into the sea. Another ghostly inhabitant of Meganom is a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff. (By the way, real pets avoid these places.) Another oddity of Meganom is the yellowish rings on the grass, visible from a height. From time to time they dim, and then people within their radius feel bad. But then the rings gain color again (sometimes they even glow at night) and at this time they become accessible again, people go to them for strength and energy. Practitioners of meditation claim that it is on Meganome that one can make transitions to the past or future, travel to Parallel Worlds.

● Mangup The largest cave city in Crimea. Located in the south of the Bakhchisarai region. People lived here from the 3rd to the 15th centuries. Now there are only stones left here, and also the powerful energy of this place, which for so long served as a haven for generation after generation. They say that in winter you can see glowing neon balls on Mangup. They hover in the air at a height of one and a half meters for about ten minutes, and then simply dissolve and disappear. Mangup also has its own ghosts. Legend has it that on the eve of the Turkish invasion in 1475, a boy lived on Mangup. His family died defending the city. The boy himself, fleeing from his enemies, found himself on the edge of an abyss. The Turks rushed towards him, but the rock parted and swallowed the child. And now, on quiet moonlit nights, you can hear a child’s cry and see a white figure among the trees: this is a boy wandering through the ruins hometown and is looking for parents. They say that if you hold your gaze on him, you won’t be able to look away - you’ll follow him and step into the abyss.

● Temple of the Sun This is the name of an unusual stone ensemble on Mount Ilyas-Kaya (not far from Laspi Bay), reminiscent of a giant open flower. The stones are positioned so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly at the core of the “flower”. At first glance, it seems that the Temple is not in such an inaccessible place, but only those who are really ready to visit it and who are allowed by higher powers can get here. If you are one of these lucky ones, find the central stone of the “flower” - this is the main place of power. After climbing on it, mentally ask a question or make a wish. They say the answer will come right away, and your wish will come true very quickly.

● Skel menhirs The village of Rodnikovskoye (Sevastopol), near which they are located, used to bear the name Skel, hence the name. These are vertically standing stone blocks, covered with moss and centuries-old cracks. At their feet, people performed rituals two to three thousand years ago. Now there are two menhirs: 2.8 m and 1.2 m high. It is believed that these stones have healing power: they stand at points of accumulation of negative energy and transform it into positive. This energy can literally be felt with your hands: if you touch the menhir, you will feel a slight tingling in your fingers, and a wave of warmth will pass through your body.

● Kara-Dag (Black Mountain) This mountain range near Feodosia is considered a powerful place of power. A sleeping volcano releases waves of both positive and negative energy into space. People have long settled at the foot of Karadag, and its mysterious soul, century after century, attracts artists, poets, and musicians who have a keen sense of the world. Strong magnetic anomalies are observed on Karadag - there are places where the compass needle begins to jump like crazy. One of the ridges mountain range That's what it's called - Magnetic. This has a healing effect on some people, and from year to year they come to Karadag to “recharge their batteries.”

● Kizil-Koba (Red Cave) The only cave in Crimea through which the underground river. Located in the Simferopol region. The valley near the Red Cave is considered an energetically very strong place. At night you can see lights glowing in the air. And four times a year, when one season gives way to another, near the cave some manage to notice a “firebird” - a cloud of luminous energy, shaped like a winged beauty. Not far from the cave, the Su-Uchkhan waterfall gurgles - swimming in its icy water helps preserve youth and strength. Above the waterfall there is a clearing with such a view of the mountains that it will take your breath away. This is a place of special harmony, suitable for meditation.

● Dolmens on Mount Cat Dolmens are ancient structures made, as a rule, of four stone slabs placed on edge and covered with a fifth slab. Our ancestors built dolmens in places where positive energy exits and concentrates. In Crimea, such structures are found near cave cities, but most of them are on Mount Koshka, near Simeiz. They say that dolmens are a kind of gateway to other worlds. Next to these huge stone cubes (average 1.5 x 2.0 x 2.0 m). a person feels calm, receives answers to questions that torment him, and can even finally understand his purpose in life.

● Valley of Ghosts on Mount Demerdzhi It is believed that here (10 km from Alushta) there is an intersection of energy flows. It is better for unprepared people not to go here - you can see frightening pictures. True, skeptics claim that these are just bizarre rocks that take on strange shapes in the fog. Another feature of Demerdzhi is that on its slopes the sense of time is lost: it seems to a person that he has only been here for five to ten minutes, but in fact half an hour has already passed.

● Ak-Kaya Rock (White Rock) Rising above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River in the Belogorsk region, reaching highest point 325 meters. The centuries-old history of Crimea is concentrated in these places, and, of course, they have a special energy. People settled here back when their prey was mammoths, cave bears, primitive bulls and hunters drove them to a high cliff. The Sarmatians lived at the foot of the White Rock, and on the plateau there are many Scythian burial mounds. There is a legend that once there was a sea nearby, and Ak-Kaya was a steep shore where ships moored, and iron rings for mooring were supposedly even preserved in the vertical walls of the rock. There are also ancient legends associated with the Altyn-Teshik cave (translated as “golden hole”) located in the White Rock. According to one of them, the cave was the lair of a werewolf snake, who brought here the beauties he had kidnapped in the area.

● Mount Chatyrdag Located in the Big Alushta region. Although it is the second highest (after Roman-Kosh), it is still considered the main one for Crimea - it was not without reason that before the revolution it was depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of the peninsula. At the highest point of Chatyrdag, the peak of Eklizi-Burun (height 1527 m), until the 18th century there was a Greek temple of Panagia, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Orthodox Christians from the surrounding villages still come here year after year on the eve of Easter and serve a prayer service. In this place people feel peace and are filled with strength. And some claim that the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to them here. They also say that you can make a wish on Eklizi: if it is material, then mentally you should turn to the Mother of God; if the desire concerns the spiritual sphere, then to God.

● Mount Ai-Petri Protects the southern coast of Crimea from cold northern and western winds. Ai-Petri also separates the energy zones of the South Coast and the Bakhchisarai region, so there are an abundance of anomalous areas here. For example, in the gorge near the Uchan-Su waterfall, many people feel severe dizziness. And the so-called Drunken Grove (the trees here are intricately curved) is actually a geopathogenic zone; it is advised not to go here. But at the very top of Ai-Petri you can stand longer and, turning your face to the sea, make a wish.

● Stone mushrooms of the Sotera Valley These are huge, bizarre boulders ranging from three to seven meters high. If ordinary tourists come here to take pictures stone sculptures, then fans of esoteric teachings visit this place to recharge with energy and find inner harmony.

● Bakla The northernmost of the cave cities of Crimea. Located near the village of Skalistoy, Bakhchisaray district. Exact time its creation is still unknown, but no later than the 4th century. Bakla is a place of silence and solitude. Man-made caves and natural grottoes This ancient city is ideal for prayer and meditation. Previously, Baklu was guarded by a stone sphinx (a rock very reminiscent of this mythical creature), but at the end of the twentieth century it collapsed, and now the peace of this place is guarded only by the Serpent rock - its huge stone head towers over the surrounding area.

● Ene-Sala In the place where a Tatar settlement was located a long time ago, which was later destroyed by the Nazis, you can see mysterious caves. Tourists are allowed to visit only one of them, since descending into the others requires special equipment and some skills. So, thrill-seekers can go to the Ene Sala 2 cave, discovered by two unknown boys in 1965. Scientists have established the fact of a sacrifice on the territory of the cave. The ancient Taurians worshiped the gods and thus atone for their atrocities, and also expressed their respect. Many tourists who have visited the cave claim that it is full of ghosts.


Today we decided to tell you about several anomalous places in Crimea. Let's start from Cape Meganom. It is located between Feodosia and Sudak in the southeastern part of the peninsula.

Megan can safely be called the most mysterious place in Crimea. And UFOs land here, leaving orange rings on the scorched grass, and shamans, along with psychics, come together to meditate and perform occult rituals, and there are ghosts.

“Meganome” in Greek means “huge house”. Both a mountain and a cape are associated with this name, although, in essence, it is a kind of mountainous “peninsula on a peninsula” with several capes, valleys and a marvelous variety of coastal landscapes. The peninsula is located between Sudak and Koktebel. Its lighthouse, which closes the system of local bays from the east, is clearly visible even from the New World in clear weather, and it itself is visible from Yalta.

To the west of Mount Meganom there is Mount Alchak, and to the north it is limited by the Tokluk-Syrt ridge. Its mountainous East End extends far out to sea. Crimeans call this corner of the peninsula “local Tunisia,” and for good reason: Meganom is the warmest and sunniest place in Crimea, as well as one of the driest—precipitation is very rare here. The slopes are practically devoid of vegetation and therefore quickly erode. The surface of the peninsula in some places is badlands or “bad lands”. Badlands - barren lands - consist of hills with intersected ravines, which are formed as a result of the erosion of clay rocks by rainfall and wind. It is extremely difficult to move on such a surface. The sea here is clean, the beaches are quite deserted. Various types of fish, crabs, rapana, and mussels are found in abundance in the water.

There are several bays located near the high steep slopes of Meganom. One of them is the Gravernaya, a favorite place for scuba divers. There is a real miracle of nature there, the so-called. elevator shaft. It is a vertical hole in a huge block of stone, which begins at a depth of about seven meters and continues down eight meters. At the lowest point there are three passages from it that allow you to swim out of this shaft. Nearby is a “cemetery” of anchors. Such an abundance of anchors of various designs and types cannot be found even in museums.

Scuba divers also say that in these places, right under the water, they have more than once observed tracks from the wheels of infernal machines. By the way, a top secret military facility used to operate here. Because of this special secrecy, the cape was for a long time closed to visitors. They weren't even allowed to take pictures of him. However, now entry is free, there are no mysteries or secrets, although there are still riddles.

So, no one has ever lived on the cape from time immemorial. The ancient Greeks believed that the River Styx flowed there, through which the old man Charon transported the souls of the dead to Hades - the kingdom of the dead. In other words, on Meganom there is nothing more than the entrance to the kingdom of the dead. Now the river bears the Tatar name, and its width is no more than ten meters. Judging by the size of the gorge, it used to be much wider.

Cape Megan is also famous for its mysterious power “rings” - yellowish ring-shaped stripes about half a meter wide, clearly visible in the grass from a bird's eye view. When the rings dim (and they do periodically), people and animals nearby feel very unwell. But when the rings become light again (by the way, their glow lasts a long time, even at night), then you can be near them without any unpleasant sensations. These rings have long attracted the attention of scientists, but they cannot yet unravel their nature, although they managed to find out that there is no radioactive background in the rings, but there is a magnetic anomaly.

According to ufologists, these signs indicate the residual impact of cold plasma on the earth here. And this could provoke a visit to this place by unidentified flying objects. They also claim that the engines of these UFOs use the internal energy of cold plasma, which they produce from crystals of local volcanic rock. Not at all by chance dormant volcano Karadag is located almost nearby. By the way, due to the frequent appearance of orange rings (despite the huge number of stories, no one has photographed them yet) this place was called the “Valley of Oranges”. “Oranges” appear mainly in winter and, as a rule, over a former military unit. Locals believe that they appear here for a reason.

They say that in 1960, the military tested a nuclear bomb underwater near Meganom and thereby, again according to the assumptions of ufologists-contactees, outraged higher powers. In fact, relations with UFOs have always been tense among the military. As reported on the ufologists’ website, one of the plates was shot down just above Meganom. They found only a fragment. It consisted of an allegedly unknown metal, in which, before the eyes of astonished eyewitnesses, ... cold thermonuclear fusion took place. The fragment was immediately taken away by the KGB. However, as stated on the site, some, after contact with the strange object, began to heal people with touches.

Local residents also mention a mystical legend about a bleating lamb, which can be seen on the edge of a steep slope. There is a belief that if you catch this lamb, sacrifice it and sit on the ground on its skin, the body becomes weightless and grace from above is poured onto it. Such a person, after long-term cleansing practices, can become a skilled healer. By the way, there is complete order with healers in the surrounding area. Now, thanks to places like Meganom, more and more of them have begun to appear. They come here at any time of the year - to gain magical powers and be saturated with the healing energy emanating from the “orange rings”.

A couple of years ago there was one funny incident. That year, yoga practitioners from Zaporozhye came to Crimea. We stopped at Cape Meganom to meditate. And trouble happened to them. During another meditation session, one of the women’s six-year-old son disappeared. Everyone sounded the alarm, emergency workers rushed to search for the child. They lasted two days. A boat constantly cruised along the shore. They combed the area with a chain, but the boy was nowhere to be found. The work was complicated by heavy rain.

Closer to lunch (the second day of searching was ending), the patrol boat reported that they saw a woman with a little boy through binoculars. It turned out that the baby, winding along mountainous paths, came to a stranger tent camp, they sheltered him there. But this is not the most interesting thing in this story. While the Ministry of Emergency Situations was knocked down, everyone was going crazy and looking for the baby, the mother was absolutely calm and... continued to meditate. Then she said that she was not worried at all - a voice from Space told her that the child was alive and everything was fine with him.

There have been many legends about Cape Meganom among local residents since ancient times. We have already mentioned one - the ancient Greek one, telling about the River Styx. Another legend says that Odysseus met the Cyclops precisely on Meganome and underground caves Karadaga, which are visible at low tide, entered the kingdom of Hades.

The local population also retells the story of the ghost of a boy who lures people into the sea. Such visions, according to local residents, are deadly. They also talk about another vision. Many particularly impressionable tourists visiting this cape say that they see a ghost ship wandering lonely along the surface of the sea. Although there really are ghosts here, and many people see them. This is explained by the same ancient Greek myth about the kingdom of Hades: where should ghosts live, if not at the entrance to the Kingdom of the Dead?

Despite the rather gloomy legends telling about mysterious and not always safe phenomena that happened in this place, the Meganom peninsula in Crimea is very popular among tourists; many vacationers seek to visit it.

Meganom is not limited to anomalous places in Crimea. There is a mysterious Mount Demerdzhi on the peninsula. This mountain, or rather its slopes, is a unique pile of rocks, which are commonly called blocky chaos. The shape and size of the blocks are so bizarre that you can guess in them figures and portraits created by nature. Giving long shadows, these finger-shaped figures change their outlines, and in them you can see more and more new images, which is why the valley is called the Valley of Ghosts. Here you can recognize a frog, a warrior’s head, and even a portrait of Yeltsin.

The most famous legend tells about a blacksmith who lived on the mountain. He forged weapons here and was so aggressive and unkind that in his free time he terrorized the village located in the valley. One day, a blacksmith captured a girl from this village. The girl tried to run away, but tripped over a stone, fell and died. The spirit of the mountain became angry, and huge boulders fell from the mountain, destroying the forge, the blacksmith, and the village.

These boulders still lie in the valley, and when you imagine how they rolled down the slopes, it just gives you goosebumps. In this place, people prone to extrasensory abilities greatly enhance their phenomenal skills, and hallucinations also appear. However, even such a name and dashing fame do not scare tourists away from the unique “valley”, but on the contrary, they only attract it. However, it is worth noting that safe hiking trails there's not much there. By the way, this is where some episodes from the movie “Prisoner of the Caucasus” were filmed.

“Nikulin Nut” is one of the famous trees of Crimea, which has a proper name. The scene of the fall from the tree was filmed near him. The branch was cut down accordingly, the place of the fall was prepared... But the branch broke in a completely different place, and Yuri Vladimirovich broke his arm in the fall. I had to take a long break while working on the film. Local residents said that the spirit of the mountain was angry and took revenge on the people who disturbed his peace.

Another anomalous place– this is the cave city of Mangup. Remains of walls, steps and graves carved into stone - everything reminds of the people who lived in these dungeons until the middle of the 15th century. A couple of years ago in ancient city A real Tibetan lama wandered in with his disciples, who insisted that he had never heard of Mangup, but was simply going to a powerful energy source.

The surroundings of Mangup are famous for the fact that local residents often see the so-called. “cold lightning”: luminous spherical objects of a soft neon color with a clearly defined internal structure. The balls appear and hover in the air at a height of up to one and a half meters. Some tried to contact them, but they did not react and did not hang in the air for a long time - from 3 to 15 minutes. Then they simply disappeared.

Balls cause neither harm nor good to humans. Moscow researchers tried to study the phenomenon of “cold lightning” in detail. It turned out that the balls were equally indifferent to both sleeping bags and canned goods laid out from backpacks. They are not afraid of crosses, gravestones, prayers, or spitting over their shoulders. But they are clearly not indifferent to people, especially at moments when they are overwhelmed by some kind of emotion: delight, joy, fear... The conclusion can be drawn as follows: they feed on emotions. But one person is still not enough, so the larger the company, the more emotional it is, the more attractive it is for “cold lightning”.