Alexander Akimov civil aircraft dry classmates. "Emergency Landing" by Alexander Tulyakov? The role of Alexander Tulyakov in criminal fraud

Will the first vice-president of the United Aircraft Corporation go to jail for fraud?

Will security forces come for Tulyakov?

A large-scale anti-corruption campaign continues in Russia. Employees of the investigating authorities arrest everyone - from bribe-taking governors to stealing top managers of state companies. At the same time, the security forces “take” even those who were previously considered “untouchables”. Take, for example, the recent arrest of the former head of RusHydro, Yevgeny Dod, who has a "powerful lobby" in government circles.

Recently, PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (PJSC UAC) also fell under the “cleansing”. Recall that this structure was created in 2006 with the aim of consolidating the assets of Russia's largest aviation enterprises, and at present the state owns more than 85% of the holding's shares. Searches were carried out at his house and office, and Tulyakov did not let representatives of the investigation into the apartment. They had to break down the door. Such impudent behavior of the deputy head of the KLA angered the investigators, and experts started talking about the imminent arrest of the vice-president of the KLA. Of course, now he has the status of a witness, but it seems that in the very near future Alexander Tulyakov will turn into a suspect (then into an accused and a defendant - ed.)

Now Mr. Tulyakov is trying to pretend that everything is fine with him. He visits the enterprises and willingly communicates with local journalists. For example, at the end of July 2016, Tulyakov, at the head of the UAC delegation, visited the Ulyanovsk aviation enterprise JSC Aviastar-SP. However, soon Tulyakov will have to wean himself from such trips, since investigators have already become interested in him. Of course, the vice-president of the UAC can continue to put on a "good face on a bad game", but this is unlikely to save him from an early arrest. Apparently, Tulyakov did not have long to walk free.

Arrests have begun

The vice-president of the UAC has already been questioned by investigators. The interrogation of Tulyakov was connected with the real estate fraud case at JSC Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK MiG). The corresponding criminal case was initiated under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large-scale fraud). According to media reports, this whole story began back in 2001, when RAC MiG decided to get rid of its supposedly non-core asset with an area of ​​22 thousand square meters. m in Moscow on Polikarpova street. Soon, the property on the Khodynka field was transferred to the economic management of a subsidiary of the RAC - FSUE "MiG-Rost". It was then that Aleksey Ozerov managed at that time. By the way, according to media reports, Alexander Tulyakov personally lobbied for the idea of ​​creating a subsidiary of the RSK (ie FSUE "MiG-Rost" - ed.).

It should be noted that when a plan appeared on the centralized sale of the areas vacated when the production facilities of the RSC were withdrawn from Moscow, the land assets of the aircraft manufacturers at the Khodynka field were already burdened by a lease agreement concluded by JSC MiG-Rost on May 31, 2004 for a period of 11 months. This OJSC is the assignee of the privatized Federal State Unitary Enterprise.

Moreover, on the same day (that is, May 31, 2004), an additional agreement was concluded extending the contract for another 49 years. At the same time, the main activity of OAO MiG-Rost was declared to be “production of plastic products for packaging goods”. Of course, this type of activity had nothing to do with aviation. But the same Aleksey Ozerov remained the director of JSC MiG-Rost.

family connection

Soon, representatives of the authorities drew attention to the machinations of Mr. Ozerov and his accomplices. For example, Anatoly Shesteryuk, then head of the Moscow department of the Federal Property Management Agency, tried to get Alexei Ozerov removed from his post due to the suspiciously low rental income received by JSC MiG-Rost. In this case, a version appears that Ozerov could either receive part of the rental payments “in an envelope”, or he simply stole the rent.

Further, the machinations of the "Tulyakov team" continued. So in 2004, the complex of buildings on Polikarpova Street was sold to Business-Active LLC, created in the same year. And a year later, this company with an asset of hundreds of millions of rubles for only 10 thousand rubles. bought by businessman Yegor Noskov. It is very curious that then Mr. Noskov became the Deputy General Director of Tupolev PJSC for the property complex. On this moment Yegor Noskov is under arrest.

Interestingly, Yegor Noskov is the brother of Akim Noskov, who "by a strange coincidence" from December 2001 to January 2004 held the position of Deputy Director for Property Management of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RAC MiG. In other words, Akim Noskov was Alexander Tulyakov's deputy. At the same time, Egor Noskov holds the post of Deputy General Director for the property complex of the Tupolev company. As a result, Tulyakov and the Noskov brothers get a kind of "group row".

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that Business-Active ceased to exist in 2010, and MiG-Rost two years later. In this case, the thought creeps in that the Business Active company was created by scammers specifically to withdraw funds.

The role of Alexander Tulyakov in criminal fraud

The role of Mr. Tulyakov in the fraud with state assets becomes clear if we analyze the subsequent frauds of the fraudulent group. So, in May-June 2005, Egor Noskov, the general director of Business Asset, sold all the property previously owned by MiG to another LLC, Liberta Investment, for 48.9 million rubles. Moreover, this LLC was registered shortly before the completion of this transaction. Then "Business-Active" stopped any economic activity, and Yegor Noskov in 2006 moved to Liberta Investment LLC and took the position of Deputy General Director there.

Against this background, starting from 2005, the premises acquired by fraudsters were leased to the same JSC MiG-Rost, but already at commercial prices. This is precisely the criminal intent: at first, the scammers had to take the property from the MiG structures, and then start renting it out. This brought the attackers quite large "profits".

The auditors revealed that only in 2011-2015 LLC Liberta-investment received from its tenants, and this, in addition to MiG, also OJSC Aviatekhpriemka, CJSC Aerocomposite, OJSC Helicopter Service Company, all those the same "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft" and many others, more than 785 million rubles. In fact, all this money went to the criminals. Obviously, Mr. Tulyakov could have been the organizer of this whole scheme, while Ozerov and the Noskov brothers only played their “roles” and acted “at the prompt” of the current vice-president of the KLA.

Road to Cyprus

The SBIS database also says that Alexey Borisovich Andreev is the general director of Liberta Investment LLC. The extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities states that 97.5% in Liberta Investment LLC belongs to the international commercial company Feretto Investments Limited, registered in Cyprus (registration address Egypt Street 12, P.C. 1097 Nicosia, Cyprus), and Mr. Andreev in this LLC owns only 2.5%. However, since Andreev is the beneficiary of the Cypriot company, he is formally the owner of Liberta Investment LLC.

But the most interesting thing is that Andreev at one time conducted a joint business in the Region-investment company with Alexander Tulyakov, the first vice president of UAC, with Akim Noskov, the former deputy general director of RAC MiG, with Alexei Ozerov, the former CEO OAO MiG-Rost and with Sergey Malinov, a former member of the board of directors of OAO MiG-Rost. As they say, "the whole team is together."

It is worth noting that, according to the scheme of “alienation of assets” described above, other objects of the aircraft industry were also in the hands of Cypriot offshore companies. For example, the building of the former dispensary with an area of ​​​​almost 3.5 thousand square meters in the second Botkinsky passage in Moscow. So Mr. Tulyakov has yet to answer a lot of questions from the investigators.

"Fraud Epic" by Alexander Tulyakov

It is worth noting that there are also alternative data in the media, according to which the Cypriot offshore Feretto Investments Limited actually belongs to Tulyakov, Ozerov and Noskov, and not Andreev. It is possible, however, that he is only a formal beneficiary, but in fact the activities of the offshore are controlled by all the same Tulyakov, Ozerov and Noskov.

By the way, Alexander Tulyakov may also be involved in another criminal case that the Tambov Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated last year against the management of Morshanskhimmash LLC, which squandered 58 of the 60 million rubles allocated for the project for UAC. This case was not given a go at that time, since Tulyakov is considered the protégé of the head of the UAC, Yuri Slyusar. But now it may be renewed.

Rumor has it that Tulyakov, as a member of the board of directors of Ilyushin Finance, selflessly pushed through the purchase of 10 Bombardier aircraft by this company at the end of last year, while this leasing company was obliged to purchase domestic aircraft. Thus, Alexander Tulyakov may be accused in a number of criminal cases.

From witness to suspect?

As you know, now the department of internal affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Khoroshevsky district of Moscow is dealing with the machinations of the “Tulyakov team”. As noted earlier, the actions of the security forces resulted in the arrest of the former general director of the daughter of the RAC MiG - OJSC MiG-Rost Alexei Ozerov and the deputy general director of Tupolev PJSC Yegor Noskov. Now there are good reasons to believe that Ozerov and Noskov could work for Tulyakov, and all the scams were committed on his orders. Thus, in the very near future, the UAC vice-president may turn from a witness into a suspect.

Top manager without education?

Now let's look at the main career milestones in the life of the vice president of the UAC. Recall that from 1993 to 2008, Alexander Tulyakov held various positions in the Russian MiG Aircraft Corporation. But we are interested in 2001, when Tulyakov had a sharp career take-off. He becomes the head of not a design bureau, not a specialized aircraft building area, but a department for managing MiG property.

It should be noted that PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation" has an impressive amount of property. And some of the assets are recognized as non-core and are subject to privatization. At the same time, Alexander Tulyakov, the first vice-president of UAC, is responsible for the privatization, and he deals with non-core assets. He came to UAC from JSC RAC MiG, where he headed the property management department.

About how Tulyakov's accomplices "grabbed" the assets is written above. In other matters, there is one “nuance” in this process. Experts doubt that Alexander Tulyakov has a higher education. This means that his qualifications (or rather lack thereof), to put it mildly, "does not fully correspond to the position held."

So, in the official biography of Tulyakov in the column of education - the Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy". At the moment, in the "Education" column, the dates of graduation from universities and the name of the specialty received have been removed. One can only guess why it was necessary to remove the specifics from the “Education” column. Perhaps Mr. Tulyakov simply does not want to be "exposed"?

Now let's carefully analyze the available data on the education of Alexander Tulyakov. So, the Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship really exists in Moscow, where the first vice-president of the UAC himself was born. It also has branches in St. Petersburg and Samara. But on the official website of this university, it was not possible to find a mention of the possibility of obtaining the first higher education in the specialty "Jurisprudence" (there are only legal refresher courses and short-term seminars). Moreover, the journalists could not get through to the university by all the phone numbers listed on the official website.

Now let's deal with Tulyakov's alleged "study" at the Synergy Institute of Economics and Finance. As it turned out, the employee of the selection committee, with whom the secretariat of the institute connected the journalist by phone, after a long search in the database of graduates, answered that the full name. Tulyakov Alexander Vladimirovich she could not find. So, it turns out that there is every reason to believe that Alexander Tulyakov either did not study at the universities mentioned above, or received their diploma in some "dubious way." Ultimately, Tulyakov's higher education raises many doubts. And if so, then how can this top manager even work in such an important post when he does not even have a simple education in the aircraft industry? It looks like all these scandals Alexander Tulyakov should be fired from the KLA.

Where did 70 billion rubles go?

The experts for recent times a lot of questions have accumulated about the work of the United Aircraft Corporation, in which Alexander Tulyakov has been serving as executive vice president since 2011. The thing is that the domestic aircraft industry is in a deep crisis. The main commercial project of the UAC - the Sukhoi Superjet-100 aircraft - can actually be considered a failure. In January 2014, the Prosecutor General's Office, based on the results of an audit of defense complex enterprises, presented a report in which it stated: shipbuilders and aircraft builders invest budgetary funds in commercial banks in order to extract their own benefit, the heads of industry enterprises are often the organizers of theft themselves.

Then, by the way, the Prosecutor General's Office announced the initiation of 48 criminal cases related to embezzlement and deliberate bankruptcies of enterprises. At the moment, Alexander Tulyakov has the status of a witness, but he may soon become a suspect. However, he could be saved by his proximity to the new president of the United Aircraft Corporation, who replaced Mikhail Pogosyan, the new president of the United Aircraft Corporation, Yuri Slyusar, whose appointment, in turn, was lobbied by Rostec and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Slyusar will not save Tulyakov?

Rumor has it that the new head of the UAC, Yuri Slyusar, understands even less in the aircraft industry than Tulyakov. However, this is understandable. The thing is that earlier Slyusar was in no way connected with aviation at all, but he began his activities with the leadership of the autonomous non-profit organization RFA (Russian Phonographic Alliance).

Later, he was engaged in the wholesale trade of technical media and headed the board of directors of the National Federation of Phonographic Producers (NPPF). The media wrote that, while still the chairman of the board of the RFA, Yuri Slyusar managed to resolve the issue of obtaining accreditation for phonogram rights through Dmitry Medvedev's wife. Perhaps, thanks to his acquaintance with the wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yuri Slyusar made a good career in government circles.

So in 2009, Slyusar became an assistant to the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko. In 2010-2012, the official headed the department aviation industry Ministry of Industry and Trade, and from May 5, 2012 Slyusar became Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, who is considered his (Slyusar - ed.) "patron". The second "patron" of the current head of the UAC can be called the head of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov.

However, even with support from Chemezov and Manturov, Slyusar, according to experts, will not "harness" for Tulyakov when investigators once again come for the vice-president of the KLA. Most likely, the head of the UAC will “surrender” his deputy to the security forces, thereby depicting an “internal struggle” against corruption in a state corporation. It seems that Alexander Tulyakov does not have long to hold the post of vice-president of the UAC, and also to roam free in general. Apparently, in the near future he will turn from a witness into a suspect, and then into an accused and a defendant. So, in the end, Alexander Tulyakov is waiting for landing.

In July, the FFS complex flight simulator of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) aircraft was delivered to Aeroflot Aviation Personnel Training Department in Sheremetyevo under the contract for the supply of 30 SSJ100 aircraft to the airline.

In cooperation with key customers, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company (SCAC) adheres to the world practice, which consists in the fact that the aircraft manufacturer ensures that the airline's training center is equipped with an FFS integrated flight simulator in the event of a major contract.

Now the specialists of Thales Training & Simulation, the developer and supplier of the simulator, together with the engineers of Aeroflot's Central Control Center and the Directorate of Simulators of the State Civil Aviation Committee, are completing the installation work on the installation of the FFS simulator in Sheremetyevo.

"The FFS simulator replicates a real aircraft cockpit, fully equipped with all aircraft consoles and indicators. It is equipped with a visualization system to display the external environment that pilots can see at different stages of the flight mission. The pilot in the FFS receives the same sensations and responses to control actions as if he were in the cockpit of the aircraft performing the flight.FFS simulates normal, complex and emergency flight conditions in real time at all stages of the mission in any weather conditions and at any time of the day. The use of FFS significantly improves the quality of pilot training, since FFS allows pilots to practice actions in complex and emergency situations", - says Alexander Akimov, Deputy Director of the GSS Simulators Directorate.

All procedures practiced on the FFS fully comply with the operational documentation, and above all, the Flight Manual.

The SSJ100 FFS simulator was developed by Thales Training & Simulation in cooperation with Sukhoi Civil Aircraft and GosNIIAS. Thales Training & Simulation, manufacturer and supplier of FFS, is one of the world's leading high technology firms in this field. The FFS of the SSJ100 belongs to the latest generation of "Reality 7" simulators. It features state-of-the-art electro-hydraulic mobility systems, an imaging system with LCOS projectors, and an ergonomically improved instructor workstation. Almost all real avionics units are re-hosted, that is, they are replaced by special software modules. This significantly increases the reliability of the simulator.

"Our simulator is superior in all respects to domestically produced Aeroflot simulators and is on the same level as the 7000 series simulator of the A320 family aircraft manufactured by the Canadian company SAE," explains Alexander Akimov.

Aeroflot instructors have already been trained at the CAC GSS in Zhukovsky to conduct pilot training on the FFS simulator of the SSJ100 aircraft.

Installation, commissioning, verification and testing on the simulator will be completed at the end of September. After that, the simulator will pass acceptance tests and be approved by the Federal Air Transport Agency and the European Aviation Safety Agency EASA for its use in training. Aeroflot specialists will also be trained in the operation and maintenance of the simulator in September.

The SSJ100 will be certified "Level D" in accordance with international standard for exercise equipment (JAR FSTD A). This level is the highest level of flight simulator certification.

“After the SSJ100 FFS is put into operation in mid-October, Aeroflot pilot training will train SSJ100 pilots at its DPAP in Sheremetyevo,” emphasizes Alexander Akimov.

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An algorithm for the formation of a conflict situation in a complex aircraft simulator is described. The algorithm calculates the trajectory of the intruder, potentially leading to a collision with the "avoiding aircraft" - FFS. When a dangerous approach occurs, the TCAS collision avoidance system is activated, after which the crew trains to take the aircraft away from the collision.


1. GOST 20058-80. Dynamics aircraft in the atmosphere. Terms, definitions and designations.

2. Akimov A.N. Solving inverse problems of dynamics based on pseudo-inversion of matrices // Dynamics of flight of combat aircraft: scientific and methodological materials. - M.: VVIA im. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, 1992.

3. Akimov A.N., Andreev V.V. Numerical Direct Optimization Method in Optimal Control Problems // Teoriya i sistemy upravleniya. - 1996. - No. 3.

4. Akimov A.N., Andreev V.V. Direct optimization method. Basic provisions and application procedure. - M.: VVIA im. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, 1997.

5. Akimov A.N. Algorithmic support of fault-tolerant control systems for combat aircraft: diss. … Dr. tech. Sciences. - M.: VVIA im. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, 1997.

6. Aircraft RRJ-95B. Flight Operations Manual. - M.: ZAO GSS, 2011.

For citation:

Akimov A.N., Kulagin A.F. Algorithm for constructing conflict situations in complex aircraft simulators. Scientific Bulletin of MSTU GA. 2014;(204):7-14.