Military Hill Museum address. Open air exhibition of military equipment in Temryuk

Taman is one of the Kuban landscapes that are unlike each other. This peninsula is a lowland lying “on the corner” of Cherny and Azov seas. It is cut by sea estuaries, narrow thickets of river floodplains, a network of irrigation canals, most of locations - vineyards, melon fields and orchards, as well as sandbanks. It is windy here, and administratively all this is part of one district, the center of which is the city of Temryuk. The military slide is its main attraction.

Where is Military Hill located on the map?

Geographically, this is the central part of the city. Not far from here you will find a monument to the Liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster, the Bus Station and the Central Market.

History of the formation of the attraction

The northeastern “crossroads” - the place from where roads to different Taman resorts diverge - is Temryuk. Military Hill is a hill in the northern massif of a quiet town. The hill was formed on the site of the old mud volcano Bowl (locals say “Myska”). Last eruption observed here in 1943.

During the Second World War, the most fierce battles for Temryuk took place on this bridgehead, which were part of the theater of action of the Novorossiysk-Taman offensive operation. The landing force, which landed to the east, boldly attacked the Nazi positions, which went down in history under the name “Blue Line”. The fighters prevented the organized evacuation of the enemy.

Today, the P-251 highway passes through this area, connecting the station. Golubitskaya with Krasnodar. Consequently, bus passengers on intraregional routes can admire a unique museum immediately from the left and right windows of the cabin. Of course, because the local street. Rosa Luxemburg is a fragment of the named route.

This point in the post-war period - namely in 1983 - received the status of a “protected exhibition pavilion”, a branch of the Temryuk Local Lore museum complex. At the end of the last century, the exhibition was replenished with retired supersonic fighters and combat boats, torpedoes and mines, and many types of other offensive and defensive equipment.

Main military museum in Temryuk

Once on the road connecting the street. September 27 and Rosa Luxemburg, it is not difficult to notice majestic monuments, military aircraft, tanks and ships of various sizes: the first thing that catches your eye is the T-34, whose pedestal stands at the very edge of the road. They belong to the era of the second half of the 20th – early 21st centuries. The official entrance to the fenced area is at the end of the steps connecting the space to the roadway.

Typically, a tour of a curious object begins with an inspection of the equipment on display. Only then do visitors pay attention to several impressive memorials. Visitors willingly take pictures with the muzzles of the terrible guns of the Great Patriotic War, the MT-13 mortar, artillery samples, including the KS-19 and Katyusha anti-aircraft guns, IS-3, T-34 85, T-72 tanks, boats, propellers, power plants and fighters of those times.

Mixed with military equipment on Mount Myska there is also post-war equipment - L-29, MiG-21 PFM and AN-14 aircraft, P-15 missile and much more. A complete list would take up a whole page. It is necessary to separately note the Su-208-79 steam locomotive and the ZIS-5 truck, which transported trains with soldiers in those terrible years.

At the eastern end of this territory, a building was built where other exhibits are displayed - photographs, documents, propaganda posters, maps, personal belongings of soldiers and their commanders. In the photo showing the Military Hill Museum in Temryuk, we see huge complex, consisting not only of an exhibition of inoperative equipment, but also of many memorial structures.

Among them are the sculptural compositions “We have won”, “Hurray for the Motherland!” and "Explosion". The latter represents an original vision of the war by one of the popular local muralists. The monument was opened on June 22, 2013 - in honor of the well-known mournful date. Before the audience is a composition consisting of archaeological artifacts welded together - rusty helmets, machine guns, sapper shovels, cartridge and bomb casings, as well as flasks and fragments of tank barrels.

How to get there (get there)?

It’s quite easy to get to Voennaya Gorka - this is the top of the climb, which begins at the end of the street on September 27 (Kalinina). The site is easily accessible from the swamp, the restaurant “On the Volcano” and the Church of the Archangel Michael.

On the map, the route to the desired location looks like this:

Contacts and prices

  • Address: R. Luxemburg street, Temryuk, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 45.278255, 37.385781.
  • Ticket prices: for adults – 100 rubles, for children – 30.

People have different opinions about this place. The fact is that reviews of the described attraction, which are easy to find on the Internet, vary greatly in nature. Some believe that almost every Russian city has a similar exhibition complex, they say, it is not worth the money spent. Others are sure: Military Hill is the most interesting of such museums, and even more so in Temryuk, since the most creative guides work here.

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The Krasnodar region is famous for its history and attractions. One of the places where, however, travelers do not come so often is Temryuk, the biggest locality Taman Peninsula. And being on vacation in , we went here on .

Temryuk is a historical place. Human settlements have existed here since ancient times. In the XIV century, the Genoese colony of Copa was located on this site, then, at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries - Crimean city Tumnev. During the reign of the Kabardian prince Temryuk Idarovich (Temryuk-Murza, died in 1571), an ally of Ivan the Terrible, the New Temryuk fortress was built here, which, however, in 1570 was included in the Crimean Khanate and renamed Adis.

The population of the city was mixed - Greeks, Jews, Armenians, and Yasses lived here, who were mainly engaged in trade. The Don Cossacks made their raids here several times. After the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1792, Taman was included in Russian Empire. Temryuk first existed as a village, and since 1860 - as a city.

Road from Gelendzhik to Temryuk

The weather that day did not please us - the sky was covered with dense clouds. It looks like it's about to start raining. It was very steamy. We drove through Novorossiysk and left Anapa aside. The mountains gave way to endless steppe expanses.

Almost all fields are sown. Here and there there were shops where they sold local products- melons, watermelons and other gifts from Kuban.

Finally, we enter Temryuk. Having wandered around the city a little (the navigator failed), we drove up to the hill where the Military Hill is located.

Museum "Military Hill"

Museum military equipment under open air“Military Hill” is located on the slopes of the Miska mud volcano. It was opened in 1983, when the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Taman Peninsula from Nazi troops was celebrated.

Tank T-34-85 on the mound

The legendary T-34-85 tank, installed on a high mound, is a monument to the liberators of Taman, the soldiers of the 56th Army of the North Caucasus Front, who on October 9, 1943 completely cleared the Taman Peninsula of German occupiers.

The highway divides the museum into two parts. The collection is constantly updated, new exhibits appear. Both equipment from the Great Patriotic War and newer ones are presented here.

AN-24B and MiG-23UB aircraft

A hill with the inscription “Hurray! For the Motherland!

Military train: Su-208-79 steam locomotive with a sick bay car and an open platform on which a ZIS-2 cannon is installed

From the height of Military Hill, magnificent panoramas of the surrounding area open up - the coastal lowland, the Sea of ​​Azov, and the Kurchansky Estuary. Since it was August, the vegetation had withered from the heat and the ground was cracked. Nevertheless, the pictures of the steppe were still impressive.

View from Military Hill towards the Kurchansky Estuary

Panorama of the surroundings of Military Hill towards the Kurchansky Estuary

122 mm A-19 gun

An-14 "Bee" aircraft


Kurgan, BTR-80

Aero L-29 Dolphin training aircraft

Military equipment, T-72 tank in the foreground

The words are carved on the stele:

The defense of Temryuk will go down in the history of the Patriotic War. The whole country is watching the heroism shown by the personnel, just as it once followed the heroes of Sevastopol.
S. M. Budyonny

As I wrote above, the Military Hill museum is located on the slopes of the Miska mud volcano. It was active back in the 19th century, with eruptions observed in 1812, 1844 and 1860. The 1843 eruption was the most powerful and was accompanied by emissions of breccia, vapor, smoke and flame. The cone-shaped peak fell down, the resulting caldera was filled with water and oil over the course of several years.

The volcano got its name because of its shape. The Cossacks living in the vicinity called it “Myska”, that is, “Plate”. Currently, the caldera is occupied by vegetation and small lake. It is adjacent to the second part of the Military Hill museum.

And it was time for us to return home - the weather was too severe. If it were a little cooler, we could take a walk around Temryuk itself and visit its other attractions - Archaeological Museum, Walk of Fame. On the outskirts of Temryuk there is Mount Rotten (Hephaestus volcano) - one of the largest in Temryuk district active mud volcanoes. Not far from the city is located, in the village of Za Rodinu, the Tizdar mud volcano.

After Anapa the landscape became more mountainous. And finally it started to rain.

And when we approached Gelendzhik, the sun came out.

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Museum "Military Hill" (Temryuk, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, telephone numbers, official website.

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  • Last minute tours to Krasnodar region

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"Military Hill" is an open-air museum at the entrance to Temryuk, where unique examples of military equipment are collected. In 1943 at Taman Peninsula The decisive battle of the Battle of the Caucasus took place, in which the Germans were defeated, ending the 400-day occupation. Therefore, the city is close to military themes. The territory of the museum is divided into two parts by a highway: the ticket office and the entrance are on one side, the other is not fenced, you can get to it freely, but sometimes the controllers come up and ask you to show a ticket.

The fenced part of the museum displays land and aviation equipment. There are many tanks, armored vehicles, guns, and there is a railway train that has been preserved since the Great Patriotic War. From aviation you can see planes and fighters, helicopters, missiles. The second part mainly contains marine equipment: torpedoes, boats. All exhibits are in excellent condition, you can touch them and take pictures; Each one has an information plaque.

The symbol of the museum is the T-34 tank on a high pedestal, which participated in the liberation of Temryuk from the Germans. Nearby is an obelisk with a memorial inscription and a map of military operations. Another unusual exhibit is a monument assembled from the remains of mines and guns found on the territory of the Temryuk region.

Practical information

Address: Temryuk, st. Rose Luxemburg. GPS coordinates: 45.278198, 37.386393.

The museum is located at the entrance to the city, it is impossible not to notice it. From the bus station, walk along the street. Rosa Luxemburg will take 15-20 minutes. The price of an adult ticket is 100 RUB, a child ticket is 30 RUB. Photo and video shooting are paid separately. Prices on the page are for October 2018.