Registration of fairy-tale heroes or Fairy-tale map of Russia. Literary journey “museum of fairy tales of grandfather Korney Fairytale evenings throughout Rus'

An amazing and fabulous place must be visited by every parent who comes to the capital with their child. And if you are a resident of Moscow and have not yet visited the Buratino-Pinocchio Museum, then this is completely unforgivable. Here you can immerse yourself in the amazing, fantasy world this well-known story.

Visiting Buratino

Arriving at the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum, you can wander around amazing world, where these heroes lived, or book excursions. They are themed here, for every taste - “Papa Carlo and his dolls”, “Pinocchio and Malvina meet friends”.

With the help of the museum staff, you will actually visit the country of Buratinia. Few people will refuse such an offer. You can stroll along the narrow Italian street where the now famous carpenter Papa Carlo lives in his closet. Be sure to visit him. Or try to find the treasured golden key on your own in the pond where Tortilla the turtle lives.

The children will be told in detail about Pinocchio, the ancestor of Pinocchio, who was invented by the Italian storyteller Carlo Collodi in 1883. And also about its Russian counterpart Buratino, which Alexei Tolstoy wrote about in 1936.

It is surprising for both children and adults that it was not only in Russia that storytellers imitated Collodi. There are similar plots, for example, in German fairy-tale literature - this is Otto Bierbaum's Zepfel Kern. You can learn this and much more about your favorite childhood heroes if you come to the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum.

Pinocchio and his friends

Together with his friends, the main character of the fairy tale is ready to conduct various excursions for visitors.

In the new museum program, children will be able to meet the beautiful Malvina, who will teach the restless Pinocchio and all the children who come to visit him the basic rules of etiquette. For example, how to behave at the table, in the theater, at a party, how to politely communicate with each other. So this excursion will be not only interesting, but also educational.

The main thing that is advised to everyone who decides to visit the Buratino-Pinocchio House Museum is to carefully read the fairy tale again in advance. Then it will be even more interesting and fun.

How to get there?

The Buratino-Pinocchio Museum is located in Moscow. To get there, the easiest way is to take the metro, the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line. You will need to get off at Izmailovskaya station. This is between "Pervomaiskaya" and "Partizanskaya".

It’s not difficult to find the Buratino-Pinocchio Museum. 2nd Parkovaya Street, building 18. If you are coming from the center, then it is best to get off from the last car. This way you will immediately find yourself on 2nd Parkovaya Street. You can reach the museum from the metro on foot. It will take no more than 5-7 minutes walking.

The museum is open every day, seven days a week. Opens at 10 am and is open until half past five in the evening. You need to visit it by appointment, so be sure to inform us about your visit in advance. Also, one more nuance - you need to have replacement shoes to visit the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum. After all, you will go directly to visit fairy-tale characters, and when visiting, it is customary to take off your shoes. Well, or wear clean shoes.

The ticket price will be 600 rubles. If the visit is collective, for example, a whole class, starting from 15 people, came to visit Malvina, then they will be given a 10 percent discount.

Also, children from large families will pay 100 rubles less, even if they come for an individual excursion.

There is good news for organizers of visiting children from boarding schools. They won't have to pay for a ticket at all.

Fairytale Map of Rus':
1. Fairytale Clubs and Parties
2. Fairytale Museums and Estates of Heroes of Russian Folk Tales
3. Places of Natural Power of Rus'

1. Fabulous evenings all over Rus'!

Rus' wakes up with cheerful Dances, beautiful Round Dances and good Fairy Tales! Find yours!

Join - Fairytale Clubs and Parties!!!

Fabulous evenings all over Rus'!

2. Fairytale Museums and Estates

Baba Yaga - Kukoboy

Baba Yaga was settled in the village of Kukoboi (2-3 hours drive from Yaroslavl) in 2004 and a Hut on chicken legs was built there. From ancient times, a Yaroslavl legend has come down about a mysterious, nameless old woman from the backyard. She lived in the depths of dense dense forests, rarely anyone managed to see her. By the way, the image of a dark character local residents Fixed a few things. In the process of “registration” of the famous old woman, serious problems arose: the fact is that the village of Kukoboi is famous for its many temples and churches, and the priests were categorically against settling the “devilishness”. But, despite this, everything was resolved successfully, and Baba Yaga reformed: now she helps those in need, although from time to time she continues to misbehave. If you decide to go to Baba Yaga’s residence, then do not be surprised that first you will be taken to the temple to buy holy water and candles. Only with such weapons can you safely enter the Izbushka. Also in the domain of Baba Yaga you will find tea with the famous Kukoboy pies, competitions and much more. On the last Saturday of July everyone is invited to Baba Yaga's birthday.

Tsar Berendey - Pereslavl-Zalessky

According to one of the legends, the Berendeys lived in the Pereslavl region - militant tribes in the service of the Russian princes. They were ruled by the just and kind Tsar Berendey. In Pereslavl-Zalessky Yaroslavl region the “Berendey House” was created - a Center for the preservation and development of folk traditions and folk arts and crafts. Those who wish can visit the chamber of Tsar Berendey, see his throne and hear from him a story about the ancient Berendeys. Behind the house there is a sunny meadow, where Tsar Berendey and his Berendeys hold cheerful folklore holidays.

Kikimora and Vasnetsov’s fairy tales – Kirov region

In Kirov, on Kikimorskaya Mountain, Kikimora's house was built. And now she invites all tourists to visit. IN theme park“Reserve of Fairy Tales” you can wander around the Museum of Fairy Tales, solve the riddles of the Brownie and play with other characters. Details - on the center's website active rest"Flying ship". #

And then you can go to the village of Ryabovo (about 2.5 hours by bus from Kirov) - a “magic trail” based on Vasnetsov’s fairy tales has opened there: with a hut on chicken legs, Kashchei’s labyrinth and, of course, Alyonushka.

Ivan Tsarevich in the Fairy Tale Reserve

Goldfish – Bolshoye Boldino

The village of Bolshoye Boldino is recognized as the exact birthplace of the Golden Fish. Nizhny Novgorod region, where there are no rivers, but where Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote the famous “Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” There he also wrote more than fifty famous works. To attract tourists in the Bolsheboldinsky district they are going to build the “City of Pushkin’s Fairy Tales” with a complex of attractions based on the works of the classic, a children’s theater and the “Golden Fish” water park.

However, the “Golden Fish Possession” is also located in the village of Lipin Bor Vologda region. This is due to the name of the district - Vashkinsky. The common fish in the area is “vashkalok”, which, translated from Vepsian, indicates the peculiar copper or gold color of the fish. The village has a Children's Park located in pine forest, near White Lake. Here live the mushroom Borovik, the mischievous Silver Fish - the girlfriends of the Golden Fish, the Old Man with his old woman, and of course, the Empress Fish herself. The program of stay includes a subscription “Visiting Grandma Fedora” at the regional museum of local lore. Here guests will be invited to light a coal samovar; take part in folk games and fun, swing on a traditional Russian swing and take part in a tea ceremony with delicious village pies. By visiting the district House of Crafts, you can purchase souvenirs, take part in a master class, and make a fish from birch bark with your own hands. There is also a House of Fish and Fisheries here. More details on the Vashkinsky website municipal district about

Kolobok – Novaya Bedenga village

At first, the Ulyanovsk region tried to “stake out” the name of Cheburashka on the fairy-tale map, citing as a basis a mention in Dahl’s dictionary, but the creator of the image of Cheburashka, Eduard Uspensky, strongly opposed it. In the meantime, most of the fairy-tale characters dismantled other cities, and only Kolobok remained in Ulyanovsk. Fortunately, the foundations here are more or less strong: local historian Sergei Petrov found the Simbirsk roots of the character in connection with the oscillator, the Simbirsk kolobok. According to Dahl's dictionary, bread made from leftover dough was called kolyabyatka in the Ulyanovsk province. This is the bun, the flour for which was scraped up from the bottom of the tree.

June 2, 2012 The official opening of the Koloboka estate took place in the village of Novaya Bedenga. The log house and yard of the fairy-tale hero were built according to all the canons of 19th century carpentry. There is a stove in the hut so that it is always warm and smells of pies. Kolobok's yard lands are located in a picturesque area. Nearby, on a pedestal, there is a sculpture of the owner of the house, next to it are wooden images of all the heroes of the fairy tale - the Hare, the Bear, the Wolf and the Fox.

The estate will include a number of facilities: “Kolobok House”, “Kolobodrom”, a children’s playground, as well as the “Simbirsk Koloboks” production line. “Kolobok’s House” will be an interactive donut cafe (with halls for children and adults) with a souvenir shop and a “live” Kolobok, whose functions, naturally, will be performed by an animator.

Ivan Tsarevich at the Koloboka Estate

Ivanushka the Fool – Kenozerye

Kenozero is one of the first places (along with Veliky Ustyug) to “book” the fairy-tale hero back in 2001, at the same time the first holiday, “The Kenozero Fool,” was held here. Every year there is an exhibition of children's drawings and letters to Ivanushka "Favorite Fairy-Tale Hero". Kenozerye is the birthplace of the famous scientist, writer, storyteller and folklorist Alexander Nechaev (1902-1986), who prepared and published about 60 books folk tales and epics. On the day of Ivan Kupala, the residents of Kenozero invite everyone to the “Kenozero Fool” holiday.

Sadko – Gostsy

Residents of the village of Gostsy, Novgorod region, sincerely believe that Sadko is not just an invented fairy tale, but a very real person. A certain Sotko Sytinich is actually mentioned in the Novgorod chronicle of 1167 as the builder of the Church of Boris and Gleb in the Novgorod Detinets. “Various fairy-tale motifs are associated with the name of this person,” historians and linguists write today. One of the legends about Sadko, we recall, says that he decided to bet with the merchants that there was a fish with golden feathers in Lake Ilmen. The Water King helped him win the argument. After this, Sadko traded successfully and soon became rich. According to this belief, businessmen and entrepreneurs still come to Gostsy today for good luck.

Koschey the Immortal – Elder

The ancient town of Staritsa, Tver Region, is now considered the birthplace of Koshchei. In support of this version, the governor of the Tver region, Dmitry Zelenin, cites a legend about how an old man’s shoemaker once met a monster with glowing eyes in the local quarries. “This is exactly how Koschey the Immortal appears in Russian fairy tales,” explains Zelenin. In addition, the ancient coat of arms of Staritsa depicts a hunchbacked old woman with a stick. According to local historians, this is “the same Baba Yaga who helped Ivan Tsarevich defeat Koshchei.” In the city it is planned to equip Koshchei’s cave and even erect a monument to him. In the meantime, the main attraction of Staritsa is the Holy Dormition Monastery. In Staritsa, the youth John was born and raised - later Job, the first Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'; This is where he died. And knowledgeable Orthodox Christians specially come to Staritsa to see his tomb.

Nightingale the Robber – Birch

In the Kursk region there is the village of Bereza, which is filled with legends and traditions. Why is this village the birthplace of the Nightingale the Robber? There is a legend that when the village itself was founded, a peasant planted three birch trees, about which the Nightingale the Robber talks a lot in the epic. Even the famous archaeologist Yuri Lipking confirmed Nightingale’s Kursk registration in his book “The Distant Past of the Nightingale Land.”

Rusalka - Pskov

Quite recently, the Pskov Little Mermaid appeared on the “Fairytale Map of Russia”. The fact that it was she who became the fairy-tale symbol of the Pskov region is explained simply: in the Pskov region there is the A.S. Pushkin Museum-Reserve “Mikhailovskoe”, and at Pushkin’s in Lukomorye it is the mermaid who sits on the branches of a green oak tree. By the way, the mermaid’s residence will be located in the center countryside holiday"Lukomorye", so everything fits together perfectly.

Chicken Ryaba – Ermakovo

In August, in the village of Ermakovo, in the Yaroslavl region, a holiday dedicated to the magical Hen is held annually. In addition, there is also a museum of the Ryaba Hen, by visiting which you will not only see the fabulous laying hen in different guises, but also learn about the craft and life in Rus'.

Emelya and Pike – Rostov Veliky

In Rostov, holidays “At the command of the pike” are regularly held. The festival begins with a competition of bell ringers, continues with a ceremonial parade led, of course, by Emelya himself, riding, as he should, on a stove, and ends with mass dancing, games and pike ear treats. This fish is the main attraction of Rostov Lake Nero, because according to legend, this very magic pike lives here.

Vodyanoy – Poshekhonye

It’s not for nothing that Poshekhonye is called the Venice of Yaroslavl - after all, it stands on five rivers at once, there are ponds and, of course, the Rybinsk Reservoir. And so the Poshekhonians decided to settle a merman. His official residence is in the children's library. The merman's apartment is decorated with portraits of the owner, statues of cute frog girlfriends, an aquarium with small catfish, a water mill and other attributes of the water kingdom. The idea of ​​assigning the place of residence of the ruler of rivers and lakes to Poshekhony was invented by library staff who collected rich history The owner of the rivers. In popular belief, Poshekhonya, a merman, is a strong, middle-aged man, with a beard and barefoot. He wears a red shirt and a straw hat. Basic tourist holiday takes place here in early June and is called “Owner of the Poshekhonsky Rivers.” Interactive programs are held at Vodyanoy’s residence. The merman gives various advice, Kikimora sings songs and amuses the guests, and then everyone is treated to fish soup.

Buratino – Zelenogradsk

June 13, 1999 citizens of the resort city of Zelenogradsk, Kaliningrad region, gathered in the central square of the city and, by a special Act, adopted “the hitherto homeless, passportless and homeless Pinocchio.” Residents of the city believe that the wooden boy was born to them. And they give an argument: in Zelenogradsk there is a Field of Miracles - the same one described in “The Golden Key”. Do money trees grow there, come and see for yourself.

At the beginning of August, Zelenograd residents celebrate their City Day. At this holiday Pinocchio will find something fun and funny for every child. But if suddenly you don’t manage to get to Zelenogradsk for the holiday, don’t worry! Firstly, the sea, forest, sand and sun in Buratino’s homeland work around the clock. And secondly, in any weather, you will find yourself in Papa Carlo’s closet, where there is that same secret door behind the old canvas and a collection of golden keys (by the way, if you have an interesting key lying around somewhere that you don’t need, bring it as a gift!). You will be taken to memorial sites associated with the extraordinary adventures of Pinocchio. You will see with your own eyes the oak tree on which the night robbers hung Pinocchio upside down, the bridge over Tortilina Pond, the pine tree to which Karabas Barabas’s beard stuck, a copy of Malvina’s secluded house. And then you yourself will play in a scene from the play about Pinocchio or in several Pinocchio games. And then you order three crusts of bread at the Three Peskars Kharchevna. And then visit the Zelenograd Historical and Archaeological Museum, where unique exhibits about the past of this land are exhibited. This is very interesting!

Scarlet Flower – Ufa

Back in December 2010, a large forged Scarlet flower “bloomed” in one of the parks of Ufa, becoming a popular attraction among lovers. The basis for choosing the capital of Bashkiria as the birthplace of the Scarlet Flower was the well-known fact about the birthplace of the author of the fairy tale, Sergei Aksakov, on a family estate near Ufa. There, as a child, the writer heard this story from the housekeeper Pelageya, who told him fairy tales, and later the writer created a book about the story of Beauty and the Beast, which he called “The Scarlet Flower.”

Ilya Muromets – Murom

In the center of Murom, which is Vladimir region, a bronze monument to the hero was erected, and the local history museum has an exhibition dedicated to the hero. In the courtyard of the museum there is an oak tree that remembers Ilya of Muromets, and from the springs that appeared as a result of the blows of the hooves of the heroic horse, people still draw holy water today.

Dobrynya Nikitich – Shilovo

Despite the fact that the popular epic hero has at least nine probable prototypes, residents of the village of Shilovo in Ryazan region We are sure that the best person for this role is the good fellow Dobrynya, who was sitting not far away on the island and was playfully throwing axes at Ilya Muromets on the other side. The Shilovites were always sure that Dobrynya was their fellow countryman. Back in the 19th century, the Ryazan press wrote about this as something taken for granted. The district's coat of arms depicts a sword and belt. The hymn mentions the “sacred sword of the Ryazan resident Dobrynya.” The Shilovsky Museum of Local Lore contains a piece of the hero’s combat equipment (an overlay for the belt), which was found during excavations of the mound before the war.

Alyosha Popovich – Rostov the Great

“We found a lot of facts indicating that the legendary hero of Russian epics Alyosha Popovich was born in Rostov in the 12th century in the family of a priest,” say the city administration. The program “Visiting Alyosha Popovich” has already started. Alyosha Popovich accompanies tourists along the entire route along Rostov soil. They not only learn about crafts, visit the museum-reserve, but also take part in a picnic on the shore of Lake Nero, in the rite of passage into heroes, and in games. There is a merchant estate in the city with a heroic courtyard, where performances based on Russian folk tales and comic battles are staged.

Lefty – Tula

Of all the attractions, only the monument to the savvy artisan is accessible to visitors.

Mouse-Norushka – Myshkin

According to legend, the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl region, was built in the 13th century on the site where a mouse saved a Russian prince from death: she woke him up when a snake was approaching him. They say that the city was named in commemoration of this significant event. The city of Myshkin is the Russian record holder for the number of museums and exhibition halls. The main one, of course, is the Mouse Museum - the only one in the world. It contains mice of all possible sizes: drawn, turned, sculpted, glued and sewn from all imaginable and inconceivable materials and collected not only from the cities and villages of their native country, but also sent in large numbers from abroad. The mouse brand is used as widely as imagination allows: the Myshkiny Palata complex operates with entertainment for tourists, the Myshkino Podvorie hotel welcomes guests, the Mousetrap restaurant operates, where visitors are served a cheese plate in addition to the paid menu - in accordance with the spirit and letter English proverb about free cheese, which, as you know, only comes in a mousetrap. And in the summer there is an annual Mouse Festival. And as a souvenir of the city, you should definitely buy a wallet mouse - it lives in wallets and makes sure that the money in them does not run out.

Santa Claus – Veliky Ustyug

The birthplace of Father Frost was Veliky Ustyug, located in the northern latitudes, surrounded by the winter splendor of nature, a city of skilled wood and silversmiths who carefully preserve the ancient traditions of their ancestors. An office of Father Frost has been opened in Veliky Ustyug, which includes a throne room, a museum, workshops, a post office and a souvenir shop. Here you can talk and take a photo with Santa Claus in the throne room, send holiday cards and letters to family and friends with the seal and autograph of Santa Claus, canceled with a special stamp, purchase original souvenirs or make your own crafts in the workshop. 12 km from Veliky Ustyug in a pine forest on the banks of the Sukhoi River is located Entertainment Center“The Estate of Father Frost,” which includes a range of services: accommodation, meals, rental of masquerade and sports equipment, horseback riding, snowmobiling, skiing, skating, sleighing in winter, as well as pleasure boats and pedalos in summer.

Official website of the project "Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost"

Website “Votchina of Father Frost” -

Snegurochka – Kostroma

The Snow Maiden's Tower is located in Kostroma. Together with her, Domovoi, Domovikha and the scientist Kot Bayun live in it. Both in winter and summer, here you can freeze in the Ice Hall, watch a puppet show, take part in game programs and chat with the Snow Maiden herself. Terem website

Skazov Bazhov Park

"Park Skazov" - the first in the Urals theme park, dedicated to Bazhov’s tales, Russian fairy tales and traditional Ural folk culture. The park is located near Yekaterinburg in the Aramilsky City District. The distance from Yekaterinburg is 23 km, travel time is about an hour.


Leading: Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house lived for many years a tall, gray-haired man, whom all the children in the country knew. It was he who came up with many fairy-tale heroes: Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Barmaleya, Moidodyra. The name of this wonderful man was Korney Chukovsky. On April 1, 2007, if he had lived, he would have turned 125 years old. Korney Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneychukov. He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately got to work. In spring and summer I dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter I cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen overnight. After working for several hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met while walking. It was to these kids that he dedicated his book “From Two to Five.” Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children. From an early age, his poems bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents and grandparents could not imagine their childhood without the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky! Today we will take you on an unusual journey, we will meet the heroes of Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tales.


Remember what words the line ends with and name the fairy tale:

He treats little children, Heals birds and animals, The Good Doctor looks through his glasses... ( Aibolit) (“Aibolit”)

Suddenly from the gateway - a terrible giant, red-haired and mustachioed... ( cockroach) (“Cockroach”)

I am the Great Washbasin Famous... ( Moidodyr) The commander of the washbasins and the commander of the washcloths. (“Moidodyr”)

The pigs meowed - meow - meow, Kitties... ( grunted oink- oink) ("Confusion")

In Africa there is a robber, In Africa there is a villain, In Africa there is a terrible... (Barmaley) ("Barmaley")

The people are having fun - The fly is marrying a dashing, daring young man... ( mosquito) ("Fly Tsokotukha")

The sun was walking across the sky and ran behind a cloud. The bunny looked out the window, It became a bunny... ( dark). ("Stolen Sun")

No no! The nightingale does not sing for pigs! You better call... ( crow) ("Telephone")

And the dishes go forward and forward across the fields, through the swamps. And the kettle said to the iron - I have to go... ( Not Can). (“Fedorino’s grief”)

Only suddenly, from behind a bush, from behind a blue forest, it flies from distant fields... ( sparrow) (“Cockroach”)

And behind him the people are singing and yelling: “He’s such a freak!” What a nose, what a mouth! And where does this come from... ( monster). ("Crocodile")

And I don’t need either marmalade or chocolate, But only small ones, Yes, very small ones... ( children) ("Barmaley")


Which characters do these fairy-tale names belong to?

Aibolit - (doctor)

Barmaley - (robber)

Fedora - (grandmother)

Karakula - (shark)

Moydodyr - (washbasin)

Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)

Tsokotuha - (fly)

Barabek- (glutton)

Red-haired, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)


In what work did the dishes re-educate their owner? Fedorino grief")

Name a fairy tale in which a terrible crime occurs - an attempted murder? ("Fly Tsokotukha").

Which hero was a terrible villain and then reformed? Barmaley»)

What was the name of the boy who defeated the Crocodile? (Vanya Vasilchikov)

In which fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? cockroach»)

Name a fairy tale whose main idea can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health!” Moidodyr», « Fedorino grief")

What did the animals ask for in the poem - fairy tale “Telephone”: (Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)

On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? (Wolves, whale, eagles)

What “horned beast” were the tailors afraid of in the poem “The Brave Men”? (Snail)

In which fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? ("Confusion", "cockroach», « Moidodyr", "Telephone", "Barmaley", "Stolen Sun", "Crocodile")


I have different things in my basket (bag). Someone lost them. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about this item.

Telephone (U me rang telephone)

Balloon (We were driving the Bears on bicycle, A behind him mosquitoes on balloon)

Soap (Here And soap jumped)

Saucer (A behind them saucers)

Galosh (Send me a dozen new galoshes)

Thermometer ( And sets them a thermometer)

Sieve (The sieve jumps across the fields)

Gloves ( And then they called bunnies : “Can you send me some gloves?”)

Coin (The fly walked across the field, the fly found the money)

Chocolate ( And he gives everyone chocolate in order)

Collar ( The crocodile looked back with the collar and Barbosa swallowed it, swallowed it)

Washcloth ( And the washcloth is like a jackdaw, as if he swallowed a jackdaw)


(Address to the portrait)

Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, an unruly strand of hair hanging on the forehead, laughing eyes and an amazing easy gait. This is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. He was distinguished by great hard work. “Always,” he wrote, “no matter where I was: on the tram, in the line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, I wrote riddles for children so as not to waste time.”

- GuesspuzzlesK. Chukovsky(children make a wish)

Wonderful house. There was a white house, a wonderful house, and something knocked in it. And it crashed, and a living miracle ran out from there - So warm, so fluffy and golden. ( Egg And chick)

Wonderful cave. Red doors in my cave, White animals sit at the doors. I gladly give both meat and bread - all my spoils - to the white beasts! ( Mouth And teeth)

Beware! Oh, don’t touch me: I’ll burn you even without fire! They carry me along the water. (Nettle)

A wonderful locomotive. A steam locomotive without wheels! What a miracle locomotive! Has he gone crazy - he walked straight across the sea! ( Steamboat)

The sage saw a sage in him,

A fool is a fool, a ram is a ram,

The sheep saw him as a sheep,

And a monkey - a monkey.

But they brought him to him

Fedya Baratova,

And Fedya saw the shaggy slob.


Wonderful horses.

I have two horses, two horses,

And the water is hard

Like stone!

(Skates and ice)

Toothy mystery

I don’t walk, I wander through the forests,

And by the mustache, by the hair,

And my teeth are longer,

Than wolves and bears.



Connect the hero of the fairy tale with the action he committed.

Set the sea on fire

swallowed the sun


I washed my dishes!

Returned the sun to the sky.

Put out the sea

Saved Mukha - Tsokotukha.

Ate a cockroach

Cured the animals

K. Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son fell ill. K. Chukovsky took him on the train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to compose him a fairy tale: Once upon a time there was a crocodile, He walked the streets.

The boy suddenly became quiet and began to listen. K. Chukovsky's fairy tales help all children navigate the world around them and make them feel like a fearless participant in imaginary battles for justice, for goodness and freedom. The poems of K. Chukovsky cultivate the ability to empathize, sympathize, and rejoice. Let us all rejoice together and watch a dramatization of excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tales.

We will encounter the works of K.I. Chukovsky many more times. In high school you will meet Chukovsky the translator. He translated from English “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, “The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Poor Prince”, “Rikki - Tiki - Tavi” and other books.

Irakli Andronikov wrote that “Chukovsky has inexhaustible talent, smart, brilliant, cheerful, festive. Never part with such a writer for the rest of your life.”



The fairy-tale world of carved Russian towers, patterned turrets and painted “gingerbread houses” exists not only in cartoons! Young guests Izmailovsky Kremlin There will be an excursion to the Museum of Russian Toys and classes in art workshops, for adults - the Museum of Russian Vodka, the Museum of Bread, an antique market and ethnic souvenir shops.

Izmailovskoe highway, 73zh

Fairytale house of Owl, Rabbit and Cat in Gorky Park

In Gorky Park there is a corner of the magical forest, in which, as expected, fairy-tale characters live. The inhabitants of the log house, reminiscent of a hut on chicken legs - the Wise Owl, the Rabbit and the Cat - are able to “come to life” under the influence of special mechanisms and tell entertaining stories to young guests.

st. Krymsky Val, 9

Children's Wonderland Park

What can children do while their parents are shopping at the Retail Park shopping center? Of course, visit the Park of Miracles - a fabulous Russian village in the middle of the metropolis! Here you can walk among carved towers with turrets and basements, play in the playground, feed goats, pigs and birds in the mini-zoo, take part in an animated show and learn how to paint ceramic toys.

w. Varshavskoe, 97

Egg house

The unusual house in the shape of a Faberge egg was built in 2002 and immediately turned into one of the brightest landmarks of the capital. The four floors of the original house contain residential apartments, a hall, a sauna and access to an underground garage. You can climb to the attic via a spiral staircase or a special elevator.

st. Mashkova, 1/11


The house-teremok was built in the “Russian patterned” style, typical of merchant and boyar houses of medieval Rus'. Carved platbands, cornices and turrets create a fabulous ensemble that seems to have been transported to a Moscow alley from distant epic times. However, the “relic” nature of the house is only external; inside its premises are furnished quite modernly and equipped with all the technical innovations of the 21st century.

1st Khvostov lane, 5

Sculpture "White Rabbit"

The meeting with the White Rabbit from the famous fairy tale by Lewis Carroll became the beginning of the story that led the girl Alice to Wonderland. Muscovites are convinced that the magical bronze Rabbit with a clock in his hands, settling in an ordinary courtyard in the capital, helps true romantics realize their most cherished desires. To start the “magic mechanism” of happiness and good luck, just touch the cane in his paws.

st. Shcherbakovskaya, 54

Literary courtyard "Krylov's Fables"

The world of funny characters from Krylov's fables really exists! In a fabulous literary courtyard, located among Moscow high-rise buildings, live characters familiar from childhood: a crow with a piece of cheese in its beak, a cunning fox, an unlucky musical quartet of a goat, a donkey, a bear and a monkey, a greedy pig gnawing on the roots of an oak tree. Stone animals are children's favorite playmates and a kind of moral and philosophical reminder for adults.

st. Otkrytoe shosse, 2

House of merchant Igumnov

The mansion of merchant Igumnov is famous not only for its carved columns, turrets and hipped domes in the style of Russian Art Nouveau, but also with an abundance of legends and tales. It is known that in 1901 Igumnov organized a shocking social ball in his mansion, lining the floors with gold chervonets. They also say that the owner’s former mistress is walled up in one of the walls of the fairytale castle, and her ghost still roams the halls of the mansion...

st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 43

Dragon house in the Moscow region

The boarding house in Pirogovo is created in the shape of a mythical dragon meandering among the trees. The environmental project of the famous architect Totan Kuzembaev does not violate the integrity of the natural landscape. The roof of the building smoothly turns into a grassy lawn, panoramic windows and glass walls of the veranda allow you to feel like an integral part of the surrounding nature.

Mytishchi district, Klyazminskoe reservoir village, building 3-a

Museum of Russian Fairy Tales "Once Upon a Time" 0+

The Museum of Russian Fairy Tales is a collection of wonderful and instructive stories that preserve folk wisdom for many centuries. On interactive excursions, children dress in Russian folk costumes, immerse themselves in an atmosphere of magic and, helping fairy-tale characters, learn to solve difficult moral problems in practice. Events for children 3-12 years old can be attended by appointment.

w. Izmailovskoye, 73zh, st. 2nd Parkovaya, 18

Museum of Pinocchio and Pinocchio 0+

At the Museum, children will meet the frivolous but kind and brave wooden man Pinocchio and his Italian twin brother Pinocchio, the wise Cricket, the romantic Girl with blue hair, and the noble black poodle Artemon. Interactive excursions and performances introduce children to the best fairy tales of the world and allow them to transform into fairy-tale heroes who fight evil and defend the truth.

st. 2nd Parkovaya, 18

Cheburashka Museum

The characters from Eduard Uspensky's fairy tale, Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena, are favorites of many generations of Russian children. Bronze heroes of a popular fairy tale greet young guests on the site in front of the museum dedicated to a kind magical animal with huge ears. The museum contains more than 100 images of Cheburashka, made from various materials - painted, plasticine, ceramic, rag.

st. Dmitrievskogo, 3a, kindergarten No. 2550

Sculptural group “Make way for ducklings”

A touching mother duck with a brood of ducklings appeared in the park opposite Novodevichy Convent back in 1991. Heroes of the popular American fairy tale"Make Way for the Ducklings" was given to children by Barbara Bush Soviet Union as a sign of love and friendship. The Moscow duck family is an exact copy of the sculpture composition installed in Boston. According to legend, petting the smallest duckling will bring you good luck.

On a visit to Cheburashka

You don’t have to go far to find a fairy tale - it’s right here, in the capital of the country, in the Kozhukhovo microdistrict. At the entrance you will be greeted by Cheburashka himself and his best friend, the crocodile Gena. There is also a real telephone booth in which, according to legend, the character of Eduard Uspensky lived.

By the way, this part of the exhibition was conceived by the writer: the most difficult thing was to find a payphone - after all, by the time the museum was created, they had not been produced for a long time! I even had to turn to the Moscow City Telephone Network for help, and a real telephone booth was assembled from two retro copies.

Inside the museum there is an exhibition of children's works: more than a hundred Cheburashkas and other cartoon characters - drawings, crafts, and soft toys.

The museum offers excursions where kids are told about cartoon characters. And here you can see the legendary typewriter of Eduard Uspensky, on which this urban fairy tale was printed.

Nizhny Novgorod

Visiting the Goldfish

Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region revere Rybka - she has become a real talisman of these places. And this story began a long time ago: the land in Boldin and the surrounding area belonged to the family of the poet Pushkin for four centuries, and now this village is a cultural monument of federal significance.

Here is the nationally known literary-memorial and natural museum-reserve of A.S. Pushkin “Boldino”, where visitors will learn about the three Boldino autumns in the poet’s life, which significantly enriched their native literature. After all, it was in Boldin that Pushkin wrote almost all of his famous fairy tales. The first was “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, the second autumn on the Boldino land turned out to be the most fruitful for fairy tales - “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” and “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” appeared. During his third visit, the poet wrote “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”

In memory of this legacy of the poet, another museum was opened in Boldin - dedicated to Pushkin’s fairy tales. The museum has many fascinating exhibitions: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Thirty-three Heroes”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.

The main part of the exhibits - magnificent panels and silk stained glass windows, dolls-characters of Pushkin's fairy tales, embroidery and products with cloisonne enamel - were created by children in the workshops of the Author's Center for Artistic Crafts in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region. In addition, there are works by professional artists, masters of Gorodets painting.


Visiting Master Lefty

The master-nugget once glorified Tula, and now continues to live here in the historical part of the city, on the banks of the Upa River, but in the form of a bronze monument. From time immemorial, gunsmiths settled here, including the founder of the dynasty of the first Russian industrialists Nikita Demidov and his descendants.

Not far from the monument is the six-story building of the Museum of Weapons, stylized as the helmet of a Russian warrior. During the excursion, the name of the master will be heard more than once - children and parents will be told about the glorious history of Tula, about its craftsmen and, of course, about Lefty himself and his unique works. There are also incredibly delicious gingerbreads in Tula - try it yourself and bring it as a gift to your family and friends!

Visiting the Snow Maiden, Kikimora and the Snowman


Visiting the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden was born on the Shchelykovo estate Kostroma region, which belonged to the famous playwright A. N. Ostrovsky, the author of the fairy tale about the snow beauty. The granddaughter of Father Frost can easily be considered a brand of Kostroma; she has become a real VIP here. Local entrepreneurs decided to go back to their roots and were right - at the tourist complex, where the most interesting object- Snegurochka's tower, there is no end to visitors all year round.

In the courtyard of the tower there is a huge stone: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go straight, you will end up in the tower with the Snow Maiden.” There is also a hill here, from which in winter you can slide down on a wooden sled - modern, but exactly replicating the ancient sled. Opposite the tower is a belfry: be sure to go there, ring the bells and appreciate their crystal melody.

A visit to the Snow Maiden’s mansion will be interesting for both big and small guests: there is an Ice Room with refreshments, fun games at the Snow Maiden’s courtyard, and the most exciting thing is an interactive program during which you will be accompanied by Brownie, Domovikha and the learned cat Bayun. You will hear Slavic myths and legends, watch a puppet show and, of course, meet the granddaughter of Santa Claus herself.

The pearl of the Snow Maiden's tower is the Ice Room. This hall is open all year round, and it is always winter: the temperature here is maintained at -14°C. Decorations on the walls, sculptures, and even dishes were created from ice by Kostroma craftsmen. In the Ice Hall, children are offered to try fabulous sweet drinks, and adults are offered something stronger from ice glasses. And don't be afraid to freeze - in summer time Before visiting the room, guests will be given warm clothes and felt boots.


Visit the Snowman

Last winter, a real miracle happened in this northern city - on the first day of December, on the embankment of the Northern Dvina, the “House of Miracles” of the Arkhangelsk Snowman rose - of course, made of snow! The owner of the House, the Snowman, received guests until spring came, and with the onset of cold weather he again awaits visitors: there are still many more to come fabulous winters!

In the snowy House of Miracles you can make a wish, walk through an unusual carrot forest, taste snowballs from the White Sea and see many miracles.

And the Snowman was throwing a wonderful celebration of the kids’ favorite delicacy - ice cream! At the end of the year, the Snowman is especially in demand: he gives New Year's performances, and he has several programs designed for children of different ages. For example, for the little ones, the owner of the House of Miracles prepared a performance based on the famous cartoon “The Postman Snowman”.


Visiting Kikimora Vyatskaya

Kirov is a city with history: it was founded on the mysterious Kikimorskaya Mountain. Recently, a “Reserve of Fairy Tales” was created here, where the Residence of Kikimora Vyatskaya is located. The “Visiting Kikimora” program is gaining momentum - the character, despite his not very good-natured image, is becoming more and more popular among children.

Entertainment programs There are many with the participation of Kikimora - there are for children and adults, for the whole family and even for graduates.

On a visit to Baba Yaga, Little Mouse and Emelya

Village Kukoboy

Visiting Baba Yaga

Today in the village there is a museum of fairy tales, where Baba Yaga, the main puppet character, reigns. Games and competitions await guests, and the “kind” grandmother will tell fairy tales to the kids. The Yagi teahouse is also open for tourists, where they serve famous Kukoboy pies. And on the last Saturday of July (simultaneously with the holiday in honor of Village Day), everyone is invited to Baba Yaga’s birthday - there will be real folk festivities!


Visiting Little Mouse

On the slope of Nikolskaya Mountain, in an old wooden house, there is the only Mouse Museum in the world - after all, the cute rodent is considered the patron saint of this city. The famous museum is part of the Myshkinsky complex folk museum, and exhibits come here from all over the world - from France to India.

A visit to the museum will begin with the office of the mouse king: each tourist is given a commemorative ticket with the seal of the “mouse kingdom-state” on it.

In the museum, children and parents will see mouse-book readers (there is a rich library here - books in dozens of languages ​​of the world, and everything is exclusively about mice), mice-heroes of their favorite cartoons, mice donated to the museum famous people, and, of course, handmade mice created from a variety of materials - from clay to felt. There is even a mini-zoo with mice of different breeds!

Adults who are tired of numerous mice can go to the grandiose Assumption Cathedral, built in the 19th century. You can climb its bell tower to explore the surrounding area (admission is paid).

And in Myshkin there is a Museum of unique equipment “Myshkinsky Samokhod” - both boys and their dads will definitely like it here. After all, here you can see how the legendary cars - "one and a half", "funnel" and "jeep" are constructed, evaluate a variety of equipment - from steam engines to aircraft turbines, and take a photo while driving an antique car or at the helm of a ship.

Rostov Veliky

Visiting Alyosha Popovich and Emelya

In addition to the southern Rostov-on-Don, there is also the city of Rostov in the middle zone, which gave the country an epic hero, the famous Alyosha Popovich. By the way, the hero is quite real: today scientists have found a lot of evidence that the hero Alyosha was really born in this city in the 12th century, in the family of a priest.

Since 2010, there has been a popular excursion program “Visiting Alyosha Popovich” in Rostov the Great. In one day you can go on three excursions at once: “Unique crafts” (visit to the Rostov enamel factory), “All roads lead to the Kremlin” (excursion to the local ancient Kremlin) and a visit to the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery, where you will be accompanied by the hero himself and his beloved Nastenka. The program includes initiation into heroes and Russian beauties, fun, amusement and national games, and at the end - gifts for participation in competitions!

Rostov is rich in fairy-tale characters - Emelya also lives here. In the summer, the city regularly holds holidays “At the behest of the pike”: a procession headed from Cathedral Square to the city park is headed by Emelei himself, riding, as he should, on a stove. In the spring, Maslenitsa festivities are held here, where guests can, in addition to traditional pancakes, taste delicious fish soup.

Visiting Hen Ryaba


Visiting Hen Ryaba

The fairytale owner of the museum appears here before guests in different guises: with a golden egg, as a book illustration, and as an ordinary laying hen. An entire room is dedicated to a variety of Ryab, and in the other two halls there are exhibitions dedicated to the life of peasants and the work of the local poultry farm. In the summer, a fun holiday “Visiting the Ryaba Hen” is organized in Ermakovo - with mummers in chicken costumes. And here you can taste eggs, not golden ones, but simple and very tasty!


Visiting Ilya Muromets

The fabulous epic hero Ilya Muromets, according to legend, lay on the stove for 33 years, and then went to defend the Russian land from enemies. In the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery there is a sculptural image of Ilya Muromets with a particle of his relics, and in the Murom Historical and Art Museum an entire exhibition is dedicated to the epic hero - ancient chain mail, armor and weapons, engravings and icons. The museum also has an interesting interactive program for tourists: guests are greeted by Ilya himself and the Beauty with a roll of bread; there will be epics, stories about feats of arms and “Initiation into heroes and heroes.”


On a visit to Toptygin and Vodyanoy

The Toptygin House Museum is quite small: it’s just one room, but what a room! There is even a real bear's den, and children will be able to see in detail how it works. In addition to the den, the museum displays a hunting shed, many bear-themed exhibits, and two huge stuffed animals of the owner of the forest. Upon prior request, you will be given an interactive excursion with games, competitions, hunting tales and tea drinking (honey from a real deck!). Poshekhonye is also called the Yaroslavl Venice - after all, the village stands on five rivers. It is not surprising that Vodyanoy lives here: his official residence is located in the children's library. In Vodyanoy’s home there are portraits of the owner, statues of his frog friends, an aquarium with small catfish, a water mill and other attributes of the water kingdom. Vodyanoy and his colleague Kikimora amuse the guests, sing songs and treat everyone to fish soup.