Is it possible to book air tickets without payment? How to book air tickets online without paying for a visa Booking tickets without paying

A business person or tourist who often flies to a foreign country has to control many pre-flight conditions. Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to reserve a plane ticket, but it is not possible to pay its cost right away, or it is not advisable to do so.

The function of booking tickets without paying for a visa allows you to save a profitable flight for a certain time until the issue of processing official papers is resolved. It is also possible to postpone the purchase of a flight for the following reasons:

  • I didn’t have a bank card at hand;
  • not enough money;
  • important issues need to be further agreed upon;
  • Availability of tickets is a prerequisite for further actions– obtaining a permit visa.

The first three cases are solved quite simply. By choosing the option “payment in cash at the company office” or “bank transfer”, the ticket is booked for a day. Some airlines, if there is more than a week left before departure after booking, officially allow the possibility of saving a ticket upon individual request for several days.

For example, the German company Lufthansa gives users two days to resolve the issue. The American United, as well as the Russian UTair and Aeroflot hold reservations for up to seven days. And South Korean Korean Air and Turkish Turkish Airlines We are willing to wait ten days for payment, which is very convenient.

But it's not that simple. How to book air tickets without paying for a visa for several days? Not all air carriers agree to the conditions for extending the ticket purchase period. Even if it is booked, the guaranteed storage remains with the user for 24 hours. And then the company reserves the right to change the terms of sale of boarding passes.

It has the right to adjust the ticket price relative to the exchange rate, or remove the reserve altogether if a buyer is found for it. Therefore, if a ticket is really necessary, it is better to incur some expenses and protect yourself from such accidents. And before purchasing such a pass, read the terms and conditions of purchase on the carrier’s website.

Guaranteed ticket retention is quite possible. But you need to know certain nuances. Some airlines and intermediary agencies offer a reservation hold service for up to seven days for an additional fee.

A representative of the French allows you to use the “Time to Think” service. Then, for 5-15 euros, not only the ticket itself is “frozen,” but also the price for it. And the Russian service is ready to do this for 200 rubles, which is much more economical than the cost of purchasing and then returning the coupon if you fail to obtain a visa as soon as possible.

A completely different situation arises when it is necessary to obtain a visa permit for a trip. When submitting documents to the consular department, an actual printout of the air ticket is required. The processing time for processing an application and resolving the issue of issuing a visa reaches ten days. At the same time, the presence boarding pass does not mean that a visa is required. Ticket returns are almost always accompanied by economic losses. We will consider how to get out of this situation in the following sections.

Sometimes people try to cheat by making corrections to old ticket forms or creating new ones. After all, few people know how to book plane tickets without paying for a visa. The method is illegal and especially dangerous. After all, a consular employee has every right to check the veracity of documents by making a request to the agency.

If such a ticket does not exist, or the airline managed to cancel the order for any reason, then the consequences will be serious. Such a passenger faces a complete ban on visiting the state for several years. The situation will not be better if a visa is issued, but you have not retained your reserved ticket.

There are a number of formal options for meeting such requirements. The first, most correct, would be the opportunity to buy a ticket, and subsequently, if the trip did not work out, then return it. The option is expensive, but the most reliable, eliminating all unforeseen and unpleasant situations.

You can print out a reserved ticket form to present a copy when contacting an airline representative, similar to a similar process through an Aeroflot representative. Or independently use the service capabilities of the following sites:

The Dutch company KLM provides for the refund of air tickets when a client is denied a visa. All Russian companies, in accordance with Article No. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, are required to return 100% of the fare without taking into account the costs of fees and paid services. Return details can be found on the page of the online service belonging to the selected company.

If you do not know certain conditions for communicating with airline employees, you can end up in an unpleasant situation with the loss of a large sum of money, as well as disruption of the stability of the nervous system.

If obtaining a visa takes one to three days, then you can use any of the methods given above for booking with subsequent payment. If the time period is longer or there is a risk that the procedure will be delayed, it is safer to contact an agency that specializes in booking tickets. In addition to the already mentioned company onetwotrip, such a service will always be provided by the services and With their help, you don’t have to worry about how to book plane tickets without paying for a visa without high costs.

To simplify the task, on the main page you need to select the “Orders” section and enter the six-digit number received when booking the ticket into the form window. You can do this on the website at any convenient time, without leaving your home. The procedure takes a little time and proceeds as follows:

  • when entering the main page of the website, decide on the dates of departure and duration of stay in a foreign country, indicate the numbers in the appropriate column, selecting the route points;
  • open the Agencies section and specify the above services;
  • it is important to check the correct spelling of personal data, which is filled out only in the Latin layout, so that problems do not arise and the coupon does not need to be replaced;
  • after clicking “Buy”, a completed ticket form will be sent to your email inbox; you need to print it out for a visa;
  • By entering the reservation code and the passenger's last name, you can check the availability of an air ticket that has been postponed while the visa is issued;
  • such free travel pass with reservation status remains in personal account client until payment is made.

You should always clarify the period before the expiration of which you have the opportunity not to pay. After all, if there is a shortage of travel cards for other clients, the company will cancel your reservation without mutual consent and sell your seat to another client.

To control the validity of such travel passes, it is safer to view their status daily in your online account. Modern gadgets have special applications for quick viewing.

The electronic payment system allows you to choose several deposit options Money for the flight. In first place is the use of a bank card for payment. Directly on the page you can pay with money from an electronic wallet of any system. Moreover, the security of the transaction is guaranteed by high protection of personal data when entering details and card/wallet numbers. All sites support anonymity and encryption of the payment process.

Buying in cash also does not become a problem after booking plane tickets without paying for a visa was accomplished a few days earlier. Euroset and Svyaznoy salons work directly with air carriers, accepting payment for booked airline tickets. IN major cities There is a network of points where you can pay for air travel passes in cash.

Checking in for a plane

Now you have already decided how to book plane tickets without paying for a visa, and then you have received fresh documents for traveling abroad. The purchase was successful. Now you need to find out the important points for quickly checking in for the desired flight.

Paperwork begins two hours before boarding the plane. But all procedures must be completed in no less than 40 minutes. before departure. This is established by the rules of air travel. Arrive at the airport early so you can prepare in peace and time in line at the check-in counter. The specialist must check the required set of documents:

  • international passport (or internal passport);
  • air ticket printed or issued at the ticket office;
  • visa forms (for international flights);
  • income certificate (to confirm solvency);
  • medical insurance, etc.

Registration hand luggage and luggage is also carried out at a special counter. The weight of things is checked, and if the total weight of the suitcases exceeds, the person must pay an additional amount for additional space. Flight attendants are required to guide the passenger to a seat in the aircraft cabin if difficulty arises. The airline fare includes drinks and some meals. Therefore, do not risk taking food and prohibited products into the salon.

We hope our advice will help prevent difficulties that arise and make the task of making reservations easier without unnecessary financial and nervous costs.

How to book flights without paying for a visa online

In the age of advanced communications, when many purchases are made via the Internet, the question arises: is it possible to purchase a real airline ticket without leaving home without paying a penny for it?

The answer in most cases, oddly enough, is positive. Why is there a need to book air tickets online without paying?

What motivates you to look for free ways to buy an air ticket?

If a person wants to buy a plane ticket, but does not plan to pay for it, there are usually good reasons for this:

  1. The airline offers good discount, but as luck would have it, there was no card for payment at hand. If there is a card, then perhaps the funds on it are this moment no or not enough.
  2. No visa fee. According to the rules, to submit documents to the visa center, you must provide round-trip air tickets. However, there is no 100% guarantee of obtaining visa approval; the money spent on tickets may be lost.
  3. A trip abroad is planned, but the exact date of return has not been chosen, because if you like it, there is an opportunity to stay.
  4. When traveling there is a need to cross the borders of several states. The rules of some of them require the presentation of a return air ticket or a ticket to another country. But a reservation for such tickets is enough. Even if you plan to return by other means of transport, an air ticket is still required.

What to do in all such cases? There is a solution: book tickets with deferred payment.

How to fill out the reservation form?

To correctly complete the procedure for booking an electronic ticket, you need to go to the appropriate website, register, select the destination (country, city) and departure, determine the date of arrival and return (if planned).

Next, the airline is selected. You should not pay special attention to the cost of the ticket, since in principle payment is not expected. Then a form is filled out, where data on the passenger and his companions is entered.

After entering the required information, you need to go to the payment point. Then the site will issue a reservation number, and a special counter will appear that takes into account the reservation time and notifies about the end of this period.

How to make an unpaid purchase of an Airbus ticket

Of course, there are travel agencies and airlines that do not agree with free bookings. There are those that allow you to postpone payment only for an hour or no more than a day. This will not save you if you cannot yet collect the full amount for payment or if there is no money at all at the moment.

Companies that provide reservations for more than one day prefer to keep it for up to 2 - 4 days. Much less often, up to 7 and 10 days. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in each specific case the period can be negotiated separately. And also do not lose sight of the fact that reservations are provided up to a certain time, and not inclusive!

Duration of e-ticket booking period for popular airlines:

Airline Deadline BEFORE
KLM 24 hours
AlItalia 24 hours
SAS 2 days
Aeroflot 2 days
AirBaltic 3 days
AirBerlin 4 days
AirFrance 4 days
EuropeAir 7 days
UIA 10 days
Turkish Airlines 10 days
Lufthansa 10 days
Qatar 10 days

Preliminary preparation for reservation

In order not to lose money, time and nerves, and to get the result for which the booking was actually started, you need to assess the situation:

  • When planning to carry out the procedure for obtaining a reservation, it is worth analyzing which air carriers offer a longer retention period.
  • Calculate the time that affects the duration of maintaining the reservation, the maximum required for paperwork.
  • Take into account the conditions for unilateral cancellation of reservations when demand increases.
  • Clarify sanctions for refusal to pay for a reserved seat for a customer.

Recommendations for purchasing an air ticket with deferred payment

Free options

There are several ways to book air tickets without paying:

First: using airline websites. Airlines allow you to make a reservation and then transfer funds over periods of varying lengths. However, there is a nuance here: they can independently shorten the period for confirming a reservation by payment.

Usually a notification about this is sent to an email address or phone number, and therefore it is mandatory to indicate real contact contacts when booking. A printed booked ticket usually contains information that the reservation has not yet been paid, however, this circumstance does not interfere with visa processing.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of deferred payment in advance. There are airlines that charge pennies and fines for bookings not paid within the specified period and for cancellations. For example, Lufthansa issues an invoice if a ticket has been booked, the reservation period is still valid, but it is no longer necessary and for this reason you have to cancel it.

The second way to book a plane ticket without paying involves doing it on the resources of those agencies that sell air seats. This is the most popular option. It is beneficial in that agencies can make it possible to book a ticket without paying even with those air carriers that do not provide such a service themselves. The most common solution is to decide on a suitable flight on the website

This is practically an online tourism agency that searches for air tickets based on a given request, without redirecting to airline websites. The nuance is that the reservation in this case is secured by the site itself, charging a commission depending on the cost of the ticket. Therefore, the price of a ticket purchased there will be higher, and you will not be able to save money.

But, if you don’t need the ticket itself, but only the fact of booking it, then this agency is the most suitable. From 3 to 10 days, depending on the airline's capabilities, this service allows you to maintain your reservation while it is necessary to complete administrative procedures. The booking period is closely related to the expected start date of the trip. Therefore, the closer it is, the shorter the reservation period.

Searching a few months before your trip will give you more options for booking length. Once the period expires, the reservation becomes inactive. It is recommended to cancel it when it is no longer needed, independently before the expiration of the term, in order to avoid the accrual of fines, etc.

The third method of booking air tickets without payment is suitable for those who have to some extent mastered the skill of reading English language. The English-language resource helps make booking air tickets without payment very simple:

  • Searching and finding the departure direction.
  • Reservation of a place.
  • Confirmation by pressing the on hold button where payment is required.
  • Completing the booking process.
  • Ticket printing.
  • Receiving a status confirming the reservation.

It is difficult to say exactly how long a reservation remains active. The experience of travelers confirms that such a reservation allows you to calmly go through all customs bureaucratic procedures.

Options with minimal investment

This recommendation on how to book air tickets is suitable if you still have a small amount in your account. Here you need to deposit three hundred rubles. A ticket to the desired destination is booked on the website When the booking form is completed, at the end, when choosing payment, it is noted that a booking confirmation is needed only for obtaining a visa. It is for this visa reservation support that you need to pay a fee. The reservation will be active within a week.

Despite the fact that this method involves depositing money, it has an advantage over free options. In this case, the reservation is guaranteed to be kept for a week. But the previous versions do not provide such a guarantee. Even if a pre-booking is made for a period of up to 10 days, the airline can unilaterally cancel an unpaid reservation and sell a ticket, citing high seasonal demand or the approaching day of departure.

The next option is for the case when it is absolutely necessary to have a long-term reservation. Here you will not be able to book the required air tickets online without paying, since we are talking about purchasing a ticket with the possibility of a refund after completing the necessary formalities. Airlines do not always provide the opportunity to return a ticket without losing money.

A minimum service fee is charged. The more expensive the ticket sales rate, the higher the fee. When a refund can be made in advance, there is a possibility of an almost 100% refund of the ticket price paid. The closer the departure date, the fewer such opportunities. Some companies immediately stipulate the conditions under which it is impossible to return a purchased ticket.

Most often these are economy class tickets. There are intermediary sites (for example, that help compensate up to 90% of the cost of a ticket if you cancel it, even where a refund after purchasing a seat is almost impossible.

Another way to book a ticket without paying is to initially reserve the purchase of a seat with a reservation for a minimum period, indicating that payment will be made electronically. You won’t have to spend a large amount, because by checking the meter for the end of the payment period, you just need to buy an extension of your reservation on time for a purely symbolic amount. This can be done on sites where such a service is additionally provided.

Another way: if you have money, but it’s not enough to redeem your reservation, you can use a long-term reservation with a travel agency. This will cost a much smaller amount than the cost of the ticket.

One recommendation is to buy the most cheap air ticket. If your visa is refused, you don’t have the money to pay for insurance against visa refusal, or you simply can’t use it, you don’t have to fly anywhere and throw away your ticket. For European flights, low-cost companies often offer tickets with an affordable price of a few euros; losing such an amount is not too critical.

A creative version of how to book an air ticket without paying is to contact friends living in the area of ​​the planned departure to make a long-term reservation. You can pay them upon arrival by purchasing a ticket or giving them a desired souvenir that you brought for them.

Booking confirmation

If the reservation was needed for a visa center and it requires confirmation, then a paper copy of the documents is provided by the following reconciliation services:,,,

The algorithm for obtaining documents is as follows:

  1. Book air tickets on the resource online without paying.
  2. Go to the verification service website.
  3. Enter the 6-digit code (PNR), after booking it will be sent to your email address.
  4. Fill out the form with the Latin surname of the person who is going to fly.

As soon as your reservation status is confirmed, you can safely make a printout. It puts a mark confirming the reservation. If there is a need to check for its activity, this can be done on the websites:,,,, entering the reservation, order, payment number and the customer’s last name or by email address, mobile number and etc.

As for the websites of airlines whose tickets are booked, there may not be such information about the availability of reservations. Instead, it is usually written that the ticket reservation is at the registration stage or something similar.

Video: how to book air tickets without paying?

What to do when it is impossible to track your reservation?

If for some reason the reservation is not activated or is not detected, for example, on the website, then you can try to make it on other resources. Any system can “freeze,” that is, fail. Don't despair, you need to try again.

Sometimes it comes instead of a 6-digit code - a 5-digit code (PNR). Then you should check your reservation on the website of the air carrier where the seats were reserved. If all else fails, it is better to duplicate your reservation with another airline.

One of the documents that should be prepared for a trip to foreign country, is the reservation of tickets for a visa. Consular services request it as confirmation of the real purposes of the trip. Purchased plane tickets or their reservation will serve as proof that the visa applicant intends to visit a specific country on certain dates and then return to their homeland.

How to get a flight reservation to apply for a visa

The procedure for obtaining a visa depends on the decision of the consulate of a particular state. But as a rule, consulate officials are more willing to give permission to visit the country to those who have already purchased a ticket. However, in some cases, it is better to only book plane tickets to obtain a visa, and not buy them in advance. For example, not everyone wants to spend money and buy tickets if they are not sure that a visa will be given, or if the visa is issued in reserve and not for a specific trip.

You can book air tickets for a visa at a travel agency, or you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to use one of the aggregators for searching for plane tickets on the Internet.

There are many search engines suitable for these purposes, among which are:

  • metasearch engines - search for tickets on many sites and provide the information found about various options for flight conditions, airlines, dates and prices in one table;
  • Ticket search sites – allow you to make a reservation without going to the airline’s website;
  • air ticket exchanges – offer various promotions and discounts;
  • airline websites.

How to make a reservation

How to make a flight reservation for a visa? Having opened the most suitable search engine and entered the details of the desired flight, corresponding to the travel details in the requested visa by direction and dates, you need to select one of the proposed options. After filling out the column with your first name, last name, passport data, and contact email address, you can proceed to purchasing a ticket.

Immediately before payment, a window should appear with all the passenger’s entered data, as well as the reservation number, which is a sequence of six characters - numbers and Latin letters.

As easy as obtaining an airline ticket reservation for a visa, the consular officer can verify its validity. Therefore, the reservation must be made with the company and on the site where it lasts the longest, so that at the time of submitting the documents it still has legal force. As a rule, an unpaid reservation lasts from one to ten days.

Where to check and print your flight reservations

Tourist and airline companies use special global systems to issue tickets. In them, but in a version adapted for ordinary users, you can check and print your airline ticket reservation for a visa. Basic systems:

Different airlines operate with different systems. Therefore, if no recognizable data about the global system was specified when booking a ticket, you will have to check each of them. To do this, you must enter your reservation number and last name in the window provided. If the information is found, it means that the ticket has been successfully booked, and you can print this file to present at the consulate.

Is it possible to get a visa without booking tickets?

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2018; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

Not all consulates require air tickets or flight reservations to obtain a visa. Therefore, in order not to do unnecessary work, before submitting the documents you need to check which documents should be prepared. For example, when applying for a Schengen visa, it is mandatory to present booked or purchased tickets.

Low-cost airline ticket

Please take the sociological survey!

An excellent alternative to a fictitious visa reservation is a real ticket for a low-cost airline. Low-cost airlines are low cost airlines, which reduce flight fares by reducing the services offered to passengers, as well as optimizing the work of company employees and equipment. Sometimes you come across tickets that are so cheap that even if they are purchased only for a visa and you don’t have to use them, you won’t mind throwing them away.

When using the services of a low-cost airline, a passenger receives electronic air ticket for a visa, which will need to be printed and attached to the main package of papers when submitting the application. This ticket differs from a reservation only in that it has already been paid for.

Low-cost airlines do not offer real tickets, since all sales are made online.

Confirmation of another mode of transport

You can also book another type of transport - train, ferry or bus. In addition, a combined movement option using several Vehicle. In this case, you must provide tickets or reservations for each of them.

Before applying for a visa, you need to find out from official sources which vehicle reservations the consulate of a particular state allows for consideration. For example, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2020; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

A trip turns from a dream into a reality when the first expenses begin. If you are going to travel on your own, your expenses will begin with the purchase of tickets: this gives you confidence and is required by the embassy for a visa. Tickets are expensive, and there is also fear - what if a visa is not issued? what if the children get sick before the trip? What if cheaper options appear later? All this can be solved by booking tickets for free.

There are several benefits at once: you don’t have to shell out a lot of money at once, you can easily cancel the trip or exchange tickets for more convenient ones. Kidpassage figured out where it’s easiest to make a reservation and how else you can purchase tickets without extra expenses.

Is it possible to book a plane ticket without paying?

Without going into details for now, we will answer: yes, you can book a plane ticket for free. There are several ways to do this - we will describe them in the article. But there are several nuances here, knowledge of which cannot be avoided.

Firstly, you can book a ticket for a relatively short period of time, often just 1-2 days. In the article you will read about how you can increase this period. Secondly, the reservation does not guarantee that the ticket will remain with you.

Sometimes airlines cancel reservations if there is little time left before departure and if there is a high demand for these tickets. Below we will tell you how to book plane tickets online without paying and without losing them.

Thirdly, sometimes a free reservation is not enough - you have to buy tickets to confirm your trip, and then return them. Find out how to find tickets that you can return without hassle.

  • It will be useful:

Why do you need a free reservation?

  • To obtain a visa. Embassies of some countries still require a whole package of documents when issuing a visa, including round-trip tickets. If you have not yet decided on the date of your trip or want to buy tickets for more favorable price, it is worth booking tickets without paying.
  • If a visa may not be issued. The risk of visa refusal is assessed in different ways. The United States and Great Britain are the most frequently denied visas. To avoid losing money by purchasing and then returning tickets, you can make a reservation.
  • If you don't have enough money to buy. Everyday situation: tickets suitable for the price and dates are on sale, but there is no required amount to purchase. Booking plane tickets without paying will allow you to keep them and pay later.
  • If the decision to travel has not yet been made. The trip has not yet been planned, but you have already found tickets at a good price - book them right away. You will always have time to refuse them.

Booking air tickets without paying for a visa

Embassies have different approaches to documents for obtaining a visa. As a rule, embassy employees require originals and photocopies of purchased tickets. But sometimes it is enough to provide confirmation that you have just booked tickets (this option, for example, is accepted by the embassies of Italy and Spain).

There are several options for booking or purchasing tickets to obtain a visa:

1. Book a ticket without payment for a period from 1 to 10 days. The reservation must be kept for at least 7 days, that is, no less than the period for which the embassy/consulate will review your documents.

Many airlines and intermediaries offer a paid booking service. This significantly increases the chances that you will keep the ticket.”

Booking periods vary from company to company (approximate data in the list below). Some aggregator sites show how long the reservation will last when searching for tickets, but these are approximate data.

  • KLM - up to 24 hours;
  • Aeroflot - 24 hours when booking at the Aeroflot office, but no more than 2 days;
  • Lufthansa - up to 2 days;
  • KLM - up to 3 days;
  • British Airways - up to 3 days;
  • AirBaltic - up to 3 days;
  • AirFrance - up to 4 days;
  • AirBerlin - up to 4 days;
  • EuropeAir - up to 7 days;
  • Turkish Airlines - up to 10 days;
  • UIA (UIA) - up to 10 days.

2. Buy return tickets. Strictly speaking, this is not exactly booking air tickets without paying. You buy tickets, which can then be returned, sometimes with the loss of some money. This is the most reliable way to obtain a visa if embassy staff are particularly picky about documents.

You can find out about the rules for returning tickets from the airlines - but not only from them. For example, clause 1, part 1, article 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the procedure for returning return tickets: “The passenger is refunded the carriage fee paid for air transportation (except for the amount of the carrier’s expenses actually incurred by him and related to the fulfillment of obligations under the passenger air transportation agreement), provided that the passenger notified the carrier of the refusal of air transportation no later than 24 hours before the end of the check-in of passengers for the flight indicated on the ticket.”

In many countries former USSR The Air Code does not regulate this issue; in this case, airlines adhere to international practice.

3.Buy a ticket that includes a service fee for ticket return. In this case, you also lose some money when returning, but this amount is much less than the cost of tickets, which you will neither be able to use nor return.

4. Buy an air ticket and at the same time travel insurance. The insurance policy will give you back the money you spent on preparing for your trip. This amount includes the cost of a visa if you are refused, the cost of tickets and other expenses. On some aggregator sites, an offer to insure a flight appears while searching for tickets. Study the offer, even if you are not going to use it: it will help you formulate the right questions for the insurance company you contact.

Where to book tickets

You can book air tickets online without paying or buy tickets with subsequent refund from airlines, travel agencies or aggregator sites. Each method is good in a certain situation: choose the one that suits you.

If you do not intend to fly on the tickets you have chosen, book them directly with the airline. In this case, the ticket price, departure time, flight duration and other parameters do not matter. The most important thing you need to do is review the cancellation or refund policy. Travel agencies and intermediaries in this case may delay cancellation/refund due to their own bureaucratic procedures.

Meanwhile, some online agencies promise profitable terms return tickets. It makes sense to compare them with what the airlines offer.

If you are likely to use your selected tickets, book them through a travel agency or online airline ticket agency. Then, at this stage, choose a convenient flight and good price. Be sure to research the different rates and their benefits. Please pay attention special attention whether you will have to pay to change the departure date or return the ticket. To increase the reliability of booking air tickets without payment, use the paid booking service.

  • Read also:

How to book a plane ticket for a visa without paying

Despite the length of the text written above, you can book an air ticket without payment in a matter of minutes. Take just 4 steps:

1. Go to the page.
2. Select the route: departure city and arrival city, round-trip flight date, number of passengers (adults and children), ticket class (economy, business) and click the “Find tickets” button.

3. In the list that opens, select a ticket, go to the airline or agency website and check the fare conditions. You need to find:
a. Ticket without payment with reservation for several days.
b. Free return ticket.
c. A ticket with a fare that includes a small refund fee.
d. Ticket with non-flight insurance.

4. Buy a suitable ticket if you chose option b, c or d, or book and print a ticket without payment if you chose option a. In order not to go through all the offers, looking for the possibility of booking air tickets online without paying, we suggest learning about the tariff policies of some airlines.

What do airlines offer?

The position of airlines on the issue of booking tickets without payment and refunding tickets varies. But in general, there are only a few options: free or paid bookings, rates with favorable refunds and rates with refunds under certain conditions.

Option 1. The most pleasant conditions, that is, free booking of air tickets, are often offered by large airlines.

Example: on the Lufthansa website there is an option “Book and pay later”. The ticket is guaranteed to remain with you for 48 hours. This service is available on flights to more than 50 countries.

This solution imposes some restrictions: for example, you will not be able to use a promotional code to get a discount. If you decide to buy a ticket, all you have to do is pay for it. If you change your mind about flying, you will be required to pay a cancellation service fee.

At the same time, Lufthansa has an offer for refunds and rebookings of tickets. The Flex fare provides the greatest flexibility in this regard: it provides a refund of the ticket price minus a service fee. KLM and Air France offer a similar Flexibility service. The approximate amount of the service fee for returning a ticket is 60-80 euros.

Option 2. Sometimes you can use a paid booking service to help you think about your travel decision with peace of mind.

Example: the British Airways website offers to book tickets for 72 hours. The booking fee is 5-10 euros, depending on the flight distance. It should be noted that it is impossible to book a ticket to some countries, but the list of such countries is gradually decreasing.

If in the future you decide to buy booked tickets, you will receive a refund for your reservation. If you refuse to purchase, you will lose this amount (very small compared to service fees for returning tickets).

  • Read also:

A nice bonus: if during the time for which you made a reservation, tickets become cheaper, you will pay less for them; if they go up in price, you will pay as much as they cost on the day of booking.

Option 3. Some airlines offer additional conditions as part of their standard fares.

Example: Aeroflot introduced special “Optimum” and “Premium” fares for economy class tickets. Optimum tickets can be returned for the loss of the service fee, and if you return Premium tickets, you will receive a full refund. Similar conditions apply to S7 Airlines and Turkish Airlines.

Option 4. Many airlines allow you to return your ticket if the embassy does not issue a visa.

Example: if for some reason the embassy refuses to issue a visa, then airlines such as Air France, Belavia, Austrian Airlines, LOT or KLM will refund money for tickets already purchased.

Do low-cost airlines have reservations?

To save on flights, tourists often fly with low-cost airlines. Their tickets are cheaper because budget airlines do not spend money on maintaining ticket offices, hire a minimum of staff, increase the number of seats in the cabin, etc. But the main thing is that low-cost airlines only sell the flight service, and for the rest ( extra luggage, food on board, comfort in the cabin) you need to pay extra.

Low-cost airlines are almost always a bad option if you need to return tickets. Their base rates prohibit ticket refunds. In tariffs where a refund is still possible, a large commission is removed.


If you are planning to fly with this airline, but have not yet decided on the date, use the Wizz Plus fare. It gives you the right to book a plane ticket and then change the departure date without additional service fees (Wizz Flex option). This tariff also provides the opportunity to return the ticket, however, you will have to pay a fee, sometimes exceeding the ticket price - from 60 to 80 euros.


The company, as far as possible, shows flexibility in setting tariffs. Thus, the Economy Premium tariff allows you to rebook or return tickets with a fee of 50-100 euros. The Business fare offers much more convenience: no fees are charged for changing the departure date or returning tickets.

Air Arabia

A popular company flying from Russia and Ukraine to Egypt, the UAE, and Turkey has its own policy. Here you can change your travel date by paying a service fee. But you won’t be able to return the ticket and get at least part of the money back. First, the company will deduct a commission from the ticket price. Secondly, the remaining money will be credited to your virtual account so that you can buy another ticket. This “loan” will only be valid for a year, then you will not be able to use the funds.


Among the tariffs of this company there is a tariff with free ticket exchange. If you exchange your ticket at least two days before departure, you will not have to pay any fee for this service. If you return your ticket less than 24 hours before departure, you will have to pay a fee of 45 euros. In this case, you will receive the rest of the money in the form of a voucher, which can be used to pay for other airline tickets.

How to get a refund for a ticket

If you have taken the route of purchasing tickets in order to be guaranteed to receive a visa, but are not going to fly on the flight you paid for, you need to worry about the issue of a refund. This is not a quick procedure, and its success depends on the conditions under which the ticket was purchased.

There is a forced and voluntary return of tickets. Forced return caused by cancellation or refusal of a visa, illness (death) of the passenger or his close relative. In this case, the airline reimburses the full cost of the tickets, sometimes withholding a minimum service fee.

Voluntary return occurs at the request of the passenger. Each company has its own rules for voluntary return, but most often the approach is as follows:

  • if you canceled your reservation before the ticket was issued, you will be refunded the full price minus a service fee;
  • If you return a first or business class ticket, you will receive a full refund minus a service fee;
  • If you return an economy class ticket or one purchased under preferential (promotional) conditions, you will only be refunded the amount of service fees.

Sometimes airlines additionally charge a refund fee: its size can reach 25% of the ticket price. Among the services of intermediary companies there is a paid service for returning up to 90% of the ticket price.

Whatever the reasons for the return, you need to fill out an application at the office or on the website of the airline or intermediary from whom you purchased the ticket. The application must be accompanied by:

  • air ticket details (its number, flight number, departure date and time, booking date);
  • photocopy of passport;
  • check or bank statement confirming the purchase.

If the return is forced, you will need copies of documents to confirm valid reasons:

  • a certificate from the airline regarding flight cancellation or delay, or route change;
  • a certificate from the hospital about the illness (death) of the passenger or his close relative;
  • document confirming the refusal to issue a visa.

We recommend submitting an application for a ticket refund as early as possible, but no less than 2-3 days before the flight. The issue of refund is considered from 1 to 3 months (often the answer comes within 5-10 business days).

Is it possible to return a non-refundable ticket?

Does the title seem paradoxical? Meanwhile, the Air Code obliges airlines to pay certain additional charges: “the carriage charge paid for air transportation of a passenger is not refundable, with the exception of unused amounts collected by the carrier in favor of other organizations in accordance with the legislation of foreign states, from the territories, on the territory or through the territories of which the flight is carried out. air transport passenger."

To understand the logic of the legislator, let’s figure out what the cost of a ticket consists of. There are several components:

  • the cost of the flight, or tariff - it is set by the airline;
  • airline fees (for example, for issuing a ticket on a form);
  • airport taxes and fees (fuel surcharge, aircraft and passenger servicing fees, security fees, etc.);
  • agency commissions.

Therefore, handing over non-refundable ticket Before the flight, you will receive an amount equal to the cost of airport taxes - sometimes this is half the cost of the entire ticket. If the fare implies that fuel and service charges are non-refundable, the carrier must indicate this information in the terms and conditions of the ticket purchase. In short, carefully read the booking rules and choose the right rates.

You can only count on compensation for the full cost of a non-refundable fare in two cases: if the airline did not fulfill its obligations or if you experienced a personal force majeure related to illness or death in the family.

The issue with tickets has been resolved - what will be the next step in preparing for the trip? Most likely, you will be looking for a hotel. To find a place where it will be comfortable to relax with children, take a look at. In the description you will find all the information about the benefits for little tourists.

Dear readers, this article was written in January 2015, all information was relevant at the time of its publication. Unfortunately, some services have changed the interface (, thereby complicating the process of printing tickets.

In this article we will talk about booking and printing unpaid air tickets. It's no secret that travelers are required to have return air tickets when applying for visas; sometimes they are asked about a return ticket right at the airport, etc.

Who needs an air ticket reservation and why?

To obtain a visa. One of the reasons to register fictitious armor(air tickets, hotels, transfers, etc.) are strict visa requirements of some countries that probably live in the Stone Age and insistently require you to have all the necessary papers (air tickets, hotel reservations, transfers, etc.).

There are a number of travelers who prefer to catch cheap air tickets (last minute trips) with visas in hand, and when the coveted ticket appears at a reasonable price, they immediately buy it. Such travelers first receive a visa (of course, without paying for tickets), and then look for tickets.

For presentation at airports. You may also be required to have return air tickets when entering those countries that allow tourists to enter their country without a visa, Thailand as an example. When traveling to Thailand, the traveler may be asked for a return ticket before the flight and, if it is not available, they may not be allowed to board the flight.

In addition to air tickets, they may check your insurance, hotel reservations, etc. Each country has its own requirements for tourists; you can find out in advance about the requirements of the country you are going to using the Timatik service, more about it here.

If your visa is refused. Free air ticket booking is also convenient in cases where you are unsure whether you will be issued a visa or not and the correctness of filling out the documents does not play any role here. Especially if there were previously visa violations - overstays, unpaid fines and other violations that you have already forgotten about. In such a situation, not many tourists want to sit with a paid air ticket in their hands if there is no confidence in obtaining a visa, and booking without payment allows you to somehow calm your nerves.

It is especially important to have an air ticket reservation when submitting documents to the consulates of countries that often refuse to issue visas (USA, England, etc.).

How to book a plane ticket without paying

Let's look in detail at how to book a ticket without payment; in most cases, it is booked for consulates and to minimize unnecessary questions at airports.

There are a few important points you should know when booking free flights:

  • There is no guarantee that the air ticket reservation will last long. Sometimes airlines charge unpaid booked flights, but this happens in cases where there is little time left before departure and there are people who want to purchase a booked but unpaid ticket;
  • in most cases, they will give you a visa, but if you found an air ticket at a good price and did not buy it, then closer to the date of your trip such prices may no longer be available, so if you see a good price for an air ticket, then it is worth buying it.

So, let's start booking the air ticket without payment. There are a few simple steps, after which you will have a real airline ticket reservation in your hands.

Search for a flight ticket for booking without payment

To search for an air ticket in the direction you need, go here, the search form and filters will help you find an air ticket for the required dates, if you are doing this for the first time, then read the article about searching for air tickets, it will help you save a lot when buying air tickets “Features of searching for air tickets.”

We select any offer and begin filling out the data on the agency/airline website to which the air ticket search engine will transfer us. As mentioned earlier, some airlines allow you to issue air tickets via the Internet and pay at their offices, thereby giving us time to go to the visa center with an active ticket reservation; other airlines hold the reservation for a long time, which is also to our advantage. Booking conditions provided by airlines sometimes change, so be careful.

The main task of all these manipulations is to obtain the so-called PNR code (Reservation Code). IN Lately, many online services for selling air tickets try not to show this data, but we will be more cunning.

Having filled out the standard data for purchasing air tickets, we will have a reservation number - this is a short set of characters consisting of Latin letters and numbers; the reservation number should be remembered or written down.

Sometimes you receive an email with a reservation number, sometimes the airline ticket reservation number is indicated right on the website page, this is not so important, we will only need it once.

How to print airline ticket reservations without paying

The next step is to print out your airline ticket reservation without payment. We go to one of the sites for checking air tickets and calmly print out our air ticket reservation.

There are several sites for printing out airline ticket reservations (,,, etc.). For example, I use the site, it has a simple interface and it always works properly.

In the form that opens, enter the reservation number, the last name for which the ticket was booked and click on the button. Next, you will be able to print or save the itinerary receipt.

Video on how to print an unpaid airline ticket reservation

My friend (Anton Pushkarev), did short video clip, in which he talks in great detail about printing out unpaid reservations. The video is three minutes long, be sure to watch and like it if it helped you.

That's all, now you have a real (legal) air ticket reservation, which can become your air ticket if you pay for it on time.

Air ticket reservation

Booking air tickets occurs every time in the process of purchasing a plane ticket via the Internet, in most cases people do not even think about it.

In order to understand why air ticket bookings happen without our knowledge, we need to understand how most aggregator sites for booking air tickets work.

In fact, everything is very simple. When you are looking for an airline ticket, aggregator sites provide a selection from many ticket and airline sites. After selecting an air ticket (by price, time, etc.), the aggregator site redirects you to the airline’s website, but not everyone does this, some sites offer to purchase an air ticket directly on their website, this is what the agent ru website does.

It is at this moment that an air ticket is booked, which can turn into a purchase or remain a reservation. Thus, any air ticket purchased online occurs at the online booking, the only difference is the time that this reservation is held.

Where to book flights

There are several convenient ways to book and purchase air tickets, about which I

  • metasearch engines (air sales, skyscanner, etc.) - search for air tickets on many sites and provide you with the search results in a readable form (be sure to use the calendar low prices and subscription to price reduction);
  • ticket sites (Agent RU, Euroavia RU, etc.) - you can make a reservation directly on their website without going to the airline’s website;
  • air ticket exchanges (turdom ru and others) - as a rule, you can buy air tickets here at a very good price, but you need to catch them;
  • airline websites - sometimes such sites can have very inconvenient navigation or lack of Russian language, so you need to know English.

Deadlines for booking tickets from different airlines

The timing of booking air tickets depends on the conditions of the airline, and not on the site on which you book the ticket. The lifetime of your air ticket reservation may be influenced by various factors (time before departure, availability of tickets for a given flight, etc.).

The approximate time for which airlines hold reservations can be seen in this list:

  • Qatar holds reservations for up to 10 days;
  • Aeroflot holds reservations for no more than 2 days;
  • Turkish Airlines holds reservations for up to 10 days;
  • KLM holds reservations for no more than 1 day;
  • UIA holds reservations for up to 10 days;
  • AlItalia holds reservations for no more than 1 day;
  • AirBaltic hold your reservation for up to 3 days;
  • SAS holds reservations for up to 2 days;
  • AirBerlin holds reservations for up to 4 days;
  • AirFrance holds reservations for up to 4 days;
  • Lufthansa holds reservations for up to 2 days;
  • EuropeAir holds reservations for up to 7 days.

A number of airlines allow you to avoid paying for booked tickets if you book on their websites, and you can pay at their office. In any case, carefully read the “fine print” text regarding the cancellation conditions. For example, Lufthansa will charge you a cancellation fee for a guaranteed reservation.

How to check an air ticket

It’s very easy to check an air ticket using your reservation number and last name; now I’ll tell you about this in more detail. As I said earlier, all air tickets purchased via the Internet are, in one way or another, booked through one of the global reservation systems and thus each air ticket (whether it is paid for or not) has a unique reservation number.

Check your flight ticket through global booking sites

I know several global reservation systems used by airlines and all those who sell air tickets: Sirena, Galileo, Saber, Amadeus. Any tourist can access these systems, but not directly, but through the corresponding information sites.

  • Siren -
  • Saber-

Here you should take into account the following nuance, depending on the airline, the reservation system with which this airline works will also depend (Sirena, Galileo, Saber, Amadeus), so you should know which site to check your air ticket on. Sometimes, information about the reservation system is indicated on air tickets, but for greater confidence, you can enter the reservation number and last name on all presented sites.

Check the purchased air ticket by number and surname

Large ticket agencies (for example, onetwotrip) provide their clients with a number of opportunities (print e-ticket, issue a refund, select the type of food on board, etc.), including checking the purchased air ticket by number and surname (by order or payment number and email address or number mobile phone).

In order to check an air ticket purchased on onetwotrip by number and surname, you should indicate the ticket number (namely the ticket number, not the reservation number) and the surname that was specified during registration on this page .

When to book a plane ticket without payment?

Booking a plane ticket without payment, as I wrote above, is required in the following situations:

  • booking air tickets for a visa - this is done in cases where the country issuing the visa is very meticulous and there is no guarantee of issuing a visa;
  • deferred purchase of an air ticket - if you have found a good price for an air ticket, but have not yet decided whether to go or not, then booking helps and you can think about your trip in a relaxed atmosphere;
  • lack of money to buy a plane ticket - you found a plane ticket for optimal price, but at the moment there are not enough funds to purchase it (anything can happen in life, wages were delayed, payments did not go through bank card etc.), in this case you make a reservation and pay a little later;
  • there is a high probability of a visa refusal - you know exactly for what reasons your visa may be denied and you do not want to have a paid air ticket in your hands.

Booking air tickets for a visa

To obtain a visa, in one sense or another, there are several ways to prove to consular officers that you have air tickets. Here are the most legal ones.

Refundable flights

The most reliable way to obtain air ticket reservations for a visa is to buy return air tickets. You will have real air tickets (paid) in your hands, suitable for obtaining a visa. With such air tickets, there should be no unnecessary questions from consular officials to you.

After receiving a visa, return air tickets can be returned with the loss of part of the money. It’s not entirely clear why you need a visa then (you’ll probably travel by land and not by plane), but many people make reservations this way - it’s reliable and less nerve-wracking.

Booking air tickets without payment

A more risky and less predictable type of obtaining a visa is to take an unpaid air ticket reservation to the consulate; this could be anything from the airline automatically canceling the reservation to a consular officer calling the airline.

Friends, you should remember that the consulates are not stupid (at least no more stupid than you and me) and understand everything perfectly well, and if they want to find a reason not to issue a visa, they will definitely find it. I highly recommend not making an airline ticket reservation in Photoshop - this clean water deception, better make an unpaid reservation, which in itself is an official document.

If you have successfully read this article to the end, then you know all the features when booking air tickets and now you understand exactly how it all works.