Is it safe to holiday in Turkey? Report from Antalya. Which countries are safe for holidays? Is it safe to go on holiday now?

For a long time it has been a favorite vacation spot for Russians. However, in 2015 the situation changed dramatically. After the airliner crash Russian airline"Kogalymavia", the cause of which was a terrorist attack, air traffic between Russia and Egypt was suspended.

Despite the assurances from the Egyptian side that all security requirements at airports were met, the Russian authorities were in no hurry to give permission for flights to domestic airlines, periodically reassuring the Russians that this issue would be resolved throughout 2017.

The first, but decisive step was taken shortly before the onset of 2019. An agreement was signed between Moscow and Cyrus to resume flights in early February (later, however, the start of flights was shifted to April). This news gave hope to many Russians who want to spend a vacation on the shores of the Red Sea, and also once again raised the question of whether it is safe to vacation in Egypt and whether it is worth flying there in 2019. Let's try to figure it out.

Geopolitical situation

Egyptian authorities have repeatedly assured that there is no danger for foreign tourists in the country. Considering that the lion's share of vacationers go to resort areas or where hotels are located in a separate area, carefully guarded and with restrictions on visiting it, it can be assumed that an armed bandit is unlikely to be encountered there.
This opinion is supported by numerous messages on various forums left by Russians permanently residing in Egypt or visiting there for work. They all unanimously claim that more safe place than Egypt cannot be found.

However, we should not forget that the main factor in the ban on the tourist flow between our countries was insufficient measures and security controls at the country’s air terminals, through which Russian tourists arrived on vacation.
The main questions concerned the airports of Cairo, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada.

The first of these, Cairo Metropolitan Airport, received predominantly regular flights, while in the other two numerous charter flights from various cities Russia.
The work that was carried out to develop and implement security measures in the zone and inside airports was repeatedly inspected by representatives of the Russian side. And if our experts still have questions about Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, then the second terminal of Cairo airport, completely updated, modernized and equipped with last word The equipment was assessed as ready to resume flights.

Taking into account these negotiations of December 15, 2017, it is important to understand that only regular flights will be organized on the Moscow-Cairo route. You will have to organize your further travel to your vacation spot yourself. For example, take advantage of domestic flights that arrive at those airports that have not been assessed by our side as completely safe and ready to resume flights from Russia.

All these facts should be compared to those who are planning to go on holiday to Egypt in 2019.

But, abstracting from the geopolitical situation and assuming that Egypt was chosen as tourist route, we will discuss the basic safety rules that should be followed when vacationing in the land of the Sphinx and pyramids.

Safety during excursions

Important. It is not recommended to go exploring Egypt's historical heritage alone. Individual travel on Egyptian roads can be dangerous, and some roads are generally closed to individual vehicles.

When choosing and ordering excursions, you should not save money and order cultural program from local residents. It is preferable to choose Russian tour operators for these purposes, providing certain attributes and security guarantees.

Sanitary situation and medical care in the country

The most important requirement in this matter concerns the water that the tourist drinks and swims in.

As drinking water You should only drink bottled water. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes.

Swimming in Egypt is only possible in sea water, especially since the Mediterranean and Red Seas are the best conditions for this. You should refrain from swimming in river water. The Nile is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The desire to plunge into it can result in various skin and other diseases.

Before traveling to Egypt, be sure to take out insurance and carefully study all its points.
It should be noted that Egyptian medicine does not differ in quality and technology. But having insurance will at least protect the tourist from unnecessary, not always honest, waste on treatment and medicine.

It is advisable to consult your doctor before traveling about the need for any vaccinations ahead of the trip.

Sun, sand and dehydration

Egypt's hot climate with high solar activity often leads to sunburn and dehydration.

To prevent a lack of water in the body, you need to follow a drinking regime and always have a supply of drinking water with you.

Properly selected clothing with long sleeves and a closed collar will protect your body from sunburn. Apply to exposed areas of the body sunscreen, remembering to update it periodically.

When traveling through deserts, you must remember that protecting your face and especially your eyes from desert winds is mandatory. Special safety glasses and scarves are suitable for this.

Red Sea: beautiful and dangerous

The underwater world of the Red Sea attracts lovers of snorkeling and diving with its diversity and riot of colors. But we should not forget that behind the external brightness and exoticism of hedgehogs, moray eels, stingrays, sea snakes and fish, there can also be great danger.

There are two rules that will help you stay safe from marine life:

  • mandatory wearing of special rubber slippers, even in the case of a simple walk along the water’s edge,
  • When swimming, snorkeling or diving, you cannot touch hedgehogs, jellyfish and other inhabitants of the Red Sea.

Compliance with these simple rules will make your holiday in Egypt safe.

However, returning to the general geopolitical situation, I would like to note that after the travel direction has been chosen, it is recommended to contact the Russian Foreign Ministry and clarify the security in the chosen holiday area. If there is information about an unstable situation in the planned holiday destination, you should refrain from traveling. Moreover, in such a situation, tour operators, as a rule, meet the tourist halfway and are ready to reschedule the dates of the trip or its direction.

Tunisia is among the most popular and frequently visited resorts. However, in Lately A tense political situation has developed in the state due to the recent terrorist attacks that took place in the country in 2016. This is constantly reported in the media and other official sources. The authorities are trying to resolve the problem.

The situation was quickly brought under control by the government. The fact is that the tourism business for Tunisia is profitable, and the budget here is replenished mainly from vacationers. Russians, in turn, find holidays in Tunisia, as well as in Turkey, comfortable and inexpensive. At the same time, hotels in the country still operate an all-inclusive food system. Many vacationers prefer Tunisia to a number of other countries with developed tourism. These include Egypt.

To travel to Tunisia you need. Increasingly, after visiting a country, many people want. Or simply .

How are things going in the 2019 season? News about the possibility of closing entry into the country appears periodically. On this moment access to the comfortable resorts of Tunisia remains open for Russians, despite the recent terrorist attacks.

The warm climate of the sunny state and high-quality living conditions organized in hotels and inns do their job. Government authorities were only required to ensure a sufficient level of security for vacationers. Many people today are asking questions: is it worth planning a trip to Tunisia during the holiday season, how safe will it be and how much will it cost?

According to the data presented for tourists, which can be read on the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the situation in Tunisia still remains tense. The police are trying to suppress outbreaks of aggression. In addition, there is no 100% guarantee that terrorist attacks will not be repeated. The demonstrations indicate that Tunisia is unsettled and the difficult social situation remains. However beach season-2019 is open for vacationers, and some of the tourists are not stopped by recent events.

Unrest in the cities of the neighboring state, in particular in the city of Ras Jedir, periodically makes itself felt.

There was no official order banning travel to Tunisia. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends relaxing in protected resort areas ah Tunisia, where constant control was organized and police squads were involved. Vacationers are advised to leave hotels as little as possible and not take frequent excursions.

About the ban on entry into Tunisia

The Department of the Situation and Crisis Center of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism has an official website that provides reliable information about the situation in Tunisia. The decree to close entry to the territory of the state was never issued. Tourist packages sold as standard. The organization of departure of vacationers is maintained at the proper level. It is worth noting that, besides Tunisia, a similar situation has developed in a number of other tourist countries. These include India, Thailand and Israel.

The Tunisian authorities have taken all measures to prevent armed conflicts within the country: a video surveillance system has been introduced, armed control has been strengthened at entrances to shopping centers, hotels and other social and public facilities, the number of police officers and security workers has been increased. At the same time, vacationers are guaranteed the preservation of confidential information while ensuring a sufficient level of security.

Only vacationers themselves can decide whether to visit Tunisia during the 2019 season or not. All truthful information for them is laid out in full. In addition, it is possible to follow the news. The Tunisian authorities have done everything to protect vacationers and not create additional obstacles for them when selling vouchers and organizing tours.

When is the best time to vacation in Tunisia in 2019?

The largest flow of tourists to Tunisia is observed during the beach season from June to September. The most popular resorts in the country are Sousse and Hamammet. They are most suitable for family vacation when you can take your children with you. Young people may be interested in active aquatic species sports In addition, club entertainment is organized for them, and cafes and restaurants are open. The service in Tunisian hotels is attractive. High-level service is quite inexpensive, and this is explained by the fact that the tourism business in Tunisia is developed and is still being improved.

During the cold spell from November to April, the flow of tourists usually decreases. However, spa lovers continue to come to the country. For this category of vacationers, vacations are provided at reduced prices. Many foreigners are attracted by clean sea ​​air and useful leisure time in comfortable hotels. Thus, guests visit the country even in new year holidays and at Christmas. In this case we are talking about Russians and citizens European countries: Germany, Great Britain and France.

The most expensive tours are in autumn the Velvet season. This is facilitated not only by proper organization of recreation, but by a favorable climate, when the heat disappears and the water remains warm for a long time. During this period, you can still sunbathe, and the likelihood of getting burns is completely eliminated.

A visit to the Colosseum in El Jem would not be out of place; many are interested in visiting the remains of the destroyed city of Carthage, which are preserved as historical monument in the form of ruins. It will be interesting to visit salt Lake Chott el Djerid, as well as the city of Matmatu, whose buildings are unique architectural structures.

Benefits of leisure time

An independent trip has a number of advantages compared to an organized holiday package:

  • You can sightsee and visit historical places independently, without depending on the group and excursion program.
  • Purchasing discounted air tickets. Planning your trip depending on your vacation schedules.
  • Longer stay in Tunisia than planned according to the package.
  • Independent choice of hotel.
  • Free visit to cafes and restaurants.

On April 11 (for the first time since the 2015 terrorist attack), air traffic between Moscow and Cairo resumes. The AiF columnist visited Sharm el-Sheikh to find out how safe local resorts are now for Russian citizens.

- Your documents!

- Please.

A soldier in a bulletproof vest at a checkpoint near the village of Taba spends a long time checking the passport photo with my face, then leaves and calls somewhere. Nearby, a machine gunner in a black uniform languishes in the 30-degree heat: his booth is reinforced with sheets of armor on all sides to repel a surprise attack. My taxi driver explains: most often, a suicide bomber flies at breakneck speed, trying to crash into the thick of the military. A sniper won't help here, but a machine gun will help very much. The front is located several tens of kilometers away, closer to the north of Sinai: the day before, Egyptian aircraft carried out a bomb attack on the positions of radical Islamists, who have not been driven out of the country for five years underground labyrinths. On the road to Sharm el-Sheikh (250 km) I encountered many checkpoints with armored cars and barbed wire - at the twelfth I stopped counting. Our car was reluctantly checked at only two checkpoints: the rest nodded sleepily and waved their hand - have a good trip. “Have you noticed that we drove so much, but didn’t see a single village? - asks taxi driver Mohammed.- All local Bedouins went to fight for the “Islamic State” (IS is an organization banned in the Russian Federation). Russian tourists have disappeared, that’s the problem... I charged you 50 dollars for this trip, but once I took you for 300.” That's right - holidaymakers from Russia have not flown to Egypt since October 31, 2015: on that day, IS terrorists planted a bomb on a flight from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg and killed 224 people.

“When will the Russians arrive?”

The front-line situation changes at the entrance to Sharm el-Sheikh. Everything is beautiful here - palm trees, camels and the sea, but the hotels now have more armed guards. Mohammed greets the employee, who opens the hotel gate. “We are relatives,” explains the driver. “My sister is married to his uncle.” That is, if the taxi had explosives, it would have calmly driven to the doors of the complex where hundreds of tourists live - easily, through acquaintance. In many things in Egypt it is still customary to rely on chance, and no terrorist attacks will change this lifestyle. Charters from the Russian Federation have not flown here for 2.5 years, but the local seaside “health resorts” are not deserted, as in the very first time after the ban on air traffic. The large Sunrise Hotel told me that they have 60% of their rooms occupied, although in some hotels things are not going so rosy - 85% of the rooms are free, despite huge discounts. Who ultimately replaced us in Egypt?

- Now 300 Ukrainians live here, 200 residents of various Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and Palestine- speaks hotel manager Karam Motavi. - But, believe me, we are really looking forward to Russian holidaymakers. Everyone in Sharm el-Sheikh will tell you this - both traders and businessmen miss guests from Russia.

Arab tourists could not completely replace Russian ones. Photo: / Georgy Zotov

The question of when the Russians will arrive was asked by everyone in Egypt - from a checkpoint employee on the border with Israel to soldiers at checkpoints and airport employees. "Are you from Russia? Indeed? - the Egyptian is surprised, offering a trip to the desert at double the price. -Are you finally coming back? I'm happy. O Allah, how we have been waiting for you!” To be honest, Egypt dreams not specifically about us, but about our money: it is vacationers from the Russian Federation who are considered the most generous, bargain less for souvenirs and leave hotel workers the best tips. The management of hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh does not hide the fact that as soon as Russian tourists return, prices will certainly rise. “We will lose Arab guests, but this is not a disaster - Russia is more important for us,” the owner confesses over a hookah resort complex. - Besides, stop playing with fire - among the visiting holidaymakers from countries like Sudan, Iraq or Libya there may be terrorists sent. Yes, guests’ belongings are searched at the entrance to any hotel, but you understand: anything can happen. Russians in this sense are much safer than Arabs.”

Vacationers in black

Terrorist attacks in Sharm el-Sheikh have occurred before - in 2005, suicide bombings killed 88 people and injured 150. Now the militants are on Sinai Peninsula capture settlements, dozens of soldiers are being killed, and last November, during a terrorist attack on the city of Bir el-Abd, 300 civilians became their victims. On the beach you don’t want to believe in war. Not far away - just a stone's throw away - massacre, blood, bombing. And here are sunbathing girls in bikinis, music, ice cream, swimmers in masks looking at beautiful fish among the waters of an incredibly azure sea. Can this happen in the same country? Yes, in Egypt a similar situation is a reality.

Arab tourists tend to behave the same way in hotels. Men don’t even go to the sea - they hang out at all-inclusive bars, consume incredible amounts of alcohol (alcohol is prohibited in their countries), dance in the pool and sing songs. Women in black robes with their faces completely covered with veils sit on the beach all day long (without swimming) and look after the children. European tourists look at them with undisguised surprise - before there were no representatives of Arab states in hotels, but now it looks like a collision of two worlds. Egyptian citizens (as well as Palestinians and guests from Sudan) are offered rooms 3 times cheaper than Europeans. Explain: with the disappearance of 4 million Russian tourists from Dahab, Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, the hotel industry could not survive otherwise.

Are they the wrong ones being searched?

At the resort airport, security has become noticeably better. If immediately after the explosion of the Kogalymavia airliner in November 2015, I calmly entered the departure area without even showing my passport (!), now this is absolutely impossible. At the entrance, the checkpoint tests taxis for the presence of explosives; at the entrance they look at printouts electronic tickets- You won’t be allowed into the airport without them. Checks have become better: three cordons with translucent beams and metal detectors, individual people (raising suspicion) are stopped and examined in detail hand luggage. There is no more chaos and chaos. This is commendable, but it was not a passenger who carried the bomb on board the Russian plane, but some bastard from the airport staff. The airliner itself is now thoroughly inspected by special services before departure, checking seats and toilets for the presence of foreign objects. It's a shame they haven't done anything like this before.

I completely understand the desire of our people to have a cheap vacation and fly for a modest price to the sea at least once a year. Moreover, here - both in Sochi and in Crimea - for so many years we have not been able to provide good service And low prices. Let everyone decide for themselves whether to take the risk and go to Egypt or not. Just keep in mind: in this country, not too far from the resort areas, a full-scale war is being waged. The militants declared foreign tourists the target of their hunt and killed them repeatedly. This problem has not gone away. When you lie down to sunbathe on a beach surrounded by checkpoints, tanks and machine guns, know that, alas, there are a lot of people here who want to kill you.

The Egyptian authorities are obliged to guarantee security for Russian citizens, especially after the horrific terrorist attack that claimed the lives of hundreds of St. Petersburg residents. However, for now we will go to Egypt as before at our own peril and risk.

Many tourists are now wondering whether holidays in Egypt are dangerous, and if so, how dangerous. In fact, at present the political situation in this state is calmer than, say, some time ago, but there are still areas in which the situation remains quite tense. However, the resorts themselves, located on the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts, are not affected by riots and demonstrations, so they are quite safe here. The main danger for tourists does not lie in the unstable political situation.

Safety on excursions

Those who like to explore foreign countries on their own should remember to travel around Egypt alone (not with excursion group) dangerous. It is also highly undesirable to go on excursions organized by local residents- there is a high probability of running into serious trouble. Book tours and excursions through Russian tour operators.

Before booking a tour to Egypt, contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find out whether the area you plan to travel to is currently safe. If you become aware that the political situation in the country is currently unstable, postpone your trip for a while. Even if the tour has already been purchased, tour operators in most cases meet halfway and reschedule the departure date and change the program of excursions around the country, trying to make your vacation as relaxing as possible.

Sanitary condition

Another danger that awaits tourists who are planning to travel to Egypt is unsanitary conditions. Doctors warn that you should not drink tap water here! Drink only bottled water and eat only in restaurants that cater to tourists. In terms of nutrition, it is generally better to follow the guide’s recommendations.

Stay away from river water. Moreover, the Nile is very polluted, and if you know about it, you are unlikely to want to swim in it. For swimming, choose either the waters of the Mediterranean or Red Sea, or specially equipped pools. It is also worth saying that the quality medical care in Egypt leaves much to be desired, so you will have to take care of your safety in advance. Before booking a tour and going to Egypt, take out medical insurance and carefully read each of its points.

Be sure to visit your doctor ahead of time and get vaccinated if necessary. This is always necessary before traveling to tropical and subtropical countries.

The treacherous sun

If you are going to the desert, beware of dehydration - it is extremely dangerous for the body. Therefore, stock up on enough drinking water. In addition, in the hot climate of Egypt it is very easy to obtain sunburn, which can completely ruin your vacation. Treat your skin frequently, thoroughly, and liberally with a strong sunscreen that you should always have on hand.

In the desert, sand can be a problem, especially if you are going on vacation in the spring when desert winds blow here. Scarves and special glasses will help protect you from sand.

Dangerous fauna

Dangerous animals in Egypt can also pose a problem on holiday. First of all, these are mosquitoes and other insects that can be carriers of dangerous diseases (for example, malaria). Be sure to take repellent with you on vacation.

No less dangerous than insects is the underwater fauna. Despite their external beauty, many of the inhabitants of the Red Sea can harbor a deadly threat. We are talking here not only about sharks, of which there are not so many off the coast of Egypt. Much more dangerous sea ​​urchins, moray eels, stingrays, jellyfish, cones, sea snakes and some types of fish. Many of them can cause harm not only during diving, but also when walking along the water's edge or while swimming. Special rubber shoes and extreme caution will help avoid these problems.

Of course, diving in the waters of the Red Sea is one of the favorite among tourists entertainment. But divers should be very careful when diving near coral reefs - this is where most of the dangerous creatures live.

Petty hooliganism

Petty theft is not common in Egypt. If your tour includes many excursions, then most You will spend your holiday near huge deserted buildings, where, in principle, there are few people. But even in crowded places it is relatively safe. Avoid only political demonstrations, which at any moment can develop into riots.

In Egypt, of course, it is dangerous, but no more than, for example, in Turkey. And all the listed dangers certainly cannot be a reason not to go on vacation to the Red Sea coast. Follow the tips given above, and no troubles will happen to you, and the trip will bring only positive emotions.