Udmurt ASSR map 1962. Map of the Republic of Udmurtia with cities and villages in detail

Map of Udmurtia from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Udmurtia online in real time. A detailed map of Udmurtia was created based on satellite images high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Udmurtia allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and sights of Udmurtia. The map of Udmurtia from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Udmurtia or Udmurt Republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the Russian region called the Urals. Udmurtia also borders other autonomous regions of Russia - and Bashkortostan. The capital of the republic is the city of Izhevsk.

The climate in Udmurtia is warm and temperate. It is characterized by cold winters without much snow and hot summers. average temperature in summer - +15...+23C, and in winter it varies from -10C to -20C.

IN Udmurtia many cities and towns rich in attractions. One of the oldest villages in the Udmurt Republic is Votkinsk, which was founded in 1759. Of particular value is the development of the central part of the city, in which buildings from the 18th century have been preserved. This town also has several cathedrals and churches dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

Another ancient one locality Udmurtia, which is worth a visit, Sarapul. It was founded in the 16th century, but received city status only at the end of the 18th century. In ancient times, Sarapul was a rich merchant city, so even today you can see merchant buildings there, the main one of which is Bashenin’s dacha. In general, there are more than 400 cultural, historical and architectural monuments on the territory of the Udmurt Republic.

Don’t forget about natural monuments, which are represented by numerous nature reserves and national parks. For example, the architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve "Ludorvai" and the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Idnakar".

In Udmurtia, all areas of tourism are actively developing, especially active tourism. Many open ski resorts and resorts, sports clubs, hunting grounds. Tourist routes runs through mountains, forests and national parks, which makes your holiday in Udmurtia eventful and unforgettable.

Located in the Urals, between the Kama and Vyatka rivers. Udmurtia is surrounded by 3 regions, as evidenced by the online map with borders:

  • Kirov region - in the north and west;
  • Perm - in the east;
  • Bashkortostan and Tatarstan are in the south.

The climate in the region is temperate continental, with average temperatures:

  • In winter – the average temperature is 12 degrees;
  • In summer - +20.

Logistics of Udmurtia - routes passing through the region, railway transport

Logistics transport links are important for economic stability and free movement to any corner of the world. Federal highways pass through the region: M7, P320, P321, P322. Also, many highways have been laid through the region, connecting various municipalities and regions of the republic - there are about 6 thousand km of such routes. They can be examined and selected in detail desired route on the satellite map of Udmurtia.

Air routes are represented by one airport in the capital of Udmurtia.

The most widely represented routes railway transport. They connect Udmurtia with:

Popular routes: “Balezino-Izhevsk-Alnashi”, “Kazan-Agryz-Ekaterinburg”, “Kirov-Balezino-Perm”, “Izhevsk-Votkinsk”, “Lyukshudya-Kilmez”.

Map of the Republic of Udmurtia with cities and villages

A map with districts, major and minor settlements shows that about 70% are urbanized settlements, and 30% are agricultural areas. On an area of ​​42 thousand square meters. km live just over one and a half million people. There are 25 municipal districts in the republic with the capital in the city of Izhevsk. The municipalities are united into 5 urban districts with their centers - cities of republican significance:

  • Izhevsk;
  • Glazov;
  • Votkinsk;
  • Mozhga;
  • Sarapul.

In each region there are cities of republican significance, towns, urban-type settlements, villages, villages. In total, the Republic of Udmurtia has 6 cities and 5 towns and many villages. So, for example, in Zavyalovsky municipal area- 16 villages, 94 hamlets and 17 repairs.

The Republic of Udmurtia spreads its territories in the west of the Middle Urals. People often call it the “Spring Land”. After all, here is one of the most famous resorts throughout Russia, Vyarzi-Vyatchi, a rich mineral springs. However, this is not the only attraction that attracts travelers from all over the world to Udmurtia.

The entire territory of the Republic consists of numerous relief changes on the Verkhnekamsk Upland. At the same time, the most low point is at a level of 51 meters, and the highest is 332 meters.

Udmurtia. Map online
(The dotted line indicates the borders of the republic on the map)

Hot summers and cool winters with little precipitation are typical for the Republic. After all, it is located in an area where an inland climate reigns. The warmest month here, as in all regions of Russia, is July. Then the air warms up to 19 degrees on average. The coldest month is January, when a minimum temperature of -39 degrees can be reached.

Districts of Udmurtia:

Alnashsky district - Alnashi village
Balezinsky district - Balezino village
Vavozhsky district - village of Vavozh
Votkinsk - Votkinsk city
Glazovsky - the city of Glazov
Grakhovsky - village Grakhovo
Debyossky - Debyosy village
Zavyalovsky - village Zavyalovo
Igrinsky - Igra village
Kambarsky - the city of Kambarka
Karakulinsky - village Karakulino
Kez village - Kez
Kiznersky - village of Kizner
Kiyasovsky - village Kiyasovo
Krasnogorsky - Krasnogorskoye village
Malopurginsky - Malaya Purga village
Mozhginsky - the city of Mozhga
Sarapulsky - Sigaevo village
Seltinsky - village of Selty
Syumsinsky - village of Syumsi
Uvinsky - Uva village
Sharkansky - Sharkan village
Yukamensky - Yukamensky village
Yakshur-Bod'insky - village of Yakshur-Bod'ya
Yarsky - Yar village

Cities and towns:

For more than 10,000 years, people have lived on the fertile lands of Udmurtia. But untouched and picturesque places still remain in the Republic. Among them is Nechkinsky national park. The full-flowing Kama flows here, along the banks of which stunning and varied landscapes open up to travelers: sandy beaches, then ancient forests, then endless meadow glades. There are interesting things on the territory of the protected reserve archaeological sites.
In Udmurtia, you can improve your health at the Vyarzi-Vyatchi resort, one of the oldest in the whole country. Mineral water from local sources and therapeutic mud give an unprecedented healing effect.
There are many more attractions in the Republic that are worth seeing. They are all incredibly diverse. There are masterpieces of architectural art. There are especially many of them in Izhevsk. There are also amazing ones in Udmurtia natural objects, which you should definitely see with your own eyes.

Satellite map of Udmurtia

Map of Udmurtia from satellite. You can view the satellite map of Udmurtia in the following modes: map of Udmurtia with names of objects, satellite map of Udmurtia, geographic map of Udmurtia.

Udmurtia or the Udmurt Republic is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the Russian region called the Urals. Udmurtia also borders with other autonomous regions of Russia - Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. The capital of the republic is the city of Izhevsk.

The climate in Udmurtia is warm and temperate. It is characterized by cold winters without much snow and hot summers. The average temperature in summer is +15...+23C, and in winter it varies from -10C to -20C.

IN Udmurtia many cities and towns rich in attractions. One of the oldest villages in the Udmurt Republic is Votkinsk, which was founded in 1759. Of particular value is the development of the central part of the city, in which buildings from the 18th century have been preserved. This town also has several cathedrals and churches dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

Another ancient settlement of Udmurtia that is worth a visit is Sarapul. It was founded in the 16th century, but received city status only at the end of the 18th century. In ancient times, Sarapul was a rich merchant city, so even today you can see merchant buildings there, the main one of which is Bashenin’s dacha. In general, there are more than 400 cultural, historical and architectural monuments on the territory of the Udmurt Republic. www.site

Don’t forget about natural monuments, which are represented by numerous nature reserves and national parks. For example, the architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve "Ludorvai" and the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Idnakar".
In Udmurtia, all areas of tourism are actively developing, especially active tourism. Many ski resorts and resorts, sports clubs, and hunting grounds are open. Tourist routes run through mountains, forests and national parks, which makes your holiday in Udmurtia eventful and unforgettable.