Lake Svetloyar flowing rivers. Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

On the Volga River, not far from the city Nizhny Novgorod there is one of the deepest lakes in this region - Svetloyar. The dimensions of the lake are small - half a kilometer in length and a little more in width. The depth of Svetloyar is 39 meters. Water enters the lake from a deep fissure in its bottom. It is crystal clear and cold.
Svetloyar is sometimes called the Russian Atlantis for its legendary history. People say that sometimes the barely audible ringing of bells can be heard from under its waters, and in the depths you can see the ghostly walls of monasteries and church domes.

This is the city of Kitezh, which, as legend has it, disappeared between 1236 and 1242 during the first Mongol Tatar invasion of Russia. At the border of the third and fourth decades of the 13th century, the ancient Russian state was fragmented into dozens of principalities, princes fought among themselves for power and new lands, and entered into military alliances.
The name of Lake Svetloyar comes from a combination of ancient Russian words: “bright”, also meaning pure and righteous, and “yar” - not only known to everyone as a ravine, or beam, but in this case being the root of the name of the ancient Russian solar deity Yarila, who in pre-Christian Rus' was worshiped by ancient Slavic tribes. Many legends of the pre-Christian period of Rus' are also associated with Lake Svetloyar. The city of Kitezh is also mentioned in the sacred book of the ancient Russian faith - the “Star Book of Kolyada”.

In the area of ​​Lake Svetloyar, as an ancient Russian legend tells, Kitovras, a magical half-horse, half-man, was born. He was a powerful wizard and helped the Slavs build cities and temples. Kvasura, the ancient god of wisdom and hops, also lived there. It is believed that their names gave the name to the city of Kitezh.
In ancient times, a Slavic tribe of Berendeys lived near Lake Svetloyar. To this day, their descendants have preserved the legends about the city of Kitezh and the religious center of worship of the god Yaril located in it. In ancient times, in the pre-Christian period of Rus', Kitezh was considered among the Slavs sacred place.
After the baptism of Rus', the Slavic faith with its temples and wise men gave way to Christianity, but places sacred to people remained. According to tradition, they began to build on the site of the temples Orthodox churches, since these places were believed to be special and strong sources of positive energy. The names of the ancient Slavic gods gradually changed to the names of saints, but the places of worship of higher powers remained the same. Such places include Lake Svetloyar, which since ancient times has been shrouded in legends and mysticism.

On the shore of this lake, Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich, (November 26, 1188 - March 4, 1238), son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, built the City of Big Kitezh. In addition to him, there was also Small Kitezh (presumably modern Gorodets), built during the time of his grandfather, Yuri Dolgoruky. Big Kitezh was built of white stone with six temples in the center of the city, which at that time was a sign of wealth. It seems that legends united these two cities into the mystical and mysterious Kitezh City.

In 1238, Batu Khan defeated the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich remained at that time the only military leader with an army that could resist the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Khan camped on the City River. Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich defended himself against him in Maly Kitezh. Khan Batu took the city by storm, but the prince and the remnants of the army managed to escape from Small Kitezh and take refuge in Big Kitezh.
Batu intended to continue his campaign to Mediterranean Sea, but it was impossible to leave the Russian prince with his army in his rear. The path to the city lay among impassable swamps and forests. And then he began to torture all the captured Slavs on how to get to Kitezh. To hand over a city sacred to the Slavs meant dooming oneself and one’s family to eternal damnation. According to legend, only one was afraid of torment and death - Grishka Kuterma. He agreed to lead Batu’s army to Kitezh.

When the troops approached it, they saw that the city was not fortified and rejoiced at the upcoming easy victory. But at the sight of the enemy, fountains of water began to flow from underground and the city of Kitezh disappeared under water. According to legend, the water did not enter the city itself, it only hid it from enemies and the townspeople did not drown. So God saved the people of Kitezh for their prayers and piety.
The legend of Kitezh is still alive today. People living in this area talk about strangely dressed people suddenly appearing, and the disappearances of those who come to look for Kitezh. The lake has long been of interest to archaeologists and geologists - employees of research institutes, as well as numerous people independently investigating the mystery of Lake Svetloyar. Among them there are both those who explain everything by the laws of physics, and those who believe in the secret nature of things. They all strive to unravel the mystery of Lake Svetloyar and the city of Kitezh that has sunk into it.

See also:

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About 100 km from the Volga region in the northeast of the center of the region, near the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district, in a wooded area lies an unusually beautiful and mysterious place in the Nizhny Novgorod land - Lake Svetloyar, which attracts many tourists.

The origin of the lake is still unknown. There are many legends and traditions about the formation of Svetloyar, which were composed a long time ago by the tribes who lived in the local forests. But I would like to introduce readers to the most ancient one. So, let's get started.

The Legend of the Turk Girl

Ancient man There were many forest spirits surrounding him, of whom he was very afraid and tried to appease them with his bows and sacrifices. The goddess of the forest and all its animals, the Maiden-Turk, brought the most fear to the people of that time. Where her huge horse hit the ground with its powerful hoof, the ground collapsed and a hole formed.

In our forests of the Trans-Volga region, in remote places, lived in the village of the Proud Tribe, which did not submit to the Turk Maiden and soon completely forgot about her. Having learned about this, the enraged goddess unleashed her horse on all the inhabitants of the village, which dug the entire earth with its hoof, and the collapsed place was filled to the brim with underground water. And so it appeared in the place where the tribe lived, big lake Svetloyar.
And the name of the lake, as you can see, is also quite ancient. Two words were combined: “light”, which means “kind”, and “yar” - from the pagan god Yarila.

The Legend of the City of Kitezh

There is also a legend that at the bottom of Svetloyar there is a huge messianic city - Kitezh-grad, which completely sank under the water of the lake. Even now you can hear that the city supposedly stands under the water of Svetloyar to this day and can even be seen.

According to people, somewhere in the middle of the lake there is a not very large hole (the size of a ladle). True, finding it is not so easy. In winter, the ice on Svetloyar is very clean and transparent. So you need to come and clear the ice from the snow, and you can see what’s going on at the bottom. And there, they say, the whole life flows rapidly: there are white stone houses, bell towers, beautiful churches, amazing trees grow, living people walk around. This is the city that disappeared under water in ancient times. But not everyone will see it, and not everyone will find this hole.

Many people strive to get to the lake, as the water in it has amazing medicinal properties. Both the sick and the completely healthy go there in the hope of recovery. And from July 6 to 7, people gather on its banks for the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

What is a lake

Well, we talked a little about legends, now let’s return to Svetloyar itself. The water in the lake is very clean and transparent, the bottom is sandy. The waters of the lake are home to many species of rotifers that participate in water purification. Exclusively in bodies of water with clean cold water Stokesia, ciliates, Spirostomum, and also Bursaria found here can live. All these species are listed in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod region. At a depth of 2-3 meters, a long pondweed grows, the stems of which rise to the surface of the water.

In the wetlands of the lake shores, northern bushes and Lapland willow grow, which are also listed in the Red Book of the region. Also here you can find a small and inconspicuous marsh orchid - Lezel’s elk (a very rare species in our region and listed in the Red Book of Russia). Immediately after the snow melts, on the huge slope of the coast located in the west, delicate bright blue flowers, rare in the region, of the noble liverwort begin to open.

The entire path along the shore is covered with wood flooring. This provides comfort for large quantity visitors, and protects the banks from trampling.

The lake has the shape of a neat oval 500 by 400 meters and a depth of up to 30 meters. More comfortable for swimming Northern part shore, so on the south side the entrance to the water is quite sharp.

Story about it unique place from the director natural park"Voskresensk Povetluzhie".

1 part

part 2

The shores of Lake Svetloyar and the village of Vladimirskoye have been especially revered places by Orthodox believers for many centuries. This perfect place both for an individual holiday and for a holiday with the whole family! Here you will have an amazing opportunity to touch upon the unique Russian traditions and legends, absorb all the beauty and charm of Russian nature, fill your heart and soul with warmth and grace.

Swimming, tents, picnics...

On the shore of Svetloyar you can swim and have picnics, but it is prohibited to put up tents and make fires, since it is part of the Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye natural park. Fortunately, the park area is not so large and outside of it, in the immediate vicinity of the lake, you will find many nice places for tent camp. The map of the park can be viewed on the official website: There are a couple of grocery stores in the village of Vladimirskoye.

Love holidays in unusual places? Look. - one of the most beautiful in Crimea!

For tourists without tents there is a hotel “Svyatogor”. She will be happy to welcome all those who wish to visit these fabulously picturesque places, which are covered in traditions and legends. Here you can book comfortable and affordable rooms of any category - from economy to luxurious deluxe. All hotel rooms have modern furniture, bedding, bathroom and shower. Guests also have the opportunity to use a well-equipped and cozy kitchen, which is equipped with: microwave, electric kettle, refrigerator, necessary cutlery and cutlery.

Well, we talked a little about the pearl of the Nizhny Novgorod region, examined the beauty of this fabulous place and got acquainted with some legends of its formation. So you can take a vacation, pack your bags and go on an amazing journey around Svetloyar, and you will see everything for yourself! Good luck to you!

Film about Svetloyar, commissioned by TV Channel Culture

How to get there from Nizhny Novgorod

Exact coordinates: 56°49′07″ N. w. 45°05′35″ E. d.
By car. From Nizhny Novgorod to the village of Vladimirskoye it is about 130 km; travel time by car will take about 2 hours. Direction - highway P159 "Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov", intermediate landmarks Zheleznodorozhny - Tarasikha - Bydreevka - Shaldezh - Bokovaya. In the village of Bokovaya, we pass the Lyunda River and after 400 meters turn right towards the village of Vladimirskoye. There is a cafe and toilet at the turn. In the village itself there are no cafes or restaurants, except at the Svyatogor Hotel. Then we drive 12 km along the K18 road to the village. From the center of Vladimirsky to the lake it is about 10 minutes on foot.
By bus. From the Kanavinskaya bus station there is a bus on the Nizhny Novgorod-Voskresenskoye route; the journey takes about 2 hours.

Address: Russia, Nizhny Novgorod Region, With. Vladimirskoe
Depth: about 34 m.
Coordinates: 56°49"07.3"N 45°05"34.5"E


Short description

130 km from Nizhny Novgorod, on the outskirts of the village of Vladimirskoye, standing on the banks of the Lyunda River, is the mysterious Svetloyar Lake. Sometimes this lake is called the small Russian Atlantis.

Lake Svetloyar from a bird's eye view

The legend about the city of Kitezh, which has survived to this day in the literary treatment of the Old Believers, is associated with Svetloyar. The “Kitezh Chronicler” reports that Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich, traveling along the Volga on a ship, erected the city of Maly Kitezh (presumably the current Gorodets). Having passed the rivers Uzola, Sanda and Kerzhenets, the prince arrived at Lake Svetloyar. Fascinated by the beauty of this place, Yuri ordered to build the city of Bolshoi Kitezh on the shores of the lake.

During three years of construction (1165 - 1168), a majestic city was erected from stone and many Orthodox churches were built in it. In 1239, the troops of the wicked and godless Khan Batu moved to Rus'. Soon hordes of Tatar-Mongols captured Small Kitezh, and Prince Yuri and his retinue took refuge in the forests near Big Kitezh. One of Batu’s captives, Grishka Kuterma, unable to withstand the torture, betrayed his compatriots and showed the enemies the way to the great city. Batu found Yuri's refuge and killed him.

Birch alley to the lake

And here the legend is closely intertwined with reality - in fact, the Grand Duke died in an unequal battle with the Mongols on the City River in 1238. According to legend, on the eve of Batu’s attack, three warriors were on patrol in Kitezh, warning the townspeople of the danger. Many people fell from the swords of enemies, and three heroes also died, blocking the path of the khan’s army. And in the place where three warriors fought to the death for their city, the holy spring Kibelek appeared, the water of which still flows.

On the shore of Lake Svetloyar

The inhabitants of Kitezh did not erect any fortifications and did not even try to defend themselves; they turned with fervent prayer to God not to allow foreigners to come to them. God heeded the prayer, and when the hordes rushed to attack, abundant springs suddenly gushed out from under the ground and began to flood the city. The Mongols retreated in fear.

Like Atlantis, the city sank under water, only one lonely dome of the cathedral was visible above the surface of the lake, but soon it too disappeared. But Kitezh survived: in clear, quiet weather, from the depths of Svetloyar one can hear the drawn-out singing of people and the ringing of bells, and in clear waters Lakes you can see the tops of churches and monasteries.

Path around the lake

Svetloyar - sacred lake of ancient Rus'

Even before Russia adopted Christianity, the lake was considered sacred - rituals were held on its shores in honor of the Slavic sun god Yarila, hence the name Svetly Yar. Nowadays, Lake Svetloyar is a center of pilgrimage for both pagans and Orthodox Christians. Every year on July 6, Christians from all over Russia come to Svetloyar and make a religious procession around the lake in honor of the feast of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. In the evening a pagan celebration begins here - on the night of July 6-7, people celebrate Ivan Kupala Day.

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on the shore of the lake

People light fires, throw wreaths across the water surface and walk around the lake with candles in their hands. There is a belief that if you make a wish and walk around the lake 3 times, your wish will definitely come true. During the Great Patriotic War, women made pilgrimages around Lake Svetloyar, praying to save the lives of sons and husbands who had gone to the front.

Hypotheses about the origin of Lake Svetloyar

Adding to the mystery of the lake is the fact that the origin of Svetloyar has not yet been clarified. Naturalist V.V. Dokuchaev classified it as a lake of karst origin. Geologist G.I. Blom, after drilling a well, concluded that Svetloyar is a typical glacial lake, which is a remnant of the ancient bed of the Lyunda River.

Stone with a pile of the Virgin Mary on Lake Svetloyar

It was also hypothesized that the basin of the reservoir was formed as a result of faults in the earth’s crust and erosion of rocks. In 2009, Svyatoslav Engalychev, an employee of the St. Petersburg All-Russian Research Geological Institute, published the results of his research confirming the version that the lake owes its appearance to a meteorite that fell to the ground. In 1968, an expedition organized by Literaturnaya Gazeta detailed the complex topography of the bottom of Svetloyar.

Lake Svetloyar, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, is considered one of the most fabulous and unusual bodies of water in Russia. Locals call Svetloyar Atlantis. And it is no coincidence - it is believed that once on the shore of the lake (back in the days of the Tatar-Mongol yoke) there stood beautiful city Kitezh. Then he disappeared. There is even a legend about this city, according to which Kitezh sank to the bottom of Lake Svetloyar. Hence the comparison with Atlantis.

By the way, the lake is small but deep: it is only 500 meters long and 350 meters wide. Maximum depth- about 33.5 meters.

The Legend of Lake Svetloyar

Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich, according to legend, ordered the construction of the city of Kitezh on the shore of Lake Svetloyar.

Khan Batu, having learned about the city in a picturesque and rich region, decided to capture it. The Mongols, approaching the city, looked with surprise at local residents: There were no fortifications, people only raised their prayers to heaven. Suddenly, streams of water gushed out from under the ground. The Mongols retreated. Kitezh sank into the water. The last thing the invaders saw was a cross on the dome of the church.

It is believed that only true believers and pure souls will be able to find the sunken city. Pilgrims making a religious procession to these places say that they sometimes hear bells ringing coming from the lake itself.

Rest on Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The lake is located on the territory of the Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye natural park, which belongs to a specially protected area. It is not allowed to set up tents or make a fire on the shore of the reservoir.

But in the area of ​​the village of Vladimirskoye you can find accommodation - a hotel or guest houses. There you will be offered to rent single, double and triple rooms. There is a bathhouse on the territory of the guest houses, and a shop or cafe can be found nearby.

You can also visit Lake Svetloyar as part of excursion group. Bus tours organized directly from Nizhny Novgorod. The cost of such trips depends on the route, duration and number of people in the group. Prices range from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. You will be told in detail about the history of the lake, its features, legends associated with Svetloyar.


In addition to Lake Svetloyar, tourists can visit the Kitezh Historical and Art Museum and the temple-chapel located right on the shore of the reservoir.

The museum's exposition is dedicated to the history of the village of Vladimirskoye and Lake Svetloyar. Here you will learn about local traditions and the culture of ancestors who once lived on the shores of the famous reservoir.

As for the chapel, it was erected in the 1990s using public donations. The chapel is built entirely of wood. The central place in it is occupied by the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Pilgrims consider the chapel and Lake Svetloyar to be special places that fill them with strength.

Fishing on Lake Svetloyar

The lake is home to tench, pike, roach, perch, and bream. However, you will rarely see fishermen here, since Lake Svetloyar is considered a sacred place by believers. Pilgrims make a religious procession here.

They usually fish here in winter, when there are no pilgrims and tourists coming to the lake to just relax and admire the beauty. According to fishermen, the catch here is always good.


On east coast Lake Svetloyar is located in the village of Vladimirskoye. In the north, almost four kilometers away is the village of Rassadino, and three kilometers away is the village of Bolshie Klyuchi. To the west, three kilometers away is the village of Shadrino. That part of the coast that is not adjacent to the village of Vladimirskoye is occupied by forests and fields. By the way, the banks of the reservoir are raised. Somewhere the hills are separated by 8-meter ravines.

To the east of Svetloyar flows the small river Lunda, with which the lake is connected by a stream.

The lake has an almost perfect oval shape. The bottom, according to researchers, is funnel-shaped. The water is fresh and clean.

How to get there

You can get to Lake Svetloyar by public transport, by personal or rented car, as well as by taxi.

Public transport

From Nizhny Novgorod, from the Kanavinskaya bus station, buses run daily to the village of Voskresenskoye. You will spend at least two hours on the way. you can look at the popular service for tourists


If you decide to go to Lake Svetloyar by car, then you need to move towards the village of Neklyudovo, then through the villages of Temryashino, Rekshino, the village of Zheleznodorozhny, the villages of Valki and Dryukovo, the village of Tarasikha, the village of Bydreevka, the village of Shaldezh, after passing Bokovo, turn right and follow through the village of Bolshiye Klyuchi to the village of Vladimirskoye. The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Lake Svetloyar is 125 kilometers. The journey will take you approximately 1 hour 50 minutes. See the route map on Google Map.

You can also use the services of local taxi services - Yandex. Taxi and Uber.

Lake Svetloyar on Google panorama

Lake Svetloyar on video

- one of the most famous and mystical places in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Lake Svetloyar is located near the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district. Currently, Svetloyar is a natural monument of federal significance.

The area of ​​Lake Svetloyar is about 12 hectares, length - 410 m, width - 315 m, greatest depth - about 29 m.

The Legend of the City of Kitezh

Svetloyar is one of the most mysterious and legendary Russian lakes. Even scientists have not yet reached a consensus regarding its origin. There is a famous legend about diving into the lake of a wonderful city ​​of Kitezh who did not surrender to the troops Khan Batu. The story inspired the artists Vasnetsov, Roerich, Nesterov, and also inspired the musician Rimsky-Korsakov to write the opera “The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia.”

According to legend, in ancient times, Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich first built Little Kitezh on the Volga, later renamed Gorodets, and then, having crossed several rivers and found near Lunda and Svetloyar a good place, built Kitezh Bolshoi. Kitezh-grad was very large and famous, in its center there was a six-domed church, and the inhabitants of the city prospered.

However, a tragic year came when Batu attacked Rus'. In 1238, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was devastated, and Batu Khan set up his camp on the Sit River. The forces of Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich turned out to be unequal, and after a difficult battle he retreated to Maly Kitezh, which was soon taken by storm. The prince with the remnants of his army was able to hide in Greater Kitezh, and the Mongols, who captured Little Kitezh, tortured the prisoners and demanded to show the way to the city. One of the residents, unable to withstand the torment, agreed to lead the enemies to the city through the Trans-Volga taiga. However, Kitezh, surrounded by enemies, was not going to give up, and people prayed to God for protection. Soon the city sank down, and the hills and lake covered it with a cap, and the Mongols were afraid of such a miracle and disappeared.

Scientific research on Lake Svetloyar

Scuba divers explored Svetloyar and discovered natural anomalies there: underwater terraces like stairs, steep underwater slopes alternating with horizontal sections of the bottom. This suggests that the lake was formed in parts. At a depth of 20 meters they found small objects made of wood and metal from the 13th century, probably remaining from some ancient settlement. No further traces of civilization were found.

The lake was also explored instrumentally. Using a hydrophone, scientists heard strange sounds like the echo of thunder during a storm. Geophysicists involved in the experiment said that these sounds come from a wave of magnetic disturbance that passes through the water and creates this effect.

In some places the lake “screamed”, in others there was silence. The hydrophone also recorded a low humming sound; the lake emitted it until sunrise and the full moon. According to legend, righteous people are given the opportunity to see the walls of a snow-white city with golden domes of temples at this particular time.

The mysticism of Lake Svetloyar

The modern path leading to the lake is called the Batu Trail, and along this road a person who is pure in heart and thoughts can come to Kitezh. The city is invisible, although the righteous can see the lights of religious processions at the bottom and hear the bells ringing in the temples. Psychics say that the lake is a place where power comes out.

Origin of the lake

The origin of the lake is also mysterious, since it has a depth of up to 36 meters, its shape is oval and even almost round, and its bottom is funnel-shaped.

There is an opinion about the karst origin of the lake, and a geological expedition was even equipped to study it. A well 300 meters deep was drilled near the lake, and it showed that up to 250 meters deep there are no karst rocks, but only sandstones, clays and loams, marls. Anhydrites, limestones and gypsum go deeper, but they are not affected by karst processes.

According to researchers, Svetloyar is the remnant of the ancient bed of the Lunda River, and due to spring feeding and flow to the river, the lake is very clean, and the water in it is fresh and does not spoil for a long time. Some researchers believe that the lake was formed as a result of a meteorite.

Religious significance of the lake

The lake is a holy place, especially revered by the Orthodox, but not only pilgrims come here, but people interested in the mysteries of history and nature. On the lake there is a chapel in the name of the Kazan Mother of God, a stone with the footprint of the Virgin Mary and the holy spring Kibelek and the grave of three saints.

Lake Svetloyar is the center of the Ivan Kupala holiday every year from July 6 to 7. Anyone can become a participant in ancient rituals. However, it is worth adding that the Orthodox Church does not approve of the celebration of a pagan holiday.

How to get to Lake Svetloyar from Nizhny Novgorod

Lake Svetloyar is one of the most significant attractions in the region, so excursions are offered there from Nizhny Novgorod. However, you can get there on your own.

By public transport

Take the Nizhny Novgorod - Voskresenkoye bus and before reaching the final stop, after turning to Voskresenkoye, get off at the village of Vladimirskoye. Or take the Kirovsky train to Semenov, and then take the Semenov - Voskresenskoye bus (the railway and bus station are combined). This option may be the fastest due to traffic jams leaving the city.

By car

Distance Nizhny Novgorod - Vladimirskoye - Lake Svetloyar - 130 kilometers.

By highway Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov go towards Semenov. After Semenov, after ~30 kilometers, turn right onto Voskresenskoye and drive another 10 kilometers until the turn to Vladimirskoye (on the right).

In the village you need to leave your car in a special parking lot and then walk along a birch alley for about a kilometer. Vehicle access to the lake is prohibited.