Winter Palace classicism. Winter Palace: wiki: Facts about Russia

Replete with world famous names. Here such pillars as Rossi, Quarenghi, Rastrelli, Montferrand, Felten, Trezzini and many others worked to please the emperors and nobility. Let's talk about the legacy of the great architect of St. Petersburg, the creator of the main facade of this wonderful city, the dominant feature of Palace Square and the entire creative era of the so-called mature. We are, of course, talking about the Winter Palace. Let's reveal the name of its creator. This is the architect Rastrelli. The Winter Palace is not only the crowning achievement of the famous architect’s career, but also an architectural monument of the eighteenth century.

Carier start

The architect of the Winter Palace was born in Paris in 1700, and his father, an Italian sculptor, put a lot of effort into developing the talent he immediately noticed in his son. Having been educated in Paris, Rastrelli moved to Russia with his father in 1716. At first, the future architect of the Winter Palace worked as an assistant to his father, but in 1722 he began his own career in a new and often unfriendly country. Until the year 1930, he traveled a lot to Europe, mainly to Italy, Germany, and France. The main purpose of these trips can be called training. During this time, he adopted a lot from European masters, forming his own vision of the Baroque style, which was immediately expressed in the first works that appeared in the 30s of the eighteenth century.

Early period

The future architect of the Winter Palace created several wooden buildings in Moscow in 1730 by order of Anna Ioannovna, who held the throne at that time. Soon after the empress moved from the mother throne to the Northern capital, in 1732, Rastrelli took on the project of the Winter Palace, already the third in a row, but not yet the last. In addition, during this period, two palaces were created for Biron. And his craving for the Baroque is increasingly evident in the intricate and at the same time large-scale projects of that time.

Palace in Peterhof

Rastrelli's talent flourished during the rise of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna's power. He receives official orders for large projects of national importance. The face of Russian and world architecture is formed in the master’s creations. Luxurious decoration symbolizes the power and wealth of the empire. On the site of the current Engineering Castle, a new one is rising for the first lady of the state. In the period from 1746 to 1755, thanks to the efforts of the architect, the now famous Tsarskoye Selo Palace rose from 1752 to 1756. World fame and the favor of the highest state elite come to him.

Tsarskoye Selo Palace

A large one, or located in Tsarskoye Selo, is a completely separate conversation. The building gained worldwide fame precisely thanks to the incredible talent of the architect who undertook its construction. This is one of his most famous creations, which led the master to the crown of his entire legacy, because it was after him that a masterpiece was created, which now houses one of the richest museums in the world - the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. The architect put into it all his vast accumulated experience and maximum talent, resulting in a building that millions of tourists still come to see to this day.

Winter Palace

So, the architect of the Winter Palace began its construction in 1754. At this point, the master, already in his years and not only favored by the elite of world culture and politics, but also already fed up with it, is building one of the most famous architectural monuments of the so-called mature Baroque, which, by the way, is already outliving its age. The building was almost completely completed by 1762. This complex is truly majestic. In plan, it is a grandiose closed square with a courtyard. The façade facing Palace Square is at its highest manifestation.

The splendor and true, ceremonial purpose of the building are emphasized in the best possible way. Obviously, this is precisely what the architect of the Winter Palace emphasized. For example, no attention was paid to this pretentious decoration, but Elizabeth, his daughter, loved luxury and constantly surrounded herself with it, including in architecture.

And Winter is all about it. Both facades (the one facing the embankment and the one facing Palace Square) are magnificent in their harmony and richness of decoration, luxury, obsessively conveying that Russian emperors were accustomed to the best. That is why so many people still flock to St. Petersburg to see in person these magnificent exteriors and interiors created more than two centuries ago.

Last years

It should be mentioned that around the same time an equally important architectural monument of the era was created. The famous Smolny Cathedral was built in 1748-1764. As you know, Catherine, who ascended the throne in 1762, did not like the pretentiousness of mature Baroque architecture. This did not take long to affect the position of the maestro, favored by the authorities. At first he simply resigned, and then went to Switzerland altogether, without waiting for the completion of the construction of his last brainchild - the Smolny Cathedral. Rastrelli died in 1771, according to some evidence - in Switzerland, according to others - in Russia. This uncertainty only adds mystery to the already legendary career of the famous creator of the imperial facades and interiors of St. Petersburg.

Nevertheless, this is how the famous architect of the Winter Palace ended his days, rather ingloriously, who began his great creative career under Peter, and completed it under Catherine. But his creations still surprise. And, in spite of everything, the name of the architect of the Winter Palace remains one of the greatest throughout the centuries.

The history of the Winter Palace begins with the reign of Peter I.

The very first, then still Winter House, was built for Peter I in 1711 on the banks of the Neva. The first Winter Palace was two-story, with a tiled roof and a high porch. In 1719-1721, the architect Georg Mattornovi built a new palace for Peter I.

Empress Anna Ioannovna considered the Winter Palace too small and did not want to live in it. She entrusted the construction of the new Winter Palace to the architect Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. For new construction, the houses of Count Apraksin, Raguzinsky and Chernyshev, located on the embankment of the Neva River, as well as the building of the Maritime Academy were purchased. They were demolished, and in their place by 1735 a new Winter Palace was built. At the end of the 18th century, the Hermitage Theater was erected on the site of the old palace.

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna also wished to remodel the imperial residence to her taste. The construction of the new palace was entrusted to the architect Rastrelli. The design of the Winter Palace created by the architect was signed by Elizaveta Petrovna on June 16, 1754.

In the summer of 1754, Elizaveta Petrovna issued a personal decree to begin construction of the palace. The required amount - about 900 thousand rubles - was taken from the "tavern" money (collection from the drinking trade). The previous palace was dismantled. During construction, the courtyard moved to a temporary wooden palace built by Rastrelli on the corner of Nevsky and Moika.

The palace was distinguished by its incredible size for those times, lavish exterior decoration and luxurious interior decoration.

The Winter Palace is a three-story building, rectangular in plan, with a huge front courtyard inside. The main facades of the palace face the embankment and the square that was formed later.

When creating the Winter Palace, Rastrelli designed each facade differently, based on specific conditions. The northern facade, facing the Neva, stretches like a more or less even wall, without noticeable protrusions. From the river side, it is perceived as an endless two-tiered colonnade. The southern façade, facing Palace Square and having seven divisions, is the main one. Its center is highlighted by a wide, lavishly decorated risalit, cut through by three entrance arches. Behind them is the front courtyard, where in the middle of the northern building there was main entrance to the palace.

Along the perimeter of the palace roof there is a balustrade with vases and statues (the original stone ones were replaced by a brass knockout in 1892-1894).

The length of the palace (along the Neva) is 210 meters, width - 175 meters, height - 22 meters. The total area of ​​the palace is 60 thousand square meters, it has more than 1000 halls, 117 different staircases.

The palace had two chains of state halls: along the Neva and in the center of the building. In addition to the state rooms, on the second floor there were living quarters for members of the imperial family. The first floor was occupied by utility and office premises. The upper floor mainly housed the apartments of the courtiers.

About four thousand employees lived here, they even had their own army - palace grenadiers and guards from the guards regiments. The palace had two churches, a theater, a museum, a library, a garden, an office, and a pharmacy. The halls of the palace were decorated with gilded carvings, luxurious mirrors, chandeliers, candelabra, and patterned parquet flooring.

Under Catherine II, a winter garden was organized in the Palace, where both northern and plants brought from the south grew, and the Romanov Gallery; At the same time, the formation of St. George's Hall was completed. Under Nicholas I, a gallery of 1812 was organized, where 332 portraits of participants in the Patriotic War were placed. The architect Auguste Montferrand added the Peter and Field Marshal halls to the palace.

In 1837, there was a fire in the Winter Palace. Many things were saved, but the building itself was badly damaged. But thanks to the architects Vasily Stasov and Alexander Bryullov, the building was restored within two years.

In 1869, gas lighting appeared in the palace instead of candlelight. Since 1882, the installation of telephones in premises began. In the 1880s, a water supply system was built in the Winter Palace. At Christmas 1884-1885, electric lighting was tested in the halls of the Winter Palace; from 1888, gas lighting was gradually replaced by electric lighting. For this purpose, a power plant was built in the second hall of the Hermitage, which for 15 years was the largest in Europe.

In 1904, Emperor Nicholas II moved from the Winter Palace to the Tsarskoye Selo Alexander Palace. The Winter Palace became the place for ceremonial receptions, state dinners, and the place where the Tsar stayed during short visits to the city.

Throughout the history of the Winter Palace as an imperial residence, its interiors were remodeled in accordance with fashion trends. The building itself changed the color of its walls several times. The Winter Palace was painted red, pink, and yellow. Before the First World War, the palace was painted red brick.

During the First World War, there was an infirmary in the building of the Winter Palace. After the February Revolution of 1917, the Provisional Government worked in the Winter Palace. In the post-revolutionary years, various departments and institutions were located in the Winter Palace building. In 1922, part of the building was transferred to the Hermitage Museum.

In 1925 - 1926, the building was rebuilt again, this time for the needs of the museum.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Winter Palace suffered from air raids and artillery shelling. In the basements of the palace there was a dispensary for scientists and cultural figures who suffered from dystrophy. In 1945-1946, restoration work was carried out, at which time the entire Winter Palace became part of the Hermitage.

Currently, the Winter Palace, together with the Hermitage Theater, the Small, New and Large Hermitages, forms a single museum complex"State Hermitage".

St. Petersburg - the northern capital vast Russia, accustomed to surprising us with her special individuality, originality of tastes and ambition. Hundreds of magnificent attractions attract the attention of many tourists and local residents every year. One of them - Winter Palace, which is an invaluable monument of history and architecture of past years.


Like many buildings, the structure is distinguished by pomp, which is successfully combined with the special style and handwriting of the author, which we will talk about later. St. Petersburg Winter Palace is cultural heritage Russia, one of the main attractions of the country, which contains interesting historical events and facts. There are many legends and myths surrounding the Palace, some of which can be fully justified by historical facts.

Thanks to the splendor of the structure, being next to it or inside it, you can fully experience the imperial spirit and features of several centuries ago. You can also enjoy the magnificent architectural solutions, which to this day are considered the standard of beauty and sophistication. The design of the Winter Palace has changed more than once over these centuries, so we can observe the building not in its original form, which, however, does not make it less significant and worthy of attention, since all the main features conceived by the author of the project, Francesco Rastrelli, were carefully preserved and passed on by architects of different times. This majestic building is located on the Palace Square of the northern city and perfectly reunites with the surrounding landscape.

History of the creation and development of the palace

The building is made in a style called Since the times of the USSR, its territory is equipped with the main part. In earlier times, the Winter Palace has always been the main residence of the emperors of Russia. To fully appreciate the grandeur of this place, you need to look at the history of its creation.

Under the government of Peter I, in 1712, according to the law, it was impossible to give land to the disposal ordinary people. Such territories were reserved for sailors belonging to the upper class of society. The site where the Winter Palace is located today was taken under the control of Peter I himself.

From the very beginning, the emperor built a small and cozy home, near which, closer to winter, a small ditch was dug and which was given the name Winter. Actually, this is where the further name of the palace came from.

For many years, the Russian emperor convened various architects to reconstruct his house, and now, years later, from an ordinary wooden house the structure turned into Grand Palace made of stone.

Who built the Winter Palace? In 1735, Francesco Rastrelli was appointed chief architect working on the building, who came up with the idea of ​​buying out neighboring plots of land and expanding the palace structure, which he told Anna Ioannovna, the ruler of Russia at that time.

The task assigned to the architect

It was this architect who became the creator of the image of the Winter Palace that we are all accustomed to seeing. However, it is worth remembering that some features of the building have changed over time, but still the main ideas and works of Francesco Rastrelli have remained unchanged to this day.

The Winter Palace acquired its modern appearance with the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna to the imperial throne. As the ruler considered, the building does not look like a Palace worthy of Russian emperors staying in it. Therefore, Rastrelli received a task - to modernize the structure and design of the structure, which is why it acquired a new look.

During the construction of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, the hands of 4 thousand workers were used, many of whom Rastrelli personally invited to collaborate. Every detail that differs from other elements of the structure was thought out by the great architect personally and successfully brought to life.

About the architecture of the building

The architectural component of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg is truly multifaceted. High altitude The structure is emphasized by weighty double columns. The chosen Baroque style itself brings notes of splendor and aristocracy. According to the plan, the Palace occupies a square-shaped area, which includes 4 wings. The building itself is three-story, the doors of which open onto the courtyard.

The main facade of the palace is cut through by an arch, the remaining sides of the building are made in an elegant style, which is expressed in Rastrelli’s unique sense of taste and his unusual solutions, which can be seen everywhere. These include the extraordinary layout of the facades, differences in the design of the facades, noticeable projections, uneven construction of columns, and the author’s special emphasis on the stepped corners of the building attracts attention.

The Winter Palace, photos of which are presented to your attention in the article, has 1084 rooms, with a total of 1945 window structures. According to the plan, there are 117 stairs. Also among the unusual and memorable facts is that at that time it was a building with a very large, by European standards, amount of metal in its structures.

The color of the building is heterogeneous and is made mainly in sandy shades, which are Rastrelli’s personal decision. After several reconstructions, the color scheme of the palace changed, but today the authorities of St. Petersburg have come to the conclusion that the best solution is to recreate appearance the palace in exactly the version that was originally conceived by the great architect.

A few words about the architect

Francesco Rastrelli was born in the capital of France in 1700. His father was a talented Italian sculptor, who had no difficulty recognizing the future skilled architect in his son. After finishing his studies in 1716, he and his father came to live in Russia.

Until 1722, Francesco worked only as an assistant to his father, but by 1722 he was ready to start an independent career, which at first did not work out very well in a country that was very inhospitable for him. Rastrelli Jr. spent 8 years traveling around Europe, where most During this time he did not work, but gained new knowledge in Germany, Italy, France and other countries. By 1730, he had formed his own vision of the Baroque style, which was reflected in his grandiose project- Winter Palace.

The architect worked more than once on the creation and reconstruction of buildings in Russia. His main work occurred in the period from 1732 to 1755.

Exclusive facts about the Winter Palace

The building is the richest structure in St. Petersburg, and the value of its exhibits still cannot be accurately calculated. The Winter Palace has many secrets and interesting stories, from which the following can be distinguished:

  • During the war with the German invaders, the color of the palace was red. The building acquired its current white and green color only after the war in 1946.
  • At the end of the construction work, so much construction waste had accumulated in the square in front of the Palace that it could take weeks to clean it up. However, it occurred to the king interesting idea: he allowed absolutely anyone to take any item from these building materials left over after work. The area in front of the building was cleared in no time.


In 1837, all the efforts of Francesco Rastrelli and other architects were practically reduced to nothing. A terrible event occurred: a large fire broke out in the palace due to a faulty chimney, and 2 companies of specialists were called in to extinguish it. For 30 hours, firefighters tried to reduce the flames by blocking windows and other openings with bricks, but this did not bring any results. The fire subsided only a day after the fire began, incinerating almost all the beauty of the structure. All that was left of the former palace were the walls and columns, which were scorched by the high temperature.

Restoration work

Restoration work began immediately and lasted 3 years. Unfortunately, from the first buildings, the craftsmen of that time did not have any drawings, so they had to include improvisation and come up with a new style literally on the fly. As a result, the “seventh version” of the palace appeared with a predominance of light green and white shades and gilding inside.

Along with the new look, electrification also came to the palace. The largest power plant in all of Europe (considered such for 15 years) was installed on the 2nd floor and provided electricity to the entire building.

Not only the fire was knocking on the doors of the Winter Palace with bad news. Thus, this building at one time survived both the assault and the assassination attempt of Alexander II, and numerous bombings during the Great Patriotic War.

For modern tourists

Today you can walk through the halls of the Winter Palace by booking one of the many excursions, individual or in a group. The museum doors are open to visitors from 10:00 to 18:00 and close only on Monday - a legal holiday.

You can purchase tickets for a tour of the Winter Palace directly at the museum box office, or by ordering them from a tour operator. They are not always available due to the high popularity of the building, especially during tourist season. Therefore, it is better to buy tickets in advance.

The Hermitage is not only the greatest art museum, but also the main imperial residence for many years. Today I propose to examine the interiors of the palace, including those that served the royal family.

// Part 38

1. The palace, first of all, is a Baroque masterpiece by the famous Rastrelli.

2. In front of him is main square city ​​- Palace.

3. The other side of the square is formed by the General Staff with the famous sixtyge on the arch. Now the left wing of the building belongs to the Hermitage, paintings from the collections of Shchukin and Morozov, as well as contemporary art will be exhibited there, the Museum of Awards, the Museum of the Guard, and Faberge Rooms will appear.

4. For a long time this was the main flagpole of the country.

5. The roof of the palace is filled with numerous sculptures and vases.



8. In addition to the Winter Palace, the museum includes several buildings. There is even a covered passage over the canal - to the Hermitage Theater.

9. The arch is thrown across the Winter Canal.

10. Courtyard facades are not inferior to the front ones.


12. First of all, from the entrance we find ourselves on the main staircase, called the Jordan.

13. It got its name from the feast of Epiphany, when a religious procession descended along it to the Neva to plunge into the wormwood - the Jordan.

14. Originally built by Rastrelli, the staircase burned down in 1837 and was restored by the architect Stasov.

15. The staircase ceiling looks great as a backdrop for fresh flowers.

16. In general, when walking around the Hermitage, you need to constantly look up.

17. Absolutely everywhere the vaults are covered with different, but always magnificent ornaments.





22. Throwing back our heads, we quietly reached the White Hall.

23. It was created by A.P. Bryullov for the wedding of the future Emperor Alexander II in 1841 on the site of three living rooms.

24. Raphael’s loggias were created in the 1780s by the architect G. Quarenghi, commissioned by Empress Catherine II. They imitate the gallery of the Vatican Palace, painted according to sketches by Raphael.

25. The loggias are located in the New Hermitage building, not far from the main staircase.

26. The new Hermitage was built in 1842-1852 according to the design of the German architect Leon Klenze.

27. Next we will examine a number of rooms in the Old Hermitage, decorated with 19th-century interiors.

28. The unfinished rooms display furniture, carpets, paintings, etc.

29. But the window frames and many of the glasses in them are original, dating back to Tsarist times.

30. The interiors are decorated in different styles.

31. Strict classics.



34. Lush baroque.



37. Imperial style of Alexander I.


39. Gothic.


41. A wonderful library in the Gothic style that belonged to Nicholas II.



44. Here is a living room in the style of the “second” Rococo.



47. Mother of pearl inlaid table top.


49. In addition to a general overview of the interiors, it is also interesting to look into the details.

50. Sometimes you notice funny things.

51. But here is a distinctly Russian interior.

52. And even a boudoir with an oriental flavor.

53. The Armorial Hall, preparing for the next exhibition.

54. The main throne of the Russian Empire was located in the Great Throne, or St. George's Hall.

55. Crimson boudoir of Empress Maria Alexandrovna, wife of Alexander II. It was created in 1853 according to the design of the architect G.A. Bosse in the style of the “second” Baroque. The hall is divided into two zones, separated by a decorative arched alcove.

56. Directly above the boudoir there was a room for maids of honor, and the empress could hear the patter of feet of the children of Catherine Dolgoruky, the long-term mistress of Alexander II.

57. The hall amazes with the richness of its decoration, but the knowledge of the family drama that took place here evokes a gloomy mood.

58. Last frame - Hanging Garden Small Hermitage. During the siege, museum employees built a vegetable garden here, which allowed many not to die of hunger.

The development of the territory east of the Admiralty began simultaneously with the emergence of the shipyard. In 1705, a house was built on the banks of the Neva for the “Great Admiralty” - Fyodor Matveevich Apraksin. By 1711, the site of the current palace was occupied by the mansions of the nobility involved in the fleet (only naval officials could build here).

The first wooden Winter House of “Dutch architecture” according to Trezzini’s “exemplary design” under a tiled roof was built in 1711 for the Tsar, as a shipwright by master Peter Alekseev. A canal was dug in front of its façade in 1718, which later became the Winter Canal. Peter called it “his office.” Especially for the wedding of Peter and Ekaterina Alekseevna, the wooden palace was rebuilt into a modestly decorated two-story stone house with a tiled roof, which had a descent to the Neva. According to some historians, the wedding feast took place in the great hall of this first Winter Palace.

The second Winter Palace was built in 1721 according to the Mattarnovi project. Its main façade faced the Neva. Peter lived his last years in it.

The third Winter Palace appeared as a result of the reconstruction and expansion of this palace according to Trezzini's design. Parts of it later became part of the Hermitage Theater created by Quarenghi. During the restoration work, fragments of Peter the Great's palace were discovered inside the theater: the front courtyard, staircase, vestibule, rooms. Now here is essentially the Hermitage exhibition “The Winter Palace of Peter the Great”.

In 1733-1735, according to the design of Bartolomeo Rastrelli, on the site of the former palace of Fyodor Apraksin, bought for the empress, the fourth Winter Palace was built - the palace of Anna Ioannovna. Rastrelli used the walls of the luxurious chambers of Apraksin, erected in the times of Peter the Great by the architect Leblon.

The Fourth Winter Palace stood approximately in the same place where we see the current one, and was much more elegant than the previous palaces.

The Fifth Winter Palace for the temporary stay of Elizabeth Petrovna and her court was again built by Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli (in Russia he was often called Bartholomew Varfolomeevich). It was a huge wooden building from Moika to Malaya Morskaya and from Nevsky Prospect to Kirpichny Lane. There is no trace of him left for a long time. Many researchers of the history of the creation of the current Winter Palace do not even remember it, considering the fifth one to be the modern Winter Palace.

The current Winter Palace is the sixth in a row. It was built from 1754 to 1762 according to the design of Bartolomeo Rastrelli for Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and is a striking example of lush baroque. But Elizabeth didn’t have time to live in the palace - she died, so Catherine the Second became the first real mistress of the Winter Palace.

In 1837, the Winter Palace burned down - the fire started in the Field Marshal's Hall and lasted for three whole days, all this time the palace servants carried out works of art that decorated the royal residence, a huge mountain of statues, paintings, precious trinkets grew around the Alexander Column... They say that nothing is missing...

The Winter Palace was restored after the fire of 1837 without any major external changes, by 1839 the work was completed, they were led by two architects: Alexander Bryullov (brother of the great Charles) and Vasily Stasov (author of the Spaso-Perobrazhensky and Trinity-Izmailovsky Cathedrals). The number of sculptures along the perimeter of its roof was only reduced.

Over the centuries, the color of the facades of the Winter Palace changed from time to time. Initially, the walls were painted with “sandy paint with the finest yellow,” and the decor was painted with white lime. Before the First World War, the palace acquired an unexpected red-brick color, giving the palace a gloomy appearance. The contrasting combination of green walls, white columns, capitals and stucco decoration appeared in 1946.

Exterior of the Winter Palace

Rastrelli was not just building a royal residence - the palace was built “for the glory of all Russia alone,” as it was said in the decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna to the Governing Senate. The palace is distinguished from European Baroque buildings by its brightness, cheerfulness of imagery, and festive, solemn elation. Its more than 20-meter height is emphasized by two-tiered columns. The vertical division of the palace is continued by statues and vases, leading the eye to the sky. The height of the Winter Palace became a building standard, elevated to the principle of St. Petersburg urban planning. It was not allowed to build higher than the Winter Building in the old city.
The palace is a giant quadrangle with a large courtyard. The facades of the palace, varying in composition, form like folds of a huge ribbon. The stepped cornice, repeating all the protrusions of the building, stretches for almost two kilometers. The absence of sharply extended parts along the northern façade, from the Neva side (there are only three divisions here), enhances the impression of the length of the building along the embankment; two wings on the western side face the Admiralty. The main façade, facing Palace Square, has seven divisions and is the most formal. In the middle, protruding part there is a triple arcade of the entrance gate, decorated with a magnificent openwork lattice. The south-eastern and south-western risalits protrude beyond the line of the main façade. Historically, it was in them that the living quarters of emperors and empresses were located.

Layout of the Winter Palace

Bartolomeo Rastrelli already had experience in building royal palaces in Tsarskoe Selo and Peterhof. In the scheme of the Winter Palace, he included a standard layout option that he had previously tested. The basement of the palace was used as housing for servants or storage rooms. The ground floor housed service and utility rooms. The second floor housed ceremonial ceremonial halls and personal apartments of the imperial family. The third floor accommodated ladies-in-waiting, doctors and close servants. This layout assumed predominantly horizontal connections between the various rooms of the palace, which was reflected in the endless corridors of the Winter Palace.
The northern façade is distinguished by the fact that it contains three huge main halls. The Neva Enfilade included: the Small Hall, the Large (Nikolaevsky Hall) and Concert hall. The large enfilade unfolded along the axis of the Grand Staircase, running perpendicular to the Neva Enfilade. It included the Field Marshal's Hall, Peter's Hall, the Armorial (White) Hall, the Picket (New) Hall. A special place in the series of halls was occupied by the memorial Military Gallery of 1812, the solemn St. George and Apollo halls. The main rooms included the Pompeii Gallery and Winter Garden. The route taken by the royal family through the enfilade of state halls had a deep meaning. The scenario of the Big Exits, worked out to the smallest detail, served not only as a demonstration of the full brilliance of autocratic power, but also as an appeal to the past and present Russian history.
Like any other palace of the imperial family, there was a church in the Winter Palace, or rather two churches: Big and Small. According to the plan of Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the Big Church was supposed to serve Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and her “big court”, while the Small Church was supposed to serve the “young court” - the court of the heir-Tsarevich Peter Fedorovich and his wife Ekaterina Alekseevna.

Interiors of the Winter Palace

If the exterior of the palace is made in the late Russian Baroque style. The interiors are mainly made in the style of early classicism. One of the few interiors of the palace that has preserved its original Baroque decoration is the main Jordan staircase. It occupies a huge space of almost 20 meters in height and seems even higher due to the painting of the ceiling. Reflected in mirrors, the real space seems even larger. The staircase created by Bartolomeo Rastrelli after the fire of 1837 was restored by Vasily Stasov, who preserved Rastrelli’s general plan. The decor of the staircase is infinitely varied - mirrors, statues, fancy gilded stucco, varying motifs of a stylized shell. The forms of Baroque decor became more restrained after the replacement of wooden columns lined with pink stucco (artificial marble) with monolithic granite columns.

Of the three halls of the Neva Enfilade, the Antechamber is the most restrained in decoration. The main decor is concentrated in the upper part of the hall - allegorical compositions executed in monochrome technique (grisaille) on a gilded background. Since 1958, a malachite rotunda has been installed in the center of the Antechamber (first it was located in the Tauride Palace, then in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra).

The largest hall of the Neva Enfilade, Nikolaevsky, is decorated more solemnly. This is one of the largest halls of the Winter Palace, its area is 1103 sq. m. Three-quarter columns of the magnificent Corinthian order, painted borders of the ceiling and huge chandeliers give it grandeur. The hall is designed in white.

The concert hall, intended at the end of the 18th century for court concerts, has a more rich sculptural and pictorial decor than the two previous halls. The hall is decorated with statues of muses installed in the second tier of walls above the columns. This hall completed the enfilade and was originally conceived by Rastrelli as a vestibule to the throne room. In the middle of the 20th century, a silver tomb of Alexander Nevsky (transferred to the Hermitage after the revolution) weighing about 1,500 kg, created at the St. Petersburg Mint in 1747–1752, was installed in the hall. for the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, which to this day houses the relics of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky.
The large enfilade begins with the Field Marshals' Hall, designed to house portraits of field marshals; it was supposed to give an idea of ​​the political and military history Russia. Its interior was created, just like the neighboring Petrine (or Small Throne) Hall, by the architect Auguste Montferrand in 1833 and restored after the fire of 1837 by Vasily Stasov. The main purpose of the Peter the Great Hall is memorial - it is dedicated to the memory of Peter the Great, therefore its decoration is particularly luxurious. In the gilded decor of the frieze, in the painting of the vaults there are coats of arms of the Russian Empire, crowns, wreaths of glory. In a huge niche with a rounded arch there is a painting depicting Peter I, led by the goddess Minerva to victories; in the upper part of the side walls there are paintings with scenes of the most important battles of the Northern War - at Lesnaya and near Poltava. In the decorative motifs decorating the hall, the monogram of two Latin letters “P”, denoting the name of Peter I, “Petrus Primus”, is endlessly repeated.

The armorial hall is decorated with shields with the coats of arms of Russian provinces of the 19th century, located on huge chandeliers that illuminate it. This is an example of the late classical style. The porticoes on the end walls hide the enormity of the hall, and the solid gilding of the columns emphasizes its splendor. Four sculptural groups warriors of Ancient Rus' are reminded of the heroic traditions of the defenders of the fatherland and precede the next Gallery of 1812.
Stasov's most perfect creation in the Winter Palace is the St. George (Grand Throne) Hall. The Quarenghi Hall, created on the same site, was destroyed in a fire in 1837. Stasov, while preserving Quarenghi’s architectural design, created a completely different artistic image. The walls are lined with Carrara marble, and the columns are carved from it. The decor of the ceiling and columns is made of gilded bronze. The ceiling pattern is repeated in the parquet flooring, made from 16 valuable types of wood. The only things missing from the floor design are the Double-Headed Eagle and St. George - it is not appropriate to step on coat of arms great empire. The gilded silver throne was restored to its original location in 2000 by architects and restorers of the Hermitage. Above the throne seat is a marble bas-relief of St. George slaying the dragon, by the Italian sculptor Francesco del Nero.

Owners of the Winter Palace

The customer of the construction was the daughter of Peter the Great, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, she hurried Rastrelli with the construction of the palace, so the work was carried out at a frantic pace. The empress's personal chambers (two bedchambers and an office), the chambers of Tsarevich Pavel Petrovich and some rooms adjacent to the chambers were hastily finished: the Church, the Opera House and the Light Gallery. But the empress did not have time to live in the palace. She died in December 1761. The first owner of the Winter Palace was the nephew of the Empress (son of her elder sister Anna) Peter III Fedorovich. The Winter Palace was solemnly consecrated and put into operation by Easter 1762. Peter III immediately started alterations in the southwestern risalit. The chambers included an office and a library. It was planned to create the Amber Hall on the model of the Tsarskoye Selo. For his wife, he identified chambers in the southwestern risalit, the windows of which overlooked the industrial zone of the Admiralty.

The emperor lived in the palace only until June 1762, after which, without even expecting it, he left it forever, moving to his beloved Oranienbaum, where at the end of July he signed an abdication, shortly after which he was killed in the Ropshinsky Palace.

The “brilliant age” of Catherine II began, who became the first real mistress of the Winter Palace, and the south-eastern risalit, overlooking Millionnaya Street and Palace Square, became the first of the “residence zones” of the owners of the palace. After the coup, Catherine II basically continued to live in the wooden Elizabethan palace, and in August she left for Moscow for her coronation. Construction work in Zimny ​​did not stop, but it was already carried out by other architects: Jean Baptiste Vallin-Delamot, Antonio Rinaldi, Yuri Felten. Rastrelli was first sent on leave and then resigned. Catherine returned from Moscow at the beginning of 1863 and moved her chambers to the southwestern risalit, showing continuity from Elizabeth Petrovna to Peter III and to her - the new empress. All work on the west wing was stopped. On the site of Peter III’s chambers, with the personal participation of the Empress, a complex of Catherine’s personal chambers was built. It included: the Audience Chamber, which replaced the Throne Room; Dining room with two windows; Restroom; two casual bedrooms; Boudoir; Office and Library. All rooms were designed in the style of early classicism. Later, Catherine ordered one of the everyday bedrooms to be converted into the Diamond Room or Diamond Chamber, where precious property and imperial regalia were kept: crown, scepter, orb. The regalia was in the center of the room on a table under a crystal cap. As new jewelry was acquired, glass boxes mounted to the walls appeared.
The Empress lived in the Winter Palace for 34 years and her chambers were expanded and rebuilt more than once.

Paul I lived in the Winter Palace during his childhood and youth, and having received Gatchina as a gift from his mother, he left it in the mid-1780s and returned in November 1796, becoming emperor. In the palace, Pavel lived for four years in Catherine’s converted chambers. She moved with him big family, settled in her rooms in the western part of the palace. After his accession to the throne, he immediately began the construction of the Mikhailovsky Castle, without hiding his plans to literally “tear off” the interiors of the Winter Palace, using everything valuable to decorate the Mikhailovsky Castle.

After the death of Paul in March 1801, Emperor Alexander I immediately returned to the Winter Palace. The palace returned to its status as the main imperial residence. But he did not occupy the chambers of the southeastern risalit; he returned to his rooms, located along the western facade of the Winter Palace, with windows overlooking the Admiralty. The premises on the second floor of the southwestern risalit have forever lost their significance as the inner chambers of the head of state. Renovation of the chambers of Paul I began in 1818, on the eve of the arrival of the King of Prussia, Frederick William III, in Russia, appointing “collegiate adviser Karl Rossi” responsible for the work. All design work was carried out according to his drawings. From that time on, the rooms in this part of the Winter Palace began to be officially called the “Prussian-royal rooms”, and later - the Second Reserve Half of the Winter Palace. It is separated from the First Half by the Alexander Hall; in plan, this half consisted of two perpendicular enfilades overlooking Palace Square and Millionnaya Street, which were connected in different ways to the rooms facing the courtyard. There was a time when the sons of Alexander II lived in these rooms. First, Nikolai Alexandrovich (who was never destined to become Russian Emperor), and from 1863, his younger brothers Alexander (future Emperor Alexander III) and Vladimir. They moved out of the premises of the Winter Palace in the late 1860s, beginning their independent lives. At the beginning of the twentieth century, dignitaries of the “first level” were accommodated in the rooms of the Second Reserve Half, saving them from terrorist bombs. From the beginning of spring 1905, the Governor-General of St. Petersburg Trepov lived there. Then, in the fall of 1905, Prime Minister Stolypin and his family were accommodated in these premises.

The premises on the second floor along the southern facade, the windows of which are located to the right and left of the main gate, were allocated by Paul I to his wife Maria Feodorovna in 1797. Paul's intelligent, ambitious and strong-willed wife, during her widowhood, managed to form a structure called the “department of Empress Maria Feodorovna.” It was engaged in charity, education, provision medical care representatives of various classes. In 1827, renovations were made to the chambers, which ended in March, and in November of the same year she died. Her third son, Emperor Nicholas I, decided to preserve her chambers. Later, the First Reserve Half was formed there, consisting of two parallel enfilades. This was the largest of the palace halves, stretching along the second floor from the White to the Alexander Hall. In 1839, temporary residents settled there: the eldest daughter of Nicholas I, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna and her husband, the Duke of Leuchtenberg. They lived there for almost five years, until the completion of the Mariinsky Palace in 1844. After the death of Empress Maria Alexandrovna and Emperor Alexander II, their rooms became part of the First Reserve Half.

On the ground floor of the southern facade between the entrance of the Empress and the main gate leading to the Great Courtyard, the windows on Palace Square were the premises of the Palace Grenadiers on Duty (2 windows), the Candle Post (2 windows) and the department of the Emperor's Military Camp Office (3 windows). Next came the premises of the “Hough-Fourier and Chamber-Fourier post.” These premises ended at the Commandant's entrance, to the right of which the windows of the apartment of the commandant of the Winter Palace began.

The entire third floor of the southern façade, along the long maid of honor corridor, was occupied by the ladies-in-waiting's apartments. Since these apartments were service living space, at the will of business executives or the emperor himself, ladies-in-waiting could be moved from one room to another. Some of the ladies-in-waiting quickly got married and left the Winter Palace forever; others met there not only old age, but also death...

The southwestern risalit under Catherine II was occupied by the palace theater. It was demolished in the mid-1780s to accommodate rooms for the Empress's many grandchildren. A small enclosed courtyard was built inside the risalit. The daughters of the future Emperor Paul I were settled in the rooms of the southwestern risalit. In 1816, Grand Duchess Anna Pavlovna married Prince William of Orange and left Russia. Her chambers were remodeled under the leadership of Carlo Rossi for Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich and his young wife Alexandra Feodorovna. The couple lived in these rooms for 10 years. After the Grand Duke became Emperor Nicholas I in 1825, the couple moved in 1826 to the northwestern risalit. And after the marriage of the heir, Tsarevich Alesander Nikolaevich, to the Princess of Hesse (the future Empress Maria Alexandrovna), they occupied the premises of the second floor of the southwestern risalit. Over time, these rooms began to be called “Half of Empress Maria Alexandrovna”

Photos of the Winter Palace