Where can you go without a visa? Countries with online visa processing

The adoption of the Agreement on a visa-free regime is significant for many countries. A visa-free regime means obtaining a visa at the border or at ground checkpoints (checkpoints, airports, etc.). The visa-free regime allows you to freely visit many countries.

There is automatically no need to contact the embassy, ​​provide a lot of documents and wait to receive the long-awaited exit permit. .

As you know, to visit a country located in Europe, you must first. This applies to everyone. But in Europe there are a number of republics that are not members of the European Union. Many of them have a visa-free regime with the Russian Federation. In 2019, Russians will not need to pre-issue an entry permit to these countries.

List of republics with visa-free entry into Europe:

  • Macedonia.
  • Serbia.
  • Montenegro.
  • Kyrgyzstan.
  • Türkiye.

Table: permitted length of stay of Russians in visa-free countries in Europe

All these countries are not members of the European Union. Although Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Macedonia and Serbia are considered potential candidates for membership. Today, active negotiations are underway regarding their accession to the EU. But until these countries become members of the European Union, Russians can freely enter these republics.

Permission to enter the territory of Ukraine

For others foreign citizens The permitted period of stay on the territory of Ukraine is only one month. They receive a visa upon arrival in international airports, which are located in only two cities of Ukraine: Odessa and Kyiv.

The rules for crossing the border have been simplified for Russians. They are given a stamp about crossing into international passport at customs control points. A prerequisite for crossing the border is filling out a migration card.

Previously, Russians had the right to enter Ukraine only with internal passports. But since 2015, the situation has changed due to military operations on the territory of Ukraine. Since 2015, Russians can cross Ukrainian border only if you have a foreign passport.

Entry to Moldova

U Russian Federation An agreement on a visa-free regime was signed with Moldova. Therefore, citizens of the Russian Federation in 2019 do not need to obtain a preliminary entry permit. Crossing the border is carried out only with a foreign passport. The permitted period of stay on the territory of Moldova without permission for Russians is 3 months.

If crossing the border is carried out with a minor child, then the parents must provide the border services with not only the child’s foreign passport, but also the original of his birth certificate.

Entry into the Republic of Belarus

As you know, Belarus and Russia are members of the Customs Union, therefore, a simplified regime for crossing the border of Belarus has been concluded between these two countries. It is characterized by the fact that in 2019 Russians can enter the territory of Belarus not only with a foreign passport, but also with an internal one, that is, a Russian Federation passport.

When crossing the border by land, namely by car, the owner of the car must provide customs officers with a driver’s license, registration certificate, personal documents and, of course, insurance for the car.

According to the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in the country without a visa for no more than 90 days. But if a citizen of the Russian Federation intends to stay in Belarus for more than one month, he is required to register at his place of residence. Otherwise, when leaving the country, the Russian will be fined.

Entry into Kyrgyzstan

Russia also signed an agreement on a simplified border crossing regime with Kyrgyzstan. According to the rules of the regime, .

When crossing the border at customs control points, the foreign passport is stamped with an arrival stamp. If a Russian travels with an internal passport, then this stamp is placed on the migration card. It will be extremely difficult to leave the country without this stamp.

If a Russian intends to stay in Kyrgyzstan for less than 3 months, then he does not need to register.

But if the expected period of stay is longer than this period, then registration is required.

On the territory of Kyrgyzstan, you must contact the passport and visa department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and register for migration. Registration indicates an extension of the period of stay. But it is worth recalling that in order to extend the period of stay, you can register for migration no later than the fifth day after arriving in Kyrgyzstan.

Entry into Kazakhstan

There have long been rumors that Kazakhstan and Russia intend to break the agreement on a visa-free regime. But these rumors are not supported by documentary evidence. Therefore, in 2019, Russians, as before, can freely enter the territory of this country without first obtaining an entry permit.

But when traveling to Kazakhstan, you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. When traveling, a Russian must have 2 passports with him: foreign and internal.
  2. If a Russian turns 20 or 45 years old during the trip, then it is worth taking care of re-issuing the document in advance. The thing is that on the territory of Kazakhstan these documents will no longer be valid, so a person may have problems leaving the country. To resolve the situation, you will have to contact the Russian Embassy.
  3. According to the laws, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to stay in Kazakhstan without a visa for only 3 months. If you need to extend your stay, you will need to apply for a temporary residence permit.

Entry to Abkhazia

To travel to Abkhazia in 2019, Russians will need a foreign or Russian passport. A prerequisite is life insurance for a Russian citizen in the amount of more than 30 thousand rubles. The insurance covers tourist accommodation in Abkhazia at the rate of 1 thousand rubles per day.

That is, the amount of insurance must be equal to the expected period of stay in Abkhazia. Children under 6 years of age are exempt from insurance. Persons who work in Abkhazia for more than 6 months are also exempt from insurance.

Entry into Serbia

According to the rules of the diplomatic agreement between the Russian Federation and Serbia, no more than one month. If the expected period of stay exceeds this established period, then you will need to obtain an entry permit at the Serbian Embassy. Visa for long stay issued in one format regardless of the purpose of the trip: employment, training, guest visit or treatment.

Entry into the country is carried out using a foreign passport. The main thing is that the validity period is at least one month after the end of the intended trip. When crossing the border, you will need to provide financial resources at the rate of $50 per day per person. Also, to enter Serbia you will need to take out insurance with coverage of at least 20 thousand euros.

To date a large number of countries are ready to receive tourists from Russia visa-free. To visit these states, you only need to have a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Some countries allow Russians into their territory without a visa at all. Others give permission to enter at the border. For third countries you will still have to request a visa in advance, but this can be done online and as soon as possible. More details about everything below.

In total, 119 countries are available to Russians in 2019, where they can fly and travel without a visa.

State namePermitted period of stay for citizens of the Russian Federation (expressed in days)

Required documents for crossing the border

90 Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
90 International passport
90 Travel document valid for at least 180 days from the date of entry into the country

Ticket confirming departure from the republic

90 Foreign travel document
Unlimited stay timeInternal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or international passport
90 Foreign travel document

Evidence of the amount of money required

28 Travel document with a validity period of at least 180 days

Invitation letter/document confirming hotel room reservation/

Evidence of the required amount Money

Unlimited timeRussian Resident Passport
90 Travel document

Return ticket

Hotel room reservation

Evidence of the required amount of funds

30 Travel document

Invitation letter or document confirming hotel reservation

90 Travel document

Return ticket

$300 cash per person for 1 week stay in Botswana

90 Travel document

A document confirming that you have enough money to stay in Brazil

Document confirming hotel reservation

14 Travel document

Hotel reservation

Evidence of the required amount of funds

Return ticket

90 Travel document valid for at least 6 months

Evidence of the required amount of funds

Return ticket


A document confirming that you have enough money to stay in Venezuela

Migration card

15 Travel document with a validity period of at least 180 days

List of countries where visa is issued upon arrival

State namePermitted period of stayCost of visa applicationRequired documents for crossing the border
15 50 US dollarsInternational passport. The validity period of the travel document cannot be less than 180 days

Return ticket

Evidence of sufficient funds

14 US$25International passport. The validity period of the travel document must be at least 180 days

Return ticket

Permission letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain

Pre-issued visa via electronic resource

Burundi30 40 US dollarsInternational passport

Permit issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

60 90 US dollars
30 US$30International passport
90 For freeInternational passport30 For freeForeign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days

Direct flight

China,14 For freeInternational passport valid for six months

Hotel reservation

Return ticket or ticket to a third country

Confirmation of solvency

China,15 hours20 eurosInternational passport

List of countries for which an e-visa can be issued

  • Gabon
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Montserrat
  • Niger

Countries with visa-free transit

Countries you can enter with a visa from another country

State name

What country's visa is allowed to enter with?

AlbaniaSchengen, USA, UK
AnguillaGreat Britain
UK, USA, Canada
Schengen, Cyprus, Romania, Croatia
Schengen, USA, Canada
Schengen, UK
Great Britain
Schengen, Bulgaria, Romania
Mariana IslandsUSA
Marshall IslandsUSA
O. NorfolkAustralia
Schengen, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus
Schengen, USA, Canada
Turks and CaicosUK, USA, Canada
French GuianaSchengen
Schengen, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania

Countries that have concluded an agreement with Russia on Local Border Traffic

State name

Who can enter without a visa

Residents of the Pskov region can stay in Latvia for up to 90 days within 180 days. Permission is required.

Top 15 visa-free countries for a beach holiday

Former USSR countries

Belarus is the most friendly state to Russia

One of the first of them is. This country allows you to stay on its territory for a period of thirty days. After the specified period, it is necessary to extend the period of stay or leave the country.

The most common type of tourism to the territory of the Republic of Belarus is “shopping”, because, as you know, the industry of Belarus strictly complies with the requirements of GOST. The policy of the President of the Republic Lukashenko is behind the high quality of products sold.

Also, the main places of visit for tourists are both man-made buildings and historical objects, as well as natural ones. Another big advantage of traveling to this country is low prices for housing, public transport and food.

Countries you can enter without a passport

Abkhazia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan warmly welcome tourists from Russia and allow them to stay on their territory for a period of no more than 90 days. After the specified period, you must either register or leave the countries.

It is also important that entry into these countries can be carried out using an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

One of favorite places Tourists visiting Abkhazia visit Joseph Stalin's dacha, which is located on the shores of Lake Ritsa. The main places visited in Kazakhstan when traveling to the said country are the world famous Ascension Cathedral, as well as the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi. This is a small percentage of what you can visit when vacationing in this state. While on vacation in Kyrgyzstan, you can visit picturesque natural places not made by human hands, the most outstanding being Mount Muztag-Ata, as well as the well-known Osh Bazaar, which will allow you to plunge into the beauty and harmony of the local color.

Mount Ala-Too in Kyrgyzstan


The length of stay in Uzbekistan is not limited, however, entry into the territory of this country is carried out using a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The main highlights, which are visited by travelers with great pleasure and respect, are the numerous mosques, madrassas and mausoleums. The most popular place cultural heritage is the Blue Mosque.


Visiting Armenia is possible with a foreign passport and is limited to a stay of 90 days. The indescribably beautiful nature of the country attracts tourists who conduct excursions on foot and on horseback through pristine nature, beautiful and blooming mountain meadows.

Being on the tops of the mountains, you feel the greatness of nature that opens up for you, looking at it all from a bird's eye view. One of the most majestic is Khor Virap.

Also, numerous historical and architectural monuments allow you to plunge into the life of the people since time immemorial and feel like a small part of that time.

Visa-free countries in Europe and Asia

Also, in addition to the possibility of visiting countries located on the territory of the former Soviet Union and the CIS, Russian tourists have the opportunity to visit countries both near and far abroad, having only a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Today, the list of countries that can be visited without a visa is quite large. And planning independent travel you can choose from several directions.

Hong Kong, Tunisia and Laos are some of the shortest in terms of permitted period of stay. The period of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a foreign passport in the specified places is limited to two weeks. But this will not prevent you from getting a wonderful vacation experience, since this period will be quite enough.

Hong Kong

It opens up an unforgettable and vast world to its tourists. While there, it is possible to visit Disneyland, which will not leave even the most dull adult indifferent and sad, since cartoon characters, as well as a huge number of attractions and entertainment, “absorb headlong,” and after experiencing such a mass of positive things, a person feels completely satisfaction.

Traveling around Hong Kong, you can see how classical-style buildings house all kinds of restaurants, hotels, and souvenir shops, where everyone can find something just for themselves. However, it contains not only ancient buildings, the grace and dynamism of newly erected buildings amazes the eye because, as we know, development in Hong Kong is growing rapidly, which allows the use of various Newest technologies. At night, the city is a huge “kaleidoscope” of colors and shapes of light.

SeasonAverage air temperature during the day

Peak season water temperature

ThailandNovember - April+32° C+28.5° С
VietnamNovember - April+30° C+25° C
IndiaDecember-February+32° C+27° C
Sri LankaAll year round+31.5° С+30° C
CyprusMay-October+30° C+27.5° С
TürkiyeMay-October+34° C+30° C
MontenegroApril-October+28° C+25° C

Foreign trips, regardless of their purpose (business or tourism), are always associated with compliance with certain border crossing rules established for each country. It often happens that the need to travel arises spontaneously, and there is no time to obtain a visa. Your trip can only take place if the state you are going to visit is included in the list of countries with visa-free entry allowed for Russians in 2017.

Options for crossing the border without a visa

Applying for a visa is a troublesome process that requires collecting documents, visiting the embassy, ​​paying a consular fee and waiting for a deadline. But there are countries with a simplified visa regime and visa-free countries where you can enter without unnecessary hassle and time.

There are the following ways to cross the border without official entry permission. Some states allow entry to residents of Russia:

  • using an internal passport without a visa;
  • visa-free with a Russian foreign passport;
  • on a foreign passport with a visa obtained at the border checkpoint or at the airport;
  • by international passport, if you have an online visa (a preliminary decision to issue a visa, received by e-mail, with a stamp on the printed form being affixed at the airport or upon entering the country).

The first two options relate to countries with a visa-free regime for citizens of the Russian Federation. You can travel to these countries freely without wasting time to obtain an entry permit.

There are a number of states that allow Russians visa-free transit. If during flights there is a transfer to another plane in these countries, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need to receive a visa to a country with transit airport, if you have a ticket and legal grounds for entry to your final destination.

When going on a trip abroad without permission to enter a particular country, it is better to once again check whether it is included in the list of states that have maintained a visa-free regime with Russia for 2017.

Countries with entry for Russians using an internal passport

Using an internal passport, without any visa requirements, citizens of the Russian Federation can enter the following countries in 2017:

When entering Abkhazia, in addition to presenting your passport, you must pay fees, including insurance and resort fees. Insurance premium is mandatory for everyone. An agreement is concluded for an amount of at least 30 thousand. rubles In this case, an amount of 15 rubles is paid for each day of stay. Tourists and vacationers pay resort fee– one-time 30 rubles. And for those traveling in a personal car, another 150 rubles if the car is a passenger car, and 300 for a truck.

You can stay in Belarus for up to 30 days without any registration. Despite the simplified visa-free regime, when crossing the Belarusian border, Russian citizens must fill out a customs declaration, which must be kept until leaving the country.

Russians entering Kazakhstan fill out a migration card at checkpoints, which is valid for 90 days. Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in the country without registration for no more than 30 days.

They also fill out a migration card when crossing the border of Kyrgyzstan using an internal passport. It is in it that the stamp indicating entry into the country is placed (if you have a foreign passport, such a stamp is placed in it). An administrative fee of 10 USD is required.

In Tajikistan, staying up to 90 days is allowed, but within three days it is mandatory to obtain registration at the place of stay.

South Ossetia allows Russian citizens onto its territory using an internal passport for up to 90 days.

Visa-free entry with a foreign passport

The list of countries allowing visa-free entry for Russians in 2017 includes 61 states, as of the end of January 2017. The list of them, indicating the permitted period of stay in the countries, is presented in the table:

In addition to the requirements indicated in the table, when traveling to each country, it is necessary to have a return ticket, and also that the foreign passport remains valid for at least 6 months after the date of departure of the guest from the country. This is the maximum period required in most of the countries listed.

One of the main requirements for a Russian crossing the border in many countries that allow visa-free entry is the availability of sufficient funds necessary to stay in the country for the intended purpose of the trip.

Despite such an extensive list, only 6 states will become visa-free countries in Europe for Russians in 2017, not counting the countries of the former Soviet Union:

Countries with shorter periods of permitted visa-free stay on their territory are Vietnam, Hong Kong, Dominica and Laos.

Countries issuing visas at the airport

The list of visa-free countries for Russians that they can visit this year includes a number of states, entry permission to which is issued directly at the airport, and is more of a formality than a strict requirement for control over those entering. You can get such a visa easily and without delay. You just have to take into account the fact that such visas in most cases are paid. For example, this year, out of 27 countries issuing entry permits for Russian citizens directly at the border, only 3 do so for free. These are countries such as:

Despite the fact that the Lebanese government has made a visa free for Russians, when crossing the land border they may be required to pay a fee of 17 USD. For the right to enter the territory of other states with a simplified visa regime, you will have to pay from 20 to 118 dollars. Here are some of these countries:

  • Bangladesh (15 days) 50 USD;
  • Egypt (30 days) 25 USD;
  • Jordan (1 month) 20 dinars – about 67.5 dollars;
  • Madagascar for 90 days will cost $118;
  • Iran (no more than 7 days) 35 euros;
  • Nepal (for 15 days – $25, month – $40, 90 days – $100);
  • Senegal 50 dollars, subject to travel warning from the Senegalese Foreign Ministry no later than two weeks;
  • Cambodia for 30 days – 30 dollars;
  • Cape Verde – 25 euros for 30 days;
  • Kuwait (30 days) costs $20;
  • Bahrain (14 days) – $25;
  • East Timor – $30 for 30 days;
  • Zimbabwe – 30 days costs $30, and 90 days costs $100.

Countries for which visas can be ordered online in 2017

In a number of countries, there is a practice of issuing visas upon online request, via the Internet. This also applies to the simplified form of the visa regime, when the issuance of entry permits is treated formally. After confirmation sent to your e-mail, such a visa can be obtained at the airport or when crossing the border. For Russian citizens this year, such visas can be obtained when traveling to the following countries:

The procedure for obtaining such a visa is simple, although it requires certain material costs. As a rule, such services are paid for, but problems with obtaining a visa are rare. You print out the permit sent to your email address, and you can go on a trip with it. It can be stamped at the airport or at the border checkpoint of the country of arrival. For the trip you need to have with you:

  • international passport;
  • return ticket or ticket to any other country;
  • travel company voucher;
  • printout of visa confirmation;
  • enough money to live in the country for a certain period of time.

In case of refusal to issue an e-visa, you must contact the embassy as usual.

Countries with visa-free transit

There are still a number of countries with visa entry, which you can visit without a visa if you are passing through them in transit to some third country. In this case, you need to have tickets to your final destination and legal grounds for entry there. The time spent in such transit countries is limited to a short period of time, but this gives you a reason not to sit in the buffer zone of the airport waiting for departure, but to go out into the city, get acquainted with its sights, go shopping or have a business meeting. The list of countries to which visa-free transit entry is possible for Russians in 2017 includes the following states:

  • A transit passenger has 24 hours in countries such as Aruba, Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius, Curacao, New Zealand(with an Australian visa) and Sint Maarten;
  • 36 hours – Bulgaria for passengers with Romanian and Cyprus visas;
  • 72 hours – Brunei and Japan;
  • 96 hours – Singapore and the United Arab Emirates;
  • You can stay in Romania for 120 hours with visas to Bulgaria, Cyprus or the Schengen countries;
  • China allocates 144 hours of stay for transit passengers on its territory.

Without a visa, when traveling overland from northern to southern Senegal, Gambia allows stay on its soil, and Cameroon - only for passengers who have the right to enter neighboring countries.

In some countries, the airport may be quite far from the city. If your stay in these countries is limited, when leaving the airport terminal, you must take this circumstance into account in order to return to the departure of your flight on time.

How to check a country's visa-free regime

Before going on a business trip, business trip or vacation abroad, it is advisable to know for sure whether the country you need to go to is one of the visa-free countries for citizens of the Russian Federation for this moment time. You can check this on the consular website information portal(www.kdmid.ru) or through a special service - timaticweb.com. When boarding a plane, airlines strictly control whether the passenger has legal grounds to enter a particular state. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the airline is obliged to return passengers who are not allowed to enter the territory of the destination country to their homeland at its own expense.

Unfortunately, the information on the embassy website is not always updated in a timely manner, so it is preferable to use the timatic service. There are certain difficulties in using it. The fact is that this database is partially closed. On the official resource, only representatives of aviation companies can use it. The demo version of this program is incomplete. To obtain information, registration and payment are required, which an individual cannot afford. Therefore, it is more practical and accessible to access timaticweb.com through the interface of individual companies that do not close this information to clients.

Here are some addresses for accessing the Timatik program:

  • www.qantas.com/travel/airlines/visa-health/global/en;
  • www.staralliance.services/fr/services/visa-and-health/;
  • www.klm.com/travel/ru_ru/prepare_for_travel/travel_planning/travel_clinic/visaform.htm

Requirements for passports under visa-free regime

When preparing for a trip abroad, you need to make sure in advance that your domestic and foreign passports are suitable for such a trip. If you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation to travel across the border, make sure that all the photographs in it are pasted in on time. If the time to paste the next photo falls during your stay abroad, it is better to do this in advance so that your passport is valid when crossing the border back.

To travel with an international passport, you must check that it has at least 2 blank pages left, and there is still time from 3 to 6 months before the expiration date from the date of return from the trip. It is better to check the exact date with the embassy of the host country.

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Russia is a rich country from a tourist point of view. In our country you can relax under palm trees or high in the mountains, see ancient rock paintings or fields dotted with menhirs. Tourists can expect cities that are unlike any other in the world or, on the contrary, similar to the greatest European capitals(St. Petersburg is very reminiscent of Paris, London, and Amsterdam at the same time). But many tourists believe that only a foreign holiday helps them to completely relax and give truly vivid impressions.

There are 74 countries on our planet that Russians can visit without a visa, of which 6 countries are accessible for visiting with an internal passport. Consider exotic places, such as Brazil or Vanuatu (despite the tourist attractiveness, travel costs will be so high that about budget travel out of the question) we will not consider. But how often do tourists ignore well-known and completely inexpensive countries due to ignorance of all the opportunities and attractions that are offered to travelers there. Let's look at the most interesting of these countries.

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Near Abroad


The advantages are that Russians can travel here with an internal passport, prices here are lower than ours, there is no language barrier, and attractions, sanatoriums, nature reserves so much that it is enough for several European countries.

There are also some drawbacks: the service here is reminiscent of the times of the USSR, it is not easy to find a restaurant with good cuisine, hotels are not always comfortable enough and there can be problems with wireless Internet. But everything is compensated by the good nature of Belarusians, hospitality and an abundance of interesting opportunities for travelers.

You can find something interesting in every region of Belarus, but it’s better to focus on two: Vitebsk and Grodno.

Vitebsk region

Road: Moscow-Vitebsk - from 45 euros (round trip), journey 9 hours, bus - 22 euros.

Hotels: hostel - from 5 euros, apartments - from 16 euros, 3* hotel - from 34 euros. The most convenient and comfortable accommodation is apartments; there are most offers of this type.

Restaurants: in the historical part of the city there are enough cafes and restaurants; you can eat inexpensively in any establishment, but the dishes are not distinguished by their sophistication. A pleasant exception is the restaurant "Lyamus" with Belarusian national cuisine. Lunch here will cost no more than 10 euros per person, and traditional potato pancakes and sausages taste amazing. A regular lunch in the canteen costs less than 1 euro.

The most interesting:

  • In Vitebsk - the historical part of the city, churches, embankment, town hall, house-museum and Chagall art center. The cost of visiting attractions is symbolic;
  • In Polotsk - Saint Sophia Cathedral, Museum of Medieval Chivalry, House of Peter I, Euphrosyne Monastery (founded in the 12th century);
  • Natural Park "Braslav Lakes" - several recreation centers, excellent water, clean air and excellent service (which is rare for Belarus). Double room in a wooden cottage - from 9 euros/day.

The Grodno region

Road: train from Moscow - from 42 euros one way, travel time 19 hours, bus - from 30 euros one way, journey time - from 9 hours.

Hotels: hostel hotel - from 14 euros for a double room, apartments - from 20 euros, hotel - from 45 euros.

Restaurants: regular lunch in a cafe - from 1.5 euros, dinner in good restaurant- from 5 euros (in the best establishments - from 9 euros). The best establishments in the city: “Dom”, “Basta pasta!”, “Tavern at the pier”.

The most interesting:

  • In Grodno - medieval castle, Kalozha Church (10th century), Cathedral St. Francis, Sovetskaya Street (a medieval thoroughfare of the city that has changed little over the past 300 years), a pharmacy-museum, a modern water park, the house of Stefan Batory (several museums at once);
  • Castles in Novogrudok, Lida, Mira, Kreva, Golshany;
  • The estate of the Oginskys in Zalesye, the Drutsky-Lubetskys in Shchuchin;
  • Bagration Museum in Volkovysk.

The Grodno region is famous for the fact that on its territory there are almost two dozen objects included in the list world heritage UNESCO. There are architectural masterpieces, historical buildings, unusual museums, unique festivals, entertainment complexes and much more.

Travel agencies in Grodno offer tours around the region (1-2 days). A two-day trip around the region with three meals a day and an overnight stay in a good hotel, accompanied by a knowledgeable guide - from 40 euros per person.


Of all the countries of the Caucasus, it is Armenia - the most ancient state on the ground. It is worth adding that this country was the first in the world where Christianity became the state religion. Ancient temples, medieval monasteries and fortresses, singing fountains and incredibly tasty cuisine are only the basis of Armenia’s popularity among those who have already managed to appreciate the uniqueness and warmth of the country.

Road: Political difficulties in Transcaucasia have made bus and train connections between Russia and Armenia inaccessible, but air connections are available. The most cheap tickets Aeroflot offers - from 171 euros (round trip), flight - about 3 hours. Planes fly daily.

Hotels: bed in a hostel - from 7 euros, apartments - from 17 euros, hotel - from 23 euros for a double room.

Restaurants: dinner with wine in a good restaurant - no more than 10 euros per person, breakfast in a cafe - 2-3 euros, lunch in a modest tavern - 4-6 euros. The portions are large and the dishes are filling.

The most interesting:

  • Karahunj - prehistoric sacred center, megaliths, ancient observatory;
  • Garni - fortress and ancient temple of the god Mithra (1st century);
  • Geghard - rock monastery IV century, ancient bas-reliefs, altars, paintings;
  • In Yerevan there is the Erebuni fortress and museum (buildings of the 8th century BC, archaeological exhibition), Republic Square ( architectural ensemble from government buildings), the Cascade complex (fountains, stairs, observation decks, flower fields), ethnographic museum, genocide museum, St. Gregory's Cathedral (repository of the relics of Gregory the Illuminator), Blue Mosque (XVIII century, center of Iranian culture in Armenia);
  • Lake Sevan is the largest Mountain Lake in Transcaucasia, the ancient “Black Monastery”, recreation centers.


From all states Central Asia, it is Uzbekistan that is distinguished by its abundance unique monuments culture and historical attractions. Low prices for accommodation and food, oriental flavor and exoticism - all together it is an excellent package for an inexpensive trip to the culture of the East.

Road: due to the remoteness from Moscow and the entire European part of Russia, the only acceptable transport is by plane. Ticket to Tashkent and back - from 200 euros. Tickets are cheaper in March and April, best deals Uzbekistan Airlines and Aeroflot, the journey takes about four hours.

Hotels: a bed in a hostel - from 6 euros, an apartment - from 9 euros, a room in a modest hotel - from 23 euros.

Restaurants: breakfast - from 2 euros, lunch in an average restaurant - 6-10 euros.

The most interesting:

  • In Tashkent - Khast Imam Square, Tillya Sheikh Mosque (the main treasure is the Koran of the 7th century), the Kafal Shashi mausoleum (10th century);
  • In Samarkand - Timur's mausoleum, Registan Square (madrassas, mosques of the 16th-17th centuries), Bibi Khanym Mosque (a giant building that collapsed under its own weight, the calling card of the city, evidence of its power and significance), Shahi Zinda (necropolis of rulers), Ulugbek Observatory , Afrasiab (city destroyed by Genghis Khan, frescoes of the 7th century);
  • In Bukhara there is the Kalyan minaret (it has never been restored since the 12th century), Magok-I-Attori (in different time was a temple of fire worshipers, Buddhist temple and a mosque), Chashma Ayub (the source of Job, according to legend, the biblical prophet himself created this spring), the Ark fortress (the residence of the once reigning families of the city).

In every city it is worth visiting food and craft markets; this is where you can fully feel the oriental flavor.

"Far" abroad

Among foreign countries, finding a country with a visa-free regime for a budget holiday is not easy, but it is possible. Is it true budget vacation will only be here outside high season. But if your vacation falls in November or March, then feel free to go there on vacation, positive emotions and pleasant memories are guaranteed.


Road: the cheapest flight is offered by Austrian Airlines with a transfer in Vienna - from 197 euros round trip.

Hotels: bed in a hostel - from 5 euros, apartments - from 11 euros, 3* hotel - from 15 euros.

Restaurants: breakfast - 2-3 euros, lunch in a traditional Serbian establishment - 6-10 euros, dinner with wine or rakia - 10-12 euros.

The most interesting:

  • Devil's City natural object in the south of the country in the form of rocky pillars;
  • The Cathedral of St. Sava in the capital is the largest Orthodox Church in Southern Europe;
  • Golubac Fortress - a 14th-century fortification, the most important fortress in the history of Serbia;
  • The Gradac Monastery is a place where the Middle Ages live, a unique example of Byzantine architecture, holy relics, frescoes, icons;
  • Golia is a nature reserve where you can go skiing in winter and improve your health in summer by walking through virgin forests and picking the most delicious mushrooms in the world;
  • The city of Nis is one of the most picturesque in the country (tower of skulls, a museum on the site of the Red Cross concentration camp, ancient Roman ruins, the preserved villa where Emperor Constantine the Great was born, an 18th-century fortress built by the Turks);
  • Palaces and museums of Belgrade.


Road: the cheapest tickets to Tel Aviv are offered by AirBaltic - from 208 euros in both directions. Transfer in Riga, travel time about 8 hours.

Hotels: place in a hostel - from 13 euros, apartments - from 49 euros, double room in a 3* hotel - from 65 euros.

Restaurants: breakfast in a street cafe - from 5 euros, lunch in a modest restaurant 7-10 euros, dinner with wine - from 20 euros.

The most interesting:

  • Biblical places - In Jerusalem - Calvary, Western Wall, Way of the Cross, Garden of Gethsemane, monasteries, Church of the Holy Sepulcher;
  • Masada is a fortress city, a place of mass suicide of Jews who did not want to live under Roman oppression;
  • The Dead Sea is a place where you can improve your health and swim in the saltiest body of water in the world;
  • Yad Vashem - museum complex, dedicated to the Holocaust;
  • Tel Aviv is a capital city full of entertainment venues, excellent restaurants, convenient beaches;
  • Kinneret is the Sea of ​​Galilee, a place where you can simultaneously see Roman ruins, the places where Jesus Christ lived, as well as stay on the territory of a recreation center and enjoy relaxing by the warm lake.

If you have the opportunity to use accumulated points discount cards major airlines, then traveling to Laos, Argentina or Cuba will be budget-friendly.

In this case, the question arises: which country to choose without a visa? In this article we will look at the options. In summer, when the flow of tourists increases in all directions, buy last-minute tours to good hotel at a reduced price is almost impossible. Experienced tourists trying to book best places in advance. And yet, for Russians there are many places where it is possible to go in the summer without a visa, and you can choose from many offers the best option. Let's look at where to go without a visa in 2019.

  • Abkhazia. This is a country friendly to Russia all year round ready to receive our tourists without a visa. For summer holiday all conditions have been created: warm sea, sea ​​air, sunny weather. Many sanatoriums, guest houses, hotels, inns and private sector We are ready to offer our tourists rooms of varying comfort. Prices in Abkhazia are relatively low. If a tourist is not whimsical, goes to the sea just to relax, then a holiday in Abkhazia is the best option;
  • Another country where Russians are welcome all year round and no visa is needed is Turkey. In addition to the sea and sun, our tourists are attracted here by the inexpensive prices for travel packages and the All Inclusive system. People mainly go to Turkey for a beach holiday. Here, without leaving the hotel premises, you can get all the “33 pleasures”: all beaches are equipped with bars, sun loungers, and mattresses. There are one or more swimming pools, bars, restaurants on the territory. Animation teams work day and evening. Souvenirs and various small items can be purchased on site. Any hotel has guides from whom you can find out information about excursions;
  • Israel is only a 4-hour flight from Moscow, and entry for Russians is also visa-free. There is not only a beach holiday here, but also educational historical excursions. Residence Russian tourists without a visa – up to 90 days;
  • Tunisia. Russians do not need a visa here. There is sea, sun, excursions, hotels of different categories. Many of them operate on an all-inclusive basis. In Tunisia, during the day you can safely leave the hotel grounds and wander around the surrounding area. Many shops and shops will offer local vegetables and fruits (prices are not expensive), souvenirs, and leather goods. The local population speaks several languages: Arabic, French, English, and of course, they are learning Russian. The period of stay without a visa is 14 days.

These are places where you can go in the summer, it will be warm there. And in winter? The following countries are suitable for a winter beach holiday without a visa:

  • Thailand. You do not need a visa to visit this country. This Asian country attracts more and more Russians every year. Of course, a long-hour flight is tiring, but the holiday there is worth it. Sea, sun, white sand beaches, unusual marine flora and fauna - this is what tourists who fly to Thailand for the first time will see. Housing and food prices are relatively low. Accommodation is possible in a hotel or private house. Some Russians rent such a house for 2 - 3 months and calmly survive the winter. There is a lot of entertainment in Thailand - excursions, various shows, or you can simply rent a moped or motorcycle and explore the island on your own;
  • Indonesia is a country in South-East Asia consisting of many islands. The average year-round temperature in Indonesia in the lowland areas is +27 degrees, water +26. It attracts tourists with its original culture, unique flora and fauna, tropical impenetrable forests, modern comfortable hotels And sandy beaches. There are unique opportunities all year round for diving enthusiasts. In addition to excursions offered by tour operators, you can rent a boat or yacht and see sea sights on your own and dive in the open sea. December and January are considered ideal times for surfing;
  • Where to go in 2019? To the Dominican Republic. People come here mainly for the beach, relaxing holiday. Here are all the conditions for honeymoon. It boasts luxury hotels, well-maintained beaches, beauty wildlife, clean Caribbean Sea, and sun all year round. In local shops you can buy souvenirs, vegetables, fruits and local coffee that are unusual for Russians.

Is not full list countries ready to receive Russian tourists without a visa.