Denmark Faroe Islands how to get there. Why is it worth going to the Faroe Islands? Population of the Faroe Islands

Faroe islands translated from Faroese - “Sheep Islands”. In English they are called Faroe Islands. They represent a separate island group and are not known to many tourists. Not everyone will immediately answer the question of where the Faroe Islands are on the world map. But nevertheless, they are of interest to travelers, as they represent a corner of untouched nature and peace.

In contact with

Faroese Parliament and Government

About the Faroe Islands, Wikipedia reports that they are located in the northern part of the Atlantic between Iceland and Shetland Islands related to Scotland. It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which country the Faroe Islands belong to. On the one hand, they are part of, on the other hand, since 1948, they have independently resolved almost all issues of state policy, except for foreign and defense.

The Faroes have their own legislative body - parliament (Løgting), which represents 6 political parties . It has 33 members. And also the executive body is the Landsstüyri and the only court. There are two representatives from the Faroes in the Danish Parliament.

The Faroe Islands, although related to Europe, are not part of the European Union. They are not an independent entity in terms of international law and sign treaties jointly with Denmark. Representatives of individual parties advocate complete independence of the Faroe Islands from Denmark.

Capital, population

The main port of the Faroe Islands, the city of Tórshavn is the capital of the country. It is located on the island of Stromoy (area 373.5 sq. kilometers), in its southeastern part. About 20 thousand people live in the capital.

The entire population of the country has about 50 thousand people. The main language is Faroese, the vast majority of residents are Faroese (about 90%). Behind them come the Danes, Icelanders and the British. Surprisingly, Russians also live here. In 2011 there were 55 people.

Culture, traditions of the Faroe Islands

The main religion is Lutheranism, but there are also Christians. There are many architecturally interesting churches from the Middle Ages.

The distinctive culture of the islands - literature, music, dance - is based on closely intertwined local and Danish traditions. Folklore and jazz festivals are often held in the Faroe Islands.


The main holiday is Oulavsöka, which takes place July 28-29. It is named after Olaf, the saint who introduced Christianity to Norway.

The festival program includes:

Slaughter grind

An integral part of Faroese social culture is the slaughter of black pilot whales. This event mainly takes place in the summer, is not of a commercial nature and organized by communities. Anyone can take part in it, but mostly men do it, and women only watch.

This fishery has historical roots. It is due to the fact that, due to climatic conditions, vegetables and grains grow poorly on the islands, so for centuries the population had to meat and fat are needed, including pilot whales. About 950 heads are harvested annually, which provides 500 tons of meat and fat and accounts for 30% of the total amount of meat products produced on the islands. These products are not exported, are not sold in stores, they are consumed by families.

The fishery has faced criticism and radical action from animal rights and marine conservation groups. They consider it cruel and not caused by a vital necessity. At the same time, local whalers talk about its economic importance.

Butterfly shawls

Sheep farming is developed in the Faroe Islands. They are also famous for the fact that hand-knitting shawls from the wool of local sheep is common here. These products differ from other types of shawls and scarves in a very unusual shape, similar to the shape of a butterfly. This design has practical significance. Thanks to it, the shawl remains on the shoulders while moving, even if it is not tied.

Faroe Islands Climate

Wikipedia says that the climate in the Faroe Islands is temperate maritime. Winters are warm and summers are cool and humid. The warmest month is July with a temperature of 0–4 °C, and the coldest month is January with a temperature of 11–17 °C. Up to 2 thousand mm of precipitation falls per year. It mainly rains, which occurs for about 9 months a year from September to January, and there is frequent fog on the islands.

The archipelago is washed by the Gulf Stream, a warm sea current, due to which the coastal waters have a temperature of +10°C throughout the year. This factor significantly softens the climate and helps create optimal living conditions for marine life, including fish and plankton.

Geography of the Faroe Islands

The area of ​​all Faroe Islands is 1395.74 square meters. kilometers.

They are located at a distance:

  • to Copenhagen – 1117 km;
  • up to – 675 km;
  • to Iceland – 450 km.

In total, the Faroe Islands archipelago consists of 18 large islands, large quantity small and isolated rocks. The largest from the group northern islands is Bora, which is quite densely populated (about 5 thousand people), and has an area of ​​95 square meters. kilometers. It is home to the second largest city in the Faroe Islands, Klaksvik.

On the island of Esturoy there is the most high point Faroe - Slattaratindur peak, whose height is 882 meters above sea level. There are fjords along all the islands, so their coastline is very indented. The land surface is mostly rocky, consisting of basalt. Here high slopes alternate with plateaus. They are separated by deep gorges.

Fauna and flora of the Faroe Islands

Because of strong winds, which blow constantly, there are few forests here. But strong conifers, maple and ash still grow, and lichens and moss, and heather are also very common.

The fauna of the Faroe Islands is represented by large colonies of Arctic birds – guillemots, harp seal rookeries, and it is also rich in fish - cod, herring, halibut.

A breed of sheep called Faroese lives here, hence the name of the island. Sheep of this breed appeared in the 9th century and became an integral part of the local tradition. Their image is on the Faroese coat of arms. The breed is mainly raised for meat, but, as mentioned above, wool is also used for the production of shawls.

Facts from the history of the Faroe Islands

  • Until the 14th century, the Faroe Islands belonged to Norway, then Norway and Denmark owned them jointly. And since 1814 the islands became Danish. Their inhabitants are descended from Scandinavian peoples, and their language is from ancient Norwegian dialects.
  • During World War II, the Faroe Islands were taken under British military control. This happened in 1940 after Nazi troops invaded Denmark. After this, the island's elected body Logting achieved the power to pass laws, and the flag of the Faroe Islands received official recognition. In September 1945, the occupation regime was lifted.
  • In 1946, a vote was held among the island population, as a result of which parliament announced secession from the Kingdom of Denmark. However, the Danish government did not recognize this decision and temporarily suspended the work of the Faroese parliament. As a result of the parliamentary struggle, an agreement was signed in April 1948, according to which the islands were given sovereignty, with restrictions on the conduct of foreign policy. Two delegates to the Danish Parliament were elected from the local parliament.
  • In 1984, the Faroe Islands were declared nuclear weapon free zone. Today it houses a NATO radar complex and a Danish naval base.

Transport in the Faroe Islands

There are sea, automobile transport and aviation with one airport – Vagar.


The national air carrier, Atlantic Airways, provides regular service to:

  • Norway – Stavanger and Oslo;
  • Denmark - Billun, Aalborg, Copenhagen;
  • Iceland - ;
  • Great Britain - London, Aberdeen, Shetland.

There is regular helicopter service between Tórshavn and outlying islands with small populations.

Sea communication

Due to its island location, the main mode of transport is sea. Ferries run between the islands. The national sea carrier is Smyril Line. The marine terminal is located in Tórshavn.

Motor transport

In total there are about 500 kilometers of islands highways. Their most of– this is a mountain serpentine. Since the second half of the twentieth century, large tunnels have been built here, which connect individual settlements with each other. The longest road tunnel is the Noroya tunnel.

How to get to the Faroe Islands

The best way to get to the Faroe Islands is by plane to the capital Tórshavn with a transfer:

  • via Denmark from Copenhagen or
  • via Norway from Bergen or Stavanger.

In summer, you can travel from Bergen, Norway, to Tórshavn by ferry.

Note! In order to get to the Faroe Islands, Russian citizens will need a visa, which is issued by the Danish Embassy in the consular section. It must be marked “valid for Faroe Islands”.

Sights of the capital Faroe Islands

The city of Tórshavn was founded in the 10th century and named after the god of thunder and lightning - Thor. Tórshavn is a picturesque, thriving city. It is unlike other capitals. Its dignity is not majestic buildings, but the untouched surrounding nature of amazing beauty and a sense of solitude and peace.

Here it is Main Cathedral , which, like most churches on the islands, belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. It was built in 1788 and then rebuilt. It became a cathedral and the bishop's residence in 1990. It preserves such unique items as a baptismal font dating back to the end of the 16th century, and a crucifix from the beginning of the 18th century.

And also in the capital there is a Lutheran Western Church. It is 40.5 meters high and is the tallest building in the entire archipelago. The year of its construction is 1975. The base of the church building is made of basalt stone, on which there is a dome in the form of a pyramid made of glass and copper. In front of the entrance to the church there is a monument to Sigmundur Brestisson, who began the Christianization of the population of the islands, for which he was killed in 1005.

It is also worth paying attention to the ancient monastery Munkastovan, built in the 15th century and surrounded by stone walls. It was completely preserved despite the fire in the 17th century.

Another attraction of the capital is the main island Historical Museum . It presents examples of applied art, objects of worship, rural life, and household utensils that have been preserved since the times of the Vikings. And also – marine fishing accessories: fishing gear, navigational instruments and ship models.

The main cultural center of Tórshavn is House Nordic countries . Its roof is covered with peat. It contains: concert hall, conference room, art gallery, library. Here, on summer nights, so-called Faroese evenings are held for tourists.

Faroe Islands attractions

The most mountainous of all the islands Faroe is Kalsa. His west bank– these are continuous steep cliffs. There are four small settlements on the island, which communicate with each other through a system of tunnels. There are many caves and underground galleries here, for which Kalsa is also called Flut, that is, “flute”. In the north of the island there is the Katlur lighthouse, near which you can see picturesque cliffs and a naturally formed sea arch.

To the north of the village of Skarvanes there is a sea rock of original shape Trötlkonufingur, which means "Troll Woman's Finger". It really resembles a graceful long finger.

The least mountainous of the Faroe Islands is Sandoy, on which sand dunes are located. There are two lakes here with clear water. A colony of guillemots has settled in the west. There is a church on the island. A view of Sandøy is featured on the Faroe Islands 1000 kroner note.

On the island Fugloy, or Bird Island, there are cliffs with a height of 450 to 620 meters. They descend from plateaus located on picturesque mountain ranges, and are completely covered with a carpet of Arctic grasses and mosses. Numerous colonies settle on these cliffs seabirds, numbering many millions.

/ Europe / Faroe Islands

The Sheep Islands are part of and are located in the Atlantic Ocean to the north, or rather between the Shetland Islands and. The Faroe archipelago includes 18 islands, the largest of which is Borøy with a population of five thousand people.

Climate and weather of the Faroe Islands

The weather on the islands is greatly influenced by the warm Gulf Stream, which has a constant coastal water temperature of 10 degrees. The climate on the islands is marine, in summer daytime temperatures are about 23 degrees, in winter about 2 degrees. It rains almost every day in the Faroe Islands, especially in autumn and winter.

How to get to the Faroe Islands

You can fly to the Faroe Islands with SAS via Copenhagen, or by ferry from the Danish port of Huntsholm, from the Norwegian port of Bergen, from Seydisfjörður in Iceland and from the Shetland Islands.

Visas to the Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands have not signed the Schengen legislation and will have to obtain a separate visa from the Danish consulate. In general, the list of documents is no different from the documents for a Schengen visa; we note the high requirements for an official salary of at least 500 euros per month and cash support of 50 euros per day per person.

Faroe Islands Customs Regulations

Amounts over 15,000 euros must be declared; the import and collection of currency is not limited. You can import up to 200 cigarettes, up to 1 liter of alcohol or up to 2 liters of wine without paying duty. Goods and gifts are limited to CZK 2,500, food items to 3 kilograms.

Money in the Faroe Islands

The national currency is the Faroese krone; Danish kroner is also accepted. Banks are open from morning to 4 pm. You can exchange currency at the airport or in the city of Vaugar itself. We recommend taking international credit cards with you, which are accepted everywhere.

Holidays, excursions and attractions of the Faroe Islands

In the capital of the islands, the city of Tórshavn, the museum of history, archeology and navigation Foroya Fornminissavn is of interest; the city itself is reminiscent of Copenhagen. The Munkastovan Monastery is interesting, surrounded by stone walls, as well as the Nordic House Norurlandahus and the theater with a peat roof for a concert program in summer time"Faroe evenings for tourists." Near the village of Skarvanes there is the rock “Finger of the Troll Woman” Tretlkonufingur, which rises above the sea.

Kalsoy Island has the most high mountainous terrain terrain, therefore it can be considered the most picturesque with steep cliffs on which the waves crash.

The islands of Vaugar, Strömö and Östurö are connected by an engineering marvel under the Västmannasund Strait with a tunnel up to 5 kilometers long.

The Faroe Islands are steep cliffs, fog, waterfalls, wooden houses with grass on the roof, whales, langoustines, sheep and the harsh Atlantic. Geographical location The Faroe Islands can most easily be described by the English expression “in the middle of nowhere”.

An archipelago of eighteen small and many smaller islands is hidden in the northern part Atlantic Ocean. The easiest way to get here is from Iceland - ferries run from the land of ice to the Faroe Islands.

In the photo: the Eggjarnar coast in the village of Vágur on the island of Suvúroy

At the beginning of the ninth century, immigrants from Scotland settled here, then the Vikings sailed here, and until the nineteenth century, the territory of the islands was divided between Norway and Denmark. Nowadays the Faroe Islands are part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but since 1948 they have gained autonomy and can resolve most issues independently.

The name of the islands translates as “sheep”, because with a population of 50,000 inhabitants there are 70,000 sheep of a special Faroese breed. Few people get to the Faroe Islands, but those who can will not be disappointed, because here is the harsh northern nature, traditional wooden architecture and a distinctive cuisine that includes raw seafood and fermented lamb.


On the islands everything is very compact and rustic in the good sense of the word. The capital of the Faroe Islands, Toshavn, is located on the island of Streymoy. It is built up with low houses, there are only 3 traffic lights, and the prime minister’s personal number can be found in the phone book.

Tórshavn is a port city named after the god Thor. The main local attractions are the 15th century Munkastovan Monastery, the Historical Museum, Cultural Center House of the Northern Peoples and Old city with houses from the 14th century.

I would like to say something separately about local architecture. In the old days, houses in the Faroe Islands were built from tarred dark wood, and the roofs were covered with turf and grass. Today the government ensures that a single architectural style is maintained and new houses are built here exactly the same. Most of the historic churches on the islands survive from the nineteenth century, all of them made of wood and with original carvings.

Pictured: the dark wood church of Norðragøta with a turf roof

And even in the cities, at every step you will meet the honorary inhabitants of these lands - sheep. It is logical that lamb is the main dish of the local cuisine, and sheep wool products are the main Faroese souvenirs. You can just buy a traditional sweater, hat or mittens, but it’s better to go to the store of the fashion brand Guðrun&Guðrun. It was founded by two Faroese young ladies, and the main character of the famous Danish TV series “The Killing” even wore a sweater from their brand.


And yet, for the most part, travelers go to the Faroe Islands to admire the rugged beauty local nature. It is wild, northern, harsh, similar views can be observed in Iceland, because, like the Faroe Islands, it is treeless, like a land of ice. But there are rocky cliffs, fjords and waterfalls - the most famous Bosdalafossur is located on the island of Voar, which is shaped like a dog's head.

In the photo: Bosdalafossur waterfall on the island of Voar

It doesn't matter which islands you visit, you'll find impressive Atlantic scenery, cliffs and sheep everywhere. The most large islands archipelago of Streymoy, Esturoy, Voar, Suduroy, Sandoy and Bordoy. We recommend hiking as the main entertainment - there are 23 spectacular routes.

In the photo: lighthouse on Cape Akraberg, Suvuroy island

But no matter where you go, after 5 kilometers you will still find yourself at the Atlantic Ocean - this is the maximum distance to it from any point on any island.

In the photo: puffins fly to the Faroe Islands to nest

Add to this private fogs, beacons, concentrated sea ​​air and bird trills - the islands are home to about 110 of their own species of birds, plus the territory is a place of bird migration, and the symbol of the Faroe Islands is the sandpiper bird.


Be sure to go fishing. Fishing is the main industry for the Faroese, and 90% of local exports are seafood. Here they catch langoustines, mussels, sea ​​urchins, cod, herring, halibut, flounder, catfish, squid, monkfish, whales and sharks. By the way, despite the low water temperature, diving in the Faroe Islands is not only possible, but is becoming more and more popular from year to year. And this is not surprising, because in underwater depths Near the islands you can observe starfish and urchins, sea cucumbers, hermit crabs and huge mussels.

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets from Moscow to the Faroe Islands, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in April prices reach an average of 39,554 rubles, and in September the cost of tickets drops to an average of 25,796 rubles. Plan your trip now!

Site users make hundreds of thousands of searches on our site every day. We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

During periods of high demand, it is recommended to purchase air tickets from Moscow to the Faroe Islands in advance. For example, searches in August peak at 2,854 searches, but in February the number drops to 1 of the peak.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of air tickets from Moscow to the Faroe Islands changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 148%. The minimum price for a flight from Moscow to the Faroe Islands is 58 days before departure, approximately 24,346 rubles. The maximum price for a flight from Moscow to the Faroe Islands is 1 day before departure, approximately 111,808 rubles. In most cases early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

The cost of air tickets from Moscow to the Faroe Islands does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights from Moscow to the Faroe Islands is on Mondays, their average cost is 29,782 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Saturdays, their average cost is 33,858 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

The cost of air tickets depends not only on the date, but also on the time of departure. An airline can operate several flights on one day, and they will differ in price category.

The graph shows the cost of departure depending on the time of day. For example, the average cost of a ticket from Moscow to the Faroe Islands in the morning is 137,736 rubles, and in the evening 105,891 rubles. Evaluate all conditions and choose the best offer.

The graph shows comparative prices for air tickets from Moscow to the Faroe Islands on the most popular airlines. Based on this information, you can plan your trip and buy air tickets from Moscow to the Faroe Islands from the carrier that suits you.

Statistics will help you choose a flight based on your financial capabilities, as well as your wishes in terms of comfort and flight conditions. Most low prices for flights from Moscow to the Faroe Islands is offered by Atlantic Airways, the most high prices– Czech Airlines.