What is included in the infrastructure of hotels. Infrastructure in a hotel project: balance of functions

The service sector is one of the promising sectors of the economy. Each hotel company has its own infrastructure. It is necessary to conduct a set of preliminary studies, take into account the factors that will allow the hotel to function for decades without global reconstruction. A huge role is played by such indicators as class, location, format and scale, as well as services and services necessary for the needs of customers.

At the initial stage of the project implementation, take into account all possible factors that will allow the hotel to function for decades without global reconstructions associated with changes in the building structure.

The location factor has a significant impact on the content of the project. But the most important factor is the positioning of the hotel and what services are needed to meet the requirements of the target audience.

Special attention is paid to the analysis of third-party users, since the main elements of the hotel infrastructure (F&B establishments, a conference or business zone, less often a SPA and a fitness center) can not only serve the needs of guests, but also work for the external market. Therefore, an analysis of the hotel location area will help determine the capacity and capacity of infrastructure facilities. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - S. 180.

Consider the main factors that shape the composition of the infrastructure hotel complex, separately.

Hotel class

The first and one of the most important factors is the class of the hotel. The hotel enterprise has its own specific class and assumes the presence of certain elements of infrastructure. The higher the class of the hotel, the more diverse, original and better the services provided should be. So, if for a 2-star hotel one catering establishment and individual service elements are enough, then in a five-star hotel, in addition to several multi-format catering establishments, the infrastructure should include a business center and conference areas, fitness, SPA and much more.

The hotel must have a restaurant with a certain number of seats working all day long. For a 4-5 star hotel, these are establishments with pan-European cuisine and a gourmet restaurant suitable for an evening out. Such requirements are the minimum that a developer must provide in high-level hotels. There may also be small bars and cafes serving not only the hotel public. However, it is important not to overdo it, as this is not the most profitable element of the project.

The area for sports is also allocated depending on the level of the hotel: it can be a separate room with exercise equipment and a shower, and in hotels of a higher class, a pool and an instructor are needed. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - S. 183.

All other infrastructure elements (shops, bars on the upper floors, etc.) are optional and depend on where the hotel is located and what audience it is designed for.

Infrastructure standards

There are no specific requirements for the composition of the infrastructure depending on the category of the hotel and world standards in this regard, just as there is no single international classification of hotels. As for other elements, such as bank services, a business center and a conference room, this is usually an integral part of high-class hotels.

The remaining infrastructure elements (shops, parking, children's room, etc.) are optional and depend on where the hotel is located and what audience it is designed for. Obviously, the higher the class of the hotel, the larger the area occupied by infrastructure facilities.

All hotel operators have their own developed standards for infrastructure, which, on the one hand, are clear and fairly strict, on the other hand, they require a certain flexibility due to the individuality of each hotel in the network and its location. Moreover, within the same brand, the operator can vary and expand standards. Yes, hotels Park Inn can correspond to both 3 and 4 stars, Radisson - 4-5 stars, but at the same time, the operator positions the hotel not as a certain set of "stars", but as a brand that implies full compliance with the quality of services and services expected by its target audience. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - S. 193.

There are many specific requirements for the composition of the infrastructure, depending on the category of the hotel. All hotels have their own developed infrastructure standards, which are clear and quite strict and assume the individuality of each hotel of the network and its location due to it.

Location and concept

The location and type of hospitality business is a major factor in a hotel. Depending on whether the resort is a hotel or a business hotel, they will differ in the composition and capacity of infrastructure facilities. For example, a resort hotel for tourists and vacationers should provide more services and services that involve a comfortable stay for guests. The task of the tourist infrastructure in this case is to create all conditions so that customers do not have to leave the hotel and do not have a desire to have breakfast or dinner elsewhere. In a non-resort city, hotels are designed mainly for businessmen, and therefore the main emphasis in them can be placed on the conference component and the banquet area.

One of the important conditions for a successful hotel project is the correspondence of the concept of each element of the infrastructure to the surroundings of the hotel. Based on the location of the site, it is determined what kind of capacity and capacity the volume of infrastructure is needed for a particular project. If the site is located in the center of a large area, and there are no restaurants around or there are not enough of them, for a 3-4 star hotel with 250 rooms, it is necessary to provide restaurants with a total number of seats of at least 200 (and it is impossible to sum up the seats in the restaurant and cafe). Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - S. 184.

An important factor in determining the composition and capacity of the infrastructure is the volume of the hotel project. The size of the areas allocated for infrastructure elements should be proportional to the volume of the hotel: the larger the hotel, the more space will be occupied by service facilities. Despite the lack of uniform standards for the organization of infrastructure, there are recommendations regarding the ratio of the number of rooms and other areas. For high-class hotels, this ratio can be 50x50%, for projects of a lower class, respectively, it will be smaller in favor of rooms. Organization of hotel business: Textbook for applied bachelor's degree / T. L. Timokhina. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - S. 186.

The scale and number of hotel rooms directly affect the capacity of infrastructure facilities, and, first of all, F&B establishments. Obviously, the number of seats in a restaurant should correspond to the number of rooms.

Management of hotel infrastructure facilities

As a rule, all the main infrastructure in the hotel is managed by the owner or hotel operator. Given the fact that the service component of the hotel includes a large number of different, specific and difficult to manage types of business - restaurant, fitness, SPA, etc., the management team and staff must have experience and appropriate qualifications.

Hotel operators have developed requirements and standards for the management of infrastructure facilities, as well as significant experience and a staff of managers, which, in turn, allows them to successfully manage the entire hotel complex.

The intentions of the operator or owner to independently manage all infrastructure facilities are confirmed by practice and are explained, first of all, by the desire to control everything that generates income, affects the attractiveness of the hotel and forms its image

When forming the infrastructure of a hotel, it is important to understand that, depending on the positioning, location and scale, a certain composition of infrastructure elements can either confirm the correctness of the chosen niche, or become a financial failure of the owner. It is necessary to properly plan the economics of such a project, model and calculate the generation of cash flows, and also derive the optimal ratio of rooms and infrastructure elements in order to meet the expectations of guests and work efficiently. Radionova N.S., Subbotina E.V., Glagoleva L.E. Organization of hotel business: Proc. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Trinity bridge, 2014. - S. 273.

Thus, a well-designed and professionally managed infrastructure component is the key to the success of a hotel, especially in a rapidly developing and competitive market, since among the primary factors it determines its investment value.

The main elements that you need to pay attention to when creating a hotel infrastructure are the class of the hotel, its concept and location, as well as the amount of rooms. It depends on this how effectively the complex will work as a whole.

At the same time, there is no balanced approach to the formation of hotel chains across the territory, taking into account the capacity of inbound and domestic tourism and recreational potential. At present, the problem of the lack of accommodation facilities for both comfortable 3-5 star hotels and tourist class hotels remains relevant.

hotel industry market service

The hospitality industry is an industry that has been referred to as the "goose that lays the golden eggs". This is explained by the fact that the hospitality sector is the leading factor and base of tourism, including international tourism.

International tourism is an important source of income for the treasury of any state; it plays the role of a stimulator of domestic and world trade. Our country has a huge tourism potential, however, it receives only a few million tourists a year from abroad.

Every year, tourists take over 20 billion dollars from Russia abroad, while they earn just over 1 billion dollars a year from inbound tourism. Once upon a time, this ratio was four to one in favor of tourists from abroad.

One of the main reasons for this state of affairs is the lack of a sufficient hotel base capable of receiving foreign tourists at the world level.

IN major cities Today, 4- and 5-star hotels are being built in Russia that meet world standards, but the picture in the whole country remains the same. The hotel industry in the regions is characterized by a high degree of moral and physical depreciation: a low level of room comfort, technological backwardness and a narrow range of services provided.

Today there are more than 30 thousand hotels of various levels in the world. The total number of rooms in these hotels exceeds 12 million. 11 Kvartalnov V.A. Foreign tourism. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2001 - P.37. The offer of hotel rooms by region is shown in Appendix 1.

The European region has the largest number of rooms. The Americas are in second place, followed by East Asia. Hotel construction continues to gain momentum. In the United States alone, about 82,000 new hotel rooms appeared in 1995, despite the fact that the rate of growth in new hotel construction outstripped the growth in demand for hotel rooms.

Active construction of new world-class hotels is taking place in places most popular with tourists from all over the world. These are the islands South-East Asia, for example, the islands of Bali (Indonesia) and Phuket (Thailand), occupying the first place in the ranking of popularity among winter destinations among European tourists. Increased interest from large hotel chains is observed in the construction of new hotels in Republic of Maldives and some African countries.

The largest hotel in the world is the Ambassador City Jomtien, located in Thailand, in the city of Pattaya. It has 5100 rooms and covers an area of ​​about 40 acres.

Of the 20 largest hotels in the world, 13 are located in Las Vegas. Modern Las Vegas is notable for its special predilection for megalomania. Hotels that until recently were considered the largest (for example, "Caesars Palace", which has 1515 rooms), today are not even included in the twenty most spacious hotels.

Las Vegas is a recognized world leader in the entertainment industry. There are more than 50 casinos in the city, most of which are located on the territory of purpose-built hotels. Many of the hotel rooms with casinos are kept free especially for wealthy clients. Their cost can range from $1,000 to $25,000 per day, but casino visitors sometimes leave more than the price of the most expensive room there. Therefore, the main task of the staff of such hotels is to satisfy the desires and needs, first of all, of their customers. Although the occupancy of such hotels is not an end in itself, it often reaches 80-90% year-round at a rate of 60-70%. Rooms can be provided at a very large discount or even free of charge, the main thing is to please the client.

A hundred years ago, there were only two types of accommodation establishments: luxury hotels for wealthy, upper-class clients, and inns for everyone else. market today hotel services offers a wide variety of forms and types of accommodation establishments. Moreover, each traveler can find for himself what he likes and can afford.

In recent years, domestic tourism in Russia has been developing more and more successfully. Its annual growth is about ten percent, even despite such an intensive development, Russian domestic tourism still lags behind in comparison with world indicators.

Currently, there are five leading regions in terms of travel across Russian territory -- Krasnodar region, Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Caucasian Mineral water. First place in domestic tourism market Russia occupies the Krasnodar Territory. In 2006 it was visited by about 12 million tourists. Interest in St. Petersburg continues to grow. The number of tourists is also increasing in the regions - in Stavropol, the Baikal region, Karelia, Kaliningrad, Altai, in the Novgorod region (today, 80 percent of guests coming to Veliky Novgorod are Russian tourists and only 20 percent are foreigners). 11 Tourism in Russia: an inside view//Hotel. - 2007.- №4.- P.44. And in general, Russia is rich in historical places, health resorts, reserves and other "resort corners" of the country, but its unique resources are still used to a very small extent.

Today there is a great potential for internal Russian tourism does not go unnoticed by both the highest authorities and the heads of local regional administrations. Not so long ago, a decision was made to create special tourist and recreational zones in Russia, within which the regions could attract funding for the development of the resort sector, and with the help of this, improve the tourism infrastructure, improve the quality of services and the availability of recreation, establish transport system. Foreign investors are showing their interest in the development of these zones, the construction of small hotels is developing, not only in megacities, but also in relatively small towns-- Murome, Tver, Tula, Pleso, etc.

The average cost of a tour in Russia today is slightly higher than a trip abroad, but despite this, the number of people wishing to relax in the Russian Federation is increasing every year, and, as researchers note, the rate of this growth will only increase in the future. According to forecasts, domestic tourism will actively gain momentum in the next five years, the number of hotels will increase, cruise tourism along the Russian rivers and the Black Sea, agricultural tourism, etc. will “resurrect”.

According to the hotel market indicators at the beginning of 2006, the number of hotels in Russia was 4.5 thousand, the cash capacity of the hotel market was $1.7-2 billion, and the growth rate was 20-25% per year. The share of Russia in world tourist arrivals is no more than 3%. In 2004, the tourist flow decreased by 9.2% compared to 2003. In 2005, the tourist flow decreased by 16.6% 11 Current trends in the development of Moscow hotel complexes//Hotel. - 2006.- No. 7.- P.46.. The table in Appendix 2 shows the results of a survey and analysis of the situation on the inbound tourism market for hotel services, and the figure in Appendix 2 shows the change in the number of hotels and similar accommodation facilities in the period 1993-2004 .

Until 2010, the number of rooms in Moscow is expected to increase by 3 times. Only during 2007-2008. in Moscow, it is planned to launch about 40 hotels, and then to implement about 370 more projects. Of these, the specified volume of new construction is 211 objects, and 158 additional proposals and applications from investors. Taking into account the preserved fund, the number of hotels should be by 2010. 554 objects. In a relatively short period, more will be built than in the last 100 years. Today there are 203 hotels in the capital with a capacity of 68.4 thousand beds. 11 The Moscow hotel market is a very “sweet” segment//Hotel business.- 2007.-№7.- P.11.

A special place in the development of the hotel industry was given to the fact that the resort city of Sochi was officially announced as the venue for the 2014 Olympic Games. The preparation and holding of the Olympics means an increase in the number of accommodation facilities from the highest to the lowest price segment. According to the Russian application, by 2014 the number of rooms will be 6.3 thousand five-star rooms, 17.5 thousand four-star rooms, 24 thousand three-star rooms, 9.5 thousand two-star rooms. stars". Of these, 19 thousand - in new accommodation facilities. On the territory of Krasnaya Polyana, the number of rooms will exceed 4.2 thousand rooms. Today in the city and within a radius of 50 km from international airport- 94 thousand rooms, of which 97 rooms are "five stars", 2.5 thousand - "four stars", more than 67 thousand. - "three stars" and more than 24 thousand - "two stars". Will come to the region and the world hotel chains, which will lead to the introduction of new world-class technologies with a new level of service and staff qualifications. 22 Sochi-2014: seven years of waiting ahead//Tourism. - 2007. - No. 7. - P.10.

The factors constraining the incoming tourist flow are:

discrepancy between the ratio of price and quality of services provided;

low level of budget financing for the promotion of the national tourism product;

the lack of a sufficient number of affordable 3-4-star hotels in Russia;

unsatisfactory quality of service, etc.

The development of the hotel business requires solving problems:

creating favorable conditions for attracting additional sources of investment;

resolving a number of legislative issues and establishing a regulatory framework that takes into account the characteristics of the industry;

development of the concept of financial and economic support for enterprises in the industry by federal and local authorities;

development of mechanisms to promote the increase in hotel occupancy at the state level and the development of advertising of the Russian tourist product abroad.

Hotel service includes a whole range of services for tourists and is a key factor determining the prospects for the development of inbound tourism and the domestic market tourism services, the competitiveness of domestic tourism in the world market. The modern tourist and hotel complex is a complex enterprise that employs hundreds of people and dozens of professions that provide services to tourists.

To date, in attracting tourists to the hotel, in addition to the qualifications of staff and service, the material and technical equipment of hotels plays an important role. This is due to the fact that the accommodation facility must meet world standards and be attractive to tourists. A modern manager must not only be proficient in customer service technology, but also have a clear understanding of the material and technical base of the hotel, its technical equipment, the requirements and methods for designing residential and public premises of the hotel, be well versed in issues related to labor protection and ensuring the safety of those in hotel people.

The system integrator ITs TELECOM-SERVICE takes on the task of building a unified multi-service infrastructure of hotel complexes and hotels of various levels.
As part of the project, our company relies on information and telecommunication solutions and equipment from well-known world manufacturers that have already proven themselves quite well in the work for the hotel services industry.

Our company has the necessary technological resources and a staff of specialists for the successful implementation of projects. At the service of our clients, we are ready to provide the resources of the communications laboratory and our own Training Center.

"IC TELECOM-SERVICE" offers for hotel complexes and hotels of various levels the construction of the following systems:

IT infrastructure:

  • Automatic telephone exchange (IP PBX)
  • Wi-Fi wireless communication system
  • Server hardware and data storage systems (SHD)
  • Backbone network of FOCL MRTD and cable-channel system
  • Structured cable network (for LAN, PBX, Wi-Fi, IPTV)
  • Multiservice data network
  • IP TV including:
    • hotel interactive TV system (video on demand, guest greeting, messages, room order, guest organizer, etc.) with integration with PMS
    • head station of satellite and terrestrial television with broadcasting in IP.

Specialized hotel solutions and systems:

  • Control system hotel PMS(property management system) including:
  1. Reception and accommodation service automation system (Property Management System - PMS)
  2. Online Booking Module (Web-Self Service - WSS)
  3. Sales and Marketing Department Automation System (Sales and Catering - S&C)
  4. Quality Management System (QMS)
  5. Event Management System (OPERA Activity Scheduler)
  6. OPERA centralized booking system (OPERA Reservation System - ORS), etc.
  • Electronic lock system for hotel rooms including:
  1. electronic locks for rooms;
  2. software;
  3. encoder, programmer, etc.
  • Hotel room management system (RMS-Room Management System)
  • Equipment for automation of bars, restaurants, cafes
  • Multiroom for hotel rooms
  • Clock system
  • Accounting and statistics (billing) system, including:
    1. Internet traffic accounting (Wi-Fi and wired) and data transfer to PMS;
    2. providing the required quality of service.

    Complex of technical security equipment

    • Video surveillance system (including design of observation posts and monitoring center)
    • Access control and management system (ACS), including IP video intercom system
    • Security alarm system

    Complex of fire fighting systems

    • Automatic fire alarm installation (AUPS)
    • Warning and evacuation management system in case of fire (SOUE)
    • Automatic installation of gas fire extinguishing of cross rooms (AUGPT) (technological and electrical parts)
    • Automatic fire protection (APZ)

    Multimedia systems

    Guest service

    Information transmission and display system:

    • advertising broadcasting systems;
    • video sharing systems, etc.
    Meeting rooms. Multimedia equipment:
    • Video display system;
    • Microphone system for round table participants;
    • Meeting logging and recording system
    • Video conferencing system
    • Specialized furniture, etc.
    Conference rooms.Multimedia equipment:
      • Conference / congress system;
      • Simultaneous speech translation system;
      • Electronic voting systems;
      • Video display system;
      • Sound amplification and sound system;
      • Control and switching system;
      • Presentation equipment;
      • Meeting logging and recording system;
      • Video conferencing system, etc.
    Congress halls.Multimedia equipment:
      • Conference / congress system;
      • Video display system;
      • Sound amplification and sound system;
      • Control and switching system;
      • Projection equipment, etc.

    Data storage and processing centers (DPC)

    • The concept of placement of engineering systems equipment in the data center / server room / cross rooms, including:
      - Raised floor system,
      - System of cable channels and trays,
      - Layout of cabinets
    • Monitoring system for physical parameters of premises
    • Room air conditioning system
    • Automatic gas fire extinguishing installation (technological and electrical parts)
    • Power supply system, including Process grounding and potential equalization system


    • Parking management system (including the design of barriers, payment machines, parking spaces availability boards, software, etc.)

    Specialized solutions and systems for automation and dispatching

    • Web application portal for obtaining guest passes.
    • System of electronic turnover document:
      - portal access for clients/tenants/etc;
      - information on documents/lease agreements/etc.;
      - payment arrears;
      - invoices for services, etc.
    • Automated system building management BMS (Building Management System) including:
      - Dispatching system of engineering systems
      - Automation system of engineering systems

    High speed Internet access. Solution for the organization of services for the hotel

    In recent years, more and more research has been carried out on the needs of the hotel industry. The purpose of these studies is to study the overall satisfaction of hotel guests and visitors with the quality of service and the level of services provided.

    For research, new criteria for evaluating hotels are being developed, including the cost of living, room comfort, simplifying the procedures for registering, booking and checking out from a hotel, assessing the quality of food, hotel services and services. The adopted system of criteria allows assessing hotels for compliance with the stated requirements.

    Hotels with high-speed Internet access are the choice of tourists.

    Independent analytical studies of the industry have shown that Internet access is becoming more important for hotel guests, and not only the presence of the Internet itself is evaluated, but its availability, speed, cost, and the absence of problems when connecting and using it.

    Studies on this issue among Russian residents show the following figures: hotels that provide free Wi-Fi Internet access are in the greatest demand. About 86% of tourists choose exactly those hotels where there is free Internet, 14% of tourists are ready to pay for this service to the hotel.

    The need of a modern person to be constantly in touch via the Internet, even on vacation, is an important factor when choosing a place of residence on business trips and vacations. During the holidays, many people have to work and solve certain business issues; for this, a number of companies use remote access.

    High-speed Internet access is one of the attractive conditions for accommodating guests in hotels, and for business guests it is the first requirement. For other hotel guests, the ability to conveniently access the Internet to communicate with loved ones and social networks, share photos and watch videos is an indispensable condition enjoy your holiday during a trip or temporary stay in another city or country.

    Therefore, hotel owners try to satisfy the requirements of the guests as much as possible, providing the opportunity to access the Internet not only from the hotel room and / or lobby, but also connect to the hotel network in the nearest radius near the hotel building.

    Many tourists demand mobile Internet services. With the help of this service from your own mobile personal device, you can take part in the forum, make a microblog entry and download e-business applications.

    Given the growing demand for Internet Wi-Fi access, most hotels provide this service to tourists and business guests on a paid or free basis.

    Huawei's WOC (WLAN over CATV) Solution for Providing Mobile Internet Services to Hotel Guests

    The presence of high-speed wireless Internet is attractive for guests and hotel employees. For hotel Wi-Fi service, Huawei offers a WOC (WLAN over CATV) solution that uses existing CATV cable resources. Huawei WLAN over CATV solution uses Huawei's high-tech ICT networking facilities to build a high-performance wireless network system.

    Advantages of the hotel solution:

    • no need to install access points in every hotel room with wall drilling for cabling when installing equipment
    • a simple scheme for the implementation and connection of equipment
    • no interference between wireless access points
    • uniform signal transmission without dead zones
    • uses the existing CATV cable infrastructure without the need to lay additional cable lines
    • the hotel's acquisition costs are reduced additional equipment, installation and cosmetic construction works
    • Wi-Fi HUAWEI network can be scaled without limits by installing additional access points.

    An additional advantage is the use of the local geopositioning function (object tracking) within the hotel Wi-Fi network.

    This good suggestion for family resorts. The function allows you to place active tags on children's bracelets and animal collars, track the movement of a child and a pet on the territory of the hotel.

    What are the benefits of implementing the solution for hotel guests

    • providing Internet access to several users at once in the coverage area of ​​each access point
    • the ability to use your favorite mobile Internet services: applications, microblogs, social resources
    • quick access to the necessary information via the Internet
    • high quality communication without interference and channel bandwidth limitations
    • living in the room gets access to two services at once - mobile Internet and cable TV.

    HUAWEI WLAN solution over CATV

    The 2.4 GHz AP signals and TV signals are transmitted to a combiner installed in the hallway on the floor or in the control room, where mixed WLAN/CATV signals are generated.

    When combined, CATV signals are transmitted at 860 MHz and do not interfere with WLAN signals. Each access point manages signals in multiple hotel rooms without interfering with neighboring access points.

    The mixed WLAN/CATV signals are then fed through the existing TV cables to the WOC panel of each hotel room, where they are separated into WLAN and TV signals. The WLAN signals are transmitted by small antennas to the guests' mobile terminals, while the TV signals are sent to the TVs.

    Interactive TV with IPTV function for hotels

    Hotel guests have always paid special attention to the presence of TVs in the rooms. In addition to watching TV, new generation televisions are now used to access the Internet and as an interactive information guide for hotel services, restaurants and event planning.

    IPTV function

    More and more manufacturers of television equipment, taking into account the needs of travelers, produce TV sets with support for interactive Internet services and IPTV function. The IPTV function provides a wide range of online information, services and entertainment on the TV screen. With IPTV you can download movies, video games and other programs to the TV in your room.

    IPTV systems differ from traditional systems of collective television reception in terms of the quality, level and scale of the service provided to hotel customers.

    The transport network of such a system is built on bidirectional symmetrical communication channels of a computer network, which makes it possible to offer guests interactive services. All basic and subscriber equipment of IPTV systems are computers controlled using a single software interface.

    The IPTV interactive television system is based on an open software platform with the ability to connect to it any block of paid and free services for guests.

    This is a scalable system that can be easily adapted to the required hotel services, which means that it is in great demand in the hotel services market.

    Benefits of IPTV for guests

    Hotel guests have always paid special attention to the presence of TVs in the rooms with interactive channels and an IPTV system.

    The IPTV service increases the attractiveness of the hotel and, accordingly, its status in the eyes of guests. Having received necessary services, in the future, a person will most likely return to this hotel if he ends up in this region.

    In addition to watching TV, new generation televisions are now used to access the Internet and as an interactive information guide for hotel services, restaurants and event planning.

    Upon check-in at the hotel, the guest receives a brief information sheet about all available services and interactive TV in the room.

    More detailed information about the services of the hotel, the layout of the necessary premises, advertising from the business partners of the hotel and much more a person can learn from the hotel television channel. The system will “tell” the guest about paid services and how to order them.

    Advantages of IPTV systems for a hotel

    The installation and use of interactive television systems in hotels generates income for hotels, regardless of whether this service is paid or free for guests.

    The owners of the hotel receive indirect profit from the operation of hotel television by advertising their own services and the service operating at the hotel.

    The TV channel can contain information about restaurants, bars, fitness rooms, a paid disco, pool services, a spa salon and a hairdresser, ticket offices at the hotel, etc. In international chain hotels, this list may include the rental of a meeting room and a conference room, the services of a gaming club and a casino.

    IPTV service allows you to save work time administration staff and hotel staff to inform guests in detail about these services.

    The IPTV system is fully integrated with Property Management Systems (PMS) - specialized hotel room management software for room management.

    Hoteliers can remotely control TV and other services from PMS workstations, which is very convenient and saves hotel network resources.

    Implementation of IPTV service in hotels

    The installation of IPTV-enabled TVs in rooms imposes a number of obligations on hotel owners to upgrade the hotel's cable infrastructure and data transmission network. Streaming video and video content offered to guests of the rooms require broadband access channels with a connection to the hotel's internal resources, as well as the ability to access the Internet. Streams of media information are very demanding on the quality and width of the channel, as well as on the delay of video packets in the data transmission network.

    To ensure the required channel width, a gigabit Ethernet channel will need to be connected to each room. If the network cannot cope with the load, the hotel will not be able to provide IPTV service and will not be able to earn a high-tech reputation. This, in turn, will negatively affect the demand from tourists. Therefore, at a new stage in the development of technologies, network hotels and high-quality hotels make the main bet on broadband communication channels.

    Hotel management systems

    Hospitality technology is evolving at a rapid pace. This is due to the fact that hotel owners have two main tasks: to get as many customers as possible by organizing the maximum number of sales, and to win the guest by making him a regular customer of their hotel or hotel chain. It is difficult to achieve these goals without innovative solutions. The struggle for each guest, especially in the face of fierce competition, requires the modernization of the hotel's network infrastructure and the improvement of the quality of services provided.

    Hotel management systems are a very important topic for the industry. It is no longer possible to imagine a hotel in which thousands of daily hotel management tasks would be carried out manually. Control systems are the brain of any hotel, without which it cannot live. There are many types of electronic hotel management systems. When choosing a particular system, it is necessary to be guided by how adaptable the management system is to innovative IT products that are in demand on the market and among potential customers.

    Electronic hotel management systems based on Internet technologies

    One of the main innovations in the field of e-government systems is Internet technologies. Using them, the hotel employee directly accesses the web service to obtain the necessary information from the localized system.

    The process of innovation does not stand still, and today there are hotel management systems based on SAAS technologies with access to resources by subscription. This service is especially interesting for seasonal resort and ski hotels.

    Such management systems are also in demand for hotels of any format, including mini-hotels, since they allow you to save money and not spend money on buying expensive software, but shift expenses to operating expenses for realized reservations.

    The main functions of hotel electronic management systems:

    1. Sales and marketing management

    Automation of the work of sales staff, scheduling meetings, calls and completing tasks, a common calendar and daily schedule for managers. The results of each communication with the client are recorded in the system to obtain a complete picture of the activities of the department and the current state of affairs with the client. It is possible to set clear work goals for each employee and monitor their implementation.

    2. Maintaining CRM analytics for each hotel client - a service for guests, companies and travel agencies

    Statistical data on clients is automatically processed and available for viewing and analysis. The sales and marketing departments receive complete information about the profitability of each client, including the number of reservations and overnight stays, a statement of income received and average rates. It is possible to keep a record of customer preferences and all contractual conditions, which allows improving the quality of customer service.

    3. Loyalty and reward programs regular customers

    You can create your own loyalty programs that provide for the possibility of rewarding regular customers; to form club programs with a system of discounts, bonuses and issuance of premium certificates.

    4. Sales and hotel events management

    With the help of specialized graphic modules, you can plan the loading of conference rooms, create menus for banquets, seminars and conferences, charge services and coordinate the work of all services and departments of the hotel for banquet services.

    Electronic hotel booking systems

    In an increasingly competitive environment, hotel business players are forced to find new ways to increase the attractiveness and availability of their own services. The emergence of innovative services, such as electronic booking systems, has provided major changes in the industry market.

    Electronic booking systems are integrated with hotel management systems and allow online booking of hotel rooms simultaneously through several sales channels.

    It is necessary to strive to gain access to the widest possible set of sales channels. Presentation of hotel information in global (GDS) and / or alternative (ADS) booking systems is interesting for all types of hotels focused on the business segment. This group includes country hotels, SPA hotels on the coast, hotels for lovers extreme recreation. Booking rooms through various channels will attract guests with different levels of income to the hotel.

    Investing in technology online booking GDS, hoteliers receive an effective advertising tool. The hotel appears in the most popular booking systems using the GDS database and becomes known to more than 600,000 travel agencies around the world.

    Booking hotels via mobile internet

    According to a recent study by Tripadvisor, 38% of smartphone users use their phone to plan a trip, and about 60% of users have downloaded travel-related apps to their phone.

    The mobile hotel booking service is in demand, first of all, among business travelers who plan to stay in a hotel on the eve of a trip. Attracting this segment of tourists to a hotel is an attractive task for a hotel of any category. To meet the requirements of the time, the hotelier will need to create a booking site adapted for mobile Internet, develop their own system of tariffs and special offers.

    Groupon is a service of daily offers of hotel rooms around the world.

    The Groupon service is based on the principle of LBS - Location Based Service. This technology allows you to determine the current location of a mobile user using a smartphone's GPS receiver or a geo-location service. Being in a certain region, a person with his own mobile phone contacts the local hotel website and makes a reservation.

    With the help of Groupon, hotels can attract an active and very numerous territory of independent tourists traveling along non-standard routes to their network.

    Mobile QR coding

    QR is a two-dimensional barcode used in the tourism and museum industry, displayed as a square with a unique pattern. Almost any information consisting of letters, numbers and special characters is sewn into the code.

    In the QR code, the hotel can include contact information, website address, location coordinates. Hotel guests can read and remember the QR code on their own mobile device using the built-in camera.

    There are a lot of useful ways to use QR codes in the hotel business:

    The QR code can be placed on the hotel's Wi-Fi start page and the hotel's home advertising channel. Then the guest will see it when you turn on the TV in the room.

    The above systems and services require significant resources to host hotel information, customer bases and usage bases. hotel industry. Today, to meet these needs and create a data storage system, hotels use not only separate productive servers, but also create mini-Codes on their basis.

    Each hotel, regardless of the comfort class, has at least a minimum of its own infrastructure. For some establishments, this may be just a small car park at the entrance, for others - a restaurant, a gym, a SPA complex, a conference room.

    How the hotel and its infrastructure facilities are arranged

    The hotel premises can be divided into several groups according to their functions:

    • lobby. These rooms are one of the most important parts of the hotel. Here administrators meet and see off clients, check in, write out reporting documents from the hotel in St. Petersburg and perform other important work;
    • residential part. It consists of guest rooms and premises designed for full functioning, maintaining cleanliness in the guest rooms;
    • catering establishments. The hotel may have a compact bar or even have a cafe and a full-fledged restaurant;
    • premises for commercial and consumer services. They provide hotel guests with various services. This group includes a hairdressing salon, dry cleaning, atelier, SPA-salon, massage room, etc.;
    • athletic facilities. In high-class hotels, you can often see a swimming pool, a gym, a room with exercise equipment, bowling, billiards, etc.;
    • common areas for recreation, entertainment or business. This group includes various premises, including banquet and cinema-concert halls, as well as rooms for organizing business events, conferences, exhibitions and meetings;
    • office, household, and technical premises. They ensure the normal work of the hotel staff. The main purpose of technical rooms is to place services that control the correct operation of air conditioning systems and other equipment that ensures the full functioning of the establishment.

    Characteristics and number of rooms can be different for individual hotels. This is influenced by the star rating of the hotel, its capacity and operating conditions.

    The territory adjacent to the hotel complex is also a functional area. It usually has a spacious parking lot for guests' cars, equipped with video surveillance and security. If there is not enough ground area, parking can be equipped on the basement floor of the hotel.

    The better the infrastructure of the hotel is, the more comfortable it is to live in it. But you need to remember that the presence of a large number of facilities for recreation, entertainment and business in the hotel affects the cost of renting rooms. If there is time and opportunity to use them, then it makes sense to overpay.

    Since the 2000s, in Russia, as in a number of Western countries, the number of companies engaged in the service sector has increased and is now continuing to increase. According to official Russian statistics, in recent years the number of hotels in Russia has increased by a third. In most of Russia, there is a consistent lack of business and luxury hotels. There are also few budget hotels and hotels now, and the level of service is traditionally low.

    Classification of hotels in Russia

    Large hotels, hotels and hostels are always classified according to the international system of established standards - by the number of stars at the institution. In Russia, this gradation is also relevant. In some of Eastern countries There is another system - points. In Russia, stars are assigned to hotels based on the number of points scored, in accordance with the approved standards:

    • Without stars - assumes minimal functionality - a sleeping place, hot water, heating and one toilet, the room area is 9 m².
    • One star is an inexpensive accommodation option with extremely modest service and cleaning.
    • Two stars - low-budget category, provides daily cleaning.
    • Three stars - a mid-range hotel, rooms are cleaned daily and include a separate bathroom, TV and personal refrigerator, there are Additional services, laundry, gym, single and double rooms.
    • Four stars - here the requirements are similar to three stars, but linen is changed daily, there is air conditioning and individual body and hair care products for every day, the cost of such rooms is higher, but the service is much better.
    • The five stars of the Suite are design, exclusive services, big square rooms, premium interiors and a restaurant.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the hotel business

    Among the advantages are:

    • high demand for services;
    • liquidity of the business and the ability to quickly sell it if necessary;
    • government support at all levels of small business;
    • good source of income;
    • expanding the range of services offered.

    Among the serious shortcomings that prevent the opening of hotels are the following aspects:

    • uneven profit, lack of sales at the end of the tourist season;
    • high initial costs for renting premises, hiring staff and implementing a business plan;
    • a serious shortage of qualified personnel at the initial stage;
    • bureaucratic problems with the collection of papers and high taxes.

    The hotel business scares away many entrepreneurs at the initial stage due to the high cost, as well as the need to obtain initial investments, but the one who invested and started to lead hotel business has a stable high income.