Chichen Itza short description. Mexico

Continuing the theme of pyramids touched upon in the previous publication about Teotihuacan - the largest ancient city in America, one cannot ignore the no less famous Cheech complex e n-Its A(emphasis on letters in bold), located in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula.

How to get to Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is located just 200 km and two hours by car from the most popular Mexican resort of Cancun, so it is a kind of must-see attraction in the region, and it really is. There is an excellent toll highway to the complex, which allows you to quickly and comfortably get there either by car or by bus.

The entire route marked on the map from point A (the center of the Cancun resort) to Chichen Itza (point B) with a stop in Tulum (point C) and return to Cancun takes 480 km and 6 hours by car, which makes it quite easy to fit into one day.

Driving in Mexico at first creates the illusion of permissiveness - an excellent toll road, few cars, why not put the pedal to the metal?! However, be careful - The traffic police in Mexico are very corrupt and is aimed at extorting money, first of all, from tourists. I recommend not to exceed the speed much above the recommended speed and be sure to read a story about my experience with the Mexican police so that if something happens you don’t end up with money.

Basic facts about Chichen Itza

  • Chichen Itza literally means "The Well of the Itza Tribe": Well refers to large natural wells-senods where sacrifices were supposedly made, and “itsa” is one of the varieties of the Mayan tribes.
  • The city is located in the jungle of Yucatan, far away from sea ​​coast. Researchers believe that the choice of location was due precisely to the presence of huge natural wells that served as a source of drinking water.
  • It is believed that Chichen Itza was founded in 514. At the end of the 10th century, the warlike Toltec tribe captured Chichen Itza (perhaps the capture took place peacefully, by agreement), and it was after the arrival of the Toltecs that the most impressive buildings of the complex were built, surviving to this day.
  • in its heyday, by the 12th century AD. Chichen Itza occupied an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers, where people lived up to 30,000 people.
  • in 1178 Chichen Itza was captured a united army of three Indian states. However, like Teotihuacan, the decline of the history of Chichen Itza turned out to be very fast: at the very peak of development: at the end of the 12th century, all residents suddenly left the city, after which it began to rapidly collapse. The Spanish conquistadors found only the ruins of what was once the largest city in the region.
  • Chichen Itza remained abandoned until in 1843 Traveler John Stevenson did not stumble upon it by chance. In the 1920s, large-scale restoration work was carried out, and the complex was soon opened to the general public.

This is the official version of the history of Chichen Itza, however, as I have mentioned many times, these figures and facts should be treated with great skepticism, for which there are a number of reasons:

  • what we see now in Chichen Itza is the result of hard work large quantity restorers, who, of course, made a very beautiful picture, but left virtually no chance to understand the form in which the Mayans first saw this city. The entrance to the pyramid is closed, and since 2006 it has become impossible to climb onto it.
  • The “officially accepted” purpose of many surviving buildings raises many questions. Thus, only about 100 bodies were found in the sacrificial cenote, not young girls, but mostly children and men. The ball stadium is striking in its proportions and stands out sharply from the rest of the buildings. It is simply impossible to observe anything in the starry sky from the so-called observatory. More details about this below, in the section Walking around Chichen Itza.
  • the dating of the structures is based on data from the Mayan chronicles. Representatives of academic science readily refer to this, but they forget to mention that the Mayan calendar does not make it possible to accurately date events. The Mayan calendar includes the so-called “short cycle” (52 years), within which each event is dated very precisely, and the “long cycle” (which covers a period of several million years). It is not always possible to understand exactly which 52-year cycle we are talking about, especially when the chronicles tell about some events that are very distant in time. So it turns out that the year 520 or 1040 will be recorded in the chronicle in the same way, if the chronicler did not leave special links to the long cycle, which was done extremely rarely.

It is customary in scientific literature to admire the knowledge and achievements of the Mayan civilization, ranging from an extremely accurate calendar to detailed astronomical knowledge, but there is no evidence that the Mayans created this knowledge. Moreover, the artifacts of the Mayan civilization that have reached us cast doubt on this. So, the Mayans did not know wheels - and their logic of their calendar is best illustrated by three round gears of different diameters:

How the Mayan calendar works

In one of the following publications I will talk in detail about the oddities of the Mayan calendar, which certainly deserve a separate analysis.

Temple of Kukulkan - the dominant feature of Chichen Itza

Upon entering the complex, you find yourself on one of several paths leading to the pyramid.

The entrance to the complex is marked with the letter E. There is also paid parking there, which must be paid separately. We took advantage of the free parking, approximately 500-600 meters away from the entrance.

Throughout Chichen Itza, along the paths there are stalls selling numerous souvenirs. Prices are reasonable, not overpriced compared to Cancun, but the abundance of stalls spoils and detracts from the atmosphere of the place.

Soon the path leads you to an open area, in the middle of which rises the most famous pyramid of Chichen Itza - the Temple of the Feathered Serpent of Kukulcan (Castillo de Kukulcan), which is the undisputed dominant feature of the complex. As I already said, it is strictly forbidden to climb the pyramid, which is monitored by numerous security guards of the complex.

Interesting Facts about the Kukulkan Temple:

  • The pyramid is folded into 9 levels (steps), at its top there is a sanctuary.
  • the temple has four sides, on each of which there is a staircase leading to the top, each of which has 91 steps. In total, this gives 364 steps (4 * 91), which, together with the platform at the top, gives 365 - the number of days in a year.
  • as in Tehutihuacan, the faces of the pyramid have a slight deviation from the current cardinal directions, which indicates their “antediluvian” nature (i.e. it can be confidently stated that the pyramid - or at least the ancient building on this site - was built before , as a result of a cataclysm about 13,000 years ago, the earth’s poles shifted).
  • The edges of the stairs are made in the shape of the head of the feathered serpent Kukulkan. All sites vying with each other write that on the days of the equinox, due to the play of light, an interesting effect is created - when the sun rises, it seems as if a snake is crawling along a pyramid. These days there is always an increased influx of tourists to Chichen Itza and local residents who want to see this phenomenon. By the way, you can admire it several days before or after the equinox (since the effect does not appear all at once and does not disappear immediately).

I personally watched several of the most popular videos depicting this moment, and I can say for sure that the event was made up of nothing. Yes, the shadow is visible, but it is practically motionless. At the same time, the people around are like football match, so there’s not much to see.

  • The Mayans built pyramids like nesting dolls - so, inside this pyramid there is an older one, the existence of which became known only at the beginning of the 20th century. Unfortunately, there is no open research on this pyramid (proponents of alternative history believe that this is due to the inability to fit individual artifacts from this ancient pyramid into the official version of history).

  • At the top of the pyramid is a jaguar temple, inside which a wooden throne was found with an image of a jaguar with jade spots:

Wooden throne in the form of a red jaguar

At the time of its discovery by Europeans in the 19th century, the Temple of Kukulkan was a pile of stones and looked something like this:

Huge ball stadium

In addition to the Temple of Kukulkan, which towers over the area, the complex amazes with another structure that is unlike anything else. We are talking about what they call a giant ball stadium. It differs from other stadiums and sports grounds in its truly gigantic size. It is almost impossible to imagine ordinary people of our height playing on it.

According to the widespread academic version, the goal of the game was to throw a ball filled with grass into this ring with your feet (see photo above).

The stadium was also badly damaged (see photo from the mid-19th century before restoration):

There are many legends around the ancient Mayan ball game, which differ only in one thing: whose heads were cut off - the winning team or the losing one. These scenes are depicted in multiple bas-reliefs surrounding the field.

Right next to the stadium there was the Temple of the Jaguar, in which, according to Indian chronicles, the sacrifice was made after the ball game:

Jaguar Temple in the background

Of course, there was also an image of Kukulkan - the Feathered Serpent, who was the main deity of the Mayans:

By the way, to me, Kukulkan is very reminiscent of an ancient Chinese dragon - but here the question immediately arises, what kind of connection could exist between South America and China in ancient times.

Other buildings

Among other buildings of Chichen Itza, one can also highlight the Temple of the Warriors:

There was a wooden roof on many columns.

We are in the role of the famous Asian monkeys: I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I won’t tell anyone anything

Nearby is the so-called “place of a thousand columns”, where trade took place under palm leaves (there was something like a market):

Group of a Thousand Columns at Chichen Itza

Cenotes of Chichen Itza

Traveling to Chichen Itza introduced a new word into my vocabulary - cenote. This designates huge natural wells in which groundwater from underground rivers accumulates. Cenotes on earth are quite rare, which is due to the specific nature of their formation in limestone rocks.

There are many such cenotes on the Yucatan Peninsula. Two cenotes are located directly on the territory of the Chichen Itza complex, but there are several located a little further away.

A widely accepted version is that one of the cenotes was used by the ancient Mayans for sacrifices. That’s what it’s called now—the Holy Synod. Young virgins were supposedly dumped here to appease the gods.

Sacred Cenote in Chichen Itza

However, a detailed study of the bottom of the cenote, undertaken at the beginning of the 20th century by American archaeologist Edward Thompson, showed that this is nothing more than a beautiful myth for naive tourists. He managed to find only 50 bodies, most of which were men and children. Ancient researcher Andrei Sklyarov put forward the version that these remains are in no way connected with sacrifices, but are only the result of accidents (for example, when children were sent to a well for water, and they fell from a cliff).

Most Yucatan cenotes are not as gloomy as this one, and some of them are even suitable for swimming. Usually tourists go to swim in the Ik Kil cenote, which is located 5 kilometers from Chichen Itza.

Swimming in Cenote Ik Kil

The most convenient way to get there is by car, using a navigator. You need to drive towards the city of Valladolid; the turnout to the cenote itself will be indicated by a sign. The cost of swimming in a cenote is 70 pesos per person. We changed clothes in our cars, although you can also use the changing rooms on site. Young children are given vests to rent for an additional fee - you should definitely take them, because there are a lot of people in the cenote and the depth is great.

By the way, according to one version, the rapid abandonment of the residents of Chichen Itza is associated with a sharp drop in the water level in the cenotes, which served as the only source of drinking water.

Chichen Itza is open from 09:00 to 17:00. It is advisable to arrive to Chichen Itza early in the morning, before the city is flooded with tourist groups. The second option is to arrive in the evening, closer to closing. In both cases there is a greater chance of doing nice photos and enjoy this place. There is also the option to stay for the evening show (held every day at 19:00 in spring and winter and 20:00 in summer), which costs 98 pesos per person.

If you arrive during rush hour, be prepared to wait 30-35 minutes for tickets at the box office. Of course, it is impossible to purchase tickets online.

At the entrance to the Chichen Itza complex you will be offered various additional services, and this will be done immediately after the exit from toll road. Do not buy or pay for anything other than official tickets. Admission ticket in Chichen Itza it is bought at the ticket office right at the entrance to the complex and costs 204 pesos (for both adults and children).

The peso to ruble exchange rate in October 2018 was 3.5 rubles per 1 peso.

You need to budget 3-4 hours for exploring and walking around the complex, of which 2-2.5 hours will be spent exploring the central complex itself, and 1-1.5 hours for swimming in the nearby Cenote Ik Kil.

Above Chichen Itza, as in other places archaeological sites Mexico, quadcopter flights are strictly prohibited. Vigilant security ensures that they are not smuggled in and turns violators towards the storage room.

By the way, we still launched the quadcopter over the pyramid, but we did it from the ring road. True, we lost our caution, flew very brazenly, descending low over the pyramid, and we were quickly identified. If you want to fly the quadcopter there, do it from a secluded place (not in the middle of the road), because... in this case, the security will detect you fairly quickly. We barely managed to avoid a fine, and the security guard forced us to erase all information from the camera.

Taking this opportunity, I say hello to him and send rays of gratitude to the authors of utilities that allow you to recover erased files from flash cards:

The central pyramid of Chichen Itza, photographed in the rays of the setting sun

Overall, Chichen Itza is definitely a must-see for all tourists visiting Cancun. The spirit of antiquity is felt here, despite shopping arcades throughout the complex and lack of access to the most interesting parts of the pyramid.

In the next article I will tell about ancient city Tulum, where we stopped on the way back from Chichen Itza to Cancun. Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss new posts.

Kukulkan: the right part of the pyramid has been restored, the left has not been restored Caracol - ancient Observatory

Chichen Itza is a city of the Mayan civilization, well preserved from antiquity, built in accordance with the religious beliefs of this people. We can immediately say that all Mayan cities were built taking into account the positions of the heavenly bodies and stars.

Once upon a time, the city of Chichen Itza was the center of culture of several Indian peoples. Its name is translated as “place at the well of the Itza tribe.” Peoples such as the Mayans, Toltecs, and Itzas left their mark on the city of Chichen Itza.

Now this city in Mexico is the object of the world cultural heritage UNESCO.

Where is Chichen Itza located?

This seventh wonder of the world is located in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The ancient city of Chichen Itza is 205 kilometers away from famous resort Cancun and 120 kilometers from Merida. Very close to it (1.5 kilometers) is the small town of Piste.

Popularity of the ancient city

Chichen Itza is one of the most popular places in Yucatan and Mexico in general. It is in second place in terms of attendance among ancient cities, ahead of only Teotihuacan ().

It is estimated that the number of tourists who visit this archaeological complex exceeds a million per year. A huge influx was observed here in December 2012, because it was at this time that the Mayan calendar was supposed to end. Many people wanted to spend the end of the world in the archaeological complex of Chichen Itza.

Currently, you can come to Chichen Itza on a 1-day excursion from both Cancun and Merida.

City `s history

The beginning of the city's history dates back to the 6th century AD. Then it was one of largest cities Mayan civilization. The southern part of the ancient city was built in accordance with the traditions of the Mayan people.

In the 10th century, after being captured, the city was dominated by the Toltecs, who arrived here from Central Mexico. Subsequently, from about half of the 11th century, Chichen Itza became the capital and center of the Toltec state.

Blood sacrifices began here precisely because of these people. All Northern part cities testifies to their presence. A century later, the city was defeated by a huge army, which included warriors from three states - Uxmal, Mayapan, Itzmal.

Chichen Itza was defeated by the ruler Hunak Keel. Subsequently, the city was deserted and turned into ruins (this is how Europeans discovered it).

Many treasures were stolen by the Spaniards and the manuscripts were destroyed.

Therefore, very little can be said about history, but it is assumed that if not for the actions of Europeans, archaeologists could have discovered many unique finds. In 1923, archaeological excavations began in Mexico, and now about 6 square kilometers of the ancient city are on the surface.

Pyramid of Kukulcan in Chichen Itza

The very first structure that stands out is the huge Pyramid of Kukulkan. It is the center of the city of Chichen Itza. In Spanish it is called El Castillo, that is, “the castle.”

The total height of the Kukulkan pyramid is 24 meters. The pyramid has nine tiers, and at the very top there is a temple.

Kukulkan, like any pyramid, has 4 faces, which are directed to the 4 cardinal directions. And on each side there is a wide staircase, which is decorated with snake heads at the bottom.

The path leads to the main northern staircase of the pyramid. To get to the top you must overcome a certain number of steps - there are 91 of them.

It is interesting that the total number of steps on the pyramid, including the upper platform, is 365, that is, the exact number of days in a year.

This coincidence suggests that this pyramid may have some relation to the calendar or may have astronomical significance.

At the very top there is a temple where sacrifices were made in ancient times.

Research has shown that the large pyramid was built on top of an even more ancient pyramid, which was accessed by a hole in the floor of the sanctuary.

In the hidden chambers of the Kukulkan pyramid, archaeologists discovered two main antiquities: the “Jaguar Mat” and the figure of Chaak Mool, the god of rain.

  • "Jaguar Mat"- is a stone throne in the shape of a jaguar, the paint on it is fiery red, this is a symbol of the power of the ruler of the city. According to legend, the very first owner of this throne was Quetzalcoatl. The spots on the animal's body and the animal's eyes are made of jade. The fangs are carved from volcanic stone.
  • - made for ritual purposes. On her stomach there is a flat bowl on which the victim's heart was placed for subsequent burning.

The second name of the Kukulkan structure is the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (the most correct translation: feathered serpent). Firstly, this pyramid and temple are dedicated to this deity. Secondly, the name is associated with a specific phenomenon.

Light illusion of Kukulcan - the play of shadows on the edges of the pyramid

Every year around the time of the equinox there is an event that attracts people to Mexico. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the pyramid is illuminated so that the stairs cast a shadow - a series of triangles, which together resemble a snake's tail.

As the star moves in the sky, the triangles fade out one by one, thus creating the feeling that it is the tail of a huge snake, 37 meters long, moving down.

Now this phenomenon can be seen not only on certain days, there is a light show every evening.

Kukulkan: the right part of the pyramid has been restored, the left has not been restored

Find out more about the Pyramid of Kukulkan on our website -

Temples of the ancient city of Chichen Itza

The Temple of the Warriors and the Temple of the Jaguars are important buildings in the city of Chichen Itza. Both stand on small pyramids with 4 steps. Both have many paintings.

Temple of Warriors

The Temple of the Warriors is located on the western side of the Kikulkan Pyramid. It has four platforms, and on three sides around it you can see rows of three-meter stone columns. They are called the "Group of a Thousand Columns".

The pillars are skillfully carved from stone, and represent Toltec warriors, as if standing in formation. Once upon a time they supported the roof.

On the south side of the temple there is a small building called “Market”.

The upper sanctuary also once had a roof, but now it is gone, and at the top there are two “snakes” that guarded the passage to the temple.

On the platform there is also a statue of a man in a reclining position. This is Chaak Mool - the god of rain.

The Temple of the Jaguar has two sanctuaries: an upper and a lower one. At the top, the elite watched the game on the field.

At the entrance to the lower sanctuary you can see the figure of a jaguar, thanks to which the temple received its name.

Another structure is called the Temple or tomb of the great priest. During Mayan times it played an important role.

Externally, the structure is similar to other temples with pyramids. But its difference is that inside there is a passage to a cave underground. Ancient burials of noble people were discovered there.

The second name of this structure is Osuari, in other words a crypt.

Other attractions

In addition to the temples, the city of Chichen Itza has other interesting places.

The Sacred Cenote is a huge well. Its diameter is approximately 60 meters, and the depth of the well is 50 meters. There is water in it, from the edge to its surface about 20 meters.

The well served as the place where young girls were thrown for sacrifice. Therefore, the second name of this object is the Well of Death.

Ball fields

In the territory archaeological complex There are 9 ball fields. This game was somewhat similar to modern basketball, only it was played with a heavy rubber ball, which could only be hit with the hip. Instead of ordinary baskets, stone rings are attached to the walls.

The sites found are quite large, the largest is located in the northern part of the complex. Its dimensions are: length - 160 meters, width - 70. The entire field is surrounded by eight-meter walls, they depict scenes of torment of losing players and many skulls.

Karakol Tower - ancient Observatory

Another ancient building- Karakol. This is a tower on two platforms, it was used for observing celestial astronomical objects. It is often called the Observatory.

Karakol - Ancient Observatory

In what country is Chichen Itza located? Of course, in Mexico! Chichen Itza- one of the main ones. The ancient Mayan city, located on the Yucatan Peninsula, is known to everyone who comes to this magical land. Pyramids of the ancient Mayans and Toltecs, numerous architectural monuments and proximity to - all this annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world and makes Chichen Itsu the real tourist capital of Mexico.

Pyramids and ancient city of Chichen Itza in Mexico

Chichen Itza is an ancient city in northern Mexico, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. The ancient Mayans and Toltecs lived in these places. At its very dawn, the population of the ancient city of Chichen Itza was 10 thousand, although some scientists believe that this number should be 2, or even 3 times larger. It is now included in the UNESCO heritage. Ancient objects are carefully protected.

The architecture of the city dates from the 6th to the 13th centuries. The Spaniards dismantled most of the ancient cities for building materials, but they did not touch Chechen Itza. You can admire the view at any time of the year. Unofficially, Chechen Itza is called the eighth wonder of the world. Opening hours from 8.00 to 18.00. Entrance to the territory costs 220 Mexican pesos, and guide services 750 pesos. Children under 12 years old do not need a ticket.

Chichen Itza is located in North America, country Mexico. On the map you need to find the Yucatan Peninsula, where the city is located. The neighbors of Chechen Itza are the cities of Cancun and - these are also popular tourist places. To get to these places by plane, you need to fly to where the nearest international airport is located. Flights are made both from Europe and directly from the capital Russian Federation, Moscow.

The map allows you to notice the main goal of many tourists - the Pyramid of Kukulkan. On the left side of it, 100 meters away, is the entrance to the city of Chechen Itza itself. There is also parking nearby.

How to get there from Cancun

To get to the city from Cancun, tourists and guests of the peninsula can use several accessible ways. For example:

  1. The bus is the most practical transport. The journey will take a little more than 3 hours. Served by carrier ADO. Ticket prices range from 10 € to 16 €.
  2. Ordering a transfer will cost from 30 € to 40 €. The car can be picked up directly from the airport, or from another place of stay, for example from a hotel.
  3. By renting a car you can get there more comfortably and faster. The journey will take only 2 hours. To Chichen Itza you need to travel 200 km, which will take 16 liters of fuel. Gasoline will cost about 20 €.

Comfortable guided tour

Taking into account the cost of transfer and tickets, the most profitable option to visit Chichen Itza is to book a tour. For example, you can visit several attractions at once in a comfortable minibus with a Russian-speaking guide.

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How to get there from other regions

The bus from Merida is the same as from Cancun, it costs 6 €. You can comfortably travel from Valladolid by shuttle bus.

History of the city of Chichen Itza

The name has been widely used since Mayan times. In local languages, Chichen Itza can be translated as “At the mouth of the well of Itza”, or “The mouth of the well of the water sorcerers”. The particle Chi indicates the mouth or edge, chen means the source, or well. The Itza are an ancient people who ruled the entire region near the city. The word Itza itself is often translated as “sorcerer.” If you break it down into two parts, Itz is a sorcerer, and ha is water.

The ancient documents available to us show that there are other options for the name of the city. For example, this is evidenced by the data of the Chilam-Bilam codex. At the same time, the incomplete discovery of the ancient dialect prevents us from establishing exactly what the city was called before the arrival of Itza. Today, several ancient names are known: Yuuk Yabnal, (Seven Great Houses), Yuuk Hab Nal (Seven Bushy Places), Yuukuabnal (Seven Great Rulers) and Uk Abnal (Seven Ways of Abnal).

History of discovery

History can be divided into two periods. The first lasted from the 7th to the 10th centuries, when the city belonged to the Maya tribe. The second began with the Toltec conquest of the area in the 10th century. The 11th century was marked by the granting of the status of the capital of the Toltec lands. But the city did not last long on the throne. The Mayans decided to take back the city. Hunak Keel gathered a skilled army from the cities of Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal. He led the campaign against Chichen Itza, which led to success in 1178.

Subsequently, due to unknown reasons, the city was completely destroyed and was abandoned. This happened in 1194. Although the Spaniards destroyed all the documents of the ancient tribes, historians have found that frequent attacks on the city weakened the people. The upper strata of society scattered to other places. From Spanish records it was established that the Indians went on pilgrimage to the ruins of the ancient city. Since the 15th century, the area has been used as pasture for livestock. It is unknown why the city was deserted. Some researchers talk about a terrible famine, others about a bloody war.

There is also an opinion that a terrible epidemic hit the residents and that the virus is still under the ruins of the city.

Be that as it may, everything changed with the arrival of the Spaniards. The 18th century was marked by various explorations and archaeological excavations. Even then, many artists and photographers came to capture the unique wealth of the Maya. And since the middle of the last century, the Mexican government issued a decree to globally restore the city of Chechen Itza to its original appearance. All possible work has been carried out and now it is an extremely popular place.

Attractions Chichen Itza

The city of Chichen Itza has a huge number of places of interest to tourists. If you go here as part of an excursion program, an experienced guide will tell you in detail about each attraction. In this article we will do short review major architectural monuments that you simply cannot miss.

There are many interesting things in the city, but the Kukulkan pyramid stands apart from all famous places. The pyramid is one of the surviving ancient ones architectural structures ancient tribes. In Spanish there are such names: Pirámide de Kukulkán, Templo de Kukulkán, “El Castillo”. So called ancient pyramid feathered serpent. Kukulkan is a god similar to Quetzalloatl. The object immerses you in the times of the Mayan tribe. You can learn many exciting stories and retellings about how the worship of wondrous deities was carried out here. In their religion, blood was shed and cruel rituals were performed to appease the objects of worship. In essence, the pyramid is a sacred temple.

The pyramid is located in the center large area measuring 18 hectares. The temple is surrounded by a wide parapet made of stones. The size of the building itself is also impressive. The height is 24 meters, and if you take the top, then all 30. The length of each side measures 55 meters. All faces of the pyramid have 9 steps. On each of the four sides there are steep stairs, following which you can get to the top. The stairs are also oriented according to the cardinal directions. Each of them has 91 degrees, the total number of steps is 364. And if you add to this number the platform at the top, which combines 4 stairs, you get 365 - which indicates the number of days of the solar year.

The edge of the stairs is a stone fence in the form of a kite, the head of which is at the bottom and the body goes to the top. The size of the kite is 37 meters. An amazing show takes place here several days a year. When the autumn and spring equinoxes arrive, the shadow from the steps falls on the stones of the balustrade. At the same time, it seems that the Feathered Serpent is not just a sculpture, but a real reptile moving along the course. In spring in March the snake appears to be moving upward, and in autumn in September downward. This action lasts 3 hours 22 minutes.

It is noteworthy that the stairs are cut into two, that is, the number of sections on each side of the pyramid is 18. This number is symbolic and indicates the same number of months in the Mayan calendar year.

The temple has 9 ledges and this is not accidental. The Toltecs had their own beliefs about the “nine heavens.” Each wall of the temple has 52 stone reliefs, which represent 52 years - the Toltec calendar cycle.

Ruins of Chac-Mool in the north (Chacmools)

Ruins of Chac-Mul

This attraction in Chichen Itza includes sculptures that will not leave you indifferent. You can see altars, statues of Atlanteans and stone paintings. The architecture amazes the visitor's gaze.

Temple of the Warriors

Temple of Warriors

This is also a unique building. It has been amazingly preserved. A visit encourages you to admire the ancient people and their approach to business. The atmosphere makes you feel like you are in the distant past. This is never forgotten.

The Hall of the Thousand Columns

In ancient times, this alley was a trade street. At the market, clever tribes even built a roof so that the weather would not interfere with trade. Previously, the building had a large hall. There were rows of crafts made of iron and ceramics. It was also possible to purchase simple household items. It was located near a large market.

Wall of Skulls (Tzompantli)

Although the name exudes some mysticism and horror, the picture of this object shows the opposite. The rock art that exists here is unique. Picturesque patterns and beautiful composition arouse considerable interest. At the same time, it is not completely known how ancient people used the Wall of Skulls.

Stadium (The Ball Courts)

Many people do not know that even before the invention of football by the British, the ancient Mayans used a similar ball game with all their might. The stadium was built over 3000 years ago. Of course, the purpose is very different from modern sports facilities. Back then, people held religious rituals at the stadium. And the losing football team immediately lost its life. They were executed and sacrificed to deities. The terrible picture is that the height of the walls did not allow the players to escape from their sad fate. And the leaders watched this picture from above. It's also creepy that a skull was used instead of a ball.

Chichen Itza has 7 sports facilities. The largest stadium is called "Huego de Pelota" (translated as "Big Ball Field"). The length of this field is 135 meters.

After visiting the amazing sites of ancient culture, stadiums seem like a rather boring place.

Temple of the Jaguars

It cannot be said that this temple is actually something unusual. The building is quite small in size. The most worth seeing is the jaguar sculpture that stands in front of the temple. This is the most significant attraction of the temple; besides it, there are no other features in the Temple of Jaguars.

Pyramid of Old Chichén

The name Old Chichen was not given in vain - this building is one of the oldest in the city. Amazing and appearance pyramids. She is beheaded. Nature contributed to this. During an ancient hurricane the top was destroyed. The restored steps are striking in beauty. Tourists would even like to climb the small pyramid, but this is not provided.

Observatory (Caracol)

Stunning building. I want to examine it in detail from different angles. There is a tower near the observatory, which is certainly an interesting object. You won't be able to climb the steps here either.

Church (Nunnery)

This is an amazing building. At least according to the Mayan Chenes style. And this is the most picturesque style of the ancient Mayan tribes. The ornaments amaze with their sophistication. For a tourist, this place should be a must visit place.

Sacred Cenote

The sacred cenote is located right within the old city of Chechen Itza. You need to work hard to find such a desired object... First you need to find Chichen Itza Park. Next, you need to leave behind the Kukulkan pyramid and to the left of the Platforma de Venus ruins there will be a sign to the cenote. It is important to look carefully at the signs indicating the way. The cenote is a natural well. The depth is approximately 50 m. It was used for sacrificial purposes. Girls and children, as well as various religious objects, were thrown there, asking the gods for rain.

Cenote Ik-Kil

Cenote Ik Kil

The cenote is located just 5 kilometers from the city. You can get there along highway 180. This one is very a nice place, worth a trip on its own. Mexico can be proud of such facilities.

Shops and shopping near Chichen Itza

The closest shops to Chichen Itza are in Pista. Here you can find several grocery stores, butchers, restaurants and savings banks. Shops and their addresses along Dsitas-Piste street:

  • Bootix de los mayas – goods for handicrafts;
  • Taller la escondida – at the intersection with 5th street;
  • Las sobrinas de la tia – restaurant at the intersection with street 5-A;
  • Pollaria Suemi - grocery store closer to the intersection with 7th Street;
  • Banco Azteca - between 7th and 9th streets;
  • El Panal - at the intersection with 11th Street;
  • Novedades Y Regalos El Arca is a gift shop at the intersection of 12th Street and Highway 180.

Along Highway 180 Costera del Golfo there are 4 Mexican restaurants, at the intersection with 22nd Street there is Marthas Pizzeria, and closer to the intersection with 18th Street there is a Tecate Six beer store.

The following shops and establishments are located along Highway 180:

  • Maxicarne – meat products, on street 15-A;
  • Neveria Basulto – at the intersection with 8th Street;
  • Balam House – pizzeria at the intersection with street 6;
  • Fruiteria Dorcy – food market, between 4th and 6th streets;
  • Taller Mecanico “El Chino” – grocery store. Azteca – between 7th and 9th streets.

There are also museums, hotels and small hotels in Pista. Here you can buy everything you need at more affordable prices than in smaller resort towns. It is more profitable to purchase souvenirs and food products in larger cities. From Chichen Itza to Piste the distance is about two kilometers, so a shopping trip will not be difficult and will not take much time, even if you take a walk along the Merida-Valladorit highway. At a distance of 4 km in the opposite direction from Piste, the town of Kh-Kalakoop is located. There are several grocery stores, a bar, a restaurant and a home improvement store.

Also on the way you can stop by Libre Union, Tsitas, Tuncas, or more Big City Valladolite, where a selection of groceries, shops and other goods will help you make more varied and profitable purchases.

Book an excursion to Chichen Itza

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Chichen Itza undoubtedly contains remarkable ruins that hardly anyone has ever seen before.

The most important treasures of the most famous and most magnificent of the Mayan cities await their explorers: Indian pyramids, palaces, an observatory, a ball court and other interesting architectural monuments are generously offered by Chichen Itza to the inquisitive visitor. The ancient city is incredibly popular among tourists as a world cultural heritage site and as one of the new wonders of the world.


The city was named Chichen Itza, which literally means “At the Well (of the Itza Tribe). The name “Itza” was given to the Mayan tribe, who found a life-giving cenote in 455 and built a city next to it. In 692, the Indians, for a reason unknown to us, left the city, which was beautiful and majestic, and there was always plenty of drinking water here. From the end of the 7th century, the darkness of oblivion fell like a heavy blanket over Chichen Itza, and the buildings and temples that grew up around the cenote Stolok began to fall into disrepair. But in the 11th century, the Toltecs came to the city from central Mexico - Chichen Itza found a new lease of life, becoming the capital of the Toltec state. The noisy wars “bleded” the city, the Toltecs had already lost their power in these unfriendly places, and the 14th century brought a bitter taste of decline to the streets of Chichen Itza. The city became deserted, the majestic buildings, shrouded only in the noise of the nearby jungle, ceased to resist the crushing pressure of time, and the Spanish conquerors found only ruins here.

Chichen Itza emerged from its long sleep only in 1843, when it was rediscovered for human history by the American John Stevens.

The most popular architectural monuments of Chichen Itza

Pyramid of Kukulcan

El Castillo or the Pyramid of Kukulcan was undoubtedly the heart of the Mayan and Toltec capital. This structure with a square base has nine steps. Four staircases bordered by a balustrade lead to its top, which begin on the ground floor in the form of a slightly raised, beautifully crafted snake head and continue on their way like a snake body to the upper floor. Each staircase consists of 91 steps, and if the number of steps is multiplied by the number of stairs, the result is 364 steps and the 365th step at the top of the pyramid symbolizes the last day of the past year. At the top there is a temple, the entrance to which, decorated with columns in the form of snake bodies, is located on the north side. On the days when the equinox arrives, you can see a stunning spectacle: the play of light and shadow on the balustrade of the main staircase creates the impression of a giant snake crawling from the top of the pyramid - this is the appearance of Kukulkan, the feathered serpent.

Temple of Warriors

About the Temple of Warriors modern world I found out only in 1925, when a French Mayaitologist cut off a century-old layer of clay from a four-level pyramid with a base of forty by forty meters. In front of the temple there is a platform with a dozen rows of three-meter columns, decorated with a frieze depicting a Toltec warrior in parade. Here the military leaders ended their earthly journey, in whose honor this temple was erected. At the top of the temple there is a large stone sculpture, the symbol of Chichen Itza - the reclining god Chac-Mool.


With the new rulers of the city - the Toltecs - new Mexican gods and new orders came to Chichen Itza. The monument to the “feathered serpent” is not at all Mayan, and what it was originally called is unknown; the Spaniards called it “Caracol”, which means “snail”. The building is located half a kilometer from the majestic Pyramid of Kukulkan and is already striking from afar. This is a structure with a circular horizontal projection, and in Mexico only the sanctuaries of the “feathered serpent” have a cylindrical shape. Later, the building was surrounded by a terrace, a second floor, also round in shape, but smaller in size, was erected and four square holes were made in its walls. Holes made in the walls were designed according to the trajectory of celestial bodies and allowed ancient astronomers to study astronomical phenomena, monitor the movement of the sun and the equinoxes. The rear opening allowed ancient astrologers to observe the autumn and spring equinoxes; the sun on September 21 and March 21 stood opposite the astrologer's eyes. One way or another, Caracol turned into a real observatory of the Indians, and the Mayans managed to remain faithful to the thirst for knowledge of the universe and connected Caracol not only with formidable gods, but also with the calendar.

Venus platform

Together with the Toltecs, Venus entered the pantheon of gods of Chichen Itza. The monument dedicated to this goddess, called the Platform of Venus, is decorated with the most terrifying faces of the “Morning Star”. A low, square pyramid, framed on four sides by wide stairs, is crowned with a platform, and it was here that the ruthless Toltec priests made human sacrifices to the gods. True, in the month of Shul, which was the sixth month in the Mayan calendar, cheerful festivities took place on this site, and theatrical performances dedicated to Kukulkan were given.

Cenote Shtolok

In the summer, residents of the Mayan capital, tormented by the heat, quenched their thirst here, at a natural reservoir in a karst fissure, dedicated to the god Shtolok. Cenotes have always played an important role in Mayan religion, but this well was a simple urban water storage, and in its wall there is a hewn staircase along which women once descended to the dark water to fill their clay vessels with life-giving moisture.

Well of Death or Sacred Cenote

The diameter of this well is 60 meters and this place has a history that is frightening for modern people: priests threw young girls into this well to a depth of fifty meters, sacrificing them to the Mexican gods.


The building has elements of a distinct Puuk style: the huge, magnificent façade of the building is decorated with a three-part entablature. There is only one entrance to the building - a small doorway, which is practically invisible under the weight of the triple entablature. The main theme of the rich façade is the nosed Chuck masks, between which you can see the figures of an armadillo, a crab, a turtle and a sea mollusk in a large shell.

Temple of Skulls, Tzompantli

The “Wall of Skulls” is a reflection of the cruel Mexican cult, which demanded human sacrifices during religious rites. This is a kind of “warehouse of the dead”, the walls of which depict terrifying reliefs arranged in three rows above each other, which depict hundreds of skulls impaled on poles. The blood of human victims undoubtedly once flowed along the stairs of Tsompatli, and it is “decorated” by images of warriors carrying the severed heads of enemies in their hands.

Ball field

This field is equal to a modern stadium, its width is 68 meters, and its length is about 166 meters. The field is surrounded by twelve-meter walls. On the side walls of this grandiose playground, richly decorated rings are fixed at an eight-meter height. The field is the largest in Mesoamerica, and at the site, guides always demonstrate to tourists the excellent acoustics of this place.

Helpful information

The archaeological zone is open from 8 am to 5 pm. Unfortunately, in Chichen Itza it is forbidden to climb the pyramids, enter the temples and touch the ancient stones; you are only allowed to admire the amazing architecture of the Mayan city. The entrance ticket to the complex costs 204 pesos, that is, 59 pesos is the cost of the ticket itself, but 145 pesos is paid as a tax imposed on visiting the ruins.

Near Chichen Itza there is Piste - a settlement where souvenirs are sold, cafes and restaurants, as well as hotels have been built. But mostly tourists rent rooms in Piste from local residents.

You can get to Chichen Itza from the city of Valladolid by minibus or from the ADO bus station by bus. For a bus you will need to pay 26 pesos, and for a minibus 25 pesos. You can also get to the attraction from Merida by bus, and a ticket will cost 125 pesos. But it’s best to go to Chichen Itza with excursion group, from tour operators the excursion costs about $120.