How the plane works. The main parts of the aircraft and their purpose

No matter how many times they tried to come up with an airplane before, the whole point turned out to be in the design. Somehow, huge airliners get into the air, and the safety of passengers is a very important consideration. This article will examine in detail the structure of the aircraft, namely its main parts.

The aircraft design includes:

  • Fuselage
  • Wings
  • Tail
  • Takeoff and landing device
  • Propulsion system
  • Control systems, avionics

Each of these parts is vital for the aircraft to fly quickly and safely. Also, an analysis of the components will help you understand how the plane works, and why everything was done this way and not otherwise.

This structural element represents a certain base of the aircraft, a load-bearing part to which other parts of the aircraft are attached. It gathers all the major parts of the aircraft around: the tail, landing gear and propulsion system, and the teardrop shape does a great job of absorbing the opposing force as it moves through the air. The interior of the case is designed to transport valuable cargo, be it weapons or military equipment, or passengers; Various equipment and fuel are also located here.


It is very difficult to find an aircraft whose design does not include the placement of its most recognizable part - the wings. This element serves to generate lifting power, and in modern designs, to increase this parameter, the wings are placed in the flat base of the aircraft fuselage.

The wings themselves include in their design the presence of special mechanisms, with the support of which the aircraft turns in one direction. In addition, this part of the aircraft is equipped with a takeoff and landing device, which regulates the movement of the aircraft during takeoffs and landings, and assists in controlling takeoff and landing speeds. It should also be noted that some aircraft designs include fuel tanks in the wings.

In addition, each wing is equipped with a console. With the help of moving components called ailerons, the ship is controlled relative to its longitudinal axis; The functioning of these elements is carried out completely synchronously. However, when one element turns one way, the other will go the opposite way; This is precisely why the fuselage body rotates.


This element of the aircraft structure is an equally important element. The tail of an aircraft consists of a fin and a stabilizer. The stabilizer, like the wings, has two consoles - right and left; The main purpose of this element is to regulate the movement of the aircraft and maintain a given altitude, taking into account the influence of various weather conditions.

The keel is also an integral part tail unit, which is responsible for maintaining the desired direction of the aircraft during its flight. In order to change the height and direction, two special rudders were created, each of which controls its own part of the tail unit. An important point is that aircraft elements may not always be called by exactly these names: for example, the tail part of the fuselage can be called the tail section, and sometimes only the keel is designated by this name.

Takeoff and landing device

The short name of the device is the landing gear, which is the main device thanks to which a successful takeoff and smooth landing are carried out. Do not underestimate this element of the aircraft, since its design is much more complex than just wheels extending out of the fuselage. If you take a closer look at one exhaust and cleaning system, it becomes clear that the design is very serious and consists of a whole set of different mechanisms and devices.

Propulsion system

The device is the main driving force that pushes the aircraft forward. Its location is most often located either under the wing or under the fuselage. The engine also consists of some essential parts, without which its operation is not possible.

Main engine parts:

  • Turbine
  • Fan
  • Compressor
  • The combustion chamber
  • Nozzle

The fan, located at the very beginning of the turbine, serves several functions: it pumps entrained air and cools the engine elements. Immediately after it there is a compressor that receives the air supplied by the fan and launches it into the combustion chamber under strong pressure. Now the fuel is mixed with air, and the resulting substance is set on fire.

The flow from the explosion of this fuel mixture splashes into the main part of the turbine, which causes it to rotate. Also, a device for twisting the turbine ensures constant rotation of the fan, forming in a similar way a cyclic system that will always work as long as air and fuel flow from the combustion chamber.

Control systems

Avionics is an electronic computing complex made up of various on-board devices of an aircraft system that help read current information during navigation and orientation of moving objects. Without this mandatory component, correct and correct control of any aircraft such as an airliner would simply be impossible. These systems also ensure uninterrupted operation of the aircraft; This includes functions such as autopilot, anti-icing system, on-board power supply and many others.

Aircraft classification and design features

All without exception aircraft can be divided into two main categories: civilian and military. Their most basic difference is the presence of a cabin that is designed deliberately for the purpose of transporting passengers. Themselves passenger aircraft divided by capacity into long-haul short-haul (flight distance up to 2000 km), medium (up to 4000 km) and long-haul (up to 9000 km)

If the flight range is even greater, then intercontinental type airliners are used for this. In addition, different types aircrafts have a difference in weight. Also, airliners may differ due to a certain type and, directly, purpose.

The design of an aircraft can often have different wing geometries. For aircraft that carry passenger transportation, the design of the wings does not differ from the classic one, which is typical for airliners. Models of aircraft of this type have a shortened nose component, and because of this they have a relatively low efficiency.

There is another specific form that is called “duck”, due to its arrangement of wings. The horizontal tail is placed in front of the wing, which increases lift. The disadvantage of this design is the reduction in the viewing area of ​​the lower hemisphere due to the presence of the tail in front of the wing itself.

So we figured out what the plane consists of. As you may have already noticed, the design is quite complex, and various numerous parts must work harmoniously so that the plane can take off and land successfully after a smooth flight. The design is often specific and can vary significantly depending on the model and purpose of the aircraft.

Even the shortest flight always causes a lot of anxiety for the traveler. And this is not surprising, because many people still experience real fear of flying in the sky and believe that they definitely cannot be comfortable. However, experienced travelers know exactly how to make their few hours in the air as enjoyable as possible. An important role in this matter is played by what seats you will sit in during the flight. We think that no one will like to travel sandwiched between two well-fed neighbors or to spend the entire flight watching people crowding around your seat, wanting to get to the toilet. Therefore, after the cost of the ticket and the reliability of the airline, you should pay attention to which seats on the plane are best to choose. Of course, there is not always unity on this issue, because much depends on the passenger’s build, the company with which he is flying, as well as personal preferences and the brand of the airliner. But we will try to give you general recommendations on which seats are best to take on the plane if you want your air travel to be smooth.

Flight class

What are the best seats on a plane? This question can be answered in different ways, but most passengers know for sure that the comfort of a flight directly depends on what class you travel in. This nuance directly affects many travel characteristics: seat comfort, level of service, quality and choice of food. This is especially important when your flight takes more than four hours and comfort becomes the most important condition. Therefore, if you are thinking about which places to go, try to choose a higher flight class when planning your trip.

Modern air carriers offer their customers the following travel options:

  • Economy class;
  • Business Class;
  • first grade.

Each of the options listed has its pros and cons. So before we find out, for example, which are the best seats on an economy class plane, we'll give brief description each class of flight.

What to expect from a budget trip?

Most passengers travel by air this way. After all, economy class tickets always have a low cost and are available to the general mass of tourists. Those who often fly by plane compare such a trip in terms of comfort with a trip on a bus. The airliner's cabin is equipped with reclining seats; the distance between the seats will allow passengers of average height and build to stretch out their legs and sit comfortably. You will definitely be fed during the flight, and many airlines also give children gifts consisting of coloring books, pencils and various games that help while away the flight.

However, keep in mind that economy class does not boast big amount amenities. For many passengers, the distance between the seats and rows seems too small, and they cannot sit comfortably. This turns into serious problem when the flight lasts several hours. In addition, traveling in economy class imposes some restrictions on baggage allowance. IN Lately major airlines provide seats in the most budget class of flights increased comfort. They usually cost a little more than regular ones, but the demand for such tickets shows that they are very popular among tourists.

Flying in business class

Traveling in business class is extremely comfortable; there are comfortable seats that you can fully recline and relax during a long and tiring flight. In addition, passengers receive delicious à la carte dishes and a wide range of alcoholic drinks. Each chair is equipped with such pleasant little things as, for example, sockets to recharge laptops and smartphones.

For many tourists, the answer to the question “which seats on the plane is best to choose for a pleasant and memorable trip” is obvious - naturally, in business class.

Most expensive trip

Not every airline can boast of having first class seats on board. It is one of the most comfortable of all the above, but also the most expensive at the same time. Travelers who can afford this type of flight receive a host of benefits, including a dedicated check-in counter and preferential boarding.

It is worth noting that first class flights will seem the most convenient to tourists, but, unfortunately, not every passenger can afford such a luxury. Therefore, in further sections of the article we will try to find out which seats on the plane are best to choose for a comfortable and enjoyable trip.

Porthole seats

Many passengers think the best places chairs located near the porthole. Undoubtedly, they have many advantages, but they are not suitable for all travelers.

You can choose such places if you plan to get some sleep during the flight, because no one will disturb your sleep by sneaking to the toilet. It is quite convenient to be at the porthole for those who plan to occupy themselves with reading or working on a laptop. There is enough light here, so your eyes won’t get tired, and you can spend your flight in comfortable conditions.

However, keep in mind that it will be difficult to go to the toilet from here - you will have to constantly apologize and disturb other passengers nearby.

Is it comfortable to fly on the aisle?

For those trying to figure out which airplane seats are best for restless travelers, consider aisle seats. They allow you to get up at any time, give you the opportunity to stretch out comfortably, and also go to the toilet without thinking about disturbing your sleeping neighbors, for example. It's nice that passengers sitting near the aisle are practically the first to go down the stairs after the airliner lands. And therefore, they have a chance to complete all the documents at customs without unnecessary fuss and receive their luggage before other tourists.

But don’t forget about the disadvantages that aisle chairs have. It will be quite difficult for you to doze off or just relax, because other passengers and flight attendants are constantly walking between the rows. In addition, be prepared to get up from your comfortable chair every time your neighbors decide to go to the toilet or just stretch their legs.

Places in the center

In most articles that give advice on which seats on the plane are best to reserve for yourself at check-in, the seats in the center are called the least suitable option of all possible. However, in reality it all depends on who is traveling. For example, for families with children, these places are the most convenient for placing a child. Judge for yourself, he will feel both parents, and during sleep he will be able to stretch out, sitting on the laps of mom and dad. Therefore, many families try to occupy three seats next to each other when checking in for a flight.

But people traveling alone will not be very comfortable sitting in the center seat surrounded by two strangers.

Emergency exits: pros and cons of places

Some passengers mistakenly believe that emergency exit seats are the best and are often disappointed with their flight. After all, in fact, the seats at emergency exits on an airliner have their own classification. You need to know this when checking in for your flight and choosing seats on board.

The lucky ones are those travelers who managed to get into a row of seats between two emergency hatches. There is plenty of room here even for passengers taller than average, and you can fully recline the seat back without irritating passengers sitting behind you. It is also quite comfortable to sit in the seats that are located in front of the emergency exit. They have increased row spacing, and many airlines even leave space behind by removing a row of seats. However, keep in mind that such places usually do not accommodate women, children and the elderly, who will not be able to act calmly in a critical situation. Do not forget that the rules of air carriers strictly prohibit placing them near the emergency hatch. hand luggage.

Places after emergency exits are considered the most undesirable for this category. long journey. The seats are firmly fixed in one position, so the flight will be extremely unpleasant.

Seats in the nose of an airliner

The choice of such a place for air travel in many cases is completely justified. Passengers seated at the front of the aircraft will receive drinks and food first during lunch. They don't have to worry about the flight attendant running out of juice or mineral water. In addition, they are the first to leave after landing, but this is where mothers and babies are often placed. A baby cradle can be conveniently secured in the front part of the cabin, so preference is given to this category of passengers when checking in. If you don't tolerate traveling surrounded by crying babies or plan to work during the entire flight, then try to choose other seats.

Tail section of an airliner

The seats in the tail have long been recognized as the most uncomfortable. There are always crowds of people here and there is practically no choice of hot food, and after landing passengers will have to leave after all other travelers.

However, often the tail compartment is not completely filled, so it becomes possible to comfortably sit on three chairs at the same time and get a good night's sleep. According to statistics, during the crashes, about seventy percent of the survivors were sitting in the tail of the plane.

First rows of seats

Some passengers deliberately choose seats in the front rows of seats. They have a lot of advantages: no one will recline the seat back in front of your nose, and a wall or partition in front creates a certain atmosphere of privacy even in a full aircraft cabin.

The best places to travel with children

If you are traveling with a full group, then information about which seats on the plane are best to choose - after all, flying with a child is quite difficult, you must admit - is not an empty phrase for you. You will find this section of the article useful.

Usually the first rows of seats are considered the most comfortable. In them, your child will not disturb other passengers, for babies there is the opportunity to secure a cradle, the choice of dishes is the widest, and turbulence is least felt.

Most often, the airline representative who checks in for the flight takes into account the fact that parents and children must sit next to each other. However, it would not be superfluous to remind about this, because in the process of work, some employees may not pay attention to the age of the child.

Try to get seats in the front part of the cabin, because if the plane is not fully loaded, you can always move to the back and put your baby to sleep in the three free seats. Otherwise, you will still have good seats in the front rows, which are quite comfortable with a child.

What are the best seats on an Airbus?

General advice on choosing seats in the cabin may not always be effective, because they do not take into account the structural features of the airliner. This nuance must be taken into account when thinking about which seats on the plane are best to choose. Airbus, for example, is a fairly popular aircraft model among Russian airlines. It has several modifications, each with its own characteristics.

The Airbus 319-100 airliner provides for the sale of tickets in two categories: business and economy. For passengers of the second group, the most comfortable seats will be in the third row. They are the first and are separated from the other cabin by a curtain, this makes it possible to sit very comfortably while traveling. The tenth row is often called “seats of increased comfort”, because in front of them there is an emergency exit and travelers are accommodated with greater comfort.

The interior configuration of the Airbus 320 aircraft suggests that the most convenient places are those that are in the third, tenth and eleventh row. The economy countdown starts from the third row seats and there is a partition in front of them. This prevents the seat in front from reclining due to its absence. The tenth row is distinguished by a wide aisle from one row to another. However, do not forget that the position of the chairs is securely fixed, so you can only comfortably stretch your legs. The eleventh row can be considered the most suitable for long flights; the backrests recline here, and the distance in front is quite enough for even a very tall passenger to sit comfortably.

What are the good seats on a Boeing plane?

These airliners are also often used by Russian air carriers. A popular model is Boeing. What seats on the plane would be better to choose if you were flying on board this model? We will reveal this secret to you now.

For passengers, there is serious confusion due to the slightly different interior configurations of these airliners. In one version there is a row with two chairs. Here the most desirable seats will be in the fourth, thirteenth and fourteenth rows. The fourth row begins the countdown in the economy class cabin. There will be a partition in front of passengers that does not reach the floor. This allows travelers to sit in any position convenient for them. Flight attendants start serving food from these places, so you won’t have any problems choosing. The thirteenth row is not suitable for everyone, because behind it there is an emergency exit, which means the transformation of the seat is impossible. However, there are only two seats and plenty of legroom. The fourteenth row has the most important advantages over other seats: reclining seat backs and an increased passage between the rows.

The second version of the interior configuration is identical to the first, but here the numbering is shifted by one and there are no rows with two seats. Therefore, similar to the previous description, the seats in the fourth, twelfth and thirteenth rows will be comfortable here.

We hope that after reading our article you will be able to easily check in for a flight via the Internet and choose the most comfortable places for yourself and your family. Enjoy your flight and have a soft landing!

When traveling by plane, each of us usually has our own idea of ​​where it is more convenient for us to sit. Some people always want to choose a seat by the window; some passengers, on the contrary, prefer the outermost row so that they can stretch their legs into the aisle between the rows. However, most people do not like to sit in the back of the plane. As it turned out, even these not the most convenient places have their advantages.

To begin with, we note that the overwhelming number of leading airlines fly two types of aircraft: the Airbus family of airliners and the popular Boeing 777.

In Airbus, the most comfortable seat is 1A. Here, a number of pleasant advantages await the passenger: additional legroom, a good “view” from the window. The only negative is that it is one of the coldest places on board.

Many passengers try to choose seats at the front of the cabin, right after business class. The reasons are different - drinks and food are offered first. And they can also be the first to leave the plane after landing.

True, the first rows also have their drawbacks. Typically, mounts for strollers or bassinets are installed in this part of the aircraft, and passengers with small children are also seated here. Therefore, in an unsuccessful situation, such a neighborhood cannot be called calm.

In the tail

Did you know that the seats at the back of any plane are the safest?! According to statistics, almost 70% of passengers who survived plane crashes were sitting in the rear of the plane.

Despite this, few passengers choose this part of the cabin. The proximity to the toilet or kitchen and the corresponding smells are not very comfortable for travelers.

And on the Boeing 777, perhaps the most uncomfortable places on the last two rows - 44th and 45th. This is the complete “antipode” of the first row described above. Here, in addition to the forced proximity to the toilet and kitchen, there is also limited legroom, and, alas, the inability to recline the back of the chair in the last row: in some cases it can simply be rigidly fixed.

But if the board flies incomplete, then the last rows most often remain free. So, passengers who have seats in the last part of the cabin have the opportunity to take a whole row of seats on one side - to sleep or simply sit in greater comfort.

At the wings

As for the seats in the middle of the cabin, they are considered neutral: when the cabin is fully loaded, passengers can sit on both sides of you, and their build can be quite impressive. So it remains to be seen what could be worse: sitting in the “tail” or in the middle, sandwiched between two fat men and resting your knees on the back of the chair reclined in front.

Advice: look at the layout of the plane in advance, if, of course, you know which one you will fly on - Boeing or Airbus. This information can be found on the airline's official website.

TO convenient places On an airplane, it is customary to assign window seats. Firstly, you can simply look out the airplane window, secondly, it is more comfortable to sleep in such a place, and in general there is minimal contact with other surrounding passengers. But if you plan to actively move around the cabin during the flight - this also happens - then a window seat may create inconvenience for you and your row neighbors.

A certain category of passengers definitely needs to stretch their legs. We advise such people to choose seats in the aisle or at the exits - emergency or regular, because there are no seats in front, which means the distance allows them to stretch their legs. But in these places you cannot keep either hand luggage or even handbags on your lap - approach to the hatches emergency exit should be as free as possible.

Have time to choose your seat

Choosing the right seats on a plane is no longer a problem: almost all leading airlines have open online registration for a flight - usually 24-30 hours before departure. There is another “old-fashioned” way - to arrive early when registration opens. Typically, such disciplined passengers get seats in the first third of the cabin, because tickets are distributed starting from the front of the plane. Well, those who are still late will have to be content with seats in the very “tail”.

There is another way to get around your “competitors” on the flight. Register at the self-check-in kiosk while already at the airport. And then with boarding pass on hands .

Optional trifles

Depending on the direction of flight, the day of the week and time of departure become important. Morning and evening flights are usually the busiest. According to statistics, the chance of getting on an unbooked flight is much higher if you fly from Monday to Thursday, and even in the middle of the day.

The designation of seats in the rows of the cabin can be in Russian or English. For example: Russian - 1A, 1B, 1B, 1G, 1D, 1E, English - 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F. And in this case, place 1B (English “B”) is not at all the same as place 1B (Russian “B”). After all, these places are different: the first is near the aisle, the second is in the middle.

So it's easier to remember this way. For any cabin layout: seat 1A will always be by the window, and seat 1C by the aisle.

It matters which way you fly. After all, if the sun shines directly into your eyes, you will have to hide behind the porthole curtains. If this is important to you and you are well versed in the cardinal directions, then determine in which direction you are flying. If from east to west, then the sun will shine from the left. If from west to east, then on the right. When flying from north to south, the sun will be on the left in the morning, but in the evening it will be on the right. If from south to north, then vice versa.

Well, if the “stars” did not align for you, and you got the wrong seat, then you can always change it - if the salon is not full. To do this, you need to contact the flight attendants within 5 minutes after boarding the plane is completed and the flight attendant announces “Boarding is over”. If you do not have time to do this, you will have to wait until the plane reaches the required altitude and passengers are not allowed to leave their seats.

Have a good flight!

Updated: 09/16/2019

Many air passengers still do not know that choose seats on the plane you can and should do it yourself, during the process of purchasing an air ticket or at the time of registration for air travel. Why should this be done? For those who fly rarely, for example once a year on vacation, air travel is quite a significant event in life, and comfort during the flight often leaves an imprint on the entire vacation. For those who fly frequently, the choice of seat in the aircraft cabin is no less important, because such passengers are almost certainly own experiences know that some seats on board are not very comfortable and cause discomfort even during a flight with a short flight duration. How to choose the right seats on an airplane and what parameters affect comfort during the flight is described in this article.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

However, before I begin to describe in detail the features of certain passenger seats on an airplane, I note that in modern air transport there are no clearly bad or clearly good places, because in each specific situation a number of variables must be taken into account, which are individual for each passenger. Therefore, it would be more correct to describe the standard seats in the aircraft cabin and indicate their generally accepted advantages and disadvantages. And yes, the article is intended for passengers flying charter and regular flights in economy class, because I think it’s wrong to talk about the disadvantages of business class seats. All areas in the aircraft cabin can be divided into three: in the tail of the aircraft, in the bow of the aircraft and in the middle of the cabin.

Seats in the rear of the aircraft

The advantage of choosing seats at the back of the plane is often the opportunity to get a good night's sleep during a multi-hour flight, for example from Moscow to Bangkok. By the way, you can read in detail about the flight duration in the article. Experienced air passengers often take advantage of the opportunity to sleep on three seats at once when flying to Thailand or other countries during the low season, when planes are rarely fully loaded. However, at peak tourist season and in a popular direction one cannot count on such an opportunity.

An important factor for some will be the confirmed fact that, according to statistics, of all passengers who survived plane crashes, two tritiums (67%) occupied seats in the tail of the plane. Now about factors that can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on the individual passenger. The possible lack of portholes will be a critical drawback for some, while others will not pay attention to it. People who do not tolerate shaking and motion sickness are also not recommended. choose seats on the plane in the tail, where it is felt more pronounced.

The proximity to the toilets, on the one hand, eliminates the need to walk across the cabin floor and stand in a possible queue, but on the other hand, constant walking next to passengers can be annoying and interfere with sleep (only a blindfold and earplugs, which decent airlines, for example Etihad, will save you, will save you). issued to each passenger). Finally, passengers occupying seats at the rear of the plane are often forced to be the last to leave the plane, letting everyone else pass and ending up on the passport control and customs again last. Although I have read that sometimes passengers are allowed to exit through a door at the rear of the plane, using telescopic bridges at airports, I have not yet encountered this in practice.

Seats at the front of the aircraft cabin

As a rule, passenger service begins from the front of the cabin (or from the middle towards the rear), so that all passengers sitting in the specified seats can receive food hotter and with the opportunity to choose several options (often those sitting in the rear simply have no choice and you have to eat what's left). There is less shaking in the front part of the aircraft cabin, so the risk of motion sickness is noticeably lower. After landing, passengers seated at the front of the plane, just behind the business class seats, often have the opportunity to disembark in the front rows.

The disadvantage of seats at the front of the aircraft cabin is that there are often special mounts for baby cradles there, and in general there is a greater chance of finding yourself in the company of passengers with small children who will annoy you the whole way (once I was flying from Turkey right behind business class in the company of an Arab family with three small crying children - an unforgettable feeling...). Those who like to admire the view from the window may find that even if they take a seat next to one, they end up unable to see anything due to the aircraft's wings blocking the entire view.

Seats in the middle part of the aircraft cabin

A compromise option that has both advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the make and model of the aircraft, there may be a toilet and an additional kitchen in the middle part of the aircraft, then passengers have the opportunity to be one of the first to receive food and also go to the toilet whenever they want. Shaking in the center is felt weakly, especially on long-haul wide-body sides. Seats located in the central part of the aircraft cabin, just behind its wings, allow you to watch the clouds and offer views of mountains, rivers, sea and cities from above, if there is no extensive cloud cover and you manage to grab a window seat on the plane. As a rule, passengers sitting in the middle of the cabin have the opportunity to exit the aircraft faster than passengers in the rear of the cabin.

Rows of seats on an airplane: advantages and disadvantages

Occupying first row in the airplane cabin(immediately behind another class of service or the first row located in another section of the aircraft cabin), you can be sure that no one sitting in front will recline, limiting your free space. Often such rows provide a little more legroom than other seats, which is never superfluous in economy class conditions. The downside is that most likely there will be a toilet, a kitchen, or just a partition in front of you, which will limit your view throughout the flight. I’ve already written about baby cradles, but here I’ll note that instead of classic folding tables, you’ll have to eat from less convenient (in my opinion) folding tables that can be removed from the armrests. Also, someone will be annoyed by the smells and sounds of dishes coming from the aircraft kitchen.

Passengers last row in the airplane cabin(or another row behind which there are no other seats in the compartment) may find that the backs of their seats are significantly limited in their ability to recline or are completely deprived of this ability. This is usually explained by the presence of a toilet, kitchen, other technical room or cabin compartment partition behind the partition. Also, the seat backs often do not recline when one of the emergency exits is located behind the row.

Seat position in a row: pros and cons

The cabins of mid-size aircraft have a 3+3 seating formula, i.e. a central aisle and three chairs from it on both sides. All experienced passengers try to immediately choose best places on the plane, which for them are either located near the aisle or at the window, but not in the center. And this is quite understandable.

Seats in the aircraft cabin near the window. The best option for those who prefer most spend roads in a dream, calmly read a book in daylight and look out the porthole at beautiful night cities or picturesque mountains during the day. Among the inconveniences of the place at the porthole, the only thing that can be noted is that when trying to go to the toilet or get something from the things in the luggage compartment above the seats, you will have to disturb the passengers sitting next to you. Also, for those who often like to ask the flight attendant to bring another glass of water (or whiskey), it is not entirely convenient to do this (to find the right moment). Personally, I always try to choose seats on the plane near the window, because I like to look “out the window” and take a nap, and on 5-6 hour flights I don’t even go to the toilet.

Places in the center. They are considered the most inconvenient due to the likelihood of running into well-fed fellow travelers who will squeeze you from both sides. The person sitting in the center is forced to let at least one passenger through (or two when it comes to a wide-body aircraft with a 3+4+3 or 2+4+2 seating arrangement) if they want to go to the toilet or get something from their things, which are located in the luggage compartment. There is no talk at all about the possibility of seeing anything through the window (only when the aircraft is strongly banking during climb or landing). Now that airplanes have individual LCD screens, and even smartphones and tablets, I have become better about center-row seats. Previously, you could only sleep and read a book there, which was a little annoying.

Aisle seats on the plane. They are convenient because you can stretch your legs a little in the aisle and calmly take things (your own, of course :)) from luggage compartment, go to the toilet without disturbing anyone, get off the plane before your row neighbors when landing at the airport. It is very convenient to track the movement of flight attendants and order the next glass of water or other drink. I would consider the inconvenience to be the need to let two neighbors sit in chairs if they want to stretch their legs and go to the toilet. Also causing some inconvenience are flight attendants with trolleys and passing passengers touching your elbow or shoulder.

Emergency exit seats. It so happens that I myself have flown them more than once, so I can’t help but mention them separately. These seats are very convenient because they allow you to stretch your legs as much as possible; there is no need to let your fellow passengers pass. However, there are also disadvantages: the possible absence of a porthole, a ban on hand luggage in the leg area (for security reasons). In general, there is an opinion that these seats are provided to people who, if necessary, can quickly open the emergency exit door and help the staff get other passengers out. I don’t know if this is true, but passengers with children and the elderly are definitely not given the indicated seats.

I hope that the information received was useful to you and now, when you carry out, you will immediately book the places that you think will best suit you. Since this article came out quite voluminous, then detailed information I posted about that in a separate article. I wish everyone comfortable flights and always smooth landings!

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The main parts of the aircraft include:

· fuselage;

· plumage;

· power point;

· control system.

Wing(1) designed to create lift Y and provide lateral stability, and ailerons located at the ends of the wing in the tail section provide lateral control of the aircraft.

The wing is equipped with mechanization (flaps, flaps, slats), which improves takeoff and landing characteristics. Fuel can be placed in the wing; landing gear, engines, external fuel tanks, and weapons can be attached to the wing.

Fuselage (2) designed to accommodate the crew, passengers, cargo, it is the main power part of the aircraft, because All other parts of the aircraft are attached to it.

Plumage is divided into horizontal: stabilizer (3) and elevator (4), and vertical: (keel (5) and rudder (6).

Horizontal tail (G.O) provides longitudinal stability ( stabilizer) and controllability ( elevator).

Vertical tail (V.O) provides directional stability ( keel) and controllability ( rudder).

Chassis(7) – This is an aircraft support system designed for stable movement of an aircraft on the ground, parking, takeoff and landing. To reduce drag on modern aircraft, the landing gear is retracted during flight.

Power point (8) includes engines, fuel and oil systems and is designed to create in flight the thrust necessary to move the aircraft.

Control system divided into main and auxiliary.

Main control system designed to control the movement of the aircraft, and auxiliary - to control individual parts and assemblies.

The main control system includes: a control stick (a control wheel with a column on heavy aircraft) and pedals, as well as control wiring that connects the rudders to the control levers.

The aircraft control system is designed in such a way that the actions on the control levers correspond to the natural reflexes of the pilot.

When the control stick (control column) is tilted forward (“away from you”), the elevator deflects down and the nose of the aircraft goes down. When the stick moves toward you, the elevator deflects upward and the plane lifts its nose up.

The rudder is deflected by pressing the pedals. If the pilot presses the right pedal, the rudder moves to the right and the plane turns to the right and vice versa.